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tv   KPIX 5 News Early Edition  CBS  September 5, 2017 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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and i'm michelle thanks for waking up with us as we take a live look at the bay bridge this morning. cooler temperatures expected today. tuesday, september 5th, good morning, i'm kenny choi. >> i'm michelle griego. let's say good morning to jaclyn and neda. how are you doing? >> happy tuesday. >> happy tuesday. >> you had a long weekend and we did not. [ laughter ] >> i'm back. yeah. it's good to be back. i was down in southern california for the weekend. >> having some fun. >> watching college football. ucla taking on texas a & m. great game, what a comeback. >> good stuff. let's take a look outside. coit tower is putting on a show for us this morning. watching it go red, white and blue. 73 in concord now. 71 livermore feeling like the air-conditioning is back on.
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our temperatures are cooling off to near normal starting today. we had some showers yesterday afternoon, light showers. but it helped clear the air a little. air quality will be moderate so no more "spare the air" alerts. we had enough days of that, didn't we? there will be a bigger temperature drop rater on this week. i'll explain coming up. right now we're tracking one blocked lane on westbound 92 at clawiter and it looks like a big rig there. they are waiting for a tow truck but it could be there for a while because they have to off-load whatever it was hauling. things okay after that, 13 minutes westbound from 880 to 101. a backup over at the bay bridge toll plaza, looks like those cash lanes -- have you got fastrak? you're good to go. you have 12 minutes from the maze to 101. today president trump is expected to end a program that
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protects hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants brought to the u.s. as children. california has more daca "dreamers" than any other state. joe vazquez shows us how some protected by the program are handling this waiting game. >> i love this country because it is my home. >> reporter: the disappearance of daca is especially painful for folks like karen who doesn't have any memories of another country. >> i got here at 2 months old. i don't know anything else but america. >> reporter: karen works at linkedin. tech leaders demand that our country continue daca. karen married an american. citizenship is not automatic. she applied for a green card and there's a year-long wait for the interview. >> it makes me sad that people don't want me here, don't want
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me in my own home. >> reporter: daca protects from deportation about 800,000 people brought to the united states without papers when they were young. "dreamers" they're called. about a fourth of them live in california. >> there's a lot of anger. >> reporter: this woman from the california immigrant youth justice alliance says many of the younger "dreamers" have not had to fear deportation or loss of their jobs in the past so they are especially anxious right now. >> what i tell undocumented youth is that our families have managed to survive and thrive in this country without documents and that we will also find a way to continue to stay in the united states. >> reporter: joe vazquez, kpix 5. >> ever since president obama created daca, it's been claimed it's unconstitutional. congress is supposed to pass laws on immigration, not the president. a six-month delay will give them a chance. house minority leader nancy pelosi saying:
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amarevile saidmayor ed lee said: better l nconscionably cruel." hundreds of thousa a recipients hold nd pay taxes. according to cb : the u-s st lose 460-billion dollars from the national g-d-p... and nearly 25- n in social securi >> hundreds of thousands of daca recipients hold jobs according to cbs news. the u.s. stands to lose $460 billion from the national gdp and nearly $25 billion in social security and medicare tax contributions if daca is discontinued. dozens of large wildfires are burning in eight states across the west this morning. thousands of firefighters are on the front lines. those fires are contributing to the dirty air here in the bay area. this is the hazy sunset in oakland last night. ♪[ music ] all right. >> it's been hazy for the past few days. >> we have been seeing it on all our sky cams.
