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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 6PM  CBS  January 20, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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displayed so brilliantly right now and today city official also unveiled a 9ers flag hanging brightly and proudly outside city hall right now. >> get your gear up. pull out those lucky shirts, those lucky ties, those lucky hats because 49ers fever is right here in san francisco. >> reporter: 70,000 fans expected to fill candlestick this sunday for the bay area's first nfc championship in 15 years. >> rain or shine we still gonna beat them no matter. if it's a earthquake, we still gonna beat 'em, lights out and everything, we proved that. >> reporter: but san francisco police say fans need to be on their best behavior or risk getting booted from the stadium like also week. there were 20 -- like last week. there were 20 arrests and many ejected. >> we all want to make i safe. >> reporter: jed york put a full-page ad in the "chronicle" today asking fans to show good
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sportsmanship at the stick. he also said wear red, get loud. >> cheer us on and definitely be respectful. >> reporter: last week's nail- biting win had many 49er fans cheering. >> whoo! 9ers! >> reporter: but security cameras and undercover police officers will be in place to catch any abusive fans this weekend. >> we're just going to add one more twist to it that littered about candlestick park on sunday will be san francisco police officers on duty dressed as new york giants fans. so treat 'em right. >> reporter: and already, the pre-game smack talk has begun. >> we spank them in november. and the saints spanked them in november. so they feel they got the upper hand that they want to come over here and prove something that they can come with a win. it ain't gonna happen. >> reporter: there you go. as for ticket sales, allen, 49ers headquarters say watch out for the counterfeits. watch out for tickets being sold on ebay and also craigslist.
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they said really go with the nfl ticket exchange for the best belt. we're also hearing some of the performers will be train on sunday a bay area musician as you know. >> pulling out all the stops. juliette, thank you. good luck. you guys are going to need it. >> no, we're not. coming up, live from new york, mike sugerman heads into enemy territory to show us a surprising number of 9ers fans who are living in that enemy territory back there. in other news, 18 people are arrested during today's "occupy" protests in san francisco. demonstrators blocked entrances to banks to demonstrate against corporate greed. mark sayre is at justin herman plaza where protestors just finished a rally. mark. >> reporter: well, dana, the rally here at justin herman plaza concluding a full day of events by "occupy" protestors. one of the big messages they are trying to get across the
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tenth cities might be gone but the "occupy" movement continues. [ chant ] >> reporter: "occupy" protestors confronted san francisco police and at times shut down the intersection of california and montgomery streets. protestors also chained several doors to one of wells fargo bank's main corporate offices saying they are tried to send a clear message. >> as part of the 99%, we want what's fair and wells fargo hasn't been acted fairly foreclosing on people. >> reporter: police did have to move in saying the chains put people working inside the building in danger because some fire exits were being blocked. >> we asked the demonstrators to clear those areas and they didn't. >> reporter: this protestor says his tablet camera was damaged during the scuffle with police. >> threw me back to the ground, pulled the camera into them and stomped ton a couple of times and then kicked it out into the street for me it go get it. >> we are the 99% and we're too big too fail ♪ >> reporter: "occupy" protestors rallied outside the
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federal appeals court at 7th and mission streets. protestors are calling for constitutional changes so that corporations can no longer spend unlimited amounts of money on political campaigns. and a flash mob descended in the plaza at 555 california street as a means of protest through performance art. [ screaming ] >> my death, ah! >> reporter: now, for its part, wells fargo bank says protecting its customers and employees is the main goal and didn't open the branch the protestors were in front of. the company says it's a good corporate responsible citizen. last year it says it only foreclosed on 2% of delinquent loans in owner occupied homes. so wells fargo bank very much responding to today's "occupy" efforts at least the ones in front of their main corporate
