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tv   CBS News Bay Area Afternoon Edition  CBS  March 28, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT

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right now on the afternoon edition, a live look at the oakland coliseum. the a's against the guardians tonight. there is drama unfolding off the field. good afternoon, i'm ryan yamamoto. this could be the last opening game for the athletics in oakland. that is
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sparking some tension between the team and their tan base. thousands of fans are expected to arrive today. many will not spend their money to buy a ticket and go inside. they want to send a message to a's owner john fisher, they want the team in oakland, not move to las vegas. >> our intent is not to go to any games whatsoever. john fisher doesn't deserve our money. they do not deserve the love. >> the raiders weren't as tough as this. this is a slow drawn out vindictive relocation process. >> fans that are boycotting plan to pack the parking lot with a massive tailgate. there are fans that still love the team and shawn chitnis has the super fan that remains optimistic. >> reporter: if wearing a suit and tie shows people you are serious about what you do, then todd wants fellow fans to know
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he is a pro when it comes to cheering on the oakland athletics. >> sometimes people forget the ushers are the host to the baseball party. >> reporter: that means celebrating everyone that makes the game possible at the oakland coliseum. >> the little things in life that mean a lot. we are so proud of our oakland a's yellow and green. right here we get both the yellow and green. >> reporter: since the pandemic, todd has given out roses to the ushers at the first and last day the a's play at home. >> when i hand out a flower, it's a blooming memory for life. i enjoy, how shall i say, what goodness comes back to me tenfold in the name of a flare gift. >> reporter: he has been a fan for decades following the team as a child back to the '70s when he lived in pennsylvania and saw them win the world series three years in a row. the a's haven't given fans seasons like that in quite some time. the support they have
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shown toward the team isn't the same either. >> i spent my whole life living in the now. we can't control the future. we can't redo the past. what we can do now is cherish the moment. >> reporter: but todd remains optimistic the a's aren't leaving oakland yet. no matter the record at the end of the year and where the team plays, he wanted this opening day to start with the sweet smell of something satisfying, and offer another bright beginning to a new season of baseball. >> there is too much good times to be had for the kids, for the older folks such as myself and every age group in between. >> if you are planning on heading to the a's game, take bart. two big events in oakland could create a traffic nightmare. we have a look at what you can expect. >> reporter: the oakland a's kick off the mlb season at home against the guardians. so, it could be extra busy on 880 as you work your way near the
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coliseum. so, expect slow and go conditions north and southbound nimitz freeway. adding to that, a concert happening tonight at the oakland arena. you will see a lot of people heading to the concert as well making it extra slow for folks around surface streets near the coliseum as well as the arena. consider using bart. you may save time using public transit. okay. turning to the first alert weather, here is a live look outside. you can see a little bit of cloudy, a little sunshine and a little bit of rain. that was -- the rain was last night. not for long. the rain will be coming back. two storms are taking aim at the bay area. paul is tracking the wet weather. >> the boys of summer start playing today. it will feel not even spring-like outside. we will get the game in tonight. scattered showers throughout the day. mid-50s in oakland. they host the cleveland guardians. first pitch at 7:07. my biggest concern is what
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ising on in san diego. the weekend could be iffy. our storm, the one friday and saturday will be a big rainmaker in southern california saturday and sunday. we may get back to back rainouts in san diego for the first time in a long time. our radar has scattered showers. there are downpours during the morning hours but a good amount of sunshine as well. the next weather headline, a brief break between storms. one last night and one tomorrow. isolated showers or downpours out there. storm number 2 gets here tomorrow and it will be a weekend split. we will see half of the weekend wet and half of the weekend is going to be dry. let's look at high mperatures t warm in the wake of the storm. north bay, in vote to, 60. concord 62. redwood city 62. milder in the south bay later on today. more on the storm and hour by hour with futurecast and see when it arrives and when it leaves. that is coming
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up. happening in san francisco's chinatown, a book reading on do you avenge the death of your mother. nearly 30 years ago, susan lu's mom died as a result of a plastic surgery malpractice. susan tells me she found answers by turning the tragedy into real change. >> everyone knows the tragedy of the dead. let's talk about the tragedy of the living. >> reporter: how someone heals from trauma. >> i felt scared. >> reporter: can come in many different forms. >> perhaps there was too much shame tied to how she died. >> reporter: for susan lu she found answers with a one woman play and most recently as an author with the release of her memoir. >> seeking the truth was how i would avenge my mother's death. >> reporter: her mother, known by her american name jennifer,
