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tv   Up to the Minute  CBS  April 1, 2013 2:35am-4:00am PDT

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>> absolutely not. >> no. >> not at all. >> this is temperature-controlled so you don't overcook it, you don't undercook it. >> i love the temperature control-- that can cook meat without drying it out. >> man: mmm! >> that's amazing! >> what do you think? >> nice and crispy. >> you can fry, you can simmer you can steam, you can fondue, you can do everything with this-- i love it. >> it's amazing-- i've never seen anything like it. >> i love that if you take the top... the pot off of the top, it stops and that the handles were cool. that's really amazing. >> and you know what the great thing is, you guys? it's portable. you can take this whole thing over to the table, plop it down and it will stay at 110 right in the middle of your guests and you can dip all day. dip, dip, dip, everybody dip. and the best part about it? you can grill on the table. >> man: oh... >> what do you think about that? >> mmm... >> so it's raining outside it's the middle of winter, you still get grilled food. will it change the way you cook at home? >> group: yes. >> the p.i.c. makes everything so simple. >> it looks like you ordered it from a restaurant. >> it does look like i ordered it from a restaurant. that's because i'm a good cook now with the p.i.c. [laughte
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>> announcer: introducing the revolutionary precision induction cooktop from nuwave, the leader in portable induction cooking technology. the nuwave heats up twice as fast, uses up to 70% less energy and is safer than any cooktop. best of all, the nuwave is the only portable cooktop that gives you precise temperature control with the simple press of a button. >> it takes the human error out of cooking. there's no more guesswork in what temperature you're cooking at. >> announcer: make pasta in half the time. melt butter with no chance of it burning. melt chocolate to creamy perfection. make sauces with perfect temperature control. gas and electric stoves have hot coils and open flames which can burn you. the nuwave p.i.c. transfers heat only to your cookware so it's 100% safe. look what happens with this egg: the pan is hot, but the cooktop is not. that's the magic of induction cooking. >> it gets hot within five seconds, but then you take the
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pan off and put your hand on the device and it's cold. >> announcer: why crowd your kitchen with expensive bulky appliances? the nuwave precision induction cooktop is a complete kitchen all in one. it's your portable indoor grill, temperature-controlled deep fryer, festive fondue maker, time-saving pressure cooker, healthy vegetable steamer and programmable slow cooker. >> it's small, it's efficient, it's clean and it's safe. >> announcer: the oversized 12-inch tempered glass surface can handle even large pots and pans. the nuwave p.i.c. works with most cookware-- just check for the "induction cooking ready" symbol-- plus it works perfectly with the induction-ready nuwave pressure cooker. its compact size makes it the ideal solution for r.v.s, small apartments, and dorm rooms too. and because it's portable, you can take it anywhere so it's perfect for buffets and outdoor parties. induction cooking can cost thousands of dollars, but the nuwave precision induction cooktop is a bargain at just four easy payments of only $33.33. your nuwave comes with the
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quick start guide, gourmet dvd and the nuwave recipe book giving you the precise temperature settings to make all your favorite meals come out perfect every time. and get this: when you call now and order direct, we'll drop a payment! you pay only three payments of $33.33. that's a 25% savings. but we're not done. you also get the nuwave stainless steel 3-1/2 quart pot with premium tempered glass lid. alone, it's worth more than $100, but call today and it's yours free. plus we'll also include this stainless steel steamer basket. wait-- there's more good news. we'll also send you the nuwave perfect green non-stick cookware set, including a nine-inch omelet pan, plus a 10-1/2-inch sauce pan that can be used with your glass lid too. the non-stick surface is coated with duralon diamond-infused nano-ceramic coating. it helps you make great-tasting low-fat meals. we'll also send you the nine-piece deluxe fondue kit perfect for making your favorite fondues.
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hold on! are you ready for an amazing deal? act now and we'll send you a second nuwave p.i.c. absolutely free-- all you pay is the shipping and processing. keep it for yourself or send it as an unforgettable gift from you. this buy one, get one free special promotion won't last long. and listen to this: we'll let you try the nuwave p.i.c.s risk-free, not for 30 days not for 60 days, but 90 days. if you're not happy, return them and we'll refund the purchase price, but these six gifts are yours free to keep-- all you pay is the shipping and processing. this special television offer is not available at stores and won't last long, so act fast. don't forget to ask about special savings on the nuwave pressure cooker with bob warden's great food fast cookbook. the nuwave pressure cooker is fully induction-ready and compatible for use with the nuwave p.i.c., so you can prepare tender meats, rich risottos and flavorful seafood cooked to perfection in minutes.
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and with bob warden's great food fast cookbook, you'll get over 100 delicious, healthy time-saving recipes. plus, ask about the nuwave cast-iron barbecue grill and griddle and the 10-piece perfect green cookware set. [♪.. call or go online now. [♪.. >> well, so far we've been showing you what you can do when you can precisely control low temperatures, like for perfectly melting chocolate or for simmering cereal. >> but, everybody loves a great steak and everyone hates it when their steak does not come out just the way they like it. but with the nuwave p.i.c. because it comes with precision temperature control, you won't ever undercook or overcook that steak. >> for grilling, use this great cast-iron barbecue grill pan that can come with your p.i.c. now, if you like your steak rare, check this out. it's going to be red and juicy
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on the inside, but perfectly brown on the outside. if you like it well done it's not going to be burned on the outside, but it's going to be perfectly well done on the inside-- how? because the p.i.c. gives you perfect temperature control. look at this: first i seared it to 575, now i've reduced the p.i.c. to 375 and check out this laser thermometer-- exactly 375 degrees. >> check out how 375 degrees gives us those great grill marks without burning or charring. >> and you know what i like with my steak? >> i know. >> a perfectly baked potato, which i can do right here in my nuwave oven in minutes. >> or if you like my favorite thing, sweet potato fries. whatever you make in the nuwave, it comes out perfect every time. [chuckle >> announcer: according to the u.s. department of energy, 50 cents of every dollar you spend heating up your gas or electric stove is wasted. but not so with your nuwave p.i.c., because it uses induction technology.
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this infrared camera shows how a traditional cooktop heats the area all around the pot. but look how the nuwave p.i.c. heats up only the pot. this means no more wasted energy. >> i love that i'm saving energy, that i'm only heating up the bottom surface of the pot where i need the heat to be, and i really think we're seeing the difference in our electric bills, and i love that. >> one of the best things about the nuwave precision induction cooktop is it's portable. i can take it anywhere, i don't have to leave it in the kitchen. so i'll take it into my dining room and i'll set up my own egg station, so when i have visitors-- especially my family-- i can cook my own omelets, they can cook their own omelets, they can cook their eggs, they can cook pancakes and it's just this simple because i've got precise temperature control. and look how beautifully non-stick this is. all i have to do to make the omelet is tip it, the omelet runs back. i tip it again, it runs back. i'm going to be able to fill this up. so everybody can have whatever filling they like. i always like to have some mushrooms, some cheese
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some peppers... >> and you know i like the healthy spinach, bob. >> ohh... >> i just ruined his omelet. >> [laughs well, with the perfect green fry pan, we just simply fold that over, it's going to continue to cook while it's in the pan. i fold that out and look at this: my pan is clean, i'm ready to cook another omelet again. >> the heating is consistent so i can set up a buffet with four or five of these and have different temperatures that are going to maintain. i think one of the biggest complaints is that sometimes the last people that go through the buffet, they get the cold food, and with the p.i.c., the food stays warm through the entire event and the guests really appreciate that as does the host and hostess. >> announcer: introducing the revolutionary precision induction cooktop from nuwave, the leader in portable induction cooking technology. the nuwave heats up twice as fast, uses up to 70% less energy and is safer than any cooktop. best of all, the nuwave is the only portable cooktop that gives you precise temperature control with the
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simple press of a button. >> i love the temperature control. >> as you press the buttons, you can see exactly what the temperature is-- you can watch the water boil change. >> mm-hmm. >> that's incredible. >> anything you boil water for... [snaps finger it's that quick. >> announcer: make pasta in half the time. melt butter with no chance of it burning. melt chocolate to creamy perfection. make sauces with perfect temperature control. gas and electric stoves have hot coils and open flames which can burn you. the nuwave p.i.c. transfers heat only to your cookware so it's 100% safe. look what happens with this egg: the pan is hot, but the cooktop is not. that's the magic of induction cooking. >> group: wow! >> woman: it's not even hot. >> will it change the way you cook at home? >> group: yes. >> announcer: why crowd your kitchen with expensive bulky appliances? the nuwave precision induction cooktop is a complete kitchen all in one. it's your portable indoor grill, temperature-controlled deep fryer, festive fondue maker, time-saving pressure cooker, healthy vegetable steamer and programmable slow cooker.
