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tv   KPIX 5 News at 11pm  CBS  May 12, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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afraid their homes will cole just like the ones around them... what people are i am told i am safe. i assume i am safe. but does anybody really know yet? afraid their homes will collapse just like the ones around them. what people are saying about this sinking subdivision and what may be causing it. another blow to the already troubled new bay bridge the latest concern cal transdiscoverred. getting your money -- caltrans has discovered. getting your money's worth. 8 r. 8 family his to abandon their homes because of sinking homes. this is happening above the westshore of clear lake. don kna pp tells us those effected are looking for the
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couldn't tow help. >> reporter: for 16 years mike and janis enjoyed this view from their home high above cheer lake. now, they worry they may lose the view and their home. >> it is very difficult. i know -- me and my wife are -- our health is going down a little bit. actually our relationship is going a little on the edge sometimes because we don't know what to do. >> reporter: this house was the first to go. it is one of 8 abandoned. 10 others are threatened. >> the insurance companies say losses due to shifting soil are not covered. >> like a lot of the homeowners up here, we have our lives invested up here. alberta's house is okay but she keeps her bags packed by the door. >> can you imagine something happening in the middle of the night and grabbing that bag and run. >> no, that is why i don't let my grandkids spend the my anymore. i don't want to put them
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through it. >> reporter: nobody knows what is going on, the ground water shifting or the latest sewer line leaks or breaks in waterlines may of released millions of gallons in the hillside. if that is true residents may be able to get help from the county. >> it is not a rich community. we are not going to rebuild right away, you know, our community. hopefully we can find somebody to help us. >> reporter: these homes show the worst of the damage. even those who live up here in undamaged homes say they don't feel safe and they won't until they learn what is going on beneath the ground. in lake county, back to you. >> they will go to the board of supervisor's meeting to get answers and they will have their own meeting to discuss a strategy. the new bay bridge has yet another hurdle to overcome. caltrans says more than 400 of the safety rods may be
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vulnerable to the cracking. that is in addition to the bolts that they questioned in march. kpix sue kwon spoke to bridge officials about what they are going to do next. >> reporter: the tower is under scrutiny because of rods threaded inside of the structure. this is from take nen july of 2010. -- taken in july of 2010. showing sections of the tower lowered on to the section and secsured. now there is concern -- secured. now this is question the way these rods were manufactured. they can crack and break like other rods that were locate inside a seismoability part of the structure. more than 2,000 steel faster ins fast -- fasteners have
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been tested. >> only 96 have been proven to suffered from brittlement. >> reporter: this type of hard steel has been banned from bridges by caltrans. >> why did caltrans choose to use this steel when it seems to go against its own standardss? >> well are cases where you can make exceptions, you take extra precautions when you do make those exceptions. but because we have an ongoing investigation into all of these types of rods and bolts on the new bridge we really can't say at that point until we have some conclusive results of that investigation. the chair wants to know why the decisions were made and how the steel was manufactured. she says this bridge will not open until the tower rods are clear. >> safety is the number one factor that is driving the schedule in terms of the bridge opening. >> reporter: and she says the state transportation hearing scheduled for may 29th will determine if this bridge opens
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on labor day weekend as planned. >> sue, let me ask you, we are hearing from caltrans, m tc but has the company that makes these bolts said anything yet? >> reporter: well, they have said that they made these bolts as told. right now they are going to go back and find out who said what, what was signed f these were in fact made to speck and also why the decision was made to go ahead with this hard galvenized steel when they are not being used on bridges since 2010 per caltrans own record. berkeley police are questioning the death of a man found shot outside of his car in the east bay hills. the officers found him on grizzly peak boulevard just before 6:00 this morning and pronounced him dead. the police say the shooting does not appear to be random but is t is unclear if they have a suspect in custody.
