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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  February 1, 2023 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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sons but the 49ers off-season is turning into a bit of a soap opera, with no obvious star. the new answers to a lot of questions about the quarterback role. this is cbs news bay area, with juliette goodrich. a good evening but we are talking legalized jaywalking. several communities across the bay area sign increased in numbers of pedestrians crashed last year. seven the local oakland but sought uptick said it was noticeable in the south bay. 32 pedestrians died in san jose in 2022, that is a record. 2023 is off to a promising start, though, with no pedestrian deaths in january. however, just east of the city limits on allen rock avenue near kirk, a 46-year-old man was found dead early this morning, the victim of a hit and run. chp is now searching for that driver. this comes a month after a new state law took effect, giving people the right to jaywalk. the freedom to walk act bars
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police from citing pedestrians for crossing outside of an intersection unless they are in immediate danger of being hit. max darrow asked police and pedestrians what they think about that but >> reporter: under the new law, there are certain areas where pedestrians can jaywalk without any illegal repercussions but it does not mean the pedestrians have the right to wander into oncoming traffic, assuming they have the right-of- way. here in san jose, the police department says that will still get you a jaywalking citation. >> reporter: billy waits for the walk sign to flash in san jose. it's a long wait but he would not consider crossing otherwise. >> it doesn't feel right to me. >> reporter: the so-called freedom to walk act means he could legally cross here or even outside of the intersection as long as he was not in immediate danger of getting hit by oncoming traffic. >> i dodig it's good or bad. >> this is just having a law mirror what is common sense behavior. no pedestrian crosses the street hoping to get hit by a
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vehicle. >> reporter: assembly member phil ting offered authored the bill. >> this just codifies common sense that if you're crossing the street safely, and you're in the middle of the street you cannot get a citation. >> reporter: jaywalking enforcement has often been uneven, the assembly member says, and this should soften that picks but in areas where it is lower income or areas where there is less pedestrian instructor, fewer crosswalks. >> reporter: in san jose, a city that saw a 25 year high in traffic fatalities last year, police officer steve aponte is wary of the change. >> is troubling to think that people will become emboldened to cross, the pedestrian always has the right-of-way when that is not true. >> reporter: 32 pedestrians died on san jose road last year. >> two thirds of those pedestrians were not in a marked crosswalk when the collision occurred. >> he says the police
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department will focus on education now people can cross where they want to cross. >> we want to make sure that folks are paying attention and using common sense when they cross the road race. >> reporter: but, they are not entirely abandoning enforcement, and the law outlines a key scenario where jaywalking is still against the law. >> if they are creating a hazard for themselves or others on the roadway they will be stopped and cited. >> reporter: ting hopes the new rules of the road will cause pedestrians and drivers to exercise more caution on the road. >> with retail drivers is, the way you make streets less dangerous is to drive more slowly. >> i think i will get used to it. >> reporter: it's unlikely he will see him doing so at the busiest intersections, like this one in san jose. just this week, california secured $133 million in federal funding for roadway safety improvements across the state. three of the biggest projects are right here in the bay area. seven cisco received $17.6 million to upgrade traffic and pedestrian signals in the western addition. across the bay in alameda county, 15 million is going to a four mile stretch of the san pablo avenue corridor from the
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southern end of el cerrito down to west oakland. everything from moving bus stops, to adding more bike lanes. the largest grant in the entire state is going to contra costa county. it will get nearly $29 million to close a gap on the san francisco bay trail in martinez, and make pedestrian and bicycle path improvements in richmond, antioch, and moraga. other, smaller grants went towards action plans for communities that don't already have a full safety plan in place. napa, palo alto, santa clara, pleasant hill, and even b.a.r.t. were among the recipients. turning to other news, a 5- year-old boy is fortunately recovering, at home tonight, one day after being mauled by a mountain lion. his name is jack, and his family is telling us his mom went straight at the big cat without hesitation, to save her son. they were hiking along denny does treat creek road in redwood city when jack ran ahead and fairly startled of the animal. his aunt told us today, as bad
