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tv   KPIX 5 News at 6am  CBS  June 2, 2020 6:00am-6:59am PDT

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police open fire in celano county. the connectionhave to get out h and you can't sit back or tweet or text. you have to get out here. >> and a big-name actor protesting in the bay area, and his message to celebrities to get involved. good morning, everyone. it's tuesday, june 2nd. and i'm michelle griego. >> and i'm len kiese. good morning. right to gianna with traffic alert this morning. reporter: if you're headed out the door to 880, expect delays, and this is a three-car crash, prompting all lanes on the southbound side to close. emergency crews are on scene. a lot of activity as well. backed up to 292 at this point, and the delays are building. thwhipple onramp from 880. you can head to the east side
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there and use mission or even industrial to save time through the time. we will keep you upstated on that. now to mary with the forecast. tracking warmer, hotter temperatures for the afternoon. well above average, and hotter tomorrow. here's a live look. a mild start for sure, and then check out the daytime highs. újose, and upper 90s for an concord, 14 to 19 degrees above average for this time of the year. the heat advisory for tomorrow, and details on that coming up. i'm anne makovec following breaking news overnight. the aftermath of protest turning violent. four police officers shot in st. louis amid the ongoing protest there is, and it happened near police
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headquarters overnight, and now the four officers who were shot are expected to survive. two were shot in the leg, one in the foot, and another in the arm. they were taken to the hospital, and they are recovering. the investigation into the shooting continues. one u.s. marshal is in grave condition, at last word, the marshal on life support after being shot near circus circus. he was trying to put people in custody, and one shot rang out, and the marshal was down. the person suspected of firing the shot was tracked down and arrested. another man died on the vegas strip overnight about two miles away. we are keeping an eye on the investigations. developing this morning, this massive fire in south sacramento has kept
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firefighters busy. the flames sparked ertly be :00t ni and ened a palerd and at t three the ma alrnthis morning a fire in the loading dock at this san jose safeway. the alarm alerting employees who were working inside, and they all safely evacuated. sprinklers held the fire in check until the fire crews arrived on the scene. the cause of the fire is unknown. a confrontation in vallejo prompting police to open fire on a looting suspect. kpix5's kiet do is on the scene. what's the latest? >> reporter: they are focusing much of the attention on the drive-thru pharmacy. a lot of debris and evidence markers in the covered area, picking it up now, putting it in brown paper toleft sethe signicant damage to the drive-in window.
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the dark brown frame there, broken glass. it happened as retailers and police in the bay area have been on high alert for looting. here's what we know so far. around 12:30 a.m. this morning, vallejo police got a call about looters at the corner of broadway, and when officers got here, there was a confrontation with the thieves and the officer drew a gun and opened fire. that's all the department is saying officially for now. we did see an ambulance drive away with flashing lights, giving an indication that someone was treated for injuries. two vehicles were damage in the melee. one was a ford explorer, and then another on highway 4, a silver pickup truck crashed, and the air bags deploy. cappe for the city. broadway is closed for a block north. vallejo police said they will release more information in the coming days.
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kiet do, kpix5. developing this morning in fairfield, we are learning more about the looters targeting shops at the solano mall late last night. someone drove a forklift through the front of the best buy store. city police are asking residents to avoid the area. a heavy police presence remained on the scene overnight. curfews have lifted for much of the bay area after cities across the region forced lockdowns to stop looters. this morning, san francisco, santa clara, danville, and lafayette will have curfews in place until further notice. others will end some time this week. new this morning peaceful protests in santa rosa curfew, leading to a number of arrests by srpd. protesters marched noon into the night. at 8:00 p.m., crowds turned rowdy. several cars driving through the barricades and doing donuts in the street.
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groups of people scattered throughout downtown, throwing rocks and windows. srpd giving disperse orders just before midnight, making 27 arrests. new video in this morning, and this was the scene in walnut creek late yesterday afternoon as police fired tear gas into the crowd. people scattered after protests in the area remained mainly peaceful. in the south bay, a calmer scene yesterday, and there's dozens of protesters and a heavy police presence, but no new reports of violent confrontations. this was the scene on friday, cars burning, and parts of the city, police firing tear gas, whatdo ? s of injuries rie scee >> justice. >> wewa it? >> now. >> thousands marched in oakland last night, and the majority of the protest was aceful. graffiti and boarded up windows were reminders of the clashes from a few nights ago.
