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tv   60 Minutes  CBS  August 12, 2018 7:00pm-7:59pm PDT

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captioning funded by cbs and ford. we go further, so you can. >> i picked up the phone, and it's like, "steve, we got a problem." and i said, "okay, what happened?" he says, "we've been hacked." i said, "oh, my god." >> and with that, the first shots were fired in the sweeping cyber assault on state voting systems that u.s. intelligence has tied to the russian government. >> we now realize that we were potentially dealing with something way more serious. >> "60 minutes" investigates what happened, and finds bipartisan agreement that our democracy is under attack. are we doing enough? >> no. >> whoa. this is something. there are 805 steel markers: one for each county where lynchings
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took place, all across this country. so far, the memorial's research team has evidence of more than 4,300 lynchings, beginning after the civil war. every name has its own story. >> yes, that's right. eliza cowen was lynched in laurens county, south carolina. >> eliza, a woman. >> a woman. if they couldn't find the man they were looking for, they would lynch that man's wife or daughter, or child. >> when you heard the word "alzheimer's," what did that do to you? >> i was devastated. >> what makes this story so unusual is that almost every year for the past ten years, we've interviewed mike and carol, as alzheimer's took over her brain. even though this is intensely personal, they wanted all of us to see the devastating impact of alzheimer's, on each of them, over a decade. what's your husband's name? >> my husband? >> your husband's name? >> yeah. >> the guy sitting to your left.
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>> i'm steve kroft. >> i'm lesley stahl. >> i'm scott pelley. >> i'm anderson cooper. >> i'm oprah winfrey. >> i'm bill whitaker. those stories, tonight, on "60 minutes." oh! oh! ♪ ozempic®! ♪ (vo) people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of once-weekly ozempic®. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. oh! under seven? (vo) and you may lose weight. in the same one-year study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. oh! up to 12 pounds? (vo) a two-year study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like hea oh! no increased risk? ♪ ozempic®! ♪ ozempic® should not be the first medicine for treating diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis.
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...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. ng you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? r ld-tde eema,edlmost everywhee on almost everybody. like the face of a four-year-old. the arm of an artist. or the hands of a happy camper.
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prescription eucrisa is a nose-to-toes eczema ointment. it blocks overactive pde4 enzymes within your skin. and it's steroid-free. do not use if you are allergic to eucrisa or its ingredients. allergic reactions may occur at or near the application site. the most common side effect is application site pain. ask your doctor about eucrisa. >> whitaker: the u.s. intelligence community has concluded there is no doubt the russians meddled in the 2016 u.s. presidential election, leaking stolen emails and inflaming tensions on social media. while congress and special
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counsel robert mueller investigate russian interference-- including whether the campaign of donald trump colluded with russia-- we focused on one vector of the attack on american democracy: the sweeping cyber assault on state voting systems that u.s. intelligence tied to the russian government. you're about to hear what happened from the frontline soldiers of a cyberwar that was fought largely out of public view. as we first reported in april, it took place on digital battlegrounds in states throughout the country. the first shots were fired here in illinois, not far from downtown springfield, in a nondescript shopping center, the kind you'll find anywhere in the united states. there, in a repurposed supermarket, is the headquarterf elections. this doesn't look like a war zone. >> steve sandvoss: no, it doesn't, actually. >> whitaker: steve sandvoss is the executive director.