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as the attack was, it could have been so much worse. >> lots of swelling and bruising and lacerations, but we are feeling really thankful that he is going to have a complete recovery, physically, and that his spirit remains intact >> wildlife workers say they are hoping to get a dna profile of the specific lien from jack's wounds but it is unclear what they might do when they find it. silicon valley tech workers, big office with cushy perks, but as kelsey thorne shows us, one group of google workers rallied today to demand something you may not expect, a living wage and basic benefits. >> reporter: with the backing of the alphabet workers union, a group of google contract workers known as raiders made their voices heard on google's
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main campus wednesday, calling for fair pay and benefits. >> i support the largest revenue stream that google has, and i don't have healthcare from my employer, and i don't have the money to manage my heart failure. >> reporter: raiders are a group of remote workers who test and evaluate the algorithms used in products like google search. >> when you search for something on google, your search results will be accurate, helpful, and relevant. >> reporter: but these workers say they have been underappreciated and underpaid for years. now, they are organizing, to try to force alphabet to pay them the same as other google workers. >> we want to be able to do our job well, to any dignified wage and have access to business benefits health insurance and paid time off. >> reporter: this comes at a time when tech companies, including google, have been
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laying off thousands of employees, citing economic uncertainty, and worries of a recession. but, these raters and their supporters, say the tech companies are only looking to increase their profits. >> we are here to say that we need to hold these companies accountable, as they are posting record profits. to pay workers fairly, and to ensure that both contract workers and direct employees alike are held to the same standards. >> equal pay for equal work. equal pay for equal work. equal pay for equal work. next time you call a number in the north bay, you may have to dial 369 first. the new area code took effect today in the existing 707 area in marin, napa, celano counties. that area code is expected to run out of space by the end of the year. still to come, on cbs news bay area, it is a somber start to black history month as we say goodbye to a bay area trailblazer. at least something good came out of those brutal storms
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to start the year. the state of the snowpack and what it means for our water supply. dry start to the month of february, after a chilly beginning this morning, temperatures did warm up close to average for this first day of the new month. warmer temperatures tomorrow despite more clouds. showers coming up in the first alert forecast.
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(steven) every time i come to see caremore, they go above and beyond to take care of me. i feel a lot better now. i'm taking medication for what i should have been taking years ago. (vo) caremore health provides advanced primary care wherever you need it, in the hospital, at home, in our clinics, or virtually. (steven) so when i call them over a medical issue, they take care of it instantaneously. i'm not afraid to go to the doctor anymore or put off going to the doctor.
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(vo) call the number on your screen to learn more about medicare plans in your neighborhood that include caremore. ♪ every search you make ♪ ♪ every click you take ♪ ♪ i'll be watching you ♪ - [narrator] the internet doesn't have to be so creepy, the duckduckgo app, lets you search and browse pria blocking most trackers all forf your search history is never tracked, so it can't be shared. and when you leave search, duckduckgo helps keep companies from watching you as you brows. join tens of millions of people making the easy switch by downloading the app today. duckduckgo, privacy simplified. (upbeat music)
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the san francisco civil rights icon who became known as the mayor of bayview hunters point has died. charlie walker was 89. walker is known for leading the cleanup of stinson beach in 1971 after two oil tankers collided off the coast. it was shortly after the civil rights movement, when opportunities like that were still hard to come by for people of color. it is a story that was immortalized in a movie just last year. >> can i help you? >> i'm a contractor he's going
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to be the boss. >> you can't be the boss. >> i took care of my family, i sent my daughters to college, i took care of my mother and my wife and i had a nice house. that is what i did with the money. people say money won't make you happy but it sure made me happy. >> charlie walker is survived by his wife, annette. three children, 11 grandchildren. i had to dig deep to find the ground at phillips station, today. the first sierra snow survey since a series of atmospheric rivers walloped the state. the snow level there is at 193% of average for this time of year. statewide, we are at 205%. >> we are currently outpacing 1982, 1983, which is the wettest year on record. however, for every day that it does not rain or snow, we gradually return to more dry conditions. melted snow supplies nearly 30% of the states water needs. a good time to talk to paul heggen about all this. when we talk about percentages,
