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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  May 23, 2017 3:12am-4:01am PDT

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prevail. >> reflecting -- that was british prime minister theresa may reflecting the best of the british spirit saying that they know the identity, but they cannot reveal it. also saying that the terrorist, it remains on a high in that area. >> also said i thought what a lot of people are thinking. attack stands out because of the victims. they were innocent, defenseless, it's like the innocent of the innocent was attacked. and i keep thinking about these parents that this morning still do not know where their children are. it's terrifying. >> she called this the worst attack the city has experienced and the worst ever to hit northern england. she particularly noted the cowardice of the attacker. she says it was one attacker, but the question remain wls that person acted alone and you say they know the identity, but not willing to say it publicly or confirm, confirm that. the other thing i thought was note worthy was the 59 injured, the children and teenagers who were there, have life
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threatening injuries. and that is the concern of those first responders and family this morning. >> and the thing that stands tout me, nora, kept hearing reports of children left by themselves. many times parents will let your kids go to your concert. leave you here and pick you up here. we're returning around screaming just very, very afraid. >> and it took place at the exit knowing that they would kill more people there. >> they could cause damage. we of course will have much more on the manchester concert attack ahead on cbs this morning. that starts at 7:00. we'll hear from bombing survivors and eyewitnesss. >> our national security contributors fran townsend and michael morel will join us, plus in israel with president trump, he just spoke be prime minister may this morning. and we'll see how u.s. authorities are responding to the attack. >> this has been a cbs news special report, i'm charlie rose with gayle king and nora o'donnell, cbs news, new york. >> for news 24 hours a h ,,,,,.
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this is the new front line for iraqi soldiers, a warring of connected apartments where isis fighters have knocked through walls, allowing them to move unseen from building to building. this is about as far as iraqi forces have been able to advance. and as they try to push into the old city, this is what they have to contend with, these narrow alley ways, armored vehicles are of no use, they have to get out on foot and that puts isis at the advantage. they string blankets and bed
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sheets across alley ways to block the view of isis gunmen, using a household mirror to watch for gunmen sneaking around corners. plans are now in place to retake the old city. our goal is not just to liberate the area, he said. our goal is to eliminate them. you don't expect them to surrender. those who fight, let them fight, he said. we're coming. if they fight, they will die. until now, iraqi forces have relied on u.s. airstrikes, artillery and heavy weapons, but today, scott, the colonel told us that won't work in these narrow alley ways. his men have had to resort to throwing hand enaigrenades into buildings. coming up next, murder on campus, was it a hate crime. and
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because your carpet there's resolve carpet care. it lifts more dirt and pet hair versus vacuuming alone. resolve carpet care with five times benefits no! i don't want there to be white marks. ♪ nothing! there's nothing there! no dust, there's no marks... what is this? oh my god, it's dove! no white marks... ...on a 100 colors. ♪ investigators say alcohol and possibly hate fueled a knife attack at the university of maryland. tonight a suspect is being held without bail on murder charges. here's errol barnett. >> reporter: richard collins iii would have graduated from buoy
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state university tomorrow he'd already been commissioned a second lieutenant in the army. >> a boys state university student. who lost his life in a senseless and unprovoked assault on our campus. >> reporter: late saturday collins and his friends were waiting at a university bus stop while he was attacked by an intoxicated man. >> he said to the victim, step left, step left if you know what's good for you. the victim looked at him puzzled with the other friends of his and said no. it was then into shawn o'bansky stabbed the victim in his chest. >> reporter: the fbi is investigating the attack as a possible hate crime. he was a member of a group
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called alt-right nation. >> it shows bias against women, latinos and especially african-americans. >> reporter: university of maryland officials are investigating a string of racially-charged incidents this year, from a noose left in the fraternity kitchen to white nationalist posters across campus. students are holding an indoor vigil tonight. lieutenant collins was planning on joining the army intelligence division. >> errol barnett, thanks. break through your allergies. try new flonase sensimist allergy relief instead of allergy pills. it delivers a gentle mist experience to help block six key inflammatory substances. most allergy pills only block one. . because your carpet never stops working
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there's resolve carpet care. it lifts more dirt and pet hair versus vacuuming alone. resolve carpet care with five times benefits clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but can ot fix this teens skateboarding mishap? nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things.
