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tv   KPIX 5 Noon News  CBS  June 11, 2018 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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live from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix5 news. a bizarre kidnapping in the east bay. a 71-year-old woman taken. police jump into action to chase down her captor. good afternoon.
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i'm kenny choi. i'm michelle griego. a suspect is now in custody and we have anne makovec with the details. >> reporter: a bizarre story that started as a dispute between a landlord and attendant, police say, leading to the kidnapping of a 71-year- old woman and ending in a crash on lorenzo avenue. this is in east oakland. a man renting a home in west oakland got into an argument with his landlady at around 7:30 this morning. her daughter said during that altercation, he grabbed her cane and attacked her son with it and then, while spewing death threats, dragged the landlady into her car and her family called police and the chase was on from west to east oakland and at one point, hitting eastbound 580 with the chase ending at around 8:30 this morning and police said the suspect hit a police car trying to get away and there could be additional
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charges coming. luckily, nobody was injured. anne makovec, kpix5. in a separate kidnapping case over the weekend, this is how it came to an end in emeryville. a fiery crash turn deadly for one of the two suspects. police said they abducted a woman in the tenderloin district yesterday and then threw her into the trunk of a car. >> she got out of the vehicle by using the emergency release lever, that's how she escaped the kidnapping. >> a police officer followed the car onto the bay bridge and we are told the car plowed into a light pole in emeryville and the passenger died at the scene. the driver is in the hospital and police are trying to figure out if the victim knew the abductors. a freak accident in danville. a tree toppled onto a car, backing up traffic for miles and killed one person. >> reporter: this is a
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frightening situation. you can imagine this massive pine tree came tumbling down onto the freeway and it is near 680. crews are working to clear the pine tree from the road and they have taken out several trees because they appear to be dead and they don't want more accidents. looking at chopper5, they have a nice view of the area and you can see traffic backed up for miles. it happened on 680 northbound and the vehicle involved ended up about one quarter mile down and the driver inside, chp says she died in the crash. it's under investigation, and whether or not the car hit the tree or the tree fell on the car. take a listen. >> it appears there is one vehicle involved and it's not known if the vehicle collided
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with the tree or the tree landed on the vehicle. that is under investigation. >> reporter: you can see the caltrans crews are working to clean up the mess with several lanes opened and now, three are still shut down. when we got here, one lane was open. taking a look, traffic is backed up and it will be going faster now. if you have to take the area were taken alternate route, it is backed up for several miles on 680 northbound but crews hope to have this opened up within one hour. jessica flores, kpix5. in san mateo county, a mess on the 101 near brisbane with the exit blocked at around 8:00 this morning. according to chp, a big rig overturned and the ramp is closed as the cruise cleanout. a propane leak on treasure island started at about 9:00
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this morning and it is between m and n streets, an industrial area. no one is hurt but people are advised to avoid the area. president donald trump and kim jong-un will sit down for a face-to-face meeting in singapore, the first time a sitting u.s. president will meet with a north korean leader. nikki batiste has more. >> reporter: secretary of state mike pompeo said president donald trump is feeling confident going into the meeting with kim jong-un. the president himself said he will know within the first minute whether or not this unprecedented meeting will be a success, a meeting the entire world will be watching. president donald trump met with the singapore president ahead of the one on one with kim jong- un. >> we had a very interesting meeting. >> reporter: meanwhile, secretary of state, mike pompeo, carried out last-minute
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preparations with north korean officials to lay the groundwork for the trump-kim meeting. >> president trump has a confident attitude and hopes for real progress. >> reporter: the goal for the meeting has always been the same. >> he made it clear that if there is denuclearization, there's a brighter future for north korea. tomorrow, we get the clearest indication to date of weather chairman kim jong-un shares this vision. >> reporter: in exchange for denuclearization, north korea will look for significant u.s. concessions, something president donald trump may be open to. >> trump is going with no preconditions. it may include significant benefits with the declaration of the end of the korean war and we've already heard about the potential of the u.s. putting an embassy in pyeongchang. >> reporter: secretary pompeo sidestepped when asked if the u.s. would be willing to pull troops out of south korea. >> we are prepared to take security assurances that are unique than what has been provided previously.