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wow, that was kind of the same mostly w, will come to an end tomorrow night, they will get a bit of snow, a lot more over the weekends, something to keep in mind as we enter the peak of ski season, here. cloud cover overhead tomorrow, that is the only thing you will notice overhead. will start off chilly and we are going to still warm up to near average temperatures before this next storm system sends a chance of rain into the bay area, more than 24 hours from now. that rain will not hit the north bay coast until after midnight. thin clouds overhead tonight thickening as we enter the day tomorrow but we still will warm up to the upper 50s and low 60s in most locations. as the sangha falls tomorrow, rain is still way offshore but it does approach the north bay coast by midnight and moves on shore in the pre-sunrise hours of friday morning. the heaviest and most widespread rain will fall between about 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 or 7:00 i am, basically exiting the bay area as we enter the sunrise hours. taking this peak at drivetime it will be a mess on the roads
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because there will be plenty of puddles to slash your way through, that will slow down traffic even if most of the rain is gone at this point the last of the shower should quiet down by late morning, we will see a mix of clouds and sunshine before the clouds the can again on friday night, and that process will continue on saturday. dry, to start the day on saturday but then the next wave of rain will move in through late saturday afternoon, saturday evening, and saturday night but this first wave will add mostly attends to a quarter of an inch, higher amounts along the coast and north of the golden great gate where the rain arrives earlier for the next wave of rain, saturday night into sunday, that will be more evenly distributed across the bay area. a quarter to half an inch for most of us and both of these waves of rain are beneficial rainmakers for us but we are not talking about a return to flooding threats, just some inconvenient rain for the friday morning commute and anything you have planned this weekend, including phantasmagorical park. the giants fan fest begins at 10:00 a.m. the earlier you get out there, the more dry you will be put
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there is still a chance of showers on saturday but most of it will hold off until likely late afternoon. temperatures won't be an issue for the chinese new year parade, from downtown in chinatown, but, showers become more and more likely after the start of that parade, which is around 5:30. i will have to check the specific start time but all of saturday will be a big festival downtown. we are going to be seeing those showers become more likely as we advance through saturday evening and saturday night. right now, temperatures are in the 40s, inland, with low 50s at oakland and san jose, those numbers drop down to the 30s further inland, with near 40 degree low temperatures around the bay and along the coast. and then, we do warm-up despite the increase in cloud cover, those southeasterly wind are pushing temperatures into the mid-50s by noon. warmest down the peninsula with lower and middle 60s there. most of the rest of us top and in the upper 50s to around 60 degrees but even with increasing rain chances, temperatures really don't change much friday, saturday, and sunday. we do warm-up just a little bit
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through next week which means near 60 around the bay with lower and middle 60s further in land. a dry stretch of weather should carry us through most of next week, but then likely additional shower chances beyond the scope of the seven- day forecast, these are the three that have our immediate attention but beyond the seven- day outlook we will probably see another unsettled pattern shaping up we head towards the middle of the month, something else that brings us into a normal february weather pattern, which is what we need to continue chipping away at drought conditions but we do not want a repeat of what happened last month, but we don't want a repeat of what happened last year, either. trying to find that balance. >> thank you. the season may be over but the quarterback soap opera doesn't stop. the two signal callers we know will not be suiting up for the red and gold next season. she got her first guitar at the age of eight, now she is a grammy nominee. how her family and a
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so, you would think 49ers fans would be used to quarterback drama by this point, but wait, there is more. vern glenn walks us through the options for next season, starting with a future hall of famer, who will not be joining the red and gold. we can put to rest the rumors of tom brady joining the 49ers next season. the san mateo native made a different announcement earlier this morning. >> i will get to the point right away.
