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tv   KPIX 5 News at 5PM  CBS  December 6, 2017 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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weather. a wind-fueled fire quickly spread in the famous bel air neighborhood, full of multi- million dollar mansions. four homes were lost. this father and son were among those evacuated who saw their neighbor's house on fire and could only hope for the best. >> it's amazing how far it's gone and the damage. it's unbelievable. many homes are on winding steep homes. the fire forced a complete shut down of the 405 freeway. the art inside the getty museum is protected from the fire. >> my firefighters have been
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working since sunday and they are getting tired. >> reporter: in ventura county, 200 homes were burned and thousands more threatened. santa ana winds pushed the flames to the ocean. >> the greatest threat is and will always continue to be the wind. >> reporter: several school districts have been forced to shut down. and some residents in bel air have been allowed to go back to their homes to collect belongings but they are still not out of the woods. the fire is 150 acres and only 5% contained so this is a dangerous area. live in los angeles, danielle nottingham. ken, back to you. >> danielle, we saw it here a few months ago. and the chief mentioned it, the fatigue factor, working around the clock. how are they holding up? >> reporter: just as you mentioned, they're exhausted
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and working around the clock. and one of the things that we were told talking with the firefighters while we are out here covering this story, many of them live in the communities that they serve. so many times, they know some of the people affected by the wildfires. right now, some have been injured but nothing serious here in l.a. county. when this is all over, i am sure they will assess the damage and their own feelings and fatigue for real. >> a lot of work ahead. danielle nottingham, live in los angeles. thank you. in san francisco, several people were hurt after a muni bus and streetcar crashed. it happened on market and the 8th street before 2:00 this afternoon. chopper 5 was over the scene. a streetcar rear ended a bus. paramedics were on screen treating minor injuries. a fire torched more than a dozen cars late last night at
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an apartment complex in campbell near south bascome avenue. take a look at the mess, fire jumping from one car to the next and flames consumed the carport. seven of the cars are complete and total losses and others melted because of the spence heat. >> everything in it is gone. my car is gone. just really scatter minded right now. i don't know how to take it. you know, it's just -- it happened so fast. i mean, i have mixed feelings about how it happened or how to take it and receive it. it's a tragic loss. but it could be worse. >> one permanent unit did suffer smoke damage but nobody was hurt. a huge setback for the oakland as plan for a downtown ballpark. >> reporter: liz, the as had
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their hopes on a new stadium near lake merritt. they were trying to build support and get politicians overboard. we flew over the land near 880, home to laney college and now, the college district is told to suspend talks with the as and that the focus should be best for the college and its students and apparently, that are is not a new major league baseball stadium. >> it wasn't one factor. but rather for us to look at ourselves and say what do we want at peralta and how do we ensure it's the best thing for us? >> reporter: as issued a statement saying that the team is shocked by the decision saying, quote, wall we wanted to do was to enter into a dofergz make all -- conversation to make this work
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for oakland and laney and the peralta community. a closer look at the remaining locations for the ballpark at 6:00. ken? >> all right. thank you. this afternoon, there was a hope of a deal to end a strike by oakland city workers. kpix 5's juliette goodrich live outside city hall where the hope was short lived. juliette? >> reporter: ken, there was hope that both sides would come to a resolution but late this afternoon, it was clear that the strike continues. is it the strike over? after a closed session meeting, most councilmembers left tight lipped. the mayor was visibly frustrated. larry reid broke the news, no deal. >> no one is smiling. >> what's going on? is it over? >> no. we recessed until tomorrow at 1:00. >> reporter: so the strike continues?
