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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  November 15, 2021 4:00am-4:30am PST

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nominated album red. for more news, download the cbs news app on your cell phone or connected tv. it's monday, november 15th, 2021. this is the "cbs morning news." death toll rising. another person has died in connection to the crowd surge at a travis scott concert in houston. this time claiming its youngest victim yet. closing arguments. today lawyers wrap up their cases before kyle rittenhouse's fate is put into the hands of a jury. and adele dazzles. the superstar wowed fans on and off the stage as part of her cbs special "adele: one night only." the performances and her candid conversation with oprah.
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good morning. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. we begin this morning with breaking developments in the astroworld tragedy. the crowd surge at a travis scott concert has claimed the life of its youngest victim yet. 9-year-old ezra blount had been placed in a medically induced coma. blount is the tenth person who attended the festival to die. the event's concert promoter and organizers are now the focus of a criminal investigation and dozens of lawsuits. and covid cases and hospitalizations are rising across the country again. it comes as people are gearing up to travel for thanksgiving next week. officials are now bracing for a possible post-holiday spike in the number of new cases. laura podesta has more from new york. laura, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. certain parts of the country are seeing more of a spike than others, and the common denominator is that those places have larger numbers of
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unvaccinated people. hopes are fading that the coronavirus is receding in the u.s. >> it's tough because it's a lot of preventable illness. >> reporter: after a two-month decline the nation's covid-19 numbers are again rising with at least 20 states reporting increased case numbers. >> there are some parts of the country that still haven't had their delta wave that unfortunately are going to be hit pretty hard. >> reporter: former fda commissioner scott gottlieb expects most unvaccinated people will eventually be infected. he said even those considered fully vaccinated are at risk. >> we've seen declining vaccine effectiveness over time. anyone eligible for a booster, and most americans probably are eligible for a booster at this point, should be going out and seeking it. >> reporter: colorado is among the current covid hot spots. officials there have set aside the federal guidance on booster shots and made them available to all adults, not just those in high-risk groups. >> i've been frustrated with the convoluted messaging. everybody should get the booster after six months.
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the data is clear that it increases your personal protection level. >> reporter: experts are advising people to get vaccinated now before the holiday season gets under way, and ahead of what they say is an inevitable post-holiday covid surge. experts say a booster dose can restore the effectiveness of a coronavirus vaccine from 50% to 95% if administered at least six months after the initial shot or shots. anne-marie? >> all right. laura podesta in new york. thank you so much. meanwhile, an outbreak of covid cases has gotten so bad in austria that it has ordered a nationwide lockdown for millions who were not vaccinated. yesterday's announcement prohibits unvaccinated people 12 and over from leaving their homes unless they have to work or get food. it will initially last for ten days. the move sparked protests in vienna. austria has one of the lowest vaccination rates in western europe with only around 65% of the total population fully
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backe at hom closing rittenhouse are set to get under way today with the case expected to be in the hands of the jury by the end of the day. meanwhile, authorities in kenosha, wisconsin, are preparing for the possibility of unrest after a verdict is announced. charlie de mar has the latest. we would rest. >> reporter: after a two-week trial including an emotional day with kyle rittenhouse on the stand in his own defense, the jury will get the murder case monday. outside the courtroom, so many are putting lives back together. this furniture store in the family for four decades was burned to the ground during the unrest 15 months ago. >> that was one of the front doors -- >> at that point you do want to look at it and cry and say i'm not doing this again. you know in your heart that you got to.>> committed to helpd --
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epte then-idt ur thelp rebuild. then-candidate joe biden came to kenosha, too. when the attention faded and the politicians left, the damage both physical and emotional lingered. carpenter reopened a few miles from his original downtown store. his focus is now on a verdict and what comes next. >> i am concerned. i hope we learned something from that, not to let the protests get out of control and turn into rioting. >> i think that a lot of people here in kenosha are tired. >> reporter: wes west was one of thousands who took to the streets after jacob blake was shot and paralyzed by a white kenosha police officer, rusten shesky. he worries, too, and offers this advice to his hometown -- >> hope for best and expect the worst. and think of it that way. so that they we don't have to
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have an/or repeat any angry reactions. >> reporter: a tall ask when so many are focused on the outcome in kenosha. de mar, cbs news, kenosha, wisconsin. yet another shocking case of airline violence. a woman has been arrested after allegedly punching a southwest airlines employee in the head. 32-year-old arielle jean jackson was arrested saturday afternoon after allegedly punching a crew member in the head on board a plane. they say she got into verbal altercations with the crew before the attack. the employee was hospitalized but is okay. and researchers have uncovered the names of 102 native americans who died at a federally operated boarding school in nebraska. the discovery reportedly comes as ground-penetrating radar has been used in recent weeks to search for a cemetery once used by the school that operated from 1884 to 1934. the school was one of the largest in a system of 25
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federally run boarding schools for native americans. the extent of the alleged abuse at the schools is now the subject of a nationwide investigation. and questions are surrounding queen elizabeth's health after she missed a major event in britain just hours before it was set to start. officials at buckingham palace announced that the 95-year-old would miss yesterday's remembrance day service due to a sprained back. it's one of the most important gatherings on the queen's calendar. it was expected to be the queen's first public appearance since she spent the night in a hospital in october. and it was quite a night here on cbs as british pop star adele debuted new music from her highly anticipated upcoming album "30." during the two-hour primetime special, "adele: one night only," the 15-time grammy winner performed some of her biggest hits in front of a star-studded audience.
