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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  May 18, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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they had antere. we . i wis >> a grieving father is telling his story . we sit down with the father of banko brown. he stresses thoughts about the shooting that took his son's life and set off protests in san francisco. a bizarre baseball battle has fans completely in an uproar. by the sisters of perpetual indulgence were uninvited to a pride night event in los angeles. if you are getting ready to get on the roadways this morning, it is busy along the altamont pass . we have a few brake lights to contend with if you're taking the ride along 880. i will have your top traffic trouble spots coming up in a few minutes.
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we start this morning at 5:00 and with the interview that is making national headlines this morning. the father of banko brown sitting next to civil rights attorney, john burris, talking to us. banko brown was shot and killed during a struggle with security guard michael anthony at a walgreens. the district attorney will not file charges against the guard and now there are new calls for the state attorney general and the department of justice to step in. >> reporter: banko brown's father said his last moments . by the time police called . before we continue with the story we need to let you know that terry brown is going to refer in the story to banko as his daughter china brown using she is a pronoun. mr. brown says while he supported banko's gender transition and name change, banko will always be his little girl. listen. >> reporter: it is the interview that terry brown did not want to do. reliving moments that came the day a
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walgreens security guard fired a fatal shot as banko brown backed out of the store. >> getting that news th rning, , iday morning that changed my whole world. the examiner called me and told me that they had my daughter , china brown. >> reporter: brown was dead. terry brown learning that death did not come before banko was able to tell police were to find him. >> she said her name and told the police her name and gave them my phone number. i am like, i knew it was her. and i just broke down. it was the worst day of my life to you that. i was screaming and yelling . no. this cannot be true. it took about 20 to 25
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minutes for me to recover. >> reporter: brown at hdays as d eieo. nkins relented and released the images of banko brown and what appears to be a chokehold before the fatal shot went viral. have you seen the surveillance video? >> no. >> why? >> i don't want that memory in my head. he did her wrong. he was choking her , choking her and throwing her around like a rag doll. they say the way the video is, it is like an old lynching or something. like he beat her and then shot her. you know what i'm saying? it is still like , i don't understand it. >> reporter: if you had the power, where would you hit pause or stop and what would you say? >> right at the store. right at the door. right when , like the right that , stop. >> reporter: terry brown knows about the criticism of banko and theft plaguing the bay
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area, grab and run crime is real where we live. >> but that went too far. using force over snacks? something that is not even $10. using deadly force . no. i don't support that. little kid teenagers go in stores and take stuff. put it in the pocket. no. that does not mean you can go in the store and see a little kid and snatch him up and choked him . that is not right. that is not right. grown or little , no. i don't support that. >> reporter: why did it happen to banko? >> i don't know. it might have been because of the gender. it might have been because they had an altercation before. we don't know. i wish i did know . but i don't know. i cannot answer that. >> we have learned that the district attorney's own report reveals this directive from the security firm , it says on april 27th the day banko brown died an abrupt policy change directed guards to quote,
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engage in hands-on recovery of merchandise and quote, actively worked to retrieve or recover any stolen items once it was clear that the individual intended to leave the store without paying. on his team reached out to the district attorney's office after terry brown's interview for her response, but we have not heard back. the police chief bill scott faced questions about the case and during a police commission meeting yesterday he said the da's report to police was missing a recommendation about whether or not to charge the guard. >> in this particular one, to my knowledge there was no recommendation of charges. does that ever happened? typically it does not happen very often. to my knowledge there was not any recommendations or non-recommendations to charge. >> civil rights attorney john burris told cnn he is moving forward with filing a lawsuit in the case soon. let's get a check of the roadways as you get ready to head out the door on this thursday morning. good morning and thank you for joining us.
