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tv   60 Minutes  CBS  April 12, 2020 7:00pm-7:59pm PDT

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every day matters. and i want more of them. ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. captioning funded by cbs and ford. we go further, so you can. ( ticking ) >> you told us it was like hell on earth. >> new york city is on fire. our neighbors are dying. healthcare workers are being affected. >> no apologies here from this administration. we are doing better and more than any other president could have done. >> sir, this is the best you can? >> you say "this is the best you can." it's like, oh, somebody could ( ticking ) >> i literally feel like i'm about to shatner a million pieces right now. i feel like one wrong move and i'm going to break and fut i i t because i needheare of amily rht now.
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>> the ss of staying well isingl never before, profound anxiety and in too many cases grief. >> it's a rough time. we have a tendency to hear all the negative. there is also this reaffirmation of what makes us great, not just as people in the country, but as human beings. ♪ ♪ ( ticking ) >> for easter we visit a fortress against time where art is created to help heal one of america's greatest wounds. it is the story of the resurrection of the only house of worship destroyed on 9/11. >> the good of mankind can conquer evil no matter what. >> i'm lesley stahl. >> i'm bill whitaker. >> i'm anderson cooper. >> i'm john dickerson.
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>> i'm scott pelley. those stories, tonight, on "60 minutes." ( ticking ) >> this portion of "60 minutes" is sponsored by progressive insurance. save when you bundle auto, home, or motorcycle insurance. visit an apron is protection. an apron is not quitting until you've helped make something better. what does an apron have to do with insurance? for us, especially right now, everything. ♪ for us, especially right now, everything. i have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. because i can still make my own insulin. and trulicity activates my body to release it like it's supposed to. once weekly trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it's not insulin. it starts acting from the first dose. and it lowers risk of heart attack, stroke, or death
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if you're at higher risk, stay six feet or two arm lengths away from others. better yet, stay home if you can. the choices you make are critical. please visit for more information. step by step, we're going to figure this out. we're gonna find a way through this. we're working really, really hard in hospitals, our nurses, our techs, all the docs. it's about staggering when people get sick so that the hospitals can cope. we're gonna go through an awful lot of these. all across puget sound, people have been stepping up we stay at work. for you. you stay at home for us. just know we're all with you.
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thank you, thank you so much. thank you doctors & nurses. >> whitaker: the united states has the tragic distinction of having the highest daily death toll from covid-19 anywhere on earth. last week saw nearly 2,000 americans die at home or ich thousands of medical workers are falling ill, pulled from the frontlines just when we need them most. so far, more than 50 have died nationwide. for doctors and nurses, a steady supply of personal protective equipment-- or p.p.e.- can be a
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lifesaver. but there are massive shortages in those supplies. how did the wealthiest, most medically-advanced nation on earth wind up so utterly unprepared to confront this pandemic? we spoke with the combative white house official in charge of procuring p.p.e., and doctors and nurses risking their lives without the same protective gear many of their counterparts around the world have. >> dr. sheldon teperman: every hospital in new york city is teeming with this virus, right? in my place, there are hundreds and hundreds of patients. many, many dozens of intubated, sick covid patients. in the average place in new york city, whether it's n.y.u., cornell, presbyterian, northwell, stony brook, there are hundreds of intubated covid patients. and a lot of people are dying. >> whitaker: doctor sheldon teperman is chief trauma surgeon at jacobi medical center in the bronx.19 rates
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earth. he runs four intensive care units full of critically-ill patients. his days, he told us, seem endless. it's the same in hospitals all over new york city. cross town at brooklyn hospital center, over-worked doctors and nurses with limited protective gear- some wearing trash bags bound with tape- race from emergency to emergency. at wyckoff hospital in brooklyn, body bags line the hallway. one doctor called conditions there "catastrophic." after another 16-hour day, jacobi medical center's dr. teperman came to us exhausted. we maintained social distance, each in a different new york lation. in waves. it comes in waves.
