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tv   CBS Weekend News  CBS  January 7, 2018 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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land, the ice festival. artists are turning blocks of ice into sculptures. that is it for 5:00 p.m. we will see you back at 6:00 p.m. >> quijano: record-breaking co temperatures hit historic lows. in boston it hasn't been this frigid on this day since 1896. for millions more ice and snow are on the way monday. >> it feels like now is just kind of going at your skin when are you walking into it. >> quijano: also tonight president trump returns from his weekend retreat. still bashing the new book that has raised questions about miss mental fitness. has raised questions about his mental fitness. the "me too" movement takes center stage at the golden globe awards. the one color everyone will be wearing. a quarterback makes nfl playoff history throwing a touchdown pass to himself. and she invented an app of kindness. it helps school kids who feel bullied and rejected find lunch buddies.
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>> using my story to help others has given me strength and confidence that i never knew i had. this is the "cbs weekend news." >> quijano: and this is our western edition. good evening. i'm elaine quijano. for millions it feels like it's been an ice age since it was above freezing. tonight the two-week cold spell is finally thawing but more snow and sleet are on the way monday. the forecast in a moment. first sunday morning record low, minus 3 in atlantic city, new jersey breaking a record set in 1884. minus ten in hartford, connecticut, where it hasn't been this cold since 1912. negative nine in worcester, massachusetts, shattering a record set in 1942. boston hit two below zero, the coldest january 7th since 1896. meg oliver has more on the big chill. >> reporter: days after a massive snow storm, stinging temperatures continued sunday
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from south carolina to maine. >> no one anticipated it would get this cold and stay this cold for this long. >> reporter: new york city issued a code blue for the homeless. shelters are open to anyone in need. and they've added 450 new beds. c.e.o. of new york city rescue mission craig mayes. >> it's really been very demanding on us. but then you think about those that we serve, how, you know, it's a matter of life-and-death literally for them on the streets. >> reporter: airlines resumed flights after thousands of cancellations. but a water main break at jfk airport sunday created another mess. in dorchester, massachusetts, flames at a five-alarm fire burst out of a triple decker home frozen in a block of ice. thick icicles weighed down power lines as firefighters frosted over during the fight. in the nation's capitol, power outages and ruptured pipes are delaying the start of classes monday at howard university for at least a week. >> you don't want students to go there, you start freezing it takes away from the learning
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environment. >> reporter: the cleanup could take days in some areas. in boston a major obstacles are streets that have turned into rivers full of floating ice chunks. with gusts of wind more than 100 miles per hour, new hampshire's mt. washington was the coldest place in the country on saturday. >> right now we're up to about 14 degrees below zero with a 55 below windchill outside. so really cold, bone chilling cold out there on the summit this morning. >> reporter: here in new york city today the low was a bitter five degrees. but the windchill felt like minus four. on monday things are looking up. the temperature is expected to climb above freezing. elaine? >> quijano: meg, thank you. for more on the frigid weather we turn to meteorologist pamela gardner of our cbs boston station wbz. pamela? >> elaine, record cold once again for the sunday morning. burlington, vermont, 20 below
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zero in boston we tied the record which was two below. and forecast highs for monday a little bit milder. we'll have high temperatures finally above freezing from chicago to minneapolis, philly right on the dot freezing but boston a high of 35. and more warmth building across the south. the jet stream will retreat farther to the north as we get towards the second half of the workweek. that means milder temperatures. we'll be running by thursday 10 to 20 degrees above average. but we have to get through another winter weather advisory, across the midwest and the ohio valley where from st. louis, indianapolis, pittsburgh to philly you have an advisory through monday. we're talking snow, ice, freezing rain and also some rain farther to the south but it is a wintry mess here that will move across the mid section of the country through monday evening. so about a quarter of an inch of ice accumulation can be expected across louisville, charlotte, atlanta, at least a 109 of an inch of ice accumulation, on top of it, about one to three inches of snow fall across the midwest.
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out in california we're also watching a situation there as a potent rain system moves in. that will bring a chance elaine for some flash flooding and mud slides. >> quijano: all right, pamela, thank you. president trump returned to the white house sunday from a weekend retreat at camp david. he met with cabinet members, military officials and congressional republican leaders. the president also spent some time bashing the new best selling book about his administration. here's errol barnett. >> mr. president, why focus on the fire and fury book if it's fiction. >> reporter: returning from camp david president trump avoided questions about his response to a scathing book suggesting several white house staffers doubt his intelligence. this morning mr. trump lamented he has had to put up with a fake book written by a totally discredited author. >> the author is a garbage author of a garbage book. >> reporter: senior advisor stephen miller echoed mr. trump in denouncing comments made by former chief strategist steve bannon in "fire & fury."
