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tv   KPIX 5 News at 11pm  CBS  June 18, 2020 1:37am-2:13am PDT

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. now at 11:00 p.m., breaking news in contra costa county,
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protesters blocked streets in walnut creek. >> plus, couples are finding out splitting up isn't easy during shelter in place. one bay area woman may have to wait two years for a divorce and a mountain lion spotted again in downtown san francisco. what is the animal doing there? >> more businesses reopening in san mateo county. >> and after grass fires in northern california today, i am tracking hotter temperatures in the forecast for thursday. >> now at 11:00 p.m. and streaming on cbsn bay area, good evening. we begin with breaking news out of walnut creek. an anti-police brutality protest happening right now. hundreds of demonstrators marching through the streets. this is a live look.
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you can see there is a heavy police presence there. >> moments ago they were outside the mayor's house and chanting. our crew tells us things are peaceful. some businesses boarded up today afraid of possible looting. we will keep an eye on this for you. right now in san francisco, a mountain lion, one we have seen for the past couple days, is on the prowl. within the last three hours, police say there was another sighting, near first and mission. and earlier the cougar was roaming around the sales force tower. judging by the size, experts believe it is about 15 years old, the cat is likely lost and confused and will soon find its way out of the city. things are cooling off now
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after temperatures reached the 90s in many parts of the bay area today. chief meteorologist now. >> especially inland portions of the bay area. around the bay, temperatures will be above average on thursday. talking about 15 degrees above normal, low to middle 80s around the bay and 90s inland. but i think the hot spots will fall short of 100 degrees. the humidity is still going to be low. future cast tomorrow, 20%. the humidity will be very low and temperatures hot. we will look at father's day weekend coming up in a few
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minutes. >> thank you. the warm weather and dry conditions perfect combination for grass fires. in fremont a small fire broke out on north bound 880. flamesscorched more than a thousand acres. also tonight, breaking up is hard to do. it is harder during a pandemic. >> kpix 5's maria medina in san jose with a divorce delay plaguing couples right now. >> reporter: couples are finding out getting a divorce could take twice as long as courts across the bay area shut down because of covid-19. had very frustrating. just a waiting game. i feel like my life is on hold. >> reporter: she hoped she would be divorced before the end of the year.
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now she is afraid it could take up to two years. >> they said we are closed and don't call us. we will contact you once we reopen. >> reporter: profiled in contra costa county in february, a month later the state shelter- in-place place order shut down family courts across the bay area, putting divorce proceedings on pause. >> it was startling because we just really came to an abrupt halt. >> reporter: she is an attorney in san jose and said contra costa county family court began to reopen on a limited basis. >> so it is not how it was before when there would be hundreds of cases heard every day. now, maybe you have 20 cases heard a day. >> reporter: she said it takes a year or less to finalize a divorce but now couples with no issues to settle are finding they likely can't get divorced
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anytime soon. >> people are looking at the end of 2021. if they are lucky. >> reporter: my gosh. >> yeah. >> reporter: that is insane. >> yeah. >> i want to get it over with. >> reporter: she received a court date for the end of july, that is four months after filing. not the typical 4 to 5 weeks. >> i just can't move forward, move past this. >> the attorney says those couples who need to settle child custody, property and spousal support issues can expect even longer delays. kpix 5. for the first time in months you could eat at a restaurant in san mateo county. joe vazquez has why the counties changed the rules. >> reporter: the public health
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order is effective immediately. salons, gyms and movie theaters can reopen and restaurants can begin indoor service. business is bustling on a beautiful night. outdoor dining in full swing and now restaurants will be able to serve customers indoors. >> we can reopen. i didn't understand the paper that i received. they are not very clear. >> reporter: he says he is thrilled to be able to get customers back but so far he has not received the guidance from san mateo county so he is waiting for more details before he opens up the inside. >> paper menu, all ready. not table cloths. sanitizer. all employees checking every day when they come to work. i am ready to open. >> reporter: san mateo county had been worried about a high covid-19 case rate and hospitalizations but those numbers dropped in recent days.
