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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  May 12, 2023 5:00am-5:59am PDT

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42, tense of thousands of migrants are at the border. how to ensure migrants coming here have a place to go. northern california it is shaking as a 5.2 magnitude earthquake hit shortly after a 5.5 last night in northern california. we will have more on that and the forecast for mother's day weekend around the corner. jess, the chants are growing louder. thousands of oakland teachers enter day seven of the strike. now the mayor of oakland has something to say about it. >> first-time home buyer. i find this place right for me. you probably heard of the mass exodus out of california. that is not the case for one sought south bay city. what is making santa clara attractive. a concern one of the starters could be out. we have the details coming up. getting ready to make the friday commute, so far so good.
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a look at the roadways coming right up. all right. just this morning alone up in northern california, close to chester, lake almanor even there was a 5.2 magnitude earthquake. keep in mind that recently we dealt with one last night. the earthquake was centered in the middle of lake almanor. people are able to feel -- they felt the shaking about 120 miles south into sacramento. it was so powerful that it knocked out 911 dispatch for a while in chico. the initial jolt interrupted a nevada county planning meeting caught on camera. >> that hurts. that's an earthquakes. >> it took a little while for people to register that the earth was moving. this county commissioner didn't flinch when the camera started shaking. we haven't seen reports of
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injuries from yesterday's quake or this morning's aftershocks but the quake did -- my apologies. it did a number on the resort at lake almanor. alcohol bottles were smashed over the floor and stuff went flying off the shelves in the kitchen. that was last night's earthquake. as we look at what happened this morning alone, another one at 3:18, 5.2 in the same location happened. now, i will say this, i was reading on this this morning. the usgs said there is a 6.6% chance to happen in the same area. this is 5.2 compared to 5.5. the magnitude was one of the largest earthquakes that we have experienced since 2019. that was just in ridge crest. to put that in perspective, a large one. i know a lot of people have homes that are for vacation. to see the damage, it will take a couple of months before people can see how much
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damage has occurred from that earthquake, both of them, actually. a quick look at what is going on this morning throughout the bay area, upper 40s and low 50 phs. this is the case all week, folks. be prepared for a chilly morning. daytime highs are warming up a lot more compared to yesterday and the day before. 53 in oakland. across the bay bridge to san francisco, 52. 48 in san rafael. into this afternoon, temperatures are going to warm up to the mid-60s in san francisco. upper 60s throughout the panhandle. we have a major warming trend, is folks, into mother's day weekend. 90s in the inland areas. it's not calling for a heat advisory but this is significant compared to how we kicked off the week with the low 60s in the inland areas, too. over to you, gianna. good morning. getting ready to head out the door and make the trek on our bay area
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bridges, you are in luck. happy friday to you. here is a live look at the bay bridge. it's moving along nicely with no major hiccups or conditions. if you are heading total take month pass out of tracy, a few brake lights. busy about 30 miles per hour in some spots. not too bad. not quite bumper to bumper but slow. san mateo clear. off to a great start traveling westbound to 101, no construction or delays eastbound. the golden gate bridge they are doing lane changes, wrapping up construction. you can see that in the live shot. quiet across the span. pandemic immigration policy known as title 42 expired at midnight. that allowed the u.s. to turn away people at the border without an asylum hearing. they are bracing for rising numbers on the southern border. with the measures in
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place, some could eventually end up in parts of the bay area. local relief groups are doing what they can to prepare. jose martinez has the story of a woman who is herself an immigrant and on the other side. >> san jose is preparing to receive an influx of immigrant families. this venezuelan immigrant that moved here in 2017 is one of the leaders that will welcome these families to the bay area. gina says she identifies 100% with all these families who are immigrating seeking a better life, opportunities and security, many things they do not have in their countries. gina is member of an organization in east san jose that has already been helping a number of new arrivals. others from san jose echoed the message. >> the city of san jose is
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currently planning a welcoming migrant response plan that if needed will activate various departments in the city organization to ensure that our response is as well coming and inclusive and human to people who are seeking asylum in the u.s. it will follow the work of other organizations. >> reporter: they are helping two to three new families a day. they expect the number could go as high as 10 new families. >> we are working to stabilize families, give them temporary shelter, use limited resources that we have to get temporary hotel stays, get food and water and medical enrollment coverage, getting the children enrolled in school and other type of resources to get families stabilized.