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we think it is both necessary and appropriate. >> reporter: the president and kim jong-un will start talking alone with only their translators in the room. president donald trump spent most of the monday meeting with leaders and kim jong-un stepped out in singapore and even snapped some selfies. nikki batiste, kpix5. security is tight but kim jong-un is paranoid about intelligence intrusion and reportedly packed his own toilet to bring to singapore. when the president arrived in singapore, he continued a trade fight with the allies at the g7 summit and tweeted last night, fair trade is now to be called full trade if it is not reciprocal. on the airplane, the president announced on twitter that he would not endorse the joint communiqui and prime minister justin trudeau responded,
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claiming canada would retaliate for tariffs on steel and aluminum. >> there is a special place in hell for any foreign leader engaging in bad faith diplomacy with president donald trump. >> you don't behave that way. it's a betrayal. he stabbed us in the back. if you attack was president, he will fight back. >> reporter: the criticism is coming from lawmakers. the eu and mexico have promised retaliation for u.s. sanctions, even though president donald trump warned it would be a mistake. the fcc has the repeal of net neutrality rules that will take effect today, and that means internet service providers no longer have to treat everyone on line equally. they may now charge more for certain content and give preferential treatment to certain websites. the fcc contends the change will ultimately lead to more networks and choices for consumers. >> these rules were standing in the we have companies for decisions to spend money building networks. it's a hard and expensive.
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the heavier the regulatory burden, the less likely they will do it. >> opponents said it could harm small companies and stifle competition. meanwhile, nancy pelosi warns that the brazen giveaway to big corporate interests will soon hit consumers and small businesses with higher costs and less choice, jeopardizing the entrepreneurial american spirit that is the envy of the world. supervisor london breed has a slight read in the mayoral race but it is still too close to call. over the weekend, breed had the lead of more than 1500 votes over mark leno. breed has 50% of the votes, so far. thousands of ballots are still to be counted. the elections department has until july 5 to declare the official winner. the golden state warriors are getting ready for the championship parade. the city of oakland put up barriers on the parade route with more than 1 million fans expected to attend the celebration.
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they will start lining up at 6:30 in the morning. the parade kicks off at 11:00 in the morning at 11th and broadway and wraps up at oak and 13th. unlike previous years, there will be no victory rally at lake merritt after the parade. we will have live coverage at 10:00 tomorrow morning on kpix5. coming up, a fleet of self driving taxis is rolling out. drivers may be taken over even if they are miles away. caltrain is speeding up boarding times with a new program they are testing. we will have the full parade forecast and we will talk about how long it will last.
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disappeared. captain william howard hughes vanished in 1983... after duty in the netherlands.
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he had a top- secret security an air force fugitive is in custody in solano county, 35 years after he mysteriously disappeared. captain william howard used vanished in 1983 after duty and the netherlands. he had top security clearance and authorities caught up with him last week during a passport fraud investigation and it turns out that he had been living here in california under the fake name of barry o'beirne. he told authorities he was depressed about being in the air force and left. he now is under arrest in fairfield, facing charges of diversion -- facing charges of desertion. a fleet of self driving taxis will be rolled out by waymo. kris van cleave is going to talk more about this. >> reporter: i will monitor the
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vehicle remotely. >> reporter: the remote driver is a few miles away in the silicon valley office. california is one of five states allowing self-driving cars to be on the road without a safety driver if they have a system in place for a human to take over remotely. self-driving cars, they hope the technology can come to the rescue of a confused autonomous vehicle. a remote driver could take over if the car didn't know what to do. you are saying the ultimate backup is a human for a self- driving car? >> yeah. and the vehicle may approach the site and completely be paralyzed? at that point, the vehicle would paying a phantom operator and then you could go through the site in the same way you would go through the
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construction site today. >> reporter: people will wonder what it is like driving a car that you are nowhere near. >> you go three strict training procedure to operate something new. >> reporter: regulations are stalled in congress, leaving oversight to the states and some are stricter than others. there was a self-driving or brees crash in arizona that prompted a second look at regulations. the technology is not yet foolproof. you can think of the phantom auto service as something like onstar or a remote helpdesk that would link to the vehicle at the touch of a button. you may have a remote driver who could be the backup for multiple vehicles and the backup plan would be left firmly in the hands of a human. kris van cleave, cbs news in washington. another delay for south bay commuters. the long awaited bart extension through san jose might not be
