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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  March 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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any damages. we didn't do any damages to the property. >> but, you know, i agree with her decision. we shouldn't have had people living back there. >> never do it again, no. >> i hope that this puts a period to the end of a... >> lesson learned, yes. >> ...bad situation and that we could pick up our friendship. >> i feel sad. i feel really sad about it. >> a lot of emotions tied to this. >> because we've been friends this. >> because we've been friends for so long and i miss her. -- captions by vitac -- now at 5:00, trapped in tahoe, thousands may not be able to come off the mountain until some time tomorrow. and while many went up to tahoe to enjoy the snow, one bay area team discovered how dangerous it could be on the slopes. there must be an immediate cease-fire. >> vice president calling for that cease-fire in gaza. the
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deal she says is on the table. live from the cbs in san francisco, i'm brian hackney. >> i'm andrea nakano. winter storm warning for the sierra has been extended through tomorrow, leaving people stranded near tahoe. >> one point this morning there was nowhere in or out coming from the west. and closing highway 50. there are chain controls. the city of south lake tahoe says very low visibility. so they're asking people to stay off the road. >> i-80 is still closed. this is what it looks like near donor's summit. right now caltrans says they hope to reenter the interstate tomorrow. our kelsi thorud was suppose to come home today, but she is stuck in truckee still. how are you doing out there tonight? >> reporter: hey, andrea, we're doing all right, and it has
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been snowing consistently all day. this is a bit of a break coming down harder a little bit ago. but you know, we are dealing with a ton of snow here in truckee. i want to show you this huge snow pile pushed off the road in the downtown area here over the past four days. that's what we're going on. four days of snowfall. you can see the people here, they have been good. we were out here early to catch up with people and see how they are doing. we met up with one woman who owns an art gallery and she decided she didn't want to drive because the roads are still pretty bad. so she walked down here with her dog. checked out her art gallery. decided the conditions were still too bad. we also talked to a man who drove all the way up here from reno, hoping to hit the slopes earlier this afternoon. but he got up to the mountain. he said
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the mountain was still closed. so people are out here, they're doing their best to be out here, but it is still a lot going on and we're not done with this yet. we caught up with one bay area family who was out here. they say they come out here every year. they were not going to let this storm stop them. here's a little bit of what they told me. >> i feel rewarded. we've got skiing, we got to snowboard. we did all the other stuff. fresh powder. we got stuck coming back home today, but what's an extra day out here? it's fantastic. >> reporter: and now we also are stuck here like you guys said. we were originally suppose to be able to get out and head back to the bay area this afternoon. but i-80 remains closed. we actually just heard from caltrans that it's not going to reopen today. so hopefully jim and i can get out of here tomorrow. the good thing, we were able to get downtown, you know, if you remember yesterday, we were
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stuck at our hotel. we were able to get down here. brian, we may get our pizza here tonight. that's the good thing at least being stuck another day. >> that was the big thing, how kelsi is going to get fed. i'm glad you figured it out. kelsi is live in truckee. >> yes, much better choices today. kelsi thorud in truckee, thank you. the heavy snow is causing their equipment to get down since the storm began. >> well, let's go over to first alert meteorologist darren peck with more on this storm and hopefully it is almost over. but it doesn't seem like it's going to be completely over. >> this close to putting the word in to have kelsi's business card up. she's about to get out of there, although they did extend the blizzard warning, guys, until mid night. it's suppose to expire at 10:00. i'll go into more detail on why that is in a