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doesn't like san francisco. can barely see the skyline. but this morning, you can see it. don't have the marine layer this morning but that will be back. all the fog will return and look at our sutro cam. this looks blurry. but not anymore. here's san jose. we can see that clearly. our air quality is improving. here's the reason for it. >> normally we get our winds from the west. it's the on shower flow bringing cooler air in. that's why we see the marine layer creep in from the bay. that's our typical wind conditions. . now this morning, the wind is doing what's typical winds from the west, southwest, three to nine-mile-per-hour winds so
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winds are picking up a bit from what we have had yesterday morning and that means it's pushing all the smoky skies out of here which is why our air quality is now in the moderate range for all the bay area. we'll still see haze this morning but later on this afternoon it should clear up. also getting some cooling. we are nearing normal now. today's highs in san francisco will be 74. oakland 79. 84 in san jose. concord 87. it's a significant drop from 116 concord saw over the weekend. we are tracking a couple of incidents for your morning commute but so far we'll take a look at 580 where that is still moving right at the limit. a bit crowded on this tuesday morning. 24 minutes for drivers making their way westbound from 205 over to 680. we are tracking slowdowns on westbound 92 as you approach
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clawiter. it's a stalled big rig blocking the far right lane. they are waiting on a tow truck to arrive. it will be out there for a little while. speeds drop below the limit. you can see a few yellow sensors on the screen there. we have san mateo bridge. once you get past that big rig, things looking good, we're at the limit and we are getting word of this hit-and-run crash southbound 880 at mowry. it doesn't appear to be blocking lanes or slowing folks down. back to you. >> thank you. from wildfires in the west to a monster storm on the east coast, florida is under a state of emergency as irma gains strength as a cat-4 hurricane. it could make landfall in the u.s. this weekend. florida governor rick scott tweeting this warning, families should make sure you have a disaster plan and stocked disaster supply kits. information about the storm is being gathered about the intensity. hurricane hunters took this video as they flew through the eye of the storm. meanwhile, in texas, many
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people are wondering what's in the water? there's a new worry about potentially toxic material left behind by hurricane harvey's floodwaters. harvey is blamed for at least 60 deaths. damage is estimated at about $180 billion. the good news, houston is now at least 95% dry. >> how are you doing? [ inaudible ] >> texas senator ted cruz visited evacuees yesterday. meantime, an elite team who helped with the search-and- rescue efforts in the aftermath of harvey is back in the bay area. kpix 5's sharon chin was at oakland airport for the hero's welcome. [ applause and cheers ] >> reporter: a big thank you as 47 members of the oakland urban search-and-rescue task force returned from neighborhoods devastated by hurricane harvey. when they left nine days ago,
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they were assigned to houston but they when to ka ty a nearby suburb to free those trapped by floodwaters. >> it's good to see people pulling together. >> reporter: most of the firefighters from oakland, berkeley, alameda and contra costa counties who served in other disasters said this time they will remember rescuing people and animals. >> we were able to have a little area where we were able to, you know, give animals -- clean them and return them to owners. it meant a lot. >> reporter: what also meant a lot, the resilience of those they came to help. >> for the most part, they were very selfless, self reliant, capable people. >> reporter: now the families of task force members like dave watson of contra costa county fire are glad to have them home. >> we're so proud to have the training to go and help people. >> the hardest part was -- we
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were supposed to go to disneyland so we are going another points for my birthday now that he is back. >> reporter: dozens are expected back thursday or friday. they will drive back all the equipment. >> the trump administration is warning it is running out of patience with north korea. the u.n. ambassador and others are pushing for sanctions to contain the north's nuclear ambitions. as kpix 5's betty yu explains, this comes as north korea is preparing for a new long-range missile test. >> reporter: after north korea reportedly tested its most powerful weapon yet, the u.s. ambassador to the united nations is saying enough is enough. nikki haley says north korea is spoiling for a conflict. >> he is begging for war. war is never something the united states wants. we don't want it now. but our country's patience is not unlimited. >> reporter: at an emergency meeting, members called for punishing the country with even stronger sanctions. >> the time for half measures
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in the security council is over. the time has come to exhaust all our diplomatic means before it's too late. >> reporter: this is the warhead north korea showed off over the weekend. it's not known if it's a model or the real thing. but it's clear north korea appears to be getting closer to its goal of developing a nuclear-tipped missile that could reach the united states. secretary of defense james mattis warned knocked against aggression. >> any threat to the united states or its territories including guam or our allies will be met with a massive military response, a response both effective and overwhelming. >> reporter: on twitter over the weekend, president trump said: he also accused south korea with toying with the talk of apiecement. lindsey graham outlined the scenario where economic and diplomatic pressure failed.
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>> there will be an attack by the united states against his weapons systems. i'm assuming the worst. i'm assuming we drop one bomb, he fires at south korea and maybe japan. >> the u.s. and south korea have agreed to lift restrictions limiting the power of south korean missile warheads allowing them to respond in a military conflict. we'll be right back.