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>> i really feel like it's important to take a stand and to be here and just add the numbers to the crowd. >> organizers planned to march to the oakland police department on seventh street, but officers put up a barricade at eighth, not allowing them to go farther. people started to yell at officers, and objected started to fly. that's when police fired back with tear gases and rubber rounds. the majority of protesters scatter when the tear gas fired and opd gave the orders to disperse. 80 people were arrested after staying past the 8:00 deadline. separately 20 other people were arrested for crimes where guns were recovered. a live look at san francisco's city hall where the city's curfew just expired. they are trying to clamp down on looting. the curfew started at 8:00 last
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night, and it's been fairly quiet overnight. a much different picture than the last several violent, resulting in mass arrests. i spent last night and the night before listening to the sfpd scanner, and there's a place for peaceful protests, peaceful resistance, and unfortunately there's an element that wants to do bad things. >> and san francisco's police chief says the city has been calmer thanks to the curfew and the more than 200 officers who have come from across the state to help. also in san francisco, actor and activist jamie foxx making an appearance alongside mayor london breed. the actor and mayor kneeling side-by-side with religious leaders and the naacp. he called on his hollywood friends to take action, asking them to get out of their homes.
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>> my hollywood friends, you to get out here. you have got to come out here. you can't sit back or tweet or text. you have to get out here. >> here you go, mr. foxx. >> faith lieders leaders are asking for fundamental changes with the police department. floyd mayweather offered to pay for four funeral services for george floyd including in minnesota and other locations to be determined. an apology during a demonstration. and a live look at the sales force tower camera. looking north at the golden gate bridge. clear skies, and we will talk about how warm to hot it will get this afternoon, coming up. a traffic alert continues
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in union city due to the crash i will have the latest i will have the latest foiowhen we n un a n $10 billion cut to public education couldn't be worse for our schools and kids. laying off 57,000 educators, making class sizes bigger? c'mon. schools must reopen safely with resources for protective equipment, sanitizing classrooms, and ensuring social distancing. tell lawmakers and governor newsom don't cut our students' future. pass a state budget that protects our public schools. don't cut our students' future. who've got their eczema under, with less eczema, you can show more skin. so roll up those sleeves. anlpl yourkiom dupixent is the first treatment of itsind that continuously eatsatto-sev dupixe im or
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many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin, and, had significantly less itch. that's a difference you can feel. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. so help heal your skin from within. and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent. here's what we want everyone to do. count all the hugs you haven't given. all the hands you haven't held. all the dinners you didn't share with friends. the trips you haven't taken. keep track of them. each one means one less person vulnerable, one less person exposed, and one step closer to a healthier community. so for now, keep your distance. but don't lose count.
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we'll have some catching up to do.
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6:13 right now, new video showing a peaceful protest taking an emotional turn. a group of white people knelt down to pray, asking black demonstrators for forgiveness for years of racism. >> forgive us for our sins and for our brothers and sisters. we love them and care about them. you can see we are not violent in god. we are not shaming anybody. forgive us for our sins. >> the powerful moment happening in houston, texas, and demonstrators were initially there to fo george floyfamily, everyone ended up praying together. an emotional moment in texas. officers approaching protesters got off their bikes and took a
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knee. demonstrators welcoming the gesture with hugs. new york city making it very clear where their support lies this morning. this digital sign reading black lives matter, lit up in times square. most of the protests there are remaining peaceful. all right, the time is now 6:14, and here's gianna with a check on the traffic alert this morning. >> reporter: yeah, new information from chp. good news if you're taking 880 in union city, and that's southbound 880, and all lanes completely shut down because of the crash with three vehicles. they have opened up all but one lanes. the left lane is closed. activity to the shoulder as well. traffic getting by better there, and now more cars on the roadway, and we are seeing significant delays, and you're back up to 92 at this point. chp said they are hoping to have all lanes opened up by 6:45 this morning. will close southbound 880, the left lane
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closed until further notice. if you want to avoid delays, 238, mission, or head to the west side of durial evard rnoking affic along 580 this morning. chp has issued a second traffic alert, and this is southbound 580, just before grant line, and right around the 205, 580 connector, and a vehicle, possible overturned, blocking the center divider and left lane. traffic busy in the area for folks out of tracy, headed to the livermore valley area. tack on at least 20 minutes out of tracy headed to 680 at the dublin interchange. brake lights at westbound 37, past the island, and it's better passing the point with no delays headed to 101. 101 itself, clear, working your way through, and no metering lights at the bay bridge, but closely watching that. close eye on the forecast with mary.