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he told us, in his first television interview about the attack, that this office is on the front lines of a cyberwar. >> sandvoss: we have a good i.t. department, but-- >> whitaker: no match for the russian government. >> sandvoss: bows and arrows against the lightning, hate to say it. >> whitaker: bows and arrows against the lightning? is that what it felt like? >> sandvoss: at-- at first, yes. >> whitaker: he vividly remembers the call from his i.t. director on july 12, 2016, just weeks after the democratic national committee announced that russian hackers had infiltrated its computer network. >> sandvoss: i picked up the phone, and it's like, "steve, we got a problem." and i said, "okay, what happened?" he says, "we've been hacked." i said, "oh, my god." >> whitaker: a staffer noticed the server for the votere persof 7.5 million illinois voters, had slowed way down. the i.t. team discovered a malicious attack-- a barrage of digital hits. >> sandvoss: i suppose you could
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analogize it to a fast-growing tumor in the system. it was unlike anything we had ever seen. >> whitaker: did you determine what they were after? >> sandvoss: it was of a very random nature. >> whitaker: they weren't looking for all the democrats or all the republicans or all the people who lived in one district or another? >> sandvoss: there was no rhyme or reason to it. >> whitaker: steve sandvoss showed us the voter registration website where the hackers exploited a security flaw to get in. his i.t. team determined the attackers had been in their system, unseen, for three weeks. they only noticed when the hackers suddenly ramped up their attack and, in just a couple of hours, scooped up complete records of 3,500 voters, and bits of information on as many as a half-million. his engineers upgraded the firewall and plugged the website holes. that stopped the data heist, but not the attack. >> sandvoss: the hits continued, even though they weren't penetrating. the logs revealed that about a million and a half hits were coming in.
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>> whitaker: a million and a half? >> sandvoss: yes. yeah, five queries per second for a period of approximately 30 days. >> whitaker: this almost seems like they wanted to be noticed? >> sandvoss: the only thing they didn't do is identify themselves as "the russians." >> whitaker: sandvoss says he suspected the hackers wanted to sow doubt about the integrity of the vote. illinois notified the f.b.i. >> anthony ferrante: what illinois discovered set off a chain of events that take us to today. >> whitaker: former f.b.i. agent anthony ferrante was director of cyber incident response for president barack obama's national security council. when you go in to investigate this intrusion that the state of illinois saw, what did you see? >> ferrante: the f.b.i. identified digital fingerprints left by the intruder. think of it as a crime scene, where fingerprints are dusted and pulled. we do the same thing when investigating a computer intrusion.
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>> whitaker: and your analysis pointed the finger at russia? >> ferrante: it did indeed. >> whitaker: the department of homeland security was so alarmed by what it saw the russians doing, it took the unprecedented step of arranging a conference call with election officials from all 50 states. the f.b.i. put out this flash alert. but the intelligence community wasn't prepared to publicly implicate russia, so the call and the alert simply warned states to be on the lookout for the kind of malicious attack that had hit illinois. did information from other states start flooding in? >> ferrante: i would show up to work every single day and learn of two, three, four more states that had been actively targeted by the same actors. and it was after two or three weeks of this, that my colleagues and i said, "we have to believe that this is a large- scale, coordinated campaign to target every single state in the union."
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>> whitaker: anthony ferrante reported what he was learning to michael daniel, president obama's cyber czar. what was the reaction when you saw this in the white house? >> michael daniel: i think that was at the point we realized that we were playing a different game. that we had thought that we were dealing with the normal sort of espionage routine that was associated with presidential elections, and we now realized that we were potentially dealing with something way more serious. >> whitaker: "60 minutes" obtained this previously undisclosed department of homeland security internal document that details the scope of the russian cyber attack-- a snapshot of what investigators presidentiallection. the document shows hackers tried to get into 20 state election systems, and an election i.t. provider in nebraska. hackers successfully infiltrated illinois, a county election database in arizona, a tennessee state website, and an i.t. vendor in florida.