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>> if i had this, i would fry all day, every day. [laughte >> so i can steam my vegetables on top, i've got my couscous my rice, my pasta underneath everything is done, you come home from a hard day at work 10 minutes, you got food for the whole family. >> announcer: the oversized 12-inch tempered glass surface can handle even large pots and pans. the nuwave p.i.c. works with most cookware-- just check for the "induction cooking ready" symbol-- plus it works perfectly with the induction-ready nuwave pressure cooker. its compact size makes it the ideal solution for r.v.s, small apartments, and dorm rooms too. and because it's portable, you can take it anywhere so it's perfect for buffets and outdoor parties. induction cooking can cost thousands of dollars, but the nuwave precision induction cooktop is a bargain at just four easy payments of only $33.33. your nuwave comes with the quick start guide, gourmet dvd and the nuwave recipe book giving you the precise temperature settings to make all your favorite meals come out perfect every time. and get this: when you call now
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and order direct, we'll drop a payment! you pay only three payments of $33.33. that's a 25% savings. but we're not done. you also get the nuwave stainless steel 3-1/2 quart pot with premium tempered glass lid. alone, it's worth more than $100, but call today and it's yours free. plus we'll also include this stainless steel steamer basket. wait-- there's more good news. we'll also send you the nuwave perfect green non-stick cookware set, including a nine-inch omelet pan, plus a 10-1/2-inch sauce pan that can be used with your glass lid too. the non-stick surface is coated with duralon diamond-infused nano-ceramic coating. it helps you make great-tasting low-fat meals. we'll also send you the nine-piece deluxe fondue kit perfect for making your favorite fondues. hold on! are you ready for an amazing deal? act now and we'll send you a second nuwave p.i.c. absolutely free-- all you pay is the shipping and processing. keep it for yourself or send it
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as an unforgettable gift from you. this buy one, get one free special promotion won't last long. and listen to this: we'll let you try the nuwave p.i.c.s risk-free, not for 30 days not for 60 days, but 90 days. if you're not happy, return them and we'll refund the purchase price, but these six gifts are yours free to keep-- all you pay is the shipping and processing. this special television offer is not available at stores and won't last long, so act fast. don't forget to ask about special savings on the nuwave pressure cooker with bob warden's great food fast cookbook. the nuwave pressure cooker is fully induction-ready and compatible for use with the nuwave p.i.c., so you can prepare tender meats, rich risottos and flavorful seafood cooked to perfection in minutes. and with bob warden's great food fast cookbook, you'll get over 100 delicious, healthy time-saving recipes. plus, ask about the nuwave cast-iron barbecue grill and griddle and the 10-piece perfect
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green cookware set. [♪.. call or go online now. [♪.. >> announcer: the nuwave precision induction cooktop is the most convenient and efficient way to cook. you get the convenience of traditional stovetop settings plus the flexibility to control the temperature in 10-degree increments. sear a steak to perfection or melt chocolate or butter without a double boiler. you can do it all with the nuwave p.i.c. the smart sensors inside ensure you'll create delicious meals every time by maintaining the constant correct temperature. it's like having a professional chef cooking for you. the result: no more mistakes no more burning. >> it takes the human error out of cooking. there's no more guesswork in what temperature you're cooking at. it's very easy to just set the temperature at the touch
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of your fingertips. you can go up 10 degrees 20 degrees, 30 degrees. in a matter of seconds you're at that temperature. it's going to be perfect every time. >> now we'd like to talk about the perfect temperature to fry chicken. now, up to now we've been talking about what you can do when you have precise temperature control on low temperatures, like with chocolate, right? look at that, jenny. that's been in there for hours it's still not sticking, it's still the perfect perfect creamy texture. >> did you taste it? >> i know, it's almost unbelievable, isn't it? >> delicious. oh, and then we went to high-temperature searing. so with the push of a button we got this to 575 degrees seared the steaks, then we brought it down to 350 and we have beautiful grilled sausages, pork chops, salmon, even those grilled vegetables-- they were good too. >> well, frying temperature is 375 degrees, especially when you're using vegetable oil. we want to hold that perfect temperature, so lookit here. we have a probe in here, we set this to 375 degrees. it says 375 degrees. our chicken is frying gently it's not going to burn. >> here on my burner-- it's a
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typical electric coil under here... >> i can see jenny's been cooking over here. >> this is what happens. it's not safe. and not only is it not safe, i have no idea what the temperature is-- i'm just guessing. >> when you get that really good fried chicken at one of those fast food chicken places it's because they have a very expensive deep fryer they've set it at 375 degrees, they can use that oil all day long without it burning. well, now you have that precise control at home with the precision induction cooker. let me give you an example. in the test kitchen, we cooked over 200 pieces of chicken and this is what the oil looked like. >> it looks like it just came out of the bottle. >> and this is breaded chicken, right? here we cooked just 20 pieces of chicken on a gas stove same results would have been on an electric stove-- you'd guess. you set it someplace between medium and medium-high you don't know. the minute it smokes, it's gone, it's ruined. that's typically what happens. you have to throw the oil away. >> yeah. well, that gets expensive. >> announcer: third-party analysis shows the advantage of nuwave's precise temperature control versus conventional stovetops. oil cooked with an electric stove contained 45% more
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saturated fat. oil cooked with a gas stove contained 10 times more transfatty acids. oil cooked with an electric stove contained over 90% more cholesterol than oil cooked with the precision induction cooktop. now some of your favorite foods can be healthier with the nuwave precision induction cooktop. >> when you're cooking with frying foods, you're, um you're trying to keep that temperature high so the grease doesn't get in the food, where you're not ending up with greasy chicken or greasy fish. and with the precision induction cooktop, i was able to master frying that chicken perfectly. >> announcer: the nuwave p.i.c. has been tested and recommended by the cooking club of america and is the safest cooktop ever invented. every 85 seconds a fire strikes a home in america, and most often, that fire starts in the kitchen. >> my very, very first fire was a 16-year-old kid who was cooking french fries on the stove and he forgot about them and he burned his parents' entire house down.
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>> announcer: well, that will never happen with the nuwave p.i.c. there is no open flame no red-hot electric coil to catch fire and as soon as a pot is removed from the nuwave the conduction of heat stops. >> the safety features of the p.i.c. impressed me so much that i'm going to send one to my mother. she's getting a bit elderly and forgetful and i'm always a bit worried that she might start a fire and the p.i.c.'s going to eliminate that problem. >> during our show, we've showed you what a difference the nuwave precision induction cooktop can make in your cooking. whether you're cooking breakfast or snacks. >> jenny: lunch, dinner, hors d'oeuvres. >> whether you're grilling or griddling, when you have precise temperature control, it can make all the difference. >> whether you're searing at high temperatures... >> or whether you're having precise temperature control at only 110 or 20 degrees for perfect chocolate, you have got it. in 10 degrees intervals you can go from 120 to 130 to 140, all the way up to 575 degrees, which you can never get with your stovetop-- you're always just guessing. so to sum it up, what do you get with the
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nuwave precision cooktop? you get, first of all, speed-- it heats up really fast. >> and safety. there's no red-hot coil or open flame. >> and you get precise temperature control that you can never get with your old electric burner or gas stove. and you save... >> both: money. >> so, here's how you can get your nuwave precision induction cooktop right now. >> announcer: introducing the revolutionary precision induction cooktop from nuwave, the leader in portable induction cooking technology. the nuwave heats up twice as fast, uses up to 70% less energy and is safer than any cooktop. best of all, the nuwave is the only portable cooktop that gives you precise temperature control with the simple press of a button. induction cooking can cost thousands of dollars, but the nuwave precision induction cooktop is a bargain at just four easy payments of only $33.33. your nuwave comes with the quick start guide, gourmet dvd
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and the nuwave recipe book giving you the precise temperature settings to make all your favorite meals come out perfect every time. and get this: when you call now and order direct, we'll drop a payment! you pay only three payments of $33.33. that's a 25% savings. but we're not done. you also get the nuwave stainless steel 3-1/2 quart pot with premium tempered glass lid. alone, it's worth more than $100, but call today and it's yours free. plus we'll also include this stainless steel steamer basket. wait, there's more good news. we'll also send you the nuwave perfect green non-stick cookware set, including a nine-inch omelet pan, plus a 10-1/2-inch sauce pan that can be used with your glass lid too. the non-stick surface is coated with duralon diamond-infused nano-ceramic coating. it helps you make great-tasting low-fat meals. we'll also send you the nine-piece deluxe fondue kit perfect for making your favorite fondues. hold on! are you ready for an amazing deal?