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880, there is a closure at 66th avenue. the offramp is shut down due to an oil spill and it happened late last night it ha hours. they have a traffic alert in effect. only affecting the exit ramp from south 880 getting on to 66th avenue. you can use the main lines of the nimitz freeway. here is a live look at traffic conditions . near the coliseum. this is close to where the exit ramp is and traffic on the freeway is moving well in both directions . the offramp is closed until further notice. if you are headed to the altamont pass, super commuters, it is getting busy. let's look at other top stories. we get new clues as to why police say california dad purposely drove his family office san mateo county cliff. just unsealed court documents
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obtained by the sf chronicle reveal a deeper look into h mental health. is accused of intentionally driving his tesla off double slide cliff earlier this year in an attempt to kill his family. the southern california man claimed to be checking on a flat tire when this happened. a chp officer who saw the crash site found no signs of him pulling over. and his wife reportedly told rescuers quote, he said he was going to drive off the cliff and he purposely drove off. everyone in the car survived the 250 foot plunge. a man charged with killing cashapp founder bob lee is expected to be arraigned this morning. his attorney says her client will plead not guilty. prosecutors say he stabbed lead to death on april 4th. after a dispute over his sister. court documents indicate he was concerned his sister was using drugs with
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lee. walgreens will pay san francisco nearly $230 million to settle a case over the pharmacy change distribution of opioids. san francisco david attorney says the settlement is the largest amount any city has received walgreens disputed liability and did not admit fault in a statement. the los angeles dodgers will celebrate pride night without a famous lgbtq activist group. why the sisters were not invited. retired bay area doctors are stepping up in a big way
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- you ok? - there's a flex alert today so i'm mentally preparing for the power outage. oh, well we can help stop one because we're gonna reduce our energy use from 4-9pm. - what now? - i stepped on a plug. oh that's my bad... unplugging. when it comes to preventing outages, the power is ours.
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as we continue to celebrate aapi month we are highlighting a group of retired doctors filling a critical need in our community. they are giving back to their communities, by just speaking their language. >> reporter: in the u.s. there is a growing shortage of doctors. especially in underserved communities. >> good afternoon. good to see you. >> reporter: and to help with the problem, a retired allergist of 30 years, is coming back to work. she said she was asked by the on court physicians program, which seeks
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retired doctors to work part-time in community clinics for a year. >> it is my calling. if i can help somebody even one patient a day, that would be helpful. >> reporter: so twice a week , at this neighborhood health center in oakland is where you can find her. >> in the community. >> reporter: according to the american medical association the u.s. expects to see a shortage of over 120,000 positions by 2034. and one solution is to support physician lead based care. >> the reason to come back is because, physicians can work part-time and make a small salary but continue to do the work that they spent their life training and working to do. in a much less stressful environment. >> reporter: patients like this 10-year-old and his family say the doctor is also fulfilling another need. representation. >> i am very happy that she
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came here to help us. >> the first vietnamese provider specialist she has seen and she does not need an interpreter. there is no communication gap . she was so happy and that really made me happy. >> reporter: she said she hopes who work in the clinic inspires other doctors to put their white coats on again. in the bay area beat after all that rain, californians are looking toward fire season. pg&e is trying to stay one step ahead of the game. they are holding a virtual town hall tonight. during the webinar pg&e customers can learn about their wildlife safety efforts and progress in their , excuse me, progress in the community and hear about resources available and connect with
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their local pg& e leaders. the town hall starts at 5:30 p.m. hayward polirer yolp wantin ineag that may have be relt of a love triangle. it happened last week. police found two victims, a 30-year-old woman who died at the hospital and a 28-year-old man , still listed in critical condition. after talking to witnesses, police identified a 33-year-old of san mateo as the suspect and they say, it was not a random attack. >> they were previously in a relationship . it is believed both shooting victims were in a dating relationship and live together at the time of this incident. >> police say a five-year-old was also found inside the home or that shooting took place. but was not harmed. san francisco festival announced the 2023 lineup. the festival is held on. 80 starting september 30th and ending on october 1st. some
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notable artists including presale tickets go on sale monday at 10:00 a.m. in southern california a bizarre showdown . the san francisco-based group, mixes humor with religious imagery to address important issues in the lgbtq community. the dodgers were said to honor the group's west hollywood chapter at pride night, then disinvited them after backlash from catholic groups. >> trying to say everybody is welcome to america's pastime and pick a group that specifically targets, box, denigrates and ridicules catholics is not a message of inclusivity. you are not see the dodgers giving an award to the problem is for instance . >> the catholic league said they have had issues with the nonprofit at past events but the sisters say their community