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>> reporter: jeremy tells me we can see the real impact of the change not now but within the next two weeks. he emphasizes the importance of this help right now to avoid situations where these migrants would have to camp in parks or on the streets. now that title 42 is done we are seeing the first wave of lawsuits and a set back for the white house. a judge temporarily blocked the biden administration policy to release more migrants quickly when border patrol stations are full. that is one factor adding to the growing confusion at the border. jocelyn there is a lot going on there. >> reporter: when you hear from some of the people, there are people from across the globe. the border patrol chief says an estimated 60,000 migrants were waiting near the u.s./mexico border. closer to us in the bay area is where many migrants spent the day near san diego. they are hoping to apply for asylum and get in the u.s. this
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father, jason from columbia came with nine family members including young children. >> we came here for the security of our children and health. we are fleeing from somewhere dangerous. >> reporter: many migrants are cold and exhausted from their journey to get here. you are seeing people from across the globe, central america, south america, asia and africa. the border patrol chief says they are overcapacity in holding facilities. those that go through the border have to ask for protection in another country like mexico on the way to the u.s. those caught crossing illegally face a five year ban from the u.s. and possible criminal charges. we spoke to an immigration law professor about what the state
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could possibly see? >> california can expect to see thousands of individuals over the next several months who are going to be permitted to come in to apply for asylum. everyday there will be about 1,000 lucky people who are picked from an app lottery to be admitted across the southern border. >> reporter: he points out that a few hundred will be headed for california including northern california. the app he mentioned is a technology problem for some people at the border. in the next half hour, we will check in with jarred hill, live from el paso, texas. >> looking forward to the live report. thank you, jocelyn. talks continued overnight between oakland teachers and the district. no agreement was reached. teachers will begin day seven on the picket lines. this strike nears the second week. and the oakland mayor
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wants the strike settled. teachers rallied outside of glenn view elementary. it was a big turnout with thousands of teachers and community members it's unclear when the strike will end. >> it has been a process to get this level of attention to the fight. but now that we have this level of attention we have seen some movement from the district. >> right now there is no word yet if the school year will be extended to make up for the days missed during the strike. the mayor would like to see the strike end. she said children can be forgotten in the shared goal of one oakland. they deserve to be in classrooms. for the latest update on the teacher strike in oakland, head to our website,
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>> it's game time. we prepare for the game against the lakers. another big game for the dubs. >> yeah. another anxious game. must win for the dubs. i anticipate anxious moments. the team is confident in their ability to win and force a game 7 at home. >> here is the concerning part. andrew wiggins is listed as questionable. he had a rib cage fracture. this is the moment that it happened where he is boxing out lebron james with five minutes left in the game. we think this is when it happened. he holds on to his side. >> right there. >> that is concerning. he was such a difference maker in the last game. >> g, that was with about five minutes left in the fourth quarter. we were talking about the kind of game he had in game five. 25 points. we have to wait and see what reports come out today. as for the lakers,
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good news for the team there when it comes to anthony davis. he is not in concussion protocol. he is expected to play after a hit to the head there. people were concerned after seeing him get out of the game and not return. that's good news for the lakers. for the warriors i am concerned. >> i went back through that play a couple of times when i saw that report came out. you clearly see him holding on. he was in pain. but he powered through. that makes me nervous into tonight. i think that means that clay, maybe jordan poole have to step up. >> the team has done that. andrew wiggins was out for a bit. hopefully we will get more reports with andrew wiggins. the game is at 7:00 p.m. g, i will text you as always. >> as alwilayoffs, a baea city plfor ouof college.
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senator diane feinstein returns to work in washington, d.c. what she is saying about her months' long absence. a live look outside. our photojournalist is at the garden party in san francisco's flower matter where crews are getting ready to celebrate mother's day. look at the beauti
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we are expecting to see governor newsom's revised state budget. this will be the first look into how the slowing economy, job losses in the tech industry and withdrawing federal covid funds are impacting the state's economy. many programs will see funding slashed like california foster care services and flood protection. experts predict a bigger budget deficit than the $22.5 billion hole announced in january. with the health of senator diane feinstein, three of president biden's judicial nominees moved forward. she was home sick for months with the shingles. several members of her own party called on her to resign. she was asked about her return to work. here is what
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she had to say. >> i felt better. >> you felt better? >> she released a statement about the judicial nominations that failed due to her absence. it reads i am here now and i know we will move the remaining qualified nominees out of committee. she has made progress in her recovery, she is experiencing effects of shingles and takes a lighter schedule as she recovers. elon musk is stepping down from twitter. musk was in talks to hire linda yakarino musk says he will stay involved as executive chair and cto. every time he tweets a big announcement, it's followed by a flood of tweets. diane warwick, who has become something of a twitter icon wrote i am excited to officially take on the role as ceo of twitter. this has been in the works for months.