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so, it could be manageable in the emergency room at a given moment. and then, we're hit with a terrible wave. >> whitaker: when that wave washes in, what is it like in the er? >> dr. teperman: so, emergency medicine physicians and nurses. they've got to stare into the faces of these very scared citizens in new york. and, at a certain point, when they can no longer breathe for themselves, they have to have a tube put down their throat, and they have to be put on the ventilator. >> whitaker: you told us it was like hell on earth. >> dr. teperman: yeah., ou kno calibrating what i'm saying to here. right? we-- people need to stay home. new york city is on fire. our neighbors are dying. health care workers are being affected.
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right now, you know, my boss, my second in command, my nephew, my senior nurse, second senior nurse. >> whitaker: the people you just mentioned have all fallen ill from covid-19? >> dr. teperman: yes. yes. and some of them are quite sick. >> whitaker: doctor teperman and his colleagues are repeatedly exposed. he told us he sees the virus in hot zones around the hospital. >> dr. teperman: i'm speaking metaphorically that i see the virus. it's also a protective mechanism. there are moments in the hospital, you know, where the virus conceivably is pluming into the air because a procedure is being done that creates an aerosolizing of the virus. i mean, that's just a fact. those are the true n95 moments. >> whitaker: n-95's are the coin of the realm in this crisis- respirator masks that filter 95% of arn just as important though, are
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the gloves, gowns, goggles, face shields, surgical masks, all p.p.e. designed to be discarded after every encounter with an infected patient. do you have enough masks? >> kelley cabrera: no. >> whitaker: do you have enough face shields? >> cabrera: no. >> whitaker: gowns? >> cabrera: no. >> whitaker: kelley cabrera is an emergency room nurse at jacobi... >> cabrera: we want to help our patients, and we want to do it safely. >> whitaker: who led a protest to draw attention to the lack of p.p.e. at hospitals nationwide. the problem has gotten so bad there's a hashtag-- #getmep.p.e.-- on twitter with posts like, "i'm a physician at a new york city hospital and this is the p.p.e. i was just handed for my shift." a yankee souvenir rain poncho. >> cabrera: look, my neck is exposed, i'm wearing a reused mask. i have another one covering it. >> whitaker: cabrebra has been filming video diaries, but says
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she's speaking out reluctantly. we conducted the interview remotely. >> cabrera: every health care worker infection, every health care worker death is preventable. >> whitaker: how do you feel about going into work every day? are you safe? >> cabrera: no. absolutely not. if you do a simple google search, look at what other countries are wearing in comparison to us. i mean, it makes, i mean, it makes sense that we're getting infected. how could we expect not to? >> whitaker: more than 900 doctors and nurses in boston have tested positive for covid-19, yet, as of last week in hong kong, where masks are not reused, there were no reported infections of hospital workers. >> cabrera: prior to this, prior to coronavirus, we would have been reprimanded for doing the things that we're doing now. we're walking around with medical waste from room to room, from patient to patient. >> whitaker: did i hear you say, you're walking around from room
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to room wearing medical waste? that what it is. we're wearing stuff that is, it's dirty. the fact that we're given a mask to wear for five days, it's, it's wrong. >> whitaker: one of her fellow nurses, freda ocran, has died. another was put on life support. and a young e.r. doctor was admitted to the i.c.u. and yet you go back to that hospital every single day. >> cabrera: if we don't go, who is going to take care of these patients? i mean, i think we're getting to a spot where, where people are, are really, i mean, it's a very difficult moral question, you know? it's like, do i not show up to work and protect myself? or, do i show up with and do the best that i can with what i have to help other people? a lot of us are speaking out, because we realize that this problem is so much bigger than our individual hospitals.ay and her fellow nurses are
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skeptical about the shifting centers for disease control guidance on the use of personal protective equipment when treating patients with covid-19. >> cabrera: we're looking to the c.d.c. for answers, and initially they had certain recommendations for what we should wear. we watched those recommendations be scaled back, not based on science, not because miraculously coronavirus wasn't as contagious. they scaled those back, because they knew that we didn't have the proper supplies. >> peter navarro: the biggest lesson here is make this stuff here. >> whitaker: economist peter navarro is special assistant to president trump for trade and manufacturing, tasked with getting p.p.e. to america's medical workers. >> navarro: we wouldn't be having this problem if we had the domestic production of essential medicines, medical countermeasures, medical supplies like masks and medical equipment like ventilators. if we made it here, we wouldn't be faced with this. that was, that was the original sin. >> whitaker: navarro spoke to us
