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tv   KPIX 5 News at 11pm  CBS  July 15, 2013 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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movie stephen king next
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classic stephen king movie stephen king next at a bay area concert. tonit he tells kpix 5.. he knows . this is kpix 5 news. a legendary musician attacked at a bay area concert. tonight he tells kpix 5 he knows why. good evening. i'm jewel yet goodrich. liz has the night off. >> i'm ken bastida. we have breaking news in oakland tonight where antizimmerman protesters have taken over the streets for the third straight night. we have just learned riot police have been called in to take up positions near oakland city hal. now, earlier protesters spilled on to the nimitz freeway and blocked traffic there. kpix 5 christin ayers is keeping an eye on things in a very intention downtown tonight. what's the latest.
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>> i want you to take a look just across the street here. you can see the riot police already lined up and standing by just across the street from city hal. they lined up just a short time ago as a number of skirmishes broke out on broadway. i want to show you evidence of those skirmishes. if you look just this way over my shoulder, you can take a look and see the vandalism that is scrawled across a bank right now here on broadway. in front of that, you see a couple of police units, and down the street, there have also been some clashs with protesters. this is a sign that this is a protest with hundreds of people still out and about and large crowds and some bolder protesters [ chanting ] within hours thousands of marchers had taken to downtown oakland. they stormed interstate 880 marching against traffic bringing cars to a standstill.
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police moved in making several arrests. they forced protesters off the freeway, but outnumbered, they were forced to call in patrol. their reaction today a far cry from the first night of protests. we've learned there were only eight officers on the streets in downtown oakland saturday when a small group of vandals broke off from a larger protest, smashed windows, and set trash on fire in the streets. >> peoples like people from outside the city just trashing the downtown every time they -- they feel like they want to say something. >> tonight we saw oakland police chief patrolling by bicycle. they didn't make one arrest that night. >> we weren't expecting a verdict till this week so on that short notice, we weren't able to bring? additional staffing for saturday night. >> went says he upped the number of officers last night and cut
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the amount of vandalism drastically. tonight he hopes to do the same. >> hopefully we're able to be as successful tonight as we were last night. >> and things certainly have changed tonight. a number of arrest made tonight and we're hearing some reports that oakland police tonight have the help of about 12 different jurisdictions tonight so certainly some changes there. one note, oakland police are asking for anyone who has video of any of the graffiti or vand lich that has happened to turn it over to them. >> all right. christin, it's not just oakland. in los angeles, hundreds of demonstrators have started trash fires, jumped on cars, bashed windows in generally vandalizing their way through city streets, especially in the downtown. a photographer for our sister station, kcbs, was attack and had hurt so badly that he has been hospitalized. well, tonight for the first time, we're hearing from one of the jurors in the george zimmerman trial. she says it all came down to
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what happened in the final few seconds. >> because of the heat of the moment and the stand your ground. he had a right to defend himself. if he felt threatened that his life was going to be taken away from him or he was going to have bodily harm, he had a right. >> so even though he had gotten out of the car, followed trayvon martin, that didn't matter in the deliberations; what mattered is that those final seconds, minutes when there was an altercation and whether or not in your mind what the most important thing was whether or not george zimmerman felt his life was in danger. >> that's how we read the law. that's how we got to the point of everybody being not guilty. . >> coming to that decision, though, wasn't easy. >> i want people to know that we put everything into everything to get this verdict. we didn't -- we didn't just go in there and say, "we're going to come in here and just do
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guilty/not guilty." we thought about it for hours and cried over it afterwards. uong i don't think any of us could ever do anything like that ever again. >> the juror says she believes zimmerman's heart was in the right place, but it all just went terribly wrong. >> we're also hearing from the reluctant star witness for the profession. she was on the phone with trayvon moments before he was shot. >> when that verdict came back as not guilty, were you shocked? were you surprised? what were you filing. >> you want me to be honest. >> yeah. be honest. >> i was sleeping -- well, i was laying down because i knew what it was. >> what do you mean you knew what it was. >> i had a feeling. i was laying in my room. my auntie just came in my room