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second. let me show you the state of things for where we are now. we saw what the snow looked like in truckee. here are some of the bigger noticeable numbers. 87 inches, i'll do the math. that's about seven and a quarter feet of snow so far, and we're not done. there is still more snow to go. one way to communicate the challenges of all of this is the new way they have been helping to visualize where the areas of concern are. on this map, we're not looking at snowfall or wind. instead you're looking at a combined metric to help visualize where the biggest concerning areas are. when you take a look at the image for the storm severity. that is where we are today. we fall in the major category, which means hazardous travels and other problems to go along with that. all things we've been covering. but i wanted you to see this because here is tomorrow. the map really shades dramatically better. we're not done, but we are still looking at, you know, minor impacts here. we are still going to have some difficulty traveling on 80. but the story does change
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dramatically in the sierra. having said that, there is your blizzard warning. look up here. a winter storm warning now that has been issued that will go until wednesday morning. wednesday morning. there is another storm coming. nowhere near as intense as this one. i'll show you what that looks like and why it is not even close to a comparison to this one, but still we will track today's rain with the chance for isolated thunderstorms, still some of those to go and then yeah, how the next system looks. it won't be a major rain forecast either. i'll see you with that whole story in a few minutes, guys. back to you. >> thank you, darren. a napa teenager is recovering after he was in a catastrophic snowboarding accident in tahoe. as max darrow reports, he's getting support from some famous athletes. >> reporter: with mom and dad by his side in a hospital room
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in reno, 15-year-old blake mendenhall is taking on an unexpected battle with the mindset that anything is possible. >> and it is in there every day that you're improving. getting my strength back. >> reporter: while snowboarding in tahoe, blake caught an edge on the slopes and crashed into a tree. he fractured his spine in two places. >> the t4, t5, and then a complete fracture from t7, t8. and that is exactly where he his spine was completely severed. >> reporter: he now has rods holding his spine together. right now blake can't move his legs. a tough prognosis for a standout athlete at vintage high school in napa. but despite the hand he's been dealt, blake is approaching this challenge with positivity and grace. >> there is light at the end of the path. you won't see it at first, but you'll realize that it was all worth it and every
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day, just believe that it will be better and it will. >> he does an amazing job. we won't let this stop him. >> reporter: as blake rebuilds his strength, strength for blake from others continues to grow. the napa valley community has rallied behind blake's family. >> it just shows who he is as a person. >> reporter: locals and strangers have supported a fundraiser that's been set up for medical costs now and in his future. and support is coming in other forms too. team blake is written in the snow on the top of the parking garage in reno. >> what's going on, blake? it's davante adams. >> reporter: famous athletes caught wind of his accident, sending him strength. >> hey blake, trevor in here, stay up and positive. much love, man. >> thank you for all that love and support and for being there for blake. it is such a blessing. >> reporter: blake says he would like to get back to
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snowboarding and surfing, playing his favorite sports. he knows it won't be an easy journey, but plans to take it head on with optimism. >> that's the highlight, but i believe we will come. >> reporter: he reminds us the importance of approaching life with a positive mindset no matter what cards you were dealt. >> life doesn't last that long, even if you're having a bad day. >> reporter: blake will soon be transferred to craig hospital in colorado, a hospital that specializes in neuro rehabilitation and the care for people who have sustained a spinal cord injury. if you'd like to help out or get in touch, there's an online fundraiser that's up and running. >> thank you, max. we have more storm coverage coming up later on in the show. you can always find the latest on and streaming on cbs news bay area. with 30,000 palestinians now dead, vice president kamala harris is calling for an immediate cease-fire in gaza.
