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tv   The Late Show With Stephen Colbert  CBS  May 4, 2022 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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captioning sponsored by cbs >> well, a man who calls himself "the pro-life spider-man" was arrested 60 stories in the air. he free-climbed san francisco's salesforce tower yesterday, which is more than 1,000 feet tall. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> announcer: it's "the late show with stephen colbert." tonight: >> say it ain't roe. and mother's day first drafts with stephen and evie. plus, stephen welcomes: glenn close and sheryl crow featuring jon batiste and stay human. and now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, it's stephen colbert! ( cheers and applause )
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>> stephen: hey, everybody! welcome, welcome one and all. please have a seat, everybody, thank you very much. welcome, down here, up there, all around the world, to "the late show." i am your host, stephen colbert. ( cheers and applause ) well, it's been what, it's been 48 hours, let's say, and america is still reeling from monday's leaked supreme court decision overturning "roe v. wade." it came out of nowhere. because with inflation, the pandemic, rising fascism, ukraine, this wasn't exactly an issue on the front burner. in fact, back in 2021, a gallup poll asked what people thought the most important problem facing the u.s. was, and fewer than half of 1% answered abortion. by march of 2022, that number
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was ze turbulent years, "roe" was finally no longer a five-alarm fire. but the conservative majority decided to follow their standard protocol: in case of no emergency, burn, baby, burn. if people didn't consider this a pressing issue before, they sure do now. last night, thousands of people showed up to protests in washington d.c.; new york city; austin, texas; and los angeles. california. ( cheers and applause ) that's a lot of people. that's a lot of people. usually, you only get crowds like that when delta announces they've begun pre-boarding. ( laughter ) "i refuse to stay seated until you call my zone! of course. after years of packing the supreme court with the express intention of overturning "roe v. wade," republicans in congress took a victory lap. jimmy, show their celebration:
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oh, right. i forgot. they're cowards. because they know it's really unpopular. so they didn't talk about the actual decision. instead, republicans focused on the unprecedented nature of the leak itself. look, i can understand the argument that this leak is bad for the institution of the supreme court. but come on, did you think waiting to release it this summer was going to make it a hot beach read: your body, his choice. ( laughter ) the top republican driving the outraging about the leak is senate minority leader and lead singer for "hootie and the blobfish," there you go. i thought it was darius. no? mitch mcconnell. yesterday, a reporter gave mcconnell the obvious credit for the decision, but he was strangely humble about it: >> you spent decades trying to remake the court, overturn
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"roe." you're possibly singlehandedly responsible for the 6-3 majority. so do you take personal credit for abortion rights likely to go away for millions of people in this country? >> you know, i think the story today is an effort by someone on the inside to discredit the institution of the senate. >> stephen: come on! your ingenious plot worked. why don't you want to celebrate? it's like a bond villain saying, "yes, i did launch a space-based laser from my volcanic fortress, but giving me credit for incinerating london is just an effort to discredit my fluffy, white cat." 4r5u6 laugh "isn't that right, snuggles." ( laughter ) stay! stay! ( applause ) very obedient cat. very obedient. ( applause ) he mitched on: >> all of this puts the cart
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before the horse. you need, it seems to me-- excuse the lecture-- to concentrate on what the news is today, not a leaked draft, but the fact that the draft was leaked. ( laughter ) >> stephen: what the huh? mitch, is everything okay in the old squirrel cage? you been snackin' on paint chips? because you're ignoring the important part. you're like a husband getting a ransom note: "oh, my god! look at all the letters they cut out of a magazine. they've ruined my collection of "national geographics"! margaret, margaret, come and see this! oh, margaret's missing." >> jon: that's what the note says, she's missing. >> stephen: and very expensive.
