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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  December 20, 2012 7:00am-9:00am PST

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ame, family and the future. >> we begin with a look at today's "eye opener" your world in 90 seconds. >> they keep on finding ways to say no and i don't know how much of that has to do with it is very hard for them to say yes to me. >> both sides dig in as the fiscal cliff draws closer. >> today the house speaker says they will pass a plan b. >> it would keep taxes going up for everyone making less than $1 million. >> he can call on the senate democrats to pass that bill or he can be responsible for the largest tax increase in american history. a major winter storm stretching across state after state. >> barrelling through the plains states towards the midwest. the storm also reaching into the southern united states trees mangled, trucks overturned a number of buildings damaged in mobile, alabama. the community of newtown will say good-bye to six more victims of the sandy hook school tragedy today. vice president joe biden is getting right to business with his first meeting today as he
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searches for ways to tighten gun control laws. >> this time the words need to lead to action. a daring prison escape in downtown chicago. two inmates escaped a high-rise prison with a rope made of bedsheets. bullet proof backpacks cost up to $300. >> very entertaining. >> somewhere clark griswold is going, perfection." >> this is a ridge of high pressure. i just popped a button. miss universe 2012 is -- usa! and all that matters. >> some who have made that list yours truly, that ought to tell you something right there regarding the credence that we should give "time" magazine. >> on "cbs this morning." >> i was named man of the year by "waste of time" magazine. captioning funded by cbs
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welcome to "cbs this morning." there are now 12 days to the fiscal cliff deadline and there is no deal between the white house and congressional republicans. >> in fact the speaker of the house is pushing for a vote on his own plan b today that has president obama fired up. major garrett is at the white house. major, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie and norah. top white house official told us the lines of communication remain open between president obama and house speaker john boehner but no one is using them. the president spoke yesterday about the contours of a grand bargain and said on a budget deal, america is tantalizingly close to victory. >> i'm going to reach out to all the leaders involved over the next couple of days and find out what is it that's holding this thing up. >> reporter: mr. obama said he trusts boehner and understands many republicans don't like dealing with him. just this once the president said, get over it. >> they've got to take me out of
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it and think about their voters. >> reporter: while the president was chatty boehner devoted only 52 seconds to the still emerging gop strategy of voting to increase income taxes on households earning $1 million or more. >> the house will pass legislation to make permanent tax relief for nearly every american, and then the president will have a decision to make. he can call on senate democrats to pass that bill or he can be responsible for the largest tax increase in american history. >> reporter: mr. obama favors higher income taxes on households earning more than $400,000, that's up from his re-election campaign promise of $250,000. and the president hinted he could go even higher possibly to $800,000. >> they can't increase tax rates on folks making $700,000 or $800,000 a year that's not a persuasive argument to me. >> reporter: amid all of the fiscal cliff wrangling director
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steven spielberg and actor daniel day-lewis showed "lincoln" to the entire senate. the film celebrates presidential power and crafty legislative strategy. >> both sides sitting in the same room watching a president who put the people out in front of the abyss, and i'm very very proud that we get to have this moment. >> reporter: and the president may need the wisdom of lincoln for his latest legislative battle, gun control. mr. obama said the newtown school massacre changed the way we look at that issue and tapped vice president joe biden to lead a new gun violence task force. >> i will use all the powers of this office to help advance efforts aimed at preventing more tragedies like this. >> reporter: the president's top priorities are reinstating the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 banning high capacity ammunition clips and putting all gun sales through private dealers and gun shows through
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federal background checks. in a couple of hours the vice president will meet with law enforcement officials across the country, they may well suggest additional measures. >> we bring in host of "face the nation" bob schieffer, good morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> bob you heard the president say there is a new reality about guns coming out of the massacre in newtown. how powerful is this new reality to get something done? >> well i guess i would ask how bad does it have to be to cause congress and the american people to focus on a way to make sure that this kind of thing doesn't have to happen again. i mean i cannot imagine that we are willing to accept this as sort of the new normal, that this is the way it's going to be from here on but this is a very, very difficult issue. i think one of the things charlie, that this hinges on what tact the national rifle association will take tomorrow when it holds its news
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conference. you know somehow or another it seems to me this debate has to focus on putting common sense back into all of this. i mean we don't ban cars. we have speed limits. there's a reason you can drive 75 miles an hour in the open desert and the reason we drive 25 miles an hour when we're in a school zone. it seems to me if we could approach this in that way, we could do something to at least make it harder for deranged people to get their hands on these weapons that have such killing power. i'm waiting to see what the national rifle association says tomorrow. if they bend somewhat i think they can play a very constructive role here but i think we'll have to see what they say. >> bob i think you're right. it was an extraordinary press conference by the president yesterday talking about wanting to make those additional gun control measures putting biden in charge and saying he'll have
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more at the state of the union in january but he also took some very sharp questioning specifically from abc's jake tapper who asked the president, where have you been on gun control? the president seemed to be a little bit testy in responding to that. >> i think testy would be the polite way to put it. i think i saw some steam coming out of his ears when jake asked that question, but the fact is both sides norah, you know this as well as i do have simply taken a pass on this. this is one of the most explosive issues. if people think that washington was not afraid of this issue, and the gun lobby, i invite them to join us in trying to get people to come on television to talk about it. we've never had such a time as we had sunday trying to find people to come on on "face the nation." i know our competitors had the same problems to get people who, you know had been pro-gun
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in the past to come on and tell us exactly what it is this issue is all about. >> bob -- >> it's a very difficult issue. >> let me turn to the fiscal cliff. do you think they're getting any closer? >> you know, i actually do. for all the doom and gloom talk i mean let's look at what happened here. i mean speaker boehner has now said he is willing to increase tax rates for the upper income people. he says people over $1 million. well i would remind you that that's chuck schumer's plan back there, democrat chuck schumer said that's the way to go on this. the president has also said he's willing to make deeper cuts but they just are not there yet, and you know the power of christmas is very powerful in washington, and that is the power of getting to go home for christmas, that's a driving factor around here. i think before it's over they'll get something done. i really do. >> bob, i want to turn now to what may be an open senate seat
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in massachusetts, senator john kerry, if he becomes the secretary of state. i know you spoke with the actor, ben affleck, let's listen to part of that from your interview. >> well one never knows. i'm not one to get into conjecture. i do have a great fondness and admiration for the political process in this country, big deal for me to come down here and be on your show that i've watched so much but i'm not going to get into speculation about my political future. i like to be involved right now i'm happy being involved from the outside in government advocating for the congolese, taking the movie i made "argo" become a springboard for dialogue about our relationship with iran which as hillary clinton said is probably the most pressing foreign issue policy today. i got a lot on my plate. >> he sure does sound like a politician. he won't give you a straight answer. >> i tell you he's a master at one part of the craft. he was here to talk b he has this organization called eastern congo initiative, where he's