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service work speaks volumes about who they really are. >> it is shocking that the dodgers have crumbled so fast when we are most known for our fundraising. we take lifelong vows to protect and be there for our community. >> the dodgers released a statement saying they chose to remove the sisters from the event because of some people that have been offended and they don't want to distract from the event. the san francisco giants featured sisters of perpetual indulgence and one of their commercials in 2015. in the video some members walk around in full drag and in giants gear. let's get a check on the weather with first alert meteorologist, jessica burch. i love these shots. it gives a good example of what we could be seeing but what we are actually seen. >> we are above the clouds and below the clouds. if we look out the window, it is still dark but to add to that the blanket of marine layer , it is still holding on strong. the son is starting to rise above it and as we take a look
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closer to home and zoom in and it is the time clock, just like yesterday we start seeing the marine layer pull back along the coast heading into the afternoon. this is close to noon, spitting the peninsula and have like yesterday. visibility will improve closer to 2:00 when we see clear conditions for the rest of the day. for the most part we are clear, even over into concord. this is a live look from the mount diablo cameras showing the clear city lights over an hour east bay. heading into the next couple hours it will be a pretty breezy set up, closer to san francisco all the way into the 11:00 our the onshore flow is shifting from the north to the south along the coastline. inland areas the winds are shifting in a different direction. all the
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way into the afternoon, 30 mile-per-hour winds expected near san francisco around 3:00. we advance into the evening hours tonight and it continues to say the same trend. gusty conditions sweeping in from the north. two days ago, on tuesday, even monday actually, we were well above average with temperatures in the inland areas. brentwood hit the 90s and talking about ay diffent. re coodown alittle more. ue er, belo. but warmer conditions still off in our inland east bay. as we look at the numbers we are 8 degrees above average near antioch but compare that to the coast , 8 degrees in the negative direction when it comes to their average during this time of year. this is what it looks like. 70s throughout the southern areas closer to the santa clara valley. 70s in the tri-valley area. north into concord. low 80s near antioch and we will cool down more on the coast, 62 today for san francisco. 65 for sausalito. it's a mild set up this afternoon. people are starting to plan for memorial day weekend and looking at the next eight people are starting to plan for memorial day weekend
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and looking at the next 8 to 14 days, temperature should be around average looking at the next seven days it seems pretty promising. dry conditions heading into the next week. temperatures remain in around average for san francisco. low 60s with warmer conditions to kick off next work week. it will feel nice , even for inland east bay and the north bay with low 80s. gianna, either any trouble spots on the roads? we have a trouble spot along 880 the nimitz freeway near 66. we have mobile 5 out and about. if you are taking 880 , here is a live look at conditions. this is north of the coliseum. maybe toward the bay bridge. it is moving nicely. we see more the roadway but no major delays or issues. i want to show you with a trouble spot is. it is not affecting the main lines of the freeway but if you typically exit south 880 882
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66 avenue it is shut down due to an oil spill. motor oil was spilled. about 500 gallons. it will take some time. it happened about 10:00 last night. if you're trying to exit the freeway, take another option. plan for a few brake lights getting off of 880 at 66. it is 5:20 on your thursday morning. a group of bay area nonprofit sounding the alarm about a growing number of kidnappings targeting black girls. what parents need to know this morning. there is late and there is late
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you hear a story about a library book being turned in years after it is due. this one is a little more extreme. we have the story from up in napa county of a book almost a century overdue. >> i am afraid to touch it but i can show it to you. let's see. it is falling apart. it does not have a spine anymore. >> reporter: this library book is in bad shape. can you blame it? it is seen a lot of things over the last 141 years. >> one of my steph members came up and said somebody returned that book . they thought it
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was really cool. it was a really old book and we did not realize quite how old it was. it is falling apart. >> reporter: falling apart and past-due by 96 years. >> all of us are just wondering where the book could have been for so long. checked out in 1927. and none of us have seen a library book that was checked out in 1892 or anything else. and to have it be from this library from that far back, is really incredible. >> reporter: in fact the book is older than the library, as we know it today. published in 1892, it was one of the first books available back when the library was a subscription service. think of it like the netflix of its day. $.25 a month to check out books. had someone wanted to browse its pages, they would have done that here. this was the reading room in 1886. and this is
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what the library looked like in 1927, after it became public. >> almost 100 years since , we assume it was in the building. we would love to know where it has been. >> reporter: the books title , you ask. a history of the united states. a mystery man returned last week , with little explanation. >> the gentleman just said the something about his father . but did not catch anything else. he did not give his name. it was not somebody she recognized. other steph have no idea who this gentleman is. we would love to find out more about the story. >> reporter: the library hopes to add its own chapter to the story of this long missing book . but if the man who returned it is watching , by chance, there is some good news on this past-due bill. estimated at more than $1700 .