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facilities on montgomery street. back to you. >> in san francisco, mark sayre, thank you. a kidnapping and a deadly shootout. san jose police say they had no choice but to return fire on the suspect who they say abducted an 11-year-old girl at gunpoint. len ramirez with more on this dangerous rescue mission. len. >> reporter: well, allen, investigators are still on the scene of this fatal officer- involved shooting of a kidnapping suspect. it happened at about 1:00 this afternoon. police say when they confronted the suspect, he was with the victim inside the apartment. police say they were trying to negotiate some sort of release, a safe release of the victim. but that's not the way it ended up. shots started flying instead. police investigators huddled up in front of the san jose apartment just minutes after the deadly shootout. officers had tracked down kidnapping suspect tri truong le to the complex on pistachio drive and found him holding the 11-year-old girl inside. >> as they are making the approach appeared in a window
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with the victim holding her as a hostage armed with a handgun. the suspect opened fire on the officers as they approached the apartment. he fired several rounds from inside the apartment. >> reporter: police say a specially trained hostage rescue team entered the apartment from the other side. >> the suspect again opened fire on the officers inside of the apartment and one of our merge officers, our s.w.a.t. team, took a shot at the suspect hit him and he was pronounced dead at the scene. >> reporter: the girl was not hit by gunfire, police said, but was rushed to the hospital where she was reunited with her family. is she safe? >> yes. >> reporter: is the girl safe? >> yes. >> reporter: at the home where it began early this morning, family members were in a rush but relieved. police say le burst into the home at 1:00 a.m. firing shots and kidnapping the 11-year-old at gunpoint and driving away in a dark minivan. a statewide amber alert was issued. acting on leads police had the apartment under surveillance and spotted the suspect at
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about 1:00 p.m. >> the cops just rushing over here. >> reporter: neighbors at the shootdown scene say a nearby school was locked down while officers made the move. >> they were hiding behind the apartment with guns drawn, taking cover. but that's their job. they have to protect and serve. >> reporter: this was the first officer involved fatal shooting in san jose this year. last year, there were four. now, police are saying very little bit relationship between the suspect and the victim in this case. but family members have told the media that the suspect went to the house early this morning looking for the girl's mother. not finding that woman in the house, he took the girl instead. and i was also told by another family member that this is actually the girl's old house that was a quote from one of the relatives so we don't know exactly what the relationship is because police are not confirming any of that but that is what we are being told from the relatives. >> so maybe the girl's mother lived there with the suspect
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who was shot? is that -- >> reporter: that's could be the conclusion from some of the pieces of information we're getting from the family members. but there is a little bit of a language barrier as well and they are reluctant to say anything after talking with police today. they will not confirm what we have just reported. >> understood. thank you, len ramirez. round 2 of the rain is here and it's really starting to pick up. roberta gonzales is tracking conditions for us right now. >> we're very busy here in the weather center. i cannot remember the last time i have seen so many different colors on the radar screen. whenever you see these shades of yellow and orange, that's an indication that we're having moderate to heavy rain. that's the case certainly in the north bay. petaluma, novato and also bolinas, those are just downpours for this evening commute. watch while i zoom in here. you can take a look at the richmond area, hercules, golden gate bridge commute at this hour is a nightmare with heavy
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gusty winds and downpours and fog. we'll tell you how much rain to expectant 49ers forecast coming up. >> thank you. speaking of that nightmare commute, let's go to lisa washington at the golden gate bridge with how people are coping with this storm. hi, lisa. >> reporter: hello to you, dana. it's not just the rain but as roberta said also the wind that's making it a little bit uncomfortable for some people. now, some people may complain about it and say it is inconvenient but we talked to a few people who say it's right on time for them. >> this rain is ridiculous. >> reporter: for some people, the rain is an inconvenience. >> we've changed three times today because it was so wet. >> reporter: but after weeks of dry weather, rain is what the bay area needs. overflowing gutters and downspouts, she welcomes the weather. >> i'm happy. we need this rain. my garden needs the rain. >> reporter: for marsha, it's a
