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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 11PM  CBS  July 15, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT

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four police a closed case
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some demand the fed stepped in the demonstration threatening to stop commuters no longer an automatic death sentence the downside of a culture living with aids. there is supply and demand the supplier stay away in the salmon standoff i'm ann notorangelo. tomorrows commute could start as a mess and spread demonstrators want to block any trains and buses to protest the death of a teenage parolee he was killed with police last year linda yee without muni and passengers are bracing for the demonstration. protesters target third street in san francisco's bayview a busy intersection for public transportation it will hurt barber noon as is the ability to get to work on time
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i have to take the x to get to mission it will be a lot here tomorrow how much out of the way? at least one hour and half activists organized a protest to mark the one-year anniversary of the shooting death of 19 year-old can of parting at this intersection he died while running from police during a fair check harding accident shot himself while running from the cops police say he was a parolee wanted for questioning in the murder of a pregnant woman in seattle his family disputes the police and call for a federal investigation. this woman wants no part of the protest if they shut the trend is down that will inconvenience me. that is not ok for me muni non-specific with how they will handle any blockade. will need to monitor what
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the events are will make adjustments we need to lemans what that is five different muni lines pass this intersection caring 70,000 passengers not clear if the blockade will have a domino effect. munis says passengers can get real-time information on its web site and twitter. linda yee cbs 5 parents of students at in oakland elementary school staged a sit-in this afternoon at a park across the street from lake view elementary the school was closed by the district this year demonstrators tried attention to the trend of clothes in public schools they say primarily serves students of color. that closed down many other schools and programs lake view one of site at five schools closed by the oakland school district national
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guard helicopters and 2000 firefighters battled the robbers fire in placer county, more than 2,400 a. have burned and cal fire says the blaze 30 percent contained, crews have been called in as far away as san diego, 11 firefighters injured one home and three buildings destroyed, 107 homes threatened. the mill fired in the mendocino national forest 60 percent contained more than 42 square miles have burned since that fire started. more than 1600 fire fighters working difficult and hot conditions for people hurt. san francisco police tried to figure out where someone would break into a city facility and cut wires that happened at the communications building in twin peaks the vandalism discovered this morning no impact to essential city services. nothing else was damaged.
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the city redden network was involved the fbi notified. the international red cross as declare the conflict in syria officially as civil war that designation means both sides held to standards set by geneva convention this video posted on the social media side shows hostilities. government forces allegedly shell homes and an area where suspected rebels organized. clear clarissa ward explains what made the red cross declared a civil war. three primary criteria, they look at the length of time of the conflict has been going on the intensity, and how organized the rebel forces are in the case of syria they determine the fighting spilled out from beyond the initial hot spots and, it
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could therefore happy called a nationwide civil war. campaign 2012 s latest round of the bickering. the bombing campaign focused on mitt romney's involvement with bain capital the romney campaign target if the president's plans for unemployment and economic growth. more from dru levenson president obama's says his campaign will not apologize for saying mitt romney outsourced jobs in an interview with a television station the president said mr. romney claims he's mr. fix it because of his business experience i think voters legitimately want to know what exactly his experience. mitt romney says he was not at the end when the outsourcing happened he left in 1999 to run the salt lake city olympics president obama's says sec
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documents show he was legally in charge through 2002 when jobs were shipped overseas. advisers say they will not apologize for suggesting romney may have committed a felony if he misrepresented to the sec. and it is troubling the president will direct his campaign to someone with like mr. romney as a felon. ron says he obama administration should should stop the personal attacks and focus on the economy we know now the president will demean those seeking the highest office in the land even if it means to demean the highest office in the land. in an interview with charter rose he does not criticize running for his comments on the economy the president says he needs more time for his economic plan to work
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more than 1 million people live in the united states with hiv/aids at today's aids walk the focus not on money john ramos tells us the goal is awareness especially for new generation. it is important we bring people's memory along. small fragment of the aids quilt 6 in golden gate park reminder for the 20,000 to john the aids walk why they her those too great a the panel's need no reminding. how things work and how scary it was in the early days. none of us knew who would be next. a lot of the one around 30 years ago but you are here to learn and participate in something vital. in the '80s aids considered a death sentence but medical
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advancements have transformed it to a manageable disease, it has fallen off the headlines and that may have an undesired effect on younger generations. that people my age are relied nonchalant about things did people your age take it seriously? not everyone some see it as a joke. this a it's what raise nearly $2.7 million organizers said it is now just about raising money about awareness. they know the importance of keeping this generation engaged. then maybe the ones to an aids. we will gather and commit to do whatever it takes to stop this disease. john ramos cbs 5. fishermen stay off the water and customers not sure and
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the downside of plenty of fish. it is become his favorite watering holes the bear is back in a southern california neighborhood. in the bay area numbers today that came up but they go down big time weather forecast after a break.
