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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  August 15, 2023 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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and i am a former addict and i turned my life around. you think you got justice and you turn around and you walk in the store and you see your friend's killer in the store because you did not know they were let out >> it is far from a done deal. too hot for school. how more and more campuses are adapting to the changing climate as students go back to class. many lives on the line, tonight it appears the city's fentanyl crisis is only getting worse. health officials held a news conference today to sound the alarm over the latest overdose numbers. they are staggering. 473 people have died from opioid overdoses so far this year. 71 of those deaths were last month. >> it pains me to share that this is the highest overdose
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deaths san francisco has experienced. and it correlates with this overtaking of fentanyl into our drug supply. health officials say they are doing what they can to save lives. that includes distributing drug that treat opioid addiction as well as the overdose reversing drug narcan. they are working with nightclubs and made it available at outsidelands. expanding mobile clinics and pharmacy hours. on the law enforcement side the city, will help from the state, are aggressively cracking down on drug dealers. last week they arrested a plan from oakland and seized fentanyl and other drugs along with 28,000 in cash and a loaded ghost gun. as an alternative to law enforcement there is the street crisis response team. that is the unit that helps people on the street who may be suffering from a drug or mental health crisis. so, the city-wide program has been around for almost three years. we are here now. i know you met with some of the crisis
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responders. >> . >> reporter: one of the people that i met with is formally unhoused. he is using his personal experience to help others. >> reporter: with each step into the street crisis response. he moves further away from his past. >> i am formally incarcerated. i am a former substance user, formally homeless, formally had mental health challenges and so i was able to turn my life around and transform through that. >> he has been clean since 2016 but rather than leaving it behind his lived experiences now his greatest asset. >> i run across people all of the time that i used to associateiat with during my experience when i was homeless or using substapses and things such as that. now, i see the people and i am in a different capacity and i am a source of motivation and hope for them. >> on each call, a handful of experts respond including a peer counselor who has had
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firsthand experience with the common issues the team encounters like homelessness and substance abuse. members of the out reach team and paramedics filled the van responding to dozens of calls each day. some dressed in plain clothes to offer a less than triggering response. part of a unique approach in their effort to curb the drug crisis >> someone is hungry and have not eaten, a peer can understand that, what it feels like, what it feels like to be able to receive some food at that time. >> reporter: the unarmed team travels with snacks, water, spare shoes and clothing, blankets and medical supplies including narcan that are most needed on calls. their goal is simple. connecting people with services that they need. >> a city like san francisco where we really do value people's expression and freedom and individuality at some point
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i feel like i personally feel like there has to be some other way for us to help people and encourage people to feel safe and feel willing to try something different. >> reporter: this captain has been a paramedic in san francisco for nearly three decades. on the street crisis team her tool is treating people like an old friend. >> human to human. not approaching a person as a set of symptoms but approaching them as somebody that maybe i grew up with. basic. my name is mary, what is your name. >> reporter: that is often all it takes to deescalate a situation. compassion >> i fish it was here when i was going through my ordeal. promoting humanity and moving humanity forward. it requires love. without love there would
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not be any compassion. >> in looking back he knows he is making a difference. >> this team is coming up on its third anniversary n. that time they responded to 20,000 calls. the majority of the calls, 59%, resolved right there in the moment. >> so great to see, deescalate the situation. if you look at the situation now how can they, i guess, see a long-term solution down the road from here. >> their goal is to get people the help that many need during the response. the team is prepared to transport people who volunteer to go to a recovery center or a shelter rather than wait the city to place them that often involves very long wait times >> that wait time is crucial. all right, lauren, thank you. another hurdle tomorrow for a state bill that will decriminalize psychedelics including magic mushrooms. one
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group of professionals warns it could have dangerous consequences >> it is categories of people with a history of, a family history of experiences that should not be using it. >> she lost a niece. the group says it is not against criminalization, wants better safe guards including public education and training for first responders. we are following developing news over by oracle park. a child is dead and the parents are in the hospital after all three were hit by a car near 4th and king street. this is video from citizen app. it happened at 5:15, big crowds were making their way towards the ballpark for tonight's giants game t. is unclear if the family was headed to the game. we have a crew at the scene right now. we will bring you much more tonight at 11:00.
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>> all right, for the second time in two years, a district attorney who ran on criminal justice reform is facing a recall. today, a group trying to unseat alameda county launched a bid to get it on the ballot. they spoke with katie nelson today. >> a group called safe or save alameda county for everyone filed an intent to recall paperwork this afternoon. starting the recall process of da pamela price. they acknowledge that the road to the recall will be a long one if the recall makes the ballot at all. >> we are not doing it just for the victim's families we are doing it for everyone in the alameda county. >> reporter: oakland chinatown president is leading the recall effort against the current district attorney pamela price and part of the group that filed a notice of intent to recall price who took office earlier this year. two victims that lost their lives to gun violence including brenda who lost her son in 2010.