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mcconnell is not alone. there was also outcry from south carolina senator and newest member of "hootie and the blobfish," lindsey graham. graham chimed in with this: >> what happened to the court today was the saddest chapter in the history of the united states supreme court. >> stephen: "the saddest chapter"? so, senator graham is cool with the "dred scott" decision that said black people are property, "plessy v. ferguson" that established jim crow segregation, and "buck v. bell," which said it was okay to sterilize the mentally ill. i'm guessing, to lindsay graham, the saddest part of a funeral is when they run out of lemon bars. as usual, fox news was committed to not reporting the news and instead reporting spin the leaked draft into a win for democrats. >> this is a godsend for a lot of democratic candidates. >> democrats clearly using this for the midterms. they don't want to talk about inflation. they want to talk abortion. >> it's very curious to me that the democrats weren't talking about it until today. >> stephen: yeah, typically, people wait until something
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happens to talk about it. ( laughter ) nobody on the "titanic" was complaining about icebergs when they left the harbor. but, then about halfway through, it was, "iceberg dead ahead" this, and "never let go... glug, glug, glug" that. ( applause ) i don't know! one republican took a break from attacking the leaker to vilify women instead. i'm talking about florida republican and subway rider cheering on the masturbator, matt gaetz. in response to the nationwide protests, this morning, gaetz tweeted, "how many of the women rallying against overturning "roe" are over-educated, under-loved millennials who sadly return from protests to a lonely microwave dinner with their cats and no bumble matches?" now, folks, if that statement
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sounds insane, remember: for matt gaetz, over-educated is any woman who's already graduated high school. ( applause ) meanwhile-- meanwhile? not meanwhile. what else is going on. over in the pandemic, covid-19 cases and hospitalizations are rising again in the united states. how many comebacks does covid get? it's the mel gibson of viruses. ( laughter ) cases are going up in washington, mississippi, georgia, maine, hawaii, south dakota, nevada, and montana. come on! how does it possibly spread from person to person in montana? every person is 20 miles apart to give someone covid, you have to lick a prairie dog and throw it through the window of a homestead. ( laughter ) ( applause ) i believe-- i believe they still homestead there, right? montana still has cabins. the rise in cases can be blamed on newer, fitter descendants of the omicron variant.
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come on, omicron. we broke up with you, and now you're getting fitter? i hope you don't have abs, or in a moment of weakness, we might hook up again. ( laughter ) one major subvariant making the rounds is a spinoff of omicron's ba.2 subvariant, called b2.12.1. evidently, the w.h.o. ran out of greek letters, so now they're just using the password that comes with your router: ( as doctor ) mr. johnson, please have a seat. we ran the tests and, unfortunately, you're positive for lower case b, ampersand, 5, 6, capital z as in zavid, 9,2,9, underscore-netgear, and then a capital "o," or a zero. there's no way of knowing." ( laughter ) but things-- ( cheers and applause ) one place where covid is taking off again is our nation's
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capital. one place where covid is taking off again is our nation's capital. a bunch of folks tested positive after attending the white house correspondents' dinner, including abc news' chief washington correspondent, jonathan karl, which is particularly worrisome, because at the dinner, karl shook hands with president biden-- a story that politico reported as "jonathan karl tests positive for covid after sitting next to kim kardashian." well, of course that's their lede. you want the president to be healthy, but come on, we've had 45 of those guys. there's only one founder of skims shapewear. i'm wearing one right now. ( laughter ) it's so smoothing. even worse, the dinner was saturday, and on monday, kim went to the met gala, which-- i don't think i need to remind you-- was attended by all of the kardashians for the first time ever. thanks a lot, jonathan karl. you may have just knocked out our entire national kardashian reserve. ( laughter ) who will we keep up with now?? the hiltons? do they even make a lip kit? ( laughter ) and, we just found out that
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after attending the dinner, secretary of state antony blinken tested positive for covid. now, maybe i'm out over my skis here, but i'm starting to think they shouldn't have served dinner "lady and the tramp" style. ( laughter ) we've got a great show for you tonight. my guests are glenn close and sheryl crow. but when we come back, my wife, evie, and i have some first drafts of mother's day cards. stick around. ♪ ♪ ♪
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fanduel and draftkings, two out of state corporations making big promises to californians. what's the real math behind their ballot measure for online sports betting? 90% of profits go to the out of state corporations permanently. only eight and a half cents is left for the homeless. and in virginia, arizona, and other states, fanduel and draftkings use loopholes to pay far less than was promised. sound familiar? it should. it's another bad scheme for california.