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trying to do something. he appeared yesterday before the house armed services committee to talk about some way to make things better over there. this is a country that is now, there has been more killing there than any other single place, more than even that happened during world war ii. he's a very committed, a very serious person. you know he went to harvard and majored in middle eastern studies, so -- >> really interesting guy. >> -- i don't know i think you have to think about that. people in massachusetts will be hearing more in the days to come. >> we'll be watching bob schieffer thank you. you can see the rest of the interview in an exclusive conversation as well with south carolina's newly appointed senator tim scott on "face the nation" this sunday here on cbs. this year's first winter storm in the midwest threatens to upset christmas travel for millions of americans. the storm left more than a foot of snow in the rocky mountains, blizzard warngszings are up from kansas to wisconsin. emily rittman from kctv is in
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st. joseph missouri. >> reporter: good morning, here in st. joseph missouri, north of kansas city know drifts are really starting to form from all of the snow and strong winds that are blowing through the midwest and we now know these conditions are causing interstates to close. the fierce storm sweeping across the nation's mid section is unleashing everything from snow to lightning and thunder. >> yeah! >> reporter: it's expected to impact at least 16 states a wintry end to a mild december. >> we need the moisture. i'll take all the snow we can get right now. >> reporter: and it looks like they'll get it. in nebraska forecasters are calling for several inches of snow while parts of iowa and wisconsin could be buried in more than a foot. residents are trying to get an early jump on the sidewalks. >> three inches on the ground snow blowers, it's heavy and
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wet. >> reporter: tens of thousands in iowa are already without power. on the roadways, the mix of snow and whipping wind is making for dangerous driving conditions. the storm isn't sparing aire inginge inging air travelers either. >> i want to get home. >> reporter: flight delays and cancellations started popping up yesterday. >> we're worried with the omaha flight so we found a rental car and we're going to try to make the drive through. >> reporter: some parts of the country, this is the first significant snowfall of the season but that doesn't make it easy. >> i'm not ready for it. i guess we're a little bit spoiled from last year right? >> reporter: the snow is expected to stop falling here in missouri, but these strong powerful winds are expected to blow into the chicago area which could cause more delays at the second busiest airport. i'm emily rittman for "cbs this morning" in st. joseph. >> emily rittman thank you.
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david bernard from cbs 4 is watching the path of the storm. david, where is the storm now and where is it headed? >> norah, it is a very large storm and a couple of components to this. obviously the first part is the snow and the blizzard that we're reporting on look at our radar this morning it's showing from kansas city through des moines and bending back toward milwaukee, that's where the heaviest snow is right now. this morning it's still rain in chicago but look to the south, the southern edge of this storm has severe weather. we have ongoing tornado warnings right now in the mobile alabama, area and a very large tornado watch so the southern end of this storm is all about the severe weather. we have blizzard warnings for most of iowa this morning that extends northeast to near green bay and for chicago a winter storm warning by tonight, wind gusts in chicago 50 miles per hour plus and heavy and blowing snow is going to be likely. additional snowfall today. we could be talking about up to a foot in southern portions of wisconsin, and by tomorrow morning, it looks like a good two to three inches in chicago
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and i wouldn't be surprised if locally they had a little bit more than that and maybe some of the suburbs could see up to half a foot and we're not immune to it even here in florida, we have freeze watches that extend into north florida, that will be for saturday morning as that cold air is coming all the way south. >> david bernard, thank you. more funerals are scheduled today for school shooting victims in newtown, connecticut. hundreds of boy scouts are expected to attend the service for 6-year-old cub scout benjamin wheeler. the first responders are still trying to deal with what they saw. seth, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, charlie. some of the first responders were members of the all volunteer ambulance corps. they trained for a mass casualty event but certainly never expected to see them in their hometown. >> i've seen dead children before. i've never seen them with this type of trauma before. >> reporter: ken luhrman has
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been a volunteer emt for 15 years. at first, he treated a wounded adult. >> while we're there, somebody brought in a child, and then i realized that this is going to be dreadful for our community. >> reporter: marty folen, a retired corrections officer, helped transport a child who has been shot to the hospital. >> i didn't realize initially the extent of the tragedy. >> reporter: even though you're right there, you're a first responder, you're not able to see how big this is? >> no you get tunnel vision. >> reporter: of the 70 emts who volunteer, at least 12 hours a week at this station, 25 responded to friday's call. how have you been coping in the days since friday? >> i isolated myself went home didn't answer phone calls and friends and family and members wondering. >> reporter: you didn't answer the phone? >> yeah we were really worried about you marty. >> i wouldn't respond. >> reporter: why? >> just don't want to hear about
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it, don't want to see it. it was all over the news i didn't want any more part of it. i could not, i could not hear it anymore. >> reporter: counselors have been by the station and are available 24 hours a day to help treat first responders including kathy dahlmeyer, a pharmacy tech at a local drugstore. what's going through your mind what's happening emotionally? >> you're numb. there is no emotion at that point. you don't fall apart until way later. >> reporter: did you fall apart? >> not yet. >> reporter: their hope of course is that this town becomes better known as a community that pulled together. >> i've never been as proud of my people as i am today. because they did their job and they did what they had to do. >> reporter: now when we were at the station, someone had just dropped by with a bouquet of flowers, others had brought by food earlier in the week. these volunteer emts told us
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they had stood by the community and now, charlie and norah, the community is standing by them. >> seth thank you. two of secretary of state clinton's top deputy also testify this morning on capitol hill responding to a report that strongly criticized security at the u.s. consulate in benghazi libya. four state department officials now, including the man in charge of security efforts are being forced out of their jobs. margaret brennan is at the state department. margaret, who is leaving and why? >> good morning to you norah. four individuals were pinpointed by investigators who determined that officials ignored requests for additional security and guards at the benghazi compound. secretary of state hillary clinton accepted the resignation of eric boswell, head of diplomatic security effective immediately. three other individuals were officially relieved of their duties, including security official charlene lamb and raymond maxwell an individual who worked in the near east
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division which oversees libya. the fourth person has not yet been identified. >> margaret, when do you think hillary will testify? >> secretary clinton was supposed to herself today. she won't be because she suffered that concussion and canceled the appearance on saturday. she says she's happy to work with congress and lawmakers may ask her to testify in january. today bill burns and tom nye will take the questions including answering how they're addressing some of these new security issues. >> all right, margaret brennan chilly start to the gay, cold temperatures developing especially inland. a few high clouds beginning to creep into our skies. we are going to see more of those clouds throughout the day today. and the temperatures yeah, it is cold in spots. 29 degrees still in concord. 39 in san jose. 32 at the freezing mark in livermore, this afternoon highs only in the 50s, skies will be
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mostly cloudy. chance of showers developing late in the day. rain likely tonight with some strong gusty winds too. two dangerous bank robbers break out of their cell 20 stories above downtown chicago. one of them had threatened the judge who sent him to prison. >> certainly the public should not consider approaching these individuals. >> this morning, john miller has new information on the search for jose banks and kenneth connolly.