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>> daniel: but it was always our working assumption that we did not detect all of the potential russian activity that was going on. >> whitaker: there's other stuff that they might have done, that we don't know? >> daniel: it's entirely possible. >> whitaker: they quickly ruled out the russians were tampering with voting machines. there are tens of thousands of them, and they're not connected to the internet. >> daniel: what seemed much more likely to us was causing chaos at the polls on election day. so, if you intrude into a voter registration database, and you change two digits of everybody's address so that their voter i.d. doesn't match what's in the voter rolls when they show up at the polls... >> whitaker: and that creates chaos? >> daniel: sure. and those stories start to spread. lines begin to form. election officials can't figure out what's going on. you would only have to do it in a few places, and it would almost feed on itself. >> whitaker: compounding that worry? states were reluctant to accept cybersecurity help from homeland security. under the constitution, states
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run elections. several pushed back against what they saw as federal intrusion, still unaware the threat was our system was under attack. why not scream it from the top of the roof and let the states know that this was a serious and credible threat? >> ferrante: the obama administration did not want to appear to be biased. we had a presidential candidate who was campaigning on the fact that the election was rigged, and he wasn't certain he was going to get a fair shot at the presidency. >> donald trump: and i'm afraid the election is going to be rigged, i have to be honest. >> ferrante: it was a very sensitive issue. >> whitaker: on october 7, three months after the illinois mi frhe ovaoffice, just this
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three-paragraph statement saying the kremlin "intended to interfere with the u.s. election process." did that statement get the reaction that you would hope for? >> daniel: there were some other news events that happened around the release of that statement that tended to swamp some of it out. >> whitaker: the "access hollywood" tape-- >> daniel: "hollywood" tape, yes. >> trump: hello, how are you? hi! >> whitaker: the hacked emails of hillary clinton's campaign chairman john podesta were also leaked the same day. the press and the public paid little attention to the administration statement on russian hacking. so, the national security council did something never done before: contacted russia on the channel added to the old nuclear hotline in 2013 to prevent cyber war. so what did to knock it off." >> whitaker: was that tough enough? >> daniel: so, i think, certainly-- >> whitaker: stop? >> daniel: the fact that this was the first time we had ever exercised this channel, which was supposed to be, you know,
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for very serious cyber incidents and cyber issues-- i think that, in and of itself, sent-- sent a message. >> whitaker: the russians brushed it off. the administration was bracing for the worst. it drew up this election day response plan, which called for war rooms at the white house, the f.b.i., and homeland security, and planned for the unprecedented deployment of "armed federal law enforcement agents" should a cyber attack cause complete breakdown at a polling place. on e sns the russians tampered with the vote. why do you think they didn't pull the trigger on election day? >> ferrante: i don't know. i don't know if we'll ever know. would have succeeded in creating chaos? >> ferrante: absolutely. >> whitaker: the agency charged with helping states protect elections from attack is the department of homeland security, d.h.s.
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the agency has been criticized for a slow response. we tried repeatedly to interview secretary kirstjen nielsen or one of her deputies, but d.h.s. denied all our requests. instead, we were directed to the secretary's march testimony before the senate select committee on intelligence. >> kirstjen nielsen: the threat of interference remains, and we recognize that the 2018 midterm and future elections are clearly potential targets for russian hacking attempts. >> whitaker: secretary nielsen told the senators, d.h.s. is offering to run security checks of state online election systems. it's also granting security clearances for state officials to receive classified cyber threat briefings. >> sen. angus king: with the possible exception of north korea's nuclear weapons, this is the most serious threat that our country faces today, and we are not adequately dealing with it. >> sen. susan collins: i hear no sense of urgency to really get on top of this issue.
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>> whitaker: with the midterm elections fast approaching, only 17 states have requested extensive, on-site security checks from d.h.s. so far, the agency has completed 16. illinois, where it all began, didn't get its security check until may, six weeks after it held its primary election. >> sen. kamala harris: we have to be prepared for wars without blood. >> whitaker: senator kamala harris, democrat from california, and republican senator james lankford of oklahoma are on the senate intelligence committee. democrats and republicans don't agree on much, but there's bipartisan agreement on the committee, that our democracy is under attack. what was the russians' end game? >> harris: to disrupt our democracy, to disrupt americans' confidence in their government and their democracy, and in that way, weaken our standing in the world. >> sen. james lankford: this could be the iranians next time, could be the north koreans next
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time. this is something that's been exposed as a weakness in our system, that we need to be able to fix that, not knowing who could try to test it out next time. >> whitaker: senators lankford and harris are backing legislation to set minimum cybersecurity standards and streamline communication between states and the federal government, but even that modest bill has languished in the senate. this does not seem like the kind of response that you would have to a nation under attack by a foreign power. are we doing enough? >> harris: no. we're not doing enough. we're not doing nothing, but we are certainly not doing enough. >> whitaker: since our story first aired, special counsel robert mueller indicted russian intelligence agents for hacking into state election systems in 2016. and just this month, the heads of d.h.s., the f.b.i., the n.s.a., and the director of national intelligence warned that russia is still targeting u.s. elections.
