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tv   KPIX 5 News at 5AM  CBS  July 23, 2018 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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and i'm kenny choi. let's start with a live look outside.... let's get a look at weather and traffic. here our good morning, everyone. it is monday, july 23rd. i'm michelle griego. >> good morning, i'm kenny choi. let's take a look at the traffic conditions this hour. it is a little foggy out there as well, neda. not too bad. we had a rot of action yesterday, so that kind of helped push the clouds out there and prevent them from forming too thick. right now we have partly cloudy skies, san josi clear there but things will warm up tomorrow and wednesday. today we're about 5 degrees above average for most bay area communities, then tomorrow about 10 to 15 degrees above average, and same on wednesday. temperatures will be on the rise through the middle of the
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week. there's the view of coit tower this morning. half moon bay down to 6 miles visibility, could have some low- lying clouds out there. we have thicker cloud cover and worse visibility for the early morning hours. at least for now things are fine, hopefully won't impact you too much overall. this is the action i was talking about across the sierra, flash flood watches yesterday afternoon. that's happening again today, all that monsoonal moisture hitting the higher elevations. it is not expected to reach us but the heat is on. we have a ridge of high pressure from texas to california, cranking our temperatures up. more on that coming up in a few minutes. jaclyn? sounds good, neda. we are tracking brake lights along 580 heading up towards tracy, some delays there. this is just slowdowns through
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the triangle here. that crash has been cleared, so a heads up for drivers in the red towards 580, just under 40 minutes. slow stop and go there. then the ride is sluggish heading into livermore. we are in the yellow, cruising speed around 30 miles an hour. things pick up as you head towards 680. quick check of drive times here, highway 85 to 101, in the green of and moving right at the limit. back to you. this morning a manhunt for a killer after a stabbing at a bart station over the weekend. jessica flores is in oakland this morning with more. >> reporter: the station was closed down last night as police investigated and this morning it's back open, police continuing to investigate that deadly stabbing. police say one woman died and
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the other is in the hospital, two young women, and they say the stabbing was random. it happened around 9:45 p.m. last night. officials say it happened as the train doors opened and the women were getting after the train suspect took off. the victims' identities have not been released. the suspect was a whiter man in his 20s or 30s with a heavy build. we spoke with one of the victims' fathers. >> that's my baby girl. >> reporter: bart is reviewing camera footage to determine what happened. this comes after bart faced another stabbing back in april. that was also a double stabbing
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but nobody died in that case. right now bart is saying folks should report anybody suspicious to authorities right away. the victims have not been identified and the suspect still not caught. live in oakland, jessica flores, kpix 5. developing in canada, a possible terror attack in toronto. two people were killed and 12 others including a 9-year-old girl were wounded after a man nehborhood last night. >> sounded like rocket fire, then a pause, then more rocket fire. we saw people running in our direction. >> officials say the gunman shot into rerad with reg killed by police. investigators have not ruled out terrorism as a motive and the mayor there is calling on the community to remain calm. we are hearing from a woman
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tracked inside a trader joe's during a hostage standoff, and how the frightening ordeal unfolded. >> reporter: this morning victims are processing what happened. around 3:30 p.m. on saturday, a man crashed into a pole outside the trader joe's in silver lake, then entered the store and fired off several shots. some were able to escape but others huddled in aisles and ducked for cover. about 50 people were trapped inside for hours. a news producer for a cbs affiliate in l.a. was one of the hostages. >> the really scary part was when he noticed an officer with a rifle on the roof of the cheese store next door. it escalated to where he started counting down that he was going to shoot people. >> one many manager of the
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store was killed, and the gunman was identified as 28- year-old gene atkins. before arriving, he'd shot his grandmother in l.a. seven times because she wouldn't let his girlfriend come over. >> my grandmother is 76. she's old school. she don't do all that, your girlfriend is coming over. >> reporter: the grandmother is awake this morning and expressing concern for her grandson. neighbors say they didn't think he'd direct his rage at the woman who raised him. his bail is set at people from age 81weretaken to the hospital and are expected to be okay. a man's time on the run
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ended in a bathroom. only saturday the man, 41-year- old keith goodwin of fresno, robbed a bank then walked into a nail salon. an employee called 911 when he didn't come out after a long period. deputies closed in and heard a single shot. >> they went to the bathroom and opened the bathroom and found the subject deceased from a single gunshot wound. >> the fbi and local law enforcement were on the hunt for him since may when the spree began. last week he appeared in surveillance photos in two robberies with a hat, handgun and fake police badge on his hip. two trump aides are schedu stford today and protests are expected following the ery tweets to iran's president.