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>> it would have been a lot but , i don't think we would have charge that much. at any point. >> what an interesting story. the book was checked out of a st. helena library so long ago that calvin coolidge was president at the time. and its reappearance in 2023 is its own kind of mystery. the library does not charge late fees anymore but they want to find out who the man was who turned the book in. if you know who that is, give the st. helena public library a call. that is interesting. it is 5:26. is a popular destination on the coast about to be swallowed up? the plan to protect stinson beach.
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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. >> welcome back . community members are pushing for district attorney brooke jenkins to charge the security guard who shot and killed banko brown. this is video of the rally that took place outside of jenkins his office yesterday. signs read , justice for banko brown. they want the state attorney general and the department of justice to step in. >> no amount of shoplifting should have made banko lost
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his life. there is no amount of anything in that walgreens that was worth banko's life. >> a city supervisor was there and he has introduced legislation that would ensure security guards in san francisco can only draw weapons in the presence of a specific threat to a person. jenkins defended her decision not to charge the security guard. she said they concluded they did not have the sufficient evidence to prove this case to 12 jurors beyond a reasonable doubt. that came after releasing a report that included the surveillance video and a transcript of the police interview with anthony. the police chief faced questions during a police commission meeting. >> to my knowledge there was no recommendation of charges. does that ever happen ? typically it does not happen very often, to my knowledge there was not any recommendations or non-recommendations to charge as the case was presented. >> we have an interview coming up with banko brown's father
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and we will have more on the policy change from the security firm . let's get a check on weather and traffic. how will things be looking today. i want to take my dog out for a walk. >> it depends on where you live. we are a degrees above average this afternoon in the inland east bay but the opposite, 8 degrees below average on the coastline. we are doing something different and we can thank the marine stratus layer for that. the fog we always talk about, this is what were looking out. just in the inland east bay. concord is clear and we can see the cockiness straight in the distance in the marine layer is behind. temperatures throughout the bay area, waking up to 50s near livermore. 54 in oakland. grab the jacket if you live near santa rosa. we are heading out of the spring months and summer is a month away. it is nice and cool, especially in the early morning hours. this is the marine
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layer. like yesterday we will see repeat of it pulling back from the inland areas to the bay waters. this is around 11:00 a.m. my trouble spot is the peninsula. just like expected. are inland areas will see clear conditions and oakland are struggling with visibility but around 2:00 it starts to dissipate. we are still struggling near sunset and down to pacifica, the coastal fog will sit there for the rest of the day and it dissipates around 5:00 in the northern portion. from presidio north we will see great conditions and by tomorrow morning it will start slowly filling its way back in. daytime highs will be cooler near san francisco. below average sitting at 62 this afternoon and the winds will kick up and i will highlight that coming up in your first alert forecast but it will be breezy along the coastline especially for those in san francisco. the winds
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will be lighter to the south. daytime highs in the 70s with mild conditions as we extend into the inland east bay. temperatures are coming down from earlier this week. yesterday and the day before we talk about 90s near brentwood in antioch now we see things closer to the mid-80s. gianna. let's look at the golden gate bridge and get a check on it because we have been seeing foggy spots this morning. usually the golden gate bridge, we have seen foggy and limited visibility. but it looks okay for the most part. foggy conditions along highway 1, daly city, be prepared for that as you hit the roadways this morning. let's talk about this trouble spot. the exit ramp is completely shut down, due to an oil spill. a pretty large spill. they have a lot of stuff to clean up. he cannot exit 66 off 880. just looking at the
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area as far as traffic on the main lines of 880, it is moving well in both directions. just getting word, it just cleared. northbound 280 not far from the daly city area we had a trouble spot blocking lands. everything is moving along. 280 all clear . highway 1 is foggy. busy for anyone commuting in and out of the altamont pass this morning. a big change for one of the most congested corridors in the bay area. the status authorized making highway 37 a toll road. it is expected to cost eight dollars round-trip to drive the 21 mile round between vallejo and marin. the money will fund highway widening for congestion and eventually raise the flood prone road above sea level. opponent say it's finishing solano county commuters who live in a more affluent area.