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the u-s coast guard responded to this capsized sailboat near two bay area sailors are on dry land after a rescued in the bay. the uggs coast guard responded to this capsized sailboat near richard yesterday afternoon. the crew rescued two women sitting on the hull and brought them to a nearby marina. they are both okay. as a good samaritan towed it to shore. a car came down a street and crashed into a tesla showroom. glass and metal was scattered
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ford a block. emily turner reports. >> shocking! >> reporter: theirth family's holiday weekend ended abruptly this afternoon. a mercedes skipped the curb on van ness at o'farrell. >> a car went from there to the shop. he turned there. >> reporter: the car ended up partially in the tesla showroom. none of the merchandise or people were hit but the driver took out mailboxes, bumpers and other places as he went into the about. he went to the hospital and he will be okay. >> he is an old man. the police officer says he was -- [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: police say the driver thought the bus lane was a third lane and was attempting to pass people on the right when he realized the lane ends trying to brake. he told officers the foot slipped to the accelerator. [ heavy accent ] [ indiscernible ]
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>> we were coming here to lunch. >> not a good holiday weekend. >> end of the holiday. >> and it's not clear whether the driver will face charges. a fire damaged a townhome in pleasant hill. flames broke out at south wind and park haven drive yesterday. it didn't spread. three people got out. >> two little rabbits that are in there didn't survive. [ crying ] >> sad for the family. >> with the air already unhealthy and smoggy, extra firefighters came to help limit the fatigue factor. he cause is under investigation. this morning in gilroy, firefighters are battling a wildfire burning in the foot hits. the blaze burned 100 acres, 10% contained. no structures are threatened. the la tuna fire burning in los angeles is no longer active.
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the biggest blaze in city history burned more than 7,000 acres, 30% contained this morning. the national guard has been called in to help california firefighters. 350 are going to the front lines. 4:46. neda has the forecast. >> did you feel any rain at all yesterday afternoon? >> no. i wish i had. >> when i went to a very late lunch, i saw some sprinkles, very slight. >> in the city? >> yes. here in richmond. it was a little slight drizzle but something to help clear the air a little bit, cool things off. i'm sure it was refreshing for a lot of people especially, san jose, fremont, saw some rain as well, sfo we got a picture from a pilot who saw some rain on the windshield. say good-bye to the heat and welcome to the cool air. we'll get cloudy skies to return that marine layer will be back. we haven't seen that in a few days, as well. and our air quality will clear up a bit. here's a live look now at the
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coit tower. beautiful sight out there this morning. right now temperatures in san francisco 69 degrees. oakland a cool 65. livermore at 71. and concord 73. temperatures are not going to rise that much today. here's our wind speeds. they are picking up a little. nice are onshoreonshore west winds picking up later on this afternoon about 25-mile-per- hour gusts. here's a look at our highs. no 90s in sight. livermore only 89 degrees. 82 fremont. 79 in oakland. and 75 in vallejo. san rafael, warmer -- excuse me, a cooler 81 degrees. here's what's going on. we have this low just off the coast and that's what's helping drop our temperatures down. that's also what brought us light showers yesterday. guess what. we are getting another low coming through so by thursday through saturday, temperatures going to drop off even more.
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right now, we're about 4, 5 degrees above average. we are going to be right on average at thursday when our temperatures cool off. here's a look at that marine layer. the cloud cover that we'll start to see by later on this afternoon, it will start to work its way through the bay. it will return tonight. this morning, still clear skies out there. hasn't kicked up. it will return tonight, creep back into the bay early tomorrow morning. we are going to be back to our typical conditions when we see the early-morning gray skies. temperatures inland upper 80s for the next couple of days and it will drop down to the mid- 80s by friday. so that's going to be below average there. and along the bay temperatures from the upper 70s dropping to the upper 60s. and along the coast upper 60s into the low 60s with those cloudy skies returning. jaclyn? >> i guess my jacket will be returning to my wardrobe. right now we're tracking a couple of incidents. could slow you down if you are getting ready to head out the door. here's a look at 880.
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as you head through oakland, we have a stalled vehicle looks like it's over on the shoulder there. it's not blocking lanes. but they are waiting for a tow truck gets there, they may have to block lanes. 880 near the coliseum, you can see traffic doing fine in both directions speeds in the green 16 minutes heading northbound from 238 to the maze. we still have the big rig out there along westbound92 blocking one lane. speeds are at the limit. at the bay bridge toll plaza, we have quite the backup developing in the cash lanes. and fastrak moving just fine. hat's a check of your traffic; over to you. time now 4:50. a utah hospital making changes after a nurse was handcuffed for refusing a detective's demand to draw blood samples from an unconscious patient.