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anne makovec is live with more. >> reporter: protests are expected today and tomorrow here at stanford. the hoover institution here behind me after a tweet last night from the president. let's take a look. that was sent to iran's president: >> reporter: he was responding to a warning sent yesterday as he was speaking to iranian diplomats: >> reporter: last night secretary of state mike pompeo, who will be here today, was in
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semivalley, saying the u.s. is undertaking a diplomatic pressured campaign against iran. >> iran is run by something that resembles the mafia more than a government. >> reporter: and he added the religious leaders of iran are hypocritical holy men. this is what's scheduled today. the secretary of state mike pompeo and secretary of state of defense will be hosting australian minister julie bishop and the minister of defense for the australia-u.s. ministerial consultations here at the hoover institution at stanford university. certainly the growing war of words between the u.s. and iran will be a topic of conversation. anne makovec, kpix. time now 5:09. a bay area man launches a website called rent a hitman.
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how he became a crime-fighting hero. and a lesson on being prepared. hundreds participate in an evacuation test. and we have a heat advisory to tell you about, and the surf is up. 101 north of the airport looking good, but we have reports of a crash north of here. we'll look at that and see if it's causing any slowdowns coming up.
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as a wildfire inches closer to yosemite. the ferguson fire is exploding in size. new evacuation orders this morning as a wildfire inches closer to yosemite. the ferguson fire is exploding in size, now over 30,000 acres, and fire crews and officials are working together. building strong containment lines is a top priority. >> there's only so much you can do when you have the fuels, terrain and weather conditions out there. >> resources are coming in by
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the hour. more than 3,000 firefighters are there now. >> marin county is getting ready as well. >> this is your notice to evacuate by car or foot. >> drills were held on saturday, simulating a major evacuation. hundreds of marin county residents took part. >> the main thing, it's better to be safe than sorry. if you see smoke or get the alert, start evacuations. also have a plan ahead of time. >> it was also a test of the county's reverse 911 and emergency alert system. when a man started rent a hitman, he didn't expect hundreds of murder for hire
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plots. >> kill my mom and my dad, my sister and brother. >> reporter: this is an e-mail he got from a 14-year-old boy from alaska through his website, rent a >> we decided we wanted to start a company doing risk analysis, intrusion detection, white hat hacking. >> reporter: that's where the name came from in 2005, and the website created here in the kitchen of his home. instead of getting e-mails for it services, people were literally asking for a hitman. bob decided to run with it. >> after receiving those e- mails, i decided to transform the web page. >> reporter: now it's almost a parody site. >> targets name, services requested. >> reporter: he gets requests
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at least a couple times a week. >> i need her taken care of because she won't leave. i need her gone. cut open her and and let her bleed out. >> reporter: he waits a day then e-mails back. >> if they say, i want to speak with a field operative? >> reporter: those field operatives are the police. >> as ridiculous as it is, it has led to the apprehension of some bad people and ultimately saved the lives of several people. >> reporter: our security analyst jeff harp says a tip from this site is just the beginning of a possible criminal case. >> there's a lot of investigation we need to be done. and it takes time. >> reporter: but a couple of cases have been prosecuted, starting with a tip from bob. one woman from the uk wanted her mother, aunt and uncle killed, and a 20-year-old
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virginia man wanted three people killed and his infant kidnapped. >> i'm just a guy with a website that's ultimately saved some leaves. >> and bob says reading the disturbing e-mails is taking a toll and he wants to turn the website over to law enforcement to run and shift his focus to writing true crime novels or making a movie. certainly has a lot of material now. >> after all those people wrote in, he's got a lot. it is 5:17, jaclyn. >> hey, guys. we are tracking a few more incidents here, folks starting to join the monday commute. this is 101 at airport boulevard. trwe had reports of a crash, 101 near candle stick. that's been cleared. we have reports of a crash
