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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  January 23, 2023 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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department expected to breach us at any mo. brg it to you as soon as we get it. a massive law enforcement presence. two different mushroom farms. two different shooting scenes. one at a mushroom farm along highway 92. another year another mushroom farm off of highway 1. we just received this photo of the suspect arrested. identified as 67-year-old zhou chun li. the sheriff's department pleaded there is no ongoing threat to the community. we can assume the same suspect is connected to both scenes. let's take you live now to the san mateo sheriff's office. hopefully getting answers to our questions. let's go to len ramirez. live at one of the shooting scenes all laughed at noon. mountain mushroom form by highway 92. can you hear me? let's take it to you now.
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>> this continues to be major pulleys presence. sheriff's office presence here along highway 92. one of the crime scenes that they are investigating now. the sun is all gone. darkness all around. not a lot of activity in the area. a rural area right now. we can hardly make out what is going on. a number of law enforcement vehicles here. they are checking people in and out as they enter the area. you can see the officer with the crime scene tape and somebody being checked out as they leave the area. many of them were detained for quite a while. cannot really tell who is behind the wheel here. one of the workers who was here while the shooting was actually
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happening. this is the kind of thing that is going on right now. this is going to be a very long and intense investigation. we saw a few minutes ago, juliet, a vehicle carrying a big set of lights. the forensic investigators begin their work, trying to find out all that happened and piece together what happened at this location. back to you. >> as we wait for more information, i just wanted to ask you, again, these are two separate arms within each other. the suspect taken into custody. we were reporting that he allegedly turned himself in at the area. can you confirm that? >> it was a very remarkable scene. there was a situation that really erupted right in front of us. suddenly, the deputies jumped into their cars. really tore out of here. at least half a dozen vehicles
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or more took off from this location. where they were going is that the sheriff's substation in downtown half moon bay, where the suspect was turning himself in. obviously, they left here in a very big hurry. a few minutes after that, maybe half an hour, another entourage of cars took off from the substation to go back over the hill. and into redwood city to the sheriff's headquarters. so in the span of an hour, intense activity with law enforcement getting to the scene where the suspect was turning himself in. and the other two take him into the sheriff's office for questioning. and being detained in jail. while the process goes on. >> as we learn about the injuries and those critically injured and the death toll right now -- seven, as we
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reported -- there is the concern about the people in the area and finding out who the victims were. you are probably getting a sense of that right now. that is the most heartbreaking. until we find out why. >> yeah. you are touching on one of the most heartbreaking and difficult parts of this. that is for the loved ones of the family members. to find out that they are in limbo right now. probably have not heard from their loved ones for quite some time, probably since they left for work earlier in the day. we have known, unfortunately, from other mass shootings, including the shooting that was a year and a half or two years ago in san jose. these crime scenes remain there for quite some time. they often have to get dna samples and confirmation of dna before they can make a confirmation on who that individual is. so, it
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is just an excruciating part of this mass shooting situation that we are seeing happening around the state and around the country, where the victims are deceased, obviously. and the family members have to go through the excruciating pain of having to identify their loved ones. that part of it is just starting out. >> that news conference. we will check back with you in a few minutes. we appreciate your latest information. we will let you gather more and be back with you. thank you. let's go back to betty yu, live at the second location south of highway 1. what are you seeing there? >> we know from the sheriff's office that three of the seven victims were killed at the second shooting site. i will give you a better idea of what things look like at this hour. you can see lights in the distance there in the last 30 minutes or so. several law
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enforcement vehicles arriving on the scene. we saw a forensics lab and another vehicle carrying extra-large lights to light up this crime scene. we know that the investigation, the process of gathering more evidence will take several hours into the night. what we know ghnow is that this is the site of a mushroom farm. i spoke to a woman who was very frantic and understandably very anxious. does not know if her loved one, her partner is one of those three victims. she tells me he is a manager here and she last spoke to him this morning when he left for work. unfortunately, she has not been able to get in touch with him all of this time. left the scene in the last hour or so, hoping to get more information. but just to recap for you, seven victims total. we are told by the san mateo county sheriff's office that three of those victims were killed at
