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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  May 18, 2023 9:00am-9:30am PDT

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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. >> i don't know. it might have been because of the gender. it might have been because of the education before. we don't know. i wish i did know. >> right now on kpix news, an exclusive interview. we sit down with the father of banko brown who shares his grief about the shooting that took his son's life and set off protests. plus -- >> we were previously in a relationship. >> a possible love triangle ends in a deadly shooting at a child is left in an apartment. we have the latest on this investigation. also, this morning,
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commuting around the bay area could soon cost you more. arraned. we are awaiting momeni's plea. it was after a dispute over momeni's sister. he was concerned his sister was using drugs with lee. we will have a full report on air and online at now, to the interview that is making national headlines right now. the father of banko brown is talking to our rieko in. banko brown was shot by michael earl-wayne anthony after a disagreement at a walgreens. now, there are new
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calls for the state attorney general and the department of justice to step in. here is rieko one. >> reporter: banko brown's father says bankers last moments include the il he thime hy wa u kn ll refer uger, china brown, using she as a pronoun. terry said, while he supported the change, banko will always be his little girl. >> reporter: it is the interview he did not want to do. we live in the moment as a security guard fired fatal shots while banko backed out of the store. >> getting the news on that morning of the 20th, that friday morning, it changed my whole world. the examiner called me and told me that they had my daughter, china brown. >> reporter: charlie brown,
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learning, death did not come, before police were able to find him. >> told police the name and gave them was , i ew that ju broke down. and it was just the worst day of my life to hear that. i was screaming, yelling. no, no. this cannot be true. it took like about 20-25 minutes for me to recover. >> reporter: brown waited days as leaders and activists demanded district attorney brook jenkins released a surveillance video. should she release the images of banko brown in what appeared to be a chokehold before it went viral.'s >> reporter: have you seen the video? >> no. i do not want that memory in my head. he did her
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wrong. he was choking her. throwing her around like a ragdoll. they said, the way the video is, it was like an old lynching or something. like, he beat her and then shot her. you know what i am saying? i still do not understand it. rter: if pause, where would you hit stop, where would you stay? >> write out the door. like that. stop. >> reporter: terry brown knows about the criticisms of banko and the problems of theft plaguing the bay area. grab and run crimes are real in the bay area. but he says -- >> he went too far. using force over snacks. something that is not even $10. he is using deadly force? no. no. i do not
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support that. little kids and teenagers go into stores and take stuff and put it in their pockets. does that mean, little kid, you just snatch them up like that and choke them out? no. that is not right. no. no. i do not support that. >> reporter: why did it happen to banko? >> i don't know. it might have been because of the gender. they might have had an education before. i don't know. i wish i did know. but i do not know. i cannot answer that. >> you can see in his eyes how much he is going to. this directive from the security firm kgps, the day that banko brown died an abrupt policy change in directing guards to engage in hands-on recovery and recovering merchandise and actively work to retrieve or recover any stolen items once it was clear that the individual intended to leave the store without paying. we reached out to the district attorney's office for her response but we have not heard
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back. police chief bill scott also had questions about the case. he said, the d.a.'s report to police was missing a recommendation about whether or not to charge the guard. >> to my knowledge, there is no recommendation of charges. does that ever happen? typically, that does not happen very often. you might acknowledge whether there are any recommendations or non-recommendations when the case was presented. >> he told cnn, he is moving forward with filing a lawsuit in the case soon. we are looking at life across the bay this morning. we are seeing fro,san . in san e juoating in thecloudsrighre is fit t meos jea rcrson today's warm-up. >> daytime highs are sorry to average out, at least in our
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inland areas. we have been average along the coast all week long. we can definitely think that marine stratus for that, too. by all means, it will break apart heading into the afternoon depending on where you live. heading into that noon hour, it is a lot more dense. right? but our inland east bay, completely clear. in 2:00, it is improving their oakland. still struggling but it dissipates closer to 5:00. if you live off in the eastern portion of the peninsula, we are going to be just fine. taking a look at daytime highs, we will set below average today. 62 in san francisco. a little bit warmer in our inland areas. estate san jose for example. daytime highs in the mid 70s. daytime highs around average in the santa clara valley. per hour. we are getting new clues as to why a california doctor purposely drove family off highway san mateo county cliff. newly unsealed court documents reveal a deeper look into
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dharmesh patel's mental health. he is accused of intentionally driving his tesla off a cliff. he claim to be looking at a flat tire when that happened, but a police officer who observed it said he saw no signs of patel pulling over. he told rescuers, quote, he was going to drive off the cliff. he purposely drove off. thank goodness everyone in that car survived that 250 foot plunge. housecoat. police are asking for help finding the gun man in a deadly shooting. it points to a love triangle. they found a 30-year-old woman and a 28-year-old man on casio drive. the woman is now dead. and the man is listed in critical condition. they listed 33-year-old vaugn boatner as the suspect.
