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tv   KPIX 5 News at 7pm  CBS  October 19, 2020 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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right now at seven. some concern tonight over the states new timeline in the bay area county now getting tough on enforcement. >> the only way to do that is to their checkbook.
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we are just coming in from pg&e about another round of possible power shutoffs. the bay area counties that could be impacted. mr. vargas then jumped from the roof, grabbed the victim, and held a knife to her face. the tense moments leading up to a deadly bay area police shooting, the new details just being released. this just in, new rules from thursday's presidential debate, officials will be muting microphones to avoid the flurry of interruptions that played out in the last debate. the meeting will happen the candidates deliver their two- minute answers to each debate topic. the commission had been talking about possibly cutting off mike's if candidates don't stop talking but it appears they stop short from going quite that far. also right now, streaming on cbsn bay area, take a live look at sacramento where the governor said earlier today that most of us should not expect the coronavirus vaccine anytime soon.
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good evening. kpix five andria borba is live with the reason behind the long wait. there are several vaccines that are in late stage clinical trials right now, but the chances are if you're watching this broadcast into are not a medical worker, you are not an elderly person, you don't live in a nursing home, you are not at the front of the line for this vaccine. vaccines will likely be available in november and december, chances are you're not on the list to get an early dose. dr. art ringgold from uc berkeley helped construct the national priority list. people who work and have exposure the patient whether they are doctors or nurses or respiratory therapists, whether they are people who clean the rooms, and do laundry, and, we want to make sure and protect them.
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>> reporter: public safety workers and the elderly, particularly those in convalescent homes that have been particularly hard-hit by the virus. gov. gavin newsom says walking into local pharmacy for your dose won't be possible for a while. we don't dissipate masks available until 2021. the question for all of us is that in the first quarter, second or third quarter, of 2020, 2021, rather. >> reporter: remember the concern over ppe? gov. newsom worries about a new run on supplies as both pfizer and madonna vaccines require storage, below 7b0c. >> i don't think that dry ice won't be a commodity of concern and consideration as it relates to our vaccination strategies. now of concerned about those low temperatures of those vaccines need to be held at, is getting them to remote, far- flung areas like the modoc county's of the world, out to the imperial valley, were temperatures get quite hot.
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there is one more concern, whether or not this is a one or two step vaccine if the two step vaccine, the number of doses will be cut in half because you have one shot in the 21 days later you would have a booster shot. lots of mitigating factors right now. live in san francisco, andria borba, kpix5. overall, hospitalization rates in california are down, 4% over a 14 day period. i see you rates also down, 3%, but the governor warns over seven day period, those rates are actually drifting up. >> the warnings over tonight in san mateo county, authority say if you get caught violating covid-19 health orders, you will be fined. the county assembled the task force to crack down on things like not wearing masks, or social distancing. finds to the $20 and go up from there. san mateo county actually approved the fines back in august but has been issuing warnings until now.
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people can report possible violations on the county's website, or by calling 211. i had a business owner tell me, i'm not going to comply. i'm not going to comply. so if those people are not going to comply, we have to make them comply and the only way to do that is through their checkbook. breaking news from pg&e come the utility company is announcing just 15 minutes ago another round of potential power shutoffs because of high fire danger. this could happen as early as wednesday. in all more than 50,000 customers and 19 counties could be impacted. customers in alameda, contra costa, napa, sonoma, solano, and santa clara counties could be impacted. chief neurologist paul heggen is here and paul, here we go again. a couple of windows of opportunity if you want to face
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that with a high fire danger as we head into the rest of the week. the first of which is already tonight, offshore wind, go to impact the north base of the north bay mountains are under a red flag warning that goes into effect at 11:00 this evening. and continues to 8:00 on wednesday morning. the wind will not be a strong as last week. this time around, talk about gusts up to around 40 miles an hour, humidity will be low, but below 30%, not single-digit levels like we had last week, either. later this week, this is the second window, going into effect 10:00 on wednesday, continuing through 5:00 p.m. on friday, fire weather watch that will likely be upgraded to a red flag warning, not just the north bay mountains but also the santa cruz mountains, east bay hills and the diablo range. similar conditions at the peak of fire danger but of course it's a very dry out there. we take a look at what temperatures will cool off a little bit coming up in just a few minutes. for the latest on the weather, anytime, you can check out the new kpix5 news app. you can watch newscast, and
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breaking news alerts. let's take a live look at san francisco's night, police are releasing several new videos of a deadly officer involved shooting. we do want to warn you this may be hard to watch. this shows the moment officers confront a carjacking sussed back and opened fire. it happened october 10 in the area of market and cough streets. police a several witnesses called 911 to report a carjacking at knife point. police and the suspect later identified as cesar antonio vargas, attempted to enter several vehicles in the area. they say he also jumped on a woman's car. even jump from the roof, grabbed the victim, and held a knife to her face while she was
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seated in the vehicle. the victim told mr. vargas, you can take whatever you want, just don't hurt me. for the victim, mr. vargas replied something to the effect of i don't want anything, or don't need anything. what officers responded they say vargas did not follow orders to put down the knife, and instead charged at them. that is when police shot and killed him, the san francisco district attorney's office is investigating. on the campaign 2020, in a race for a seat on the oakland city council is getting a little ugly. a councilmember says that more than 100 of her campaign signs have been stolen from yards, and streets. lynette michael laney, who is running for reelection, says someone center photographs of the thieves, taking no signs. she has posted them to her social media page and she says it is her way of public shaming. and wants everyone to playfair.