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>> it's tragic and unfortunate that steve would make these grotesque comments-- comments so out of touch with reality and obviously so vindictive. >> reporter: today bannon released this statement saying his support is "unwavering for the president and his agenda." the controversy comes amid the president's request for $18 billion to build a border wall with mexico. >> we want the wall. >> reporter: he is facing resistance from democrats who want the status of undocumented children addressed first. senator bernie sanders. >> 77% of the american people in a recent poll suggested that they wanted to see legal status for these young people. the american people in fact, do not want to spend billions of dollars on a wall. >> reporter: republican senator tom cotton. >> but if the democrats want to shut down the government because they can't get amnesty for illegal immigrants, then they're going to have to defend those actions to the american people. >> reporter: now president
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trump on monday speaks to farmers in nashville before flying down to atlanta to attend the college championship football game between alabama and georgia. the president also delayed his corrupt media awards until wednesday. he says because of unexpected interest. elaine? >> quijano: errol, thank you. now let's bring in our chief washington correspondent and "face the nation" host john dickerson, so john, president trump met with republican leaders this weekend at camp david to discuss his agenda for 2018. how much of a distraction is michael wolff's book "fire and fury" for that agenda. >> well, it's a momentary distraction. so the agenda hasn't really gotten under way. they were able to get their planning meeting done at camp david. what may make it a longer distraction and something that maybe has more serious consequences is the president's response in talking about his fitness for office, which has extended this question of whether he is fit for office, by the president saying that he is a stable genius, keeps it in the story line. that could affect the ability to
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get anything done. >> quijano: in addition to extending the distraction, potentially, what is the larger significance of the president feeling the need to defend his intelligence and mental fitness? >> well, in one sense this is just the president being the president. he is a counter-puncher. so this is a predictable response that is in keeping with everything we've seen from him. but the other way of reading this is that it keeps this question alive and part of the conversation, and also shows in the response the lack of restraint and the impulsiveness that is a part of the questions people have about the president and his temperament in the office, if restraint is a presidential character as kellyanne conway said, is the president capable of exhibiting that restraint. and in this case in response to the book there has not been restraint. but that will be something people have to observe and obviously the reason that worries people is that the
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president has an extraordinary amount of power in the decisions that he makes. and so lack of restraint can choose-- can create a situation which bad decisions are made without thinking twice. >> quijano: all right, john dickerson in washington, john, thank you. >> thanks, elaine. >> quijano: hollywood award season kicks into high gear tonight with the golden globes. the "me too" and "times' up" movement which came in response to sexual misconduct scandals are taking center stage. here's mireya villarreal. >> reporter: known as the party of the year, the golden globes is synonymous with glitz and glam. but this year host seth meyers knows that hollywood has a lot to talk about. >> it's a balance. you want to talk about, obviously, the elephant in the room, while also remembering this year is about the movies and television shows that were made. >> you can't just be funny. he needs to be funny and strike the right tone. >> reporter: matthew belloni editorial director at the hollywood reporter says, we'll also see a toned down red carpet. >> based on this new initiative
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to combat sexual harassment, stars and executives are showing support for the movement by wearing all black to the golden globes. it really is going to be a stark difference from some of the more outlandish outfits that you are typically used to seeing on the red carpet. >> reporter: actresses say wearing black is more than just a fashion statement. they want to help start real conversations about the time's up movement which was created to help address workplace discrimination and sexual harassment in all industries. >> why we wear black? we wear black to symbolize solidarity, time's up. >> i'm wearing black to stand with the 90% of restaurant workers who have reported that they've experienced sexual harassment. >> we're only wearing black because we want to stand with you, our sisters across the globe. >> reporter: belloni say this show of force sparked by sexual assault allegations again harvey weinstein and other industry heavy hitters won't end tonight. >> i really do think this is only the beginning of what will be a season-long challenge of addressing this issue while not
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turning it into a lecture circuit. this is the theme, this is what is going on in hollywood it's what everyone is talking about, so it will be reflected in the award shows all the way to the oscars. >> mireya villarreal, cbs news, beverly hills. >> quijano: off the east coast of china rescue teams are searching for more than 30 crew members from an iranian oil tanker. they have been missing since late saturday after their ship collided with a chinese cargo ship and burst into flames. everyone aboard the chinese ship made it to safety. the cause of the crash is under investigation. now some other stories we're following in the cbs weekend newsfeed. a u.s. marine helicopter made an emergency landing saturday on a beach in japan's okinawa islands. officials say there was a problem with the helicopter's main rotor. there were four crew members on board. no one was hurt. someone from new hampshire holds last night's winning powerball ticket.