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>> reporter: here we go. another heat wave, gianna. we will see the temperatures climb. the heat wave this week compared to last week, shorter. not going to be as long for sure. a live look at the sales force tower camera, looking to the east bay with the sunshining brightly. temperatures mid- to upper 50s, and low 60s. 60 in oakland, and 56 in san francisco. 50 in san jose, and 54 for santa rosa. with all the sunshine, the uv index forecast, very high, and it's at a 9 for today. here's what you can expect, mostly clear, and a mild morning. as we head through the afternoon, all of us with above average daytime highs. inland, you're talking about the heat wave today and for tomorrow, and in fact, the heat advisory in effect for tomorrow for all inland locations, and
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due to the daytime high in the 90s to triple digits. there's the heat advisory for wednesday, and for all of the areas highlighted in orange. all inland locations, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. tomorrow. it's because of the strong ridge of high pressure, and it's across the desert southwest, building in, and that's why the hotter temperatures are on the way. hour-by-hour on futurecast. you can see the sunshine for tomorrow as well. the daytime highs for this afternoon, and to the south bay we go. we are looking at high in the 90s. 93 for san jose. 95 for morgan hill, and 92 in sunny vale. the east bay with the hottest temperatures this afternoon 98 in concord. mid- to upper 90s for the trivalley, and around the bay, 79, close to 80 degrees for san
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francisco, and mid-80s oakland and alameda and san leandro. here's the extended forecast. heating up even more for tomorrow, and upper 90s to triple digit heat inland tomorrow, under the heat advisory, and then for thursday, slightly cooler by a few degrees, and still a warm to hot day. much cooler on friday into the weekend, and there's a chance to see a few showers on saturday. back to you. a lisfo, and travelers can now fly from san francisco to europe for the first time since april 1st. as of yesterday the airport started nonstop flights to switzerland with swiss international airlines offering one weekly flight. another weekly flight will be offered in three weeks. don't book your vacatiyet. the u.s. has a level four travel advisory, and switzerland's boarder is closed to anyone without a reason for
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essential travel. i think we are going to pay a price for this, and the price is more concerns. the possible resurgence of coronavirus. medical experts are weighing in, coming up. and let's take a live look outside before we head to break. we are looking from the sales force tower camera looking to the south and over the bay. remember if you see good news in the bay area, we can connect you to people looking to help., and there's stories how we are better together. send story
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mass protests across the
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nation are raising concerns about coronavirus outbreaks. public health experts warn the crowds could cause a surge in cases. health experts worry the wave will almost certainly set off new chains of infection. there's a high risk of infection any time there's large numbers of people who are not social distancing. >> i think we will pay the price for this, and it will be more cases, and it won't show up next week or the week t within three weeks, we will see cases. >> health officials want people to wear ppe, cover their eyes, and stay six feet away where possible. san francisco is now in phase two. child care centers, dog groomers, and curbside service for retail can reopen. in santa clara, outdoor dining, child care, and summer camps
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can resume. on the list, religious services and cultural activities. the chinese hospital in san francisco is launching a pilot program offering free covid-19 testing and health tracking. the program stems from concern over the high level of asian americans who die from the infection. chinatown managed to stay ahead of the curve even though the densely populated neighborhood was considered a high risk. the ceo of the hospital realized the risk early on when china sent doctors to wuhan during the chinese new year. >> you don't leave family unless there's something that is really important or something that is really bad. >> there have only been a handful of infections at the hospital, and several patients who tested positive have been able to recover at home. time now 6:24, and a truck driver barrels into protests and was arrested. now police are changing course. in the next half hour, why they
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now say they believe it was not intentional. and police officers in vallejo opened fire on looters, and we will have a live report straight ahead. let's take a quick look outside before we head to break. this time at the bay bridge toll plaza, and this is what gianna is talking about, more cars on the roads, and a reminder, kpix5 has a new app, and it will give you easy 24/7 access to the cbsn bay area and the newscasts and real time updates. you need to delete the old app and download the new one. you can sign up for alerts to important breaking news in your neighborhood. we will be right back. options. no matter what you're looking for,