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from washington, d.c. with the strategic national stockpile now depleted, he was put in charge of the defense production act, to mobilize american industry to meet the demand for medical supplies. i'm here in new york, and we hear daily the hospitals are running out of masks, they're running out of gowns, they're running out of gloves. my question is: how did we, the united states, the most powerful, the wealthiest country on earth, get blindsided like this? >> navarro: it's the global-- globalization of production through multinational corporations, who salute no flag, who love cheap sweatshop labor, and who love the massive subsidies that the chinese to brit from her thereron >> whitaker: n is ant proponents of its "
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first" policies. now, in the wake of the outbreak, more than 70 countries across the world are restricting the export of products u.s. doctors and nurses desperately need to treat covid-19. we have a nurse that we've been speaking to. the nurse asked what has taken you so long? >> navarro: what is taking-- >> whitaker: you're talking about ramping up and the defense production act, and she's on the front lines having to reuse masks and gowns. >> navarro: we're moving in trump time, which is, say, as swiftly as possible. if you look at the trajectory of events we, we, we, we learn about the potential for a pandemic. we're not sure what the scope of it will be. the trump administration starts rapidly mobilizing. but, but, it, this, this is the 500-year flood. and it takes time. >> whitaker: i have seen reports that the intelligence community was notifying the administration back in january that this was
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happening. >> navarro: this is, like, like, the fake news stuff. it's, like, okay-- somebody said-- >> whitaker: it's not fake news, sir. >> navarro: it's like, show me the money here. what exactly did they say? did they say, "there's gonna be a global pandemic that's gonna shut down the entire global economy." >> whitaker: well, it turns out navarro himself said almost exactly that. a few days after our interview, the news site "axios" published this memo navarro wrote in late january in which he warned the white house national security council the china-born virus could cause a global pandemic, take a "half-million american souls" and cost the economy" $5.7-trillion dollars." he told us he does not contest its authenticity. >> navarro: no apologies here from this administration. we are, we are doing better and more than any other president could've done. >> whitaker: sir, this is the best you can?
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>> navarro: you say, "this is the best you can?" it's, like, oh, somebody could've done better. really? who could've done better on this? i mean, really, think about this. >> cabrera: and i know it's a pandemic, and we, it's just really hard for us to accept the fact that this is the best that we can do. i wouldn't wish this upon anybody. we're running out of supplies that, it's not just the p.p.e. and ventilators. we're running out of i.v. pumps. we're running out of stuff that we never ran out of before. and it is unacceptable that in the united states of america, the richest country in the world, we are struggling like this. >> whitaker: this week was one of the worst in new york's history. covid-19 patients filled hospitals and morgues in numbers that dwarfed 9-11. the trump administration says it's moving heaven and earth to get medical supplies here. heaven can wait, new york can't. the president did say that the problem with some people is
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just, no matter how much you give them, they say it's never enough. >> dr. teperman: well-- ( laughs ) i would say come visit. we're taking care of, just in our system, america's largest public hospital system, thousands and thousands and thousands of covid-positive patients. so, yeah, there's never going to be enough. keep it comin'. because you don't want to go into those rooms, do you? we're going to go into those rooms. we just need to be properly protected. ( ticking ) >> for more on our coverage of the coronavirus, go ♪
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♪ (baby coos) ♪ (laughter) man on video chat: hey! man chasing dog: oh no no no no! (baby crying) ♪ ♪
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we can keep learning, keep watching, and most of all, keep together. it's the jo it is the job we will always do.
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>> dickerson: hundreds of millions of americans are at home. most of them don't want to be. simple choices about what to touch, where to walk and what to wear are fraught. more than 100,000 people have died worldwide, and fears of how much more those numbers could grow have stopped much of daily life. but the bills have not stopped coming, though the paychecks in some cases have. we don't know when it will end. it's a recipe for anxiety, stress, and grief which puts more of us than ever before in a struggle to stay well. the regimen of physical hygiene is well-established: wash your hands, stay six feet away, cover your face-- but the rules for good mental hygiene are not as clear. psychologists told us that aftef it, the worst of it may not be over. there may be mental health aftershocks. it's hard to predict, and living with that unpredictability is part of the challenge.