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>> you were previously in a relationship. it is believed that both shooting victims were in a relationship and lived together at the time of the incident. >> this part is so sad. they also say a five-year-old was in the house with the shooting took place but unfortunately it was not harmed. a change is coming to one of the most congested corridors in the state area. they are turning highway 37 into a tollroad. it is expected to cost 8 dollars. the funds generated will be used to widen the highway, address congestion, and eventually allocate the road above sea level to avoid flooding risks. this affects commuters who work in the more affluent sonoma and marin counties. it is important to note that the poll will not go into effect until at least 2027. walgreens agrees to pay
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more than $200 million to san francisco. we will explain why coming up in our moneywatch report. the back and forth over the debt ceiling continues as the clock ticks towards a looming i'm karen. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. i really like the flexibility.
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welcome back. negotiations continue today on a plan that would raise the debt ceiling but still be able to pass both chambers of congress. but a sticking point in the talks could be emerging. we are live from washington, d.c. with the latest on this. nicole, are they making any progress on this yet? >> reporter: well, amanda, that is the big question. >> or mccarthy does say he hopes they will make a deal this week. both sides met last night. he says, they will continue to meet until they make an agreement. president biden tried to reassure americans and the world saying, he is confident that america will not default. house speaker kevin mccarthy says negotiations over the debt ceiling are progressing. >> we are getting a ton. we will work until it gets done. >> reporter: but house republicans are insisting on
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more restrictions on food stamps. >> it is one of the things he out, no deal. >> reporter: but many democrats say the republican deal is going too far. >> they have blown up the deficit time and time and time again. now, what they want to do is cut programs for ordinary people to fund tax cuts for the rich. >> reporter: president biden said he may be open to some changes. >> it is possible there could be a few. but not anything of any consequence. >> reporter: senate republicans are drafting a letter asking him to cut off the letter. >> we write to urgently request that you prepare to exercise your authority under the 14th amendment of the constitution, which clearly states the validity of the public debt of the united states shall not be questioned.
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>> mandates that the united states pays their bills. there is nothing in there about a debt ceiling. there is nothing in there about anything else. it just says pay your bills. >> reporter: by and is considering the 14th amendment, but says it would not help the current debt crisis. >> and president biden also acknowledged that invoking the 14th amendment could create a big legal fight and harm the economy. amanda? >> thank you so much. now, more on our moneywatch report. we start with where the markets are right now. we have been up and down for the dow jones industrial average. we are down currently 171 points. walgreens has reached a $230 million settlement with san francisco. this comes months after a federal judge found the company liable for contributing to the opioid crisis. walgreens says, disputes the company's
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role in the case and disputes the results. we are sitting below average today in the upper 50s with partly cloudy skies. that marine layer is still going to stick around for us. i will show you what that looks like in just a second. in the opposite direction, we are a degrees above average. in hartford and even antioch. a nice day off in our inland areas. even down to the santa clara valley, morgan hill, 75 in santa clara. this is dog walking weather, books. this is beautiful, beautiful conditions to get out there. maybe you just want to take a nice stroll around your neighborhood park. we pull back along the coast now. not so beautiful along our coastline where it is going to be a lot cooler in that marine layer kind of sticks around, but you can still take the pups out for a nice stroll. just keep in mind that you yourself will want to keep a jacket handy. earlier this morning, it
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started pulling back along the coast like clockwork. this is now into the inland aroving istrying clthmarin area. now, it is closer to hanging into san francisco, at least on the western side. in the next couple days, we will see temperatures sticking around average, actually. we are heading out into memorial day weekend. we will be right around average when it comes to our temperatures. beautiful conditions to have people come visit you. right? let's take it back to today real fast. gustier conditions with winds sweeping close to 30 miles an hour. this is all the way into the 4:00 hour. lighter conditions often the santa clara valley. here's what we are looking at for the next seven days. we do not have any rain in the forecast. 60s for our friends in san francisco with upper 60s off in oakland this afternoon. we will warm-up
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to the 70s for our friends often oakland. coming up, saving lives through golf. how the pga is giving back to those who served our country. and before break, e wess s cabe overwhelming, not to mention costly. removing obstacles to a healthy lifestyle is why i enjoyed goli gummies. i'm all about promoting good habits, but not at the cost of my taste buds. goli acv gummies changed the game for me. i can now enjoy those centuries of traditional remedies that come with apple cider vinegar. it also supports gut health, digestion and the traditional ancient remedy for appetite where my food actually becomes energy. many times i take my acv gummy is midday. this helps give me that digestive pick me up, but also curb those 3 p.m. snack attacks. they have b vitamins to support a cellular energy
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so i can get a boost without resorting to caffeine. this bundle also includes the sleep gummies which have melatonin. this helps me fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and actually feel rested when i wake up. you also get the probiotic trio, which is your pre your post and your probiotics. i like to keep my immune system from crashing with this trio of blends. i have peace of mind knowing i'm doing the best to support my lifestyle with just three delicious gummies a day. right now we're offering 52% off on the acv, the sleep, and probiotic trio from goli. head to for this exclusive offer.