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i've never heard of anybody doing these kinds of shenanigans and i sent we have never engaged in it. my supporters have not engage in this. we do not want this to become more aggressive, which is the reason why i'm calling it out now. five challenges are trying to unseat the district 3 city councilmember. she is running for her third term. if you are not registered online, the deadline is at midnight tonight. the san jose voting center close just a few minutes ago, after extending its hours to help people registered in person. they took advantage, he registered and voted for the first time today. >> they to do more to the debates that were happening. and i just being much more aware about the type of political issues occurring in the country, i wanted to make sure that my voice was counted. for more information on how to register online, go to 2020. coming up next, forget the feds, the bay area county that
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could launch its own stimulus package. i think this is big and bold. that would be a lot. california ballot box catches fire, so what happens to all of those damaged vote? right now is the time that people need to have their voices heard. so to do something like this is just terrible, you know. back to work for film crews here in the bay area, the movie now shooting in san francisco. at 11:00, can trust the post office to deliver your mail and ballot on time? kenny choi puts the mail system to the test, mailing dozens of mock ballots from mailboxes and post offices in 24 bay area city's. the po box is in four counties. the result of his test
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i'm jerome gage. i'm a full-time lyft driver. when this pandemic first started, i bought my own ppe because uber and lyft didn't provide it. these companies have been exploiting drivers like me for years. now prop 22 denies us basic rights like unemployment benefits and sick time. uber and lyft are billion-dollar companies, and they still won't let drivers get access to unemployment benefits.
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that's just wrong. tell uber and lyft to stop exploiting their drivers. vote no on prop 22.
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pretty while driving going on today around lombard street in san francisco. this was for a movie shoot which we have not seen in san francisco since the pandemic. it is for the marvel production, shang chi, and the legend of the 10 rings. crews are working in smaller groups, and also must follow all of the cities covid guidelines. tonight firefighters are bracing to contain a new wildfire in monterey county, it is burning near an army base, it is forcing some evacuations in a few communities around that base, the fire is now the burn area of the dolan fire which burned all over big sur. all flames have scorched 500 acres so far. the fire danger making a return this week again. not exactly galloping shock
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come in late october. this tends to be the peak of fire season and we will see several instances of offshore wind picking up in intensity as we go through this week and even into early next week because of just how the big picture is arranged in the atmosphere. everything rotates clockwise around that. would sense the wind at least in the upper atmosphere and offshore direction. every once in a while the lower level wind will cut under that so we had onshore wind today or much of the day which is why that fog was reluctant to retreats. but the offshore wind will get closer and closer to ground level as we head through the next 12 hours or so which is why that red flag warning goes into effect at 11:00. if we can avoid any new fire getting started, air-quality looks okay. good air quality across the board today, north bay may have occasional bits of smoke drifting in from elsewhere in the state, saving for the santa clara valley by thursday and friday but the worst we are singing the forecast rest of the week is moderate air- quality but all of this is contingent on not seeing any new fires getting started so we
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will keep you updated on that. outside right now the sun is going down, the fog is rolling to the golden gate, the very tops of the towers visible over the fog bank, 60 degrees downtown, 65 degrees in oakland, 65 in santa rosa, close to 70 in san jose, and in the 70s, temperatures will back down into the 50s by early tomorrow morning, and the fog is really going to be confined to right around the bay and along the coast, it will not spread very far inland and even here that fog will retreat quickly and we should see plenty of sunshine by midday tomorrow, even along the coast where we really had a hard time getting rid of the fog. here are the low temperatures by tomorrow morning, mostly mid to low 50s, which is a little bit above average for this time of year but it is not bad. hi temptress tomorrow, though, are going to heat up, around the bay into the 70s, 5 to 10 degrees above average, further inland, 80s and 90s and that is still 10 to 15 degrees above average, not a return to the near triple digit he that we had last week it is still a continuation of an abnormally warm month of october. upper
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60s on the coast, mostly low to mid 80s around the south bay with mid to upper 80s and the santa clara valley comes in is a topping out around 84 degrees, upper 80s and low 90s for the tri-valley, low to mid 90s east of the diablo range. that will be the hotspot. around the bay mostly 70s, but normal but far from record setting for this time of year. mid to upper 80s to around 90 degrees for the north bay and farther north. also mix of upper 80s and low 90s. temperatures will be just as hot on wednesday, then we start cooling down a little bit thursday and friday, wuornos will cool down is on the way as we head into the weekend, even slightly below average temperatures for couple of days saturday and sunday, still no rain in sight to help but at least will have some near average temperatures for at least a few days before more offshore wind kicks and early next week. top headlines now, president trump back at the white house after a stump in arizona not long ago. the president made to rally
