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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  March 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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so the rain would come and the game would end and be postponed. - i did do that intentionally and i had pitched every single game of the playoffs at that point and i was pretty much toast. so i made a couple extra throws in first base, it did rain, they rescheduled it for a week later and i came back fully rested and i struck out 17 and we won the state championship. from cbs news bay area this is the evening edition. >> now at 5:00, what do you know, snow. and plenty of it. we're live on the mountain with the latest on the sierra taking a powder. in fact, snow made it all the way down to mount hamilton. lots of fun for folks making the twisty drive
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right to the top. and a big announcement from a bay area school district. >> to create the schools our students deserve and our families expect, we must have fewer schools than we do now. >> when schools in san francisco might be closing their doors. live from the cbs studios in san francisco, the sierra is taking a pounding from what the national weather service is characterized as a life-threatening blizzard. the same time the bay area is awash in rain, and there's more to come. we've got team coverage of the storm. kelsi thorud is in truckee, first alert meteorologist darren peck is here in the studios. first, though, a check of the highway conditions. chains are required on i-50. and this is what it looks like on 80 at donner summit. that interstate is closed. it is snowing so much that kelsi thorud couldn't even leave the hotel eparking lot in truckee, and so that's why that's exactly where she is
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tonight. hey, kelsi. >> reporter: hey, brian, yeah, you know, you can see our live truck here right behind me. we were worried because the snow's been coming down like this all day, and that's a heavy truck. getting out, we might have been able to, getting back might have been a problem. you can see how high the snow is. i'm standing in an area that's been plowed. these are the parking spots. look at the area that hasn't been plowed. this is feet of snow. this is mostly just snow that dumped here overnight. it's been coming down like this all day today. we have not had a break in the snow. that is why so many people here in truckee are staying inside. we talked to a lot of people shovelling out their drives earlier today. here's a little of what we saw. >> i had to get my shovel out of the car, which is interesting, because it's up to your waist. and i had to dig out my -- my door to even get the shovel out. so. >> i don't know, we're pretty
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bummed because our friends we were supposed to go to their wedding today. and we're snowed in. >> there's no reason to go anywhere until this storm is over. hopefully you knew it was coming and you prepared, but it's -- this is just the middle of it. >> reporter: and we did see a couple of people attempting to leave to go to work, because there are still some businesses that are open here in truckee. all of those people, though, didn't drive. we actually caught up with one man. he put on his skis and skied a couple of miles to the brewery he works at down the road, but these conditions are not going anywhere. it's expected to continue to snow through sunday. so what people were dealing with today with having to dig out their cars and dig out their drives, they might have to repeat that again tomorrow. so the big news here is that the snow is finally here and pretty much the predictions of what they were saying is happening, brian. >> kelsi, i'm kind of curious, is your entire life for the next 24 hours going to be the
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parking lot and your hotel room? >> reporter: we'll have to see. you know, we may try to brave it to get downtown here in a little bit. we're only like a mile from downtown truckee, but the plows are doing their best to keep the roads as clear as possible, but it's still pretty sketchy out there. we've seen people peeling out. and it's slick when they do plow the roads. so we'll see, you know, you can tune back in tomorrow, see if we make it down there. >> there are worse places to be stuck. anything can happen in that one mile, so take care. that is kelsi thorud in truckee. kelsi, thank you. let's bring in first alert meteorologist darren peck with the latest on what's happening now and what's going to be happening, darren? >> we can pretty much consider kelsi to be the truckee bureau for at least 24 hour, probably for at least 24 hours. let's come back home, because i want to show you how the storm is impacting us. you can probably see the lightning strikes over my shoulder. we're still in that phase of this storm. it still has potential to throw us an occasion l thunderstorm. and that would go along with a
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pretty brief downpour, strong, gusty winds. sound familiar? we had that yesterday. we didn't all get that, but it comes in sporadically. if you get it, it's quite the show. let me just stop where first alert is now. that's live so. you can see the intensity on the rain here, and the futurecast picks up on that and shows us that from now probably through about midnight tonight we're still in this phase where you can get some pretty intense downpours and the rain's going to keep coming. the wind also picks um locally, and then it passes and calms down. two hours later, another one comes in. that hasn't changed. tomorrow it's going to be different. we're going see a different part of this storm tomorrow. plenty of breaks of blue sky. isolated showers will still be with us tomorrow. this is why i said she's going to be the truckee bureau for at least another 24 hours. the blizzard warning doesn't expire until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. so in terms of the severity index in the sierra, we're still very high on that. you can see big winds
