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tv   The Late News  CBS  May 18, 2023 1:37am-2:12am PDT

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[ indiscernible ] when that man grabbed me i was furious. >> how this woman is quick thinking and a cell phone put a
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man behind bars. plus -- i was screaming and yelling this can't be true. >> banko brown's father on why his sons dying words will haunt them forever. >> from kpix this is the latest with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hello, i am sara donchey. the killing of banko brown led to a rallying cry for protesters. nobody deserves to die for shoplifting, but for banko's family, it was a loss they would feel in two ways. first, they would never see banko again, and second, it fel like it would never see justice either after the decision was made not to charge the guard. this video was released by brooke jenkins. anthony told investigators that he felt his protesters are now at demanding that the state attorney general and the
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department of justice do what jenkins would not do -- charge the security guard. another voice added to the outcry tonight. reed cowan is here wit us tonight on the 11:00 news. reed, you were the first to get this exclusive interview with mr. brown. there is a lot to unpack. i know that first viewers are about to hear that banko brown actually lived long enough to ask police to call hi father. >> one of many human revelation with this man. his last moments according to his father, they really included this moment. he was able to tell police his dad's name and how to find his dad. by the time police called terry brown, banko was dead. terry brown will refer to banko as his daughter, china brown. h said that while he supported banko's gender transition and name change, banko will always
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be his little girl. listen. >> reporter: is the interview that terry brown did not want t do. reliving moments that came the day the walgreens security guard fired a fatal shot as banko brown backed out of the store. >> just getting that news that morning, on the 28th, that friday morning, it changed my whole world. the examiner calle me and told me that they had my daughter, china brown. >> reporter: banko was dead. >> she said her name and gave her phone number. so i knew it was her. and i just broke down. and it was just the worst day o my life to hear that. i was screaming and yelling no, no, this can't be true. it took 25 nutefor tocove
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>> reporter: brown waited days as leaders and activists demanded that jenkins released the surveillance video. jenkins relented and released the image of brown in what appears to be chokehold before the fatal shot >> have you seen the surveillance video? >> no. >> tell me why you choose not t see it. >> because i don't want that memory in my head. he did her wrong. he was choking her, throwing her around like a rag doll. they said the way the video is, it is like a lynching or something. he beat her and then shot her. you know what i' saying? i don't understand it. >> if you had that power, where would you hit pause and where would you hit stop and what would you say? >> right at this door. right at the door. right there like that
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stop. >> terry brown knows that the criticisms about banko and the problems of theft plugging the bay area, grab and go through i'm is serious where we live. but -- >> that goes too far! using force over snacks? something that is not even $10? you are using deadly force? i don't support that! little kids and teenagers go in stores and take stuff. if you see a little kid doing this do you choke him out no! that's not right! that's no right! i don't support that! >> why did it happen to banko? >> i don't know! it might be because of the gender or becaus they had an altercation before. i don't know! i wish i don't know but i don't know! i can't answer that. >> a lot of emotions there, for
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sure. so reed, the report put out gives us some insight into why the security guard may have acted the way he did in that moment. >> reporter: yeah. the report details her decision not to charge the guard, and they are details that are in this directive from the security fir that we acquired. look at this. it says on april 27th, which i the day that banko died, there is a policy change instructing guards to engage in hands-on recovery of merchandise and actively work to retrieve any items or stolen items once it was clear that the individual intended to leave the store without paying. san francisco supervisor dean preston introduced legislation that would ban armed security guards from drawing weapons to protect property. again, it is importan to note in this case that the guard told police that he drew his weapon because he felt personally threatened, then
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brooke jenkins added that the evidence is not there prove otherwise. we also need to mention that right after we finish this interview it was very important this afternoon that we call the d.a.s office t give jenkins a chance to respond, but we are told that jenkins is preparing for anothe major case that is set to begin tomorrow morning. thank you, reed, for bringing us the story. the chief of police received questions about this case. he said the report police was missing a recommendation about whether or not to file charges against the guard. >> in this one to my knowledge there was no recommendation of charges. does that ever happen? to my knowledge there were not any recommendations to charge the case as presented >> civil rights attorney told cbng forward with filing a lawsuit