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...turn to care. go to and enroll today. of utah hospital is now banning law enforcement officers from so no 90s in sight today, our temperatures inland, in the 80s. 84 in san jose today. livermore 89. 87 pittsburg. at the coast, temperatures in the upper 60s in stinson beach. san rafael 81. cooler temperatures welcome after triple digits. and speeds not quite in the triple digits but we'll say double digits and moving at the limit across the golden gate. you can see those headlights making their way into san francisco. no delays into the north bay. >> the university of utah hospital is now banning law enforcement officers from patient care areas after a nurse was violently arrested
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while doing her job. >> help, help, somebody help me!! ah!!! >> alex wubbels was handcuffed after she refused his demand to draw blood from an unconscious patient. she was following hospital policy and state law. the patient was not a suspect, had not given consent. at one point, wubbels put her supervisor on the speaker phone and that's when things escalated. >> it's so blatantly obvious what was right and what was wrong and i was not wrong. i want to just continue the conversation. we need re-education and i'll be waiting to here what the chief says should be done with his employees. >> she was detained for 20 minutes. the detective and another officer are on leave during the criminal investigation. the mother of a san rafael teen who was killed what i jogging settled a wrongful death lawsuit. the teen was running when she was hit by a van. her family says she was forced
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to jog on the road because the city failed to clear a fallen tree limb from the sidewalk. machado's mother sued the city of san rafael, marin county on the driver. she will receive $800,000. since the accident, the city has been trimming trees and shrubs in the area. this morning, bart riders might notice a slightly speedier commute. today's cooler temperatures means trains are no longer running at reduced speeds. bart slowed things down at the height of the heat wave. there was some concern that tracks could move because of the intense heat. more and more americans are passing up the chance to watch movies on the big screen. it spelled the worst summer ticket sales in 25 years. adriana weingold is in hollywood on why people are not going to the movies. >> reporter: summer blockbusters haven't been the hits hollywood was hoping for this year. with no new wide releases, hollywood kind of took the
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labor day weekend off. with movies making less than expected, it's the end of an already bad summer at the box office. a big reason fans say could be ticket prices. >> it's, like, 20 bucks to go to the movies. it's ridiculous. >> reporter: out on hollywood boulevard, eric says he is a big fan of movie classics like "star wars" and the breakfast club. he says this summer the movies didn't meet his expectations. >> i miss those kind of things with a -- i guess a little actual plot that had, you know, something that -- something good to say. >> reporter: other families say high ticket prices keep them from going to the theater, especially people with big families who just can't afford tickets, snacks, parking and everything else that goes along with the day at the movies. >> when you have a bunch of kids, you know, it's $100. >> reporter: ticket sales are down 16% from may to labor day compared to last year according to com score and total admissions are at the lowest
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level since 1992 making this year the worst summer movie season in 25 years. even fans like julie miller, who loves going to the movies, stayed home this summer. >> i love the whole experience. it's so much fun. it's just way too expensive. >> reporter: of course there were some hits this summer. number one was wonder woman grossing $400 million domestically. in hollywood, adriana weingold, kpix 5. thousands of bay area residents are on edge this morning. president trump's planning to end the program that protects undocumented immigrants who came here as youth. the details coming up. >> i'm sandra osborne live in gilroy. there is some heavy smoke out here as crews work to battle the ballybunion fire. the latest coming up. ah, dinner.
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throughout history, the one meal when we come together, break bread, share our day and connect as a family. [ bloop, clicking ] and connect, as a family. just, uh one second voice guy. [ bloop ] huh? hey? i paused it. bam, family time. so how is everyone? find your awesome with xfinity xfi and change the way you wifi. and i'm kenny choi.
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th a live look ou good morning, everyone. it is tuesday, september 5th. i'm michelle griego. >> good morning. i'm kenny choi. let's start with a live look outside. take a look at the conditions this morning. tuesday morning, all right, we have a live look at the ferry building in san francisco and on your right, a look at the golden gate bridge. light traffic at this hour. >> it's still early. >> yes. >> that could change. >> it always does. >> the temperatures are cooler, breathe a little easier, too. we have clear skies from our sutro tower cam which we haven't seen for several days so along the bay looks like temperatures are cooling off and our skies are clearing up. welcomed relief. here's a live look at the coit tower this morning as it changes colors. temperatures right now 72 for yo


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