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>> they cannot afford housing and marin. your taxing people to go to work in essence . >> the total will not go into effect until 2027 at the earlie oakland nonprofits of banding together to call attention to a problem which i say is often ignored. the focus is on a growing number of black girls that are being targeted by kidnappers. >> it is scary. >> reporter: the 16-year-old oakland student says she wants to the bus every day in fear of being abducted. >> i get scared. maybe one day it will happen to me. >> she says when a black girl goes missing, it is not always talk about. >> plenty of times it is never hit the news. never hit social media. i heard it from one of my friends actually that my family member went missing. >> reporter: she is not alone with her concerns. nonprofits like love never fails are sounding the alarm.
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>> about 27 or so nonprofits gathered last week to come up with a game plan to address actual kidnappings and attempted kidnappings that have been happening to black girl commity. >> reporter: she says this is not a new problem, but an increasing one. >> two black girls in broad daylight on the bus , walking around their neighborhoods , walking near stores. >> reporter: we reached out to oakland police regarding the public's concern on the missing black girls . and they told us in a statement that the city has not issued a state of emergency regarding kidnappings. although, the community has, adding that unfortunately, many kidnappings and attempted kidnappings go unreported. but community leaders are looking to do more. pred, of any alert system.
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which is a bill introduced by senator stephen bradford. that would operate ersystem. that wo used for missing black women or children. 12 through 25 . >> i feel somewhat relieved that something like this is going out , especially for us, for mainly us. i feel very relieved and a huge weight coming off of my shoulders. >> a councilmember plans to introduce a resolution calling for support of the states of any alert bill. illegally modified firearms and rifles and what appears to be a machine gun were seized from a single property in santa rosa. police say they had been investigating the 36-year-old homeowner for a while and when they arrested him this week , they think he was manufacturing guns at the home on primrose avenue. in berkeley, a sexual assault victim stood up to her attacker with a cell phone and
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ended up putting a serial offender behind bars. she shared her story with us. >> reporter: she was fueled by anger after a man attacked her on the streets of berkeley . she was just walking to her friends house in broad daylight, and after the assault she personally made sure that her attacker would pay for his crime. >> when that man grabbed me, i was furious. and i was not going to take it . and i did not want him to get away with it. >> reporter: the suspect made a huge mistake when he decided to make her his next victim. >> i have a story to tell. name him. get him caught. don't protect him and don't feel ashamed. he should feel ashamed . actions have consequences. >> reporter: she fought back with a vengeance when she was attacked in may of last year . first she yelled at him and then kicked him in the shin. it is what she did next that eventually put him behind bars
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. >> i knelt down and i grabbed my phone out of my backpack and i chased him around the corner and i took his picture from the side and then i was chasing him and i have my phone in my hand. >> reporter: as she chased him she called 911. the suspect had already left the scene by the time officers arrived. while berkeley police investigated the case. she took another step , to find her attacker. >> i can post this picture online. i get to do that. this person has given up any rights to privacy and there is no reason for me to feel bad. and i will put this out because somebody knows who he is. >> reporter: it was on next door were a neighbor recognized the man that led to the arrest of 45-year-old tommy giles jr. through forensic evidence he was connected to four other assaults, the victims ranging from 9 to 63 years old. >> i went to turn the tables. it should not be on us. it should be on them. if that is a problem and are having, i guess they need some extra support to stop. if someone
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does that to me in the street, i want to get him. so he does not do it to anybody else. >> reporter: tommy giles jr. is a former security guard and notary public. he was sentenced to 28 years in prison this week after he pleaded no contest to the charges. when you look in the bay area, especially by the coast, sea level rise is actually a reality that we have to face. the threat is especially real for stinson beach. in the report found that just two feet of sea level rise could actually cause more storm flooding on highway 1 by 2050. as many as 600 homes could be underwater by the end of the century. we explain with the county is doing right now to protect that coastal town. >> reporter: even though experts say the major effects of sea level rise are still a few decades away for stinson beach, the community and county of beginning the process of planning for what that future will look like in the steps they wanted to take proactively