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this van just hit me out of nowhere. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to get an attorney because i could not work. i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team for every need, every area. they took care of me like a queen. i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me. if you've been in a serious accident, we are here for you. call jacoby & meyers, justice for you since 1972.
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thank you so much for sticking around with us. a group of bay area veterans got to show off theigolf skills on the national stage things to the pj hosts. they hope to do so much more than introduce the game to our brave heroes. atlas so much more than hitting fairways and greens. >> so we are representing northern california, and we are going against the other sections to see who can have the most fun, actually. >> reporter: earlier this week, the northern california division of pj hope competed in the eighth annual secretaries cup. >> it is a competition and somebody wins, but you know everybody wins. >> reporter: there was a lot more than bragging rights at stake. veterans from across the country gathered together to
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share their strategies in supporting their communities back home. >> we're going to get together with people from around the country and see how their programs were, see how our programs work, interact, share stories, and we're going to come back better off then we lifen he was introducedto the program th w, a pjpebassado has d neappriation for lihe is meeting other veterans who faced the same challenges that he faced. >> i had no idea i would make friends. try going 20 years without a friend. it is tough. i am trying to give the opportunity for any other vet was in the dark place that i was the opportunity to find themselves again. now, to the baseball diamond. they are proving to
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the big dogs they will not go out quietly. san francisco put up some great rallies against philadelphia. they killed it, not allowing any runs past the fourth inning. they swept the series 7-4. coming up, she was sexually assaulted in broad daylight and jump into action. coming up on our 9:30 stream, how this woman's quick thinking and a cell phone put a serial offender behind bars. and maybe some of us hold onto library books a little bit too long. someone just returned a library book that is 96 years
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(peaceful music) - time to get up, sweetie! (kissing) - [child voiceover] most people might not think much about all the little things you do every day, but for me, just being able to do those little things is the best part of my day. - ready, mom! - [child voiceover] it hasn't been easy, but sometimes the hardest things in life have the best rewards. (inspirational music) and it's all because of my amazing friends at the shriners hospitals for children and people like you who support them every month. when you call the number on your screen and just give $19 a month,
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you'll be helping other kids like me do the amazing things that make up the best part of our day. - because shriners hospital is more than just a hospital. it's... - where my back gets better! - where my legs get stronger. - where i get to be a kid. - where it's the best part of my day! - with your gift of just $19 a month, only 63 cents a day, we'll send you this adorable love to the rescue blanket as a thank you. - [child voiceover] please go online to right now on your phone or computer to send your love to the rescue today. - will you send your love to the rescue today? - thank you. - thank you. - thank you for giving. - because at shriners hospitals for children, going to the hospital is like going to see family! it really is the best part of my day. please call or go online right now to give. if operators are busy, please wait patiently, or go to right away.
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your gift will help kids just like me have the best part of our day. i love this story. so every now and then, you hear about a library book being turned in years after its due date. however, this story is a little bit more extreme. it was checked out so long ago that calvin coolidge was the president at the time. now, in 2023, it has reappeared, sparking its own kind of mystery. the book's title as you see here, "history in the
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united states," by benison lawsly. it was published in 1892. i was one of the first books available back when the library was a subscription service. a mystery man, whoever that is, return it last week. now, the library hopes to add its own chapter to the long story of this long-missing book. >> the gentleman just said something about his father, but he did not catch anything else. he did not give his name. it was not somebody that she recognized. other staff have no idea who this gentleman is. so we would love to find out more about
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because susan sarandon is coming on. and we're going to talk about her new country show. tit's so delicious. i'm obsessed. [music playing] [cheers and applause] oh, my god. nice you meet you. hi. [screams] susan: hello. hello and welcome, everyone. i cannot wait to see those clothes on these doggy models. rossy ross mathews-- ross: oh. --we have a legend at the desk. i'm losing my mind, everybody. drew: losing my mind. fun fact, she cleaned apartments to fund her way through college. susan: oh. it's susan sarandon. ross: oh, yeah! [cheers and applause] thank you. thank you. ross: [laughs] aww.


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