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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  February 22, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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we have another first alet weather day due to the wind. we will have more on that coming up. this morning, hundreds of bay area residents are sitting in the dark after wild winds knocked down power lines. the neighborhood is under orders to take shelter. if you were spared from this mess yesterday at the bay bridge because of the downed tree, that may not be the case today. crews are working around the clock to clear roads in certain parts of the bay area. we are starting off with a traffic alert on 80. where the crash blocking lanes. i will have details coming up. thank you for joining us this morning. let's jump into what you need to know on this first alet weather day. strong winds continue to cause major damage. plucking power lines and toppling trees across the bay area.
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this morning we are hearing of injuries. we talked to the boulder creek fire chief who said a one-year- old baby is in critical condition this morning, after a falling redwood tree snapped in pure stay home. the child was pinned down and fire crews had to free him. he is hospitalized and breathing on his own, thankfully. six people had to be rescued. we are live on the pollen is slow this morning. we will get to her in a second. the damage is pretty widespread. trees into homes and roofs being ripped off. but first we have to talk to you to break down the science behind this. this is a major cold front coming from the north. wind is along 50 miles per hour along the peninsula. conditions this morning are a little more mild. taking a look at current temperatures throughout the bay area, temperatures around average. that is not the big issue. the winds are the big concern. starting with future cast this morning, this is a great tool to see your local area. i put someone speeds up so you
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can see what to expect. let's go to 11:00. hit or miss storms throughout the day but wind gusts are anywhere up to 30 or 40 miles per hour with sustained winds close 20 to 30 mile power mark in san francisco. we extend into 2:00 and the winds stay strong in the afternoon. the national weather service will expire their high wind warning at 9:00 a.m. the wind advisory thhout the re conditions into the evening hours tonight, with scattered showers, and a potential chance of snow for the next couple days. it will not amount to much. the most we will see is 1 to 3 inches on average but there has been a winter weather advisory issued throughout the santa cruz mountains and in the east bay hills. we could see anywhere up to 15 inches of snow near lexington hill. 20 inches at the peak of mount hamilton. there are a lot of branches in the roadways, as
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you were out and about this morning. i was driving in this morning, and you could see that. be extra careful. let's talk about the bay bridge. unfortunately, they were big issues at the bay bridge. they troubles because of trees down in the roadway. everything is clear and that is good news. you can take the bay bridge this morning and everything is looking better. here is a look at current traffic conditions. if you are working your way across the bridge. it is windy. there is a traffic alert on 80 eastbound at pomona street. a traffic alert has been issued. let's look at the bay bridge. this was yesterday. you can see the bay bridge, was a mess at rush hour after a tree fell across the westbound lane. the lanes were eventually cleared, but it took hours for traffic to ease up. in san francisco, this is a corvette that was smashed by a tree and a light pole that came down. this is on clay and battery.
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it was parked and no one was inside when that happened. eastbound 80 is what we are dealing with now at pomona street. there is a traffic alert and the number three lane is blocked and things are slow and go as you work your way through. we are getting word of brake lights as you head westbound 80. i want to draw your attention to the mays. i am getting reports of a trouble spot. 80 at 580 as you head through the maze coming out of emeryville, as you head into oakland. it looks like traffic is starting to back up slightly in that area. talking about the windy conditions, any bay area bridges you take this morning, you will feel the gusty conditions. watch out for debris in the roadway. a lot of branches on some roadways and a lot of debris in certain areas. keep your eyes peeled for the early morning commute. the bay bridge is moving, all
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lanes are clear. san mateo bridge is moving. it is very dark this morning. be extra careful. this morning we have pretty crazy video from sonoma county. a falling redwood tree split a home in half. this is the house. neighbors say a family was in the home and a tree missed them as they were cooking dinner. >> i dove under this car. the branch broke and hit the car. it was scary. >> in novato, police are asking some people to shelter in place because there were too many downed power lines. that for several road closures last night. we are checking to see if wilson avenue is blocked in both directions. in san bruno, a giant tree from the golden gate national cemetery fell. the road was completely closed in both directions between el camino rio and cherry avenue while crews cleaned up the mess. in the south bay, it was lights out long this shopping
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center. last night more than 100,000 customers were without power, according to pg&e. crews stayed busy all night. this is video from yesterday. we saw them trying to fix downed power poles on walmart avenue in fremont. right now it is looking a little better. around 65,000 people are dealing with power outages throughout the bay area. the worst is on the peninsula. nearly 45,000 are without power, followed by the south bay where 14,000 are in the dark. say with cbs news bay area for continuing first alert weather coverage through this newscast and through the night. we are always on president biden is in pollen today, wrapping his whirlwind trip to europe. the message to allies. back in the bay area, new images released in connection to a deadly hi
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you can beat it! ♪ visit or call 833-422-4255 to ask for medication to treat covid-19.