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it's always good to have 'em. and when it comes to your internet, xfinity gives you the ones you need. on a budget? there's a speed for that. not ready to commit? try a plan with no annual contract. wanna save even more? just add xfinity mobile, and save big on your wireless bill. it's internet with the power of options. and that's simple, easy, awesome. get started with xfinity internet and mobile for just $30 a month each, and save up to $400 a year on your wireless bill. call or visit
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right now on kpix5 and streaming on cbsn bay area, we are following breaking news, an officer-involved shooting in vallejo, now connected to looting overnight. an update from the scene. we are live from washington, dc, after president trump demands order. the governor's reaction to the president's calls for military action. good morning, it's tuesday, i'm michelle griego. >> and i'm len kiese. let's go to the forecast with
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mary lee. the temperatures are going up today? >> reporter: that's right, len and michelle. i'm watching the temperatures climb through the day, and in fact, we are looking at warm to hot conditions across the bay tomorrow. we have got a little heat wave across the bay area, and here's a live look with the san camera. the south bay, downtown san jose, and right now, in san jose, 60 degrees, and we are mid- to upper 50s to low 60s across the region as we start off tuesday. headed through the afternoon, and about close to 80 degrees in san francisco. 79. mid-80s for oakland, mid-80s for concord and 93 for san joe. a heat advisory for tomorrow in a few minutes. i'm anne makovec at the live news desk, and live to sacramento. you can see a smoke there in the distance from the tower camera from a huge fire burning in south sacramento for several
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hours now, involving multiple businesses, multiple buildings, and this is on la grande boulevard. some of the businesses including a mattress facility and a palette storage facility. firefighters had problems with water pressure, and it was difficult to fight overnight, and embers were spreading the fire. one or two firefighters, actually, were injure in the fire fight overnight. they will both be okay, and they have nonlife threatening burns, and they said everyone was evacuated safely from the area, and at this point, no clue on exactly what caused the fire. from the live news desk, i'm anne makovec. i'm kiet do, live in vallejo, investigators are steadily collapsing the crime scene here, giving us the closest look of the shooting scene so far. the drive-thru pharmacy window
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of the walgreens, significant damage, and that plywood was there previously, but it lo like the lower part was smashed out as looters gained entry to the building. some time around 12:30, vallejo police got a call of looters at the walgreens street. when officers got there, there was a confrontation with thieves, and the officer drew a gun and opened fire. that's all the department is saying officially. in the video, you can see damage to the drive-the tes en lssaw ambulance drive away with the flashing lights on, presumably someone injured. however, an officer on the scene said none of the officers were injured as well. one ford explorer was on the scene, and then a silver pickup truck crashed on highway 4. the air bags deployed. it was quite the chaotic night
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for police with riot-related criminal activity. the chief will provide more details about this in the days to come. all the traffic has opened up on redwood and broadway. live in vallejo, kiet do. a police officer in vegas is on life support after being shot in the head near circus circus hotel. protests in vegas led to two shootings, one of the shootings being rushed to the hospital where he later died. >> the first incident involving one of our officer shot and critically injured as he dealt with protesters in front of the circus circus hotel and casino. the second was an officer- involved shooting at a separate location involving an armed subject in front of the foley federal building on las vegas boulevard. cehave been shotne poli headthoffice
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re stng near they were shot by, quote, cowardly individuals. all the four are in the hospital with nonlife threatening injuries. new video out of the east bay, showing a freeway takeover as protesters march on to interstate 680 and walnut creek. it was yesterday afternoon, and demonstrators blocking the lanes on 680 at lawrence avenue, turning the interstate into a parking lot. a similar scene in los angeles. 405 freeway was blocked in new york city, hundreds walked on fdr drive, blocking traffic on both sides of the highway. take a look at this new video out of philadelphia. you can see of protesrs scramblinup side, to the tear gas. officials said the tear gas was used after the crowd surrounded and started to rock a trooper's