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. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ( applause ) >> stephen: welcome back, everybody. give it up for jon batiste and stay human. how we doing over there? how we doing? jon. jon. do you know who we've got on tonight, jon, and this is a joy
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for me, because i love both of these women. two very powerful women, glenn close and sheryl crow are on this evening. have you done stuff-- have you done stuff can sheryl? >> we've hung out before, never done music together. glenn was at the met ball and we got to sing together. >> stephen: you got to sing with her? >> jon: yes. >> stephen: she was replendant in pink. you could see her from the international space station. very beautiful. well, folks, spring is here, and with it, that little ice chip in your heart telling you, you forgot something that you were supposed to remember about this sunday, which can only mean one thing: it's mother's day. now, there are plenty of mother's day cards out there to choose from, but they don't all get it right on the first try. so tonight, we'll take a look at some of the early attempts in our segment "first drafts." ( cheers and applause ). ♪ ♪ ♪
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as always, i'll need some help from my favorite guest of all time and my favorite mother, my wife, evie. evie! darling! ( cheers and applause ) hello. >> hi! >> stephen: you look beautiful. >> thank you! >> stephen: love the necklace. please have a seat. >> did i get lipstick on you. >> stephen: did i? did you-- >> did i get lipstick on you? >> stephen: darling thank you so much for being here. >> my pleasure. >> stephen: happy mother's day ahead of time. >> thank you. >> stephen: i got you a mimosa. >> vitamin "c" because of your cold. .>> stephen: it's not a cold. i have allergies, remember? >> oh, right. >> stephen: darling, for those of you at home who are playing our home game, let me explain what's going on here. you know,sh-- >> i'm a pro. >> stephen: if you hold the cards right there, what's going to happen if you'll give me the top card-- and how would you
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describe the top card? >> nice, friendly. >> stephen: the one you would buy. >> safe. >> stephen: and the second card would be what? >> sometimes offensive. >> stephen: the first draft, the first draft of that card that wasn't good enough to sell. >> sometimes offensive. >> stephen: sometimes offensive. could i please-- could i please have the first card? >> stephen: yes, you may. this one is for the new moms. it says, "i love you. happy first mother's day to my wife. watching you become a mother has been the most beautiful experience. i love you." oh! >> stephen: sthant that lovely? >> that is so sweet! >> stephen: wouldn't you love to get that one? but the first draft said, "happy first mother's day to my wife. watching you become a mother was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. and then you just walked around like an hour later? i fear you." that's true. that's true. >> that's true. >> stephen: because ( whistles ) >> that's true. >> stephen: it is-- it is scary business. >> don't mess with us women after he have baby s. >> stephen: absolutely not. i remember when our eldest was born, our daughter, we had this
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plan to bring in, like, "i brought in a little cd player and mini-speakers and we're going to listen to whale noises and the sound of the sea. and i turned it on, and about five minutes later you said, turn that ( bleep ) off. true story. >> it's true. >> stephen: here's the second thing i remember about that. >> i don't know if we want to talk about that. >> stephen: you were doing a great job. >> i did a great job! >> stephen: of course, you were doing a great job. and you were like, "you know what, give me an epidural." >> the first time. >> stephen: and they had, sir, you have to leave while we do this. i left, went down to the mcdonald's in the lobby of the hospital, got myself a coffee and hashbrowns, came back up, and you were like, "weee! i'm ready to run the new york marathon." >> drugs. >> stephen: drugs and knives. that's what we're going with. >> this is a sweet one.
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>> these are really sweet. the first drafts are very good. >> stephen: that's why they sell them. >> the first draft said: ( cheers and applause ) because... >> that tracks. >> stephen: we know. what harm could one glass of wine do? it will make the baby sleep. >> exactly! shhh! >> stephen: shhh! they're too old, they can't sue at this point. >> these kids don't do that anymore. >> stephen: they don't? >> no. >> stephen: really? >> i think women don't even have a glass of wine anymore. i know, their loss. >> stephen: it really is. >> one glass of wine, i mean... >> here's a "star wars" themed one. >> isn't today "may the 4th be with you?" >> stephen: it is. >> i knew that. >> stephen: because you're young and hip. that's why.