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which can be fatal; dizziness upon standing; falls; seizures; impaired judgment; heat sensitivity; and trouble swallowing may occur. you're more than just your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. >> winfrey: there is a reckoning taking place in america over how we remember our history.
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much of the focus has been on whether or not to take down monuments that celebrate the confederacy. but as we first reported in april, this story is about a new monument that has gone up in montgomery, alabama. it documents the lynchings of thousands of african american men, women, and children during a 70-year period following the civil war. the project is led by criminal defense attorney bryan stevenson, who is determined to shed light on a dark period in our past that most people would rather forget. it's a shocking and disturbing reality that lynchings were not isolated murders committed only witnessed-- celebrated-- by thousands of people. stevenson beeves, if we wantio must educate americans, of every color and creed.
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these cotton fields in southern alabama are quiet now, but in 1937, a brutal murder took place here: the lynching of wes johnson. last january, some of johnson's descendants came here, in what has become a ritual taking place at lynching sites across the country, organized by civil rights attorney bryan stevenson. >> bryan stevenson: something happened here that was wrong. something happened here that was unjust. and too few people have talked about it. and so, we want to acknowledge the wrong that happened to wes johnson. >> winfrey: this is 18-year-old wes johnson. it is the only known image of him that remains. he was a tenant farmer, accused of assaulting a white woman. before he could stand trial, a>d this soil in remembrance of wes johnson.
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>> winfrey: the soil collection is part project to document and remember african americans lynched during a period of what he calls "racial terror." >> stevenson: we want to call this community to repentance, to acknowledgement, to shame. we want to tell the truth, because we believe in truth and reconciliation, but we know that truth and reconciliation are sequential. we can't get to where we're trying to go if we don't tell the truth first. >> winfrey: so far, stevenson's team has chronicled more than 4,300 lynchings. they continue to fd more. many victims, like bennie simmons and john richards, were accused of murder. one in four lynching victims, like joseph richardson and frank embree, were accused of unlawful conduct with white women. in nearly every case, no evidence, just an accusation, was enough. there are so many crimes committed against african americans. why focus on lynching? >> stevenson: at the end of the
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civil war, black people are supposed to get the right to vote, and the only way people who were white could maintainthb and lynching was especially effective because it would allow the whole community to know that we did this to this person. it was intended to send a message, that if you try to vote, if you try to advocate for your rights, if you insist on fair wages, if you do anything that complicates white supremacy and white dominance and political power, we will kill you. >> winfrey: anything that upsets the power structure as i want it to be. >> stevenson: that's exactly right.enn founded an organization he called "the equal justice initiative." it's a legal advocacy group, based in montgomery, alabama, focused on defending the poor and powerless. stevenson is best known for his legal victories in the united states supreme court and for successfully overturning the wrongful convictions of over
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100 people on death row. but ten years ago, he turned the attention of his organization to also investigating crimes of the past: the lynchings of african americans. defense attorney sia sanneh has spent hundreds of hours searching through newspaper archives and visiting county courthouses. is there usually newspaper evidence or documentation? >> sia sanneh: often, there were public reports, because people acted with impunity. and so there would be newspaper reports, sometimes in advance, saying, "a man will be lynched later this afternoon." this is an article about the lynching of a man named jesse washington, who was accused of a >> weynewsaco, texas. hene you negro a00 l a mob dragged jesse washington, a enager who wasonvicted of
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om the cou >> sanneh: there's a remarkable photograph of the crowd, and it's people dressed in their sunday best-- >> winfrey: sunday best. >> sanneh: --with their hats on. >> winfrey: "his clothing oil- soaked, he is strung to tree. fire is set under him, and he is dropped into flames as 15,000 people look on." >> sanneh: i think it's incredibly revealing that death was not enough. that it wasn't enough to kill people. people would be killed, and then shot, and then set on fire. and then, even after that, there are cases where the body was dragged to the heart of the black community. >> winfrey: fear of that kind of mob led wes johnson's relatives to bury him in this unmarked grave. >> faye walker howell: right here is where wes johnson is buried. and-- >> winfrey: right here? >> walker howell: right here. >> winfrey: faye walker howell, who is a filmmaker and wes johnson's distant cousin, spent decades interviewing relatives who were alive at the time and remembered the lynching.