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northbound 282 at the 101, right on that connector. so far not seeing any yellow or red here but we'll keep an eye on that. this is a live look at the connector ramp, cars getting through just fine. just a heads up if you travel along that route. this is 101 connecting with i- 80, still moving at the limit. no backups just yet. and westbound at the bay bridge toll plaza, definitely seeing the crowds develop. we are still in the yellow, and that backup is beyond the overpass. that's a check of your traffic. neda? thank you very much. good morning, everybody. this is a live look at a few clouds hanging around this
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early morning hour. doing fine in half moon bay, visibility 7 miles. not bad now. don't expect much early morning drizzle either. across the north bay, 8 to 10 miles visibility, not bad at all. we have coastal clouds rolling in around the bay but it's not extended to many areas. our futurecast showing the early morning clouds stick around through 8:00, 9:00 a.m. by noon we have plenty of sunshine inland,especially the east and south bay. similar sky coverage for the next several days. what's going temperatures on their way up. take a look at the winds at
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sfo, 14 miles an hour and west southwest breezes as usual in places like fairfield for now. san josi, 63 degrees, upper 50s for san francisco and of courseland 59, concord 64. our sunrise is happening at 6:05 a.m., sunset at 8:25 p.m. tonight. and we should get a good view of those in most locations. this ridge has been in place for a couple weeks now. for us it's bringing the heat up. 3 to 5 avfor now for most areas, hotter in places like brentwood, 96 there. around the bay, upper 60s and low 70s for most of you, and
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clear lake 98, really heating up. the beaches will feel better. we have a southerly swell, 7 to 9-footers. we have a beach statement until wednesday night, rip currents possible and minor beach erosion. this ridge in texas is going to join forces with this ridge and by tuesday and wednesday, near triple digits for inland areas. we have the heat advisory in effect around the bay area before temperatures drop by the end of the week. that's a look at your forecast. good morning, everybody. i have the first word in sports right here, right now, including thrier in oakland yesterday. baseball bragging rights were on the line. and with savings on wireless, this is a relationship with more money
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good morning, everybody. i've got a minute of sport here, including the a's newest reliever in uniform yesterday. tied at 4 with the giants in the eighth, mccutcheon backed away and gone.
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chris davis, two home runs yesterday. this tied the game at 5. bottom of the tenth, chapman with a hard chopper and the a's beat the giants 6-5. tiger woods is in the red shirt, having the lead until this in the eleventh. dropped him right out of it. didn't have a bogey for two days then set himself up, wins by two. first italian to win the open championship, the 147th british open. that's sports this hour. have a great monday. now for our play of the
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day. diamondbacks and rockies, this is how you play defense. >> what a save. unbelievable. >> full stretch. look at that timing, amazing grab and strong throw to first. diamondbacks win 6-1. >> reporter: bart officials continue to investigate a double stabbing that left one woman dead. a spokesperson told us about the system's overall safety, coming up. >> reporter: escalating tensions between the u.s. and iran as two top u.s. officials are set to be at stanford today. what we are expecting next. -hey, did i mention i can save you $620
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for switching to progressive? [ engine revving ] you cannot hear me at all,
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can you? water this morning.. 17 people were killed when it capsized.. we're hearing from survivors and the family members of those lost.. lasting his the coast guard is pulling the boat that sank in missouri from the water this morning, 17 people killed when it capsized. we are hearing from survivors and family members of those lost. president trump is blasting his former attorney for secretly recording at least one of their conversations. temperatures are on the rise and things will start to heat up, and the surf is up as well. we'll talk about the beach hazard statement. and the te the bay bridge plaza, backup continuing to grow there. how far it stretches and how long it will take to get through that stretch, coming up in the next traffic report. good morning, everyone. it is monday, july 23rd. i'm michelle griego. >> i'm kenny choi. a killer is on the loose in