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act now and we'll send you a second nuwave p.i.c. absolutely free-- all you pay is the shipping and processing. keep it for yourself or send it as an unforgettable gift from you. this buy one, get one free special promotion won't last long. and listen to this: we'll let you try the nuwave p.i.c.s risk-free, not for 30 days not for 60 days, but 90 days. if you're not happy, return them and we'll refund the purchase price, but these six gifts are yours free to keep-- all you pay is the shipping and processing. this special television offer is not available at stores and won't last long, so act fast. don't forget to ask about special savings on the nuwave pressure cooker with bob warden's great food fast cookbook. the nuwave pressure cooker is fully induction-ready and compatible for use with the nuwave p.i.c., so you can prepare tender meats, rich risottos and flavorful seafood cooked to perfection in minutes. and with bob warden's great food fast cookbook, you'll get over
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100 delicious, healthy time-saving recipes. plus, ask about the nuwave cast-iron barbecue grill and griddle and the 10-piece perfect green cookware set. [♪.. call or go online now. [♪.. >> woman: this has been a paid presentation for the nuwave precision induction cooktop.
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>> announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for montel's living well healthmaster brought to you by tristar products. today, on living well with montel... >> sylvia browne! [cheering and applause.. >> announcer: sylvia browne and montel, together again for the first time in more than a year. don't miss sylvia's huge announcement... [applaus and her shocking psychic predictions, including a frightening revelation about one woman... >> i call this a desert period. >> announcer: that could save her life, and yours. plus, see why even sylvia is in love with montel's newest living well product. >> hi, i'm montel williams. a few years ago, my life took a dramatic turn and my health became the complete and total focus of my life. since that time, through research and advice from world-renowned doctors and health care experts, i've learned how to live well, to get the very most out of my body each and every day. i wrote my book about it living well with montel, and you've seen articles from the new york times health and fitness magazines, and even university studies. consuming fresh fruits and vegetables can increase your
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energy levels, reduce your risk of illness and boost your immune system and recharge your entire body, so you can start living well. living well is something that we can all do and it's easier than you think. whether you have a current problem or you just want to be healthier, lose weight, increase your energy and vitality or be the best you can be, i'm gonna show you how you can do it with this baby right here, the living well healthmaster. it's my secret weapon, and trust me, the amazing health and weight loss benefits that you can get from this one machine are nothing short of miraculous. >> announcer: stay tuned to meet montel's medical dream team. >> i've never endorsed anything, for anyone. >> announcer: you won't believe what they say about the amazing health benefits of the living well healthmaster. >> one of the biggest causes of cancer is low oxygen. this gives you living oxygen. >> announcer: plus, a family desperate to get healthy. >> woman: we need some help right now and i hope montel can help us. >> announcer: montel and the healthmaster could be their last hope. wait till you see all the nutritious, delicious recipes even your kids'll love.
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and get ready to witness a weight loss miracle. it can happen for you too. the healthmaster is the biggest breakthrough in kitchen appliances in decades. the secret is the healthmaster's high-speed state-of-the-art digital emulsification system. this unique and proprietary process literally pulverizes and liquifies whole fruits vegetables, leafy greens in just seconds, turning ordinary produce into supercharged, delicious and nutritious food that retains all of the powerful, potent and valuable vitamins and minerals that other machines leave behind. the healthmaster does it all replacing over 20 kitchen appliances, saving you time, saving you money and helping you lose weight and feel great. coming up, you'll see the amazing healthmaster do what other machines simply can't: make chilled smoothies and power drinks... then in a snap, make hot simmering soups... even frozen sorbets and low-calorie ice creams. stay tuned to find out how you can get an exclusive manufacturer's discount on the
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amazing healthmaster emulsifier. and now, it's time to start living well with your host montel williams. [applause.. >> welcome, welcome, and thank you so much for joining us today. hi, i'm montel williams and i want to welcome you to my brand-new show living well with montel! [cheering and applause go ahead, have a seat, guys, have a seat. i'm really excited about this because i'm going to be giving you brand-new ways to live well physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually. now, luckily i happen to have a very good friend who knows the spirit inside and out and there is no way i could start a new adventure without her. you know who she is. >> sylvia: i grew up in a middle-class family in kansas city, missouri. at three years old they told me that i knew who was coming, who was going to ring the phone... at five, i was sitting on the couch, facing two of my great-grandmothers and i saw their faces run... which scared me to death. not knowing, at the time, until
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my maternal grandmother-- thank god i had her, who was a psychic-- said that means that they're going to "pass over to god's house," is how she put it, and within two weeks both of them were dead. at 71 years of age, doing it for 53 years professionally, if i didn't have passion for it i would be dead by now. i... i really, really love it. i mean, everybody that knows me, seen me in concert or heard me on the phone, i've never lost my enthusiasm. when that day comes, i'll stop. [whistling and applause... >> ladies and gentlemen, we are back together again on the same stage for the first time in a year, please welcome world-renowned psychic sylvia browne! [cheering and applause [♪.. that's for you, girlfriend. sylvia, i'm telling you, i've had people stop me in malls,
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stop me on airplanes and say, "geez, montel, you off the air, man, we don't get no sylvia browne?" i was like, "she's all over the country," but they want to see us together. >> no, but they said the same thing to me. here's what they said to me: "you look naked without montel." [laughte >> what have you been up to for this last year? tell everybody. it's been exciting. >> yeah, i've been, uh, doing lectures, i've been writing books... you know, the same-old, same-old. >> so you had a... >> and i also got engaged. [cheering and applause >> sylvia, i am, i'm so excited about the show, the whole idea of living well, and you know when i wrote the book, living well with montel i wrote about making sure people could change their lives through diet and exercise. we created an unbelievable product-- it's called the living well healthmaster-- and here to help me talk about it a little bit is my friend, our new product guru, please welcome forbes riley to the show! [cheering and applause how are you? how you doing?
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>> good, i'm so happy to be here! >> good to see you. you've actually used our healthmaster yourself, personally. how well does this thing work? >> well, here's the thing about eating well and living well... i don't know if you remember but i used to be about 30 to 40 pounds heavier than i am. >> sylvia: ah, yeah, you did but you lost it. >> she's honest... >> no, but you were cute, come on, you always look pretty. >> thank you. well, that's what everyone always said to me, "you have a pretty face, could you just lose the weight?" and i never could i never understood. i don't really like eating vegetables, i didn't understand how to cook them and the concept of juicing was so foreign. so what i did was i just figured it out, and you did too. living well, eating great food and if you don't really love all those foods, find a way to get 'em into your diet juicing, and healthmaster is the way to do it. >> absolutely, it's easy. >> i call it stealthing... stealth your vegetables, stealth them. >> but it's easy. >> you could hide them. what we're gonna do, i tell you what, i'm gonna prove this to you. name some fruits that you like give me some fruits. >> apples... >> apples. >> i like watermelon and cantaloupe and... >> banana. >> oranges, banana, yeah. i like all of 'em. >> o.k., we're gonna go back and i'm gonna put some spinach in
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that drink, i'm gonna put some beets, some carrots. i'm gonna put something that you think, that you think you could not drink and we're putting the entire vegetable in this thing that's what's so great about the new living well health master, is that it's an emulsifier guys. you can take the entire fruit and stick it in there... >> forbes: and it's raw. you get the nutrition, you get the enzymes. your body's gonna be supercharged and when it works great, i have to tell you, it just melts away and of course, you know, your sex life just kind of heats up. >> montel: there you go. we'll be back right after this! [cheering and applause [♪.. >> announcer: coming up next montel's medical dream team reveals how the healthmaster could make you live healthier and longer. and later, sylvia's back. can you predict if she'll like her ultra-healthy fruit and vegetable smoothie? >> who'd ever think about mixing vegetables and fruit together and have it taste like this? >> that's the crazy thing. before the healthmaster you couldn't do it. >> announcer: plus, a revelation that could save your life. [applaus
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>> welcome! i'm montel williams and i'm so excited about today because i'm about to take you on a nutritional journey that i know will turn your entire family's life of poor eating habits into a whole new world of living well. today we're in a kitchen and i'm about to show you how you can make the most delicious and nutritious wonders that i guarantee will help you lose weight, feel better and jump- start and supercharge your life. now, this is the revolutionary living well healthmaster. it's not a mixer, it's not a juicer, it's much more than even just a blender, and believe me this is going to be absolutely the most important appliance-- not just in your kitchen-- but in america's kitchens and i guarantee you that. [applaus here to help me show you how to prepare healthy and tasty foods and even how to get your kids to eat the vegetables that you know they don't like to eat, is celebrity tv host, mother of twins and product expert forbes riley-- welcome her out. [cheering and applause [exchanging greetings, kisse >> aren't you so excited? >> oh, i'm excited. first of all, how are the twins?