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owned two nail salons. a vietnamese immigrant that made a life for her family in the bay area. in 1996 while undergoing a tummy tuck and chin implant, she went into a coma and later died of a botched plastic surgery. the doctor had been at the center of multiple complaints having his license suspended by the medical board of california. susan made a trip to the san francisco doctor's office where her mom went in but never came out. >> sometimes i look back and i wish i could have prevented her from coming here. i have come to the building so many times looking for answers. a part of me feels that i found that answer and now i can let it go. >> reporter: susan found that answer by turning trauma and tragedy into real change. at the time of her mother's death, there was a $250,000 cap set in 1975 in the state of california
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on the amount of money that injured patients and their families could recoup for pain, suffering or death. >> plastic surgery is a perfect example of this. >> reporter: carmen with consumer watchdog have been fighting the cap for several decades. >> now, in 1975, $250,000 was a reasonable amount of money. today that amount is about $50,000 when adjusted for inflation. what that means is no attorney can afford to take the case that has only nonexik damages with that cap solo. >> when i was 11 years old, i lost my mother to medical negligence. >> reporter: they recruited family victims including susan lu who testified and told her story to medical boards and lawmakers. >> one of the most important ways that an organization like mine can make a change in the law is by telling the stories of families who are impacted. >> reporter: in 2022 they won
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the battle. governor gavin newsom signing assembly bill 35, the fairness for injured patients' act raising so families can recoup for medical negligence from $250,000 up to a million dollars. >> that is me leaving a legacy for my mother. >> reporter: >> i wanted to know who she was and how i was like her and most of all, i wanted to know if i could heal from this trauma. >> reporter: by retelling the story of her mother, not just how she died but how she continues to live. >> and because of the statute of limitations, susan and her family will not benefit from the change in the law. as for the doctor who performed the plastic surgery on her mother, she passed away in 2014. the reading takes place at the great star theater in san
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francisco's chinatown and open for discussion. still ahead on cbs news bay area, the latest out of baltimore two days after a cargo ship collapsed a major bridge. what we are learning about the victims. a live look outside before you head to the break. the golden gate bridge looking nice and sunshine and the blue skies in its glory.
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the twist of massive metal and concrete blocks the port of baltimore as the key bridge
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collapsed. four men working on the bridge are missing and presumed dead. one leaves behind a teenage son and 5-year-old daughter. they were part of an eight-man construction crew. two were saved. divers recovered two men on wednesday. 30,000 cars drove over that bridge each day before the collapse. the port of baltimore wishes the -- the hub is closed impacting thousands of workers. back to the first alert weather. a live look outside at the city skyline looking nice and tall and big with the skyscrapers reaching up to the sky. let's check back in with meteorologist paul deanno. >> we are in between weather systems. they are so close we are not getting a completely dry break. a good chunk of the day will have sunshine but there will be isolated showers and downpours. we have seen a number this morning. that chance will continue into the
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afternoon. tomorrow we are going to be wet. there is a storm coming. we will be windy. a wind advisory for the santa cruz mountains and in the east bay hills. wind gusts in excess of 45 miles per hour. many of you don't live there but in the bigger towns. they will get windy as well. san francisco, oakland, santa rosa, 30 to 35 miles per hour wind gusts tomorrow and breezy on saturday. it's going to feel stormy outside once we hit friday morning. storm number one, your rain last night. the showers this morning. storm number 2 will move slough. it will parallel the coastline for a good 24 hours. once the rain gets here, it will be problematic to get here. throughout the afternoon today, some sunshine. a good amount of clouds. there will be a few scattered showers. the overnight hours, when the clouds thicken and as soon as 6:00 friday morning is when the rain begins. now, watch the
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rain overspread northern california and the bay area and now it's going to get more intention as the storm gets closer. that's when the wind picks up. 2:00 friday afternoon, it will be a sloppy friday home if you are working for good friday. rainfall totals friday and saturday together, inch and a half for pet la luma. walnut creek almost an inch. more than an inch for san francisco and more than an inch for calistoga. 62 redwood city. half moon bay 57 degrees. upper 60s for san francisco. north bay, novato upper 60s. mainly dry but not completely dry. there could be a few showers. seven day outlook. soggy tomorrow, wet, windy. soggy on saturday. the biggest change, the only change to the extended forecast is
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sunday. sunday is looking dry for easter. to next week, monday and tuesday dry and some of you inland will make it to the low 70s. that's the forecast. he is helps others give back to his community. at the dermatology office. this amazing treatment reveals your smoothest skin underneath by polishing off those dead skin cells and extracting from your pores. but it can be so expensive. that's why i am so thankful for dr. lancer. dr. lancer is a dermatologist to the stars for over 40 years. he's who gets the celebrities that we know and love red carpet ready. so now i have my at home device from dr. lancer with a diamond tip for both face and a larger diamond tip for body so i can treat all areas of the body to reveal that healthy, youthful looking skin underneath. it is so easy to use and it comes with 200 filters.