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ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. america's baby doctors have new ideas about children and fruit juice, so we asked our dr. jon lapook to fill us in. >> the american association of pediatrics is recommending no fruit juice before age one and then limiting daily intake to four ounces for ages one to three. instead of juice, guidelines are encouraging more whole fruits which are more fulling and have more fiber. they're discouraging having juice in sippy cups or in bottles. >> why is that a problem?
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>> it's so veepeven convenient. we're in the middle of an obesity epidemic, and you can reduce the risk of dental cavities. they're saying specifically, don't use fruit juice as the way of calming down an upset child. guilty. >> what are some of the other medical problems they warned about? >> it can interact with certain medications. most people don't know that. apple juice, grapefruit juice, things like that. talk to a pediatrician about that. also interesting, it turns out certain sugars in the fruit juice, fructose and sorbitol can cause cramping and diarrhea. i've had adults come in and i'll say cut that out. up next, high school seniors live out their fantasies in the yearbook.
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he was a young kid with a bad mustache and a dream. coronado high school, lubbock, texas, class of '75. wonder what became of him? we can tell you what's become of
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yearbook photos. they've graduated into the 21st century. here's mark strassmann. >> reporter: for her senior yearbook photo, 17-year-old carly abair skipped the studio and headed to the back yard pool. >> the experience is really special. >> there you go. >> the underwater one. >> yes. that's my favorite. >> reporter: many high school senior portraits have become a digital disney world. like frisbee? want to be a princess? or batman? in a flash, you are. photographers christine and jeff tonkin own dijismiles. >> think about your high school senior photo. >> yes. >> reporter: didn't look like this. >> not >> not at all. >> that's the one. it's going to be the one.
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>> we want to make sure that we're not just getting pretty pictures, but we're also getting something that says wow, you captured my personality in the most unique way. >> reporter: this is carly's mother. >> i really wanted to capture everything from senior world, before she moves on to the new chapter in college. >> reporter: elaborate yearbook photos are a trend in 35 states. kids bring their personalities. parents bring their credit cards. a typical family spends $2,000. >> for people watching who say this is a little nutty to spend this much money. >> you can't have that time again, you will always have the pictures. >> reporter: lots of families feel the same way. dijismiles have been booking portraits for the class of 2019. mark strassmann, cbs news, humboldt, texas. and that's the overnight news for this tuesday. for some of you, the news continues, for others check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm scott pelley.
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this is the "cbs overnight news." welcome to the overnight news. i'm tony dokoupil. president trump's overseas trip takes him to italy today where he'll meet with the pope at the vatican. it's the third stop on the president's itinerary. he's been focussed on religion, starting with saudi arabia and then israel. he's framed the fight against terrorism as a battle between good and evil. major garrett is traveling with the president. >> reporter: president trump and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu had wrapped up a photo when a photo op raised a newly sensitive topic. before leaving on his trip, the president was criticized for revealing classified israeli intelligence in his may 10th oval office meeting with russian diplomats.
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>> just so you understand, i never mentioned the word or the name israel. never mentioned it. in that conversation. >> reporter: but mr. trump was never accused of explicitly mentioning israel, just inappropriately divulging information it provided, something he did not deny today and has perhaps reinforced. mr. trump became the first sitting president to pray at the western wall, but he was not accompanied by benjamin netanyahu because the administration refuses to recognize it as part of israel. secretary of state rex tillerson. >> the wall is part of jerusalem. >> reporter: the president started his first foreign trip in saudi arabia over the weekend, met by a cannon salute, a flyover and later a traditional arabic war dance. in a speech to 50 muslim-majority nations, he dialed back his harsh anti-muslim rhetoric. >> this is not a battle between different faiths. >> reporter: the president urged