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>> oh, amazing-- almost six, in kindergarten. >> and i know that they're doing really well because they've been living well like this their whole lives, so what are we gonna do? >> i love what you said, that this is not just a kitchen appliance and it's not just a blender-- it is so much more. this is a professional grade emulsifier-- ooh, big word, what does "emulsifier" mean? because i think you coined the phrase, "stealth veggies." this has changed my life because i can make sauces, soups, ice cream-- you can make all kinds of food, disguise the things that are healthy that you don't like with things that you love. that's the beauty of this product. somebody wanna see what we can do with this? >> yes! [applaus >> we need some help, let's bring up-- can we bring up some people to help us? >> yes, i think we oughta just get busy, let's get some people-- natalie, cheryl michelle and joel... [applaus they're gonna help us out. >> forbes: all right. >> we had a conversation earlier. tell the truth: how many servings of vegetables do you think you eat a week? >> maybe one or two? >> one or two a week? >> yes. >> montel: how 'bout you? >> about the same. >> how 'bout you? >> maybe three. >> o.k., how about you? >> about twice, if my wife is looking. >> forbes: [laughsbecause veggies don't, they don't taste so good, do they?
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>> woman: no. >> but they're so good for you. you know what you're looking at? you're looking at a table full of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, phyto-nutrients. your body needs these things to survive. >> now let me tell you something. every single day, there's no ifs-- every day of my life now for the last three years, i start my day with a drink, and i call it my green fruit smoothie. it's really simple and this is where you can really get your kids started, stealthing vegetables inside of a drink. what we wanna do is we wanna put some fruit in here, so i picked oranges... >> oranges. >> and i'ma drop two oranges in, you don't have to-- whole. >> look! how nice! [laughs >> whole apple, whole green apple, put another green apple in there. >> all right, another green apple, two green apples-- could you do this with your regular blender? >> berries, berries, as many berries as you want. i'll throw in a banana. >> o.k. >> this is kinda cool. and then, this is the one that'll drive your kids nuts. >> love it, love it, love it? no... >> one whole cup of-- or as much spinach as you can shove in here. >> you won't even know that it's in here. >> throw a little ice in. >> now, this is the genius. by the way, if you put ice in most blenders, what happens? they stop working. almost two horsepower, this little guy, it could almost power a small boat.
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almost two horsepower, 1100 watts-- most of your blenders, 300 to 400 watts. >> can i tell you something? the trolling motor on my father-in-law's boat is a two-horsepower motor. [laughte so i'm going fishin' on that all the time-- o.k. put a little water in. all you have to do is secure the lid-- what's so nice about this blender is that it has a safety mechanism, it has to be completely secure, not only on the lid but on the base, for it to even come on. >> what do you say we hit "run" and watch this happen. [machine whirs.. >> now, you could run this for as long as you want. i suggest no more than a minute because it'll start to warm up we'll talk about that in a minute. but the cool thing about it is that you will make as smooth and as non-gritty-- there's not another blender on the marketplace that i believe, that can grind up spinach, lettuce, swiss chard, carrots, all in the same container at the exact same time, down to a fine nothing. what do you think? >> mmm, it's good. >> wow, man. >> i taste apples. >> my wife will be proud of me.
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>> [laughsnot nearly as proud as we are! look at your face! finish it! >> that's good. >> you can go to a smoothie bar. if you get a glass of smoothie like this, what is it, $3 or $4 now for a smoothie? this food feeds your body, feeds your brain-- you get smart healthy, well-adjusted kids all through their nutrition. pennies per serving. >> pennies. >> that's one of the geniuses. it saves time and money. [applaus >> living well means taking action, so let's hear from some folks who did just that with the healthmaster themselves. take a look at this. >> one of the main goals that i wanted was to have more endurance, have more stamina, to feel stronger, and i have accomplished all that with the living well program. i have lost about 30 pounds. one of the things that has impacted me the most is people's reactions to my change. i'm happy to go to work and have people come up to me and they just can't believe the change that i've made in my life, so it has been life-changing and i'm so thankful. it does work, it does work. >> since starting the montel living well program, i've lost 24 pounds. i never thought you could lose
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this much in a short amount of time, it will change your life it'll make you healthier and make you have a lot more energy and it'll put you back into shape, and everything else will follow, your whole life will change. [applaus >> now, forbes, listen to me. i know we've already proven them that they can get a nutritious cool, cold drink made out of vegetables and fruits, but i'ma tell you, watch this-- any you guys believe that we can make hot soup inside this healthmaster? >> no. >> what do you mean, "no"? come on, man are you kidding me? >> here's the thing: cooking kills. when you cook your vegetables and you boil them, you boil the nutrition out of your celery out of your carrots. you wanna get the nutrition but you also wanna get the enzymes and the vitamins, so i'm gonna throw in some beautiful vine-ripened tomatoes, a whole potato-- just pop it right in there. >> you gotta tell 'em a little piece, because as you boil things, you kill the phyto-nutrients... >> right. >> you kill all the enzymes, it makes it more difficult for you to absorb. this way, we're just spinning it because this thing-- 3000 r.p.m.... >> now this is the genius. you set it for eight minutes. you can set it and stay and
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watch it, or you can just walk away and do the other things that you need, but hot simmering soup in eight minutes. [machine whirs.. hello? [audience react that's the wow, that is the most amazing thing about the healthmaster is that you can make hot, simmering soup nutritious and delicious-- how's it taste, then? >> that's great. >> yeah? >> that's, that's great. >> you're not just saying that 'cause i'm right here? >> no, no, that's great, that's great. [applaus >> this is hot, hot soup-- protein plus a lot of raw vegetables. what more could you ask for? when we come back, more taste sensations, more weight loss stories and i'm gonna take the healthmaster out for a little visit to a local farm, so don't go anywhere. [♪.. >> announcer: introducing the living well healthmaster fruit and vegetable emulsifier. the healthmaster is more than a blender because blenders only blend and leave clumpy messes, while mixers only combine ingredients and leave even bigger messes, and juicers simply discard the nutrient-rich skins, seeds and pulp. the healthmaster truly is the
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kitchen appliance breakthrough that does what other machines simply can't. the secret is its amazing high-speed digital emulsification system. this unique and proprietary process literally pulverizes and liquifies whole fruits vegetables and leafy greens in just seconds, while retaining all the powerful, potent and valuable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phyto-nutrients that other machines leave behind. you can increase your energy... improve vitality and lose weight the healthy way. and the healthmaster saves you money by utilizing inexpensive fruits and vegetables from your grocer, turning them into healthy, vitamin-rich chilled juices, smoothies and power drinks, and all-natural healthy baby foods, delicious hot soups, sensational low-calorie salad dressings, plus instantly mix ingredients for cupcakes muffins, pizza dough and breads. you can even make frozen desserts, like creamy, mouthwatering ice cream and fresh fruit sorbets. the healthmaster literally does it all, replacing over 20
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kitchen appliances and performing over 31 jobs, saving you valuable time and money, making the healthmaster the one kitchen appliance you can't live without. the healthmaster features a motor that's almost two horsepower-- 1100 watts of power-- and these commercial- grade culinary-angled stainless steel blades that emulsify wet or dry whole foods at over 3000 r.p.m. that's enough power and performance to decimate these chunks of solid concrete into a super-fine powder. and the healthmaster is still good as new. why boil fresh vegetables and lose healthy nutrients, when you can make hot soups and sauces right inside the extra-large carafe? the key is the healthmaster's centrifugal friction, which cooks foods naturally, retaining all the healthy nutrients and delivering hot, flavorful and robust soups in a snap. and with its preset timer function, you simply set it and walk away. similar consumer and professional machines could cost you as much as $1200, but you won't pay $1200 for the
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incredible healthmaster. in fact, you won't pay half of that... not even a fraction of that cost. call now and during this exclusive television offer, you can own the amazing living well healthmaster for just four payments of only $49.99. plus, you'll also get this super slim me eating plan, designed with nutritional secrets to help you lose weight the easy healthmaster way. be one of the first 500 to order and we'll also send you these four bonus recipe books, free! loaded with over 100 delicious recipes for smoothies, power drinks, soups, sauces, desserts and so much more. call now and it gets even better! >> i'm so confident that you're gonna love my healthmaster as much as i do, that i've asked the manufacturer to drop one entire payment for you and forget about the 30-day money-back guarantee because guess what? i'm gonna double it. so you can try the amazing healthmaster for a full 60 days. if you don't love it as much as i do, simply return it for a full refund, no questions asked. that's my promise to you.