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it was sold at reeds ferry market in merrimac. the jackpot was nearly $560 million. it capped off a billion dollar lottery weekend. on friday someone in florida won the $450 million mega millions jackpot. the winning ticket was sold at a 7-eleven in port richie. and quarterback marcus mariota made nfl playoff history this weekend throwing a touchdown pass to himself. mariota's pass business tipped by a player on the kansas city chiefs. mariota caught it and scored. the referees ruled it a legal catch. the wild play started an 18 point comeback victory for the titans. incredible reflexes. coming up, american veterans exposed to blasts in combat are suffering brain injuries, 630 mines shows what is being done. later the crackdown on poachers of endangered rhinos.
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>> quijano: tonight on "60 minutes" sharyn alfonsi reports on the impact of traumatic brain injuries suffered by combat veterans. dr. ann mckee, the chief neuropathologist at the boston v.a. tells alfonsi they are similar to nfl's football field. >> reporter: when dr. mckee autopsied aaron hernandez who killed himself after being convicted of murder, she found the most severe case of c.t.e. ever in someone under 30. now she has seen a similar pattern in deceased veterans who experienced a different kind of head trauma, combat blasts. of the 102 veterans brains dr. mckee has examined, 56 had c.t.e. >> how is this it that combat veteran who maybe just experienced a blast has the same type of injury.
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>> this blast injury causes a tremendous sort of ricochet or a whiplash injury to the brain inside the skull and that is what gives rise to the same changes that we see in football players as in military veterans. >> reporter: blast trauma was first recognized back in world war i. known as shellshock, poorly protected soldiers offer be died immediately or went on to suffer physical and psychological symptoms. today sophisticated armor allows more soldiers to walk away from an explosion but exposure can still damage the brain. an injury that can worsen over time. >> it is not a new injury. but what has been really stumping us, i think, as physicians is it's not easily detectable, right. we've got a lot of psychiatric symptoms and you can't see it very well on images of the brain. so it didn't occur to us. and i think that has been the gap, really, that this has been what everybody calls an invisible injury. >> quijano: you can see sharyn alfonsi's full report on c.t.e.
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and veterans tonight on "60 minutes." still ahead, in an effort to save endangered rhinos, poachers are now the hunted. for singing definitely dry mouth has been a problem for me. i'm also on a lot of medications that dry my mouth. i just drank tons of water all the time. it was never enough. i wasn't sure i was going to be able to continue singing. i saw my dentist. he suggested biotene. it feels refreshing. my mouth felt more lubricated. i use biotene rinse twice a day and then i use the spray throughout the day. it actually saved my career in a way. biotene really did make a difference. [heartbeat] yeah, i got some financialbody guidance a while ago. how'd that go? he kept spelling my name with an 'i' but it's bryan with a 'y.' yeah, since birth. that drives me crazy. yes. it's on all your email. yes. they should know this? yeah. the guy was my brother-in-law. that's ridiculous. well, i happen to know some people.
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as one of those workers, i'm proud to bring you gillette quality for less, because nobody can beat the men and women of gillette. gillette - the best a man can get. >> quijano: fewer than 20,000 rhinos remain in the wild. many live in krugger national park, south africa's largest
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public game reserve. for the past decade poachers have been killing off krugger's endangered rhinos at an alarming rate. rhino horns used in traditional chinese medicine sell for thousands of dollars a pound on the black market. debra patta takes inside the crackdown on rhino poaching. >> reporter: park rangers trained in military tactics are on the hunt for poachers. two suspects have just been arrested after being caught with an ax, a rifle and a homemade silencer. the ranger wants to know who hired them to kill a rhino. this is the second attack just today. earlier a 24-year-old poacher who goes by zhelma was caught. he was surprisingly matter of fact. he's poached six times at $40,000 a horn. >> money. >> reporter: the park also now employees forensic detectives to
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help catch the poachers. investigator frich rousseau use a metal a metal detector to search for bullets that could be matched with a poacher's gun. but the rhino's horn hacked off five days ago, already scavengers are feasting off the carcass. the forensic team of investigators have almost finished processing the crime scene but haven't managed to find any bullets making it almost impossible to hold anyone accountable for this. but now there is a new court inside the krugger game reserve, and even being caught with a weapon can carry a stiff penalty. organized crime prosecutor ansi fetter. >> it is purely for environmental, we don't have to- >> reporter: there are 22 poaching cases on the role today. this man faces up to 40 years in jail for killing an endangered black rhino.