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what does it feel like when that phone rings? >> francesca santacroce: we run and we pick it up right away. and we're just waiting. just, we don't know what to expect. we don't know if they're going to tell us good news or bad news. we're just really anxious about it. >> dickerson: francesca santacroce is describing the daily update from the hospital treating her father joseph, a covid-19 patient on a ventilator. before the coronavirus hit her home in the close residential neighborhood of staten island, new york, her father took care of the family while francesca worked in a doctor's office, saving money for medical school. a 23-year-old biomolecular sciences major, she is the first in her family to graduate college. but when we first interviewed her- at the approved distance-- in her driveway two weeks ago, francesca was shouldering her father's duties, cooking, cleaning and caring for her 16-year-old sister, and mother, who needs five-days-a-week of fransca's sillphon after theirhr
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was also d s litally flke i'm about tatted i'm going to break. and i'm going to fall apart. but i know that i can't. i can't do that. because i need to take care of my family right now. >> dickerson: you've been doing this now for a week. >> santacroce: yeah. >> dickerson: how long do you think it's going to last? >> santacroce: we don't know. the doctors don't. we don't know. and i don't care how long it takes, as long as he comes home. >> dickerson: uncertainty. anguish and hope. in the age of coronavirus, it's not just francesca who is straining. the pandemic that has rocked her family has touched nearly every american life. >> daniel kaplin: in the last few weeks, i think, covid has dominated all my sessions. >> dickerson: daniel kaplin is president of the new york state psychological association and francesca's therapist. he spoke to us with her permission. everybody's racing to get back to their previous lives. but once that moment comes, what psychological effects of this do you think will linger? >> kaplin: i don't think the world's going to be the same. i think the loss of jobs-- even
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after the virus is gone, people are still going to struggle. they're going to struggle with, "how am i going to pay my rent, my mortgage? how am i going to feed my family?" so, it's going to be an ongoing stressor for many people in this country. >> dickerson: and there's also a psychological benefit to doing productive work-- >> kaplin: sure. right. what do you do when a person had their identity taken away from them because they no longer can work? >> dickerson: their identity taken away from them and then they can't move about to replace that identity with any other useful, purposeful activity. >> kaplin: absolutely, yeah. >> dickerson: it's a double whammy. >> kaplin: yeah, it is. >> dickerson: days blend together when so much of what used to distinguish them has been paused. bridge club is on hold. graduation ceremonies are cancelled. this week's religious services have been virtual. those who live alone are vulnerable, particularly the elderly. but kaplin says we must all fight against the blurring of the days by establishing a routine. what happens if you don't have routine?
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>> kaplin: when you don't have that structure, that routine-- can, for some people, reduce their motivation to do the activities that they still need to do, but from home. and long term, they can becomeet accomplishing my goals." and then they could spiral into a depression. >> dickerson: many of us look for connection in social media and the news, but too much of that can be harmful. a preliminary study done in china after the outbreak found that high social media exposure nearly doubled one's chances of depression and anxiety. >> dr. yuval neria: we know already from previous disasters that ongoing anxiety during trauma is a huge risk factor for p.t.s.d. and depression in the e director of trauma and postr ate ne state pchiatric 's a former ista commander whose own traumatic experiences in the 1973 yom
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kippur war informed his career studying the brains of veterans with p.t.s.d. >> dr. neria: the brain is really obsessed about identification of fear, you know, of what is safe and what is dangerous. >> dickerson: and what i wonder about though, there is the part of the brain that is always alive to fear. part of the brain that says, "it's okay, don't be fearful, you've been through this before." but we've never been through this before so... >> dr. neria: oh, that's so true what you just said, because most of us don't have a comparable memory or set of memories that can serve our understanding ofw. >> dickerson: neria led research and training efforts in new york in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, which has led him to be particularly concerned about the health care workers on the front lines of this pandemic. >> dr. neria: i mean, we saw that after 9/11. we saw how many first responders really left out without sufficient medical care and psychiatric care. ( banging pots )
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>> dickerson: in new york city, at seven o'clock, letheir ndows. but then what happens when the clapping stops? >> dr. neria: right. >> dickerson: neria estimates that after 9/11, 1%-5% of new yorkers suffered from p.t.s.d. four years after the attack. he worries there will not be a plan or enough money this time to treat a similar share of a vastly greater population. >> dr. neria: there is kind of almost like a honeymoon phase right now. there is consensus, high adrenaline, adrenaline, and let's do it together. i think once this is ended, and we face the reality of the aftermath, coupled with financiadifficulties and shortage of services-- all of those things can rapidly elevate the risk for a second pandemic, which will be a mental health pandemic. >> dickerson: the cascading challenges were already falling on francesca santacroce who was managing them through therapy.