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>> announcer: and because the healthmaster is built to last, it also comes with an unprecedented 100 year motor warranty, so what are you waiting for? call the number on your screen or log on to so you too can save time, save money and start losing weight and feeling great. when you call, find out how you can upgrade to the new and improved healthmaster elite. this commercial-quality kitchen breakthrough features a shorter, compact design and comes in your choice of white, red or black, so you can match the decor of your kitchen. and new moms will love the healthmaster elite's 100% b.p.a.-free carafe for making wholesome, safe and all-natural baby food right at home. order your living well healthmaster right now. [♪.. call or go online now. [applause... >> now, here to help me and
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teach you how to live well from inside-out is my dream team of experts. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the author of the best-selling book, the cure dr. timothy brantley... [applaus [♪.. nutritionist and author of the book 52 ways to a healthy you laura lewis, welcome her. and, of course, you know our own dr. mike! dr. michael cirigliano, welcome him to the show! come up, guys. sit down, sit down. thank you. all right, i gotta tell you, i'm so excited about this project and excited about the opportunity to get information out to people, to make them understand that you can impact the way you feel just by what you put in your mouth. i guinea-pigged myself for a full year, changing the way i eat, and i have impacted almost every symptom i have from m.s. every single one of 'em. i'm not curing my disease... but i'ma tell ya, i feel better every single day. now... [applaus
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what do you think? i mean, you know, we... i'm trying to make sure, like, this show is all about making people understand you can get those fruits and vegetables and change your diet and the way you eat by emulsifying, juicing, stealthing... what do you think about this whole idea? >> dr. brantley: well, you just talked about emulsifying and juicing, what people have to remember is, we live in a... this is a living body. we were made, created, designed to live off of what comes from the earth. live food for a live living body. >> montel: increase your fruits and vegetables, you can lower your risk for type 2 diabetes, multiple forms of cancer osteoarthritis, disease after disease after disease, right? >> exactly, i'm so passionate about this-- i've worked with people for many years, and one of the things they really are missing is real food, you know, food that's fresh and full of life and full of enzymes and, and wonderful vitamins and nutrients. >> see, i gotta throw in my little shameless plug right this minute, but you know, our living well healthmaster blender, for families who have a problem sitting down and eating a bowl of broccoli, or sitting down and
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eating a bowl of spinach, or sitting down and eating four or five servings of fruits in the daytime. i'm gonna show you guys, especially you in this audience, i'm gonna show you by the end of this hour how i can make any one of these vegetables more palatable than you'd ever think. i don't have to cook them, i don't have to burn 'em up, i don't have to destroy the enzymes, and you will drink them and be, "are you kidding me?" no ifs, ands or buts. but it's just getting more and more through your body. >> it is, truly, in concentrated amounts, which is much easier for people to be like, "you mean i have to eat this many?" yes, in this way, in this delivery it's fabulous for you and it's very protective of your cells. >> listen, this is gonna be a sewage system if we don't clean it, and the inside of this body is going to be indicative of what we end up with, one way or the other, it's just that simple. >> dr. mike, this was like the perfect... watch, we're gonna do it like a football team: pass it off to dr. mike 'cause he's talking about what goes on inside a body. doc, rock 'em. >> let's talk about the real deal, 'cause what i do is-- like i said, i love the body and i want to show you what the body's all about. now, let's take a look all right? now, look at that.
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all right, this is an actual colon cancer. that is the enemy and that's a nasty, gnarly disease. you don't want that. and the way to prevent it, besides getting a colonoscopy and seeing your doctors on a regular basis, is to eat the right foods. you are what you eat. >> i've never endorsed anything, for anyone, and the reason that i'm really taking a look at what each one of us needs to do is because of this... when you take a look at these fruits and vegetables, it's hard to eat 10, 12 different types of vegetables every day, sit down at a meal. but when you can take a cruciferous vegetable, you can take a delicious fruit and you can put 'em in a blender that's also a juicer and give yourself the fiber and control the amount of fiber you want from each one of these things... you can actually create the health that you want-- i've never endorsed anything-- and get the amino acids, the essential fatty acids, the macrominerals, the microminerals, this is what controls your biochemistry which has to do with oxygen
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at the cellular level. otto warburg won the nobel prize in 1931 for discovering one of the biggest causes of cancer was low oxygen. this gives you living oxygen to feed the system in an easy way. you don't have to go out to your lawn and eat the grasses. >> i don't know what i gotta do to make people get one-- i'm already gonna give you one of the payments off, i'm gonna give you 60 days to try it out at your home, if you don't like it, send it back, we will give you your money back 100%. i tell you what, i'm gonna take a little break, and next up, a mother who's afraid right now for her family because she believes that their eating habits are killing them. we'll be back right after this. [applaus >> announcer: next, help for a little boy whose weight is already out of control. plus, more of montel and forbes with the amazing healthmaster, and still to come, sylvia's back with a vision that could save an audience member, and you. the healthmaster truly is a one-of-a-kind kitchen appliance that does what no other blender can. watch the healthmaster turn solid ice into smooth, blended frost in seconds, while the standard blender skips and
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grinds, leaving behind the solid ice chunks intact. how about leafy greens and vegetables? the standard blender is no match for the healthmaster-- watch as it quickly pulverizes even large vegetables in seconds into a silky vegetable puree. even solid grains are no problem for the healthmaster. the typical blender simply swirls at the bottom, while the power of the healthmaster turns the grain into flour right before your eyes. the healthmaster's digital emulsification power makes it more than a blender. it's your in-home commercial grade appliance that blends... chops... liquefies... and even processes food in just seconds. the healthmaster does it all. [♪.. [applaus >> well, we're back and i'm telling you, with the little old healthmaster, you can get healthy, you can feel great and you can lose weight, and i gotta say this. everyone deserves an opportunity to live well. that's why i want you all to go out and get a living well healthmaster. this is your first step in turning ordinary fruits, vegetables and proteins into
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extraordinary, tasty sensations. >> i don't really like raw vegetables, how do you get them into your diet? >> you can do so with a really fabulous drink that i make again, every single day, and it's my top five. why do i call it my top five? because you know that drink that comes in a can that they say everybody gotta have one? >> oh, i shoulda had-- >> i shoulda had... [laughte you know what i'm talking about? you don't have to pay for that and buy that. it's got all these preservatives in it; i'ma show you how to make this at home yourself. all you gotta do is throw in tomatoes... >> no chopping. >> no chopping, throw in three tomatoes. i got a red pepper, i kinda like that flavor. i'll put in a couple of carrots real quick. you don't have to pre-chop this or anything. >> nope. >> it will do it itself. throw that in there, little bit of celery, get it down in there. >> what about this little green pepper guy? >> and this-- that is a jalapeño pepper. >> oh, o.k. [laugh >> now, i ought to let you know, it's a jalapeño pepper. throw a little ice in... >> scallion too, for taste? >> throw a scallion in there. see, i like it that's what i like. now, again, we're talking about completely raw. put a little water in there. let's fire this bad boy up. >> it's not only all about
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taste, it's all about nutrition. turn it on. [machine whirs.. >> i let this run for about a minute and 30 seconds. >> o.k. >> put enough ice in it. and again, this is taste. >> this is one of the secrets too-- if you wanna be healthy, shop the outside of your grocery store. the outside is where all the fruits and vegetables are. if you buy the things in the cans in the middle, you're not getting the nutrition that you want and you wonder why you're fighting the same 10 and 15 pounds over and over again. it's because there's so much in the foods that you're buying in a can-- doesn't that taste yummy? would you eat a whole plate of all of those vegetables? would you eat that? >> no. >> all the nutrition and enzymes that were in there is in that. tell me, would you drink that? >> would i drink that? yeah. >> forbes: would you eat a whole plate of vegetables? >> wait, i gotta ask the reaction. you guys had my vegetable drink. what do you think? is it o.k.? [applaus you can hang with that, right? >> who here is trying to lose about five, 10 pounds? >> anybody need to lose weight? >> the same five and 10 pounds over and over again. when you feed your body food that's this good, this nutritious, this raw, this food feeds your body, feeds your
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brain, you get smart, healthy-- you can't believe it. >> nobody knows anything about losing weight like our special expert, forbes, because take a look at this picture right here. [applaus >> forbes: i put on 75 pounds. that's a 65-inch waist. there's two seven-pound babies in there. i was always fighting the weight thing. once i discovered my healthmaster, juicing, portion control-- i eat what i want. i don't fight anymore. it's not a daily struggle. you know what, take a look at this photo. i got all dressed up because us moms, sometimes you just wanna get dolled up and look sexy, what do you think of that picture? [audience whoops, applauds >> announcer: introducing the living well healthmaster fruit and vegetable emulsifier. the healthmaster is more than a blender because blenders only blend and leave clumpy messes, while mixers only combine ingredients and leave even bigger messes, and juicers simply discard the nutrient-rich skins, seeds and pulp. the healthmaster truly is the kitchen appliance breakthrough that does what other machines simply can't. the secret is its amazing high-speed digital emulsification system.