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and tough times continue for toyota, as the popular camry and prius-v get the lowest possible grade in the latest crash tests. we'll show you how they fell short and what the carmaker is doing now to improve safety on "cbs this morning." company is doing now to yes you did, yes you did. no i did and tough times continue for no yes you did. did not. [ male announcer ] find some peace this holiday. get an 8 piece meal now with a dozen delicious cookies baked in-store. the kfc festive feast. all for just $19.99. today tastes so good.
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2u two chicago prisoners are still at large after a dangerous escape. bank robbers got away after climbing down 20 stories on bed
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sheets. look at that. the fbi is calling them brief >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald live from the cbs 5 studios in san francisco, good morning. i'm brian hackney with this local news brief at 7:26. volunteers are getting ready for a big holiday toy and book giveaway in san jose and there is cate caugiran. she joins us live with more. good morning, cate. >> reporter: good morning, brian. i want to show you some of these parents have been in line here since 5:00 last night all for that toy drive. sacred heart community service has collected a total of 17,000 toys. the toys will be given out to more than 5600 kids in the bay area. part of the christmas toy box distribution to help low income parents bring smiles to their children christmas morning.
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and we want to make note this all kicks off at 10:00 this morning and you can still donate. they need toys for teens and books for all ages. brian, back to you. >> thank you. we'll have traffic and weather coming up.
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good morning. we have been watching a couple of problems on bay area roads including one southbound 101 past the alum rock exit just cleared to the right-hand shoulder. now it's northbound in the commute direction that is starting to see a few brake lights. we just learned from kcbs that the m-oceanview line will resume shortly. there was an apartment fire in the area. for a while there were bus shuttles in place. all other mass transit on time. over at the bay bridge it's backed up through the maze. that's traffic. here's lawrence. >> another chilly start to the day if you are heading out the door. cold temperatures especially in the valleys. overlook san jose right now, you see a few high clouds in the distance. 29 degrees in concord. 39 in san jose. and 39 in san francisco.
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this afternoon, highs only in the 50s. then the rain comes in overnight tonight, gusty winds into tomorrow.
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get this, you guys. employees at nasa have released their own parody of gangnam style. four giant steps for man, two months too late. >> i think we'll be doneh gang nam style in 2012. officials at a federal prison in downtown chicago say they k they had a problem when they came to w a makeshift rope running down the side of the building. >> two dangerous criminals are still on the loose this morning. the fbi is offering a $50,000 reward. dean reynolds is in chicago.
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good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the two convicted bank robbers have been missing and unaccounted for at this jail here since the head count on tuesday morning. and as one of their relatives said, they could be anywhere. they could be in paris by now. chicago's federal lockup is an imposing high rise and defied escape for three decades, but somehow two cell mates removed bars and in the predawn darkness lowered themselves at least 15 floors to freedom. using the knotted bed sheets to rappel down the facade. they were seen getting into a cab 2:41 tuesday morning. there are a lot of questions about how all of this went undetected by the guards. >> well we'll cross that bridge when we come to that. first business at hand is to catch the guys. >> reporter: they're'd if ied as jose banks and kenneth conley
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believed to be traveling together. banks was facing an 80-year sentence and and the fbi is offering a reward, but they're considered armed and dangerous. >> the public should not approach them. >> reporter: the helicopters have been aloft, part of an area wide dragnet that included stops at train stations and other known hangouts of the two in question. conley had been in prison since october of last year for one suburban bank stickup. the proceeds from which he showered on the local strip club. where he also reportedly bragged of plans to move to bermuda. banks on the other hand is one of the most accomplished thieves in the city's history. suspected in at least 20 heists. a bank surveillance video showed him pulling off one in 2008. he was convicted in two of the
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cases, plus two other holdups just last week. as he left court, banks told federal judge rebecca palmeyer you'll hear from me unquote. >> the steps have been taken by the federal marshal service to ensure the safety of the individuals threatened. >> reporter: for now, the search is focused on the chicago area, but everyone understands that the more time passes, the farther away they could be. and charlie and nora, keep in mind that one of these men apparently stashed away more than $500,000 in stolen loot. >> dean reynold, thank you. that could take you a lot of places. john miller, the former fbi director is with us. first, lots of questions. how did they do this? >> well, i think the question that the -- how did they did this, you see they managed to get the bed sheets, tie them together. there's a fashioned harness they made there. they managed to take out the
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five-inch window. you know it's hard to fit through a five-inch opening, but they also managed to break out then co the -- the concrete on the bottom. the question is what kind of help did they have from the trustee or from staff? this is not something they dreamed up in ten minutes. >> what do you mean about how crafty they are? >> well, bank robberies is an amateur hour crime and you're walking into a bank where they're making a movie from 20 different angles. they're cunning and they pulled off something that nobody has pulled now have 0 years. >> and they have money. >> they have money. i mean, conley i think -- in the knucklehead category, his bank robbery is like $4,000. but jose banks he's got $580,000
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he stole. $500,000 is unaccounted for that's a lot of running money. >> i have two questions. one is don't you think there's got some outside surveillance video of them scaling down the side of the wall and why didn't anyone see it? >> i think they're looking for that. and i mean, i think they're looking for that outside detail because they want to see when they got down, these guys left in orange jumpsuits. which is a real fashion statement no matter where you are. >> this is in the middle of chicago. not in the middle of nowhere. >> and the next time they were seen in gray sweatshirts or t-shirts. that means inside help outside help. it is interesting. >> are they sticking together do you think? >> police think they are sticking together. and you know they hit the locations you would hit. of course they hit the homes and there was some sign that one of them might have gone home. then they hit the strip club where conley used to work. >> again? >> well, they hit that place in the morning.
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>> you know -- >> they have been in a cell for a long time. >> after he robbed the bank -- >> i mean, come on. where's the police work here? all they have to do is go to the strip club. >> well, not only did they go to the strip club but they hit it before it opened and they came back and hit it again at 1:00 in the afternoon with a heavily armed team of officers. then they staked it out with guys in the back. so clearly they want to make sure they're kept abreast of -- >> easy question. this is an easy question. what's likelihood they will be caught? >> they will be caught. we're not dealing with master criminals here. there's a lot they can do. there's also a potential threat with the judge. so the u.s. marshals do a lot of things really well. but the thing they do better than anybody they are man hunters and they're going to be man hunters. >> john miller thank you. there is troubling news for toyota this morning. two of the company's most popular models got a poor rating in a new crash test. we'll hear toyota's response and show you what the company is doing about safety on "cbs this morning."