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welcome back. time for a look at this morning's top stories. president biden is in poland and plans to meet with leaders on nato's eastern border. it includes countries that share a border with neighboring russia. yesterday he delivered a speech in warsaw, promising unwavering support to ukraine nearly a year after russia invaded the country.
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in russia, president putin delivered his own state of the union address, blaming the west for the war. a georgia grand jury test with investigating possible election interference by donald trump in 2020, is recommending criminal charges against the former president. most of the report is sealed, but portions released last week, revealed some witnesses may have lied under oath the district attorney of fulton county, georgia, will decide which charges to bring before the grand jury. on the bay area beat, we have new images of the car police are looking for in connection to a hit and run that killed a 100-year-old man earlier this week. investigators are searching for the suspect. here is a look at the car. it is this tan mini cooper. this hit-and-run happened at the intersection of 19th and harrison streets, sunday morning. there is a $1000 reward being offered in this case. in the north bay, sonoma county supervisors approved a multistep plan to address the
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unmanaged homeless situation at the joe duda trail. this popular trail links santa rosa and sevastopol. the board of supervisors approved the creation of two regulated 10 sites in an effort to expand temporary housing and make the trail safer route for walking and cycling. live photos of the state capital. assembly member hany is fighting for more protections for in-home caregivers. >> this is a place and a moment we are approaching a care cliff. our population is getting older , the need and demand for this type of care is growing. and if we don't make a fundamental change in the level of support that we are providing for it, things will only get worse. >> is bill would create a framework to address labor disputes between the state and organizations represent in- home caregivers.
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jessica burch is here on this first alet weather day. it is a busy day. >> for the next couple days we will be under first alet weather days all due to the fact we are dealing with a major cold front sweeping its way in from the north. it is not bringing in much rain. it is bringing in some, but that is not the big concern. remember yesterday how gustier was? we are dealing with those winds this morning. we will also see snow levels come into effect taking a look at this major system, it is a huge area of low pressure pushing in from the north bringing in cold, dense air. that is why daytime highs today are sitting in the 40s. we will continue to see 40s all throughout the bay area as we wrap up this week. let's dive into the weather headlines. it is windy this morning. nothing like yesterday, but close. you will see what i mean. to add to that we will see a few showers heading into this
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afternoon. cold and breezy into the evening hours, by thursday and friday you can expect snow levels to drop to 1500 feet. here we go with wind gusts. yesterday we were up to 50 miles per hour. this morning, within the next 30 minutes, we are dealing with 40 miles per hour wind gusts. a similar trend up into the marine area and all the way off into the east bay hills. it is breezy. notice house i like stand future cast into the 9:00 hour, slowly start to die down to 25 miles per hour. at the peak, we can see wind gusts anywhere up to 25 miles per hour. it is not as breezy with the sustained wind but that will stay consistent into the overnight hours. tonight, i highlighted this a little earlier but i want to dive into it. we talked about snow levels around 1500 feet, many of us live in low-lying areas in the bay but some in higher elevations. at the peaks we could see up to 15 inches lexington hills and 20 inches -- about one inch
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near mount diablo. more impressive numbers toward the south in the north bay, if you live in these local areas, santa rosa, even up into ukiah, we will see a little that of flurries. as this major cold storm sweeps in. i will say this, daytime highs are peeking in the 40s and 50s. this will not be an afternoon event, it will be the overnight hours, where dips below freezing and you will see the snow accumulate. by the early morning, it will feel chilly and mild, but that is where we will see it. this weekend, it clears up heading into saturday with more rain on sunday. i will have more on that coming up. but i will send it over to you. as we hit the roadways, be careful it is windy. that will affect your drive on some bay area bridges. the wind kept me up last night. it was howling and it was very loud. here is a live look at the bay bridge.