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she referenced the current deal, the cause for a six-week pause on the violence. here in the bay area, thousands of marchers took to the streets of san francisco for a unity march against anti-semitism. organizers say this is a response to the escalating hostility against the jewish community. the march started at embarcadero plaza, concluding at civic center where the rally continued. >> we understand with israel and with our own people because we are being attacked a lot in schools, in colleges, even in high schools. and we need to stand strong and this is our way of being strong together. in unity there is strength. >> reporter: this is the scene at yesterday's pro-palestinian march. people gathered there in san francisco's streets. they call for a cease-fire in gaza. and demand and action from biden to end the war. they're
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hoping to have an agreement in place just a week away. they made their first ever air drop of humanitarian aid into gaza yesterday. u.s. officials say more air drops are planned, but president biden says more is needed. welcoming up, it's the first for the county, how they came together to help local farmworkers. people may not be able to get out of truckee, but they could at least when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things:
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completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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sonoma county hosted their first ever fair in windsor today. dozens of people stopped by. there were groups providing
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different services and resources such as housing, healthcare, food assistance, and employment. back now to the blizzard still in the sierra with roads closed and power out. most local businesses had to shut down over the weekend. but one local coffee shop owner decided to stay open. >> we've had plow drivers come in. we're a part of the community with people who don't have internet. today we have quite a few guests without internet. we want to be open for the community. over to first alert meteorologist, darren peck. the storm is not quite over yet? >> no, it's not. we still have more rain to go. we just started to see some good showers moving across the heart of the bay. let me show you what that looks like. the wide view first just to give you an idea of how this storm is put together. then we'll get more specifics on what happens over the next 12 hours. we're almost done with it. so you can see the bands of rain here, which is really quieting down a lot from where we were yesterday. but it's in the details. look at that little
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batch in there. the heavier area of rain moving across the east bay. south bay is also going to experience some of that. throughout the next 12 hours, pretty much just doing that. and then it will become a lot quieter once we get into monday. maybe a few showers, but few and far in between. monday effectively, we'll be done with this. but there is another system coming in. i'll show you that when we get to it in one moment. that one having built out pretty far out in the pacific and you take your sweet time getting here, showing us a few showers as early as monday, but it will be monday night. they wouldn't amount to too much either from that monday. most of monday, the majority of us have a rain-free day. but if we want to follow that system just to play it through in a little more detail, we will watch it again coming in a little closer, putting more high resolution on it. you can see the monday showers right there. that will be a tenth of an inch of rain if you get it. but then the heart of the
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system approaches. now we've got the line of rain tantalizingly right off the coast. according to this forecast model, it kind of just misses us. let's look at the other one. the one that's doing a little better the whole winter going out to days three and five in terms of nailing the systems. that one will show us a little bit of rain that will skirt the bay right here. that will get us into tuesday and wednesday. there is not a lot to that if we put some rainfall totals to it. it doesn't amount to a whole lot. we are looking at a tenth to maybe .2 inches of rain in general from that one. but we still got to call it rain nonetheless in terms of the possibility that you'll see in the seven-day forecast. okay, the other story, of course, on the other side of the state has been all the snow. i mentioned we still got a blizzard warning that will go until midnight tonight. the winter storm warning now is new. that's for the next storm. the one that's going to skirt here and maybe give us a little bit of rain will be able to provide more snow in the sierra, so we have
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to keep the winter wording in terms of awareness and going all the way until wednesday. the real impactful storm is coming to an end at the end of day once we get past midnight, we'll be done with that one. and look at the times out there until wednesday at 4:00 a.m. how much more snow is going to fall? considering we've got several feet. we looked at the numbers, 7.75 feet, which sits at donner pass. and it is still another foot. that will still impact travel and the real two days to be aware of here will be monday and tuesday for that next system in terms of snow in the sierra if you know anybody that will travel. cold air is still here though. as a result of that, there's a frost