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this unique and proprietary process literally pulverizes and liquifies whole fruits vegetables and leafy greens in just seconds, while retaining all the powerful, potent and valuable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phyto-nutrients that other machines leave behind. you can increase your energy... improve vitality and lose weight the healthy way. and the healthmaster saves you money by utilizing inexpensive fruits and vegetables from your grocer, turning them into healthy, vitamin-rich chilled juices, smoothies and power drinks, and all-natural healthy baby foods, delicious hot soups, sensational low-calorie salad dressings, plus instantly mix ingredients for cupcakes muffins, pizza dough and breads. you can even make frozen desserts, like creamy, mouthwatering ice cream and fresh fruit sorbets. the healthmaster literally does it all, replacing over 20 kitchen appliances and performing over 31 jobs, saving you valuable time and money, making the healthmaster the one
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kitchen appliance you can't live without. the healthmaster features a motor that's almost two horsepower-- 1100 watts of power-- and these commercial- grade culinary-angled stainless steel blades that emulsify wet or dry whole foods at over 3000 r.p.m. that's enough power and performance to decimate these chunks of solid concrete into a super-fine powder. and the healthmaster is still good as new. why boil fresh vegetables and lose healthy nutrients, when you can make hot soups and sauces right inside the extra-large carafe? the key is the healthmaster's centrifugal friction, which cooks foods naturally, retaining all the healthy nutrients and delivering hot, flavorful and robust soups in a snap. and with its preset timer function, you simply set it and walk away. similar consumer and professional machines could cost you as much as $1200, but you won't pay $1200 for the incredible healthmaster. in fact, you won't pay half of that... not even a fraction of that cost. call now and during this
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exclusive television offer, you can own the amazing living well healthmaster for just four payments of only $49.99. plus, you'll also get this super slim me eating plan, designed with nutritional secrets to help you lose weight the easy healthmaster way. be one of the first 500 to order and we'll also send you these four bonus recipe books, free! loaded with over 100 delicious recipes for smoothies, power drinks, soups, sauces, desserts and so much more. call now and it gets even better! >> i'm so confident that you're gonna love my healthmaster as much as i do, that i've asked the manufacturer to drop one entire payment for you and forget about the 30-day money-back guarantee because guess what? i'm gonna double it. so you can try the amazing healthmaster for a full 60 days. if you don't love it as much as i do, simply return it for a full refund, no questions asked. that's my promise to you. >> announcer: and because the healthmaster is built to last, it also comes with an unprecedented 100 year motor warranty, so what are you
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waiting for? call the number on your screen or log on to so you too can save time, save money and start losing weight and feeling great. when you call, find out how you can upgrade to the new and improved healthmaster elite. this commercial-quality kitchen breakthrough features a shorter, compact design and comes in your choice of white, red or black so you can match the decor of your kitchen. and new moms will love the healthmaster elite's 100% b.p.a.-free carafe for making wholesome, safe and all-natural baby food right at home. order your living well healthmaster right now. [♪.. call or go online now. [applaus >> my first guests say... their entire family needs to lose weight to get more healthy before it's way too late. take a look at this.
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>> woman: my son's name is brent and he is 10 years old, he weighs 165 pounds and most of the kids in his class that are are at a healthy weight weigh, you know, about 115 pounds so that's about 50 pounds that um, he could lose. i can set the path for my children, you know, walk one of two ways: to go down a healthy path or the unhealthy path. >> man: it'll be a great time for us to get onboard and do the same program and do it together as a family. >> we need some help right now and i hope montel can help us. >> please welcome tannete and her husband brent to the show. welcome them. [applaus tannete, why are you right now so worried about your family? why are you so worried? >> because we're just not healthy. we, um, can't run and play with our kids like we want to and our biggest concern is our son brent jr.... >> mm-hmm. >> he's, um, way bigger than what he should be, and not just from a physical standpoint, but
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i'm just worried about him health-wise. i want him to live a long and happy life. >> i gotta stop for a second because, you know, you're looking at this family and they're concerned about their son, but you know what dr. brantley, anybody, jump in here because this is something that's pandemic across america. >> every state in the united states has a population that is overweight and obese. it's, it's an epidemic, it's a nightmare, and if we don't do something now, we're going to have a crash like the stock market in our health. >> we're gonna give you today a way-- not just for you, but every family at home-- to be able to turn this thing around so, guys, give a really big, warm welcome to brent jr. and payton! [applaus [♪.. what's up? you don't want to be here? you know what we're talking about, we're talking about food, right? i'm gonna take a break. when we come back, i'ma bet you something.
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you like spinach? >> no. [laughte >> [mouthing words you like... you like green lettuce? >> brent jr.: [softl yeah. >> yeah? do you like... how about, do you like beets? >> i don't know what that is. >> that's a, that's a weird vegetable that your mom probably never gave you because she didn't think you would eat it, o.k., right? when we come back, what if i told you, right now, i bet you... i'm gonna give you some spinach, some beets... you're gonna drink it and be shocked at how good it tastes. what would you say to that? that's good enough, because i'm gonna make it from this to... [gasps dramaticall >> announcer: up next, get ready to be amazed... a delicious veggie fruit smoothie that even brent will love. plus, they didn't just lose weight, they transformed their lives. find out how the healthmaster can do the same for you. >> now, earlier in the show i had brent jr. here telling me that, "no, no, no, i'm not eating any spinach. i don't like spinach, i don't like the green stuff." so i want to prove to him that we can make him eat this, along
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with that, and it's gonna be so good and delicious he won't even know that there's vegetables in it. >> you know, i've got five-year-old twins at home and one of the ways to get nutrition into their body is to disguise it. all the good stuff over there, disguised with all the fun stuff they already love to eat. >> so watch this. i'm gonna take-- i told 'em-- spinach... and... i'm gonna throw a little lettuce in there too, that's kind of cool. let's come over here, hmm... >> o.k., now, this is the fun part. >> how about a whole apple? >> a whole apple, no cutting. >> how about a couple of oranges? >> done. >> let's do two of those. >> some antioxidants, how about some blueberries? >> how about some... oh, i love blueberries. let me just kind of... let's go a little nuts with the blueberries here. >> oh... >> i love blueberries. >> see, now, you know what's great is you're improvising. you're not actually looking at a recipe. you figure out what fruits and vegetables that you really like. but again, you taste the fruits, you get the nutrients from the vegetables. here we go, let's hit "run". [machine whirs >> what do you think, brent? nasty, right? [forbes laughs nas-ty! >> all right, now let me get your cup. >> now, i'm telling you, no ifs, ands or buts, brent... [forbes laughs let me tell you. >> oh, he's looking nervous there, montel.
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>> here, i'm not even gonna taste it first. i'ma let you taste it first. try that. [laughter and applause [forbes laughs what do you think? that's all i'm saying! wouldn't it be wonderful to see kids as well as parents actually excited about eating vegetables and fruit every single day? you can do that, but check this out. this is what happened when i recently visited a local farm. take a look at this. well, we're at the farms view road stand farmers market with dana and her kids, adam and alec... jillian, right? jillian, do you eat a lot of vegetables? >> no. >> do you like spinach? oh, i love it when i have a child who can't stand spinach because you think it doesn't taste good, but i'm gonna take some spinach and i'ma show you that in just a minute, i'm gonna make sure you eat a little spinach. let's reach over here and grab ourselves a little romaine lettuce, stick that in there on the top-- mmm, mmm, mmm-- and you know what, what we could do is throw a couple pieces of celery in here too. what do you think? do you think this will taste
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good? [laughte but what we wanna do now is start stealthing it up a little bit, you wanna make it taste a little sweeter. what fruit do you like? >> strawberries. >> strawberries, we said that earlier, so let's get you some strawberries in there. do you like apples? >> girl: grapes! >> grapes-- you got the grapes girlfriend. let's put a whole load of grapes in this one... do you like peaches? o.k., i'll throw a couple of peaches in there. let's add a little ice. [machine whirs all right, now, what do you think? do you think it's going to taste good? o.k., i'm gonna give you a little taste of this. and let's take a look at the reaction on this face. [♪.. >> mmm. >> it's o.k., though, right? >> tastes yummy! >> it's yummy. it's all about taste and whatever you like for taste. am i stealthing him or trying to hide the fruits and vegetables? yes, the vegetables, but i'm letting my kids participate in it. [applaus for the taping of the show, it was about 97, about 100 days ago, we got a group of people together out in california and i said to them, "listen to me.
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i guarantee you that if you go on our healthmaster and you start using the recipes that we'll give you, we can change your life." folks, wait till you see the way some of my guests' lives have changed. take a look at this. [applaus >> the living well program, it allowed me to lose weight in ways that i didn't think i was going to. i knew i was gonna lose weight. i just didn't know how much. i went from wearing a 48 to a 36. it's everything you need and want, and i'm living well. it's just been wonderful. the living well program works. and that blender's great. [chuckle i love that blender. >> you name it, i have tried it. i've tried every pill, every exercise program, every, you know, diet plan. i've done them all. and until i tried the living well blender, i've just struggled and struggled. on the living well program i have lost 26 pounds. i'm down three or four sizes now. i've wanted to have results like
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these and now i feel like i've finally succeeded, and i thank montel. [applaus before the program, kenny weighed 295 pounds. let's take a look at the old kenny. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the new kenny to the show! [cheering and applause [♪.. are you kidding me? my goodness, man, wait... wait, wait, wait... and, guys, you remember the old amy, take a look at amy, and guys, welcome the new amy to the show! [cheering and applause [♪.. come on over, darling. my goodness, good to see you here, have a seat, obviously but wait, kenny, you can't have a seat before you show them this, because before you started this program these were the jeans that my man wore. >> audience: wow... >> have a seat for a second, guys.