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after seeing what happened yesterday at the bay bridge with the tree down, it is clear and everything is moving. we have not had any word of any delays or issues. no metering lights. pretty good commute so far into san francisco as you head across the upper deck. i could not access mike caltrans camera i typically use to see what it looks like, hopefully we can see if we can get that up. you can see the centers on the map and there was reports of a crash on 80 at the mays. east 80, there is a traffic alert in effect at pomona street. the issue that about an hour ago due to a crash blocking lanes. also getting word of the trouble spot east 80 as you exit in fairfield. there are closures around that area. chp is on scene and the offramp is blocked. use an alternate in the meantime. a busy start to your drive. keep your eye out for any sort of debris because of the windy conditions. we have had reports of downed trees and power lines are down.
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wind advisories on all of the bay area bridges, still very windy. a live look at the golden gate is moving fine with an okay pace. we are seeing good travel times . we will keep you updated. the time right now is, 5:16. a california school under a microscope. the handmade cards passed out to sixth-graders that have parents demanding action. bay area businesses in one ci with reliable covid-19 results in just 15 minutes, everyone is making room for binaxnow in their medicine cabinet. do we still need these pregnancy tests? (kids yell and giggle, a dog barks and a vase breaks)
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yeah, no. out with the old, in with the #1 covid-19 self test in the us. with the same technology doctors use to test for covid-19. binaxnow
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welcome back. let's look at the wind speeds this morning. this is a big concern due to the fact that along the coast until 9:00 a.m., we are under a high wind warning. that ranges from bodega bay all the way into half moon bay with the golden gate bridge in between. it is gusty. it continues for the commute time to work. be careful on the bridges. let's extend into the 7:00 hour. throughout the bay area we are very wind advisory into 1:00. a high wind warning along the coast, a wind advisory through the bay area. that we have breezy conditions into the evening hours.
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here we go into 9:00 into the 11:00 hour. wind gusts up to 25 miles per hour. this is more manageable compared to yesterday when we sought up to 50 miles per hour. we have a new concern, a winter weather advisory will start heading and thursday and even into friday. we are talking about snow levels dropping to around 1500 feet. that will impact a lot of the higher elevations. but for now, over to you. graffiti blew up around san francisco during the heart of covid and business owners have struggled to keep up with city mandates to clean it up. the city is now doing something new to try to help. >> reporter: in just a few minutes this graffiti will be covered up. >> this is a new place for us, but will be on repeat because of the place where it is out. >> reporter: he is part of the new public works team tasked with getting ahead of graffiti.
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but they are already preparing to return to this location that is considered a hotspot in the mission district. that is only fueling their effort to prevent it. >> we will respond faster. we are the city. >> reporter: until now, covering up graffiti was a headache for residents and business owners who would be served with a violation and given 45 days to cover it up themselves, before being find about $1000. but the city it has granted $4 million to this pilot program over the next two years, to cover up graffiti throughout the city with no cost to the owner. in the first two months of the program they received nearly 250 requests. they can respond in about a week. he owns this building and several businesses nearby that have been the subject of graffiti.>> from good to bad, from bad to worse. it is getting worse and worse. it has been like every day, every week. every other week.
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day and night. they don't care. >> reporter: he has owned this market in the mission for about 30 years and he said the uptick in graffiti has turned customers away. >> we can save some time and money on paint, as well. paint is expensive. it helps a lot. >> reporter: in his 10 years with public works, he says this is some of the most rewarding work you could do. >> i know i am helping the city. especially when i get through with the job. >>rt: all in the name of bouncing back and beautifying san francisco. it is time for the morning makes on this wednesday. let's piggyback off this graffiti program. it seems like it is bringing a lot of relief to small business owners who cannot afford to cover it up. that is good. it needs to happen. they have nothing to do with it. >> i think it's a good idea to help them. we will see. >> give them some extra relief
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. more inviting for their business. here is something we need to talk about. we have tried to get the story in for a couple days. a duet is out and it involves two of the most emblematic women. [ singing ] olivia newton john and dolly parton do what is being released as part of the three stars posthumous album. a song as the iconic, jolene by dolly. olivia died in august of 2022 following her breast-cancer diagnosis. in 2021, in an interview she said she always wanted to collaborate with dolly parton. the album titled, just the two of us, which is entirely duets and collaborations comes out on may 5th. you can listen to the single right now.>> a whole album. that is a huge deal. >> i think so.