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i am retiring. for good. this time he says it is for good. brady retired on the same date, last year, before returning for a 23rd season. he walks away with seven super bowl titles. the 49ers are moving forward with brock purdy and trey lance. kyle shanahan was asked how he plans to handle the quarterback situation. >> i don't think there's much to handle, one guy can't go in another guy should be ready for a teays. >> lance will be ready to go later this spring. as for purdy, no decision has yet been made on surgery, but, the additional test for his elbow have the 49ers confident he will be healthy to go next season. >> the positive bit of news is that it seems to be consistent, that the right approach is that one. it takes about the six month mark. >> and then, there is jimmy garoppolo. any chance he returns for one
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more year? >> i don't see that scenario. >> nfl free agency is still six weeks away. for now, kyle shanahan is looking for a new defensive coordinator to replace d'amico ryans >> thank you. up next, she started holding a guitar pick as a little girl and recorded her first cd at the age of 13. how her family put a bay area native on the path to a
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(vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early?
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(hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend? that is molly tuttle, she was born in santa clara, raised in palo alto, now nominated for two grammy awards, best new artist, and best bluegrass album. molly's guitar skills are already legendary. in fact, she learned from one of the best, an expert on the peninsula.
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jenna franco tracked him down. >> reporter: jack tuttle grew up on a farm in rural illinois, listening to his father play bluegrass music. at the tender age of 5, he picked up a guitar and never put it down. >> reporter: jack is a bluegrass virtuoso and just happens to be molly's dad. everything about bluegrass, the singing, the harmonies, the technical aspects, all thrill him. but, what may enchant him the most?'s budgetary social music. people get together to play bluegrass. it definitely connects people that way. >> reporter: jack taught molly and all his kids to play when they were barely old enough to hold a pick. >> they were all really good and really talented. >> reporter: the titles formed of banned and along with a daily they performed authentic blue glass and roots music for years. molly recorded her first cd, the old apple tree, with her dad, at age 13.
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jack has taught the grass in the bay area for 40 years, and written a dozen instructional music books on the genre. while many of his lessons are online, before the pandemic, most of his classes were held here. >> it was another business that -- palo alto business that began in a garage. >> reporter: at the legendary griffin string instrument shop, where mandolins, acoustic guitars, and banjos line the walls. the staff brought out molly's first guitar, a baby taylor that she played at age 8. while it has seen better days, they cannot seem to part with it took >> we get it around percent mental reasons. >> yes. it basically became like a toy in the house after molly upgraded. >> reporter: founders frank ford and richard johnson are thrilled to hear about molly's nomination. >> when people ask me about molly, i remind them that i knew molly since she was a bump.
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we've known molly basically since she was born. of course, we are overjoyed by >> reporter: as for molly, she is now living in nashville, and she says her biggest inspiration is her dad. she recently took some time to zoom with him. >> how are you doing? >> good, how are you? >> pretty good. are you excited about the grammy nominations? >> i'm super excited. >> reporter: so, too, is her dad. >> it is just an accomplice meant for molly, to take pride in, so yeah, that's a very cool thing. >> proud dad. molly was diagnosed at the age of three with alopecia which led to complete her loss. as a child, she wore hats and legs to hide it, but at 30 years old, she decided to embrace at. she has performed without a wig or hat in part to help other kids dealing with the same thing. jenna franco and sarah donchey will be highlighting our bay area grammy nominees this saturday night at 10:30 p.m. right here on cbsn again on
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sunday at 3:30 p.m. then on sunday, don't change the channel, the grammy show will broadcast live at 5:00 p.m., followed by an encore performance at 8:30. it will also stream on paramount plus we wish all of our local artist good luck. on that note, thank you for watching the news continues streaming on cbs news bay area but we will see you back your at 11:00. have a good evening.
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: i appreciate that. thank y'all very much. thank y'all. i appreciate it, everybody. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. [cheering and applause] well, we got a good one for you today. returning for their second day from rockland, california, it's the champs. it's the morris family! [cheering and applause] and they're back from middlesex, north carolina, it's the doughty family! [cheering and applause] well, everybody's here trying to win theirself some cash, and somebody might have a shot driving out of here in that brand-new car.


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