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and bust out crying and say, "we ain't get no justice. it's just like the old days. we ain't get no justice. we just lost another child. we just lost trayvon again". >> there's been a lot of discussion about whether her testimony helped or hurt the prosecution's case. she says that she did her part in what other people say about her won't bring her down. well, tonight we are getting a look at the brutal attack of a well-known bay area musician who wanted to honor trayvon. sharon chen shows us what one woman in the audience did. saturday night at the hayward rus el city blues festival as lester chambers sings a song he's dedicate today trayvon mar ton, a woman leaps on to the stage. she smacks down the 73-year-old rock and soul singer. several band members and fans tackle and make a citizens
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arrest. >> you're okay, right. >> i think so. >> tonight at their petaluma home, chambers and his son dillon shutter at the video. chambers has bruises on his ribs and all over his body. he must now walk with a cain. >> it's beyond fathomable that that happened to my father, a legend, someone so powerful for peace. >> anger and for the short time that i did see her, she just, "you mother, you started this," and i was down. >> says he was singing about love and peace at the tribute to trayvon. he just chose the audience why he chose curtis mayfield's hit people get ready. >> he sang people get ready, there's a train coming, and if he was here today singing it, he would prefer probably that we
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would say people get ready, there's a change coming. >> officers say 43-year-old suspect dina lynne an druz potter barstow refused to speak to police. >> chambers has a new all bum coming up this week, but because of the attack he's too afraid to do live performances. >> but not afraid to offer the suspect forgiveness. >> i would say to her get a little god in your heart and let a little love come out of your soul. >> police say they are not sure, but the chambers family believes the suspect should be charged with a hate crime because the song was dedicated to trayvon. police hope to turn the case over to the da tomorrow. >> hopefully he performs again, though, soon. >> yes, we hope so. >> sharon, thank you. also tonight a caltran spokesman is apologizing for accidentally e-mailing this photo to the media showing the tv character dexter, a serial killer, reading about the verdict.
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in a statement today caltrans said it prohibits the use of state e-mail for personal communications, takes any misuse of state equipment seriously, and will look into this incident and take appropriate action. some tourists got a little more than they bargained for tonight when the back of a tour bus flipped a cable car north beach. a passenger who was standing at the back of the cable car was hurt. this is just the latest resent muni accident. almost 20 people were hurt this weekend when a light rail train crashed into a van that made an illegal left turn on 3rd street. a hundred thousand dollars gone in less than four minutes. police say three masked robbers droef a car into this kay jewelers overnight, then as you can see in this surveillance video, they smashed the way through the store with a sledge hammer going case by case cleaning out the store. they made off with a hundred thousand bucks worth of stuff. security guards say the suspects sped away in two cars.
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so far, they have not been caught. coming up, a story you'll only see on kpix 5. a newly-discovered beaver in one bay area city need help nas, and tonight rescuers may have just caught a break. and what you have to do to keep from losing your e-mail account at midnight. and the one stephen king movie that stephen king absolutely hates and what he did to fix it. for the first time in a long time, temperatures did not even make it to 80 away from the water. fairfield only 78. ocean beach 58 for a high. marine layers already moving in once again. we'll talk about how chilly we are going to get next.
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uh-oguess what day it is!is?? huh...anybody? julie! hey...guess what day it is?? ah come on, i know you can hear me. mike mike mike mike mike... what day is it mike? ha ha ha ha ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? i'd say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!! yay!! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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history in san jose.. is ine trouble. it's a beaver.. one of a fay of beavers that's made a ho. along the guadal . tonight, a little kriter that made history in san jose is in some trouble. it's a booer. one of the family of beavers that made a home around the guadalupe rir. that's where kiet do is with a story you'll only see on kpex 5. >> we're talking about the one known as mama beaver. she has been tangled in garbage. it's choking her and making her weaker by the day.
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she has been missing for the past couple of days, but good news tonight, they just spotted her, and she is still alive. they knew something was wrong when a wildlife camera captured the beaver waddling around. look closely on her left side and see something attached to her body. >> she had a large protrusion coming out of her side, it almost looked like a stick, and she was limping when she was walking. by the next morning, the branch had fallen off, but now you can see it clearly. >> she had a plastic packing strap constricted around her waist. >> greg has been using hidden cameras to shoot video of the beavers ever since they were discovered in march until these guys, beavers hadn't been seen in this part of san jose since the gold rush era. a team of wildlife experts have been searching the river setting traps and using thermal cameras. if that plastic strap stays on, one of the river's first beavers in 150 years will likely survive just awhile longer.