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it is so sad that olivia newton john is not here to enjoy and celebrate that. >> she recorded that right before. one of her last recordings. i am sure that has a special place for dolly. it was an intimate moment for them and they can listen to that. >> beautiful voices. is a group rising to stardom, the members of benetton next is being permanently recognized. [ singing ] >> anyone have good response? >> yes. the grammy-winning quintet have received their star on the walk of fame and they become the only a cappella group to get a spot they think their fins and said skepticism
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was quote the first sign you are doing something groundbreaking. tran 17 started singing on youtube and they took off. they have sold over 10 million albums all over the world and performed major u.s. venues. and have inspired a whole genre of music to come back and become popular again. >> i remember listening to them for the first time and i did not realize it was their voices making those sounds. i was convinced it was instruments. their voices are stunning. so many smaller groups have come out because of them as their inspiration. >> it also shows the power of social media. they started on youtube. chloe and haley started on youtube. and look, now they are rising stars. >> you can speak to that and how the music industry has changed. you have an opportunity to be seen and get your music out and kind of control the
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narrative and how you want your stuff to sound. i love them. their christmas album, i mean. >> i love christmas music. i will have to get it. we are dealing with another first alet weather day. we want to go live to jocelyn who is details on what we are seeing with power outages on the lower peninsula. >> reporter: right now the winds are light, than they were last night but we are seeing the effect this morning of the wind event. major roads are pitch black. a lot of people waking up with no power. we have the latest with the outages, coming up. we will check on residents >> woman: why did we choose safelite? >> vo: for us, driving around is the only way we can get our baby to sleep, so when our windshield cracked, we needed it fixed right. we went to there's no one else we'd trust. their experts replaced our windshield,
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and recalibrated our car's advanced safety system. they focus on our safety... so we can focus on this little guy. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ so cozy. how many rooms are in there? should we go check it out? yeah. we get to stay here all weekend! when you stay at a vrbo... i call doing the door code! ...the host doesn't stay with you. it looks exactly like the picture. because without privacy in your vacation home... it's a full log cabin guys.
5:28 am isn't really a vacation... we can snuggle up by the fire. it? wow, oh my- [birds chirping] welcome back. the time is, 5:28.
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we have a first alet weather day. trees crash on cars. this was in santa rosa. first responders were busy with downed power lines. power outages, and people had to lley this is along cleveland avenue. that falling tree punched a hole in the roof of the home which is unsafe to enter. luckily, no one was inside at the time. >> in shock. i am in shock just seeing it. i am very grateful that everyone -- that no one was in the house. no one got hurt. you know, eventually will be taken care of. but this will take a while.>> this is what we can see from the street. we are told there may be more damage in the back. just about everywhere you look on the peninsula right now, you will see a fallen
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tree. this was on a home in pacifica, damaging the roof. jocelyn more and is on the peninsula this morning where the damage is severe. but before we go live to jocelyn, we have to bring in first alert meteorologist, jessica burch in. >> this is part of a major cold front sweeping in from the north. it is bringing in so many issues. we are talking about winds and snow. we are talking about rain in the forecast within the next couple days and we are feeling those winds this morning and even last night where wind gusts got up to 30, 40, even 50 miles per hour. current temperatures this morning, it will be chilly. we are in the 40s near san francisco. daytime highs will top off in the 40s throughout most of the bay area. what we see is what we get. let's look at future cast. this will show you how strong
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the winds will be and how much rain we can see within the next couple of hours and then a couple days. let's start at 5:30. hit or miss storms throughout this afternoon. as we zoom in closer, san francisco, up to 25 or 30 mile- per-hour winds into the 11:00 hour. here we go into the afternoon. as you drive home from work today, you may see a hit or miss shower. the winds will slowly start dying down into the evening tonight. we can see sustained winds anywhere up to 20 miles per hour heading into the overnight. as we take a quick look at what is going on, when it comes to the snow, all throughout the santa cruz mountains, throughout the east bay areas, we will see snow levels drop to what 1500 feet or 2000 feet in some spots. snowfall will not be impressive throughout the lower elevations but at the peak levels, we are talking about 15 inches of snow near lexington. hamilton expected to get about 20 inches. was impressive numbers at
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mount diablo but something is better than nothing. this will be a beautiful way to wrap up a week for those in the mid-elevation areas into santa rosa. we could see four inches accumulate over the next couple days, heading way up into ukiah. in the higher elevations near bartlett springs, enterprise, we will see impressive numbers. lots to talk about. i wanted to dive into the snow. overall this is being talk about on social media. everyone is curious as to how much we will see. those are the numbers, so far. let's take a look at the roadways. when there is inclement weather, it will affect your drive even though the winds are dying down, it is gusty. especially if you are traveling in a high profile vehicle and on the bay bridge as we have wind advisories in effect. the winds were just howling and they kept me up last night. i want to start with the bay bridge. if you are watching yesterday, you saw the tree
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downed and it caused a huge traffic mess at the bay bridge. that is not the case today. everything is clear. meteights t on. good news if you are commuting into the city. lanes are open, but we are seeing volume on the roadway heading into san francisco. keep that in mind. there is no debris or issues on the bay bridge. that may not be the case as you travel this morning. watch for branches in the roadway. i saw several on my way into work this morning along the coast. there is a traffic alert. not affecting the main lines of 80 but as you exit east 80, lanes are blocked. due to a crash ongoing. they have a traffic alert issued through their. parts of the road are blocked near east 80 and you cannot access from the freeway right now. use an alternate. a live look at the san mateo bridge, moving nicely, as you head toward 101.