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win-win for her garden and attire. >> this is my new raincoat and i have been wait it would go months to wear it. >> reporter: old or new, raincoats, rain boots and umbrellas have been the dress code of the day. for matt fryer of roof rx roof repair rain keeps him busy. >> i like the rain. good for business. >> reporter: he was preparing to repair a leaky roof at a marin county restaurant. >> i got dispatched a week ago. we got calls from a week ago that i'm starting today. >> reporter: today and throughout the weekend, matt will be busy. it's the same story at brushless car wash in larkspur where despite the rain they were cleaning cars inside and out. >> some people, you know, the cars really need it. so that's why they bring them. >> reporter: the manager says the car wash is better than a rain wash. many drivers will just let mother nature handle their dirty work. now, we should tell you that that car wash has a 48-hour
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rain guarantee. if you take your car in on a dry day, you have 48 hours to bring it back if it rains. if you come in on a rainy day, you're stuck with a wet rainy car. reporting live in marin county, lisa washington, cbs 5. okay, finally, some fresh powder in the mountains. the snow a welcome sight of course for snowboarders and skiers, even more so for business owners. resorts now hoping to cash in on the storm as more people get up there and hit the slopes with the new snow. 4 to 6" expected tonight at lake level. caltrans gearing up for round the clock road coverage. to track the storm, check out our live streaming hi-def doppler at it's already a taxpayer's money pit. and tonight, a cbs 5 exclusive. >> leave the property. >> reporter: why solyndra is destroying millions of dollars worth of assets instead of selling them and paying us all
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back. >> we certainly would have bid on them. a milestone in women's healthcare. when the free birth control era starts. it's smart and i wanted to try it. >> something we all learned in kindergarten. but one bay area man is taking it to a whole new level. how he saved 15 grand a year by sharing.
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and branch out on it's own. but it's a first. a bay area uc campus wants to separate from the university system and branch out on its own. but don't call it secession. joe vazquez is in san francisco to explain. >> reporter: ucsf officials bristle when they are told about this observation. looks like they are trying to
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secede from the uc universal. no, they would still report to a board of regents, just exploring new and different ways to be governed. ucsf is growing and as such, wants some more freedom. >> it is very clear that we need to generate new revenues. >> reporter: so in an unprecedented move, the chancellor has asked the school's parent, the board of regents to let ucsf spread its wings to still be part of the university of california system but just not quite in the same way as the other universities. it wants to be a separate entity. >> i'm not willing to give up the excellence of ucsf. >> reporter: but the chancellor says just don't use the "s" word. >> it is not a secession. what it is, is ucsf asking the office of the president and the regents to look at how can ucsf thrive, what is the best oversight for ucsf given the unique nature of a health
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sciences graduate-only 3,000 professional-student operation? >> reporter: ucsf is not highly reliant on state funds. in fact, the state pays for only about 5% of the university's revenue and 15% of faculty costs. the university spends $49 million of its $4 billion budget contributing back to the rest of the uc system. ucsf says it can make more money and sustain its world class status by partnering with pharmaceuticals and other private companies without through the clumsy chain of command. ucs and would rather keep the money that it makes with the business partners. >> this could be a trend. >> reporter: ron is biotech reporter for the san francisco business times. >> they have done and excellent job the past few years especially of taking research and working with the pfizers of the world or bayers. >> i think there is a little more control there. so it is a separation. it is a secession even though they don't like to use those
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words. i think it is those things when it comes to how independently they can operate. >> reporter: they are building a new hospital here on the mission bay campus and pensions are rising according to th chancellor. so she says they have to do something or pretty soon they will be spending more than they bring in. joe vazquez, cbs 5. a medical milestone. starting this summer, insurance companies will be required to provide birth control for free. the white house confirmed its controversial decision today. beginning august 1, most medical insurance plans will be required to offer birth control without charging a co-pay. religious organizations would be exempt. however, religious affiliated hospitals must comply by august 2013. we have all been taught to share but what about sharing your car, your work space, even a nanny? on the consumerwatch, julie watts explains how a south bay man is saving thousands of