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very soon. now to our other big story in berkeley, where a sexual assault victim stood up to her attacker using a cell phone and ended up putting a serial offender behind bars. she told her story to our andrea nakano. >> reporter: jeannie was fueled by anger after a man attacked her on the streets of berkeley. she was walking to a friends house in broad daylight. after the assault she made sure that her attacker would pay for his crime. >> when that man grabbed me, i was furious and i was not going to take it and i did not want him to get away with it. >> reporter: the suspect made a huge mistake when he decided to make jeannie his next victim. >> i have a story to tell. name him. get him caught. do not protect them. do not feel ashamed. he should feel ashamed actions have consequences. >> reporter: witkin fought back with a vengeance. first she
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yelled at him and kicked him in the shin. it is what she did next that eventually put him behind bars. >> so i kneeled down and i grabbed my phone out of my him around the corner and i took his picture from the side, then i was chasing him and i have my phone in my hand. >> reporter: as witkin chased him, she called 911. the suspec had left the scene by the time officers arrived. well berkeley police investigated the case, she took another step to find her attacker. >> i can put this picture online! i can do that. this person has given up any right t privacy, and there is no reason for me to feel bad, and i am going to put this out there because somebody knows who he is! >> it was on next-door where th neighbor recognized the man. that led to the arrest of 45-year-old tommy giles jr. he was connected with four other assaults, with the victims
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ranging from nine to 63 years old. >> i want to turn the tables. i should not be on us! it should be on them. if that is a proble that men are having, i guess they need support. if someone does that to me in the street, want to get him. so that he doesn't do it anybody else. >> reporter: tommy giles is a former security guard and notar public. he was sentenced to 28 years in prison this week after he pled no contest to the charges. at the same time, a man accused of stalking and harassing women in san francisc is sentenced to eight years in prison. hobbs was accused of groping and assaulting at least 14 women in the city of san francisco. police said that he would approach them, make unwanted physical advances or touch them, then run off. he wa arrested in october and hobbs will be sentenced early next month. modified firearms, rifles and
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what looks like a machine gun all seized from a single home i santa rosa. police say that hav been investigating the 36-year-old homeowner for a while when they arrested him this week. they also think that he was manufacturing guns at a home on primrose avenue. now to a big change for one of the most congested corridors in the entire bay area. the state just authorized making highway 37 a toll road. it is expected to cost eight dollars round-trip to drive the route between vallejo and marin. the money is to fund highway widening for congestion and eventually raising the flood prone road above sea level. opponents say that it is just punishing solano county commuters who work in more affluent sonoma and marin. >> they have to commute because they cannot afford housing in marin, so you are taxing people
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>> the toll will not go into effect until 2027 at the earliest. every now and then you hear a story about a library book being turned in years after it is due. this one is on the extreme end of that. juliette goodrich has the story of a boo that is almost a century overdue! >> so the book was checked out of a st. helena library so long ago that calvin coolidge was president at the time. its reappearance in 2023 is now its own kind of mystery. >> i am afraid to touch it, but i can show it to you. let's see whoops. it is falling apart. it does not have a spine anymore. >> reporter: this library book is in bad shape, but can you blame them? it has seen a lot over the last 141 years. >> one of my staff members said
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someone had returned to that book. they thought that it was really cool. it was a really ol book and we did not quite realize how old it was. it was falling apart. >> reporter: falling apart and past due to the st. helena library by 96 years. >> all of us are wondering wher the book could have been for so long, from checked out in 1927 and actually none of us had see a library book that was checked out in 1892 or anything else. t have it be from this library from that far back is really incredible. >> reporter: in fact, the book is older than the library as we know it today. published in 189 it was one of the first books available when the library was subscription service. think of it like the netflix of its day. $.25 per month to check out books. had someone wanted to browse the pages, they would have done that here. this was
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the reading room in 1886. and this is what the library looked like in 1927 after it became public. >> almost 100 years that it had been in the building. we just would love to know where it has been. >> reporter: the title? a history of the united states by benson lossing. a mystery man returned it last week with no explanation. >> the gentleman said something about his father but we did not catch anything else. he did not give his name. it wasn't somebody that she recognized. other staff have no idea who this gentleman is. we would lov to find out more about the story! >> reporter: the library hopes to add its own chapter to the story of this long-missing book but if the man who returned it is watching, by chance, there i good news on this past-due bill estimated at more than $1700.