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same with the golden gate bridge. we are not tracking any major issues as far as crashes go. travel times are in the green but we will keep you updated. the wind has been damaging property all across the bay area. some of the worst we are seeing on the peninsula. jocelyn his life for us this morning in redwood city and this area got hit hard with those winds. >> reporter: really driving through the peninsula yesterday and into the night you could feel the winds and you can see the down trees and power lines. the winds are lot calmer this morning in redwood city but we are seeing the effects of the wind events. we are along with side. this is a busy area. you are seeing cars on the roads but these stoplights, are completely out. this area is pitch black and in an hour is when the commute gets underway. a lot of cars move through this area. like we have been mentioning, a lot of the peninsula is in the doctors
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morning. i want to take you to this pg&e map that we have been following. we see a lot of homes that are waking up in the dark, hundreds of thousands of people along redwood city, east palo alto, menlo park. you are seeing power outages in the emerald lake area. some areas don't have estimated times for when the power could be restored. speaking of emerald like hills, not far from where we are, the roof was blown off a structure. it gives you an idea of just how strong the winds were. we did see images like this other one. trees falling onto homes and causing significant damage. this one in redwood city. neighbors say the resident was not home at the time but the sounds of the winds and what they heard, understandably were scary for a lot of people in the area. >> there was a big blast of wind and it made a huge noise. the house was shaking.
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that was not a blast of wind. something else went on. >> reporter: we mentioned we are along woodside. a busy area. we are at that shopping center, woodside plaza. you have things like rite aid. lucky is working off a generator right now. a lot of people waking up to no power. it is cold outside right now. you can imagine people may not have the heater on. we will be updating you with those power outages. >> power outages and downed power lines. we will check in with you all morning. traffic signals and lights might be an issue. keep that in mind. right now in fremont a powerful gust not the tree down on an apartment complex we were there yesterday and we have a look at damage. >> reporter: this is a dramatic scene. this is a tree that fell in this area of fremont. i am standing on top of what was the wall that divided this
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showppsi. xes. i will show you o this is the real impact of what this complex looks like right now. there are trees all over this area. some of the neighbors have been saying with other people in other areas because they do not have a place to stay. what we heard is that the cleanup will continue. it is a very stressful day. we spoke to one of them and this is what she said. >> as i turned into the complex , i noticed the trees were blowing like crazy. the tree to the right, i saw it just crashing down, falling. i actually witnessed, the first time ever in my life, that i have ever seen a tree
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right before my eyes, just break and snap and tumble. it is going to get worse. >> reporter: this is the tree that she is talking about. she lives on the other side, in the other complex. this is what it looks like on this side. the cleanup will continue. i want you to look at this. it is incredible. it is a gigantic tree that fell, dividing these two communities. we will keep you updated on how this goes. the wind is not over. back to you in studio. to the north bay in novato. a middle school was ordered to shelter in place, after power lines came down along wilson avenue yesterday. people at home were told to stay there. if you are not at home, you were supposed to stay out. >> the tree next door to my house fell and took out a bunch of power lines. i cannot get back. it's a
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waiting game right now and i will find someplace i can go. >> pg&e was able to restore some power to the area quickly , but they are still fixing the polls. powers coming back on across the bay area, around 65,000 people are still dealing with power outages throughout the area. that is down from more than 100,000 last night. as jocelyn mentioned earlier, we are seeing the worst of it on the peninsula. nearly 45,000 are without power. followed by the south bay, where 14,000 are in the dark. stay with cbs news bay area for our first alert weather coverage through this newscast and the rest of the day. we are always on at time for look at this morning's top stories. parents of a california school are demanding answers after students handed out handmade cards with hateful, racist notes to black classmates. this happened the puppetry elementary in southern california. the cards were filled with racist and derogatory terms and some parents are keeping