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to adapt to it. it takes them about 60 seconds to gfr hometh>> is a perfect day. >> reporter: they have lived in the stinson beach community for the majority of her life. >> there is a strong sense of closeness in our community where we care for each other. >> reporter: she would like to as she says, age in place here. but in order for that to happen she says the community must start figuring out how to adapt to an inevitable future. >> i have seen this land and water interact in one way , my entire life. but it is interesting to see how it can be stretched to adapt to sealevel rise. >> reporter: future sea level rise is expected to ship the water's edge further inland which poses threats to coastal communities around the world like stinson beach. >> some of the concerns are how long our community can be here. how long my home can be here. >> reporter: the new report published by the marin county community development agency,
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explains if no action is taken, the higher water levels would increase erosion in the upland migration of marsh habitats and furthermore coastal flooding and the resulting damage would be worse during storms. sarah jones is the director of this. >> stinson beach is sort of tucked into a little note, particularly and uniquely vulnerable because you have the ocean on one side and you have the lagoon on the other side. and beyond that you have the creek. >> reporter: she said they put together the report which included this animation to show how different scenarios of sea level rise could impact the community and surrounding natural habitats, if no action is taken. >> what we are planning for is several decades from now, really. 2040, 2050. but we will keep seeing the fact creeping up , literally and figuratively, overtime. this
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is not a hypothetical. this is something that is really before us and collectively we have some choices to make about how we want to address it . >> reporter: the cda is working with the community to develop a roadmap for how it can plan for sealevel rise . >> we are thinking about the solutions that will be the ones that we need for several decades in the future. >> reporter: she said there is not a one-size-fits-all strategy and the solutions will evolve over the years. >> rather than kind of putting up and trying to do what is called armoring, we want to look at ways to evolve and adapt the natural environment to better deal with sealevel rise. >> reporter: she is buckled in for the long haul. >> we will adapt and readopt. >> reporter: she is ready to live with the threat of sea level rise as long as it does not go neglected. >> it seems appropriate today, it may not be appropriate in 20 years. we main need new techniques and engineering and i will leave that to the experts. montana becomes the first
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state in the nation to ban tiktok. what that means for anyone who has downloaded the social media app
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your heart is the beat of life. if you to entresto.your heart entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor if entresto is right for you.
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watch report. montana has become the first state to enact a coe legislation will ta effect in january 2024. this would only impact the distribution of the app . it is not have penalties for tiktok users tiktok spokesperson says it infringes on first amendment rights. the u.s. inhibits tiktok on federal devices. some popular sports clothing brands have tested positive for the toxic chemical bpa. epa's used to make certain types of plastic and has been linked to dangerous health conditions like diabetes, asthma and cancer. the center for environmental health says it sent legal notices to eight brands including champion, adidas, and nike. the maximum allowable dose of epa through skin exposure is three micrograms per day of the test showed the contaminated apparel could expose people up
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to 40 times that. that is a check of your money watch headlines lake tahoe is gearing up for the memorial day kickoff. depending on where you go you may be disappointed. according to the u.s. forest services, most campsites and trailheads on the west shore are closed because they are under from 3 to 8 feet of snow. >> just because we are seeing warmer temperatures in the valleys , it is still winter like conditions up here in the mountains. >> the forest service says the east shore maybe a better bet for camping. they are evaluating trails on the west shore. make sure , making sure they are safe to open. let's get a check on the weather. last time i went to tahoe we were at the end of the season and the water was so cold. i cannot imagine what it feels like now. >> it was interesting as we have been talking about the sierra area because of the snowpack. i cannot imagine what summer will look like when it comes to -- it is right around the corner. warmer conditions are on the way. it will be busy.