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on the ridges that have been upwards of 100 miles an hour in some of the higher peaks. back with this in just a few minutes, and i'll go into more detail on this. including how the nature of the snow has started to change. for now, brian,back to you. >> can only imagine how much andrea has been complaining about this. thank, darren. while they're knee deep in snow at tahoe, mount hamilton got a light dusting. john ramos took the 365 turns on the road leading up to lick to file this story. >> reporter: there was snow in the bay area, but in order to find it, you had to be either dedicated to your job or dedicated to a sense of adventure. san jose spent the late morning under cloudy skies and a bit of rain, but farther up on mount hamilton, the temperature began dropping and things got a lot more
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interesting. a light layer of snow covered the landscape, making the narrow road with its sheer drop-off a journey not for the faint of heart. but it was there that we found michael poland a geophysicist with the u.s. geological survey. >> and i'm out here doing a geophysical survey today. >> seem like a good day to do that? >> no time like the present i guess. you know, i figured, see what it's like when we got up here this. morning it wasn't bad. late they are morning it got a little worse. one of my colleagues once told me, you're not made of sugar, so i try to not complain when i get wet. >> reporter: he set out to calibrate a piece of equipment that tracks minute changes in gravity. the water that seeps into the ground can increase gravity in the area. >> the pull of gravity changes depending on what's beneath your feet. we can see the change of gravity from the change in mass underneath the
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surface. a useful technique for knowing what's beneath your feet. >> reporter: with the science lesson over, our journey continued up the mountain as the snow increased and the road was all but empty. but at the top of the mountain is the lick observatory, normally open to the public but not on this day. with tiny snow drifts in the windowsills, it too was deserted, except for ralph and his two daughters. he brought them up to see something they almost never see at their home in san jose. >> yeah, i think it's a treat. it's always nice to see the snow in the mountains like at this time of year. and then always want to go up and like touch it. today was the day. >> city slickers, aren't we? >> i want to touch snow. >> who's idea was this today? >> my dad's. >> it was his idea? >> yeah. >> do you think it was a good idea? >> yes. >> yeah, because we don't usually go to the snow a lot. our drive up here made me really anxious because of all those edges and turns. >> it's pretty scary, isn't
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it? >> yes. >> we just came up here just to explore and just like to see some snow. >> what does it feel like to you as somebody who's not used to it? >> it feels like fun and an opportunity to me. just like to have fun and just, just like -- it's just a lot of fun. it's a privilege. >> reporter: seeing the snow was an opportunity and a privilege for those with a thirst for adventure, but it didn't last long. by about 1:00, the air began to warm, and the snow to melt, sending water down the mountain to help make san jose more attractive. at least from a gravitational standpoint. >> and you can stay with us for the latest on the storm both on air and at other news, this rainy saturday evening in the bay area, the san francisco school district announced plans to close a number of campuses as part of a major restructuring. enrollment has declined by the thousands. the district says it will only continue to go down and they say it cannot know --
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it can no longer staff all the positions and many facilities are in poor shape. district is calling the plan a resource alignment initiative. they claim it'll concentrate resources. there's no word on which or how many schools will close, but the plan is to have fewer campuses by 2025. across the bay, you might remember oakland did the same thing, they had to deal with that, closing seven schools back in 2022. at least that was the plan. but instead of seven, they ended up closing only one after a number of protests from the community and and even a hunger strike. this past january state attorney general rob bonta said that the decision would have disproportionately impacted black and low-income students. state regulators just waymo the green light to start operating on the peninsula. the decision is receiving a lot of pushback, though. one bill
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would give local communities more control over autonomous vehicles. waymo hasn't said when the service will roll out on the peninsula. coming up, super tuesday just a few days away. what you need to know if you're not registered but still want to cast your ballot. and thousands of people rallying here in san francisco saying they want an end to the fighting in gaza. and news from the white house that - it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix.