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how-- wait-- how long, how long have you been doing this program? [applaus >> 12 weeks. >> we did it for 12 weeks. >> 12 weeks. so in a 12-week period of time you lost 50...? >> kenny: 50 pounds. >> 50 pounds. in 12 weeks you lost 28, 27, 28 pounds? >> 27, 28... >> how difficult was this to do, first off. >> not difficult at all. just... you gotta prepare yourself in the morning and get up and decide what you're gonna do for the day and get it done in the morning. >> is this now a momentary diet or this gonna be for you a lifestyle change? >> lifestyle. >> lifestyle change. >> kenny and amy's program turned their life around. take a look at this. [♪.. >> kenny: people see me that haven't seen me since i was bigger and they're asking me what i'm doing and they're, you know, curious. they want to know, like, "oh what's the magic pill?" i'm like, "there is no magic pill, it's just hard work." the reason why you should use the juicer is because it, it makes it simple. you put everything in there, you pulverize it and then you put it in a couple of containers and you go. you could take the apple out of
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the bag, rinse it off and throw it in there. just being fit and having people come up to you and giving compliments all day long versus having a great cheeseburger for, you know, one hour out of the day... there's no comparison. i'll take compliments all day long. [chuckle >> this isn't like a normal blender. a regular blender would never be able to chop through lettuce and apples. mixing fruits and vegetables together, blending them together tasted really good and gave me a lot of energy as well. so many people have asked me about what i'm doing. i am sharing with anybody that will listen, try this, it will make you feel amazing. i'm gonna do this for the rest of my life. >> announcer: introducing the living well healthmaster fruit and vegetable emulsifier. the healthmaster is more than a blender because blenders only blend and leave clumpy messes, while mixers only combine ingredients and leave even bigger messes, and juicers simply discard the nutrient-rich skins, seeds and pulp.
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the healthmaster truly is the kitchen appliance breakthrough that does what other machines simply can't. the secret is its amazing high-speed digital emulsification system. this unique and proprietary process literally pulverizes and liquifies whole fruits vegetables and leafy greens in just seconds, while retaining all the powerful, potent and valuable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phyto-nutrients that other machines leave behind. you can increase your energy... improve vitality and lose weight the healthy way. and the healthmaster saves you money by utilizing inexpensive fruits and vegetables from your grocer, turning them into healthy, vitamin-rich chilled juices, smoothies and power drinks, and all-natural healthy baby foods, delicious hot soups, sensational low-calorie salad dressings, plus instantly mix ingredients for cupcakes muffins, pizza dough and breads. you can even make frozen desserts, like creamy, mouthwatering ice cream and fresh fruit sorbets.
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the healthmaster literally does it all, replacing over 20 kitchen appliances and performing over 31 jobs, saving you valuable time and money, making the healthmaster the one kitchen appliance you can't live without. the healthmaster features a motor that's almost two horsepower-- 1100 watts of power-- and these commercial- grade culinary-angled stainless steel blades that emulsify wet or dry whole foods at over 3000 r.p.m. that's enough power and performance to decimate these chunks of solid concrete into a super-fine powder. and the healthmaster is still good as new. why boil fresh vegetables and lose healthy nutrients, when you can make hot soups and sauces right inside the extra-large carafe? the key is the healthmaster's centrifugal friction, which cooks foods naturally, retaining all the healthy nutrients and delivering hot, flavorful and robust soups in a snap. and with its preset timer function, you simply set it and walk away. similar consumer and professional machines could cost
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you as much as $1200, but you won't pay $1200 for the incredible healthmaster. in fact, you won't pay half of that... not even a fraction of that cost. call now and during this exclusive television offer, you can own the amazing living well healthmaster for just four payments of only $49.99. plus, you'll also get this super slim me eating plan, designed with nutritional secrets to help you lose weight the easy healthmaster way. be one of the first 500 to order and we'll also send you these four bonus recipe books, free! loaded with over 100 delicious recipes for smoothies, power drinks, soups, sauces, desserts and so much more. call now and it gets even better! >> i'm so confident that you're gonna love my healthmaster as much as i do, that i've asked the manufacturer to drop one entire payment for you and forget about the 30-day money-back guarantee because guess what? i'm gonna double it. so you can try the amazing healthmaster for a full 60 days. if you don't love it as much as i do, simply return it for a full refund, no questions asked.
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that's my promise to you. >> announcer: and because the healthmaster is built to last, it also comes with an unprecedented 100 year motor warranty, so what are you waiting for? call the number on your screen or log on to so you too can save time, save money and start losing weight and feeling great. when you call, find out how you can upgrade to the new and improved healthmaster elite. this commerical-quality kitchen breakthrough features a shorter, compact design and comes in your choice of white, red or black so you can match the decor of your kitchen. and new moms will love the healthmaster elite's 100% b.p.a.-free carafe for making wholesome, safe and all-natural baby food right at home. order your living well healthmaster right now. [♪.. call or go online now. [cheering and applause
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>> well, welcome back to living well with montel and guess what, guys? can i get a shot, take a look at our living well living room. what you think? it's not bad, right? [cheering and applause a little switch-up, a little switch-up. >> sylvia: it's cozy. >> a little cozier. >> it's cozier... that's right. >> that way i can bring people closer to our guest who want information, like megan, right here, who had a question for you, sylvia. what do you got, megan? >> i just want to know, my family's going through a lot right now with my grandma being diagnosed with cancer and my aunt has stage four colon cancer. i just want to know, is things gonna get better for me and my family? >> yeah... they get better in august. >> o.k., stop right here for just a second. the product that i've been talking about throughout this hour, which is the living well healthmaster blender, i'm gonna tell you, without a doubt, you can reduce your risk of cancer you can reduce your risk of colon cancer if you just apply some of the principles that are in our recipes, and putting more vegetables and fruits through your body. the food and drug administration has made that statement, so perfect questions. you had a question go ahead, what's your question michelle? >> i recently got divorced
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moved, changed my job and, um, i just want to know if i'll eventually find somebody to share my life with and if i'll be financially sound. >> yeah, in two years, but you know i think that was the best thing you ever did was, you know, really, you did hold your nose and jump, 'cause that's a lot of change. but i think you were so backed against the wall that that's the only thing you could've done. >> you had a question. [applaus >> hi, sylvia. i just graduated out of high school and i don't know where my career path is actually gonna go, so i just want to know, do you know, am i gonna be successful at whatever i end up doing? >> yeah, it looks like you're gonna get into communication and writing. >> am i going to be successful? >> yeah, or otherwise i'd tell you not to do it. >> o.k., thank you. >> montel: there you are. [applaus and you know what, now wait a minute. now, way earlier on in the show, if you remember, i had sylvia give me some information about what kind of fruits and vegetables you like...