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toyota's facing a new safety challenge thanks to a new set of crash tests. two of the car's most popular vehicles received the lowest possible grades. as reported it's one more setback for a company that's had a year of bad publicity. >> the toyota camry, the nation's top-selling car has the government's highest safety rating but the 2013 model received a rating of poor in a new test by the institute for highway safety. >> toyota camry is still a safety pick according to new criteria, and then you have this new test which shows bad
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performance, and we need to integrate that in to our overall evaluations of vehicles. >> reporter: the so-called overlap test simulates a front corner crash, similar to striking a tree or utility pole in which the engine block does not absorb the impact. it's estimated another 2 million die a year in impact clashes. up to a quarter of them are from the front corner impact. 11 were acceptable three were marginal. the only cars deemed poor were toyotas, the prius v and the camry. >> the tragedy is it's simple and it's engineering 101. >> reporter: auto safety advocate clarence did low says this is another black eye for toyota, a year ago they recalled 8 million calls after a series
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of problems with their accelerator pedals and floor mats. >> it's tragic that it takes this type of testing by the insurance institute to get the attention of the auto companies. >> reporter: in a statement on the new findings toyota said we will respond to the challenge. we are evaluating the new test protocols and can say that there will not be one single solution to achieve greater crash performance in this area. for "cbs this morning," manuel behor kez, dallas. just two days ago they agreed to pay a fine for safety problems. rebecca jarvis has been looking at the troubles. could this spell big trouble for toyota? >> it could. the toyota has been the top-selling car for the last 14 of the last 15 years and this past month, in november toyota had the best month.
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373,000 of them were sold. that was up 36% from last year. so a lot of analysts are looking at this story as just as toyota is getting back on its feet because all of us remember the major recalls in 2009 2010 8 million priuses recalled for the sticky accelerator problem. just as they're getting back on their feet for that, here comes this with a new study and it's not a good one for toyota. >> there used to be a time when toyota was considered the best run car company in the world and they've suffered one thing after another. >> they focus so much on quality. that's the bad part of it. rather than growing market share the last couple of years, they've had to refocus their brand on quality and now they're going to have to go back to the drawing board because the camry is important to the car brand. >> and do you think american automakers are poised to take advantage of concerns that people may have about toyota's safety? >> they certainly could. and in particular ford which
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the ford fusion rated acceptably in this study could take the most advantage. they're also taking advantage interestingly of the fact that some people are out buying trucks again. so people are actually -- as the economy improves in certain areas, some people are going out and buying trucks again and ford is a major benefactor of that. gm is still the number one car company, toyota is ford is slightly behind that and toyota is slightly. >> what scored edd best? >> the nissan. >> i'm pro truck. >> you do have a truck? >> yes. >> like a rock? >> it's a chevrolet silverado. i'd like a
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quiet around the bay area this morning. cold start to the day, especially in the valleys. clouds drifting in especially toward the afternoon. 29 degrees still in concord. 39 in san jose. 39 even in san francisco. by the afternoon, clouds rolling in becoming mostly cloudy. chance of a couple of showers north of the golden gate bridge. temperatures only in the 50s. the next couple of days the storms return on and off right through the weekend. if if the world really ends tomorrow, they say a few places will make it through. >> i'm holly williams in turkey. could this tiny village be one of the only places on the planet to survive the end of the world? i'll bring you that story later on "cbs this morning."
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[ elizabeth ] i like to drink orange juice or have lemon in my water... eat tomato sauce on my spaghetti. the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down. and you can't grow your enamel back. i was quite surprised as only few as four exposures a day what that can do to you. it's quite a lesson learned. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. because it helps to strengthen the enamel. he recommended that i use it every time i brush. you feel like there is something that you're doing to help safeguard against the acid erosion. and i believe it's doing a good job.
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[ male announcer ] when ziggy the cat appeared at their door he opened up jake's very private world. at first, jake's family thought they saved ziggy but his connection with jake has been a lifesaver. for a love this strong, his family only feeds him iams. compared to other leading brands, it has 50% more animal protein... help keep ziggy's body as strong as a love that reaches further than anyone's words. iams. keep love strong. last christmas, i got my husband this treadmill. now that i gave my son these reebok zigkicks... ...someone's actually using it. (inner voice): how you like me now? the new reebok zigkick. famous brands. famously easy. famous footwear. victory is yours. [ penélope ] i found the best cafe
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i admire them. >> i love this. >> big john deere tractor. >> yes. we'll put you down up front. nice big sturdy tires. forward, left, and right. >> here we go. >> wow. >> is it me or did you just see a miniature tractor having sex? >> david letterman is known for many things. talking about himself is not one of them, but this morning we'll hear what he says about everything from receiving an honor reto being a middle-aged father. >> and we'll look at how johnny
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it was like a red rash... very sore looking kinda blistery. like somebody had set a bag of hot charcoal on my neck. i was a firefighter for 24 years. but, i have never encountered such a burning sensation until i had the shingles. i remember it well. i was in the back yard doing yard work. i had this irritation going on in my lower neck. i changed shirts because i thought there was something in the collar of the shirt irritating my neck. and i couldn't figure out what was going on. i had no idea it came from chickenpox. i always thought shingles was associated with people... a lot older than myself.
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald live from the cbs studios in san francisco, i'm brian hackney. good morning. it's 7:56. an apartment fire in san francisco's oceanview district injured one firefighter. he was treated for smoke inhalation injuries. the flames forced 25 people to be evacuated. at one point the m line was rerouted for muni. in san jose more than 5,000 children will get a present on christmas thanks to sacred heart community services. sacred heart has collected more than 17,000 toys and books to give away. it all starts at 10:00. people did have to preregister. a big change in the weather. details on that and traffic coming up.
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ur age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah blah blah. if i had a sleepover i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no. we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get u-verse tv for $29 a month for six months. rethink possible.
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good morning. we have a couple of slow spots out there now. no big accidents. but you can see the nimitz now it's a bottleneck on the northbound 880 as you past the oakland coliseum and unfortunately it's a slow ride towards downtown oakland. westbound 237 we have been seeing quite a bit of improvement here across that stretch if you are leaving milpitas towards san jose. and a quick bridge check let's look at the san mateo bridge. traffic is lighter than normal on westbound 92. looks good heading out of hayward toward the high-rise. that is traffic. for your forecast, we have a storm headed our way. >> yeah. cold around the bay area now but storm clouds headed in our direction a few high clouds in the distance looking toward mount diablo. the winds are calm but that's all about to change. right now 30 degrees in concord. 32 freezing in livermore and 39 in san francisco. this afternoon clouds gathering temperatures in the 50s maybe a few showers beginning to show
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up in the north bay. stormy tonight into tomorrow.