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sam and one of the best catches of the season restrictions have paid off the fish are out there, anne mackovic tells us fishermen are not casting their nets. the smell of fresh fish and the best place to buy salmon the price of salmon plunging you'd think that would be good news ltd. fish for today the price was high and $22.90 a pound shares on the abundance of salmon has flooded the market causing the price to sink low and commercial fishermen have gone on strike. everybody want salmon but nobody fishing this booth at the marin county farmer's market was sold out by noon. my stall four times the size i'm hoping my grandfather
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can get more and her grandfather a commercial fisherman a lot of fishermen afraid to go right now the problem is, if the fish when they're not supposed to that go school and send your boat on you. the help customers understand everyone deserves a fair return on their efforts is ok we can take a week off without salmon we buy into what is good. when they run down this fish and relies on smoked salmon. we hope we go back fishing. we can get back to business anne mackovic cbs 5 a lot of short sleeves that may have to put those wild and wear a sweater i would reach for the parka. you have to remind yourself
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this is july. it was cold along the coast today there was drizzle and fog and more of it tomorrow, the numbers around the '50s and '60s, as look towards the transamerica pyramid. we're in for big change. it will warm up again but we have to wait until thursday, on the time lapse that low pressure over the vancouver island heads towards california it will thicken a marine layer and produce drizzle and keep temperatures down, we get clouds and drizzle along the shoreline tomorrow morning and we begin monday in the '50s, as the night wears on fog along the coast you can see the fog bank accent, we get sunshine inland but it moves back in.
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if you're headed out of san francisco clouds and drizzle at the airport tomorrow by just 63 in las angeles has 72, thunder in denver, new york looks ok showers and 91. mid 50s for the lows, san jose will be pleasant, mid-70s in the south bay. 67 @ union city. pittsburgh at 74. 75 at fairfield. north bay persistent overcast clear by noon 66 at petaluma. you have to wait until thursday and until numbers recover to the '80s. by the weekend will be back in a lee's blood for a cool we head. something in the neighborhood motivated him to return the bear was back.
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a personal choice for travelers that religious leaders want to take away the one to restrict what you can watch. i
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meatball is back, the bear who makes himself home at a los angeles neverland luis a hajj has more. we may have disturbed nap time. add more than 400 lbs. and up a treat this bears siesta disturb
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a whole neighborhood somewhat from rooftops. others were told to stay inside their homes fish and game officials point out the bears here notice the owns 10 it reads " 2010 " this bear no stranger to this neck of the woods he is well known and as a twitter account flaunting his nicknames like " meatball " even " future mayor of glendale " remember this is video? fish and game attacked his year after chasing him down but it was a matter of weeks before he came back and this time the challenge getting him down from the street. will not tranquilize and in the tree that is a long fall. they taste and add of the tree using beanbags.
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we heard him moaned it was that. it was exciting to crawl down first in game fired the tranquilizer shot the bear took off running. gloria perez was in her backyard when she watched the bear jump over fences heading towards her she held onto her dog who tried to run towards the bear and that scratch marks on her arm. eventually after tranquilizer shots the bear wobble to halt and lifted to a truck you can see him breathing as he enters a deep slumber and travels back to the wild. they're not watching what you watch and on what you watching either were talking adult entertainment. i'm dennis o'donnell coming up on game day and were joined in the studio in and talking
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trades in july is the deadline and shed two local teams make deals. the a should look it's somebody and the giants should look of someone. michael has both those names we have the names of the michael thanks the giants and a should pick up game day coming up.
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surrender your ship the prehistoric creatures of ice age ran off with the box office it earned $46 million and opening weekend the fourth installment of the series the first in 3 d. amazing spider-man not amazing enough. it earned 35 million running out was ted braden magic mike. scholars from two different faiths find common ground against pornography they want the option to move from hotel rooms. in many hotel rooms finding adult entertainment as simple as clicking the remote but that may change we reach out to those who profit from pornography and point out that is a bad thing to
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do. this religious scholar sent a letter to the top five u.s. hotel groups asking them to remove adult movies. we believe this despite the decorative nature hotel executives people of goodwill and shareholders can act on the basis of conscience and let a profitability aside for human dignity. he calls the letter a small step and acknowledges point will still exist he wants to limit access. society pays a huge cost and addiction and ruin relationships he feels going after hotels the wrong approach if he from the triple x dot com counsels those addicted to porn.
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it's about money in dollars that is why this is sold in hotels removing it from hotels is not the issue the issue is people are consuming pornography and are for will still be available on the internet and mobile devices even of hotels pulled the plug. will ask will ask them to stop porn star ron jeremy says many normal adults walk watch x- rated movies. he says you always have the option not to watch. watch gilligan's island reruns it is fine. professor george hopes will tell ceos see it differently some things contrary to our humanity it should not be for sale and the omni hotel group dropped adult movies and 1999
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mayor ed says the new hotels will not have adult entertainment and wants to phase it out by 2014. others live up to their franchisees'. susan candiotti and see in and will be right back
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you are watching the annual belly flops splashdown in denver, college students fro


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