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car. >> no justice no peace. >> back in dc, protesters rallied past the 7:00 p.m. curfew there was no apparent attempt to disperse the protesters. now to new york, looters smashed store windows in manhattan's harold square overnight. people on the streets then rushing in and storming out with armloads of merchandise. police arrested 200 people. in california this group of looters entered a hollywood pharmacy, and you can see part of the entrance is still secon jumped in, snatched stuff, and then ran out. no word yet on any arrests. more than 400 people were arrested in santa monica over the weekend after widespread looting in the area. business owners are now cleaning up and counting the cost of the damage. many volunteers came out to sweep, clean, and restore the city while lifting the spirits of store owners. a live look at the white house this morning, and president trump says he plans
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to put a stop to the violent protests that have gripped the country over the last several days. >> i am dispatching thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers, militarynel, and law enforcement officers to stop the rioting, vandalism, assaults, and the wanton destruction of property. >> president trump argued states have failed to take care of their own residents, and he wants to send in the military if protests can not be controlled. peaceful protesters outside of the white house were being fired on with tear gas and stun grenades. once the protesters were cleared, and following his press conference, president trump walk from the white house, across the street to st. john's perish, pausing for a photo while holding a bible. when asked about the president's message, the
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governor said he prefers to address systemic problems rather than perpetuating them. >> i can choose to focus the message that i think is so much more powerful, and i hope more resinating to people wang, and that is i care more about them than some of the noise i heard on the morning phone call. >> there was a lot of difference things that can change. >> former vice president joe biden saying he will form a police oversight board if elected president, and biden is expected to give a speech today in philadelphia on the protests. taking a live look at san jose, and later today, the naaacp will hold a news conference to address the killing of george floyd. they want to keep the focus on the systemic racism that led to floyd's death. the medical examiner and an independence autopsy ruled floyd's death a homicide, but it differs on what caused it.
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the county said he had a heart attack while being restranded with fentanyl and meth in his system. a private autopsy said he died from asphyxiation. the officer with his knee on floyd's neck has been charged with murder. the three other officers were fired, but they have not been charged. >> no justice, no peecutthe pol nearly 2,000 people rallying outside of the minnesota governor's mansion last night, calling for the arrest of the officers. st. paul police closing the roads around the area, but the crowds remained peaceful. the governor also shortened the curfew hours after a decrease in violence. minnesota officials said they have no evidence that a tanker truck driver intentionally ran his vehicle into protesters over the weekend. the police say they were not finished putting up roadblocks at the time of the incident, and the driver was arrested and charged. as of monday night, he was still behind bars without bail.
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this new video capturing hundreds of australians marching in solidarity with george floyd protesters. organizers said the goal is to raise awareness of the mistreatment of the indigenous community in australian police custody. more protests will be held throughout the week in other parts of the country. happening today, the show will be paused. the music industry has declared today blackout tuesday. they are shuttering all business operations as protests continue throughout the nation and the world. music executives spearheading the effort said we will not continue to conduct business as usual without regard for black lives. tuesday, june 2nd is meant to intentionally disrupt the workweek. artists like the rolling stones, quincy jones, and billy ellish said they will observe the day along with sony music
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and columbia records and our station owner, viacom cbs also participating telling cnn, quote, we will not hold meetings or conduct business, rather we will stand in solidarity with our african american colleagues and loved ones across the country. economic fallout. the new report that says the coronavirus pandemic back ilof that's after the break on kpix5 and streaming on cbsn bay area. the market just opened about ten minutes ago. a quick check of the big board. the dow is up 80 points right now. an
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stocking opening in the green today. joining us on the phone jason
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brooks. >> the market so far, g l off t . ny postponing the play station 5 reveal that was scheduled for this thursday. the japanese company said they understand gamers worldwide are excited to see the ps5 games, they don't feel it's a time for celebration, and for now they want to stand back and allow more important voices to be heard. google also postponing the beta launches of the android 11 operating system because of the killing of george floyd. the stock market is mixed, the dow building on the gain on monday. it's up just over 80 points now at 25,557. the s&p up 4 points. nasdaq negative in the early going, down by 9 points. len, back to you? >> all right, jason brooks, thank you. new this morning, fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, shrinking the zeof the u.s.