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>> it would have been a lot, bu i don't think that we would hav charged that much at any point! >> so the library does not charge late fees anymore, but they want to find a man who turned the sin. if you do know who owned it, give the st. helena public library a call. >> because the book is so old, watch a lot of those reality shows like pond shops and whatnot. is this actually worth any money aside from historical value and the great story and all that? >> reporter: another show where you are talking about where the look at items and go this is worth $1 million, sara! it is not. it has sentimental value, clearly. but because the book was in bad shape, or older quality, some versions go for around $100. we looked at amazo
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and ebay. but i think this one might be around $50. that is still good, but we want to finish the end of the story. so that is nice. >> juliette 's pawn shop coming to a tv near you! let's talk about the weather. beautiful day outside, nice and toasty. the fog was back in a major way. >> the may gray is in full effect. think about all the chaos we have had in 2023. atmospheric rivers and the dry break in february. it is nice t just have normal weather for a nice stretch! we will see how long we can keep this going. let's take a look at the big picture pattern. the onshore breeze will be with us tomorrow for the entire bay area on thursday , and the big picture pattern will not change very much as we head into the
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weekend. things get adjusted a little bit but the overall effect will be that the onshore breeze continues, the fog will do the back and forth thing, an temperatures will run close to average for the middle of may. here is the fog. the fog level has been dropping lower and lower, swallowing up more and more of the transamerica pyramid. not a whole lot of variation. these numbers are no going to change very much as we head through the rest of tonight. the fog is going to continue to spread across the bay, well into the inland valleys by early tomorrow morning. the weight of the atmosphere on top of us is a o air compressing the marine layer. so it is a very shallow layer of fog. it will not take long for the mid-may sunshine t burn that fog out of the inland valleys. it will take longer around the bay. around the coast, it is going to be tough to shake for the next several days. i hope that you can see a little bit of sunshine breaking through those clouds every once in a while. temperatures tonigh drop down just another degree o two. we have are in the low to
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mid 50s through early tomorrow morning. the onshore breeze wil be with us but it will not be too strong for him and parts of the bay area to start the day. even by mid day the willr on th coast. by this point, temperatures inland will be pretty comfortable. we are goin to be maybe a degree or so belo average around the bay and stil two or three degrees above average inland. everybody will be on either side of what is average for mid-may. a few uppe 60s, mostly mid to low 70s down the peninsula with mid-to-upper 70s, even a couple of low 80s i the santa clara valley. temperatures in the east bay ou mix of upper 70s and low 80s, again, within two or three degrees of normal. the greatest variation will be in the north bay where we go from the mid-70 to the upper 70s for sonoma an napa to the low 80s in santa rosa, then in the mid to upper 80s further inland in northern sonoma and napa counties and even mendocino and lake county
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reaching up into the 80s. temperatures will wiggle around a little bit over the next seve days. some subtle ups and downs but generally hovering very close to average in san francisco. that means stuck in the 60s with a couple of days being the warmest , reaching to just above 70 degrees in oakland. the warmest days are likely to hit or exceed 80 degrees in the north bay and sa jose, while the warmest spots are reaching into the low to mi 80s for sunday and monday. alon the coast your warmest day is not really all that warm. only around 60 degrees, which does not really qualify as a may hea wave. every once in a while it gives way to a little bit of sunshine. >> we will appreciate those moments! i know that i do. teenagers will soon be is allowing kids 13 to 17 s. years old to ride alone for the
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first time. this is how it works. once their parents or caretakers hail a ride for them teens have to give the driver a unique pin number. the app will also record audio during the ride and a parent can follow th progress. uber says that only highly-rated and experienced drivers will be allowed to give teens rides. new tonight, a bizarre showdown at dodger stadium between a catholic group and th sisters of perpetual indulgence the san francisco-based group mixes humor with religious imagery to address important issues in the lgbt community. the dodgers were set to honor the west hollywood chapter at pride night, then disinvited them after backlash from catholic groups. >> we are trying to say everyon is welcome in baseball, to then pick a group that specifically targets, mocks, denigrates and ridicules catholics, that is no a message of inclusivity. you would not see the dodgers givin awards to proud boys, for
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instance. >> the catholic group says they have had issues with the nonprofit, but the community work speaks volumes about who they really are. >> it is shocking that the dodgers have crumbled so fast. we take vows to be there for ou community. >> the dodgers so they chose t remove the sisters from the event because some people could be offended and they don't want to distract from the event itself. the san francisco giant featured the sisters on one of their tv commercials in 2015. this dog broke endurance records with his strength but i the end they had to call in an expert after he did one thing. up next, the giants are on
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fire and the a's are ice cold. and can you imagine a world without general manager bob myers? he has been in the fron i'm orlando and i'm living with hiv. i don't have to worry about daily hiv pills because i switched to every-other-month cabenuva.