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♪ hello from the outside at least i can say that i tried ♪ >> the concert featured adele's first new music in six years. the show was recorded at the griffith observatory in los angeles. adele also sat down for an exclusive interview with oprah winfrey where she asked her about her life and the stories behind her music. adele opened up about what gives her the courage to tell her story so publicly. >> i think the reason i'm so brave to do it in my career so far was because, again, music helped me in many situations, and i would like to do the same for people that feel so alone when they're feeling something. >> uh-huh. >> to be reminded that they're not alone. >> if you didn't see it last night, you can watch "adele: one night only" on the viacomcbs streaming platform paramount plus. and be sure to watch "cbs mornings" today. we'll have much more coverage of "adele: one night only" and speak with a couple who got
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engaged in front of adele in a surprise proposal. coming up, washington's trump international hotel is reportedly being sold. how much the mega deal is said to be worth. and taylor swis ew mic video this morning. we'll have a preview. this is the "cbs morning news." ♪ when you have nausea, ♪ ♪ heartburn, ingestion, upset stomach... ♪ ♪ diarrheaaaa.♪ try pepto bismol with a powerful coating action. for fast and soothing relief. pepto bismol for fast relief when you need it most. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. everyone remembers the moment they heard, “you have cancer.” how their world stopped... and when they found a way to face it.
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for some, this is where their keytruda story begins. keytruda — a breakthrough immunotherapy at mres. when your melanoma has spread or cannot be removed by surgery. keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer but can also cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body. this can happen during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion or memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. these are not all the possible side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, or if you've had an organ transplant, had or plan to have a stem cell transplant, or have had radiation to your chest area or a nervous system condition.
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today, keytruda is fda-approved to treat 16 types of advanced cancer, and is being studied in hundreds of clinical trials exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it's tru. keytruda from merck. see the different types of cancer keytruda is approved to treat at, and ask your doctor if keytruda can be part of your story. swifties, today the swifties living their wildest dreams. today the singer announced on social media that she's releasing a new video this morning for her song "i bet you think about me." here's a preview of what fans can expect. there's swift in a red dress and guitar with her band in the background. the surprise comes after the singer on friday dropped her new rerecorded "red" album. ghislaine maxwell's sex trafficking trial gets under way tomorrow. and a person in charge of infrastructure spending has been named. those some of the headlines on
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the "morning newsstand." "reuters" says president biden has named former new orleans mayor mitch landrieu to oversee the implementation of his $1 trillion infrastructure plan. landrieu will coordinate work on roads, rail lines, ports, bridges, and airports across different federal agencies. he played a key role in helping new orleans recover from hurricane katrina. mr. biden is set to sign the infrastructure bill into law today. "the washington post" reports president biden's approval rating hit a new low as economic discontent rises. a "washington post"/abc news poll found 41% of those questioned approve of the way mr. biden is handling his job as president, but 53% disapprove. the sentiments toward mr. biden could be an indication of how americans might vote in next year's midterm elections which could swing the balance of power in congress. and our new york city station wcbs says jury selection begins tomorrow in the sex trafficking trial of british
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socialite ghislaine maxwell. she is accused of helping jeffrey epstein sexually abuse underage girls. maxwell has been awaiting trial in solitary confinement for 16 months at a federally run detention center in brooklyn. in an interview with "the daily mail," maxwell said that she's been assaulted and abused by still ahead, a new gas price record. the sky-high price drivers in california are now paying to fill up their tanks.
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here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ on the cbs "money watch," the trump international hotel in washington is reportedly being sold, and gas prices hit a new
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high in california. diane king hall with those stories and more. >> reporter: this week it's about the retail detail. investors will be pouring over retail sales data and earnings results from two major retailers. we're talking about the biggest big box chains, walmart and target. meantime, stocks closed higher on friday. the dow rallied 179 points. the nasdaq gained 156, and the s&p 500 added 33. former president donald trump's family hotel company has reportedly reached a deal to sell the rights to its washington, d.c., hotel. the "wall street journal" reports a miami-based investment firm is in contract to acquire the lease for the trump international hotel for some $375 million. the reported sale comes amid investigations of potential conflicts of interest surrounding former president trump. california set a new gas price record hitting an average of about $4.68.