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♪ it's 8:00 a.m. welcome back to "cbs this morning." a midwestern blizzard buries highways in snow and threatens to slow down holiday air travel across the country. and david letterman opens up to us about his years in late-night television and the fears and depression that dogged edged him for most of that time. but first, here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> top white house officials told us the lines of communication remain open between president obama and house speaker john boehner, but no one is using them. >> there are now 12 days to the
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fiscal cliff deadline and there is no deal between the white house and congressional republicans. >> you know, the power of christmas is very powerful in washington, and that is the power of getting to go home for christmas. that's the driving factor around here. >> this year's first winter storm in the midwest threatens to upset christmas travel for millions of americans. >> it is a very large storm and there's a couple of components to this from kansas city and through des moines then bending back toward milwaukee, that's where the heaviest snow is right now. >> some of those first responders trained for a mass casualty event but certainly never expected to see one. >> you're numb. there is no emotion at that point. you don't fall apart until way later. >> did you fall apart? >> not yet. >> two chicago prisoners are still at large this morning after a daring escape. >> one of their relatives said they could be in paris by now. >> they're cunning, they're daring, and they pulled off something that nobody has pulled off in that jail for 30 years.
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>> >> i have a problem. >> like a rock? >> the speaker of the house is pushing for a vote on his own plan "b" today. >> if plan "b" doesn't work, they have to go to plan "c," and plan "c," as you know is just pray to end that thegod that the world does end friday. that's plan "c." that's why we're here. >> i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. the house is set to vote today on speaker john boehner's plan "b." it's already been dismissed by the president, who insists a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff is not that far away. in a new "usa today"/gallup poll, 23% say the economy remains the top issue facing the country. major garrett is at the white house. >> reporter: well, good morning, charlie, norah and gail. the house votes today have slammed the brakes on talks to put together a grand bargain and avert the fiscal cliff. republicans say they need these votes to lay the groundwork for a deal if one can be reached
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next week. the white house would prefer the republicans skip all this maneuvering and come back to the negotiating table. >> i'm going to continue to talk to the speaker and other leaders up in congress, but ultimately, they've got to do their job. right now their job is to make sure the middle class taxes do not go up and that we have a balanced, responsible package of deficit reduction. >> reporter: the house will vote on some spending cuts and a bill to impose higher income taxes on households earning more than $1 million. right now the president wants that threshold at $400,000 but he hinted yesterday that he might be willing to go as high as $800,000. on taxes, clearly, both sides are close. republicans say they want more spending cuts. the president said there's some flexibility there, but not much. bottom line? as one top white house official told us the lines of communication remain open but nobody is using them. for "cbs this morning," major garrett, the white house. the season's first severe snowstorm is barreling through the midwest, threatening to disrupt christmas travel today.
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blizzard warnings are up in at least seven states. it is so bad that drivers in iowa have been warned to stay off the roads until later this afternoon. david bernard is chief meteorologist at our miami station, cbs 4. so, david, where's this storm going? >> well, it's heading to the east, gayle, and it's a long storm. goes from the north all the way down to the south, and there's a couple of components, as we've been talk being this morning. obviously, the blizzard let's get to that first. kansas city right through iowa into wisconsin that's the worst of it right now. chicago is rain this morning, but that's going to change to a heavy snow later this afternoon and definitely overnight tonight. now, we have tornado warnings in the south, but the cold front on the southern end of this storm. there's a big tornado watch this morning, stems from new orleans all the way almost to atlanta. and we have had some reports of damage in arkansas overnight. that's going to be continued right as it moves into the florida panhandle later today. we're talking about additional snowfall on top of what's already fallen. the heaviest snow is going to be
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eastern iowa looks like northwestern illinois right into wisconsin, and eventually the u.p. of michigan. and begin again, chicago is not out of the woods at all. we're expecting strong winds there overnight tonight, into tomorrow morning and probably some blowing snow as well. so, kind of a mess up and down the whole middle part of the country. gayle? >> all right. a white christmas for some but also good for some skiers. it will cause some travel headaches, but some people like the snow. >> some people do. >> that's right. >> but gayle is not one of them. >> yeah, i know. >> exactly. all right, here's another interesting story this morning, "zero dark thirty" is causing another kind of storm on capitol hill. the movie is a dramatized account for the hunt for osama bin laden. three members of the senate intelligence committee, dianne feinstein, carl levin and john mccain say the film is misleading and inaccurate. in a letter to the movie's producer, they say "zero dark thirty" suggests that torture revealed information leading to bin laden. the senators say that is false
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and they have called for changes in the movie. and it's a hollywood ending for a college from wisconsin crowned the new miss universe. olivia culpo is the first miss usa to win the pageant in over 20 dwlaerz. she describes herself as a nerd and has even performed at new york's carnegie hall. >> the new miss universe might want to avoid partying like a rock star. a new study shows musicians have a higher risk of premature death compared with the rest of the population. researchers at britain's center for public health looked at nearly 1,500 pop rock hip-hop and punk rock performers. they had a 9% death rate over a five-decade period much higher than average. nearly 39% of those deaths were caused by factors related to violence or alcohol or drugs. >> they did not see the concert of 12/12/12 because everybody on that stage, the average age was at least 60-plus, and they showed no signs of slowing down.
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a few billion of us won't be around this weekend if you believe that friday is dooms day. however however, it turns out there is a loophole in that scenario and holly williams found it for us. >> reporter: many of us have heard of prophecies based on the mayan calendar that the world will end this friday the 21st of december 2012. but less well known are predictions that a handful of places will survive, including this sleepy village here in turkey. nestled amongst lush green hills, this village of quaint cobblestone lanes attracts visitors from all over the world. many christians believe the virgin mary ascended to heaven near this area which is also said to be the birthplace of the greek goddess artemis. it's that positive energy that's now led to even more attention, because some believe it will
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help the village stave off the apocalypse. most archaeologists think tomorrow is just the end of a cycle in the mayan calendar though some believe it could mean something more final, like the catastrophic natural disasters seen in the film "2012." >> i have never met anyone -- >> reporter: but if armageddon really is upon us and sirince magically survives, nobody here is taking it too seriously. even though the end -- including this hotel owner. >> on the 21st of december all our guests here stay for free. in addition it's my birthday, the 21st of december. >> reporter: you don't believe the world's going to end on your birthday? >> well the world looks quite solid to me. i don't know. >> reporter: what they are taking seriously in sirince is the business opportunity. they've made a special armageddon wine for the tens of
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thousands of visitors they're expecting to descend on the village to count down to the end of time. very drinkable. ♪ don't they know it's the end of the world ♪ >> reporter: and souvenir shop owner ali gulumser is selling everything from t-shirts and postcards to doomsday perfume. quite strong. >> i mean, this kind of opportunity doesn't come always all the time so we need to get this chance you know what i mean? >> reporter: it's not the end of the world every day. >> exactly, exactly. >> reporter: this family from falls church virginia heard about the prophecy and decided to visit sirince themselves. >> this is the place. >> we were in the area so we wanted to see it as well. >> reporter: do you believe it though? >> i don't think, guys. what do you think? >> reporter: there are rumors that several celebrities, including tom cruise angelina jolie, brad pitt and jennifer
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lopez are coming to sirince in order to ride out the predicted apocalypse. so far, we haven't seen them. and in a village this small, they could probably stand out. for "cbs this morning," holly williams, sirince, turkey. >> listen i just -- there's an interesting story in the paper this morning. anyone who's interested in the studio tony. this woman is worried about thebout the end of the world, and she would like to have sex. if tomorrow is the end of the world, she wants to go out with a very good experience. >> there are apparently a lot of men who are reminding women that it is the end of the world tomorrow, yes. >> i'm going to take my chances. something tells me we will be here tomorrow. it's just a guess, but we will be here tomorrow. it is now -- you'll be here, won't you, charlie? >> yeah but i suggest you don't miss a rich experience. >> okay. [ laughter ]
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davi david letterman, as you know makes us laugh every night, but he hasn't always had such a good time himself. "the late show" host battled depression for years and he opens up to charlie about that and much more in our next half hour. you're watching "cbs this morning." hour. you're watching "cbs this morning." [ female announcer ] if you care for someone with mild to moderate alzheimer's you'll also care about our new offer. you get access to nurses who can help with your questions. and your loved one can get exelon patch free for 30 days. if the doctor feels it's right for them. it cannot
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♪ if you need an affordable place to stay anywhere from florence italy to ft. lauderdale, florida, airbnb is looking for you. this online marketplace helps you rent a room or a house, and it is cheaper than most hotels. >> customers love it. some homeowners say it's helped them avoid foreclosure, but airbnb also had trouble with the law. we'll meet the founder and ceo. there he is. next on "cbs this morning."