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>> is that a propane tank. >> that is propane tank. >> the guadalupe more than ten miles through san jose. the troubled beaver is a reminder to keep it clean. >> it's very depressing to see an animal in distress and being prohibited from living its life along the guadalupe river. >> and so the wildlife people have asked us not to shine our lights down on to the water. they think it might spook the beaver away from their tracks so she is getting slower. she is getting weaker. this is day 8. they hope to catch her some time soon. >> absolutely. you know, we've seen beavers lately, as well. giving san jose any advice. >> yeah. so they've told them how to situate the trap, what kind of trachs to use and told them to use apples and strawberries. apparently beavers love those fruits. >> all right. we'll stay updated. thanks, kiet. doctors in british columbia
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completed an autopsy and drug and alcohol screening on glee star cory montieth. initial results could be released as soon as tomorrow. the 31-year-old was found dead in a hotel room on saturday. police ruled out foul play. montieth talked openly about his struggles with substance abuse and addiction. the cbs hit under the dome is one of the 100 tv shows and movies made from stephen king's novels and short stories. he likes the tv version of under the dome, but elizabeth cook says that hasn't always been the case with the rest of his work. >> i can think of a lot of movies that i just have to kind of bite my lip about. there have been about seven sequels to children of the corn. all of them have been awful. >> i'm so sorry. >> a lot of these movies have been pretty darn good. carrie was pretty good. frank did a terrific job with
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shahshank redemption. >> but he didn't mention the shining. >> i never liked that movie. i always thought the version of the shining was, like, this big, beautiful cadillac thad no engine. >> in the film, jack nicholson plays jack, tries to kill his wife and son. >> i never liked shelly duval in the version. i thought she was just sort of screen machine, something very about the way she was presented. >> he disliked stanley cooper's film so much that king bought back the screen writes and made his own mini series. >> who did this. >> don't you touch him. i will wait till you're asleep, and i will kill you. >> part of the teal was that he stopped bad mouthing the cooper's version. >> for a long time, i that line and then died so now i figgier what the
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[ bleep ] . >> elizabeth cook, kpix 5. >> he died. that's the way it goes. king has just finished writing a sequel to the shining. dr. sleep will be published in the fall. >> all right. paul is here to fill us in on our week forecast. hopefully it'll be nice and shining. the sun will be shining. nice segue. segue alert there. >> here's johnny. >> here's sown shine. we have a marine layer moving in tonight, likely thicker than what we had last night, which means it's going to take long other to get that sunshine in the afternoon tomorrow. temperatures dropping one more day before they begin to rebound. mostly cloudy skies over the bay right now. livermore as warm as 92 degrees on saturday. down to 88 yesterday. 79 degrees today. first time not hitting 8 o in a long time away from the water. we get cooler tomorrow. take you to hils borrow, burlingame. partly sunny skies in the
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afternoon. little warmer coming up wednesday with high of 72. microclimate forecast. everybody will be trending no matter where you are, you'll be cooler tomorrow compared to today because low pressure will be at its closest at its strongest tomorrow enhancing that push of air coming from the pacific ocean. as that gets stronger, we get more cloud cover, get cooler weather, but only going to last one more day. kind of things moving opposite. usually we go from west to east in this case, high pressure building back east to west. that's going to warm us up once again limiting the on shore flow. we'll be back to the 90s away from the water coming up thursday and beyond. the cloudiest coolest day of the week will be tomorrow. we begin warming up on wednesday. if you like it warm but not hot. i think you're going to like this forecast. we'll be about 5 degrees above average. tomorrow, livermore, 8 degrees below average. union city, hayward upper 60s pretty cloudy, too. pittsburgh 78, san ramon 78, pleasant hill 76.
