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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  March 13, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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well offshore. that'll come surging across the bay area tonight. futurecast as we wind through the next several hours will show the chance for spotty showers as we head through this evening. more widespread light rainfall at first will be on the radar by the time we get to the 11:00 newscast with the heavier rain beginning to make its way towards the coast in the early hours of tuesday morning. but some of the heaviest rains will be with us through the peak of rush hour tuesday. the flood watch across the entire bay area through wednesday morning, more flooding that looks likely with the system dropping an inch or two on a widespread basis. and a high wind warning will go into effect at 5:00 a.m. on wednesday. gusty winds potentially over 50 miles an hour. down trees, power outages, be prepared. make sure your devices are charged up before the storm system arrives. a longer look at futurecast in just a few minutes. >> thanks, paul. well muddy disaster in the town of pajaro. nearly two dozen people live
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there. wilson walker is in pajaro where he talked to some of those devastated residents. >> the water just came right here. this was full of dirt, mud. and we could see all the mud there, but my problem is the water went into my basement. >> reporter: roberto spent the day cleaning up some of the mud around his home. that job will be nothing compared to getting rid of what is inside it. >> you can see the water, full of water. >> reporter: the basement now holds about five feet of mud and water, and the entire family has been facing difficult living conditions for about two days. >> and we are running over there. i went to collect soer wme don't have any water. we have one packet of water bolts, so that's why i decided to just leave my home and come
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over here to watsonville. >> reporter: some who decided not to evacuate are abandoning town even as the water largely receded. others who did not leave would like to get back in, but cannot. if you leave, you can't come back. a lot of frustrated residents would like to. >> you know, i tell them the same. but here, i would rather have people frustrated and mad at me than dead. >> reporter: sheriff tina nieto says the emergency like the weather is ongoing. there is currently no schedule for a reentry here. >> no water, no power. we need to make sure it's safe, and it's going to take a while as we get into recovery. because what people need to realize, we are still in the storm situation. it is not over yet. we're not done yet. >> yeah, more rain tonight and ow.avy ra. >> reporte and what more rain
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will mean for already flooded areas is uncertain levee repairs. just past the edge of town are underway, weather permitting. >> and the water is up and over. >> reporter: what the river will do depends on a number of things, obviously the rain and the tide since we are close to the coastline here. all of that will start to unfold tonight and into tomorrow. yeah, you know, we saw a bit of this back in january on the salinas river where the river and the tides were kind of fighting a little bit, making it unpredictable. you can see it's drawn back on a lot of the streets here. but again, you know, so much more rain coming with a lot of uncertainty, so we will see starting tonight and into tomorrow. ryan, back to you. >> all right, wilson walker reporting live in monterey county. well major flooding in the golden state this winter is affecting more than just homes and properties. it's threatening the food we eat. there's concern about the
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lettuce and strawberry crops. state figures show california grows more than one-third of the country's vegetables and three quarters of its fruits and nuts. further to the south, the flooding is extensive in kern county. this recent drone video shows roads, parks, homes under several feet of water. many families had to evacuate this weekend. some worry a bridge could soon wash out. closer to home, it looks like the mountains are in the bull's eye for the next storm. this is a live look at the san lorenzo river. it is well within its banks this evening, but emergency crews will be on alert for more trouble after a series of winter storms. and as the storm rolls in overnight, stay with us for continuing first alert weather coverage. our crews will be deployed to track the very latest on air, on the cbs news app, and on now to the other top story. people lined up early this morning to get their money out of the now defunked silicon valley bank.