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♪ airbnb is changing the travel business big time the same way that craigslist shook up classified ads. the website connects people who want to rent out a living space to travelers who need a place to stay. so, in just four years, airbnb
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has grown into one of the world's largest online marketplaces. co-founder and ceo, that would be brian chesky is here in studio 57. hello, brian chesky. >> hello. >> and congratulations to you. >> thank you. >> this is so cool. so, it's my understanding this company started, as many companies do with a personal issue for you that you were traveling to solve. >> yeah. i was living in san francisco with my roommate, joe, and we didn't have enough money for rent, and we i think had exhausted our money at the bank and in a weekend, this conference was coming to san francisco. all the hotels in the city of san francisco were sold out, so we had this idea what if we turned our home into a bed and breakfast for the conference? we had some air beds we inflated them and called it the air bed and breakfast, and we ended up hosting three people from around the world. and this idea literally grew out of our living room and it's now been spreading city by city and it's now in 30,000 cities all around the world. people are renting homes and apartments. >> and how big is it compared to big hotel chains in terms of the
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number of rooms you can offer? >> we can offer about 300,000 homes or, you know all over the world, close to 500,000 rooms. >> and what's the experience you want to create? you have something that you want to do for people. >> what we want to do is provide incredibly local and personal experience when you travel. the idea of people love homes. that's why they live in them. well, what if you could feel like you were home anywhere in the world? and you can do this and offer a value that's, like equivalent or even better than a hotel. and it's as easy to book a home as to book a hotel, right online. >> are people going to run into trouble because of state laws in different states? >> well, we're in 30,000 cities hundreds of thousands of neighborhoods. they all have different rules. at the end of the day, we want to really empower people to be able to rent out their space. we have asked them to learn about their local rules and regulations, and we want to cooperate with cities -- >> but you have a couple in new york recently where they were accused, you can't sublet your apartment. how do you get around that where people don't get into trouble with the law? >> ultimately at the end of the
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day, it's about educating your community about what the rules are and then educating cities about who we are, what we're doing. ultimately, we want to empower people, and we have thousands of people around the world that are making incredibly meaningful amount of revenue. we've helped thousands of people stay in their homes. >> look does somebody go and check out the room or the house before they go online? >> yeah. so we have 3,000 professional photographers. we pay for the service. if you want to rent your home, you press a button and somebody comes over to your house, photographs your home for free, and then when you go online you can see photos and say this is exactly the way it looks online. >> i can vouch for this. this past weekend, my son was in hong kong. he got a one-bedroom apartment, brian -- there it is -- for $158. he couldn't believe it! it delivered everything you said it would, and you helped your mom's dream come true. >> yeah, i remember -- >> less than 30 seconds. >> i think i was maybe 5 years old, asked my mom, what's your dream? she said one day i want to go to paris, and last summer i was able to take her to paris for
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the first time, we stayed in the center of the city in an apartment. >> thank you, brian. >> go brian chesky. your mom must be proud. david letterman feels unworthy about a kennedy center hono
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mayor ed lee is working on ways to reduce gun violence here in san francisco. the mayor is i'm brian hackney with your news headlines at 8:26. mayor lee is working on ways to reduce gun violence here in san francisco. they are collaborating with members of the city's interfaith community and other local leaders. police say that there have been 67 homicides so far in 2012 compared to just 50 at this time last year. oakland is keeping the extra cash from over paid parking tickets. that's according to a new report from the city auditor. last year, the city made $316,000 in overpayments. state law requires cities to
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reimburse people who pay their parking tickets twice by mistake. volunteers in san jose are getting ready for a big christmas toy and book giveaway. more than 5,000 children will get a present this holiday season thanks to the sacred heart community service. sacred heart has collected more than 17,000 toys and books to give away today. it all starts at 10:00. participants had to preregister. >> just in time for winter, boy, do we have a change in the weather! details after a break.
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good morning. some folks are already on their holiday vacations. look if he bay bridge. exceptionally light right now. metering lights are on but the delays are very minimal backed up to the middle of the parking lot in those middle lanes. elsewhere, the nimitz 880 it is still a tight squeeze as you pass the oakland coliseum up towards downtown. that drive time in the red right now as you make your way towards the macarthur maze. mass transit we just got off the phone with muni. there are still delays on the m line due to an earlier fire. bus shuttles in place instead. that's traffic. for your forecast, here's lawrence. >> big changes in the weather cold quiet start to the day. high clouds in the distance overlooking san jose but lots of sunshine so far. temperatures still cold, 30 degrees in concord. it's 32 and freezing in livermore and 40 degrees in san jose this afternoon. highs only in the 50s. the clouds start to roll n chance of showers developing in the north bay.
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then rain and wind heavy at times overnight. showers on and off right through the weekend.