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>> the strike will continue. >> reporter: outside city hall, trash is spilling on to the street as some of the 3000 workers on strike demand better wages and working conditions and plan to stick it out even if it means another day on the picket line and day 3 of no pay. >> it's sad for the employees and their families. the holiday time, it will create hardship. and i think people are determined. we will urge them to be out as long as it takes. >> reporter: after the closed- door session, 30 minutes later, the mayor addressed us and spoke and couldn't talk about what was said but let us know where things stand right now. >> accepting that 2-year deal could lead to the elimination of 188 full-time positions in the city of oakland having devastating service impacts to the residents and real impacts to the workers who could
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potentially lose their jobs. >> reporter: as it stands now, the city couple plans to meet behind closed doors again at 1:00 p.m. and that means that employees from both unions are back on strike tomorrow morning. that's the latest from oakland, i'm juliette goodrich, kpix 5. call it a reverse payday when employees woke up to find funds missing. a reverse direct deposit. >> it was someone who hit a button and clicked on something they shouldn't have clicked on and in the end reversed the payment for about 2800 employees. >> the school district first blamed union bank for the error and the employees will not be
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responsible for the overdraft fees. kiet do is live in east san jose where there will be a change to the water treatment, and some are welcoming it. kiet? >> reporter: yeah, $1 million from the county to bring to san jose what much of california has had for a very long time. it may not look like much now, but this 5-acre dirt lot holds the key to healthy teeth for generations of families, the future site of a water fluoridation plant. when added to drinking water in low concentrations, it can help fight tooth decay. these tanks belong to parts of
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san jose. the majority of the 1 million residents are customers of san jose water company and do not get fluoride making san jose the last big city in the nation to do it. it's coming to your house. >> yeah. >> reporter: are you excited? >> yes, yes, yes. >> reporter: the children's dental health center is just down the street from the plant. his family will get the water, too. what do you think this will do for your kids? >> improve the oral health for sure and strengthen their teeth. it helps the e enamel, and that protects the teeth. >> reporter: there is a small minority of people who do not support it but the department of public health said it's proven science to provide
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reduction of cavities to kids and families who do not have access to good dental care. the president has recognized jerusalem as the capital, and now, weijia jiang has more on the diplomatic limb. >> reporter: president trump is risking intense fallout in the middle east. >> it's time to officially recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. >> reporter: the president is starting the multi-year process of moving the american embassy to jerusalem and is asking the region to show restraint. >> this is long overdue to start the peace process and work towards a lasting agreement. >> reporter: jerusalem is one of the holiest city and also to one of islam's holiest sites.
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president trump's announcement fulfills a campaign promise and is proper with his evangelical christian supporters who thanked him for. >> there is no peace that doesn't include is jerusalem as the capital of israel. >> reporter: protests have started in the west bank and gaza. >> ignoring the christian rights in jerusalem will only fuel extremism and undermine the war on terrorism. >> reporter: mahmoud abbas said this ends the u.s.'s role as a mediator for peace in the middle east. coming up, calls for al
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franken to step aside after new allegations. good food without spending your whole paycheck
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and two of them have ties to the bay area. take a look... 5 women graced the cover of time magazine's person of the year and two have ties to the bay area. the silence breakers are women who triggered the "me too" national movement over sexual harassment sharing stories including former uber engineer, a san francisco-based lobbyist. senator al franken is facing intense pressure from his own party to resign.
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this, after another allegation of sexual misconduct has surfaced. cbs reporter mola lenghi is on capitol hill with the latest. mola? >> reporter: ken, senator franken is expected to make an announcement tomorrow on capitol hill. it's not clear exactly what he is going to say but today, his colleagues in the senate made it clear what the they think he had do. >> enough is enough. >> reporter: senator kristen gillebrand is one of the senators calling for senator franken to step aside. >> i do not feel he should continue to serve. >> reporter: the loss of support follows a new allegation. a former aide said that franken tried to forcibly kiss her in 2006. franken said the accusation is categorically not true. >> it would be better for the country for him to offer the clear message that he values women and we value women and
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this is noten andable. >> reporter: franken already faces an ethics investigation after several women have accused him of groping and inappropriate behavior. he apologized but disputed some of the stories. >> i know there are no magic words that i can say to regain your trust and i know that's going to take time. >> reporter: but time may have run out. franken plans to make an announcement tomorrow. of course, this comes one day after representative john conyers announced his retirement amid sexual allegations as well as a few days before the special election for the alabama senate seat where a defiant roy moore remains in the race. ken? >> mola lenghi, thank you for that. a whole new kind of whole foods is open for business, the bay area's first whole foods 365 opening in concord. it's billed as a lower-price