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economy by $8 trillion over the next decade. according to the new projections from the congressional budget office, the economy shrink by $7.9 trillion from 2020 to 2030. that amounts to a 3% decline in u.s. gross domestic product compared to the international estimate. u.s. economic growth has been r consumer spending and the closing of numerous businesses. an upstate this morning, and more than 15 years of building found guilty of murder for his wife and unborn son, scott peterson's appeal for a new trial will go before the supreme court today. they will say his case was railroaded by a bias media and bad jury. now to campaign 2020, secretary of state mike pompeo is not running for the senate this fall. he was expected to be a
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favorite in the kansas race, replacing pat roberts. without pompeo, the gop is expecting a highly contested primary on august 4th. the department of justice is trying to block house democrats from accessing redacted grand jury materials for robert mueller's russia probe. they asked the supreme court to overturn the lower court decision to allow lawmakers to see secret transcript from the special counsel. there's portions of redacted information to protect grand jury information. express toll lanes across the bay area reopening on monday, and now traffic is starting to increase and shelters in place restrictions start to ease, and bay area transportation officials decided to reopen those lanes, and that includes interstate 580 in alameda county, interstate 680 in contra costa county. let's check the roads right now with gee gianna.
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good morning. the meter lights for the bay bridge turned on this morning. we are seeing a backup out of the east bay, oakland, into san francisco. you're back to the 880 overpass here. once you're past this point, express brake lights on the upper deck of the bridge as well. broken down vehicle at treasure island. blocking the left lane. delays as a result because of the stall. busy because of that headed off the skyway. chp, a traffic alert, westbound 580 before grant line. a crash blocking the left lane. slow for the trek out of tracie, and around mountain house to grant line, and you will see the bulk of delays with the 36 drive time to the dublside of 580. slow soubound 880, and the good news, all lanes are open from the earlier traffic alert, and we see brake lights out of hayward, past 92 to niles, and
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there's activity on the right shoulder from the earlier accident. at one point, all lanes shut down. still pretty slow there, even though the lanes are open. if you want to stick with 238, looking better. mission boulevard no delays there the roadways, westbound 37, still stacking up, and we are seeing brake lights there, and as you work your way west on sears point, no crashes. that's traffic. let's check the forecast. here's mary. the heat is on once again for today, and for tomorrow. so, we got another heat wave this week. here's the live look with the sales force tower camera, looking to the north across the golden gate bridge. temperatures 50s and 60s. 59 in concord. san francisco, 65. san jose, 60. santa rosa at 54. because of all the sunshine, the uv index forecast, high at a 9 for today. now as we go throughout the
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day, here's what we can expect. mainly clear skies, and mild temperatures, headed through the afternoon, and we have a heat wave, especially inland today and tomorrow. so heat advisory for tomorrow, and it's going to be even hotter inland. temperatures 90s to triple digits for tomorrow inland. the heat advisory for all of the areas highlighted in orange, that's 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. tomorrow, and all of the area inland locations under the heat advisory for wednesday, and it's because of the strong ridge of high pressure across the desert southwest, and that's building in. hotter weather on the way. taking you hour-by-hour on future cast, and walking you through the next days, you can see the sunshine for today, and then plenty of sunshine expected for tomorrow as well. now let's show you the daytime highs this afternoon, and for the south bay, we are in the 90s. 93 in san jose, and 95 for
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campbell, and 92 for sunny vail. you can see the hottest temperatures in the east bay. tralley. to incoord. mi to r 90 arou baclose tosan francisco. 79 in san francisco, and mid- 80s for oakland alameda. cooler for the weekend, and there's a chance to see showers on saturday. time now, 6:30. looters ransacking more business in the east bay. the madness in the parking lot after officers swarm the area. we are continuing to follow breaking news in sacramento.