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stops in the state, speaking to crowds in prescott and tucson. he touched on several topics including the pandemic. >> optimism will boom, the pandemic is rounding the turn, vaccines are coming. and i look fun, don't i? and we will get back to normal life, that is what we want, normal, seven months ago, we want to get back and will be better than that very soon. we build a foundation that is so strong. >> meanwhile democratic president nominee joe biden is preparing for the final debate with president trump, that is scheduled for thursday. he made a quick stop in north carolina, yesterday. his running mate stopped in florida on the first day of early voting in that state. she spoke to socially distanced supporters in orlando and jacksonville about concerns over voter suppression. >> they have been trying to suppress the vote. had to sit back and ask why are
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these powerful people trying to make it so difficult for us to vote? and here's the answer. because they know our power, they know when we vote, we win. and thursdays debates expected follow a similar format as the worst president of debate? topics include the coronavirus, national security, and climate change. >> they will be meeting those mics when it is not your turn to talk. thank you. coming up next, who set a ballot box on fire. the investigation right now and what happens to all of those burned up votes. >> they voted already, so we need to reach out to them. >> i believe that we owe a duty to them, to help them weather, weather the storm. in the bay area county that is about to send a lifeline to its struggling small businesses. and then later, was this week at a turning point for the 49ers? you will hear from the two
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they endorse yes on 25 to end money bail. governor gavin newsom. congresswoman karen bass. the western center on law and poverty. the dolores huerta foundation. californians for safety and justice. and the california democratic party. yes on 25.
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and the california democratic party. the pain is always around the corner.o
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accused of rape. accused of stealing $5. the stanford rapist could afford bail. got out the same day. the senior citizen could not. forced to wait in jail nearly a year. vote yes on prop 25 to end money bail. dozens of damaged ballots are in the hands of los angeles police tonight. many of them were damage after a fire inside of an official ballot box. police now suspect arson.
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this happened last night in baldwin park. firefighters had to put a hose into the slot of that box, and for the flames out, then the used to change to cut it open. people that saw it happened are pretty upset. >> right now is the time that people need to have their voices heard. so to do something like this is just terrible, you know. >> they decide to use this particular box. they voted already so we need to reach out to them. >> police are doing just that, they're working with the la county registrar to try to contact the voters whose ballots were damaged. tanguay live look in san jose where there is a new effort to help small businesses. santa clara county is considering a $100 million proposal to back low interest loans. details on how the program would work including hardships of banks and interest rates, would be worked out in the coming weeks. supervisors hope the county can back individual loans of $50,000 or more.
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>> we hear from the businesses were operating, out of action know when a of capacity, and they are doing this because they are complying with public health orders, and i believe that we owe a duty to them, to help them, weather the storm. a lot of clients are too scared to come back. >> the proposal be introduced tomorrow at the board of supervisors meeting and san jose. county administrators will come back with pulmonary plans in november. coming up next, what a difference a week ♪ ♪ i got it all from you ♪ i'm always pushing through ♪ i know we'll make it to the finish line ♪
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♪ i know you're waiting on the other side ♪ ♪ i'm like you on-demand glucose monitoring. because they're always on. another life-changing technology from abbott. so you don't wait for life. you live it.
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...we know that when we take care of the earth, the earth also takes care of us. you'd be surprised by our environmentally-friendly way of baking breads. our ingredients are farmed per strict usda organic standards.
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our bakeries are powered by renewable wind energy. and we support environmental causes through 1% for the planet. oroweat organic bread. great taste that's sustainably baked. and now, introducing our super delicious and nutritious organic kids bread featuring disney's mickey mouse and minnie mouse! after the debacle couple of weeks ago, the niners look like a completely different team last night. much more control, much better than the week before, the defense played great, holding the rams preseason lows eckstein points. the offensive line did not allow us back.
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they gave garoppolo the chance to throw three touchdowns and just the first half. definitely moving in the right direction, not totally there yet, you know, still a lot of football left in the season but how we finish this game, felt a lot like last year. a big step forward in our confidence as a team, and we are rolling. >> george kittle in the niners are now three and three on the season, they are traveling all the way to new england this week to take on cam newton. and the patriot on sunday. thank you for watching at seven. the news continues streaming on cbsn bay area. we will be back here at 11:00 to update you on all the latest news. have a good nigh
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] [cheering and applause] steve: come on. how's everybody? i appreciate that. thank y'all. thank you, everybody. i appreciate that. thank y'all. thank you, everybody. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. [cheering and applause] got another good one today. returning for their third day with a total of 20,895 bucks from pasadena, california, it's the champs, it's the arana family. [cheering and applause] and from van nuys, californi


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