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dollars a year by borrowing instead of buying. >> there you go. through the tunnel! >> reporter: neil enjoys sharing, so much he turned it into a lifestyle. >> i think everyone shares, maybe not aware of it but i have done it a little more consciously so it's integrated in my work and at home. >> reporter: for instance, instead of renting an office in san francisco to run his online magazine, neil shares an office for $195 a month. and when it comes to driving, you wouldn't catch neil behind the wheel. >> i just decided to do without a car. and last year i calculated that it saved me $4,000. >> reporter: and if he foods a car for something, he rents one -- if he needs a car from someone he rents one from a neighbor. >> it's more convenient. >> reporter: neil shares his wi- fi service, kids' clothing and his nanny. rather than paying $16 an hour
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for a private nanny, he pays 10. at 32 hours a week, that saves hundreds. >> it's expensive and we wanted to raise our son with other children. and so we nanny-share and that way, it's less money for us. >> reporter: as it turns out, borrowing instead of buying has saved neil more than $15,000 a year. something he never imagined. >> i just thought sharing was really smart and i wanted to try it. >> reporter: but before you try it, neil has some advice. >> you can start small. i mean, i think that's the smart way to get started. >> reporter: there are some websites where users with will to share belongings with neighbors for free. go to for more. people will share lawnmowers and kitchenware. >> it's sitting there. why not? >> thank you. i'm mike sugerman in new
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york city! well, that's what the city limits signs say but you wouldn't know it being at this bar. it's full of bay area folks. >> 9ers! >> reporter: behind enemy lines coming up.
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fans around the bay area this chances are you are going to start seeing a lot of new york giants fans around the bay area this weekend. so to pay them back, we sent our own 9ers fan into enemy territory, as well. mike sugerman is in new york city tonight. mike, i understand, though you're surrounded by 9er fans. >> reporter: well, how did that happen? i had to go 3,000 miles to hang out with 9er fans? but i am in new york city. sofa get -- so fa-get about it! i came to see what new york city is like during a game like this. it's all big blue as they call the giants here except for this, i don't know, 5,000- square-foot bar which seems to
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be part of san francisco's city limits. new york's a lonely town when you're the only 9er fan around. >> ha ha ha! good luck. you guys will need it. >> reporter: he wasn't shopping for 49ers jerseys. good thing. big game, big week. >> we weren't expecting that many people to want them. >> reporter: at the signature modell sporting goods store in times square. it's all about the giants here. but at this place, someone from the bay area what feel at home. >> go 9ers. >> reporter: finnerty's bar is in new york but it's more milpitas than midtown, more berkeley than brooklyn, more soma than soho. >> everybody here is die-hard. >> reporter: mets or rangers? fa-get about it! this is the really east bay. >> this really isn't another bar in new york that does san francisco bay area. i think one or two of them have popped up since we've been popular. >> reporter: brian stapleton
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doesn't sound like a spent a lot of time in san francisco city schools because he didn't of he is a new york city firefighter who welcomes bay area fans who started to show up a few years ago and it's grown from there. and, yeah, it's taken off. this was the 2010 world series and it should be much the same sunday. they will be served by bartenders like this santa rosa aspiring actress. she got hired. >> it's amazing. i meet people that i grew up around the corner from daily. i feel like i'm home. i meet people i know constantly. >> reporter: you get to know them even better after berry bombs. >> it's orange soda with a yeagermeister shot in it and shoved records there may be a few of those going down pretty easily during the nfc championship game. >> reporter: it's crowded tonight, friday night. but just wait until sunday.
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last saturday, actually, before the game, it was full six hours before game time. they had to turn people away. they were lined up around the block. what do you think. >> yeah! >> reporter: like i expected a regular answer. [ yelling ] >> reporter: i can't hear you. >> have fun. >> reporter: i think they're going to keep drinking. >> a little oasis in the desert of new york. >> we'll talk to you, mike. thanks so much. of course, coming up after eyewitness news at 6:00, a special "49er preview," dennis o'donnell kim coyle and company getting you ready for the big game if you are not ready enough already. so that's tonight at 7:00 here on cbs 5. >> get fired up and roberta, you fired up the radar. >> i was taking a look at that live shot with mike sugerman. my son is going to college there. he was not there. >> he is not 21 yet.