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>> walker howell: they had to bury him in a hurry. >> winfrey: mm-hmm. why? >> walker howell: because the lynch mob, they were coming. they wanted wes' body to take around town, to drag around town, to show the body off. >> stevenson: it wasn't just wes johnson who was killed and victimized. it was the entire black community. >> walker howell: exactly. >> stevenson: everybody was feeling fear and panic and menace and trauma the night of this lynching, and for the weeks and months and years after that lynching. it was a community crime. this wasn't done by the klan, or people who had to wear a mask. this was done by teachers and clergy and law enforcement officers. >> winfrey: and people you had to deal with every day. >> stevenson: every day. win: son'teamthr investigationn alabama, but soon uncovered accounts of mobs murdering african americans throughout the southern states, and beyond. as the cases mounted, stevenson wanted to do something to commemorate the victims.
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heart of the deep south-- which still has dozens of monuments celebrating the confederacy-- stevenson's equal justice initiative took on a bold project. they bought six acres of land, and started construction on a memorial to the victims of lynching. >> stevenson: actually, you can still see names... >> cannon: yeah. >> sanneh: from here. >> cannon: you can see it a lot better than i thought. >> stevenson: i think this looks great. >> winfrey: "the national memorial for peace and justice," which was paid for through hundreds of private donations, opened in april. it contains 805 steel markers: one for each county where lynchings took place. and on each marker, the names. the markers are suspended, to evoke the horror of being strung up and hanged from a tree. >> stevenson: so you start with them at eye level, and then, on this corridor, they begin to rise. and then you get to this corridor, and this is when you begin to confront the scale of all of these lynchings.
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>> winfrey: whoa. this is something. >> stevenson: yes, yes. we wanted people to have a sense of, just, the scale of what this violence, what this terrorism was. >> winfrey: so, this is over 4,000 that have been documented, but of course, there are more. >> stevenson: thousands more. thousands more-- >> winfrey: thousands more. >> stevenson: and-- >> winfrey: will we ever even know how many? >> stevenson: we will never know. >> winfrey: uneven, rusted steel is meant to echo the many shades and skin tones of those african americans lynched. every name has its own story. >> stevenson: yes, that's right. eliza cowen was lynched in laurens county, south carolina. >> winfrey: eliza, a woman. >> stevenson: a woman. a woman. >> winfrey: were women often lynched? >> stevenson: they were. they were. sometimes because they were accused of something, and then sometimes, women would be lynched if they couldn't find the man they were looking for-- they would lynch that man's wife or daughter or child. and this was a minister, reverend t.a. allen, who began talking to sharecroppers about their rights.
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and because he was doing that, the plantation owners, the landowners got together and they-- they lynched him. and the proof they used that he was somebody worthy of lynching is that when they found his body, he had a piece of paper that talked about sharecropper rights. and the other piece of paper he had in his suit jacket was a note that said, "every man a king." a lot of these folks were lynched because they showed too much dignity. they showed too much humanity. he just wanted to be respected as a human being, and it got him hanged. on the side here, what we do is we start to tell stories. we want people to hear and understand what happened to some of these folks. >> winfrey: oh, my. robert morton was lynched for writing a note to a white woman. david hunter was lynched in laurens county, south carolina, for leaving the farm where he worked without permission. >> stevenson: yeah.