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oakland after stabbing two people. jessica flores is live with the latest for us this morning. jessica? >> reporter: macarthur bart station is back open, trains in service here this morning. this is where the deadly stabbing happened, two young women stabbed. bart says this was totally random. it happened about 9:45 p.m. last night and the station was closed as police investigated. one woman died, the other in the hospital. police are still searching for the suspect, described as a white man in his 20s or 30s with short hair and a heavy build. officials say it happened as the train doors were opening and the women were getting off the train. then the suspect attacked, then ran down the stairs and took off. the victims' identities have not been released but officials this morning say the system is
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safe. >> the situation on bart isn't any different this morning than it is any morning. we feel it's a safe system. we have a professional police force that's watching out for people's safety. >> reporter: bart at the scene it is reviewing surveillance footage to determine the circumstances of this stabbing. this comes after another double stabbing at the coliseum station in april. no one died then, but this is raising questions about the safety of bart. i asked if police will be upping patrols this morning and right now no answer to that question. of course they are discussing the security protocols. live at macarthur bart station, jessica flores. and things are heating up. >> yes. happy monday. it will be a hoheday. wednesday looking like the hottest day of the week, so get
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ready for that. for now, calm conditions and d some low-lying clouds we get in the morning have dispersed, so that's good for a lot of drivers. it's looking like a lot of the fog is higher up, and we are not dealing with low visibility in many areas this morning. oakland 59 degrees this morning, concord 64, and the satellite and radar is showing that coastal cloud cover. it's not impacting drivers right now. three things to remember this morning, we'll be about 5 degrees above average, surf is up, and we have a heat advisory as well. more on that coming up. we are getting busy here on the roadways, metering lights on. the backup is growing, not too bad on the east shore freeway just yet. this is 80 at highway 4, the westbound side with all those
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brake lights starting to appear. just a tapping of the brakes as you head westbound. still in fact green as far as travel times go. live look at the maze, the backup from the toll plaza not reaching here yet. give it time. it will get there. we are in the yellow, about 15 minutes heading into san francisco as you get up the incline there. back to you guys. we are learning more about the man accused of terrorizing shoppers at a southern california trader joe's. we have reaction from one of the hostages. >> reporter: the people held inside are still reeling from what went on saturday afternoon at the trader joe's in silver lake near dodger stadium. this is a look outside the store this morning, where a memorial has formed for the woman who was killed. a man crashed into the utility
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pole outside the store, then ran inside, shooting his gun five or six times. about 50 hostages were trapped inside as l.a.p.d. tried negotiating with him for hours. a cbs news producer was one of the people terrorized during the ordeal. >> he said he was going to kill us. one by one, we stood up and with our hands up, walked over to where the gunman was. he wanted us closer to him. >> reporter: 28-year-old gene atkins was fleeing police after shooting his grandmother seven times. a cousin said atkins was mad at her for not wanting his girlfriend to visit the home. she's awake this morning, still worried about her grandson, who she raised. >> i'm like, what's going on, what made you do this? >> reporter: the manager of the they lost a memb during the or
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atkins is facing murder charges and is being held on $2 million bail.. we are hearing from a survivor of the duck boat incident last week. 17 people died when the boat capsized thursday night. tia lost her three children, husband and five other family members on that boat. >> if i was able to get a life jacket, i could have saved my babies. they could have at least floated up to the top. and i wasn't able to do that. >> today the coast guard will use salvage equipment to pull the boat out of table rock lake. the ntsb wants to know what the captain, who did die, knew
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about the forecast weather. secretary of state mike pompeo is scheduled to visit stanford this morning as the trump administration issues a grave warning to the president of iran. anne makovec is live with more. >> reporter: mike pompeo will be joined here by the secretary of state of defense, james mattis, for two days of meetings. protests are expected here at stanford. this is the latest in the escalation between the u.s. and iran. there was a tweet last night from president trump, warning iranian president hassan rouhani, never ever threaten u.s. again or you will suffer consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before. we are no longer a country that will stand urment vice at be ious. he was speaking to iranian diplomats, says mr.