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but the day after we first talked to her, the hospital called. her father joseph santacroce passed away. he was 50 years old. francesca, i'm very, very sorry about your father. francesa told us she had been unable to see or speak to her father in the hospital, but after he died, she was given permission to enter the intensive care unit. >> santacroce: and they walked me through the i.c.u. to see him. and just to see all those people on ventilators, it was really sad. as i walked in, the nursing staff, all the physicians, everyone who was on his case, they were-- they were crying, too. they were so upset, and he looked like he was sleeping honestly, and i said to him, "i'm here. i'm going to take care of hands.'s in an ktand i'llv. take care of everyone down here. >> dickerson: francesca's first task was taking care of her father's belongings and his car
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which he had driven to the hospital. and what was going through your head, francesca, as you were driving home? >> santacroce: i apologized to him. >> dickerson: apologized why? >> santacroce: i was so sad that he had to, you know, go through that alone. he had to spend his last-- last week in quarantine, you know. he didn't get to talk to us or see us. i wish that i was able to hug him one last time and tell him i loved him one last time and, you know, have him play a joke on me one last time. if i would've known that this was coming, i would've used that time more wisely. >> kaplin: one of the areas of guilt and regret is not being able to say good bye. >> dickerson: what do you think are the challenges that francesca now faces? >> kaplin: she's in her early 20's. she is not-- financially secure. mom is medically fragile. just the anxiety around, "how do you float the household," and then long term-- how does she take care of the family while truly pursuing her dreams? ♪ ♪ >> dickerson: the day francesca
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learned of her father's death, jazz great wynton marsalis' father checked in to a hospital. >> wynton marsalis: he was in new orleans. >> dickerson: and you were in new york? >> marsalis: i was in new york. i was kind of torn between, if i go down there, he doesn't have it, and i bring it to him, it's going to be worse. >> dickerson: four days later, ellis marsalis, a respected jazz musician and teacher, passed away from complications of covid-19. he was 85 years old. >> marsalis: he just didn't complain. he had a world view. he said, "man, i don't determine my time." he said, "the fact that you lose a loved one is no more significant than all the other people who are losing loved ones." and that was always his philosophy. >> dickerson: we're all part of the same human family. >> marsalis: he felt that. he believed it. he played it. he taught it. and-- you know, and he accepted death in that way, also. >> dickerson: while marsalis grieves, he is also responsible for jazz at lincoln center where hena artisc di the nonprofit has had to close its performance space and has lost millions of dollars. and marsalis says things are
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even harder for freelance musicians. >> marsalis: my father was a freelance musician. if this had happened when we were growing up, we would literally just have to go from house to house on our street and-- just to eat. this aalf of our musicians. >> dickerson: a man used to juggling projects-- he once contributed to this broadcast-- marsalis has been touching base with musicians around the world and trying to raise money for jazz at lincoln center and also for struggling artists. all of this returns him to the lessons of his father. so, if he taught you about philosophy as much as about music-- what would his advice be for this moment we are in, where we're sitting in an empty theater, we don't know when this is going to end, people are suffering. >> marsalis: you know, he would say, you know-- "where you at, man? what are you gonna do?" he said, "you talkin' about doin'? you doin'? do sumpin'.