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>> winfrey: lynchings became so acceptable, onlookers would send picture postcards to friends and family. this card, depicting the horrific image of a burned corpse, casually notes, "this is the barbecue we had last night." even young children looked on. you know, the thing that gets me in so many of the photographs that i've seen is the fact that people treated it like major events. >> stevenson: yeah. >> winfrey: i think about who are those people-- >> stevenson: yes. >> winfrey: --that are smiling into the camera? >> stevenson: yes, and i think it's done real psychic damage, not just to black people, but to white people, too. because you can't bring your child to the public square and have your child watch someone be burned to death, be tortured, to have their fingers cut off, to be castrated, to be taunted, to be menaced, to be hanged like that, and not expect it to have some consequence, some legacy. and the legacy that i think it's
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created is this indifference to how we treat people who look different than us. and i think that's tragic. i don't even think that white people in our country are free. i think we're all burdened by this history of racial inequality. >> winfrey: what about everyone who says-- and there are black people and white people who say it-- "enough already, of all that. that happened. that's the past. let's move forward." >> stevenson: i don't think we get to pretend that this stuff didn't happen. i don't think you can just play it off. this is like a disease. you have to treat it. >> winfrey: to do that, stevenson says, we need to talk about it. so, along with the memorial, he also opened a museum in montgomery, designed to teach people more about what he calls "the ugly parts" of american history. it traces the african american experience, from enslavement to mass incarceration. >> stevenson: slavery doesn't end in 1865, it just evolves. >> winfrey: stevenson wants people to understand that lynchings were not just brutal footnotes in history. they reflected a belief in racial differences that
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reinforced segregation in the 1950s and '60s, and, he says, has resulted in a pattern of unequal justice today. >> stevenson: and now we live in a landscape where you see young black boys and men being rounded up. one in three black male babies born in this country is expected to go to jail or prison. >> winfrey: you actually think that slavery and lynchings led to african americans being disproportionately represented in the criminal justice system? >> stevenson: yes, i do. and i think, actually, it's not a hard thing to understand, you know, i look at-- >> winfrey: i think it is a hard thing to understand for people who think people get locked up, people are locked up because they commit crimes. >> stevenson: about 13% of the people illegally in possession of drugs in this country are black. that's about our proportion of the population. you know what percentage are arrested? that is an echo of this consciousness that doesn't value the lives of these folks. >> winfrey: equal value for every life is what bryan
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stevenson has spent his life fighting for. so now, soil from the place of wes johnson's lynching sits on this shelf in the museum in montgomery, along with hundreds of others. >> stevenson: and right now, when we talk about our history, when we talk about our past, we're not telling the truth. we're just not. america can be a great nation, even though there was slavery, even though there was lynching, even though there was segregation. but if we don't talk about those things we did, we don't acknowledge those things, we're not going to get there. >> this cbs sports update is brought to you by ford. today at the pga championship, brooks koepka shot a final round 66 to beat tiger woods by two. for koepka, his second major title of the year to go along with his u.s. open victory. in baseball, the red sox sweep the orioles. the red sox beat the ranger. mariners over the astros.
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>> stahl: now, dr. jon lapook, on assignment for "60 minutes." >> lapook: mike and carol daly have been married for 54 years. like more than five million american families, they're dealing with dementia. carol has been suffering from alzheimer's, the main type of dementia. what makes this story so unusual, as we first reported in april, is that almost every year for the past ten years, we've interviewed mike and carol, as alzheimer's took over her brain. even though this is intensely personal, they wanted all of us to see the devastating impact of alzheimer's, on each of them, over a decade. >> mike daly: we should have brought the bread. >> lapook: when we first met carol and mike in 2008, carol was active, conversational, and determined to make the best of her failing memory. how old are you now? >> carol daly: 65? 65. yeah. i think, right?
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>> mike daly: yeah. >> lapook: carol's memory had been spotty for several years. >> mike daly: i started to notice at home, and i used to joke about it to my kids. i would say, you know, "i think she has alzheimer's, the way she forgets everything." >> lapook: then a doctor told her she really did have alzheimer's. mike's mother had had it. now, his wife. carol, when you heard the word "alzheimer's," what did that do to you? >> carol daly: i was devastated. because i saw his mother, what she went through. it's terrible. she was walking the streets in the middle of the night, and we had to bring her home. apook: aromory deteriorated, she lost her job at a bank, and lost her ability done a. lot of what she'd always did you used to be a good cook? >> carol daly: yeah. >> mike daly: oh, yeah. >> lapook: what happened? >> carol daly: it stopped. it just-- i just couldn't do it. >> lapook: what couldn't you do? >> carol daly: i didn't know what to do first. the meatloaf...