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this was the scene outside the main branch in santa clara. svb is one of two banks to fail within days of each other. now comes the finger pointing and the lawsuits. >> you know, they were entrusted with watching our money. and they didn't do a very good job of that. that could cause people a lot of problems. our team coverage begins outside the white house with cbs news correspondent, nicole diantonio. president biden trying to tamper down concerns over a wider banking collapse? >> reporter: yes, that was his main goal. he wanted to get the bottom line across that americans, he wanted to reassure americans their money is safe, that the u.s. banking system is safe. but tonight, there are still many big questions including who is responsible for this and what is being done now to make sure this doesn't happen again. >> reporter: president biden looked to reassure americans monday following the failure of two banks. >> americans can have
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confidence that the banking system is safe. your deposits will be there when you need them. >> reporter: announcing emergency actions after the collapse of silicon valley bank friday and closure of signature bank in new york over the weekend. >> when we learned of the problems of the banks, and the impact they could have on jobs of small businesses and banking systems overall. i instructed my team to act quickly to protect these interest. >> reporter: sunday night the treasury department federal reserve and federal deposit insurance corporation announced they will ensure deposits have full access to their money today. that's a lifeline for customers including the founder and the ceo of those who banked exclusively with svb. >> it's payroll and all of our bills and everything the company has and it was gone in an instant. >> reporter: rescuing the depositors is not a bailout for the banks. taxpayers won't foot the bills for these losses. >> the management of these
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banks will be fired. if the bank is taken over by fdic, the people running the bank should not work there anymore. third, investors in the banks will not be protected. >> reporter: traders began dumping shares of bank stocks. >> the president also says they will continue to strengthen the regulations of larger banks to make sure they are not put in this position again. at the white house, i'll send things back to you. we now head to devin fehely who spent the day with customers who closed their accounts at silicon valley bank. i'm pretty sure this is a tough 72 hours for a lot of people? >> reporter: oh yeah, absolutely. on friday, people frankly were in panic mode, aal pillar of the banking industry had suddenly collapsed. they didn't know if they were going to be collateral damage. now thankfully things have settled down an awful lot since then, but all day long we saw people coming to this bank that closed about two hours ago to
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pull out their money. >> reporter: the line began to form outside silicon valley bank around 8:00 a.m. an hour before the bank would officially open its doors. the owners of small mom and pop businesses standing shoulder to shoulder with tech ceos. >> everything we need to operate on, we still have access to, and because it was a different bank. >> reporter: alicia runs a gallery in menlo park. she had a rainy day bank account at svb, and came to withdraw the money. >> we were fine. it was just an issue of okay, what are we going to do? do we leave it there? do we take it out? and like i said, we decided to take it out, and so i was here this morning to take care of that. >> reporter: the collapse of svb sent ripples of unease and uncertainty through the tech industry especially among customers with more than $250,000 worth of money at the bank. >> we were pretty worried over the weekend, we were watching
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the news all the time. i checked on google like 20 times an hour. >> reporter: sam ling is the ceo of, a software start-up that had several million dollars of deposits with the bank. he praised the white house's decision to guarantee all deposits regardless of the amount. >> definitely very assuring. i think the government this time moved really fast. >> reporter: the white house's decision helped limit the financial fallout from the bank's sudden demise. >> it is very important that the stability has been brought not only to this bank, but the banking system. >> reporter: alicia says she is grateful to have access to her money and to be able to move it to another bank, where it is less vulnerable. >> people will get through the line and get what they need, then things will settle down. that's what i hope for, a quick settling down of everything. >> reporter: it does seem like things are settling down. moving your money to another
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bank is certainly work, but they say it is better than the alternative, which is potentially losing the money altogether or losing access to it in the interim. >> yeah, very scary weekend for a lot of people. either the owners of some of these companies, but also the people on the payroll, no question. all right, devin, thanks. while silicon valley bank and signature are getting help from the feds, trading had to be halted for several banks after stocks opened sharply lower, including san francisco's first bank. shares dropped nearly 62% when the market opened this morning, getting a fusion of cash from both the federal reserve and jpmorgan chase, but they took a hit on wall street and it was a mixed day overall. the dow and s&p closed lower. nasdaq kicked up slightly. >> it's going to have us take a look at how we bank. if you're one of the fortunate ones that has more than $250,000 in a singular bank account, you
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will consider well maybe i should open up a second bank account to put some of that tmit. coming up at 5:30, we hear from a financial expert about what the collapse of silicon valley bank means forou fallouty classroom stabbing at montgomery high school in santa rosa. the district says the school's principal and assistant principal are on leave, but didn't elaborate. 16-year-old student jayden pienta was fatally stabbed during a fight. a 15-year-old classmate is charged with voluntary manslaughter. meanwhile santa rosa police arrested two other students accused of bringing knives onto the campus on friday. they say it wasn't the district that let them know about it, but a concerned parent that called after the 15 and 17-year-old students were sent home. santa rosa schools eliminated police resource officers in 2020, but an officer was assigned to montgomery high today and tomorrow. the school district is stepping up supervision at all high
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school campuses, adding, "officers will spend more time patrolling around the areas of our high schools for added support. we will continue to work with santa rosa police to create long-term strategies for safety." former montgomery high school principal, laurie fong, will serve as principal for the rest of the year. new details on our gun scare at west valley college in saratoga. we first brought you this story live at noon as it was breaking. we're now told two people have been detained after being found with a replica of firearm. an initial report of the armed intruder went into lockdown for several hours. classes were eventually canceled for the rest of the day. and still ahead, jimmy g era is finally over for the niners. where he's headed and a new backup quarterback team brought in to replace him. and plus a man finds himself stranded on an island in the middle of the salinas river. how a rescue crew pulled him to safety. and a small plane goes down in the water. we'll show you the pilot's
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daring midair escape.