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now first alert meteorologist jessica burch. >> a live look outside in the city of san jose and santa clara valley, upper 40s and lower 50s. we are heading into a warm weekend. we will break that apart in a second. we are starting off with upper 40s near livermore. low 50s in the city of san jose. heinlike yest into the afternoon hours. then it's beautiful. this is dog walkinpark weather. you know the drill especially in san francisco like a beautiful sunny day like today. i had on a winter jacket yesterday but it felt weird. in santa rosa, you don't need the winter jacket. upper 70s into this afternoon. we will warm up more as we head into the mother's day weekend forecast.
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high pressure is building its way in giving the temperatures well above average conditions throughout the bay area for the most part. 80s tomorrow in san jose. compare that to 70s today and the 60s yesterday, a very large jump in temperatures. 20 above average near fairfield and concord. it will be warm and mile then calms down into next week. above average kicking off the workweek but not as warm as saturday. saturday will be one of the driest days, too. that's where we keep a close eye with the top allergens. if puff a hike planned, take it slow. if you are sensitive to allergies, take it extra slow and bring a clarendon. temperatures will still stay above average for the inland areas. 90s for us
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near concord, walnut creek. cooler, a smidge cooler, i should say, into the santa clara valley with 80s. gianna, any trouble spots? no, perfect friday morning commute. if you hit the roadways, everything is good on the bay area bridges. this is the golden gate bridge. it's moving smoothly. they did the lane changes. they had roadwork on the golden gate more on the south end toward san francisco but it is cleared out of the lanes. bay bridge, nice ride. the major freeways are looking good. clear ride into san francisco. metering lights are off. san mateo is looking good and westbound if you head to 101, no major issues. if you want to see travel times out the door, a quick check here moving nicely on the bay bridge as well as the richmond-san
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rafael bring. a big bust of material in the south bay. what they are saying about the military grade equipment found inside a business. a push from the white house on new carbon emission rules targeting some of the biggest polluters in the country. the question this morning, is there any chance of it actually passing. a live look right now here. this is in san francisco at the garden party at the flower mart. they are getting it ready for mother's
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a live look at san jose. police were called out for a burglary on old bayshore high off the 101. they found a stockpile of explosive making materials. the san jose business looks unremarkable as you can see. but what police found inside could have leveled an entire building. 48-year-old was arrested after police searched his home and business. len ramirez talked to his neighbor and people close by. >> reporter: police arrested the suspect at his home in the ross creek neighborhood of san jose and obtained a search warrant and found several of what they call destructive devices inside the house. plenty more at his place of business where the whole investigation began. police say each of these small devices
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lined up in rows packed up to three times the explosive power of an m-80. if they blew up together -- >> he had enough to level a building. imagine that in a neighborhood. that is the scary part. >> reporter: this neighbor said it was shocking to find out that he was arrested for allegedly running an explosive device manufacturing operation out of his home and business. >> you live 15 years next to a guy and you think you know them. >> reporter: the operation that they say may have been headquartered here may not have been discovered if not for a burglary call at 4:00 in the morning. >> officers went to clear the building and they stumbled on the evidence. this had been in operation for a long time. >> reporter: besides the finished devices, police found more than 100 pounds of precursor materials that could be used to make larger bombs.