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kefrp hill 66 degrees. chilly day in daly stay with high of 60. after tomorrow we warm things up. upper 80s, low 90s on thursday, next weekend looks to be quite nice near the bays with highs in the mid 70s. one more chilly day, we get back to normal. >> slightly chilly. thank you, paul. let's talk a little bit about what's going to happen tomorrow night and the preview tonight. >> who is the last a's player to compete in the home run derby? i will have that answer for you when we come back. meanwhile, the a's cuban missile dave kingman, what? oh, good night. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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the first half of the seasos a disappointment for a's slr yoenis cespedes who hit 15 . want the answer now, right. >> we tried to figure it out. >> yeah. the answer was jason in 2001. the slugger. >> see, i was close. i was close. >> the first half of the season was a disappointment for a's slugger who hit 15 home runs while batting just .225. he didn't make the all star team, but he did make the home
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run derby. 8 contestants were witt ld down to just two but all eyings were on that man. put on one of the greatest powered displays in the derby's history. he launches this one to the upper deck. there's a place where no one ever hit a regular season home run. he had 17 home runs and even big pappy liking that. brice harper wouldn't go down easy in the finals. this baseball traveled 541 feet over the right field fence, through the pitch, part of the reason why harper would launch eight in the final round to tie for the lead. the a's outfielder steps up to the plate with one chance to win it all. >> oh, and he wins it! back, back, back, back, back, gooooooone! . >> 456 feet that baby went.
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the cuban missile law firms nine out in the final round, 32 home runs total, to beat brice harper. he dedicated the victory to his four-year-old son in cuba. sergio rom o is probably happy he won't have to face him in the all star game. giants closer was named as the fourth giant all star over the weekend, but when he got the news from manager bruce, he thought his days as a giant were over. >> come in, walk back to his office. he walks out and he's like, "hey, romo come in here." he had them close the door behind them, sat me down, and i was waiting for sabien to come in. to be honest, first thing on my mind was i just got traded. >> fortunately he has not been traded. monday night top 5. at no. 5, greg never gotten a foul ball at any game. well, yesterday, he got four. it turns out he wasn't even sitting in his normal seat. good for him. at no. 4, they are calling this the worst first pitch in
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baseball history, and i doubt the rays will ever call carly rae jepsen again. at no. 3, tempers flare at the race. this guy got out of his car sto start a fight, but the guy he wanted to start it with wasn't interested. pitcher bobby keppel of the fighters of the japanese league a remarkable behind the grab here. you know, he had shoulder surgery but it looks like his shoulder just fine there. no. 1, our own juliette goodrich's mother paulette hit a hole in one at castle wood yesterday. she hit it from the men's tee 187 yards for the hole. look at her. >> not bad. look! . >> i can't believe that's your mother. >> that is my mother. >> yeah. >> i was proud of her. i said, "mom, what did you win? you win a car?" no, just a drink in the clubhouse. >> she had to buy drinks. >> yeah. you would know that if you get a
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hole in one. >> and she made your top five. thank you. >> no. 14 player of the night. >> very cool. >> i've had hole in one. coming up, use it or lose it. the midnight deadline to save your yahoo e-mail account. frz nrz ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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you have about 45 minutes te it.. or you're gonna lose i . well, do you have an old yahoo e-mail account? . >> you have about 45 minutes to use it or you're gonna lose it. at midnight, yahoo will cancel inactive accounts, one that haven't been accessed in the past 12 months, and start letting other people claim them. >> you can imagine how many user names have been created over the last, you know, decade or two, and so there's a significant number of accounts that have just become inactive. >> if there's a use ir id you've always wanted, but it was already taken, now is your chance. >> there you go. use it or lose it. >> or lose it. >> that's right. >> be right back.
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i'm totally in love with the avocado on this sub. i love avocado so much i started a facebook page. oh, you should post a picture of my new earrings. those would go perfectly with this sweater i'm knitting. [ male announcer ] show your avocado love! try it on the turkey & spinach or subway club. subway. eat fresh®. first wait till summer. then get the cars ready.
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now add the dodge part. ♪ ♪ the dodge summer clearance event. right now get 0% financing for up to 72 months and no payments for 90 days on all dodge vehicles. tonight hundreds of anti-zimmerman protestors he taken over the streets for e third straight . want to update ouon breaking news tonight going on in oakland. hundreds of anti zimmerman protesters have taken over the streets for a third-thath night. police have been called in to take up positions near city hal. the latest on all of this we'll have tomorrow morning at 4:30. thanks so much for watching us this evening. david letterman is up next. he has bruce willis on next. >> have a great night. >> have a good night.
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( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway, broadcasting across the nation and around the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. now ready to rock the plaza, david letterman. [ cheers and applause ] captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs ( band playing "late show" theme ) ( cheers and applause )


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