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it comes to the nba and what needs to be settled in the off-season, then i pay attention! >> you just brought it up durin the commercial break! how much does bob myers earn? $81 millio per year as general manager of the team. he buys the groceries and build the team, now he want more after everything they have done. we have the warriors of top. the big story is bob myers general manager since 2012. the team are far apart in the contract. myers' deal expires on june 30th. in the eastern conference, the celtics, they got issues! head coach joe mazzulla tossing the clipboard. boston lost a 13-point lead to the miami heat. jimmy butler helped flip the game! this was team come back. 36 point third quarter, and butler, little friendly bounce there, scored 3 and had six steals. miami walks off game one of the conference
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finals, 123-116 winners! did yo know that the boston home recor is 11-11 the past segue to baseball. how to get the dugout's attention? smash a foul ball in there! no giant was harmed. and the legen of casey schmidt grew today. he found a whole! two out rbi single put the giants on the board against the phillies. wilmer flores added more. and philadelphia, they made a game out of this. they loaded them u in the ninth against camilla duval no problem. the giants are now 20-23 heading into the
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series on friday with the marlins. we have camaraderie in the against the diamondbacks on the line. a's trailed in the sevent and had just one hit until ramo laureano went yard. second straight game he has homered. arizona then retook the lead in the top of the ninth and added more on the single by ketel marte to write. the diamondback won 5-3. oakland's record is no 10-35, and they have lost all eight home series this season. back to the warriors. it is may 17th. usually these things have a way of working out. it i easy for us to say because it is not our money! >> but if they want to write th check to us, i'm sure we can find a way to split it up! >> we will do our best! thank you
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in the moment when you are at a concert and the band start playing your song? as in literally your song? here's what's happening here! this british cover band was a basket case when the bay area's own billy joe jumped on stage to sing along to his 1994 hits! he just happened to be in the crowd. later he said he could not resist. they were probably very excited about that. oscar meyer changing its tune on the wiener mobile! afte 100 years it is getting a new name. the frank mobile is hitting the road this summer to promote the new recipe for the 100% beef franks! this is my favorite part of the story because the car does not do it coming
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the three of us are dog lovers through and through! we know that dogs do some pretty amazing things. they can be ver determined, including when it comes to deciding not to do something. rocky the dog climbe england's highest mountain. it was over 3000 feet high. once his owners got to the top, rock said no thanks! i am not going down. his owners had to colony mountain rescue team! 13 people
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had to come and carry the dog i a sleeping bag and a stretcher. the dog did hurt his little pot it is a tough climb. he is goin to be okay, though. that made i down the mountain in four hours 18 minutes. >> what a drive down! >> he is not a small dog! >> they said he was, you know, substantially heavy. the thing is for me, you have to think about the owners going up. they had to realize that i was going (upbeat music) - hi everyone, and welcome to legal help center. this is where we have professionals standing by to answer your questions regarding personal injury. so if you've been injured in an accident that was not your fault, like a car accident or a slip and fall, we can help.


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