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tv   KPIX 5 News at 7pm  CBS  March 25, 2021 7:00pm-7:29pm PDT

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right now at seven, gi breang ns toght,a bahigh-rankin boot over racist tweets. hate groups infiltrating law enforcement agencies. we're live with the bay area lawmaker trying to stop it but will it work? >> i could imagine a coalition, a broad coalition of religious groups saying this is inappropriate.t, vae fo plus will decriminalizing one common infraction help s?vel the playing field and erybody walks whether white, black, asian, all over, but who is bestopped most in
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frequently and being forced against is unfair and unjust. san francisco school board members stripped allison collins of her wall as the board's vice president. the no-confidence vote was in response to racist tweets, they say, by her back in 2016, two years before she was elected to the board. r fothose tweets but there were growing calls wilveat 11. > rit w at 11 and p streaming on cbsn bay area, california banned people with this, tori believes fr bemimhe l sait is mepoanlit to root ouoft hate b critics claim the wording fr es a little too much ro bon this. h more
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>> reporter: well, critics of this bill say it was written with a sledgehammer and not a scalpel, when it comes to protecting civilli iertd an frm ee exofpresgisireon. have hate groups infiltrating law enforcement? the fbi says yes d llsome remem seeking to weed out ists in law enforcenrsoud extrbo, , h >> whr ethethey be religious, or political, but rather, to focus on those that have teextremist posi >> reerport: the police tion offirs association ys as it stands now, it is to broadly written. >> when you gery mky, soto we
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poconcerned about the possible definitions of associations with a hate gsoup or hate grp atty viinhast >> epser:itnds is likely as re in be emdeuced unconstitutional, d to issues with freedom of expression or religion. >> definitions of a hate group in particular are soof groups that i think nobody would actually say we constiome sort of a >>leeporobtec r: tithey could i groups like the catholic cod same-sex recently sa it unions. he says he is already amending the bill. >> because you do have the first amendment right to be part of groups that may differ in opinion, we want to make sure that folks are not part of groups that are actually hate groups or that, because they have a certain opinion, will threaten others. >> this bill will hit the assembly public safety
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committee on april 6th. live in san francisco, andria borba, kpix5. also tonight, the mayors of the three bay area's biggest cities are coming together in support of the asian community. >> the terrible reality, hate crimes against asian americans are on the rise. the trauma is felt everywhere, including right here at home. >> we will not allow hate to continue. >> they released this psa following the recent attacks. the mayors of oakland, san francisco, and san jose all say violence will not be tolerated and attackers will be held accountable. all californians will be of vaccine three weeks from today. starting april 1st folks over the age of 50 will be eligible, then on april 15th, californians 16 and older will
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be eligible. and there is mo om r are allocated. >> effective today, regardless of your age, regardless of your pre-existing condition, if someone comes in eligible under the existing rules, but with a family member, we will accommodate the family member no questions asked. >> we first brought you the announcement live on the kpix5 news app. you can lodo here. thyou apwill again in just a few minutes when we go to break. a new push in sacramento to give jaywalkers the green light. proponents of this bill say that people of color are common ortionately paying the p infraction. in 2018, he died after being tased and struck by sheriff's deputies after allegedly jaywalking in millbrae. >> the incident shows us,
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california, citations are . irely enrced arbitrarily. os traffic light. we learning more about a selfless east bay woman who died in an accident while giving back to the community. duri anent a dubl ine kuo was haoug hofon she eryeway s pinne between two cars. she also served as a trustee on the dublboard since 2010 and had just appeared tuesda y niinght at scthe oldis first in person meeting in a ye ar s>> found herself on our school board because so manyher opleloveencouraged her. she died giving back to our schools, she died volunteering. tragic, freak cident, but doing what she loved.