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>> one of the issues that we are facing is how do we balance. >> reporter: he welcomes the reopening and hopes folks will keep masking and social distancing as much as possible. >> if we open and social distancing he said that we could avoid a second phase. a surge. we have to have faith. >> reporter: salons and tattoo parlors will reopen on have i had. joe vazquez, kpix 5. are you feeling lucky? the casino will reopen in a few hours. they will have a whole new look and feel beginning tomorrow. face masks will be required for everyone entering the building. workers will wipe down tables, cards, chips and other high touched objects and hand sanitizer stations have been placed throughout the casino,
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the hotel and the restaurant. and napa, many hotels welcomed guests back tonight but rooms aren't fully booked yet. kpix 5's andrea nakano on the extra cautious approach some hotels are taking as they slowly reopen. >> reporter: open to guests once again. but many rooms are sitting empty. >> occupancy level isn't driving our decision, it is safety. >> reporter: this hotel is following recommendations from the state and the county to limit the spread of covid-19. they let rooms sit for 24 hours after guests leave and then the staff comes into clean and the room is left empty for another 24 hours. >> the first step was to ensure that the room sits vac tonight protect the associates who have to go into the room as well as the next guests arriving.
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>> reporter: for the guests that stay they will be greeted by a hand sanitizing station and asks guests to have face masks and if they don't have one already, there is one here in the front lobby. in fact, there are 24 hand sanitizing stations on the first floor of the hotel. guests say they had very few reservations about coming here. >> we are the first to stay in our room. >> reporter: they just got married last weekend. they planned to go to italy but instead came to a wine country closer to home. he contacted the hotel before booking his stay. >> he assured us about the cleanliness, having meetings beforehand about what they are doing. so, i mean, it made us feel comfortable. >> reporter: it has been a long three month process to make
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sure the hotel can open. two employees made the building was secure. the hotel brought back 40% of its staff and he hopes more will come back. he said they will be able to turn rooms around quicker once they get a sprayer to clean the virus off surfaces. andrea nakano,. >> reporter: >> we asked you if you would feel comfortable staying in a hotel during the pandemic. some say it depends on the facility and others say it is too big a risk. tell us what you think by using the hashtag #kpix 5. the fbi is investigating nooses found at lake merritt. >> we as a city must remove these terrorizing symbols from the public view. >> tonight, oakland mayor says this is not just an innocent misunderstanding. >> cal announces its fall
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plans. why students won't return to campus after thanksgiving. >> and what is this crisis has changed almost everything, but not our resolve. we've pulled together, worked hard to keep each other safe. we've flattened the curve and are starting to reopen our communities. we can protect the people we love, and help californians get back on their feet. for our families and our communities, let's stay the course and stop the spread.
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if there was one immediate when we closed in march,wynn it was keeping all 15,000 team-members on board with full pay and free testing for all. we then focused our five-star level of service to all who needed it and did what we always do. we cared about everything and everyone. in our communities and in our homes, we were there. with food and supplies and with love.
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we made improvements to people's lives. we strove to be better. and we made people happy. like we always do. this closure may have temporarily taken us out of wynn and encore. but it couldn't take the wynn and encore out of us. and now... we are proud to welcome you back. sacomfortably explore ouror incredible selection. with safe in-store guidance, or order online, and pick up your products curbside! come discover the perfect floor at the perfect price however is perfect for you. explore floor & decor in-store or online. . here is a check on breaking news out of walnut creek. an anti-police brutality protest happening right now. you can see there is a heavy
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police presence in the area. they went to the mayors house and chanted and banged on pots and pans and some businesses in the area have boarded up their windows in preparation for any possible looting but so far we are told this protest, loud, very peaceful. in other news, the stars were out in oakland as the first graduation class of oakland promise came out to celebrate. veronica de la cruz with more. >> reporter: a promise made to oakland's youth. triple number of college grads in the city by 2024 and tonight we saw a star studded event to celebrate a milestone. steph curry, klay thompson and steve kerr were on hand. oakland promise launched in
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2016 by the mayor offering scholarships to the city's disadvantaged youth. in 2017, the oakland school district reported only 53% of students went to college. tonight inspiring words from basketball legends as klay thompson assured them graduating during a pandemic is a tiny obstacle on the way to success. >> not being able to participate in your graduation ceremony or go to prom, party bus, i know it sucks you can't do those things but i promise you the best times are ahead. and this is a hiccup for everybody but just going to make you that much stronger. >> you guys did it and you did it under unique circumstances so congratulations. now it is time go out and conquer the world. expect the unexpected, be able
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to adapt, don't let anything standen your way. >> i am a term believer in the mantra i can do all things and i hope you are too. now it is time to live that every single day. congratulations again. we got you. rooting for you guys. >> inspiring words indeed. oakland mayor, governor gavin newsom were also on hand today. funds were raised to benefit the minority student body. >> thank you. in alameda county, a hate crime investigation is underway after a series of ropes found hanging from trees like nooses. a woman shared video of the ropes yesterday afternoon. oakland parks and rec have removed them. the case is being reviewed by the fbi as a possible hate crime. the person said they were placed there months ago as