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>> mike daly: oh, the meatloaf. that was the-- >> carol daly: it was terrible. couldn't eat it. >> lapook: because? >> carol daly: i don't know what i did with the ingredients or whatever. they just couldn't eat it. >> lapook: and you're tearing up. it's upsetting to you. >> carol daly: i don't want to be like this. i really don't. but-- >> lapook: unable to concentrate, carol had to give up reading, and movies. hard for someone who'd worshipped clark gable. >> carol daly: ooh, so handsome. >> lapook: so you remember that? >> carol daly: that, i know! ( laughs ) >> lapook: they told us carol's illness had brought them closer, but they feared the future. >> carol daly: my fear is, i guess, maybe getting worse. worse, you know? and it probably would. >> lapook: and it did. almost three years later, when
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we went back to visit, carol had no idea how old she was. >> carol daly: 80? no. i don't know. >> lapook: you're actually 67. >> carol daly: 67? >> lapook: 67. >> carol daly: yeah? >> lapook: and what about her favorite actor? do you remember clark gable? >> carol daly: oh, yeah. that was my-- yeah. >> lapook: who is he? >> carol daly: oh-- ( sighs ) ( laughs ) i-- i don't know, now. >> lapook: now mike, a former new york city cop, had to apply her makeup, and dress her. but he told us, this was his chance to repay all that carol had done for him. >> mike daly: she had a job. she cleaned house. she did the wash. she made the beds and she put up with me. so what all that's changed for
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us is the roles. now, i do the wash. i make the beds. i help carol. >> lapook: but that's not what you signed up for? >> mike daly: yes, i did. when you-- when, when we took our oath, it's for better or for worse. so i did sign up for it, in the beginning. >> lapook: but mike had put on almost 20 pounds over the last two years, and started taking pills to reduce anxiety and help him sleep. >> mike daly: the thing is, is i could sit here and feel sorry for myself, but what is that going to do for me? >> lapook: at our next meeting, one year later, when carol couldn't come up with words, she answered with laughs. what kind of thing? >> carol daly: ( laughs ) no, that's not right. >> lapook: and three years since our first visit, she needed tachin >> carol daly: i can't go out by myse likehat. ( sighs )
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so, i always have to have somebody around. >> lapook: that's a bad feeling. >> carol daly: yeah. >> lapook: you've lost your independence? >> carol daly: yup. but that's what you do. >> mike daly: after all these years, i can't give up. and i'll continue to try. and i pray to god... that she goes before me. because i'm not going to put her in a nursing home. i can handle it, but we live a life. >> lapook: but that life was a lot tougher when we returned, two years carol could g >>ol h last nar huand's name? >> lapook: your husband's name? >> carol daly: yeah. >> lapook: the guy sitting to your left. >> carol daly: yes. ( laughs ) >> lapook: that big guy who
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loves you. >> carol daly: yes, yes, loves me. ( laughs ) ♪ ♪ >> lapook: beyond the memory loss, as alzheimer's affected more of her brain, it was destroying more of her physical abilities. >> mike daly: she's losing the ability to control her feet, her hands. >> lapook: it was six years ago that i first met you. >> mike daly: yeah. >> lapook: and at the time, you were shouldering all of the burden. >> mike daly: right. >> lapook: and you're still shouldering all of the burden. i mean, how are your shoulders? >> mike daly: they're sore. no doubt about it. but, you have to do what you have to do. >> lapook: carol? at our next meeting, two years later, conversation with carol was impossible. it's been almost eight years since we first met, since we first sat on this couch. >> carol daly: ( laughs ) >> lapook: without making you embarrassed, do you remember my name? >> carol daly: no.
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>> lapook: what's this called? what i'm wearing on my wrist? what's the name of that? >> carol daly: i don't know. >> lapook: it's a wristwatch. >> carol daly: oh, yeah. >> lapook: that sound familiar? >> carol daly: yeah. >> mike daly: carol reached a point where she was not able to do anything for herself at all. she couldn't feed herself. couldn't go to the bathroom by herself. face me, okay? >> lapook: and mike had reached the point where he simply couldn't take care of her by himself. so he hired a home care aide during the day, costing almost $40,000 a year. now, alzheimer's was hitting them financially, on top of mentally, and physically. what would you say the toll has been of this long journey on you? >> mike daly: i'm dying. i really think i am. the stress, they thought i had a heart attack to begin with. >> lapook: you had chest pains? >> mike daly: they wanted to put me in the hospital.e al all right, what do i do with carol?