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>> because i'm married to a nerd. >> the first draft said: that's scandalous. that is scandalous. >> see, that one is a no. >> stephen: you can't sell this. >> thank god, thank god. >> stephen: may i have the next card? >> yes. >> stephen: thank you very much. is this a show dress or your dress? >> i'm not telling. >> stephen: okay. because if it's the show dress let's buy it and make it yours because you look lovely. >> thank you. >> stephen: how about the necklace? >> no, this is -- >> stephen: you like coming here-- >> the shoes are mine. does that count. >> stephen: here's one that says: but the first draft said:
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( cheers and applause ) hey, jon, jon, can i put you on the spot here for just a second? >> jon: yes. >> stephen: anything you want to say about your lovely mom here? >> jon: oh, yes. my mom taught me how to be an authentic person and think for myself and believe in myself. thank you, mom. i love you. ( cheers and applause ). >> stephen: this is the last one. is there anything you want for mother's day? give me a hint. >> i ask for the same thing every year. what is it? >> stephen: you want to have a cup of coffee and the newspaper in bed. not even breakfast. you just want a hot cup of coffee-- >> i just don't want to be the first person up. >> stephen: you want to sleep in. >> i can't even sleep in anymore. just not the first person-- you make the coffee. >> stephen: i'll give the coffee to the dog. >> and the dog will bring it up. >> stephen: this is peppy. it says: that's nice. but the first draft said:
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( laughter ) ( applause ) >> i just did that! >> stephen: evie magee, everybody! the best mom ever. we'll be right back with glenn close. w
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( applause ) >> stephen: hey, everybody! welcome back. ladies and gentlemen, my first guest this evening is an emmy and tony award-winning actress you know from "fatal attraction," "guardians of the galaxy," and "the wife." she now guest stars in season two of the israeli spy series "tehran." please welcome back to "the late show," glenn close! ♪ ♪ ♪ ( applause ) ♪ ♪ ♪ ( applause )
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>> stephen: hello. >> hello. >> stephen: nice to see you again. >> shalom. >> stephen: you were at the met gala monday night. >> yes. >> stephen: your outfit was absolutely extraordinary. who are you wearing here? >> valentino. >> stephen: that is beautiful. jon, you like to rock a cape. what do you think of the cape work? >> jon: i like the cape work a lot. >> stephen: you guys were hanging out that night, right? >> we were, we were at the same tabl anjotewerefabuls musicians upn. were they from new orleans? >> jon: joe was there, and we had members of the sioux tribe. >> oh, yes. ( applause ) >> there they are! there they are! oh, fantastic! they had everybody-- everybody jiving. >> stephen: all right, from first met gala, let's go to your first movie. i just found out-- i did not
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know this, of course i knew you were in this movie-- but your first movie ever was "world according to garp." >> yes. >> stephen: what a huge movie to make that your first one. was that the plan to be a movie star? >> no, i just wanted to act. i wanted to be other people. i started on stage. i was on stage six years. i was cast out of barnum. george hill saw me up in my balcony kind of crocheting and he thought i had a stillness about me that he liked. >> stephen: what was that like? what was that first experience on a film set? >> well, i didn't know what i didn't know. we went up early to rehearse with hue cronin and jessica tandy. and i was shown the house and in the script, it was a house with a family graveyard, and i saw the house, and i saw this graveyard. and i thought, they found a house with a graveyard? ( laughter )
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i-- i-- i was so impressed. and then i was taken over to the graveyard, and realized that it was styrofoam. ( laughter ) and that they had sprayed-- they put these styrofoam things -- >> stephen: did you have a sense that, like, in the theater you know everything is fake, but at least in movies everything is real. >> that's right. i thought everything was real. >> stephen: wow, it's like finding out santa claus is styrofoam. >> it was. >> stephen: i understand one of your favorite movies is maybe my favorite all-time movie, and maybe one of my all-time favorite plays, which is "a man for all season." which is extraordinary and a wonderful message for today, about someone in political life actually having a spine. >> yes. >> stephen: and it cost him his head, but at least he keeps the rest of his spine. what is it that appeals to you about it? >> i think it's that. i think it's about a man who ends up giving his life because he refuses to go against his principle s. >> stephen: the story, for people who don't know, sir thomas moore, who becomes saint
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thomas moore, the chancellor and friend of henry viii. he will not bend to the marriage and getting rid of kathryn and bring on anne bolin. and he won't be quiet. >> he has a wonderful speech, in law, if you don't say something, that means you consent. you cannot say anything you you take it that it's moon consent. and he said no, you have to say it out loud. >> stephen: if he will not say the lie, they assume he is refuting it. >> "won't say the lie." it's so relevant today. and we can ask ourselves how far will we go with our principles, you know? how threatened do we have to be to go back on what we think personally is the right thing to do? and i think that's something all of us should ask ourselves. >> stephen: as he says to his friend norfolk, is there no part of you-- he says to his friend,
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another politician, is there no part of you that is not just appetite. some place from which you cannot retreat. that seems like water in the desert. i understand you met the actor who played thomas moore. >> he was a great actor. he played "hamlet" the ghost of hamlet's father, that i did with mel gibson. >> stephen: "lethal hamlet." i saw that. >> the first time i saw paul schofield, we were getting ready for a reading, and in walked this man tall, with hair my color, and a bright red cashmere scarf. and he had such incredible presence, and, yet, those actors gave mel gibson, you know, they said, "now it's your turn. we've all done it. now it's your turn." they gave him respect. and on the set, mel told me that the t timber in schofield's voie