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♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning." it is hard to imagine what late-night television would be like today if it hadn't been for david letterman. earlier this month he was honored by the kennedy centers in washington for his contribution to american culture. in a rare and candid interview, he talked with us about the business of being funny. >> there is something about this time of year you go outside and andand it's that cent of pine and urine. [ laughter ]
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thank you. by the way, that was an example of the kind of joke that won me the kennedy center honors. thank you very much. >> congratulations. this is, as joe biden would say, a big deal. >> well, yes, it is a big deal. but when i first found out about it, i thought something was wrong. so, i called people i knew who might be able to tell me how things like this happened because i was very suspicious feeling completely unworthy. >> always self-deprecating often irreverent. >> those steroids apparently don't affect your ego, do they? >> and sometimes brilliant. [ laughter ] david letterman, the anticelebrity, has remained a late-night television tradition for more than 30 years. >> there was no question in my mind from the time i was 17 what
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i wanted to do, and i've pretty much done it every day of my life, everything i've ever wanted to do. i was on television when i was -- it was in 1968. [ laughter ] >> at some point you get in a pickup truck and you drive out to los angeles. >> right. >> you look around and you see the comedy store. and three years later, you're sitting next to johnny carson. >> yeah that was cool. that was really cool. >> i have a feeling after your shot on this show tonight, you're going to be working a lot outside of the comedy store. >> thank you. >> come back. >> i would love to. thank you very much. >> carson meant what to you? >> well, for a person in that situation, he meant everything. i mean it wasn't like it is now. the door to being a stand-up comedy or television success was "the tonight show," the curtains through which you passed to be on "the tonight show." and he meant everything to me he meant everything to everybody else who was out there doing
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stand-up. >> the most powerful influence on your life you think? first for that reason -- >> yes yes. >> and second because he was the gold standard. >> mm-hmm yes, the most powerful influence, certainly professionally. >> soon after his first "tonight show" appearance in 1978 david letterman was turning up all over the dial. and within two years landed a show of his own, weekday mornings on nbc. >> would you like a tissue? >> a critical success, "the david letterman show" won two emmys, but it was a ratings flop and canceled in less than a year. the trouble, executives trusted, wasn't the content but the time slot. >> hi. i'm mr. curious. >> mr. curious? >> mr. curious. i just want to ask you a couple questions. what do you do for a living? >> i'm a mailman. >> letterman proved a hit on late night. the viewers and awards kept coming, including the peabody in
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1991, for as the board remarked taking "one of television's most conventional and least inventive forms and infusing it with freshness and imagination." a year later, johnny carson went off the air and nbc named jay leno as his replacement. >> we're sitting here in the ed sullivan theater. cbs came to you and howard stringer after they decided to go with jay for "the tonight show." can you look at that now and say that was for the best? >> yes absolutely for the best. and when i look at that now, i think it also reminds me of some of the worst behavior of my life my own behavior. and i wish things were like they are now. i wish they were like they are now then. >> announcer: it's the late show with david letterman! >> a new network with an early audience brought added pressure
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to the proven host. you say you cannot understand unless you sit in that chair how you feel the necessity of getting a laugh every minute. >> right. well that's interesting. i remember when we said that. see, i don't feel that way anymore. i always felt like the show -- i was the central nervous system of the show. >> yeah. >> we have -- while my name is in the title of the show i don't feel that need now. >> is what makes you laugh different today? >> that's a good question. no. i think what makes me laugh today is the same thing that's always made me laugh, something silly, really silly, but yet still within the range of plausibility. >> yeah. >> something that yeah that maybe could happen. we don't think so but maybe it could happen but it's so very silly, and that's all it takes. >> though david letterman may not admit it he's matured.
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he is certainly more patient. unexpected life experiences can do that in an instant. >> i've been away for a while. while i was gone i had quintuple bypass surgery on my heart! >> whoa! >> plus, i got a haircut. >> yeah. >> when you go through that does it change your attitude about work? does it change your attitude about mortality? does it change -- >> doesn't change my attitude about mortality, but it did change my attitude about work because from the minute they pulled the tube out, the intera bitter i thought, geez i wonder if i can still work again. so, in a movie, it would be where the prize fighter who gets knocked down it would be the montage where he then tries to get back in shape to get another shot at the title. so, i was worried that i wouldn't be able to work again. >> look at him. i know he's smiling, but that
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medal hanging around his neck? there's a 40% chance he'll hang himself with it. >> the whole notion of the kennedy honors is recognizing something about your contribution. what johnny carson meant to you, you mean to jimmy kimmel. and others. do you have any sense of that? i mean do you appreciate that? >> jimmy kimmel is a case -- he's been very nice to me. he's a nice kid and been very gracious to me. to the point where it's made me self-conscious. and i start thinking about what this is and the comparison that he had made that you are to me what carson was to you. >> right. >> and the difference is all i really have is tenure. i've put in my time. i don't -- >> oh, it's more than that, dave. >> no, i don't know. >> i am not one to argue about this because i don't understand comedy, but at the same time that it's self-evident that after you, people look at these shows differently, and
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therefore, fallon and kimmel and -- >> look, i believe that may be true, but -- >> more than tenure though. >> no -- >> there was something about the centricity of what is it was. >> i think it was the vision of the people i had around me more than me. i mean we all knew that the charge was to be a different show. and in the beginning, i will admit that i thought i had all the answers for television and you had that attitude -- >> watch out, world. >> exactly. >> i'm coming. >> or if you can wait just a little longer we'll take care of television, and then -- >> yeah, we'll do it. we know the answer. we have the secret. >> then you realize you don't know the answer. >> it's not there every night, yeah. >> so, i don't know if i can rightly -- you know i was in the room i'll give you that i was in the room. >> in a moment -- i love this guy. >> i'm so glad you called him, charlie, on "it's just tenure." i'm so glad you called him on that. >> in a moment we'll hear much more from david letterman, including our discussion of foothhood and how this very funny man spent much of his
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look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible.
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♪ starting with the man in the mirror ♪ ♪ i'm asking him to change his ways ♪ we continue our conversation with kennedy center honoree david letterman. he's told us how fatherhood has changed his life and why it took so long for him to be truly happy. >> you were the first guest on this show and on the old show. look at that by god, right there. >> oh, look at that. >> now in his 30th year of late night -- >> really, once you get four, you kind of get the idea. >> -- david letterman has entertained audiences longer than his idol johnny carson but hasn't always enjoyed the spoils of his success. there was a moment in which you had, i mean you worried about things and you had a certain battle with depression, too. >> yeah, yeah.
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>> and you found out medication could go a long way. >> yes, and always quite skeptical about it. and my friend and doctor 20 years ago said you should take something for this and i said no, because i thought it would make me loopy or make me hallucinate or make me drowsy. and he said, i'm telling you, just try it 10 milligrams. so i went through -- i had the shingles really bad. >> oh, boy. >> and part of the concoction of drugs they give you to fight that pain are pretty serious. and i just got tired of taking them so i stopped taking -- >> cold turkey. >> yeah, yeah. and part of that created in me this nervous anxiety. and then i was really screwed. so that's when i said to lou, okay, okay i'll try anything just to get rid of this depression, because it was -- it's different than, oh, i don't feel good today.