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the city of oakland, only on kpix-5, how the city will by pass state laws and why opponents want to shoot it down. >> one size does not fit all, oakland needs special laws. >> reporter: a bill working its way around the capitol would allow just that. giving the city of oakland new power to pass its own stricter gun laws. >> oakland has a unique problem with gun violence, no other city in california that has the level of illegal guns, gun trafficking and gun violence that oakland does. >> reporter: right now california does not allow cities to enact any gun control laws that are stronger than the states. oakland is looking for an exception to the rule to pass the own laws. possibly leading to a rule where people would have to reregister their gun. >> reporter: state law defines who is a. >> state law defines who is allowed and not allowed to have gun but the city does not have
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a enough. >> california has some of the most restrictive gun control in america. if that is not enough it is not cheer to me what else could possibly add to it. >> reporter: more than 30 new gun control measures were introduced at the state capitol already this year. gun right supporters are concerned having tk-frpblt rules in different jurisdictions could lead to a confusing situation. >> these municipalities that do not understand california and federal law tend to come up with ideas that are probably unconstitutional. >> reporter: but, assembly member, nancy skinner says the circumstances in oakland call for extreme measures. >> whatever law enforcement tools are needed right now to address the epidemic in gun violence, 130 people died from guns in oakland last year. we had babies, kids, dieing from drive-by shootings. we need to put a stop to it. we need to support law enforcement and give them the
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tools. >> reporter: in oakland, back to you. >> the state has already given l.a. county an exception from the law. gunfire shattered a mother's day parade in new orleans leaving 20 people wounded. the tkphroes not believe it was a terrorist attack. cbs reporter shows us they are searching for at least three suspects. >> reporter: the police taped off the crime scene and marked dozens of bullet casings. it happened as hundreds of people marched in a mother's day parade. >> all of a sudden it stopped and everyone started running and running and we were wondering what is going on and they were shooting. >> reporter: 19 people injured, including two 10-year- old children. nobody was killed. >> these two to three people, a reason unknown to us, started shooting at, towards or near the crowd. >> people rushed out of their homes to help. >> two guys collapsed on my steps. me and my daughter did the best thing we can to revive them. >> reporter: many of the
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injuries were rushed to a nearby hospital. upset family members gathered outside waiting for the news. two people are in critical condition. the mess say most of the victims are expected to recover. back to you. -- the police say most of the victims are expected to recover back to you. the two brothers of ariel castro say they now have to live in hiding. the police detained the two brothers only to release them a few days later. the investigators say neither one had any involvement in their brother's house of horrors. now, they say, they are getting death threats for something they had nothing to do with. >> i was a very liked person, individual. i never had any enemies. no reason for anybody to think that i would ever do something like that. it is a shock to all of my friends. >> if i knew, i would of reported it. brother or no brother. >> both men are hiding in an undisclosed location as are
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other family members including their 71-year-old mother. the bay area radio network famous for predicting the end of the world and getting it wrong is now facing a financial judgment they. two years after the failed prediction donations have fallen off 70%. the radio group reportedly nearly broke and sold the three largest stations. 91-year-old camping suffered a stroke in june 20 eleven, a month after his -- 20eleven, -- 2011 a month after his doomsday prediction did not come through. the chicken you buy at the market and the federal change that makes it legal. plus, why mom may know best when it comes to your financees. good evening, everybody. the back to work forecast. the pinpoint outlook as the news continues right here
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[ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to keep from driving all over for the best deals. you don't need to run around. safeway gives you real big club card deals each week. surprise mom with gorgeous tulips. 10 stem bunches are just $5.99. starbucks coffee is $7.77. that's a price you can savor. and honey nut cheerios are just a buck-eighty eight. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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[ engine revs ] ♪ [ male announcer ] just when you thought you had experienced performance, a new ride comes along and changes everything. ♪ the 2013 lexus gs, with a dynamically tuned suspension and adjustable drive modes. because the ultimate expression of power is control. this is the pursuit of perfection. paying for more than you're getting. kpix 5 consumerwa we all expect to get what we pay for but when buying chicken you may be getting