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a huge fire has burned down several businesses, and we will go there live, next. and it did not end well for looters in vallejo as police officers caught up with them at walgreens. a live report with them straight ahead. good morning, on cbs this morning accident an updated autopsy report ruled george floyd's death a homicide. hear the family's continued quest for justice and their message of peace to protesters. also, we go mind the scenes with new york city's top uniformed police officer who explains the nypd's response to the demonstrations. plus we are in george floyd's hometown of houston. see how the police chief there is keeping the protests under control. we speak to an award- winning journalist about the history of racism in america and its impact on what is happening across the country. that's coming up when we see you at 7:00. another look outside, and
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this time from the sales force tower camera, and looking to the north, the golden gate bridge, and look at that beautiful shot on this morning. morning. it is 6:51, anweer u'reoonggoodto d en ico toouin on a bget? there's morning. it is 6:51, anweer u'ra speed for that. not ready to commit? try a plan with no annual contract. wanna save even more? just add xfinity mobile, and save big on your wireless bill. it's internet with the power of options. and that's simple, easy, awesome. get started with xfinity internet and mobile for just $30 a month each, and save up to $400 a year on your wireless bill. call or visit
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. i'm anne makovec at the live news desk, another live look at the city of sacramento. you can see some of the smoke there a hugecontinues to burn on the south side involving several businesses, and this is on la grande avenue. some of the businesses, a body shop, a mattress factory. >> anne, are you there? >> the fire broke out around 10:00 last night, and firefighters have been running into issues with water pressure and spot fires with embers. two firefighters do have burns, but they are be okay, described as nonlife threatening. the cause is under investigation, but it's not believed to be involved with
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any of the protests that also happened in the city. also, following breaking news right now in vallejo. looting turned violent overnight, and kiet do is there. >> reporter: i'm kiet do, live on the scene of walgreens, and investigators have pretty much left the scene here, giving us a closer look at the violence and what took place out here. if you look closely at the drive-thru pharmacy window, you can see the front glass is missing, and there's damage to the glass as well. that's probably where the looters climbed into the building, gaining access to the property. vallejo police got a call about looters at the corner of broadway, and when officers got there, there was a confrontation with the thieves. the officer drew a gun and opened fire. that's all the department is saying officially for now. we did see an ambulance drive away with flashing lights, giving an indication that someone was treated for
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injuries. an officer on scene said no officers were injured. there were also two vehicles damaged. one was a ford explorer a silver one, it was at the scene, and then another seen on highway 4a silver pickup truck that crashed. air bags deployed. the shooting capping off a chaotic night for vallejo police with riot-related activity in the city. the police department said they will provide more details in the coming days. for now, live in vallejo, kiet do. 6:57. time to look at your top stories. peaceful the protests in santa rosa yesterday carrying on past the curfew, leading to a number of arrests protesters marching noon into the night. crowds turned rowdy later. several groups of people scattered throughout downtown, throwing rocks at windows. srpd giving out dispersal orders just before midnight,
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making 27 arrests. richmond's hill top mall and a nearby walmart targeted by looters. dozens of cars sped away, and an officer was hit in the chaos, but is expected to be okay. several people were arrested. thousands of people took to the streets of oakland yesterday to march in peaceful the protests of the death of george floyd, and when alameda county curfew hit, officers gave orders to disperse, not not everyone left. 80 people were arrested after staying out past the 8:00 deadline. a freeway takeover in the east bay caught on camera. the protesters marching on 680 in walnut creek yesterday afternoon, blocking the lane at lawrence avenue and turned the interstate into a parking lot. it's 6:58, and as you head out the door, you plan to take the bay bridge, and expect delays. meter bridges are on for the toll plaza. slow past this point with pockets of slowing at treasure
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island for the broken down vehicle blocking at least one lane. slow headed into san francisco, out of the east bay. 19 minute drive time from hercules. mary? gianna, heating up this afternoon. daytime highs 10 to 20 degrees above average this time of the year with sunshine. we are starting off the day with sun in the 50s and 60s. headed through the afternoon, close to 80 degrees, and 79 in san francisco. mid-80s in oakland, and 93 in san jose. topping out in the upper 90s for fairfield, conford, and livermore. hotter tomorrow with the heat advisory for inland locations tomorrow. we will slowly cool it back down looking ahead to the end of the week. friends, back to you. >> all right, mary, gianna, thank you much. thank you for watching kpix5 news this morning. >> don't forget cbs this morning is coming right up,
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next. have a great day, everyone. good morning to you. welcome to "cbs this morning." it's tuesday, june 2nd, 2020. i'm gayle king with anthony mason and tony dokoupil. show of force. peaceful protesters outside the white house are tear gassed. minutes later, president trump poses for a photo-op at a church. why he's threatening the first u.s. military crackdown on u.s. citizens in decades. chanting for change. a day of nonviolent demonstrations is marred by some people undermining the message with destruction and looting. what george floyd's brother says about the latest events. death by homicide. new official and independent autopsy reports on the death of george floyd. both say he was killed at the


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