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>> yes, yes, yes. >> and i had... we went back and made the sylvia drink. is the drink ready? it's ready? it's ready, well, go ahead and please welcome back to the show, forbes riley! welcome back! [applaus forbes, let me let you have my seat. >> forbes: oh, well, thank you. >> now, you know, i'm doing this deliberately because i'ma show you guys with this drink, how this drink works, how good the drink is. >> here's the crazy thing. if i said, "here's an entire plate of this, would you mind eating all this fruit and vegetable? it's good for you." but you know what, who's gonna eat an entire plate of raw food? anybody here? >> you couldn't eat all that. well, it's not that you wouldn't like it, you just couldn't, it would be too filling. >> well, i gotta tell you something: i don't really like raw broccoli, truth be told. but this is to your health, and all of yours. >> o.k. >> take a drink from the healthmaster, what i made, using all these ingredients, it's raw. >> that is absolutely wonderful. >> wait, wait, wait, wait, everybody thinks you're just joking. we made some for the audience. bring 'em out here, bring it out here, bring it out bring it out. [applaus
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>> forbes: it tastes green and sludgy or...? >> it's good. >> sylvia: is it good? >> forbes: but look what's in it, this is what's so amazing. you have broccoli, you have spinach, you have mangoes. >> a lot of people here in this audience are gonna have questions for sylvia about their health, about, you know, there's something that happened to a relative who's ill... >> right. >> right now, if people dedicated themselves to changing their life, getting to a living well kind of an attitude, start putting more fruits and vegetables in your diet... >> sylvia: but who would ever think about mixing vegetables and fruit together and have it taste like this? >> but that's the crazy thing. before the healthmaster you couldn't do it. you can't do this in just a regular blender. it's not fast enough, it doesn't emulsify, it doesn't taste as good as this. >> this is delicious. >> montel: without a doubt. i'm gonna take a little break. it's all about the living well healthmaster blender. we'll be back right after this. [applaus >> announcer: the healthmaster truly is a one-of-a-kind kitchen appliance that does what no other blender can. watch the healthmaster turn solid ice into smooth, blended frost in seconds, while the standard blender skips and grinds, leaving behind the solid
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ice chunks intact. how about leafy greens and vegetables? the standard blender is no match for the healthmaster-- watch as it quickly pulverizes even large vegetables in seconds. the healthmaster's digital emulsification power makes it more than a blender. it's your in-home commercial grade appliance that blends... chops... liquefies... and even processes food in just seconds. the healthmaster does it all. [applaus >> well, welcome back and if you've just tuned in, i'm here with forbes riley and the amazing-- [applaus thank you-- and the amazing living well healthmaster which is not a blender and it's not a mixer it's not a chopper... >> forbes: oh, what is it? >> it's not a food processor. it is an unbelievably powerful emulsifier that takes the best part, the absolute best parts, of fruits and vegetables and turns them into delicious, nutritious foods, drinks and smoothies the way you know your family will ingest them. >> forbes: it's so much easier with the healthmaster and here's a secret. if you've got a little baby at home, we're gonna teach you how to make the most amazing fresh baby food, but it's also
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economic. >> economic, because we know that something like this, the baby foods that we always get, cost... >> o.k., they cost about 58 cents for a regular one 89 cents apiece for an organic one. now if i make my peas in here, an entire bag like this costs $1.99. that will make, if i put it in my ice cube trays here, 10 jars. do the math. $8.90 or $1.99. a $7 savings? so here we go. you blanch these first. steam 'em a little bit. get 'em a little soft. add a little bit of water. here's another secret-- you take the juice from the steaming because it's got nutrients in it, you put that in here and that's how we puree it. so here, we're gonna turn it on, let's run it. [machine whirs.. and here's what i do. i take them and i pour it out here-- and this is how i started my twins-- right into here o.k., there's one, there's two. i can do this entire tray and what you get is, you put this in the freezer and now you have a month's supply of homemade baby food. you don't need to do it every
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day, so here's my peas, my sweet potatoes and my carrots. [applaus now, montel, i think one of the downfalls to dieting is that you always want something sweet, you want a dessert and you find, you know, you're good all day and then you need something? this something rocks. >> i'm just dropping in some mangoes, right? got a little bit of mango, i'm putting in a little bit of ice. earlier we used fructose as our sweetener. you can use that. you can go out and get yourself some honey. this is a mango sorbet. >> forbes: this will take that edge off of your day. [machine whirs.. >> and again, you'll run this for about three minutes. and you're gonna be absolutely amazed at that, look at that. >> now this, it's, it's cold! now tell me that that's not better than store-bought because it's fresh. >> very good. >> i like cooking for you. >> you can do this with raspberries, you could do this with apple sorbet, you could do this with honey-- name it, you
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can make a sorbet. >> tell me, what are you thinking back here? >> oh, yeah, it's very good. >> would you buy this in the store? >> absolutely. >> yeah? how about you darlin'? come on, tell me what's going on. >> it's very, very good. >> yeah? >> mm-hmm. >> forbes: do you like dessert? >> i love dessert, but i didn't think i liked mangoes, but it was delicious. >> see, i love that. you know, montel, doesn't this just speak to you, when you eat something fresh, it tastes good? >> it does, but let's talk about it real quick. why don't you tell 'em again why it's so important that every american household has to have a living well healthmaster? >> for those of us who are short on time, you think you have to go for the fast food-- you don't-- this is a fast, healthy, nutritious way to make food, but the thing that i am loving right now, we're living on a budget. i look at how much i spend on ice creams and i mean, smoothies! you go to a smoothie bar and it's what, $4.50 for a smoothie? i can make one for under $1. isn't that amazing? when you start to add that up per month, you are saving hundreds of dollars a year. the healthmaster will pay for itself, especially in your medical bills. >> everyone deserves an opportunity to live well. that's why i want you all to go out and get a living well healthmaster. this is your first step in
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turning ordinary fruits, vegetables and proteins into extraordinary tasty sensations. if you call or visit our website right now-- the one that's rolling across the screen-- go up right now and you order a living well healthmaster we're gonna drop one entire payment and i'm gonna double your 30-day money-back guarantee and make it a 60-day money-back guarantee to give you plenty of time to try it out. i'ma guarantee you, if you try it out for 60 days, you will get these kinds of smiles on your family's faces. here's how you can order a living well healthmaster right now. [♪.. >> announcer: the all-new healthmaster truly is the kitchen appliance breakthrough that does what other machines simply can't. in just minutes, you can have healthy and delicious fruit smoothies. >> for pennies per serving nutritious and delicious. oh, my god, it doesn't get any better than this, does it? >> announcer: simmering hot soups and casseroles... >> forbes: hello? that's the wow-- that is the most amazing thing about the
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healthmaster. >> announcer: mouthwatering appetizer dips, like hummus. >> much creamier than what you buy in the store. >> announcer: tasty, nutritious vegetable drinks. >> montel: no chopping, throw in three tomatoes, i got a red pepper, i kind of like that flavor. >> forbes: does that taste yummy? >> announcer: zesty, all-natural salad dressings. >> it's fresh, it's less expensive than a salad dressing, it's real, delicious food. >> this is wonderful. >> announcer: even delicious low-calorie frozen treats and desserts. >> a good blizzard. >> forbes: a good blizzard? >> montel: a good blizzard. what do you say? >> it's really good. >> announcer: the secret is its incredible high-speed digital emulsification system. this unique and proprietary process literally pulverizes and liquefies whole fruits vegetables and leafy greens in just seconds, while retaining all the powerful, potent and valuable vitamins, minerals and antioxidants you need. the healthmaster literally does it all, replacing over 20 kitchen appliances and performing over 31 jobs, saving you valuable time and money, making the healthmaster the one
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kitchen appliance you can't live without. the healthmaster features a motor that's almost two horsepower-- 1100 watts of power-- and these commercial- grade culinary-angled stainless steel blades that emulsify wet or dry whole foods at over 3000 r.p.m. that's enough power and performance to decimate these chunks of solid concrete into a super-fine powder and the healthmaster is still good as new. why boil fresh vegetables and lose healthy nutrients, when you can make hot soups and sauces right inside the extra-large carafe? the key is the healthmaster's centrifugal friction, which cooks foods naturally, retaining all the healthy nutrients and delivering hot, flavorful and robust soups in a snap. and with its preset timer function, you simply set it and walk away. similar consumer and professional machines could cost you as much as $1200, but you won't pay $1200 for the incredible healthmaster. in fact, you won't pay half of that, not even a fraction of that cost. call now and during this
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exclusive television offer you can own the amazing living well healthmaster for just three payments of $49.99. plus you'll also get this super slim me eating plan, designed with nutritional secrets to help you lose weight the easy healthmaster way. be one of the first 500 to order and we'll also send you these four bonus recipe books, free! loaded with over 100 delicious recipes for smoothies, power drinks, soups, sauces, desserts and so much more. now you can get your own living well healthmaster for the direct-from-the-manufacturer price of only three payments of $49.99, but you must call now. call the number on your screen or log on to so you too can save time, save money and start losing weight and feeling great. when you call, find out how you can upgrade to the new and improved healthmaster elite. this commerical-quality kitchen breakthrough features a shorter, compact design and comes in your choice of white, red or black so you can match the decor of
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your kitchen. and new moms will love the heatlhmaster elite's 100% b.p.a.-free carafe for making wholesome, safe and all-natural baby food right at home. order your living well healthmaster right now. [♪.. call or go online now. the preceding has been a paid advertisement for montel's living well healthmaster brought to you by tristar products.
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♪ bad boys ♪ ♪ whatcha want, whatcha want? ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do ♪ ♪ when sheriff john brown come for you? ♪
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♪ tell me, whatcha gonna do? ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do? ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ bad boys, bad boys ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do? ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do when they come for you? ♪ ♪ bad boys, bad boys ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do? ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do when they come for you? ♪ ♪ nobody naw give you no break ♪ ♪ police naw give you no break ♪ ♪ soldier mon naw give you no break ♪ ♪ not even you idren naw give you no breaks ♪ ♪ bad boys, bad boys ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do? ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do when they come for you? ♪ ♪ bad boys, bad boys ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do? ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do when they come for you? ♪ cops is filmed on location with the men and women of law enforcement. all suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
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