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brought tears to his eyes in every single take. it was as if he had his own mic in his chest, and he was a lovely, beautiful man, and a great actor. >> stephen: well, i stepped on a baby's finger to have ever met him, so i'm jealous of you. >> i know. >> stephen: we have to take a quick break. when we come back, i will ask glenn about having to learn a little farsi for her new part. stick around.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ( cheers and applause ). >> stephen: hey, everything, we're back here with glenn close. you're guest starring in season two of the israeli spy drama series "tehran." and what is the show about, for the people who don't know? and who do you play? >> the show is about a young female mossad agent who was initially sent to tehran to hack their system because we want to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon. and she's played beautifully by a beautiful young israeli actress, niv sultan. and i'm in the second season. i have been-- i am an iranian citizen. i have converted to mashia. my husband was iranian. both of us are psychiatrists. and the progression of politics and history have made me act in
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a way that i think is thephwevep cayou ue ha?it's ynd-->>ually thirst scene that niv and i shot together, the first scene that i did-- we shot it in athens. and the first time i spoke farsi on screen. >> stephen: jim. >> give me your hand. trust me. follow that hole all the way down to the end, even if it
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looks like it leads to nowhere. look for a green light. there will be a door. >> where will it take me? >> wherever you want it to take you. ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: that looks exciting. but, i don't know-- i don't know a drop of farsi. i know a little bit of a lot of different languages. how difficult was it to learn? >> it was a great challenge. it was a great challenge. it has different sentence structure than english. it's like german. the verb is at the end. and it's the skhoma. and i brought this because you can say you know it, but then when you have a big crowd in front of you-- so i'm-- i
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thought... ( laughs ) shomar. "you are very funny." ( applause ) >> stephen: if you will just sign that, i'll have that framed. glenn, it was lovely to see you again. thank you so much for being here. >> lovely to see you. >> stephen: season two of "tehran" premieres this friday on appletv+. it's glenn close, everybody! we'll be right back with sheryl crow. for ourselves. for our patients. for our kids. so should you. ♪ music ♪ oh, i've traveled all over the country. talking about saving with geico.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ( applause ) >> stephen: there you go. what are you doing over there? hey, everybody! where were you? welcome back. my next guest tonight is a nine-time grammy award-winning singer and songwriter who has sold more than 50 million albums worldwide. she is now the subject of a documentary on showtime called "sheryl." >> we would drink a bunch, and we'd go to the bookstore down the road, and we bought a poetry book by this man named win
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cooper. and there was a poem called "fun." it started, "all i want to do is have a little fun before i die." we had this group going that was somewhere between steeler's wheel and a marvin gay track. and i picked up the poetry book and started free-form ♪ all i want to do is have a little fun before i die. ♪ said a man next to me out of nowhere ♪ and i just kind of acted out the poem, and we put this hook in ♪ all i want to do ♪ and that became the song. >> stephen: please welcome back to "the late show," sheryl crow! ♪ ♪ ♪ ( applause )
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>> stephen: so nice to see you again. >> good to see you. it's been so long. >> stephen: so much to talk about. so much to talk about. first of all, thanks for being here last night. you played with lucius. that was wonderful to see you out there. >> so awesome. >> stephen: let's get straight into this documentary, sheryl. >> yeah. >> stephen: how do you feel about a documentary being made about you, because so much has already been written and said about sheryl crow. are you resistant to it? i'm going to watch it. but are you, as the subject of it, ever resistant to that? >> when they first came to me, showtime and my manager, and shade, "we think you should do a documentary." and i said, "yes, i think we should, after i'm dead. i think it would be a fantastic idea." but i did finally give into it. because i don't think people realize in-- i've gotten my aarp card. i don't know if you know that. >> stephen: congratulations. you can get discount movie tickets for that. >> i can see my own documentary
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for cheaper. i do have about 40 years of music life, but there's a ton of living that goes into making an artist want to stick their neck out, raise their voice into the fray. and so i told all the stories. >> stephen: well, let me ask you something that there may not be a story in there. let's ask a basic story, kind of like an origin story. >> okay. >> stephen: why do you think you wanted to be a performing musician? i take that aside from a composer or something. why do you want to be out there with a guitar in your hand? >> i want to be rich and famous. i'm kidding. >> stephen: it's such an easy way-- such an easy way to get rich, is what i hear. >> i'm getting ready to get a butt implant. >> stephen: that's coin, baby. >> that's coin. i grew up in a real musical household. my parents -- >> stephen: in missouri. >> my parent still married 66 years,s a tiny town called kinet, four stop lights, not close to anything. and albums were my way out. that was my ticket out.