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welcome back. with just three days until the primary election here in california, voters have already been submitting their ballots in person at san francisco city
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hall. california's something called same-day registration, so even if you are not registered, you can still vote in the election. at city hall and other polling places, it is possible to get registered and cast your ballot in one go, even on election day itself. free, free, free palestine. >> key topic in the election is the conflict between israel and hamas. one u.s. official said that israel had essentially agreed to a framework of a deal which would see some israeli hostages held by hamas freed in exchange for a six-week pause to the fighting. u.s. officials say the u.s. has begun air dropping humanitarian aid into gaza. they say a total of 66 bundles were dropped from three transport planes. a number of
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aid agencies previously criticized the plans as being ineffective. u.n. had warned hundreds of thousands are on the brink of famine in gaza. back out in the snow storm in the sierra, interstates closed, thousands without power because of the snowstorm. one veteran snow plower in truckee said several parts of his rig broke down while clearing the wet snow. >> hectic. if the snow is wet underneath and there's about a foot of fresh snow in truckee here, and it's been hectic. i've broken a lot of parts. >> and there's more to come? >> there is. and the snow that's fallen already that we're looking at, he was just talking about it, has been the wet, heavy stuff. and that's not what this storm was supposed to be. >> it was supposed to be drier? >> it was supposed to be drier, colder, fluffier, and loftier. the totals were supposed to be bigger and the snow is supposed to be drier. that just changed.
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>> that sounds messy. >> i sounds, but it's kind of pretty at this point. i'm going to go to the source. this is magery -- video that was just shared by the central sierra snow lab. they're kind of like the official source for really monitoring all this stuff. they've gotten about 40 inches so far. but when they put this out just within the last 30 minutes, this is the image up there within the last 30 minutes, this is a different scene. the snow now has transitioned to that drier, fluffier stuff. and that's the way it's going to stay for the rest of the storm. so on the one hand, the snow that does fall will actually be able to pile up a little higher than it's been doing so far, but it should be more manageable because the wind is starting to relax a bit now, and the conditions will start to become a little less violent. but we still have to get through about another 12 hours here before the blizzard warning expires. here's the takeaway on the image i shared at the top of the newscast. this is just another way that the weather prediction center has taken to
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message the storm. so we're not looking at snowfall totals here. we're not looking at wind. we're looking at a combination of all of the impacts expected in the sierra through the remainder of today. and there's a key thereupon. and you can see the parts of the sierra that matter most, those drives going over 08 and 50. donner pass, echo summit. they all fall within that purple extreme. think the word has gotten out on this. this is an extreme situation. i-80 is closed and travel is impossible, which is why we saw kelsi earlier and she's just hanging out in the parking lot in truckee. it is cold enough, as we saw from john ramos' story earlier, we have gotten light snow on mount hamilton. what he showed us melted but there will be more. it's more impactful to our north. so mount saint helena in the north
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bay will get maybe five to six inches. look at clear lake. this becomes a bigger deal. there's a winter storm warning through lake and mendocino county. and a lot of these communities now which aren't used to deal with -- inif it's just an inch or two, clear lake, willis, ukiah, that's through mendocino and lake county. if you look at the big picture, that's clearly the real story on snow from a far more impactful side. we know the blizzard warning stays in effect until 10:00 in the morning. i'll watch the snow that's still to go. this is why i jokingly said kelsi was going to remain our truckee bureau for at least the next 24 hours. she'll probably be able to get out of there sooner than that. the blizzard warning expires at 10:00 a.m., that's less than 24 hours. conditions are starting to get better. they're not good, but they're starting to improve now. the sign was the changeover in the snow, now that it's the lighter, fluffier stuff and the wind has decreased a bit. for us, we come back home now. the
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wind advisory expired at 10:00 a.m. that covers one kind of wind. that's the general flow where you can gauge how the storm's behaving. what matters much more is actually the wind that comes in with the isolated thunderstorms. and that's what you're going to feel more than anything else. if you look at the big picture on this storm, look at all the lightning strikes on there. there's been a lot more on the far northwest coast, but as many people here at home have their own memory from yesterday, we've had our share of lightning. the potential is there for the remainder of the afternoon. that's how much rain we've gotten so far since thursday. and we've still got more to go. we gave you the overview at the top of the newscast to see how the showers are going to behave tonight. occasional isolated thunderstorms mixed in here. brief little downpour. gusty wind when it comes through. that takes us through tonight. and then once we get into tomorrow, you'll see this does look different. you will see blue sky tomorrow. it won't stay blue all day, it'll get filled back in with isolated showers that will come
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through. that's taken us all the way through 7:00. some of these have the possibility to become thunderstorms even through tomorrow. we get into monday and things quiet down, but there is another weak storm that's going to come in fast on the heels of this one. as we look at the seven-day forecast, you're going see that, yes, there is a chance here and i've got to keep rain in the forecast even beyond sunday as we go into tuesday and wednesday. it won't be much. this will probably be 0.25 an inch of rain, no where near as impactful as this storm. our main focus is these two days here. we are in first alert status until we get through with sunday. brian, back to you. >> thanks, dash. coming up in sport, niners are turning the chapter, and big changes just announced for coaching staff. the nation's top high school girl's basketball team ready to make another deep run in the playoffs. and our vern glenn, who - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level.