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>> i saw my son shot in front of me, on my porch, my daughter was shot as well. if you never been through that, you can't tell us what goes on after you went through it and you have to go through it again when you think you have justice and then you turn around and you are walk in a store and see your son's killer in the store that because you did not know they were let out. >> reporter: alongside her, a couple whose son was shot and killed earlier as he was working at home depot trying to stop a suspected shoplifter. >> pamela price directly choosing to not charge properly in my son's case. that is disrespectful. >> reporter: price ran on a platform of restorative justice policies and eliminating most sentence enhancements and holding law enforcement accountable. >> reform is to get better it is not getting better. >> once the paperwork is
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approved the real work starts, they will have 160 days to get verified signatures from voters, 98,000, only then can they recall and have the recall effort moved to the ballot. of course, price also has her supporters. we reached out to them including kat brooks, she called the effort politically and racially motivated and an attack on a democratically-elected black woman adding quote the folks behind this are the same folks that ran for election and lost. there are real public safety issues at stake and i hope the people of alameda county see through these attacks. 4500 city employees in san jose will show up for work tomorrow this after striking a tentative contract deal to avert a three day strike. it includes a 15% wage hike over three years, eight weeks of paid family leave and more staffing. shipping containers are being loaded up right now with
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critical supplies. they are still accepting donations? the outpouring support from the bay area for survivors of the maui fire. >> here in the bay area, the fog is rolling back in after another mild day near the water. another hot day inland. the temperatures flirting with 100 degrees in the try valley. the temperatures tomorrow, steamy, even enough humidity to make it feel hotter. we will talk about what that means with a chance of showers and thunderstorms across the bay area coming up. >> also, student's return, how some schools are changing things up because of the increasingly hot temperatures
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baback in the e day, snsneaker dropops meant gettining online t to waitit in line.. now wiwith xfinityty mobile.. ...we get t the fastesest mobilele service and cacan get the e freshest kicks asasap. i got ththis. get ththe best pririce for 2 s of unlimitited when yoyou switch t to xfinity y mobiler $30 0 a line perer month. nicece job, littttle sis! ththey grow upup so fast.... i'm m a fan.
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frfrom xfinityty.
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intrtroducing totogo's new frech h dip sandwiwiches. featuring g fresh artitisan brd pileled high witith tender roaoast beef, smothehered with m melty provovolone cheeeese, just e enough chipipotle maya and serveded with hot t au ju for didipping. trtry the roasast beef or r pasi frenench dips totoday. only at t togo's. it has now been a full week since deadly wildfires erupted in maui. tonight, more than 1,000 people are still missing. moments ago we learned the death toll is up to 101. california deployed more than 100 personnel to hawaii and
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urban search and rescue including forensic anthropologist and teams to assist with debris removal and recovery. it is estimated rebuilding could cost $5.5 billion. and back here in the bay area, dockworkers are filling a shipping container with dough nations. their union organized this using a container gifted from a hawaii slipping company. they are in north point. accepting donations between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. through friday. >> people that were directly effected. the families that, you know, lost everything, due to this fire. i invested my time in this volunteering my time for the whole week because i know what it is to go without. >> he says they received plenty of water and clothing so right now they are looking for hygiene products and baby things like diapers, wipes, monetary donations are also
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very helpful. he says the response from the community here has been amazing so far. of course, if you would like to help the fire victims, we have a lot more information on how you can do that on that is our home page and we will list the items that are pleaded. i know it is so hard. you want to gather a bunch and bring it to somewhere to donate. sometimes they just need the money and supplies to get to the locations >> monetary donations make sure you vet the agencies. there are a lot of people taking advantage of that, look for scams. >> we are hoping to avoid any of the fires starting around california. 6-8 started in tahoe first over the past 24 hours because of lightning strikes? we are going to continue tracking that for the next few days. let's take a look at the big picture perspective. we get closer to midweek. the fog is taking over around downtown san francisco. a nice look. areas of fog spreading across the bay. a
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fairly compact layer of fog. and enough humidity to notice to make it feel hotter. we will cool back down to normal temperatures late this week beginning on friday. and other parts of california, drifting through the skies of the bay area. our shower chances remain low until friday when we could see a couple of light rain showers paying us a visit. odds of that are low. something that we will monitor. all of the action has been elsewhere today, northern california, mountains of the high sierra, picking up cloud-to-ground lightning. and it will remain for the best chance of showers and thunderstorms during the afternoon hours, tomorrow, a lot of activity bubbling up in the mountains and again, winding the clock to thursday. it is not impossible. seeing a shower coming in. our odds will be low. lower than 10%. the
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tropical of eugene. the humidity towards us, close enough to give us the outside chance of a shower on friday. something that we will monitor getting closer to the end of the workweek. the temperatures dip back to near or below normals. it looks like it will be nice heading through the weekend. then, hotter temperatures return to inland parts of the bay area for much of next week. combine that with a bigger surge of tropical moisture and that could set the stage for more widespread showers and storms. we will have to monitor it in the long-range. there is the fog. it is in there. look out from sales force tower. temperatures in the 60s around the bay. a mixture of 70s. new 80s on the map for the moment. in the upper 70 rs, much more comfortable in san jose and santa rosa. the temperatures will bab down as the fog spreads out pushing into at least some of the inland valleys by the morning, shallow layer of fog. does not take long. the fog backs up to the coast by late morning and early afternoon at the latest.