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then, she has anxiety attacks. part of the alzheimer's. >> lapook: anxiety attacks may be part of what's happening to you, too, it sounds like, if you had chest pain but it wasn't a heart attack. is that was it was? an anxiety attack? >> mike daly: i called it stress. don't move. >> lapook: according to the alzheimer's association, the vast majority of caregivers say their toughest challenge is emotional stress. i can still remember when you said, "no big deal, i can handle this." >> mike daly: uh-huh, yeah. i think about that comment i made, and i said, what a jerk i was. >> lapook: well, not a-- not a jerk. but just, you were sort of near the beginning of your journey, and you didn't know. >> mike daly: you know, i thought, this was it. you know, so she can't remember things. so i see people with dementia. they function normally. she can't walk! the impact on everybody else is enormous. >> lapook: one year later, 14 years since she was first diagnosed, carol was spending
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most of her days sitting silently, no longer able to understand questions. >> mike daly: we can't communicate. it's lonely. >> dan cohen: let me just get them so they go on nicely. >> lapook: but watch what happened when social worker dan cohen put headphones on carol and played some of her old favorites. ♪ ♪ >> carol daly: ( mumbling ) >> lapook: the words aren't there, but the beat is. and the melody is, the melody is pretty good. in alzheimer's, older memories are usually the last to go. but even then, a faded, distant memory can sometimes be revived. >> cohen: and since the music we love is really tied to our emotional system, and oure' connecting and that's what still works. >> lapook: and it was tied to his emotional system, too. he was tearing up. >> mike daly: i think those tears were happy tears, knowing that she hasn't lost it all.
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it was like, wow. wow. >> lapook: but the wow did not last. when we met this past january, carol, now 74, was too far gone to react to music. oh, she's so changed. just since the last time i saw her. >> mike daly: uh-huh. >> lapook: and her pulse is as strong as can be, and regular, and i'm feeling it right now. so, her heart seems strong, but she has so deteriorated. >> mike daly: stand up, carol. come on. ey'd s uw rdt is to get carol ready for the day. what didn't you realize would happen? >> mike daly: that she becomes a vegetable. that's basically what i feel like she is now. >> lapook: mike is still too heavy. his blood pressure's too high, and a few months ago, his thoughts were too dark. >> mike daly: i'm ready to put the gun to my head.
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i really thought of suicide. >> lapook: really? >> mike daly: yeah. it got to that point. >> lapook: caregiving is really tough. >> mike daly: hardest job i ever had. >> lapook: and that's from a former new york city cop. but suicidal thoughts are not uncommon for people taking care of a family member with dementia. mike hired more aides, so carol now has 24-hour help. it's draining his savings, but allowing him to get out of the house, and make new friends, and that's helping lift his depression. >> mike daly: i leave this at home, and when i go out, it's a new mike out there now. >> lapook: but at home, he worries that carol is in danger. has she fallen? >> mike daly: yes. >> lapook: she hasn't broken any bones yet? >> mike daly: no, just bruises. no. >> lapook: so now, despite years of telling us he wouldn't put carol in a nursing home... >> mike daly: i'm coming to the to the point where maybe a nursing home is the answer, for her, her safety.
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>> lapook: ten days after that, and 53 years after their wedding day, mike did put carol in a nursing home. do you still love her? >> mike daly: i love carol who was carol. but now carol's not carol anymore. >> lapook: when carol was still carol, that would have been the best time to discuss the kind of care-giving decisions mike daly eventually had to face alone. mike hopes that sharing such intimate details of their lives will help others be better prepared than they were. recently, mike told us that with carol in a nursing home, both he and carol are doing better. >> for more on tonight's stories, including the reason behind "60 minutes'" decision to show graphic images of lynchings... >> i think that some people will be offended by seeing the photos.
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