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trump, don't play with the lion's tail. america should know peace with iran is the mother of peace and war with iran is the mother of all war. mike pompeo last night said the u.s. is undertaking a diplomatic and financial pressure campaign against iran. >> sometimes it seems the world is desensitized to the regime's violence abroad, but the iranian people are not staying silent about their abuses. >> reporter: he says the leaders of iran are hypocritical holy men. today we are expecting secretary of state mike pompeo and secretary of defense james mattis, hosting diplomats from australia including the
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minister of foreign affairs and minister of defense in this year's u.s.-australia ministerial consultation here at stanford university. this was planned long before the tensions between the u.s. and iran ramped up. that will certainly be a topic of discussion here for the next couple days. anne makovec, kpix 5. >> president trump said he finds it inconceivable that an attorney would record conversations with his clients. this after finding out michael cohen recorded ate of >>here were real feelings between the two of us. >> it was part of what federal authorities seized earlier th yu
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whetto quash stories bethe election. students holding a barbecue in oakland yesterday to raise awareness and register young people to vote. this includes survivors from a shooting in florida and say they realize gun violence is a tough issue to crack, but they are determined to make a difference. >> it's just a misconception we are trying to take everyone's guns away. that's not the case. once we break that down, people start to understand. >> march for our lives organizers say one upcoming stop will be at the headquarters of the nra in virginia. this morning, an uber driver behaving badly, and teslwantsof mone ckdianose
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stories and more business news. good morning. good morning. investigators will be on economy watch with the latest data on tap this week. last week trade issues weighed on markets. uber has suspended a driver for broadcasting passengers live on the streaming service twitch. the missouri driver recorded the inside of his vehicle, allowing viewers to see and hear passengers without the passengers' knowledge. and tesla has reportedly asked some of its suppliers for a refund, part of its payments since 2016. the suppliers are being asked for price reductions according to a confirmation by tesla. officials say more than 160 people have gotten ill from tainted salads from mcdonald's,
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impacting about 3,000 restaurants primarily in the midwest. mcdonald's says they have removed the tainted lettuce. >> and krispy kreme has a new deal? >> reporter: they are getting into the cookie business. the donut maker is buying a stake in insomnia cookies. >> always a good snack at night or in the morning. thank you. enjoy those cookies. time now 5:42. key west crowns the winner of this year's earnest hemingway contest. and a group of bay area volunteers taking matters into their own hands to keep people safe in case of a disaster.
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forecast in just a few minutes. a veterans' home in napa county that was the scene of a deadly shooting will not reopen. the pathway home in yountville has treated hundreds of veterans for p-t- s-d and mild brain injuries. but it's been closed since march. that's when a man... who got treatment there... took three turned a rifle on ... himself. now... board members have decided the pathway home can never be the same. so they are terminating their lease at the end of next month. in berkeley... volunteers set out on foot.. to map out an evacuation plan... in case a fire breaks out. wanderers... in berkeley, volunteers set out to map out an evacuation plan in case a fire breaks out.
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the berkeley path wanderers gathered to map out all 36 paths checking for clear signage and low hanging vegetation. the idea is to gather information for an evacuation plan on foot just in case. >> if we needed to leave, it would be on foot. if everybody got in their cars, it just wouldn't work. >> the footpaths were built as shortcuts downhill but could save lives in case of an emergency. prince george turned five this weekend and his parents released his official birthday portrait. the photo was taken in london after the christening of his baby brother. apparently he's a great big brother. >> look at that smile. >> looks very royal. >> going to be a king one day. we'll check on traffic. whoa. what was that? things are just dropping.