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temperatures tonight, dropping down to the lower to middle 60s. the fact that there is mugginess in the air that more humid air does not cool down as efficiently. there is a limit how fast it will drop off. a few degrees above. higher dropping off point the temperatures tomorrow will be above average, upper 60s along the coast. around the bay, 80s in the peninsula. 80s and 90s for the bay area. hottest readings in the try valley, the delta, up to 100 degrees in antioch for one more day. temperatures backing down a little bit thursday, more by friday and saturday. temperatures for the entire bay area, close to normal. friday, saturday, sunday. some of the cloud cover associated with that next surge of tropical moisture will be heading our way already by sunday and monday. if we are going to get showers and thunderstorms right now it looks like the most likely time frame will be monday night into tuesday. that is the tail end of the seven-day forecast, things tend to be specktive. that is something that we will keep you updated on heading through the
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next several days. be ready for ups and downs, nothing in terms of extreme heat. any humidity in the atmosphere around the bay area. more than what we usually experience. well, we tend to notice. it did not feel fantastic outside earlier today. >> we are such californians, though, to common else they would be like this is nothing >> when you are used to this, a little increase makes a difference. >> thank you. okay, well, california students heading pack to class dealing with triple digit temperatures. school will not stop because of the sun. some campuses are making modifications, stockton is recommending to move recess, pe and sports practices indoors. they are keeping an eye on them as the sun beats down. >> we tried to come out earlier. it is still really hot. >> i did buy a water for my friend as well because she ran out of water. we just make sure we stay hydrated. >> that is nice.
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>> stockton unified says if an ac unit goes into a class room they would move students to learn in the library or cafeteria. the red and gold report is next. how brock purdy has taken command in the huddle at the age of 23. good for him
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. so brock purdy did not play like a rookie last year. in tonight's red and gold report he did not act like one either. >> there is the volkswagen red and gold report. despite being a rookie when brock purdy took over as the team's starting quarterback last december he immediately had his teammates attention. >> he did yell at someone for talking in the huddle yesterday. i was laughing so hard. quiet, dude, the quarterback is talking. >> vern glenn sat down with purdy, about taking command in the huddle. >> i heard when you get in the huddle you are the boss. no chirping, no nothing. you are talking. nobody else. >> yeah. i mean, that is like the position of quarterback. especially in this offense. kyle calls plays, we got to get in, got to listen, tell guys what to do. it is not hey, i am the man listen to me, it is hey, this is what we have to do to win, everyone listen up, i think the guys feed off that and love that.
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>> for the red and gold report. back to you. the bronco comes to levi for the next preseason game on saturday. you will only see it here on kpix and final preseason match up with the chargers on august 25th. an 11-year-old landed a big gig. ben kidwell will perform the international anthem at the little league world series. he just turned 11. when it comes to stage fright he knows no such thing. >> . >> you have to be half and half. interact with the crowd and stay focused. you don't want to be like, like you don't want to be like a statue. you also want to focus at the same time. >> awe, i see rising star in that child's eyes. in addition of the challenge of playing for a large crowd heville to switch from piano to keyboard for the performance. it kicks off tomorrow in pennsylvania. well done.
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it is a fascinating discovery. what is so special about this plain rock, uncovered at a south carolina beach? every y business deserveses a great d deal. that's w why comcastst busins is l launching t the mobilele made freeee event. with o our businesess
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. a low tide in south carolina got low enough to uncover 100,000 years of history that is how old the fossils are believed to be. can you see them washing through there in nearly as old as earth's most recent ice age. it is not as rare of a discovery as you might think. they exist right under our feet. a thin layer of sand. now, further out in the water they make good for fish habitats. all right. thanks for watching the
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news continues streaming on cbs news bay area. we will see you back here at 11:00. have a great evening
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: heh! [indistinct] how y'all doing? i appreciate that. thank y'all. thank you, everybody. i appreciate it.


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