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this site. just off of highway 1. for those in the area, the location is known as 21-25 cabrillo highway. three of those seven victims were found here. >> i am just curious in the day of cell phones why some are not may be able to get a hold of their loved ones. there must have been a number of employees in the area, as well. obviously, in nation is coming in lowly. we do not want to jump the gun, so to speak, on certain information. we will just leave it at that right now. in queue. i will check back with you. we want to get to the sheriff's department right now. they are holding a news conference. maybe that will give us more information. we are going to go over to sara with some information in the newsroom. >> reporter: we are waiting for that conference, as you mentioned. when that starts, we will go to it. we talked to a woman when the suspect was arrested and pulled out of the car. we have been reporting that he was at the sheriff's substation when he was
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arrested. might actually turn himself in. take a look. >> ends up. >> what we are seeing and what you can hear our deputies with guns drawn. shouting, come here, come here, put your hands up. they pulled him out of the car and down to the ground. this is the first time we are actually seeing the moment of him being arrested. our cameras were there once he was put into handcuffs and inside the substation. that's the moment where all of the deputies showed up. lights and sirens. jumped out of the car. it appeared len ramirez was at another location. they've gotten another call that he had showed up at another location. as far as the witness who took the video, here is what she had to say about the whole thing.
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we apologize. we will turn around the video for you as soon as we can. she describes, basically, what she saw when shooting that video. do we have the video now? here we go. >> they had their guns drawn. they approached from behind the car. the tight formation. got up to the car and were probably a few feet behind it. six feet behind it or so. ask him to get out. it took several asks. got out of the car and eventually, he was taken down to the ground by them. >> that is the first time we have seen that happen . a short time ago, governor gavin newsom tweeted about this incident. he wrote, at the hospital, meeting with victims of a mass shooting, when i am pulled away to be briefed about another mass shooting. this time in half moon bay. tragedy upon tragedy. referencing the shooting that happened in southern california just outside los angeles in monterey park in the san gabriel valley
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were 11 people were shot and killed tonight. we know seven people were shot and killed in half moon bay. we are waiting to learn a lot more information from the news conference. a terribly tragic situation unfolding in half moon bay and san mateo county. >> our hearts go out to the family and workers in the area. the suspect in custody. thank you so much. we do believe we have new video that we have gathered up some of the employees at one of the mushroom farms outside of the area. they are gathering and collecting their thoughts and supporting one another. maybe we will go to that video. again, this is what we know. we will continue to check back with you as well. the san mateo county sheriff's office has confirmed that seven are dead after two shootings in half moon bay. and a person was shot and taken to stanford medical center. the suspect is in custody. identified as a 67-year-old zhao chunli from half moon bay. officials do not know the motive yet. we are waiting for a news conference to start at any moment. the gun used in the shooting was found
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in the suspect's car. the video you are looking at here is the location of one of the mushroom farms. obviously, employees standing around in a very somber demeanor and it looks like a lot of them are just waiting to get information. like we have said, seven reported deaths in this particular situation at two different forms. a lot of people are just trying to make contact with their loved ones. of course, we are going to be following this as an old all evening long. again, len ramirez is at the scene of one of the mushroom farms. we got betty yu there and that sara in the newsroom. reporters all over. as i am being told right now, we do have congresswoman anna eshoo on the phone right now. this is juliet in the kpix studio. do we have you on the line ? sometimes it is hard to hear. congresswoman, do i have you? it might be kind of hard to actually make contact in the
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area. of course, we are going to continue to follow
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larger presence by san mateo county sheriff's investigators. people are pouring into this location. another truck carrying a big set of lights coming into presumably eliminate the crime scene to help forensic investigators do their work. we've also been on the phone with some of our sources and getting confirmation now that the suspect -- and this is from a law enforcement source -- that the suspect was taken to the maguire detention facility in san mateo county hall of justice. that source also letting us know that law enforcement is using spanish and mandarin translators to talk tin ca. wehaa ere the might be, you know, a language barrier and that could slow some of the information coming out to law enforcement. as to exactly what happened in this case. but this is going to be a very large
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crime scene. it's going to be over the course of the night for sure. this was a very remarkable scene earlier today. just about an hour after this shooting occurred. a lot of activity. the suspect turned himself in. they went to that location and got him into custody and took him off into the redwoods to the area. reporting live in half moon bay, len ramirez, kpix 5. >> thank you. we are waiting for a news conference . why and how many people have connections with loved ones. so many things to uncover throughout the evening. let's go and try to reconnect with congresswoman anna eshoo who is standing by. it is juliette goodrich. can you hear me now? >> yes i can. thank you. >> thank you for joining us.