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i would lay under the piano and i would study and pore over james taylor, all the linerrers, fleetwood mac, carole king. >> stephen: you got to work with those people. what's that like to get to work with people like stevie nicks and bonnie raitt and massive staples? >> i'm still a fan. even talking about it, i get embarrassed. it's incredible, it really is. >> stephen: you must see that, too. the look in people's eyes when they get a chance to work with sheryl crow. >> all i can say is getting to play with lucius last night, and getting to work with these young artists, man, for me, that's who i was. i was like, i couldn't wait to meet stevie nicks. and then to get to know her and know how generous she is and amazing. and keith richards and the rolling stones. all these people that were such a huge influence for me. even smoky robinson.
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people i've gotten to stand nex -- burt baple t >> ste1 and 14, ustand. bo. >> you all better be in bed. it's a school night. ( laughter ). >> stephen: are they like, "my mom is sheryl crow." do they listen to your music? are they like, "all i want to do is have some fun," "soak up the sun." >> are you kidding me? they're into kid leroy. i'm sorry, i don't even know who that is. but they're into, like, popular music. .>> stephen: sure. >> and i'm like the police. i'm the person that said -- >> stephen: not the band the police. you're like the cops. >> no, i'm the cop. i'm the person that says, "that is not a nice song. do you know what they're talking about?" >> stephen: there are no lyrics in any of your songs that you would pull yourself over for? >> they don't listen to me. i'm not worried about that. they're like, "mom, you know you
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were born in the 1870s." >> stephen: do you have a favorite song of sheryl crow's? >> i do, actually. and i'm not just pumping this new album coming out. i wrote a song called "forever." and i think it may be out now, or coming out on may 6. i don't know. they don't tell me anything. >> stephen: they don't tell you when your album is released? >> i think it's coming out may 6. my kid are in the video. it was written for my kids, and written for my 15-year-old talking about stress and how kids are so stressed out now. >> stephen: "all i want to do is have some fun." what's the name of the song? >> "all i want to do." >> stephen: so that hits, and it becomes, "that's a good song." sheryl crow becomes huge. it's such an enormous hit. and everybody was like, "who is this girl doing this song? what was that like, when you worked so long to figure out how you are going to break in,s what is your sound, how do you connect with a commercial audience, and then it happens? and there are very few people
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for whom it happens like a light switch like that. what was that moment like? >> it should have been euphoric, but at that time there was so much debate about whether i had even written my own songs, and know-- >> stephen: what do you mean? where did that come from. >> the lore was a bunch of guys wrote my first album. by the time that took off, that was already swirling around. but i will say one thing, when it really hit, the grammys put me on the map. because the grammys, back then, everybody watched it. and you sold-- you sold records from that show, you know. and it put you on the map. and it was a real moment. but it definitely was-- it was a mixed bag. it was... it was hard. >> stephen: well, my favorite grammy memory of all time-- and, yes, i have agreement memories-- is the night before, the clive davis party that's traditionally the night before. did you go to the clive party? >> jon: yeah. >> stephen: it's fun, isn't it? >> it's a good time.
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>> stephen: talking about people who blow up at the fram grammys right over there. ( applause ) >> jon: yeah, baby, yeah. >> stephen: it's my first time out there. my first time out there. i'm just nominated for, like, a comedy album. and clive davis gets up there with the big glasses and the head and goes, "we have a wonderful artist here tonight. she's amazing. all she wants to do is have some fun. sheryl crow is here tonight." and he does the whole room. "barbra streisand, greatest voice of a generation." and i went with my 14-year-old daughter and i sit with sheryl crow. >> it's in the documentary! >> stephen: i think that's the first time we met. >> it's the first time we met. >> stephen: and you were so nice to my 14-year-old daughter, and jon bon jovi was sitting on the side of you and over here on the other side of my daughter was richie sambora. they used to say my first prom date was richie sambora.
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he's wearing a tux, and she's wearing a blue dress. >> did you get a picture? >> stephen: i did, it was creepy. sheryl, thank you for being here. thank you for last night and tonight. any time. >> my pleasure >> stephen: the documentary "sheryl" airs friday on showtime. sheryl crow, everybody! we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ( applause )
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