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let's go." >> dickerson: so how does that work when you're talking to all the people who are involved at jazz at lincoln center, and you're-- >> marsalis: i say almost the same mantra. you know, we-- we're in a bad position. and we're not going to get out of this overnight. but everybody is in our position. so let's embrace this space. let's work on the trust that we've built up all of these years. let's go out and make stuff happen that we want to see happen, we have to move very fast, but we have to be even more process-oriented and more deliberate. and that's how you master a moment of chaos. and that is also the strength of jazz. >> dickerson: i was just going to say, jazz-- all of that practice, and then in the moment, you have to be ready-- marshal all your forces. >> dickerson: and be ready to improvise. >> marsalis: and be ready to meet the demands of that moment. another thing that we say to each other is, "let's see if we are who we said we were before we had to deal with this." when-- >> dickerson: and what does that mean? >> marsalis: when everything is normal, it's easy for us to be full-- full of-- arrogance and-- commentary. now we have to be for real. our morality, our concept, our integrity, all these things are
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coming to bear in this moment. >> dickerson: because it's a test. >> marsalis: yeah, let's see, man. we have a tendency to hear all the negative. everybody's dying, this and that, skull and crossbones. there's also this reaffirmation of what makes us great, not just as-- people in a country, as human beings. ♪ ♪ >> dickerson: recognizing the good amidst the sorrow is at the heart of the second-line funeral celebrations of marsalis' native louisiana. when his mother died three years ago the jazz community took up their instruments. for ellis marsalis that celebration will be delayed. since we're here in this beautiful space, would you-- like to play anything for your father? >> marsalis: oh, yeah, definitely. >> dickerson: yeah. >> marsalis: i'll play something for him. i wanna-- wanna lay down my burden down by the riverside. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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( ticking ) >> pelley: this year, easter dawned in a dark hour. we cannot see the end of the pandemic, but easter and spring, remind us of victory. our next story is a tale of triumph over adversity. it begins with america's first crisis of the 21st century.
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in all that was lost on 9/11, nearly forgotten was the only house of worship destroyed that day. for nearly 20 years now, st. nicholas greek orthodox church has struggled to be rebuilt. at times, opposed by the powerful, sabotaged by human frailty, the project at ground zero is rising at last, thanks to those who never lost faith in the resurrection of st. nicholas. in 1922, a tavern found religion. during prohibition, greek immigrants consecrated a lower manhattan bar with a cross. >> bill tarazonas: the first time i walked in, and alright, i saw that little place in there, beautiful little place, i felt somethin'. >> pelley: bill tarazonas was the last caretaker of st. nicholas. >> tarazonas: it was my pride and joy. >> pelley: you called the place uncle nick? >> tarazonas: that's the first
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thing when i walked in, says, hi, uncle nick. how are you? >> pelley: "uncle nick" was traditional. the tomb of jesus was carried through streets on easter. on the epiphany, the cross was raised from the river, symbolizing the baptism of jesus. his face was humble, but inside there was soul- rich images of jesus, mary and the saints, known as iconography. developers coveted the land, but the lone church stood its ground. >> regina katopodis: they were set that no one was gonna take their church. my father spoke for all. there was not to be any compromise. >> pelley: regina katopodis' father, jimmy maniatis, was president of the church and frustrated developers for 34 years. >> katopodis: he said, "they offered me $15 million and i said no."
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there was absolutely no hesitation about it. >> pelley: there was even a time that the archdiocese itself wanted to sell the church. how could he turn down the archdiocese? >> katopodis: my father was a man of principle. and a church is a body of people. all he had to do was say no. >> pelley: for eight decades, st. nicholas remained defiant at 155 cedar street-- an address that would mark its place in history. >> tarazonas: before we knew it, hell broke loose. ( sirens ) bill tarazonas was there on 9/11. >> tarazonas: the building just went like this. what's goin' on here? and then i walk outside. that was the worst thing in my life. >> pelley: a landing gear l bounded into the parking lot. tarazonas opened his van to fin. ( screaming ) he fled on foot just before
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tower two collapsed. that's when you knew that st. nicholas was gone. >> tarazonas: yep, i lost part of me. i lost a part of me. >> what the hell is going on? >> pelley: the days that followed yielded only fragments. >> we'll find more father. >> we will, we will. ( chanting ) >> pelley: greek archbishop demetrios, on the left, comforted rescue workers. >> demetrios: god bless all these people. a group of workers came and they said, "we would like to ask you to pray for us." i say, "why?" they said "here, as we work, we know that we deal also with remnants of human bodies. please pray for us." >> pelley: among the dead, was 31-year-old josimatide a