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the children home from school, as they wait for the school board to take action. >> they are racist and derogatory terms. my kids are devastated and hurt. >> the school has not identified the students who sent their cards a white happened. only stating in a letter to parents, hate speech has no place in its hallways. officials are investigating the cause of a trained enrollment in nebraska. it was carrying coal at the time of the accident. cleanup has started and the tracks near the derailment have been reopened. no one was hurt. the news comes as the environmental protection agency has taken over cleanup the toxic train derailment in ohio. during black history month, we are highlighting a california gallery that has been working for decades to bring black history to life. ashley takes us inside the museum. >> reporter: through the eyes of the teenager, it is a fresh
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look at thousands of years of black history. >> this is harriet tubman and this is sojourner truth. and this is frederick douglass. >> reporter: dating all the way back to a 14th-century, african emperor. >> one of the richest people in history. he is not really talk about. >> reporter: through the 20th century, when in the great migration, 6 million black people move north. >> they would use this book called the green book. and that helped african- americans navigate to know what hotels to go to, what restaurant to go to, and which ones not to go to. >> reporter: we got our history lessened from a student, turned tour guide. >> did you know that the first cowboys were black? >> reporter: at 18 years old, she says, unlike the pages of a textbook, history comes to life. >> most of the times in the school systems, they tell african-american history starts with slavery.
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but at this museum we teach that it is not true. >> reporter: it is about learning what is not taught in school, including sacramento's own piece of black history. the oak park home, turned dunlap starting room. >> the first african-american restaurant in sacramento. >> reporter: and history about its namesake, abolitionist sojourner truth. >> that would have been a replica address of what she would have worn this times. >> reporter: rich heritage on full display. inventions also like the cell phone, black inventor henry t samson created the world's first. >> i feel like i am still learning along the way. there is always information that you do not know. >> reporter: and one trip to the sojourner truth museum, simply is not enough. >> my biggest take away is to come back as much as possible, so that you could come and really take in the information.
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>> we want you to join us tomorrow, thursday, for the hour-long special, black in the bay. we will showcase black history makers and trail blazers across the region. it starts at 4:00 p.m. and we have an encore saturday night at 7:00. next on your money watch headlines. justice coming or could be coming for travelers who had their flights canceled during the pandemic. coming up today on the drew barrymore show,
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you can beat it! ♪ visit or call 833-422-4255 to ask for medication to treat covid-19.
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time for money watch report. another bay area company is announcing layoffs. linkedin said it will cut 91 jobs in the bay area. this affects workers based in sunnyvale, mountain view in san francisco. those employees were let go on february 13th. most of those affected were in hr or recruiting. this comes a month after linkedin's parent company, microsoft, announced plans to cut 10,000 workers by the end of march. the department of transportation's internal watchdog said it is launching a probe into the spike in flight cancellations and delays in the wake of the pandemic. the audit will focus on the federal agencies will in
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cancellations, rather than the airlines. the inspector tara wants to identify the causes and the delays and cancellations. they will also check the accuracy of the government data around flight disruptions . that is a check of your money watch headlines this morning. another headlined is the wind. >> everybody across the bay area. it does not matter if you live in east bay or in the north inland hills, we have been dealing with gusty conditions through the overnight hours. yesterday afternoon, it was hard to commute across the bay bridges. take a look at this. the big reason why this major storm is happening, low pressure is moving in from the north and it is bringing in major cold front. that is a reason why daytime highs are in the upper 40s and lower 50s. we will cool down this week but the winds stick around until 1:00 this afternoon. that is when the wind advisory expires. it will be breezy, but not nearly as bad as last night. we will see a few showers later into this afternoon. but
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we are seeing that on the first alert doppler this morning. we have rain heading into thursday and friday. snow levels dropping to 1500 feet. that will impact many of us, if we commute through the higher passes. here is a look at first alert doppler. showers offshore and all of us are dealing with dry conditions, but that will change in the next couple hours . as with the wind gusts, the big story, we were dealing with wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour yesterday along the bay area, along the peninsula and inland areas also. this morning we wake up to a lighter set up. it is breezy. jocelyn is live reporting. she will deal with breezy conditions along the peninsula. even in the inland areas. the winds stick around heading into this evening. however, the wind advisory expires around 1:00 this afternoon by the national weather service. the other big weather story,