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leaders to do more to fight isis and al qaeda. >> drive them out. drive them out! of your places of worship. drive them out! of your communities. >> reporter: the president also emphasized security and commerce over human rights and democracy. >> we are not here to tell other people how to live. what to do. who to be or how to worship. instead, we are here to offer partnership. >> reporter: the goal is clear. create, if possible, a saudi/israeli coalition with willing muslim-majority countries as a counterweight against iran's military influence in the region. president trump has been harshly critical of iran on this trip, despite the fact to saudi arabia, with an arms buildup of >> reporter: jubilant young people spilled into the streets
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of tehran, thrilled that they'd elected the moderate rouhani to a second time. he promised expanded ties with the west, including the u.s. when 800 miles away, in saudi arabia, president trump spoiled the party. >> iran trains extremist groups that spread destruction and chaos across the region. >> reporter: iran, he said, should be isolated. scathing local media dismissed president trump as a sales rep for arms manufacturers. one paper wrote, for $100 billion, president trump is dancing to the saudi tune. today we asked a relaxed-looking president rouhani for his reaction. will iran respond to the multi-billion dollar arms sales agreement with saudi arabia with
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an arms build up of its own? >> reporter: arms don't make the country strong, said rouhani, the ballot box does. and as mr. trump was visiting the region, 45 million iranians were voting. he added the people of saudi arabia don't have that. there is one faction here in iran that's celebrating president trump's anti-iranian broadside, the hardliners, including the powerful revolutionary guards who know very well that closer ties with the u.s. would undermine their control. as for iran's arms program, scott, and specifically the development of a ballistic missile, something washington has condemned, the president told us. if we need to test it, we'll test it. we're not going to wait for washington's permission. and closer to home, former cia director john brennan will testify on capitol hill today in the ongoing investigation of the
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kremlin's election tampering, meanwhile, former national security adviser michael flynn says he has no intention to providing documents. >> reporter: in a six-page letter, michael flynn's legal team says he is the target of outrageous allegations that feed the escalating public frenzy against him. his lawyers say he will invoke his fifth amendment privilege and will not provide documents to the committee. separately, the top democrat on the house oversight committee, elijah cummings said that flynn who during his career had access to the nation's top secrets appears to have lied during his 2016 security clearance renewal. cummings cites a investigation last year. flynn was an early supporter of id the president's national
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security adviser after lying to the vice president. about his contacts with russian ambassador sergei kislyak. today new jersey governor chris christie says he warned the president to steer clear of flynn. >> if i were president of the united states, i would not let flynn in the white house, let alone give him a job. >> reporter: flynn, along with former campaign chair paul manafort, carter page and roger stone are all under scrutiny by the fbi and congress tor their ties to russia. manafort and stone said today that they have complied with congressional requests for documents. flynn is the only one so far to say that he will take the fifth. a tactic the president once denounced on the campaign trail. >> you see the mob takes the fifth. if you're innocent, why are you the mob takes the endment. fifth. if you're innocent, why are you taking the fifth amendment. in iraq, the battle to turn isis out of mosul has turned into a house to house grind.
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>> reporter: this narrow street is now the front line in the fight against isis. iraqi forces have been closing in on three sides, and on the other side of this isis stronghold is the river. isis fighters have only two choices. they can surrender, or they can fight to the death. because escape is not a possibility. we've seen for ourselves what this fight now entails. it's guerrilla warfare, holes have been cut in buildings. and iraqi forces are trying to take aim at sneeper fire. they would see the muzzle flare and they would open up with their machine guns trying to take isis out. isis tried to provide cover as isis fighters advanced. and this is what came to a standoff here as they are trading gunfire back and forth. even along the alley way they strung blankets up in order to stay out of the view of isis fighters. iraqi forces have made
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significant gains in the past few days but now the fight is for the old clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but will it stop this teen from being embarassed by her parents? nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things.
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♪ ♪ five-second rule protection. new lysol kitchen pro eliminates 99.9% of bacteria without any harsh chemical residue. ♪ lysol. what it takes to protect.