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bond broker in one of the towers, who had discovered st. nicholas on a lunch hour. his sister anthoula katsimatides told us his remains were never found. >> anthoula katsimatides: i don't have a gravesite to visit. and it's incredibly difficult, because we never buried anything or, you know, said goodbye. >> pelley: what was it about the church that was so special to your brother? >> katsimatides: with all these buildings and concrete, i think that he felt, i know that he probably felt at peace lighting a candle and just saying a prayer for whatever was going on. >> pelley: those buildings and concrete became the 9/11 memorial, and plans were drawn for a small domed church, the st. nicholas national shne.( ng but, as the congregation prayed at the site each year, there were delays and a budget that
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quadrupled to 85 million dollars. construction began in 2015. the dome rose a year later, but in 2017, the money, from private donations, ran out. construction stopped. ( ferry horn ) only faith kept st. nicholas alive, as we discovered 5,000 miles away. ( bells ) on the greek coast, mount athos is a hermit peninsula of 20 ancient orthodox monasteries. behind the walls of the xenophontos monastery, work on st. nicholas never wavered. >> jeremiah hails: xenophontos is one of the oldest monasteries on mount athos. the first historical witness we have is from the year 998. >> pelley: father jeremiah hails from a town named for a saint, san angelo, texas. >> hails: this was where god
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wanted me, and here i am. >> pelley: you've been here how long? >> hails: 22 years. >> pelley: the xenophontos monastery is a fortress against time. ( monks chanting ) >> hails: about 50 monks live at this monastery. there's traditional task or what we call obediences in the monastery. the monks who work in the refectory. the monks who work in the garden. the monks who work among the olive trees, among others we have, of course, the iconographers who are very, very cultivated and have really mastered their art form. master iconographer father lukas is painting the iconography for the new st. nicholas in the old craft of egg tempera. >> lukas: god has called me to do this work. to communicate the spirit of mount athos to the people. >> pelley: father lukas granted
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us an early look at 56 icons for the project. he painted st. nicholas, by tradition, as the patron of seafarers, lifting a man from a violent sea. but what's troubling these waters is 9/11. >> lukas: i personally want this church, through the iconography, to open up a new horizon for people, that they come away with hope. if this happens, the icons will have fulfilled their purpose. >> pelley: near father lukas' studio we met the designer of the church at ground zero, spanish architect, santiago calatrava. he'd been to mount athos twice before, for inspiration. you know, i wonder, what does an architect see when we walk through this courtyard? >> santiago calatrava: i believe you see, that you do not need to be an architect, or know a lot about the history of architecture, to, to feel architecture. it's like music or something like that.
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you just have to open your heart. >> pelley: for st. nicholas, in manhattan, his inspiration came from the hagia sophia, the former orthodox church in istanbul. inside, calatrava sketched an icon of mary and he thought- since she carried christ- her body was a church. >> calatrava: so there, herself becomes a kind of temple, isn't it? containing something that, according to the orthodox faith, you know, is almost uncontainable, you know? which is the idea of god. >> pelley: the vestments of the new st. nicholas will be white marble, crowned with a translucent dome. at night, it will be a beacon. >> calatrava: light. very important. >> pelley: why is the light very important? >> calatrava: you know, light, in my eyes, is to architectureic >> pelley: light-- candle
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light- illuminated the easter celebration on our visit to mount athos in 2018. abbot alexios led the procession and, at midnight, quoted the angel in the book of mark. >> alexios: he is risen, he is not here. >> pelley: in the sanctuary, chandeliers were propelled into orbits to symbolize the joint celebration on earth and in heaven-- ( monks chanting ) recalling the psalm, "praise him
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sun and moon, praise him all you stars of lights. but in manhattan, there has been little sound or light since construction stopped in 2017. an investigation into finances revealed that millions meant for st. nicholas were spent on other expenses of the archdiocese. about $3.5 million dollars was used elsewhere by the archdiocese. is that correct? >> demetrios: it was a transferring of money from the st. nicholas to another kind of account afterwards we heard about that, i ask, "why you did that?" i said, "you should not have touched the saint nicholas money at all for no matter what. it was a mistake, has been corrected. >> pelley: the money was returned. last year, archbishop demetrios resigned.