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well it dragged on longer than anyone expected and it is finally over. jimmy garoppolo has moved on from the 49ers. >> he got a pretty nice landing. we have more on his new team. >> reporter: i have to mention why. he was suppose to be playing tonight. instead he's injured. he will not be, however, a big matchup between the phoenix suns and the golden state warriors, that we will get into in sports. but today, free agency is open and already it's off to a wild start. jimmy garoppolo now a former 49er after the oakland raiders reportedly agreed to a three-year deal as i say oakland. obviously they're the las vegas raiders now, which will happen from time to time.
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with $34 million guaranteed. he gets to be a starting quarterback again and reunites in las vegas with josh mcdaniels, who is his offensive coordinator in new england. it ends a six-year run with the 49ers. he arrived as the savior in 2017, led them to a super bowl in 2019, and then got his job back when he was injured, only to suffer a season ending injury of his own. they will take some time getting used to for his former teammates, and let's get real for all of us. not going to lie, but this looks weird, but happy for my guy. the 49ers did quickly replace garoppolo on the roster with sam darnold. hey, darnold. the former trojan gives them another option behind trey lance in case he's not ready to start the season. he played the last two seasons in carolina. and so that does it as there is a twitter account out there, painting jimmy garoppolo every single day until he got
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released, traded, signed. and good news for her that the fans, yeah, good news for those fans of the raiders because he proved he could win some games. >> yes, they are content. and i'm sure they are very happy. and what will they paint tomorrow? >> i don't know. >> and that is nothing to do. >> what will i paint now? they will continue to paint jimmy in a different uniform. >> thanks, charlie. federal investigators are on their way to monterey county to sift through the debris of the small plane that crashed into casterville. the pilot's daring midair escape was all caught on camera. this is video of him parachuting to the ground around 3:00 yesterday afternoon. he landed in the field alongside highway 156 where first responders rushed to his aid. he was taken to the hospital with a leg injury. no one else was on the plane and no word yet on what brought it down. and also in monterey county, a helicopter cruise safely rescued a driver stranded in
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the salinas river. it happened after the car got washed away over the weekend. the man said he was able to get to an island and wait there until they could hoist him into the helicopter. it's clear that we'll show you here they could use a break from the snow. the front entrance of the home collapsed on the weight of all that snow. and they spent six hours helping them to shovel out. in a similar scene where that snow caused this roof of the mobile home to collapse and that building is now red tagged, but no one was home at the time and we've seen images, where that snow is just so heavy and they add more water on top of it. >> and so lucky that no one was injured though as you see the video and they are just mounds of snow. and there is a structure in there somewhere being weighed down by all that snow and there
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is more on the way for them as we have more rain on the way for us and headed for the bay area tonight and tomorrow morning and this system will be similar to the one that came through thursday and lower on the scale with an even greater impact because that rain will fall on saturated ground already and that wind damage threat will be something that we'll need to keep an eye on. we're still waiting for the bulk of the moisture to make their way towards us with that leading edge of the light shower activity that's approaching the coast, that's the progression we'll see. and first light showers becoming more widespread and then the heavier rain will move in. let's track both. we'll start futurecast here at 11:00 when that light rain will be spreading across most of the bay area and we will bring that into the picture as well. folks on the coast of half moon bay and just to get a sense of the coastal verses inland, changes in those wind speeds. and that heavy rain will be
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making its way through the bay area as we head through tonight and tomorrow. if you have the option to work from home, exercise that option. it will be a mess on the roads with heavy rain and gusts along the coast and over to 30 miles an hour before they come up on tuesday. the stronger gusts will make their way further inland. and close to expected along the coast with the gusts further inland picking up and eventually to around 40 miles an hour. the heavier rain will push through, but then we're left with lingering off and on showers as we head through the rest of tuesday and one more batch of more widespread rain that looks likely on tuesday evening. and on wednesday, we will be done with this system. let's talk about how much rain total. generally an inch to two inches of rain, but some spots in the mountains will pick up more than that. closer to three inches of rain in the spot around the bay area that could absorb that additional moisture, where that flood watch will go through tuesday night and to account