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>> let's go to traffic. >> we have a few more incidents right now. things are heating up on the roadway. westbound 37, we have a big rig crash blocking at least one lane, slow towards 101. that's about 32 minutes. this is a live look at highway 37 at lakeville road, headlights going westbound. not bad once you get to that stretch but we have delays. right now take a live look at 80 near highway 4, brake lights starting to see more slowdowns as you head toward the maze. we are in the yellow, just under 15 minutes heading into san francisco. we have a new accident southbound 880, south of 238. the crash is closer to a street. we are a in the yellow in
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towage. ctlays across the san mateo bridge, getting slower in the westbound direction. more cars are joining that monday morning ride. neda? i want to show you a few angles. we have the glow off in the distance. this is another angle with more cloud cover out there. you can see the wind pushing the clouds in. for now, visibility not impacted too much. the low line of cloud cover we tend to get is not here just yet. good for drivers this morning, 58 in san francisco, oakland 59 and 64 in concord. this a look at the visibility
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map just to check in. for now half moon bay down to 8 miles, and 8 miles for santa rosa and petaluma. things are pretty clear. this afternoon we have a chance we could see more popup storms. we got the heavy rain yesterday and we have flash flood watches going on this afternoon after 2:00 p.m., mainly in the higher elevations. temperatures will be rising because of this ridge bringing that monsoonal moisture and thunderstorms for the tahoe region. we'll feel the heat, today 3 to 5 degrees above average but tomorrow about 10 degrees above average. wednesday will be the hottest day of the week. 88 today in san rafael, 96 in
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san francisco. it will be tempting to go to the beaches. we have a beach hazard statement 11:00 a.m. today through 11:00 a.m. wednesday, high rip currents and beach erosion possible. we have a ridge of high pressure here in texas, joining forces with this one, and tuesday and wednesday we'll see temperatures getting into the triple digits for many places inland. we have heat advisories in effect all over northern california. most of the heat will be around us. triple digits tuesday and wednesday, then inland areas, temperatures drop into the low 90s. comfortable in the 70s and 60s around the bay. nearly 150 men with competing in florida to see
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what looks most like earnest hemingway. >> and the winner? paula deen's husband won in key west. the competition is part of the city's hemingway days festival. it took him nine tries to win. >> i definitely had the biggest crowd here. i think everybody here had to pay their dues, and i did. >> other events include running of the bulls literary readings and a historic tour of hemingway sites. coming up, a new stud that's changing the way scientists screen whether you have been exposed to harmful chemicals, and what you can do
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to protect yourself. and a life or death event, roads blocked by illegally parked cars. how one community is cracking down. you could save energy
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by living off the grid. completely. or... just set the washing machine to cold. do your thing. with energy upgrade california.
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still flat. here. try this. and... ♪ ooh, heaven -- nailed it. test for hundreds of chemicals that may be harmful to human
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health - particularly in pregnant women. researchers tested 75 women who are patients. a new study found a way to test for harmful chemicals, particularly in pregnant women. researchers tested 75 women and found six chemicals had not been previously documented in pregnant women's blood. some are known to cause defects or have carcinogenic effects. another is found in plastic products and water bottles. >> we are trying to understand what the exposures rescuer and help us prioritize. you can't study them all at once. we have the figure out what to start with. >> the challenges are the chemicals identified can be used in shampoos, cleaning products, home building materials and pesticides. first responders are worried about more than fire in some bay area neighborhoods. we are worried about access to
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fight those fires, writing tickets for parking code violations. the county rears vehicles to allow a minimum of 6 feet clearance to the center line of the road, which in an emergency could be a matter of life and death. >> if the ambulances and fire trucks say, we just can't get there, that will get people's attention. >> the sheriff there says parking enforcement has become a top prior. >> reporter: police continue to search for the suspect who stabbed two women after one of them died. we'll have a live report coming up. >> reporter: and protests expected at stanford today as top u.s. officials meet with australian officials.
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station overnight... now a manhunt for the killer. new evacuation orders ar dfire a young woman is dead after she and another woman were stabbed at a bart station overnight. and new acor asa deadly wildfire burns out of control near yosemite. and the u.s. prepares to reimpose iran sanctions. >> good morning, i'm michelle griego. >> i'm kenny choi. let's start with traffic and weather. we are tracking delays on westbound 37 and looks like that's just been cleared. it's very slow, stop and go as you go out of vallejo heading westbound, 33 minutes to ge


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