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- we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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has life■s circumstances derailed your destiny? cindy and darius johnston reveal how surrender changed the direction of their lives and gave them new purpose.
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everybody's off tonight, so welcome to sports. 49ers took their time in naming a replacement for former defensive coordinator steve wilks, but after a long search, they finally got their guy. as reported by espn 's adam schefter, they're promoting internally. nick sorensen will take over as coordinator, but that is not the only news. the team is expected to bring in former chargers head coach brandon stahle as assistant head coach. spent three years in l.a. before he was let go at the end of last season. he went 24-24 with the chargers. stahle was defensive coordinator for the rams before taking the head coaching job. pivot to basketball now. one of the best high school girl's basketball programs in the country is right there, the archbishop girls look back to remain undefeated when they take on folsom in the regional semifinal, and vern glenn's
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got the story. >> reporter: the arch bishop girls, unbeaten, number one team in the nation. these practices are crisp, efficient, no nonsense, and physical. it reflects their head coach, hall of famer sue phillips, who did it here many years ago as a student athlete and has been delivering at the highest level as head coach for 30 years. >> bring energy with your voice, with your work rate, and your relentless motor. >> it's like a college program. we are very time management. we're always being pushed. i'd say during practice it's very intense. we're going, going, going. >> what is the single thing you need to look for that tells you in your mind, that girl can play for me? >> well, i can tell you that the price of admission at the door is tremendous work ethic and a great attitude. so without those two thing, it's non-negotiable. >> practice is made perfect because they've aced every test this season.
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>> the beauty of this team, it isn't about the score. they are truly about striving for excellence. >> so far so good. they won their four ccs games by an average of 41 points. you are playing the game, boom, what's the killer mindset? >> i mean, for me i get really nervous before games. >> that's good. >> yeah, i get nervous, and then once i'm going to do the jump ball, like as soon as i jump, it just all goes away. like and then i just like forget where i'm at. i'm just playing. >> reporter: sophomore mckenna dropped 30 point last friday to help them earn another section title. now they are locked in, trying to bring home a state title for the first time since 2015. can you let yourself even visualize or even dream about having a banner up there with cif on it? >> can definitely dream about
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it. >> yeah. >> it's obviously definitely a hope. it will be a great opportunity if we get to get a state banner. that would be awesome. >> there's a reason why the state banners are bigger. they're a little bit harder to get. and yes -- >> been a little while, right? >> yes, an open division championship is not here. but that doesn't define our success. and it'll happen. i don't know when. >> mark on three. one, two, three. >> 28-0, how do you respond? >> i smile. that's how i respond. >> good for them. coming up, one last
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before we go, last look at conditions near i-80, donner summit. 80 is closed, and there are chain restrictions on 50 and on 89. more to come. >> yeah, we'll be here. >> so ll cbs we ♪ ♪ tonight on the "cbs weekend news," winter extremes. a blizzard blasts california and nevada. snow piling up fast. winds gusting up to 190 miles per hour. interstate 80 closed indefinitely, littered with stranded travelers. the worst, still to come. >> reporter: i'm carter evans. the snow is still


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