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it's different than feeling sad. it's different than feeling blue. it's really like a friend of mine says it's the world with 20/20 vision. >> letterman also realized anxiety had him gripping too tightly to his career and perhaps missing out on the joys of his personal life. >> i wish i hadn't been so gosh-darn single-minded, because when your focus is that tight, you miss a lot of what's going on around you. >> might you have had a child before? >> yeah. yeah, i think so. last night at 11:58, i became a father. thank you very much. i just thought when the topic would come up i can't do both. i can't try to have a successful television show and be a father and i was wrong about that. here's the boy right here. because as difficult as being a father is it's entirely complimentary with everything
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else in your life. >> how is that? >> well, you just, you know it's like you get your prescription updated. you, oh, you can see things that you never saw before. >> and you think of things other than yourself. >> you think of things other than yourself and you recognize -- and all of this is -- anybody who's had kids -- >> has said this. >> but you know i wish i had like five or six kids. >> do you really? >> well no. i just say that because i think people will like to hear that. >> no, you do, you like it. to repeat everything you've ever said about this, you love -- >> i wish i had little girl. i have a little boy now and i wish i had a little girl. >> it's never too late is it? >> look at me. you've got a better shot than i do. [ laughter ] >> no, i don't think so. but it changed your life. i mean you have said a number of times this kid made you see everything differently. >> makes you see everything different. but what i wasn't prepared for was the infinite anxiety that it
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triggers. you worry about everything. i don't care. just throw out a topic, go through the alphabet, identify a word that begins with any letter that could be trouble, you worry about it. >> that it could happen to your son. >> it could happen to your son, it could happen to you, you could do something. it's just, it's endless. it's the old, you know don't run with the screwdriver, and now i see my kid running, say, oh, god -- >> let it go let it go. >> he's running with the screwdriver! how did that happen? >> the recent kennedy center honoree is spending more time at home these days. >> thank you! >> and seating some of that control he once demanded -- >> wait a minute, my ride's here. >> -- to the staff of the show he credits for his success. >> do you know this is the time -- >> i've been mailing it in for years, charlie. i can't go to meetings. i just i finally realized they
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were producing great anxiety. i can't pay attention. i think i have one of those disorders. i hate going to meetings. >> attention deficit disorder. >> yeah. and then when people start saying the same thing over again i think and say, well geez we just covered that. so, i don't go to the meetings and i think it's for the better. >> you're fresher and better. >> yes. gentlemen, it's tonight's "top 10 list," let's go! >> his current contract keeps him behind the "late show" desk at cbs until 2014 and on the air two years longer than johnny carson. he walked away from it. could you walk away from it? >> yeah yeah. >> you think so? >> yeah. i think you would always -- well, i know johnny missed it because, like six months after he retired, somebody had a big party for him in new york and he had won some sort of an award and people got up and did material, and johnny, who had not been on television for six months or a year, bang bang bang, bang bang right down
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like he had not missed a beat stuff out of the newspaper, bang, bang, bang bang. and at some point during that he said i'm so glad this is going well. and he says i sure do miss it. so, i know he missed it and i know i would miss it but i'd find other things to do. >> my favorite line in that piece, charlie, he said being a father is entirely complimentary with everything in his life. his lovely wife regina. and you can sense he's really happy. good to see. good to see. >> it clearly made a difference to me, the idea of how dedicated he was as he said to having your own and running your own television show, and then the joy and unexpected fact that he could do both changed his life. >> how hard was it to get him to open up because he doesn't like talking about himself, does he? >> very hard. i've tried for a long time and will continue to try, because there's such a richness within him to talk about not only his
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life but the world around him. >> so, i remember when you came back from the interview, you were saying it was so good and it could have been so much better. and i'm thinking, how could that have been so much better? >> if i had more time. >> yes you said if i had more time, it would have been so much better. >> yeah. >> i thought that was really -- you got to see a side of david letterman that you so rarely get to see so when he does sit down to talk it's a very special thing. >> the thing that makes him remarkable is he has authenticity and honesty. >> yes, always always. it was also good to see -- >> and he's happy now. >> yes, i like that. the younger david letterman, how far he's come. changed his style of clothes. that's a good thing. i like david letterman too. tomorrow we will hear from kennedy center honorees robert plant, jimmy page and john paul jones. you know the names, the three surviving members of led zeppelin. and you can watch "the kennedy center honors" this coming wednesday at 9:00/8:00 central here on cbs. we'll be right back. you're watching "cbs this morning." ♪ .
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when we showed you this videoesterd when we showed you this
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video yesterday of an eagle snatching a child, and now we know it close to 500 hours on the video. bird experts say they always knew the video was fake because golden eagles tend to avoid populated areas. i bought it hook line and sinker. i heard in their class if they got 100,000 views they'd get an "a." it's well over that. we should put a qualifier on it. i said it's clear. the bird took the kid. i was wrong. i bought it. >> i was concerned about it when i saw it the fact that the camera went to ground. that they were hiding something. that does it for us. up next, your local news. see you tomorrow on "cbs this morning."
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hackney with news headlines at 8:56. let hit an >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. good morning from the cbs studios in san francisco. i'm brian hackney with news headlines at 8:56. police say a stray bullet hit and killed a woman in east oakland last night. witnesses reported hearing about five shots in the 9100 block of international boulevard shortly before 7:00. investigators say the victim was not the intended target of the shooter, no arrests have been made. and mayor ed lee is working on ways to reduce gun violence in san francisco. the mayor is collaborating with members of the city's interfaith community and other local leaders. police say there have been 67
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homicides so far in 2012 compared to 50 at this time last year. u.p.s. expects today the busiest delivery day in its history. they will deliver about 28 million packages across the country. that's about 300 parcels a second. >> tomorrow is the deadline to be sure your gifts arrive by christmas eve. now the all-important weather update, here's lawrence. >> storm clouds brewing a quiet cold start to the day. high clouds drifting across the skies from the mount vaca cam. but a cold front diving into california now going to spread rain into the bay area. a little bit later on today we could pick up a couple of showers. north of the golden gate bridge showers. otherwise mostly dry. temperatures in the 50s. winds will ramp up through the evening hours. gusting very strongly toward the coastline tonight and tomorrow with some heavy rains. rain on and off through the weekend. we are going to check out your "timesaver traffic" coming up.
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good morning. starting you off in the east bay one of our slow spots right now is southbound 680 an accident on the right-hand side shoulder but brake lights near the area in walnut creek. live look in milpitas 880/237, you can see that westbound 237
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ride it's slow going from 880 to zanker road. golden gate bridge free and clear both directions and the bay bridge already "holiday light." have a great day. captions by: caption colorado 2u
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>> announcer: today... >> rachael: i am as tall as jenny mccarthy. >> announcer: jenny mccarthy is helping the audience with early holiday presents. >> oh, gosh. >> announcer: and helping herself to a few, as well. >> rachael: keep that one. keep that one. >> announcer: then: . >> bring it. >> a little competition. >> bring it. >> announcer: guy fieri has a new way to serve a classic holiday meal. >> rachael: i love it. [cheers and applause]


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