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>> police are investigating how exactly this tragic accident could have happened. a friend has set up a gofundme for the family which has raised nearly $60,000. > the state ruling on the bail system that could lead to more inmates released from jail. bay area tech executives in the hotseat again. what they say about ms. information leading to the attack on capitol hill. >> enforcing policy. caught on a hot mic, the airline pilot that was heard bashing the bay area. the hottest ticket in town, opening day baseball in the bay area. why you better act now. if you plan on going. >> the first fan at any event in almost a year in the bay eav
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>> warmer tempatures a week from today, high temperatures across the bay area today were pret close to normal inland but a little bit cooler near the water. it is a beautiful sunset as we look toward downtown. warmer weather kicks back and beginning tomorrow. look at that and weekend foreca coming up. coming up all new at tonight at 11:00, on the road to recovery of the bay area scientists are taking a deep look into how long the covid vaccines will enup protecting you. >> we learned a lot about how vaccinestheydo n't work the same for everyone. >> our wgobualor t is to find protective factors for people. >> we show you what to do to booster antibodies. watch the immunity factor tonight on the kpix5 news at 11. and we will be right
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play ball. baseball back.
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the oakland a's are set to open 1st. season at home on vern glenn is here and they should call ril this one itre ia time bring it on. can you believe it? march 10th 2020, the warriors lost to the clippers at chase center, that was the last time the bay area hosted a professional sporting event with fans. one week from tonight, it all changes. they play host to the astros at the coliseum. team president says 20% capacity and if i know is fansg ite thisgo000 fans, but first fans in any event and almost a year in the bay area, so it is very historic, we can celebrate that we are coming out of this pandemic, bring people together, and enjoy a baseball ga >> ere is about 80 seats that remain in the comeliseum. 's up deck but everything in the lower deck sold out in four
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minutes. the a's can't increase capacity limits until the state loosens social distance requirements. se thst ti atelief that ow igce ursystemul. d he says progressing from red to orange in alameda county won't change much. >> if we have to keep everyone six feet apart, the most we can iljuthere nlstsoy is a relaxin the distance requirements from 63 feet like they did in the schools, we are really limited to the low 20s and terms of how much capacity we can have and so, the orange matters less to us than the distance. >> so they could be capped at 20% for a while. the same rule would apply to the giants who say they will announce their ticket purchasing plan sometime next week. the giants home opener is scheduled for april 9th. what i care about, ball pop in
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the mate, and the bats cracking. >> i lithfood >> yo blink. they will be gone like that. >> let's take a live look outside toward oakland, gorgeous sunset there. you always forget the time difference makes everything stay lighter until you oklittbf >>hi it is looking pretty good. we will start with irresponsibly early look at the opening day forecast, 70 7 for h . the first pitch, this is a we away, there's a lot that can changewe be noenanw first d then pitch at 7:07. lkwa over here because it is not working. i' lem t's inseg e if i can get t and it is stuck. this is fun. okay. we are completely locked up. we thergo. ay.
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ery once a while, have to provide little bit. that is how you know it is live television because of this was taped there was no way we would let that happen. perfect for opening day, first a week fr om tonight. 65 grdeees for pithe h atfirsset that is unusually warm. we hope they cay enlasir from t high-pressure building and from the pacific, which is going to mean calm weather taking over and actually just continuing to dominate bay area weather but as it gets closer and closer, we will see offshore wind tomorrow and the wind weakening a bit as we head into the weekend, warmer temperatures tomorrow in the weekend is looking very warm as well, the next storm system that is not going to give wnes not arrive into the beginning of next week. if you're going to take advantage of the nice weather and had up, things are looking pretty good. breezy out there tomorrow, squaw valley has nice thick base. the fresh powder, this time of year, we less than an inch of total a cumulation tonight.