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but the pain at the pump is being felt across the u.s. the national average for a gallon of regular is about $3.41, that's up $1.29 from last year. surging demand is fueling the rise after gas prices fell last year due to the pandemic. majority leader chuck schumer is urging the president to tap into our oil reserves to ease prices. and "eternals" scored the number-one spot at the domestic box office for a second week in a row. >> why don't you guys help fight or any war? all the terrible things throughout history? >> we were instricted not to interfere with any human conf conflicts. >> the marvel flick starring angelina jolie and gemma chan earned $27.50 million. the revenue actually dropped 61% after its $71 million debut. anne-marie? >> i guess in a way that's maybe not surprising.
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perhaps the diehards get out on the first weekend because they really want to see it. then the rest of us are waiting to see if it's going to be streaming. watch from the comfort of my couch. >> exactly. i was going to say we'll wait for the couch. >> yeah. diane king hall at the new york stock exchange. thank you, diane. >> thank you. up next, hitching a ride. the surprise stowaway found on a sailboat in the florida keys. sailboat in the florida keys. ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death.
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here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ the crew on a sailboat in the florida keys discovered a slithery stowaway. a seven-foot python somehow made its way on board the boat. it was discovered friday inside the shower after the vessel docked. marco island police removed the python and handed it over to a wildlife expert. one photo shows the snake wrapped around a smiling officer's arm as he gave a umbs u three men have been detained in britain in connection a car explosion outside a hospital. police say yesterday's blast involved a taxi at liverpool women's hospital, a male passenger died. the driver was treated for non-life-threatening injuries.
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authorities say the explosion had not been declared a terrorist act, but counterterrorism police are leading the investigation. the italian coast guard rescued more than 550 migrants in stormy waters off the coast of southern italy. more than 300 were rescued from a trafficking boat over the weekend and ferried to port later. a customs police boat spotted another vessel in trouble and 250 migrants were brought to shore. many are said to be young men and boys from egypt. and a former japanese princess who gave up her royal status to marry a so-called commoner arrived in new york to begin her new life. the departure from japan yesterday of former princess mako and her husband was carried live by japanese broadcasters. mako is the niece of japan's emperor. under japanese law, female imperial family members lose their status when they marry a so-called commoner. and coming up on "cbs
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mornings," country music star kelsea ballerini talks with anthony mason about her new book of poetry, "feel your way through." i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." . this is the "cbs morning news." your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so... ...glad we did this. [kid plays drums] life is for living. let's partner for all of it. i'm so glad we did this. edward jones clerk: hello, how can i?
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i'm so glad we did this. sore throat pain? ♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops. in honey lemon chill. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops.
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our top stories this morning -- a 9-year-old boy is now the youngest person to die after a crowd rushed the stage at a festival headlined by rapper travis scott in houston. ezra blount died after being placed in a medically induced coma. the death toll from the tragedy now stands at ten. and closing arguments are set today in the trial of kyle rittenhouse. jury deliberations are expected at the end of the day. rittenhouse is charged with shooting three people at a protest in kenosha, wisconsin, last year, killing two of them. the city is gearing up for potential unrest once a verdict is announced.
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youtube is home to tens of billions of videos, some are purely for entertainment. some have changed the lives of their creators. jericka duncan takes a look at one woman who turned her passion into a career. i love sewing. i really enjoyed it as a teenager. >> reporter: mimi g.'s youtube >> reporter: mimi's youtube videos have been life changing. >> i ran away at 15. it's hard to sew when you're homeless. >> reporter: not only for the people learning from her but for the now-45-year-old sewer herself. >> about 2012 i remember sitting there having a conversation with my then-husband, and he said, you know, why don't you film it. it was so grainy and like you could hardly see. it was fuzzy. but people loved it. >> reporter: based in atlanta, she now has over 300,000 youtube subscribers, a retail fabric business, and a sewing academy. in 2007, youtube started sharing revenue with its most popular users called creators. that idea exploded the video platform into the titan it is
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today. its model was quickly copied by other popular sites. >> if you want to start monetizing on youtube, the level of audience has to be somewhere around 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours. then when you reach that threshold, you're at it for some time on a sustained basis, you will receive an invitation from youtube most likely about joining the program. >> reporter: a recent study commissioned by youtube claims the platform's creative ecosystem pumped $16 billion into the economy and created nearly 350,000 full-time jobs which could make youtube creators the 12th largest employer in the united states. >> for somebody who's homeless and panhandling to feed their kid, to be in a place where i own my own home, i have several cars, i take care of my mother, those things are really important to me that i'm able to provide for them. >> reporter: jericka duncan, cbs news, new york. coming up on "cbs mornings," country music star kelsea
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ballerini talks with anthony mason about her new book of poetry "feel your way through." plus, a new smithsonian museum is being built in washington. the national museum of the american latino. what we can expect. and we will speak with a couple who got engaged during last night's "adele: one night only" concert special. that's the "cbs morning news" for this monday. thanks for watching. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. ♪
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