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it's been six years since navy s.e.a.l.s. hunted down osama bin laden. and they are still poring over documents recovered from the raid. turns out, there's a new bin laden waiting in the wings. >> osama bin laden was not just, you know, sitting in his house trying to avoid being captured or killed. he was in some instance micro managing al qaeda. >> reporter: micro managing? >> yeah, micro managing. you know, you can plant this crops and this crops. it's very good. and by the way, stop beheading people and cutting heads. that makes me look bad, you know? i have a brand to protect. >> reporter: that's his
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interpretation of some of the documents seized from bin laden's hideout in pakistan, showing him running al qaeda like a corporate ceo, worried about the reputation of his brand. deciphering the inner workings of al qaeda has been a life's work for him, a muslim american who was born in lebanon, he was the only arabic speaking fbi agent based in new york on 9/11. he now advises the united states government on national security issues and has written a new book, "anatomy of terror." did they tell you where al qaeda's next attack is going to be? >> they're not going to tell you where the al qaeda next attack is going to be, but it gives you kind of a window of the internal dynamics of the organization. >> reporter: the declassified documents include osama bin laden's hand-written will, with instructions that holdings of about $29 million should be
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spent fighting in the court of allah, allowing militants to travel on cloudy days to avoid drone strikes and that future attacks should not be wasted on the british, but instead concentrate on america and not be limited to blowing up airplanes. ali sue fawn says somef those documents shed light oonn a new menacing figure. he he's youthful, angry and named bin laden. the son of osama, seen here as a young boy, he was separated from his father when he went into hiding not long after 9/11. >> this is a letter from hamsa bin laden to his father. >> reporter: and he hasn't seen his dad in about eight year. >> and he's just basically telling him, you know, how much he misses him. he tells him that, you know, i
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remember every, every look, every smile you gave me, every word you told me. >> reporter: the letter, written when hamsa was around 22 years old also reveals a son ready to walk in his father's footsteps. before these documents were obtained, almost nothing was known about hamsa bin laden. the photos that do exist show him as a child, mostly featured in al qaeda propaganda. >> he was that kid that exhibited leadership skills early on. >> reporter: so he was a kind of al qaeda child star, is that right? >> in a way, he was the poster kid for al qaeda. they featured him in so many of their propaganda and for members
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of al qaeda that were indoctrinated with these propaganda videos, he means a lot to them. >> reporter: now believed to be about 28 years old. in january he was classified by the u.s. as a specially designated global terrorist. the same label once given to his father. since there are no known photos of hamza as an adult, we asked a forensic artist to create this progression illustration to give us an idea of what hamza bin laden might look like today. does he resemble his father? >> we believe so. >> reporter: does he also sound like him? >> well, interestingly enough, his recent message that came out, he delivered the speech as if it's his father delivering the speech, using sentences, terminology that was used by osama bin laden. >> reporter: hamza bin laden has recorded four audio messages,
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all in the last two years. ali believes this similarity with his charismatic father could help hamza unite and inspire the jihadi movement. >> he's basically saying, america, and american people? we're comin'. and you're going to feel it. and we're going to take revenge for what you did to my father. we're going to revenge what you did in iraq. we're going to revenge what you did in afghanistan. >> reporter: he still wants vengeance. >> absolutely. the whole thing was about vengeance. he wants to avenge his dad. >> reporter: after 9/11 to avoid being captured or killed, hamza fled to iran with his mother and three top lieutenants. ali suphon believes they were responsible for educating hamza in extremist islam and military tactics. >> he was educated by some of the founding members of al qaeda. he was educated by people who
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masterminded the east african embassy bombing, the "uss cole." the people who started al qaeda until 9/11. and they are preparing him to be the leader. >> reporter: you think they were consciously grooming him to be a future leader of al qaeda? >> i believe so, and also hamza himself, basically, told his father i am ready. i am forged of steel now. i'm ready to go. >> reporter: osama bin laden was killed before he could be reunited with his son, who ali suphan now believes is hiding somewhere in pakistan. unraveling the secret world of the bin ladens he says is crucial to stopping another attack like 9/11. someone who knows you told me that you actually feel a sense of responsibility for what happened. >> you know, in a way, it's hard not to. it's hard not to.
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it won't be honest to say that, you know, i don't feel a sense of responsibility that this thing could have been stopped. >> reporter: no one in their right mind would hold you responsible for that. >> that's true. but you know what? we were involved in an investigation. we had all the information at our finger tips. >> reporter: you were so close. >> doesn't matter how close we were. it happened. we failed. 3,000 people died. the world is very different today because of our failure. >> reporter: you said that you felt a kind of dread before 9/11. >> yes. >> reporter: do you feel that same kind of dread today? about the threat from al qaeda? >> absolutely. i mean, look, if you look at 9/11, al qaeda has only about 400 members. they were raised in afghanistan. if you look at al qaeda today, they have thousands and thousands of members. all over the middle east. >> reporter: al qaeda now has footholds in around a dozen countries.
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throughout the middle east, africa and into south asia. in syria alone, it's estimated to have up to 20,000 followers. al qaeda in the islamic maghreb operates across the sahara desert, take foreigners hostage and attacking hotels use
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♪ new lysol kitchen pro eliminates 99.9% of bacteria without any harsh chemical residue. lysol. what it takes to protect.