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>> but he will be watching the 49ers games with all his giants roommates. good evening, we have fired up my live high-def doppler radar. this is impressive the second storm rolling into the bay area. when you see yellow and orange that's major rainfall. that's happening now. it is interrupting the evening commute. everybody just about in the north bay right now hearing heavy raindrops on the rooftops and winds are increasing up to 20 to 30 miles per hour. all this precip is crossing into concord, martinez, hercules, el sobrante. a thunderstorm may develop. we have the rain delays now at sfo up to three hours and seven minutes on some arriving flights. it's raining outside at the golden gate bridge. take a look at the reflection. raindrops right there on the road. temperature-wise, pretty mild
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with fog forming. your futurecast does illustrate by 11:00 tonight we still have moderate to heavy downpours from the north bay into the santa cruz mountains where we're anticipating up to 3" of rain in the next 24 hours generally speaking up to about 1.5" of rain. temperatures tomorrow into the 50s. otherwise what you need to know is that we have the rain, fog, wind tonight. high surf advisory saturday, rain on sunday. we'll talk about the 49er forecast straight ahead. >> thank you. bankrupt tossing millions of dollars worth of stuff in the dumpster. >> we certainly would have bid on them, yeah. >> why solyndra is destroying valuable assets. an exclusive cbs 5 investigation. down to the wire in south carolina. how newt gingrich's ex-wife seems to be hurting mitt romney's campaign. >> pain radiating from the
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shoulder all the way down the forearm to my fingers. >> how the way you are using your smartphone may be causing permanent damage to your back.
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ozzy... yeah? do you have a secret fantasy? yes. i'd like to fly to new york for a colonoscopy. enter the cbs cares colonoscopy sweepstakes. you could be our lucky winner! visit cbs
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fremont? it st tonight a cbs 5 exclusive. remember solyndra, the failed solar company in fremont? it still owes american taxpayers half a billion dollars. but we caught them destroying millions of dollars worth of parts. elizabeth cook with a video that you will only see on cbs 5. >> reporter: dana, solyndra will put its assets up for sale again next month at least the assets they haven't yet destroyed. take a look at what we found last week. at solyndra's sprawling complex in fremont, workers in white jumpsuits unwrapped brand-new glass tubes used in solar panels. they are the latest most cutting edge solar technology and they're being tossed into dumpsters. forklifts bring one pallet after another piled high with the carefully packaged glass. slowly but surely, it all ends
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up shattered. we're not talking a few loads. hundreds of thousands of tubes on shrink wrapped pallets will meet a similar demise. solyndra paid at least $2 million for the specialized glass. we found this piece lying in the parking lot. and solyndra still owes the german company that made these another $8 million. so why would a bankrupt company that owes a fortune to creditors including u.s. taxpayers be throwing away millions of dollars worth of assets? >> you're on private property right now. you need to leave. >> reporter: solyndra has no comment but court documents revealed the company got permission to abandon the high grade glass. the court agreed that it was an inconsequential value because of the cost of storing them exceeds their value. the company in charge of sell solyndra's assets told us they connected an exhaustive search for buyers but no one wanted them.
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how exhaustive was that search? the tubes were never included on the list of solyndra assets put up for sale at two auctions last year. if they were, this man said he would have bought them. >> we certainly would have bid on them, yeah. >> reporter: he owns several large warehouses near las vegas. he business and resells manufacturing equipments and components all the time. >> our company has bought a lot of stuff over the years, truckloads and warehouses full of inventory that other companies were ready to just send to the dump and destroy because they don't want to find markets for it. >> reporter: when solyndra shut down last year, he bought hundreds of fully assembled solar panels at the auction and is reselling the on ebay. >> reporter: they are going for a third of the original price? >> a fantastic deal. >> reporter: he -- he said if given a chance he would have snapped up the tubes too. >> some manufacturing company would need those. >> reporter: a solar scientist
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agrees. they have value. >> as a scientist, i said, well, this has to be studied. >> reporter: he has consulted for the department of energy and lectures at santa clara university. he recently bought a solyndra solar panel to study its technology which is completely different from traditional panels. >> it can accept both the direct sun and without motion because it's a cylinder, the technology is very promising. >> reporter: wrote a letter to the auctioneers asking if they could donate to santa clara university any of the leftover tubes after the solyndra auctions are completed. >> let one student, one student, like i was a student there, to use this an inspiration on their career and then that will be worth something. >> reporter: but the auctioneers wrote back saying, they couldn't do that. >> that really makes me sad. those tubes represent intellectual investments. these could have had a better value, a value to do public good and to do science.