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version of the upscale store. instead of a butcher and a fish counter, that is sold already packaged and a quarter of the products are the store's own 365 brands. >> it's a concept to deliver whole food market quality at competitive prices in a different environment. it looks a little different. >> for one thing, it's smaller than a typical whole foods store, and the price lines are electronic. the store has a tacqueria and a burger stand inside. two more stores are planned for the bay area. a special holiday party on the peninsula. the guest of honor? children who lost everything in the wine country wildfires. kpix 5 on what turned out to be a lesson in giving. >> reporter: sharing a meal, the two groups are almost indistinguishable. one surprised by how much they
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lost and the other surprised by how much they have to give. >> i like to make friends. >> reporter: delilah cook was evacuated during the fires. her house was spared but many classmates were to the as lucky. >> two of my classmates lost their house. >> reporter: today, they were guests of honor at that time our lady of angels church in birmingham, opening their hearts and wallets to people who were strangers. >> for them to be able to share some of what they have with these children is a huge learning experience and also 1 that gives them a greater appreciation of how lucky they are. >> reporter: 23 students at st. eugene's lost their home and parents in 25 others lost jobs in the aftermath but it's a tragedy felt by a community. >> about 90% of the kids -- i
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went in and talked to them. 90% had to evacuate during the night and flames around them and some of the stories were frightening. >> reporter: the two groups will be pen pals for the next year, learning generosity and grace. >> it's overwhelming, the gratitude as a whole and really t brought our community together. >> reporter: kpix 5. it felt like december this morning with the temperatures dropping below freezing in a few spots in the north bay but not in the afternoon as temperatures climbed close to 70 degrees. when will the big blocking ridge move and give us a chance for rainfall? the answer is next. coming up all new at 6:00 tonight, after 71 greers and three generations of business, the makers of this famous bay area tofu tell us why they are
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closing. here is a look at the closing numbers from wall street. we are sharing your photos of holiday lights like this one from dan joans in concord. he went with the nightmare before christmas scene from the tim burton movie. looks good. keep the ma'ams coming, and we will share some of them right here.
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check out this coyote spotted o the coyote was clearly lost... but we're not sure if i urt. the wild kingdom south of san francisco. check out this coyote at fourth and folsom, the poor little guy but they are not sure if he was injured. animal control was called in to rescue him but we are told that the coyote got away. wow. check this out. canadian firefighters leaping
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into action to rescue a family's dog after it wandered off leash and brought him back to land and was reunited with his owners. lucky. >> no kidding. glad he is safe and sound. it's been sold here, not that cold but told enough. 29 degrees in a couple of spots, and that's the taste of winter we'll have. mild every afternoon for the week and completely dry and cloud free for the next week and our ridge of high pressure is not going anywhere. we will cool off after highs in the 60s and down to 57 in santa rosa, and 56 if oakland and 55 in livermore and low 60s and tonight, no widespread freeze although some places in the north bay may drop below freezing in santa rosa, 33. fairfield, 34 and livermore and san jose, 37, and san
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francisco, 47. the jet stream is diving down south of hawaii and going north of british columbia. we do this for sometime in december where we will go 5, 6, 7 days, maybe more without rainfall in san francisco or los angeles. portland, seattle, vancouver, british columbia, going completely dry, how far north this is working. when will it move? the answer is no time soon. tomorrow, after another chilly start. look at the highs running 12 degrees above average. 8degrees above average in san francisco. the ridge? futurecast until sunday. notice it's in the same spot where it is tonight and it will still be there on sunday and next monday and tuesday and very slow to move through the
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forecast. mornings, it will remain clear to killy kill -- chilly. santa clara valley, low 70s. here is the forecast for tomorrow, sunshine, 68 in 68y from month and close to 70 in livermore and santa rosa. pacifica, 66 and sunshine. the warmest inland spots accident near 70. no cause for concern yet. we are certainly not in a drought but we want this to end after the 7-day forecast. very dry and very sunny for the next week. that's the forecast. we'll be right back.
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[take vonumber:550c] as flames in southern california shut down major highways, a t why the e so explosive cbs evening news coming up next. >> jeff glor is here with a preview. >> reporter: high ken and liz. we'll have more on the flames in southern california. the new travel warnings and security preparations after president trump's announcement and report from the white house about jerusalem, and growing calls for senator al franken to resign, his announcement tomorrow. that's coming up in a few seconds on the cbs evening news. coming up at 6:00, the damage total on the wildfires. >> and the fbi has been called in. we'll be back in 30 minutes with a lot more news. %
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♪ ♪ captioning sponsored by cbs the wild fires spread. winds will increase as california wild fires threaten more homes. >> it's burning through the garage door, even the roof of the home. there is nothing firefighters can do. glor floo>> glor: also tonight. >> it is time to recognize jerusalem as the >> glor: an historic shift for the u.s., include planning to move the embassy. >> from tel aviv to jerusalem. >> glor: security is tightened for americans around the world.e forces as no one has done before. >> glor: senator al franken schedules an announcement as democrats in the senate tell him -- >> enough is enough. >> glor: dr. jon lapook on a new study linking birth control pills to a higher risk of breast


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