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here is that stinofno sw. maybe just enough to cause some slick conditions of you're beautiinful gosu tnstoete as y toward the golden gate from the top of the mark hopkins hotel. temperatures mostly in the 50s, mid-50s for oakland, livermore and downtown. upper 50s but still low 60s in concord.y endsup thin e 40s by early ettyuch erybtomorrow morning. dipping down into the upper 30s, and a nice warm-up in store for us tomorrow with that offshore breeze kicking in, not going to be overly windy like we had earlier this week but enough for temperatures to be warming up to about 5 to 10 degrees above average. t,coing up even along one bay. d lo w 70s s around the loto d s anthnta clarsoa vaayllutey, an tempd er inland and the east bay,
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similar, mostly low to mid 70s but a few spots reaching into the uppe the r 70s,lf uppes r 60and w lo70s ndarou the ntceral bay with low to mid 70s for most of the north bay and again the very warmer spots in napa county, taking advantage of that offshore downslope when -- wind. plenty of 70s farther north, in napa and sonoma counties, up into mendocino and lake counties as well. inland areas get even warmer on saturday. everybody gets a little warmer on saturday, that changes sunday, the entrepreneur's returns to a little cooler by the bay and along the coast for the second half of the weekend but still dry, the whole seven- day forecast and back to those way above average temperatures by wednesday and urth atayof1:0u lly xtwithneekouwet the computer follies. >> were liking at. > here is t ok ayourop headlines, li tve loos k ha , t0 wh uite ho use thwierth president biden addressed a numberofer. su>> isi in, s hit amrs convinc be able to stop this because it is the most pernicious thing, this makes jim crow look like
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jim eagle. >> that was the president's response when asked about efforts to restrict voting rights. president biden also signaled he would be open to changes to the filibuster which requires 60 votes to pass legislation in the senate. he also addressed the surge in - time high. a live look at capitol hill where lawmakers grilled tech giants about how misinformation on their platforms could have played a role leading up to the capital riot. >> i did responsibility here lies with the people, who took the actions to break the law and do the insurrection. and secondarily, also, the people who spread that content, including the president, but others as well.
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>> mark zuckerberg along with e ce oftestified virtually. zuckerberg recommended giving social media companies immunity over their content, but lawmakers wanta universal policy for wolves and accountability. >> ultimately we are running a business and a business wants to go the number of customers it serves. enforcement policy is a business decision. a new ruling on cash bail by the state supreme court, california judges must now way defendants ability to afford bail for setting it. the ruling is meant to ensure that no one is kept behind bars only because they can't afford to postpone. coming up next, one bay area city is giving artists a guaranteed monthly income. so who is going to pay for that? and what southwest airlines has to say tonight after a pilot bashes the bay area over a hot
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mic. later, seattle has a space needle, paris has the eiffel tower, so will this be the new landmark, representing silicon valley? >> it will become what we think ofll be the quote unquote logo
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tonight southwest airlines is looking into a pilot he was caught blasting the bay area while waiting to take off from san jose minetta. the curse filled rant recorded earlier this month on a hot air traffic mic. as the flight was waiting its runway assignment. >> in a statement, southwest called the comments inconsistent with the professional behavior and overall respect that we require from our employees. it went on to say that it is
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addressing the situation internally. at this point the airline is not releasing the crewmembers a name. a live look at san francisco tonight, mayor london breed just announcing a new guaranteed income pilot program specific for artists. 130 of them will be able to get $1000 a month force x months. applications will be accepted through april 15th, the mayor says the program will support artists that happened as proportionately impacted by covid. coming up next, will this be the new symbol representing
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majestic mountains... scenic coastal highways... fertile farmlands... there's lots to love about california. so put off those chores and use less energy from 4 to 9 pm when less clean energy is available. because that's power down time. bay area homeowners, learn how you can eliminate monthly mortgage payments and improve your cashflow. look, this isn't my first rodeo and let me tell you something, i wouldn't be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. it's just a loan designed for older homeowners,
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just when you need it. call for your free reverse mortgage loan guide look, reverse mortgages aren't for everyone but i think i've been 'round long enough to know what's what. i'm proud to be part of aag, i trust 'em, i think you can too. trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. call now so you can... retire better this could be the new landmark representing silicon valley. and australian architectural firm designed it to be built at arena green park in san jose.
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the design when a global competition that was put on by a southbay community group. and it wanted to find a design that would honor san jose at the capital silicon valley. >> it will become what we think could be the quote unquote logo of silicon valley, something that is a physical landmark that will identify, like people identify the space needle or at the st. louis arch or the eiffel tower. >> the design is called the breeze of innovation, expected g itthe zes pln.anll to brin design to san jose city council for approval on may 4th.
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] [cheering and applause] steve: come on. how's everybody? i appreciate that. thank y'all. thank you, everybody. i appreciate that. thank y'all. thank you, everybody. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. [cheering and applause] got another good one today. returning for their third day with a total of 20,895 bucks the champs, it's the arana family. and from van nuys, california,
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it's the levitan family.


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