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and i think that they owed the u.s. taxpayer that. >> reporter: now, solyndra was hoping to have sold the entire company lock stock and barrel by this week. but they called off the sale because nobody bid for it. now they will concentrate on selling the company off piece by piece. now, we want to stress, we asked more than once for solyndra, the auction company and the bankruptcy trustee to talk to us on camera but they all refused. we also called the german company that made the glass tubes to see if they would have wanted the tubes back. after all, they're still owed almost $8 million. a spokesman told us he had no idea they were being destroyed. >> seems like such a waste. so they're not going to auction them off. they're not going to donate them. they're at this juncture just throwing them away? >> >> reporter: we're told they might recycle the glass but we haven't gotten confirmation. >> thank you. it is down to the wire in south carolina. the hotly contested primary a few hours away now.
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and the four remaining republican hopefuls spent today making their final pitch to voters. in fact the latest poll out of the state shows newt gingrich has catapulted into the lead. he now has a 6-point advantage over mitt romney. but as danielle nottingham reports, it is still anyone's contest. reporter: mitt romney dodged raindrops on his last day of campaigning before saturday's south carolina primary. he promised supporters brighter days ahead if he wins. >> i'm going to make sure the next generation has an even more prosperous future than the generation i have enjoyed. i love this country. live you for being out here in the rain... >> reporter: once a clear front- runner here, mitt romney is now neck and neck with newt gingrich. that was before gingrich's ex- wife said he wanted an open marriage. gingrich scored points with the audience at the debate with his response. >> the story is false.
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every friend i have in that period says it's false. >> reporter: gingrich cancelled his first appearance friday. his campaign said the crowd was too small and allowed him to spend more time visiting a children's hospital. ron paul did appear saying the debates are helping his campaign. >> debates have always been very helpful in promoting what i have been talking about on sound economic policy and changed foreign policy. >> reporter: rick santorum continues to push himself as the only candidate for conservative voters arguing romney and gingrich supported healthcare plans that resembled president obama's. >> once they have your health they have your pocketbook and everything with it. and we are no longer free. >> reporter: the four candidates have just hours left to sway voters. a poll says half are undecided. danielle nottingham, cbs 5, charleston, south carolina. joining us now cbs 5 political analyst joe tuman. thanks for being here.
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all of a sudden the nomination process gets turned on its ear. we have santorum claims victory in iowa, perry drops out, newt gingrich turns his ex-wife's statement into a positive for him. is this now romney's to lose? >> i think it's always been mitt romney's to lose in the sense that he is ahead but there was a chance he was going to lose especially in a state -- a southern state like south carolina where evangelical christian voters question his mormon faith. he was always going to be walking on glass with those people. the critical thing i think of the stories you said is not santorum's win of the iowa getting the bump from that. he was going to raise money anyway. i don't think it was newt gingrich's wife's story because that was out a few months ago in a magazine. the news value of it yesterday i think just two days before the election is important. rick perry's defection is that it gives those evangelical christians a smaller pool of people to vote for who aren't
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mitt romney. and right now it looks like they are going to move towards newt gingrich if they can hold their nose about the story about the "open marriage." >> first question of the debate out of the box, he had it planned. he had a response right away. he went after the messenger and it helped him. >> it did to a certain extent. i think that people are obviously want to believe in him more than they want to vote for romney. those evangelical christians because they question his faith. this is a problem romney will have where people keep him around but looking for somebody besides him for a reason not to vote for him. but he hangs around. the question i think come tomorrow is when those people go to the ballot box will it matter to them that newt gingrich had these issues in his marriage or will it matter to them more that i hate to say it that mitt romney is mormon? my guess is the religious issue trumps everything. >> joe tuman, thank you. we'll see what happens.