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this is all over social media. the snow levels dropping down so significantly. in total we can expect around 15 inches near lexington hills. 20 inches at the peak level of mount hamilton. less impressive near mount diablo, but something is impressive, better than nothing. this is an overnight system. daytime highs are topping off in the 40s. that is not cold enough for snow to stick, but the overnight lows go below freezing and that will allow for the snow to accumulate. this is in total throughout the next couple days. impressive numbers toward the north. into the weekend, we will get a break for saturday. more rain returning next week. if you have outdoor plans this weekend, yardwork, hanging out with your friends, it looks like saturday is the best day. the rain returns next week. let's talk about the roadways. i am sure a lot of you are thinking about the bay bridge, after yesterday. we had the tree in lanes which
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messed up traffic. it is all clear. there are delays. metering lights are on. just a couple minutes ago we did not see any traffic. once the lights go on a meter traffic through and it backs up quickly, which is the case. heads up if you are headed into san francisco. wind advisory in effect for the bay area bridges. keep that in mind if you are traveling on the bay bridge in the richmond san rafael bridge. everything may feel a little gusty. east 80 at suisun valley road, there is a traffic alert . if you need to exit suisun valley road, that area is blocked. you have to use an alternate. other than that come as far as travel times, we are looking okay on the san mateo bridge. no major delays. the golden gate bridge looking good but we are dealing with windy conditions. be careful.
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welcome back. it's a first alert weather day in the bay area. we start with a quick check of the doppler this morning. showers offshore. it has been a breezy overnight set up. we had wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour. this morning, wind gusts are dying down. not just completely along the coast.
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novato, in the next 30 minutes seeing wind gusts up to 40 miles per hour. san bruno and san mateo one of the worst spots last night. dying down to the 30 mile-per- hour mark. today the wind advisory expires at 1:00 and we are left with light breezy conditions overnight. let's talk a little sports this morning. starting with the nfl and 49ers quarterback brock purdy. he was scheduled to have surgery today to repair a torn ligament in his elbow from a hit in the nfc championship game. that procedure has been postponed. reportedly he is still dealing with inflammation in his elbow. his doctor recommended delaying the surgery until early march. the recovery is expected to be about six months. if the procedure happens early next month, that would put him in line to return right around the start of the regular season. too high school sports. we are entering urnament
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k ti e numb one sd,ef ch the 12th seated cinderella run. they played most of the game and finished in double digits in the eagles took advantage. clayton valley was up by 13 in the third. they scored 15 unanswered points in this game. he tallied 30 points in the game. clayton valley charter sent the pittsburg pirates home, 83- 52. only monroe catholic stands in the way of the title. the final is on saturday. college basketball, the san jose spartans, they were looking to get their 17th win of the season. in the second half, no answers . he got the tough bucket and the foul. here is the story. nevada outscored them in the second half. and won 66-51.
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michigan state student body stood united in the first time games and three people were killed and five injured in a camper shooting last week. at least for one night, the team gave the school something to cheer about against indiana. there is a cheer with a junk and the spartans beat the hoosiers, 80-625. it was an emotional night. howling winds roared into the bay area. many are waking up in the dark this morning. we will check the latest power outages, coming up at 6:00. let's get a live look outside on this wednesday morning. it is another first alert weather day. first alert meteorologist, jessica burch explains what this means for us. but first here is what is coming up at 6:00. it is costing him money. >> paint this expensive. >> there is a new strategy to
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cover up graffiti. business owners will not pay a dime.>> it helps a lot. >>
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good morning. this morning where waking up to another first alert weather day. windy conditions sticking around this morning. we have rain in the forecast and snow levels dropping. we will have more on that coming up in your full forecast. the winds are picking up a little bit in brentwood city but not to where they were last night. we are seeing some affects this morning. a lot of areas are pitch black. we have an update with the power outages, coming up. traffic lights might be out. we are seeing a backup at the bay bridge and debris in the roadways. lots to talk about in your morning commut>


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