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advisory for tomorrow morning. tomorrow morning's lows and with numbers getting down tomorrow into the mid-30s for some of those north bay valleys. i'll have the specific numbers for you coming up in the 6:00 newscast. mid to upper 30s is not freezing, but we're going to see temperatures in the north bay valleys that do take a bit of a dip tomorrow morning. everybody else should pretty much stay in the low 40s for morning lows, which is a lot more manageable. we'll put it all in a seven-day forecast. you'll see how things play out in terms of that chance for rain, showing up by the time we get towards tuesday and wednesday. that's a computer if you want to cooperate with me there and you can see how that plays out by the time we get to tuesday and wednesday. a little bit of rain on it. all right, guys, back to you. >> all right, thanks, darren. john has made a big splash in free agency on friday night. while the team says they are done adding. is that actually the truth? plus everyone has an offday, right? the warriors played a game in boston on
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- it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+. the warriors entered sunday with a win in eight consecutive road victories. so expectation was a competitive game against the first place boston celtics. there's a different story. steph curry played after being questionable with a knee injury. golden state was looking for their ninth straight road win. first quarter, steph throws up the runner that goes round and
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round before dropping to tie the game at 21. as good as it got. jalen brown pulls up here to make it 30-21. scoring 19 in the opening quarter. now a 17-point celtics lead. trace jackson davis blocked up the rim, leading to a pritchard, three. made nine threes in the first and led 43-22. it just got worse in the second. jayson tatum hits from way deep to make it. they made 25 threes in the game. rough game for curry. and they win 3-1, back home to face the bucks on wednesday. college basketball, iowa
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star, caitlin clark, 18 points away to become the ncaa's division i all-time leading scorer. final seconds of the half, they called for a technical foul and clark made both free throws to pass the record of 3,667 points. clark who announced this week she was leaving for the wnba after this season. scored 35 and the hawkeyes won 93-83. it's officially official. matt chapman is a san francisco giant. the contract finalized this morning. three years, $54 million. but chapman can opt out after each of the first two seasons. what about cy young winner, blake snell? he remains unsigned and the giants seem to have a need in their starting rotation. he said, "the offseason is really over as far as we're concerned. we are more in season mode. now they really need that or he is
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continuing his staring contest with snell's agent, scott boras, to see who is going to blink first." while we were still a few weeks away from filling out march madness brackets, the post-season tournament is nearing the end in the basketball team that still have their name penciled in thanks to a star-studded roster. >> they may be high schoolers, but the rear boy basketball team doesn't play like it. >> it is unexpected for a regular high school team. >> reporter: junior richard is referring to the amount of talent the crusaders employee. something college coaches have clearly noticed. >> and they always said you're right up there. you're at the top either 1a, 1b, 1c. >> reporter: head coach joey curtain says they have seven players who have committed to d i programs or have offers. one of them is st. mary's commit, zion zinsley who returned to reardon for his senior year. >> i was here my freshman year, and it was an amazing
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experience. my team went pretty far with a lot of good talent that year. i want to come back to the reardon family and play high school basketball again. >> reporter: stacked is an understatement for their talent. one star sophomore andrew hillman who is from cameroon. hillman is still getting accustomed to america, but he already has seven d i offers. >> and it is maybe the school and in and out in-n-out. >> what is your order? >> animal fries and a shake. >> reporter: reardon has not won a title since 2002. they know a thing about that. his dad played for the team. >> and another trophy at reardon means a lot. also putting up another state championship on the walls just means a lot. >> reporter: there are no prima donnas on this team despite the college pedigree. they know this opportunity is rare. >> every kid has a dream in high school to win a state championship, kind of make history. so you know, we haven't won it since 2002. it would be a big time win for us
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and a big time moment. >> one of my favorite parts of that story, andrew hillman, moves here last year from cameroon. doesn't speak english. now he could recite his in-n-out order. the animal style fries. that's a true man who is now living in america. >> yes, assimilated into american culture very quickly. >> very, very fine double-double. >> yes. accumulated a talent for patients. those are long lines at in-n-out. >> yes. i know. some in the bay area, it's incredible. >> it's brutal. thanks, man. we'll be right back.
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well, it's been the story of the past three to four days. families try to make it out from tahoe got stopped on i-50 because of chain restrictions. they went up to tahoe with no chains? so they decided to have some fun any way. well, you know, lemon, lemonade at a gas station in pollock pines. >> lucky we were there. they
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built a snow bear and even got into a big snowball fight with one of our reporters from sacramento. all right. i-50 is open, but you need chains. i-80 is closed. but caltrans says they hope to have it open some time tomorrow. that means kelsi and jim will hopefully make it back some time tomorrow. >> we'll see. cbs weekend news is next. we'll see you in ♪ tonight, digging out. a monster storm dumps snow on the mountain west. california's sierra nevada buried by a blizzard. interstate 80 closes for miles with no sign of reopening. >> i'm carter evans. there's so much snow, they are running out of places to put it all. it's still snowing. >> a new storm moving


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