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one doctor calls it text neck. the bad smartphone habits that may be doing serious damage to your neck and back. ♪ at last... ♪ ♪ [ music ] >> and the everlasting influence of etta james. ♪ [ music ] people who are constantly on
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people who are constantly on their smartphones: one doctor first there was at blackberry thumb. now a new complaint from people who are constantly on their smartphones. one doctor calls it text neck. lee woodruff on how your phone habits may be hurting your posture. >> tightness in my shoulder and pain radiating from the shoulder all the way down the forearm to my fingers.
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>> reporter: sound familiar? it's no surprise. those hours spent hunched over our iphones and blackberrys are wreaking havoc on posture. >> blackberrys, can you explain the syndrome? >> i think you could -- by the describe it better as the fall of the smartphones. because it's the fall of our bodies as a result of that. you have gravity working down on your head this way. >> reporter: dr. baron is seeing an increase in posture- related issues which he attributes to the use of smartphones. >> we are straining our muscles both in our necks and our upper backs and our shoulders to accommodate the farthest position and then we spend so long doing it. >> reporter: the average ahuman head weighs about 10 pounds. according to the physiology of the joints, for every inch forward, the strain on the neck increases tenfold. hunching three inches forward is like adding an extra 30 pounds. >> as an orderic surgeon who deals with this it scares me to
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death as an orthopedic surgeon. it takes a heavy toll. >> reporter: dr. baron believes there is a simple cure for the problems associated with this they phenomenon. >> get outside. start moving. arms above horizontal like this. >> reporter: light exercise he says can work wonders for poor posture. >> do a good neck roll to really loosen that up. >> it takes a couple of exercises and an awareness of it and a belief that you're actually at risk for these problems perpetuating for the rest of your life if you don't address it now. >> that was lee woodruff reporting. well, the world, the music world in particular, lost a timeless voice. ♪ [ music ] ♪ at last >> etta james died this morning in southern california from complications from leukemia. james was discovered singing on a san francisco street corner in the 1950s. it was that hit song "at last"
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that catapulted her to fame. rolling stone called james one of the 100 greatest singers of all time. she was 73 years old. ♪ [ music ]
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good evening welcome back to "eye on the storm." day 2 of storms in the bay area. this second one has a bigger punch. this is our high-def doppler radar. lots of yellow and oranges on the screen, which means copious downpours at this time. it is an absolute nightmare for the evening commute especially north of the golden gate bridge. wherever you see yellow like in richmond, that is a heavy downpour at this time and then look at the orange. i have to monitor that very carefully for the possibility of the development of a thunderstorm as this trails into the danville area and just really -- look at that. it crosses the bay all the way into peninsula offshore. that is one big cell. golden gate bridge had a cell over that area.
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it has now moved out in a northeast direction. lots of ponding on the roads right now at the embarcadero. rain, fog and windy conditions for this friday evening. showers tapering tomorrow then the third storm for sunday. rain futurecast does illustrate that by later on tonight we're still stuck in moderate rainfall and by tomorrow, tomorrow afternoon, look at the shades of red, that means that in portions of the north bay and also in the santa cruz mountains, we could see up to 3 inches of rain. this accumulation is just from this storm right now not even counting yesterday's rain which we saw over two inches in mill valley so obviously we are going to start to see some saturation in the land mass here in the bay area which actually is good. here comes the latest storm as it plows up against the northern half of the state and does bring snowfall to the high sierra. this is a third storm that's now picking up steam and we have had to adjust our timing for the 49ers game. your sierra forecast, winter
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storm warning in effect until 10 a.m. tomorrow, 3 feet of snow above 8,000 feet, 6" at lake level at 6200 feet. tonight's lows into the 40s except vallejo 37. tomorrow's highs in the 50s. we have on tap rain for tonight through tomorrow tapering off during the day tomorrow. then on sunday, looks like this system wants to roll into the north bay late morning hours, crossing the golden gate bridge in the afternoon. monday's forecast, a chance of a lingering shower. so here you go. the much talked about 49ers football forecast. plan on rain as it begins and during the game. a raw cool day in the mid-50s. dennis o'donnell has your 49ers news coming up right after this. brief time-out.