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investigators are trying to figure out if being distributed who else might have been involved. >> our building is close. >> reporter: jim davis runs a motorcycle repair shop in a set of buildings near where the destructive devices were found. he wasn't allowed to get close to his shop when the bomb squad took over the scene. >> it doesn't surprise me but it is scary when you think what he was making and what could have happened. sounds like a lot going on over there. >> he has kids and a black lab, looks like the perfect family unit. >> reporter: he was arrested on felony charges of reckless possession of destructive devices and precursor materials. he is being held in jail on a $400,000 bond. time is 5:26. with the end of title 42 this morning, there is uncertainty on a new era when it comes to the immigration policy. plus, bucking the trend of
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a mass exodus out of
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title 42, expired. the end comes with new legal battles. the white house is facing roadblocks after the biden administration instituted new policies to replace title 42. jarred hill joins us from the border. there is a lot of confusion at the border. how is everyone handling it ? >> reporter: yeah. a lot of changes over the past couple of days regarding this, including for some of the people here in the country already as well as folks trying to come in to the u.s. through the proper legal channels. take a look. overnight a federal judge in florida temporarily blocked the biden administration's policy of releasing some migrants without court notices, an effort to reduce crowding in border patrol facilities. the order took effect at the same time title 42 expired. u.s. customs and border wngit
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says will lead to unsafe overcrowding as the agency faces an unprecedent swell of migrants on the southern border. >> upwards of 60,000 migrants are staging around the immediate border areas. >> reporter: the aclu and immigrant rights groups filed a lawsuit to block new administration rules that would restrict migrants from seeking asylum if they have not applied online or through another country first. cities on the southern border added national guard troops and increased police presence around the end of title 42. >> at no point will my soldiers use physical force with the migrants unless their safety or safety of another soldier is in danger. >> this reaches far beyond the southern border to cities like chicago, new york and d.c. now, for a bit of context here, the chief of border patrol has been saying that he is not expecting a significant surge of migrants
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into the country now ti hended because abe grantstaken into custody and processed to be sent back out on wednesday are related to title 42 but a lot of questions what it will look like. >> a lot of questions with this. i know you have been on the border for a bit. you are in el paso, i believe. what are you hearing from people that live there or migrants trying to make v way through? >> reporter: i have talked to people that live here and work in an advocacy space to help migrants understand what is going on. there is a lot of confusion on a number of levels. on one hand, they are saying people are hearing everything from title 42 ment the border was wide open to it would be locked shut. they came in order to beat the deadline. then there is the concern here
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that the information that is coming from the officials,rofia looks keher side of getting twted bys o e trying tot rder geemine cotry as llher is this is a community that is in many ways accustomed to managing some of the surges that we have seen in migrants the past couple of years if not decades. they do need help with things like food and clothing to help shuttle these folks to their final destination now that they are in the country. >> we are dealing with policies, financials and people, too. that is at the heart of that. >> exactly. thank you so much for that report. we will talk to you soon. >> yeah. bay area cities are rushing to prepare for the potential wave of migrants that could come here. a san jose nonprofit
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put up a banner saying welcome to our community. they normally provide services to about three new families each day but with the end of title 42, the number could triple. >> the city of san jose is planning a welcoming migrant response plan that if needed, will activate various departments in the city to ensure that our response is as well coming and inclusive and human to people who are seeking asylum in the u.s. >> they plan to help new migrants find temporary housing like at hotels and provide food, water, medical coverage and put their children into schools. let's look at the top stories. the man accused of beheading a mother was back in court. jose landaeta entered a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity. landaeta is charged
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with murdering karina cass strobe with a' samurai sword. he is the father of her youngest child. at the time of the attack she had a restraining order against him. castro's family claims he is putting on an act to not face the consequences if found guilty. the victim's family spoke about the situation outside of court. >> you never give up hope. you always fight. she would do it for us. >> none of it will bring her back. i just want my daughter back. >> the suspect will be examined by a psychologist and psychiatrist. the u.s. has marked the official end of the covid-19 public health emergency. the cdc will only track covid hospitalizations, not cases. health officials are warning while the emergency is over, covid is a serious disease that took more than a million lives in the united states. the biden administration announced a plan to cut
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greenhouse emissions from power plants. it would limit emissions on future power plants but existing as well. they are responsible for a quarter of all greenhouse gases in the country. the energy industry dismissed the proposal saying it's designed to cause the closure of coal power plants. let's take a live look outside. we are looking out at oakland and san jose on trend is expected ahead of this mother's day weekend. first alert meteorologist jessica burch joins us. a lot of people are planning to head out and you, too. good conditions if you are flying. >> beautiful for flying, for fun, for hikes along the coast. we are above average throughout most of the bay area into mother's day weekend. let's dive into the forecast and talk about that earthquake that happened 180 miles northeast of us up close to lake almanor. an
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earthquake happened yesterday, 5.5. we saw plenty of aftershocks. this morning at 3:18 a magnitude 5.2 aftershock. the usgs said after the 5.5 yesterday, which was one of the strongest we felt in california since 2019. that was 7.1 in ridgecrest. this is one of the strongest that we had. they said we weren't anticipating to see any large aftershocks, larger than a 5.5 but we got a 5.2 this morning. that's close to the threshold. 52 in concord. we have off to a chilly start. grab your jacket and coffee. a chilly start to the morning. 52 san francisco. 48 up in san rafael. in san jose, 70s this afternoon. for us 77 is how we will top off all the way up to