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let's take it back to the bay. i want to start with a live look at what we have been dealing with allweek l the ne stratayer that hangs over us in the bay area. there is the golden gate bridge behind me but you cannot see it. the winds are starting to kick up. i will show you that in a second. current temperatures, south into the golden gate bridge and pass that into san francisco, 51 degrees. grabbed the jacket. santa rosa, 51 with low visibility. clear conditions on the inland east bay. that will be the case this afternoon. plenty of sunshine in the east bay. the coast is struggling when it comes to visibility. current winds are around 5 miles per hour along the golden gate bridge . you can see the flag waving in the wind and it will start picking up more heading into the next couple hours. 75 this afternoon for santa clara. a little warmer the more south toward morgan hill. from pittsburg down into
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danville we see a big temperatures spread within a matter of 10 to 15 miles away from each other. concord is getting closer to average this afternoon. cooler conditions along the coast, below average near daly city and sit day san francisco. overture anomaly map agrees with that. we are dealing with daytime highs above average and closer to the sacramento valley, cooler along the coastline. we can make a couple things for that. the marine stratus layer has been staying strong. heading into this afternoon this has been the case all week. we will see it hang along the western portion of our coastline , western portion of the peninsula along the coastline into the 2:00 hour. it dissipates closer to 5:00 and we are left with great visibility near oakland and it will feel and overnight to set up for tomorrow. we have memorial day weekend around the corner and the temperature outlook from the climate prediction center is showing around average conditions. it will be beautiful heading into
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next week. i will show you that on the seven-day forecast. the wind is this afternoon, it will be a gusty set up with our afternoon closer to 4:00 getting close to 30 miles per hour near san francisco. with that in mind the room marine layer sticks around we will see clear conditions in the east bay. partly cloudy skies near san francisco with daytime highs in the low 60s. upper 60s by early next week. it's a busy drive this morning. we have two traffic alerts. one on 880 and one reported in the south bay. i will start with a live look . to give you a perspective, this is part of 880, the nimitz freeway through the oakland area. past the trouble spot near 66. traffic is moving along okay. we will keep an eye on that. as we jump to maps there are two separate things. if you are headed through the south bay northbound 101 at
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allen rock road, we have a traffic alert. a serious injury crash in the traffic center, the left lane is down as well as the center divide. a lot of brake lights building . not enough to cause a huge delay. s 7:00 hour. travel times are doing okay. i would use 280 in case things get busy. 66 avenue both directions as you exit 880, southbound is shut down for an oil spill. it is 5:52. bands in london got a surprise of a lifetime. find out who joined the final stage . right after our show you can stick around for "cbs mornings". inner voice: (kombucha brewer): when i started my new kombucha business... ... i thought there would be a lot more kombucha... ...and a lot less business. inner voice (graphic designer): as a new small business owner... ...i've learned that trying to be the “cool” boss... a lot harder when you're actually the “stressed” boss.
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inner voice (furniture maker): i know everything about my new furniture business. well, everything except... ...the whole “business” part. not anymore. with quickbooks, you can confidently manage your business. new business? no problem. yeah. success starts with intuit quickbooks.
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5:55 am
welcome back. heading into this afternoon we are sitting below average for friends near san francisco along our coastline. we can thank the marine layer but it is just our microclimates playing this typical spring set up. 62 in san francisco. san jose will be warmer. 75 this afternoon. around lunchtime we will hit the mid-60s. it will warm up nicely. for the friends along
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the coast, below average today, about 8 degrees below average new pacifica. a big contrast from 8 degrees above average near antioch. a big difference. you know that moment when the band starts playing your song , like literally your song. check this out. this british cover band was a basket case when the bay area's own , jumped on stage to sing his green day hit. he happened to be hanging out in the crowd. how wild is that? and he could not resist that opportunity to hop on stage. what a fun moment. >> can you imagine? >> that was a huge hit. >> this is my song. but saying . >> i don't know what that would feel like. >> i want to know how that feels like.
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dogs can be determined. this dog climb 3000 feet. once i got to the top, he said i will not go down. his owners had to call in a mountain rescue team. 13 people had to carry the dog in a sleeping bag and a stretcher. the dog hurt his pop. that he will be okay and they made it down the mountain. four hours, 18 minutes. >> you have chopper. >> he is lazy. >> that is why bring my backpack. >> leo has tiny legs.
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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. i don't know. it could be the gender. it might be because they had an altercation before. we don't know. i wish i did know. >> a grieving father is telling his story. right now on kpix news we sit down with the father of banko brown and he shares his thoughts about the shooting that took his son's life and set off protests in san francisco. a bizarre baseball battle has fans and a complete uproar while the sisters of perpetual indulgence were disinvited to
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a pride night event in los angeles. we are tracking the marine layer


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