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santa clara...he is listed as questionable for the game.. the giants will arrive in the bay area tom 49ers receiver ted ginn didn't practice and is questionable for the game. the giants will arrive in the bay area tomorrow. some of the players on the team are holdovers from new york's super bowl run four years ago. 49ers cornerback carlos rogers did not believe that's an advantage for new york.
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>> yeah. to me it doesn't. some guys may say different. i think like i said end of the day it's football. what experience going to do? you gonna make a play because you got more experience? you can get beat. the saints had more experience. they had more experience. they lost. they're home. the packers won the super bowl. they are home right now. giants quarterback eli manning dealt with a stomach bug this week but is back at practice 100%. head coach tom coughlin was asked today what the team is doing to prevent that bug from spreading. >> like what? everybody's wearing a mask? everybody's washing their hands? everybody's doing everything they can. like when your sister came home with whatever and you got it. you know what i mean? so there's where we are. [ laughter ] [ pause ] [ inaudible ] >> not going any further now. >> oh. >> hey. hey. >> you think that's bad? you know, there's two weeks in
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between the super bowl right and this game. get ready for two weeks of that. alex smith has taken more than his fair share of criticism, fair territory as a starting quarterback until the nfl. eli manning probably knows about expectations better than most. eli manning i don't know how he got out there was. i thought he was on the ground and... then he came out of the pile. >> reporter: most quarterbacks with a super bowl ring especially after authoring one of the biggest upsets in nfl history would be given a free pass after a down year. there's never been the case with eli manning. he was ripped this summer for saying he thought he was an elite quarterback. he backed up his talk. 29 touchdowns, nearly 5,000 yards passing, and a pro bowl nod. he is the pulse of the new york giants. >> we have always asked a lot of eli from the day he got here. he's been able to handle it. so he's proven to us that he could. anything we want we needed. >> reporter: for the easy-going eli he is not fazed by the
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criticism. he faced it since before he ever took a snap in the nfl forcing a trade to new york after the chargers took him number one overall. >> that situation -- he had to go through press and questions and hopefully the questions get easier. >> reporter: they haven't. in fact, he gets respect from another number one overall pick who has been picked apart by critics himself. >> that's a lot of pressure. your older brother arguably the greatest quarterback ever and a lot of expectations on you and then you go to a big city like new york. so i don't have to face those things. >> reporter: maybe we have had it wrong all this time. if eli leads the giants to another lombardi trophy, will he eclipse peyton as the family's top gun? he already made believers of his giants teammates as well as those from way back. >> as a freshman i thought he was like the greatest quarterback ever.
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[ inaudible ] >> reporter: and finally according to reports, the dolphins have hired packers offensive joe philbin as their new head coach. this hiring is less than two weeks after philbin's son drowned in a wisconsin river. with philbin's help, the packers have ranked in the top 10 in the nfl yardage each of the past five seasons. so 49ers and the new york giants in nfc championship full preview coming up in a couple of minutes. tim ryan has join us in studio. >> in the house. >> tim, tell the audience when you told me in the first game when the preseason started. you are -- >> jacked out of my mind! >> you got it, man! >> the whole fan base is now. >> we just want to watch. >> tim on the radio just said 23-20 the 49ers will win. >> all right! >> i'm on board. >> yeah. stay tuned, "49er preview" coming up. see you at 10:00 and 11:00. >> caption colorado, llc
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