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-- down in san jose with partly cloudy skies this morning that quickly turns into sunshine later this afternoon. that is similar for our friends in san francisco, too. temperatures aren't as warm but partly cloudy skies to kick off the day. sunnier conditions this afternoon with 65 in the forecast around the corner. this weekend we warm up 20 above average near fairfield. 15 above near oakland. i will have more on why that is happening in the first alert forecast. for now, gianna, how are the roads looking? we have a hot spot highway 4 and altamont pass. a few brake lights. i will say it's friday light because it is. a lot of green popping up. everything overall is good on 101, 280 in to that area on 580 westbound working in and out of the altamont, a slow ride from 205 over to 580. sluggish conditions down to 30 miles per hour. also, if you are heading
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through there, 39 minutes for the travel time 205 to 680. westbound 80, highway 4 to the maze a 15-minute commute. at willow pass we have a hot spot with the number three lane from the left blocked. people are moving from california since the start of the pandemic. some are leaving looking for more affordable lifestyle. birth and immigration rates are lower. the city of santa clara is bucking the trend. what makes it attractive. >> reporter: the majority of cities across the bay area have seen population declines. but in the south bay in the city of santa clara, that is not the case. sandy never imagined she would call santa clara home. she has been doing so since april. >> first-time home buyer. i find this place right for me. >> reporter: she doesn't work in high-tech. she is a landscape designer. >> i revise the plan in
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somebody's backyard. >> reporter: she often commutes to the peninsula and settling into her new landscape well. >> the neighborhood seems nice. >> reporter: why santa clara? a combination of relative a ford ability and location. >> i can only afford one bedroom, one bathroom apartments. >> reporter: sandy is not alone as a new resident of santa clara. according to estimates from the department of finance, 4,000 people moved from april 1 of 2020 to january 1st of 2023. it grew at a time when most cities saw people leave. >> significant. a big deal in comparison to the county that lost .3 of a percent. >> stephen levy studies the california economy. the backbone to his hypothesis why santa clara is seeing residents
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comes to housing. >> cities are able to approve and get built a lot of housing and bucked the trend of population decline. >> reporter: that adds up in santa clara. april 1 of 2020 to 2023 the city added 3100 new housing units. good for population and economic growth. >> adding housing helps afford ability, helps the existing residents and the economy. it can provide more customers for local businesses. >> reporter: new customers like sandy who is finding her rhythm in the new home in the new neighborhood. >> i think the biggest change is now i have more space for myself. >> reporter: after moving around the bay area for the last six years -- >> i'm happy here. of santa clara toall home. >> max says it's not just santa
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clara, antioch and brentwood have seen population growth over the last year. bigger cities have seen a decline in population. some of the people who have left california are actually coming back. take this family for example. they moved from california to texas to pursue a business opportunity. but after two years, they said they had enough and they are moving back. let's get a live look at san jose this morning. there is a new report that says the city is the strongest region in the country for hiring new college grads. this is a new report. monthly employment in san jose has grown on average of 10% over the past year. still the overall market is showing signs of weakness and job growth is expected to slow down this month. san jose is the only region in the country that pays six figures and a starting salary, when you factor in the cost of living here in the bay
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area, it's more like $57,000. so, we checked in with colleg job church in the changing economy. >> reporter: christine is like many local college seniors from the bay area and want to stay here even though the job market is tougher and cost of living is higher. >> nervous, scared, worried what i will do after college. am i going to be able to get a job. >> reporter: the communication major is making sure to apply to a certain number of jobs each week and spends a couple of hours a day looking at companies and openings. with major corporations announcing layoffs all year, students are stressed about what is possible this summer. >> everyone here, we are all friends. we went through college together. we are on the job search, there is tension there when someone gets the job and someone doesn't. >> the search has to start to break into the senyear. for
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tech industry can be tricky. >> the last couple of weeks of graduation are wrapping up, i'm getting the sense that my college experiences finally finishing. >> he considers himself lucky. he found an internship with a smaller company that got bought out by a tech giant. >> an important part of any job search is, you know, being hungry enough to secure your future. >> reporter: that type of nontraditional approach that experts say will be key to find what they want in the current job market. >> if there are headlines around economic uncertainty, there are still places. >> reporter: the hiring trends
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of 300,000 companies. >> you may have to look harder but there are a ton of positions. >> reporter: that means looking out the bay area and doing more than required in the past. >> how do you stand out in comparison to everyone else. that is something that a lot of people are worried about. >> reporter: new unemployment numbers released by the labor department show it reaching some of the lowest levels in decades, the uncertainty building this year may push employers to shy away from younger and less experienced workers. the most recent numbers from the bureau of labor and statistic shows unemployment among new grads is 20 to 24 is higher than the overall population but still below 6%. immediately stop using. what prom
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thanks for staking around with us. here is the money watch report. president biden and the top congressional leaders called off the meeting on the debt ceiling today. the planned negotiations are postponed until next week. house speaker kevin mccarthy said staff meetings are progressing but too soon for
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congressional leaders to meet again until the next discussion. talks will continue between staff. peloton is recalling more than 2 million of the model plo 1 bikes. the post of the seat on the model may break while in use. for reference, this is the original model, not the newer bike plus. there is dozens of complaints over the seats and 13 injuries from bruises to fractured risks. there is a free repair or replacement seat. don't use the bike until they fix it. new survey from indeed shows many stay at home moms are hatrouble teri the workforce. 90% experienced difficulties getting back to work. they dealt with bias in the hiring process and the biggest challenges are the resuming gap and finding a job and flexibility. that's a check of your money watch headlines.