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letter -- might not be ready until mid-march. they faced repeated delays since december 2017. caltrain is testing out a program to help passengers with bicycles board faster. sandra osborne has more from the sunnyvale station. >> reporter: believe it or not, caltrain has more daily bike riders as passengers than any other rail system in the country right now. if the program proves successful, that could be a good thing for passenger boarding in the future. the program is already being tested in mountain view and palo alto and this morning was the first day in sunnyvale and hillsdale was 66% of delays, according to caltrain, because a passenger boarding issues. they say allowing bicyclists to a board first could cut down on time and also bumps and bruises when everyone rushes in at once. >> caltrain is happy to have the bike riders. they help relieve congestion
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throughout the core door and we are happy to help them wherever we can. will try to make sure the service works well. >> reporter: last december, issues related to this caused 1352 minutes of delays and starting today, bicyclists on the northbound platform at the sunnyvale and hillsdale station and the southbound platform at the 22nd street station will board with the bikes first on weekdays 6:00 through 10:00 a.m. caltrain will then take a look at the findings to decide whether or not it should be a permanent policy. sandra osborne, kpix5. today is a nice day for the people writing the bicycles and we all have the warriors parade on our mind. the big championship celebration is going on and i want to show you the view of the salesforce tower camera with sunny conditions today and warmer tomorrow. starting with the warriors
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parade, many people may have plans to go out. people are out there at about 6:00 a.m. and it will be 59 under clear skies and then at the start of the parade, 70 degrees. it will be until 2:00 in the afternoon. it will be a great time and warm. take proper precautions including water, hat and a sunglasses, anything to protect from the heat and the sun. checking out the golden gate bridge, we have a low layer of clouds coming through and that's the first amount of cloud coverage we have seen today. 66 in san francisco and 76 in livermore. the afternoon highs include upper 80s for a lot of the south bay. freemont, 80 degrees and east bay, low 90s and then we will add five have any degrees more tomorrow and it will be warm across the east bay. today, 77 in oakland, 79 in
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berkeley and temperatures in the upper 80s and low 90s possible for cloverdale and clear lake. in santa cruz, there is a beach hazard statement. these people are enjoying the sunshine and you are tempted to go to the beaches. there is a beach hazard statement ending this evening with a swell picking up, 4-6 feet with rip currents and it includes all the marin beaches, south facing beaches. sunset is at 8:31 and sunrise tomorrow at 5:47. heat tomorrow that will last through wednesday and by the end of the week, it should be fairly comfortable into the weekend. ihop is becoming ihob. what the b means. the big reveal is next.
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man for strength.
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six year old cancer patient harry saint ledger says when he's dressed as spider-man.. he feels brave. a british boy with a rare brain tumor has turn to spider- man for strength. he said when he is dressed as spider-man, he feels brave. his parents learn he had a potentially lethal brain tumor when he went to the doctor for an ear infection that wouldn't go away. when he went back to school, his friends and sister dressed as superheroes to honor him. >> who is harry? >> me. >> i'm dressed as harry because he is my hero. he's been amazing and brave. >> the family teamed up with a u.k. charity with the goal of raising $70,000 toward a cure. the american cancer society said brain and spinal cord tumors are the second most common in children, after leukemia and we wish him well.
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we've been talking about this for a few days and we finally know what the b stands for in ihob. >> the big reveal, it is for burgers. last week, they tease they were changing the p to a b but wouldn't reveal why until today. the pancakes are still there and the name change is only a temporary marketing campaign. they want to be known as a place for lunch and dinner, not just breakfast or brunch. enjoy your lunch or even if you are having a burger today. we will be right back.
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the taste of the day will be with passionfruit. there are stickers everywhere. you go-to-market and you see passionfruit and a lot of folks know about this. you cut out what is on the inside and it has a sweet and tangy flavor and wonderful textured. great in salads or just like this with a spoon. so versatile, fantastic. a lot of times, what do you do for storage? this may have a black type color. it gives a little to the touch, not at all too much. firm is better. store them simply at home, on the counter. tropical fruit never goes in the refrigerator. you will go back to the market and buy them again.
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get a spoon and dig them out. passionfruit, nutritional value is out of this world. a real taste of the tropics. i'm tony tantillo. always be fresh. new numbers in the tight mayoral race will be released in a few hours. political reporter melissa caen will have an update and analysis tonight at 5:00. we will see what happens. that will do it for kpix5 news at noon. the next newscast is at 5:00. have a great day.
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>> ridge: hey. but i can't believe it. she is even prettier than the last time i saw her. how is that possible? and how are you happier than the last time i saw you? maybe you're just tired. you need to get some sleep, huh? >> steffy: oh, yeah. >> ridge: i'm here. i can take over. i can take care of her. >> steffy: no, no, no, no, no. >> ridge: i am experienced. >> steffy: make it a standing offer and i promise to take you up on it. not right now. i don't want to miss a moment. >> ridge: i get that. you waited a long time to be a mom. >> steffy: yeah. yeah, a long time. now here we are. kelly, liam, and me.


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