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paying more. >> i just want the chicken not the pad or the water. >> reporter: he does not have a choice. maybe you noticed it. package after package filled with chicken goo you can not use but you have to pay for. it is included in the total weight. >> i am not sure if i am paying for the package. >> reporter: according to weights and measures you are not. >> liquid fluid product in the chicken package is considered part of the product as if it was chicken. >> reporter: but, ron hathmeyer says that was not the case until 2008. >> reporter: the strict protections used to require the weight of the chicken match the weight on the label. to test inspectors weighed the chicken. five years ago they forced california to comply with new national standards which required regulators treating the liquid as prod skpubgt changed the way they tested for
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accuracy. >> this -- product and changed the way they tested for accuracy. >> this would of failed. >> reporter: we put them through the old test. >> this is now considered product. >> reporter: near lie a quarter of pound of goo later we paid $1.30 for liquid alone. 1/10th of the price. it is totally legal. >> that is a good chunk of change. >> reporter: california regulators tried to fight the usda's decision but failed. so, now, he has no choice but to consider this chicken. >> as a regulator that is the rules, as a consumer i would not be happy. >> reporter: and as an inspector he says the new rules make his job more difficult. instead of just weighing the chicken -- >> we need to determine what the dry weight of the package was before chicken was add to the package. >> and how do you do that? >> we have to dry out the packaging. >> reporter: which is a complicated and time-consuming
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process that involves paper towels. >> >> reporter: the result? >> we do not test as much chicken. >> reporter: he found a way. instead of the chicken aisle he only byes it from behind the counter. >> i go to smaller stores that i can buy the chicken that i am charged for in a plastic bag. >> reporter: the department of weights and measures will inspect packaging if it gets a complaint but they do not think they will find problems it is meant to standardize packaging not rip off customers. people knew the ice would go but they never expected this. it is described as an ice tsunami. you can see the ice moving across the land eventually pushing up against homes. this is not time lapse video. this is realtime. the ice movement from lake millie lac was caused by 40
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mile-an-hour winds. people watched in disbelief as ice pushed through their doors and windows. minneapolis is using heavy equipment to try to clear it out. what a mess. you can imagine seeing it coming towards you? >> that is creepy. >> and did you hear it in. >> yes. could you hear the sound? >> yes. it sounds powerful. >> i used to chase tornadoes in chicago and i never seen anything like this before. that is amazing. >> i am glad you are here now and not chasing tornadoes. >> i want you to see something else. ask me this, coit tower, i think it is washed in warrior colors. >> it looks like it in the royal blue and the golden yellow. okay, wishful thinking, currently 58 degrees. home of the golden state warriors, san francisco, 53. santa rosa, in the 50s and the winter now beginning to dial back. however, today we had a sea breeze up to 31 miles an hour and throughout the sfo area. that keep want temperature down
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in the 60ss around much of the peninsula. jumping up to 81 degrees, 78 degrees, san jose, it is about 3 degrees above normal for this time of the year. down from 94 to a pair of eights in livermore it was 84 degrees in santa rose a. the bottom line is, tonight, we had the row bust onshore flow. so, therefore becoming overcast just about everywhere. a good 45 miles inland. and, because of the thickness of the low clouds and the patchy fog, we will see condization in the form -- condensation there. now, this is the tail end of it that is going to sideswipe the northern half of the state of california. again, enhancing that marine layer. take a look at the future cast. what do you see right there? that is the fog that will you for the morning coit does b afternoon hours, but we have
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the damage done. the cooler air mas in place. then, the fog reforming for the evening hours, tonight, overnight. with the blanket of clouds, into the 40s and the 50s. tomorrow, what you are going to notice is a cooler day. but, also, a few high thin clouds over head from that system to the north and also some breezy winds out of the west. especially off of the coast here. 20 to 30 miles an hour during the afternoon hours. 70s and 80s down in clara valley. wrapping it around for the district for some of the warmest numberses, up to 84 degrees. boy, much cooler than today. 75 in mill valley, 80 in nevado. otherwise, extended forecast. well, holdol to this weather pattern through tuesday. once the trough passes more cooler air drifts into the bay area, sliding into the north. that will leave us with seasonal temperatures from thursday all of the way pretty much through the weekend. >> now that you pointed out warrior colors that is all i see. >> right?