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for those gusty conditions. it's a winter storm warning in effect, which will go through 5:00 p.m. and pick up another up to five feet of total snow accumulation. they could not catch a break from it. right now it is actually kind of nice outside and temperatures made it up into the 60s across the bay area. tonight with that river moving towards us, they won't drop too much in the low to mid-50s tomorrow. we won't warm up too much there and the afternoon, while there will be a few breaks from the showers. but the most widespread and the heaviest rain will be in place as they come up on tuesday. and that heavy rain threat, leading to localized flooding, and make sure they are charged up in case that power goes out. and if you decide to do that, that you're not trying to cross any water covered roads and that's the biggest concern as they are moving in the peak of rush hour. wednesday and thursday, we bring showers back over the weekend and it does not look like it
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will be heavy, but yet another weekend with another good chance of showers. >> and we'll get a couple of days of a break. >> and wednesday and thursday, we'll take whatever you could get and we'll hope that maybe one weekend day will be blessed with dry weather. >> please. we never thought we would be saying that in october, and we will be praying for the rain. >> i think we would have enough. >> yeah, we're done. thanks. all right, when we come back, marking the full decade leaving the catholic church and what hi has accomplished and the challenges that they remain. >> and the first of its kind for kids by northern california doctor who is helping kids get back to life and the living parents peace of mind. you can watch us any time anywhere on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. catch all of our live newscast, plus news and weather updates throughout the day. you can find us on the free news app
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a milestone from pope francis who is marking ten years. he celebrated mass with the cardinals a released l back at the first decade at the vatican and the biggest issues he faces going forward. >> ten years have passed since pope francis stepped on tot balcony of the cathedral as the first pontiff. succeeding benedict 16 who becomes the first pope in six centuries to resign. that's the great. people needed a pope close to them. in many ways he has been transformative. >> reporter: celebrating the first decade on monday and with cardinals at the vaticans after relesion his first podcast or pope cast as it has been called. the 86-year-old reportedly
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asked what is a podcast and then jumped into conversation saying, it seems like yesterday that he was elected pope and that the best gift would be peace. >> we need peace he says. taking his name after st. francis, he shunned the lavish apartments, residing instead in the modest hotel for visiting priests. he's advocated for migrants and even cracked open the door for the community with a single phrase. who am i to judge? but despite setting up the new standards for reporting clerical sex abuse, the victims say there haven't been enough consequences for those accused of harboring the predator priests. >> and right now it is appearing that no one has done less than this itself. >> and still supporters call their first ten years of trope the francis revolution. crediting him with choosing
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service and kindness over the power. coming up in the next half hour, financial expert disclaims, what the fallout from the silicon valley collapse means for your money. plus, we've seen the flooding, but that's not the danger. how the foothills
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as this next atmospheric river approaches. and plus the long awaited bay area return is on hold while they battle their own injury bug. >> but first they take over two major banks, having affects at wall street and how they will impact your wallet. good evening, i'm ryan yamamoto. >> i'm elizabeth cook. the sudden and stunning collapse of silicon valley bank and the ripple affect across the industry is prompting some uncomfortable flashbacks with the financial collapse of 2008. but the phones and our own cbs business analyst says this is not that. >> this is a situation, the bank that does business with start-ups, tech, crypto. it's different than all the banks being involved in the mortgage business. >> and now even if you do bank with svb, a lot of us might be wondering what does this collapse


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