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now a check on the weather with meteorologist jessica burch. >> that is shocking, too, heading into mother's day. you would think you want more moms. >> that is fascinating. you know what else is fascinating, heading into mother's day, we will experience the warmest temperatures this year so far. it's friday. heading out the door, it's chilly. official sunrise 6:02. we are set up for failure with the clouds in the forecast. a partly cloudy morning. current temperatures in the upper 40s and 50s. this is layer weather before you head outside. into the afternoon, san francisco will warm to the mid-60s around the 3:r. similar to yesterday. we start off partly cloudy then left with sunny skies in the afternoon hours. the case for us in santa rosa. upper 70s are expected this
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afternoon with plenty tf sunshine to go around. mother's day is around the corner. don't forget it. on sunday, into the weekend, we will warm up a lot. we talk about 90s in the forecast. upper 80s down in the santa clara valley. take a look. today in the 70s in san jose. yesterday we were in the 60s. the day before, a similar trend. tomorrow the upper 80s. throughout the bay area, sitting above average. then it averages more into monday. this is by monday. i will show you tomorrow's coming up in the next first alert forecast. into the weekend, illinois say this. as high pressure -- i will say this. allergy season is around. medium to high category. that's where we sit tomorrow. it decreases in time for mother's day but active throughout the bay with the pollen floating
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around. by sunday, 65 with sunny skies in san francisco. warmer inland east bay. 90s. the 90s last into next workweek. we are dry and warm. we will keep you updated with the first alert forecast. now, gianna, how are the roads? not bad. friday light. taking a look at traffic heading into the altamont pass, that is where we are tracking a few brake lights. busy out of tracy on to 580 itself. we are getting the first reports of a crash in that livermore area, not far from the 84 connector. we will wait to see what chp says about it. no reports if lines are blocked. 38 minutes, 205 to 680. in the yellow, not bad. high 4 slowing down a bit as well. 37 minutes from antioch to 80. we have a few
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brake lights because of a broken down vehicle just cleared out of lanes around willow pass road off to the shoulder. hopefully that will ease any brake lights through there. no metering lights into san francisco t. a look at the garden party in san francisco. this is the flower mart. living with metastatic breast cancer means i cherish my memories. but i don't just look back on them,
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the flower mart is gearing up for a busy one. here is your idea. vendors like garden party are here to help. garden party is a bay area florist that creates beautiful designs. if you think about getting mom a fresh bouquet, think about it sooner rather than later. in addition to mother's day, we got graduation and proms happening this weekend. they will be busy. an array of options to choose from. you could find anything that fits your budget. flowers there look
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stunning. maybe a bunch of tulips or mixed greenery. mom will appreciate anything. some of amy's favorite are the orchid plants. anyway you look at it, beautiful flowers are a good idea. >> g, you have a favorite flower? roses. good to know. more shaking in northern california. we are tracking the aftershocks. the cleanup and damage, too. oakland teachers are back on the picket lines with no sign to a deal. now
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desperate to escape to safety. with the end of title 42, tens of thousands of migrants are at the border. how to ensure migrants coming here have a place to go. northern california it is shaking as a 5.2 magnitude earthquake hit shortly after a 5.5 last night in northern california. we will have more on that and the forecast for mother's day coming up.


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