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>> yes. >> okay. yes. >> thank you, okay. all right, money question? ask mom. why more adults go to their mothers for financial device. today was the day to spoil mom. a special group of ladies getting all kinds of pampering today. and i i'm dennis o'donell coming up next in "gameday" can the warriors overcome their worst shooting points of the series? get your freak on. tim did, will it be the start that turns his career back in the right direction? our special guest tonight, play- by-play man, randy hahn as we now know who the sharks will play in round 2. it is all coming up next on "gameday" ,,,,,,,,
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among health plans in california. we're focusing on the big things so you can enjoy the little things. kaiser permanente. thrive.
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most adults tend to go to t moms instead of their dads. a new study by "fidelity" -- shows mothers tend to have success-- talking to their adult wheufplt it comes to money -- when it comes to money advise, adults go to their mothers about money. they talk about living expenses, retirement, health care. mom tends to take on the role of the emphasizer while dad sees himself as the practical one. the study says part of the reason women take on a larger role in money k-frgds with their kids is because they tend to control the bulk of the household financees. and being a mom is tough enough. in san francisco tender loin shelters it could be about survival. today, a different story. homeless moms from the hamilton family center shelter were pampered today. professional haircuts, make-up, fancy brunch, a show.
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christie hamilton's family lost everything in a fire. now she is sell pwraeuting a new start by cutting her long hair short. >> my hair was passed the middle of my back. now it is to my shoulders. so -- >> you decided to change a lot? >> change it. definitely. >> is that what it is about? >> change? >> coming and making yourself feel better from the inside out, yes. >> the makeover tradition has been going on for 14 years at the hamilton family center. it is not your typical art. how a bay area couple is giving old steam engine parts new life. plus, hundreds of harleys but not where you might expect them. i wish this test drive was over, so we could head back to the dealership. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. test drive!
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but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen.
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get to subway now for the oven roasted chicken $3 six-inch select! try it on toasty flatbread with melted american cheese, maybe spice it up with chipotle southwest sauce. still just $3, every day. subway. eat fresh. thanks, olivia. thank you. so you can make a payment from your cell to almost anyone's phone or email. (speaking french)
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so you can express your gratitude... in the moment. chase quickpay. so you can. shannon o'hare and his wife kathy--- fabricate "steam-powered art" out of repurposed bay area is taking recycling to a new level. they fabricate steam powered art out of repurposing industrial materials. a motorized tea pot is what you will find. their latest piece say 3-story victorrian house they hope to debut at the makers fair next weekend. well, now, to a different kind of art. neighbors are complaining about monster graffiti on chris brown's hollywood hills home. parents say the monsters are scaring their kids.
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one los angeles city councilmen says the artwork is against the city's ordinance about unpermitted signage. if the mural is not swiftly removed brown will be fined. >> he has a beautiful home he lives in. but that type of image is not what is allowed by code. >> not everyone is upset about brown's graffiti. his next door neighbor told the reports brown should be able to do what he wants to his property. we'll be right back. all over for the best deals. or how to g you don't need to run around. safeway gives you real big club card deals each week. surprise mom with gorgeous tulips. 10 stem bunches are just $5.99. starbucks coffee is $7.77. that's a price you can savor. and honey nut cheerios are just a buck-eighty eight. real big deals this week and every week.
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harley-davidson motorcycle enthusiasts started this
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weekend... but not where you might expect -- this wa a lake in china. more than a- thousand people took par the a carnival for hundreds of motorcycle enthusiasts start thursday weekend but not where you might expect this was at a lake in china. 1,000 people took part in the 3- day trip. the largest event ever held for harley davidson enthusiast in china and it comes before a big water festival. >> i hope you had a great mother's day. hopefully all of the moms out there as well. >> and your mom, too? >> yes. >>and you? >> lovely. >> all right. warriors! on a winning streak. the sharks, the giants now we have to get the a's "gameday is" is next -- "gameday" is next


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