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a new archbishop and new york state named an independent board to raise the last $45 million and manage construction-- fresh hope for anthoula katsimatides who lost her brother. >> katsimatides: i know that once st. nicholas opens, my mom and i will visit and say a prayer for john there. a place of love and hope for all family members and for all people from around the world who are gonna come and visit and pay their respects to everyone that died that day. ( monks chanting ) >> pelley: this past summer, father lukas left his refuge on mount athos for manhattan to take the measure of god's empty gallery. he told us the walls anticipating his paintings represent the most important work of his life. the feeling is familiar to regina katopodis whose father
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had refused to sell the old church. >> katopodis: i'm in it for my dad and for everybody else that has gone and perished and hoping to, with their last breath, that they would be able to see st. nicholas rebuilt. >> pelley: 100 years from now, what will that little church on the plaza say to the world? >> katopodis: that the good of mankind can conquer evil no matter what. >> pelley: it was the orthodox church that made the cross the symbol of christianity. but, during construction, it was discovered the dome of st. nicholas, alone, had reached the maximum height allowed by a higher power- the port authority of new york and new jersey which controls the site. in another act of salvation, officials decided a few more feet of heaven could be spared. if all goes well, and it rarely has, st. nicholas will be born
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anniversary of 9/11- a monument to death and life and unremitting faith. ( ticking ) your family, your friends. but know when it comes to your finances, we are here for you. what can i do for you today? we'll take a look at the portfolio and make adjustments. i'm free to chat if you have any more questions. our j.p.morgan advisors are working from home to help guide you through this. for more than 200 years, we've helped our clients navigate historic challenges. and we will get through this one... together. ♪ ♪ i heard there guwere fleas out here.r? and t-t-t-t-t-icks! and mosquitoooooooooooes! we all have k9 advantix ii to protect us. it kills and repels fleas, ticks and mosquitoes, too.
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staying stay home,es lives. (music) please stay home, stay home, we're gonna have to get creative in here. i really think togetherness is the super power of our species. let's do it together. we will keep each other company. i want you to meditate with me. let's get ready together. coming yoga with me each day could be a different thing. hi, guys. welcome back to another studying video. but first, some rock and roll. aghhhhhhhh! i want you guys to stay home and cook with me. this is the one like reading what you guys are up too. and i'm real into it. why not turn on the camera? do it as a group, do it together and make some comfort food,
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because we all need that right now. you can slow the growth of this and save lives. whaso let's do the rightver chanthing, today.ow.
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let's stay at home. let's wash up. let's always keep our distance - please, six feet apart at least. let's look after ourselves, as well as others. it will all be worth it. we can all do our part. so those on the front line can do their part. and when this is over, we will all, continue, to thrive. michael vasquez! come over here. i've heard such good things about you, your company. well, i wouldn't have done any of it without you. without this place. this is for you. michael, you didn't have to... elp he res yoke hd to achieve so martn witho knows yo elpto understand what your wealth is really for. yoke hd to achieve so martn witho
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>> pelley: passover, easter and orthodox christians' holy week coincide tonight. in this dark season of pandemic, they couldn't have come at a better time, these observances of liberation and renewal, of resurrection and deliverance. as we saw tonight in our stories of the rocky path to resurrect st. nicholas church, the psychological shadow cast by this pandemic and the perils faced by medical professionals, we are in need of this season when light overcomes the darkness of the spirit. these sacred holidays serve as a promise of better days ahead, and the eventual end of even the darkest times. paer and hpy easter. i'm scott pelley. we'll be back next week with another edition of "60 minutes." ( ticking )
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we go further, so you can. captioned by media access group at wgbh - previously, on "god friended me"... - we're about to start the second round on a promising new drug that's shown remarkable results in shrinking tumors like yours, ali. - this new drug trial could be the difference between life and death. kylie's mom. she's in charge of ali's cancer trial. i think the god account is trying to help ali by sending kylie as a friend suggestion. - an issue showed up in your final review. any condition, no matter how small, disqualifies a candidate. i'm so sorry, ali. - miles and i are just friends. and i'm gonna tell him about us. i just need to find the right time. i know corey works for darpa, and i know what he's working on. the code he wrote that he's been testing onie, lefiner. - i heard u have some questions for me. hind the god account? [dramatic piano music] - i run r&d for darpa. seven years ago, i created an algorithm. it was gonna revolutionize predictive analytics,