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so that's over 200 treatments. by using it, i usually turn it on to the lowest setting first and pull the skin taut that i want to treat. i sweep in an upwards motion just 2 to 3 times, and i'm getting off all of that dead skin and revealing my most youthful, smooth skin underneath. your makeup is going to go on smoother and you're going to see a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles. so, goodbye to the expensive bill of all those dermatology visits. and for under just $100, you're getting celebrity-approved skin treatment at home. that is a 51% discount at
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this is more like homemade. -it's me! -ahahaha! oh shoot, jack! if this is your new burger... yeah? -i'm going to you. say hello to the best-rated burger in fast food. welcome to jack in the box! an oakland man is bringing families together to break the seeing letter of violence in the neighborhood. sharon chin introduces us to this week's bay area jefferson award winner. >> reporter: andrew park helps give away food to nearly 200 families on this day. but he
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also nourishes the neighborhood spirit through his tribe of hope and belonging. >> a small nuclear family, complex, then multiply that by 100, that is the work of the tribe. >> reporter: andrew struggled growing up in east oakland. he was heading in the wrong direction. >> folks know it starts in like fourth, fifth grade. in middle school you start roaming the hallways. i started doing that and a few folks grabbed a hold of me. >> reporter: because of those critical mentor ships, andrew walks on a brighter path. he is a pastor that leads oakland tribe the nonprofit that he founded in 2007 to tackle the pain and poverty among east oakland's young people. >> some have experienced harder, harsher type of thing, gone to juvenile hall, got shot unfortunately. i see them carrying that trauma and that violence. they don't know how to process.
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>> reporter: so, andrew and his nonprofit serve the youth and families in a multitude of ways from the outdoor center at san antonio park, they partner with food banks to give away food and offers free services like early childhood play groups, afternoon clubs at local schools. mentor ships, paid college visits, summer camps and community gatherings to build character, confidence and connection. the 100 plus volunteers and 30 staff members serve 50,000 people a year like april nunez who is grateful that the tribe cares for her whole family. >> a big difference. they are here in the community. the kids can probably ask for help. >> reporter: tribe ambassadors are in the community to clean up trash and community, serve neighbors and build relationships that lead to mentor ships and changed lives.
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as the tribe expands, the chief operating officer liza cruz says it's growing a new generation of change makers. >> andrew has a unique way of leading. his way of leading is allowing others to lead. >> reporter: what keeps you going in this work? >> it's my faith that keeps me going. i feel called to this work. >> reporter: for building the oakland trib community to help east oakland drive, this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to andrew park. >> oakland tribe researchers out to those touched by neighborhood violence. violence enter rupe tors show up at shootings and crime scenes to support families. they are funneled by government grants. nominate your local hero at up next, searching for a new pet? how ai - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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coming up at 3:00, we are tracking the historic visit of the u.s. navy ship the harvey milk into the bay area. we will have a crew live on the water as it comes in and the significance of that vessel and visit. that story and more at 3:00. dog owners know the relationship with man's best friend has a lot to do with the dog's personality. now artificial intelligence is playing the role of matchmaker. researchers made an ai system to analyze dog behavior and predict personality types out of five categories. they hope the tool will predict the best dogs for sniffing out drugs or guiding the blind or maybe a dog to cuddle with. that's it for the afternoon edition. we are streaming 24-7 on the free cbs news app. the next newscast is at 3:00. i will see you at both 3:00 and 5:00. have a great afternoon.
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[ dramatic music ] >> steffy: what, you think i was too harsh on brooke? >> ridge: well, you certainly get your point across. i don't like when you go after her like that. it doesn't change anything. it doesn't help anything. you're going through some stuff, so i'm going to let that slide. >> steffy: one thing has nothing to do with the other. i don't like how brooke's ridge: okay.e's behavior.


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