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because your carpet there's resolve carpet care. with five times more benefits than vacuuming alone... it lifts more dirt, pet hair and removes odours. while softening every fibre because your carpet never stops working, resolve carpet care with five times benefits clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but will it stop this teen from chugging hot sauce? ...oh jeremy. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things.
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for automotive enthusiasts, the latest generation of bmw race cars are works of art, and it's not just the engineering. anthony mason has a look. >> reporter: unveiled in miami in november, it was tearing up the track in daytona in january. the bmw-m6, painted by a renowned artist is a high-performance racing machine. as the director of motor sports put it --? on the outside it's a piece of art. on the inside, it's a race car that wants to go out and battle and wants to win. >> reporter: it's the 19th in the bmw art car series. inaugurated in 1975, it was the idea of a racing enthusiast and art lover who persuaded
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alexander calder to paint the german entry that year. then says bmw's thomas gerston, it just took off. >> it was supposed to be a one-off. but the moment the car hit the pit stop, kids were screaming. it became the immediate darling of the crowd that was watching. >> reporter: the next year, frank stella created his grass paper bmw. in 1977, roy lick ten stein's looked like a comic strip. and the ford car is the most famous, painted by andy warhol in 1979, it's now considered the most valuable car in bmw history. an african artist was the first woman to paint a bmw in 1991. a british artist painted a
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dachshund on the back panel of his car because his own dogging rode with him. jeff koonce was the last to paint a car. >> have you ever done a car before? >> no, that was the challenge. wow, beautiful. >> reporter: at 85, he is a towering figure in the art world. and not just because he's 6'7". he's been called a surrealist for the digital age, and once he instructed a class to write "i will not make any more boring art" over and over. >> art is what you can get away with. >> reporter: we visited him in his studio in venice, california. you got a note up here from scarlett johansson. are you a fan of hers? >> you bet. >> reporter: valdsori started
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using old movie stills in the '70s. >> you can't go wrong for 10 cents a piece. >> reporter: then one day he put pricing stickers over the faces. onpainted t and you painted the dots. why did you paint the faces? >> ordinary. >> reporter: it's become the artist's calling card. he built it into his design for the bmw. you put a huge red dot on the roof. >> that's so you can be seen from the air. that's my ego. >> reporter: he put an image of the m6 on one side and the word "fast" on the other. >> and it will go fast. we promise you that. >> reporter: but john valdsori hasn't ridden in his signature bmw. >> i can't fit in it, you know, too big. >> reporter: how do you feel the car turned out?
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>> i'm very proud of it. >> reporter: he should,,,,,,,,,,
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if you didn't get to see the greatest show on earth, well, you're too late. the ringling brothers and barnum and bailey circus has folded its tent for the last time. in recent years, the circus faced spiraling costs, and a nationwide controversy over how it treated its animals, but that was just background noise for the grand finale under the big top. >> ladies and gentlemen! welcome! to the greatest show! on! earth! >> reporter: after a night of roaring, soaring and laughter, the ringling brothers and barnum and bailey circus sang its swan song.
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♪ should all acquaintance be forgot ♪ >> reporter: jonathan lee iverson served as ring master of the last show. >> we were part of something amazing. something that most people will never experience. it's a time of mourning, but it's a time of celebration too. >> reporter: alexander and katie lacy were the show's main animal trainers, training a menagerie of big cats, lamas and kangaroos. >> it was the cream of the crop, the best place to work because of what they could provide for me and my animals. >> reporter: those animals had long been the show's biggest draw. >> animals are not ours for entertainment. >> reporter: but they faced pressure from animal rights activists. and then feld entertainment retired the elephants, they say that was beginning of the end for business. >> we saw a drop in ticket sales
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and attendance way beyond what we anticipated. >> reporter: 94-year-old selma heller rode those ringling elephants as an acrobat during the 1946 season. who do you think had the better show, was yours better? >> oh, yes. >> reporter: she came to say good-bye. >> maybe it should let it rest and let it be the greatest show. >> and ringling brothers had two touring shows with 500 workers in all. some of them will go to other jobs in the company. as for the animals, most of them are owned by the trainers, and they'll be looking for work too. that's the overnight news for this tuesday. for some of you the news continues. for others, check back a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york city. i'm tony
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