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this zero tolerance approach seems to be having some effect. over the past year the number of rhinos shot in the krugger park has dropped from three to one a day. debra patta, cbs news, krugger park, south africa. >> quijano: up next, a teenage girl creates a social media solution for kids looking for lunch buddies. and it's catching on. people are fighting type 2 diabetes... with fitness... food... and the pill that starts with f. farxiga, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. lowering a1c by up to 1.2 points. do not take if allergic to farxiga. if you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking and seek medical help right away. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate.
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when heartburn hits... fight back fast with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue... and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum tum tum tum... smoothies... only from tums coaching means making tough choices. jim! you're in! but when you have high blood pressure and need cold medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. coricidin hbp is the #1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your blood pressure. coricidin hbp. >> quijano: we end tonight with an app of kindness.
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it's called sit with us. it connects school kid who feel bullied and rejected with lunch buddies, as jamie yuccas reports the inclusive app was created by a teenage girl who has been there. >> o'doyle rules! >> reporter: lunchtime bullying. >> you going to eat this. >> reporter: is a common hollywood plot line. >> you can't sit with us. >> reporter: but it's also a painful reality in school cafeterias throughout the nation. >> i was ostracized by everyone. i ate lunch alone every day. i was pushed into lockers, i was sent threatening emails. >> reporter: a reality natalie hansen, now a high school senior hampton, now a high school senior in california knows all about. >> i was physically attacked three times in two weeks. and i came home sobbing with bleeding red scratch marks. >> reporter: natalie eventually switched schools but the memories of those years of torment stuck with her. >> so many people walked back and forth in front of my table and all i wanted to hear was hey, are you okay? come sit with us. >> reporter: those four words, come sit with us, sparked an idea.
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and eventually an app. >> if you go to the search tab, it gives you a whole list of the lunches you can join in your school without any fear of rejection. >> reporter: she created the sit with us app free to download, private to use. it connects kids in need of company with welcoming students. >> come sit with us. >> come sit with us. >> reporter: the app now has over 100,000 users in 8 different countries. >> come sit with us. >> reporter: giving natalie a megaphone for her message. >> i began to think. >> reporter: she has become an outspoken leader of the anti- bullying movement, speaking at conferences, she even gave a ted talk. >> i was seen for the first time in two years. and it saved my life. >> reporter: the app and its message to be inclusive is inspiring other students like 8th grader lola clark. she created a sit with us club at her school. since they don't allow cell phones. why do you think people join? >> because they don't have a
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place to sit at lunch, a lot of them and they know here they can be accepted, not judged and they can have a really good time. >> i was never exactly the same as everyone else. >> reporter: cole is one of the club's members. >> sit with us, people sort of, you can connect with, if you are a little different. and you can feel like are you a part of something. >> reporter: do you feel different in school? >> i don't feel like different in a bad way. i feel different in a good way. >> reporter: for natalie hampton, the success of sit with us has given her a new purpose. >> what is your favorite tv shows. >> reporter: uniting fellow students one lunch period at a time. >> using my stories to help others has given me strength and confidence that i never knew that i had. >> quijano: that was jamie yuccas reporting. that is the cbs weekend news for this sunday. later on cbs, "60 minutes." i'm elaine quijano in new york. for all of us at cbs news, thank you for joining us and good night. captioning sponsored b
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bay area overnight tonight. an we are on storm watch, a new round of heavy rain is making its way toward the bay area overnight tonight and no one is watching the skies more closely than people in the wine country wildfire zone. good evening,. >> the areas impacted by the october fires are at high risk for mudslides and flooding. we have details on what's been done to protect the properties that are still standing. >> reporter: over the past few months, homeowners and the city of santa rosa have been getting ready for the rains they knew would come eventually. and now the big concern is this neighborhood, fountain grove. that's because it was hit particularly hard by the fires and also it's very hilly, which is the perfect combination for
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mudslides. >> our houses didn't burn and i'm very grateful, believe me. we have our own set of problems to deal with. >> reporter: michael's home was one of two houses on this street that survived the tub's fire where flames came within a few feet of his back door. >> what i'm trying to do is watch out for additional slides. >> reporter: he says ever since the fires burned away the brush, the hillside behind his home has become unstable. he's worried tomorrow's rains could lead to a massive mudslide. >> i'm monitoring the areas that looked like they could move. we've taken stones and placed it in place so it doesn't come down. >> reporter: the city of santa rosa has done their own work to help things out. they are cleared out the storm drains to prevent flooding. >> we've done a lot of work over the last several months. we haven't tested the system yet. >> reporter: the city ha


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