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exercise equipment. the mayor says this act will not be tolerated. >> we have to know the actual history of racial violence, of terrorism that a noose represents. and that we as a city must remove these terrorizing symbols from the public view and investigate these as hate crimes until proven otherwise. >> actually hanging down. why? why do you hate us? >> it is also against oakland city code to hang anything from public trees. meanwhile, demonstrators took to the streets to lift up voices that often go unheard. >> san jose people lined the
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streets waving signs to raise awareness that the black, transand [bleep] communities are trans -- >> during black lives matter to also amplify the voice of all black lives. >> the goal of the protest was to spread awareness of the number of people killed this month alone. >> the fall semester at uc berkeley will look different. the university announced remote lectures and students will have to get tested for covid-19 before returning to campus and then quarantine for seven days after arriving. dining will be take out only, masks are mandatory, and all final exams will be conducted
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remotely after thanksgiving. switching gears to weather. a warm day and it is probably going to get warmer and that is good news if you want to go to the beach but when it comes to fire season it makes people nervous. >> yeah. today we had breezy conditions. got through the day with a few spot fires. tomorrow is even hotter and this heat wave is going to peak peak tomorrow. the first official weekend of summer. mild by the way but toasty inland saturday and sunday. right now 60s. 71 san jose and 73 in concord. otherwise, everybody in the mid- 60s except san francisco, 61. temperatures aren't backing down too far from there. down to the upper 50s in the city and 50s across the board. coolest spots in the north bay and coast, low 50s. a few locations reaching above
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60 degrees. we will step on the gas pedal tomorrow in terms of how fast we warm up. it will be a hot day. get the dog walking done early in the day or late in the day. temperatures in the 90s. that is way too hot, especially for dogs that have black fur. temperatures are going to be hotter in other parts of the bay area. let's show you what we are talking about. low 90s, mid-90s for santa clara county. 15 degrees above average for the middle of june. hot spots, the delta and east in contra costa county. upper 90s, close to 100 degrees. mid-90s for the valley. low to middle 80s around the bay. above average and low to middle 90s for the north bay. north, 90s as well. father's day, looks hot inland.
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low 90s and 70s around the bay area and 60s along the coast. >> thank you. for the first of lives lost]
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george floyd. his name was george floyd. say his name. say his name. george floyd. say his name. say their names. go to
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. i am told it was a good hair day for lots of people in contra costa county. >> that's right. salons and barbershops reopen. lots of you have been waiting months for this day. one had 450 people on its wait list and expect to see new rules. before you walk through the door, your temperature will be checked and once inside face masks and social distancing is a must. i tell you what, they haven't opened up near my place as you can see. trump changes his tune on colin kaepernick coming back to the
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when you humble yourself under the mighty hand of god, in due time he will
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exalt you. hi, i'm joel osteen. i'm excited about being with you every week. i hope you'll tune in. you'll be inspired, you'll be encouraged. i'm looking forward to seeing you right here. you are fully loaded and completely equipped for the race that's been designed for you. . remember this? three years ago president trump called on colin kaepernick or any other player that knelt during the national anthem to be kicked out of the nfl. >> wouldn't you love to see one of these nfl owners when somebody disrespects our flag, to say get that guy off the field right now. out. he is fired.
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>> now, with growing support for colin kaepernick to return to the nfl, the president said he deserves a chance to play again. >> he was terrific in his rookie year. i think he was good in his second year and then something happened. his playing wasn't enough. absolutely i would. >> reporter: major league baseball could be making progress. the commissioner met with tony clark, the head of the players association last night and proposed a 60 game season with 100% of prorated salaries, something owners were unwilling to do previously. serena williams will play in the u.s. open later this summer so at least it will have its biggest draw. a notable player. novak djokovic is considering
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skipping the event due to health concerns. the top 5 for this day in sports history. 1962, jack nicklaus won the u.s. open. his first of 18 major titles. 2012, simpson won the u.s. open. >> the pressure, i couldn't feel my legs. >> 1973, jonny miller shot a sky rally back and win the u.s. open, 47 years later, it is still the lowest score in the final round of a major. 2008, the celtics won the title and the first for kevin garnett. the lakers beat boston in seven games games.
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. >> reporter: ron would be changing his name to metta world peace as you well know. >> that is right. when we see that jersey, well (bouncy music)
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- [announcer] the following is a paid advertisement for magblue, brought to you by purity products. (bouncy music) (air whooshing) - hello, and welcome to the show. my name is jason kam. and this is purity products. i'm joined here with jahn levin, president of purity products.


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