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this is such a very difficult evening as we learn more details. why don't you share with us what you know at this point? >> it is just an enormous tragedy. when any of us think of half moon bay. it's always a happy, pleasant thought. the home of the pumpkin festival, the big maverick competition. but today, it's murder. seven precious lives lost. we do not understand why. we are grateful that the sheriff's department has the suspect in custody. but this is the shattering of the lives of seven families. it is my understanding that one person has been taken to stanford medical center for treatment. i understand it is serious. this is a shock to the
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community. it's a shock for the people and san mateo county. and right now, i think we want to ask more questions. and there is the motive. why this man would go on a killing spree? and, you know, the question that i think so many americans ask -- why do we put up with these mass shootings in our country? >> it's utterly heartbreaking. we are looking at video of the suspect, who apparently turned himself in to a substation. we can see authorities walking him. he will obviously be behind bars and charged and all of that. in the meantime, we got seven victims. some are critically injured and family members who just do not know where their loved ones are. that is where we are this evening, trying to connect those dots. that is where our heart goes out to all of those
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people. do you know, can you shed any light on these mushroom farms? again, you shared what half moon bay is so known for. beautiful festivals and the area there. but we are looking at employees who make a living in the area. mushroom farms. two of them taking care of a lot of families there. can you give us some information about those particular farms? >> the coastline in san mateo county has, for generations, been known for its agriculture. and it still is today. many small farms, and what people are seeing on their tv screens, or at least some of the grounds of both types of farming where this tragedy took place. there are a multiplicity of workers there. and all of these
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locations. and i think that the sheriff's department is going to be using interpreters. both spanish-speaking and chinese speaking. because of the families that are gathering to find out exactly what happened. and if they have lost a family member. >> i do hope they get their information as soon as possible. we are seeing them in the parking lot there. just waiting woefully to find out more information about their loved ones. looking at pictures again of the suspect and taken into custody. as we continue to follow this breaking news, congressman anna eshoo, i want to thank you. thank you again for taking the time to talk to us. >> thank you. >> let's get back to sara in the newsroom with some national reactions that have been coming in. >> reporter: a lot of attention across the nation. it comes on
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the heels of the mass shooting in monterey park in southern california where 11 people were killed. a tragic situation again tonight. president biden's press secretary confirmed, just a few minutes ago, that he has been briefed on these shootings already. the secretary tweeting that biden has asked federal law enforcement to provide assistance in half moon bay. this comes just 24 hours after the president and his condolences to shooting victims in monterey park and down in l.a. county. the press secretary tweeted again that it is possible that this federal assistance will come in. we know that san mateo county law enforcement is working this. it's possible they will call in at additional resources as this gets separated into two different scenes. an incredibly different situation there. this is the tweet from president biden's press secretary that you see there . and government are somewhat down in southern california today visiting victims of the monterey park shooting when he heard about this one in half moon bay. he
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tweeted at the hospital, meeting with victims of a mass shooting, when i get pulled away to be briefed about another shooting, this time in half moon bay. tragedy upon tragedy. and this year from congressman kevin mullin, who represents san mateo county. i am horrified to learn about yet another mass shooting. this time in half moon bay. seven people died, more injured. my heart breaks for our families and neighbors. that gives us a picture of some of the information that we are waiting to hear. we know that seven people have been killed. perhaps more injured. we have not heard much about that this evening, about how they are doing, and certainly, law enforcement has to make notifications to victims families. presumably a lot of phone calls to make and a lot of contact that they have to make. our hearts certainly go out tonight to all of those families who have been told that a loved one is gone. or waiting for information. i cannot imagine how desperate and difficult that must be tonight area this situation in half moon bay has gotten
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attention from people all over the country already. juliet. >> there is that ripple effect. so many people had to shelter in place, not really knowing where the suspect might be. here we go. another shooting. who does it involve? children, adults, family members? as we piece it together, i think this explains why we have not heard from the sheriff department right now. that you want to find out who, where, and why before they start giving us more information. but i want to
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continuing coverage of the situation in half moon bay momentarily. it a quick look at steek of jay and continue with coverage of the breaking news from half moon bay. it will be a calm week overall. in the midst of this dry stretch of weather today. the fifth dry day in a row. we have not seen this kind of stretch of dry weather since before christmas. it's going to continue throughout the upcoming week. a little burst of offshore wind occasionally becoming gust year. especially when dan thursday. younger wind gust across the area today, especially at the higher elevations. those winds should not be problematic given how wet the vegetation is given all the rain we had in december in the first half of this month. the wind will calm down as we had to the rest of tonight. still a few places that are breezy or this evening. i do
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not think the wind will be a major factor on tuesday. strong gusts only in the 15 mile-per-hour range. potentially over 20 miles per hour in the north bay. downslope offshore winds getting to the north they read some spots maybe even touching 70 degrees with stronger winds likely. 30 miles per hour from time to time. late wednesday night into early thursday night. there is not much rain in sight in the entire extended forecast. this hints that some moisture might try to sneak towards the weekend. it's a long way down the line. looks more likely that we could get back into an unsettled weather pattern around the corner from january into early february. a week from beyond the scope of the seven-day forecast. looking outside right now, the last hint of light on the horizon. temperatures are mostly in the 50s. 64 degrees in santa rosa. downslope temperature all the way up. 71 degrees., wins. a
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bit chilly in land. temperatures dropping in the mid-to upper 30s on tuesday with low to mid 40s in the bay and along the coast. temperatures are going to steadily warm. ending up near or above average during the afternoon. mostly in the mid-50s by lunch time with some of the warmer spots in the north bay reaching the mid-60s. most of us are going to talk about the low 60s with some coo degrees. all in all, not bad for late january. right around 60 degrees right along the coast. seven-day forecast shows temperature speaking on wednesday and thursday, reaching up into the mid-60s for inland parts of the bay area. adding some more clouds to the weekend forecast. at this point, clouds will be substantial to drop substantial to drop any chance of showers. it looks like the dry stretch of weather will continue for the next four or five days. more likely the next seven plus days until the more active weather pattern is
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shaping up as we go into early february. it does not look like we will see a repeat of what happened with the dry stretch of weather that lasted over two months to begin january and into february and march. eventually, some shower chances are going to return to the bay area. we will keep you updated on that. >> thank you. we want to resume breaking news out of half moon bay that we have been covering all afternoon into the evening. san mateo county sheriff's officials have confirmed seven people have died in two separate shootings. one site is at a mushroom farm along highway 1. the other is at a second mushroom farm along highway 92 in the spanish town area. sheriff's deputies first responded to the mushroom farm along highway 1 where four people were killed. a fifth person was shot and taken to stanford medical center. the shooter then went to another location with -- where three other people were killed. they have identified the spect as
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67-year-old zhao chunli from half moon bay. a motive has not been released. he is in custody right now. we will continue to follow the developments and the families who are waiting to hear fr loved ♪ captioning sponsored by cbs >> o'donnell: tonight, the new information from here in california on the lunar new year massacre, as the death toll grows to at least 11. the hunt for answers, assear the mobile park home of the alleged 72-year-old gunman. cbs's kris van cleave has the latest on the investigation. the chaos inside. cbs's adam yamaguchi has the gripping details from a survivor. >> suddenly heard the boom-boom- boom-boom-boom. >> o'donnell: plus, our interview with california governor gavin newsom on the cycle of gun violence, calling it "an american disgrace." severe weather. we're tracking two major storms sweeping the nation. new biden documents.
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the 13-hour f.b.i. search of


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