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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 9am  CBS  October 16, 2010 8:00am-9:30am PST

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♪ man: ♪ you and me solve a mystery ♪ with huckle kids: ♪ in busytown! girl: let's get busytown! man: ♪ you and me... kids: ♪ you and me!
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man: ♪ solve a mystery... kids: ♪ solve a mystery! man: ♪ with huckle kids: hooray for huckle! man: ♪ in busytown... kids: ♪ in busytown man: ♪ we're gonna solve a busytown mystery! ♪ kids: hooray for huckle! lowly: "the mystery of the lost bag" úú (pigeon coos) (horn beeps) boy, i sure hope lowly gets here soon. i'm getting hungry! me too, huckle. i wonder where he could be! lowly: (chuckling) here i am! up here! hold the mustard! it's me! all: (laugh) nice trick, lowly! (laughs) (gasps) nice bag, huckle. what's in it? hey, where did that come from? it's not my bag, lowly. someone must've lost it! maybe there's something inside that will let us know who it belongs to.
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a coin... a map... an eyeglass case... a perfume bottle... and a red scarf! no name anywhere? nope! so what do you think, huckle? well, i think we have a bag that belongs to someone, but we don't know who. so that means we have... a mystery! (submarine horn blares) huckle, sally and lowly: busytown action bug news! goldbug here, reporting live for busytown action news! sounds like you have a bagful of mystery this time, huckle! you bet, goldbug. and we're going to solve the mystery of the lost bag by figuring out who the owner is and returning it to them. are you ready for it? here it goes! ♪ who? what? why? how? ♪ who? what? when? where? why? how? ♪ ♪ everybody ♪ who? what? when? where? why? how? ♪
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♪ solve a mystery ♪ who? what? when? where? why? how? ♪ sally: let's get busytown! and that's the buzz in busytown! goldbug out! (submarine horn blares) something in the bag must be able to give us a clue who the owner is. hey, look at this coin. what about it, sally? it's different! look! (water sloshes) here's what a busytown coin looks like... and here's the coin from the bag. that money doesn't look like it's from busytown! that might mean that whoever the bag belongs to isn't from busytown either! you mean a visitor? maybe. let's see if anything else in the bag would belong to a visitor. what about the map? huckle: a map of busytown. a visitor would need a map to get around. right! so we know that the owner of the bag isn't from busytown, but someone who is here visiting. look, huckle, there's a mark on the map!
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sally: it's right on the busytown opera house. so that must be a place the visitor wanted to go! huckle: so i think that the owner of the bag came to busytown to see a concert at the opera house. which means that's where we need to go to find them! so what are we waiting for? let's go! pig won't: hold everything! we're going to help solve the mystery! we're really good at finding things! i found pig won't once when he was lost! but i was with you! you were lost too! but i still found you! and i found you! see? we're really good at finding things! we'll help find who lost the bag! huckle: (chuckles) okay, guys! let's go! we're heading to the busytown opera house! (buckles click) (cars whir) pig won't: it's my turn to drive! pig will: no! it's my turn to drive! pig won't: it's my turn to drive!
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pig will: no! it's my turn to drive! i can't see! it's your turn to drive! pig won't: no! it's your turn! i can't see either! (engine revs) it's my turn to drive! pig won't: no! my turn!
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(tires screech to a halt)y the owner of the bag is in there somewhere! let's go inside and find who it is! goldbug: this is a big day in busytown for opera lovers! the world famous opera superstar, allegra nontroppo, has come all the way to busytown to sing for the very first time! whoa! the place is packed! even a sardine would be squished in here! how are we ever going to figure out who owns the lost bag?
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pig will: just leave it to us! i only have one question. how're we going to figure out who owns the lost bag? i don't know. that's that same question i was going to ask you! we think whoever owns the lost bag is here in the opera hall. we just have to figure out who it is. let's check what else is in the bag that might help us. this is a perfume bottle and ladies wear perfume, right? that's right, sally. so that means the owner of the bag is a lady! a lady who is wearing that kind of perfume! right! so if we sniff out all the ladies who are here, the one who smells like the perfume will be the owner of the lost bag! i've got a very good sniffer! good plan, sally! pig will: (sniffs perfume) sorry, but my sniffer's just a teensy bit better than yours! (bigger sniff of perfume) that's because you gave me a cold! but you gave it to me first! (clears throat) both: okay, okay! we'll sniff her out now!
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we're very good at finding things! think they can do it? well, one time, they sniffed out a cake crumb from three blocks away! now those are what i call amazing sniffers! while they do that, we should see what else is left in the bag that might give us a clue. well, this eyeglass case tells us whoever the bag belongs to wears glasses. lowly: it's empty! which means that whoever owns it is probably wearing her glasses right now! (low hum of chatter) something tells me this isn't going to be so easy! there are a lot of ladies wearing glasses! it could be any of them. (sniffing) oh. pig won't: (sniffing) pig will: (sniffing) (sniffing) hmph. (sniffing) i smell it! i smell it!
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pig will and pig won't: (sniffing) both: it's you! the only one here that smells like the perfume is... both: him! that's because you each sprayed yourselves with the perfume! well, at least we do smell nice. yes we do! but i smell a teensy bit nicer than you! i don't get it. the perfume belongs to the lady who owns the bag. but how come no one here smells like the perfume? hmm... maybe the lady who owns the bag isn't here. but she has to be here, huckle. all the clues point to it. but if someone came to busytown to see allegra nontroppo sing, there should be a ticket to the show in the bag, right? lowly, sally and pig twins: right! but there isn't one! that's strange! who comes to see a show without a ticket? beats me, lowly. is there anything left in the bag that might help us identify her, sally? only this red scarf. maybe the lady who owns it likes to wear things that are red! okay so that means the lady we're looking for
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is visiting busytown to hear allegra nontroppo sing, is wearing glasses and likes to wear things that are red. can we see anyone here like that? some ladies are wearing glasses but not wearing anything red. sally: some ladies are wearing something red but not wearing glasses! lowly: but none of the ladies are wearing both glasses and something red! you know, i think i've seen that red scarf somewhere before. where, huckle? i don't know, lowly. let me think... wait! i think i know who owns the lost bag! (news van beeps) so, huckle, have you solved the mystery of the lost bag? i think so, goldbug. i think the bag belongs to a lady who came to busytown for the opera, but not to watch it! huh? here's what i think happened: we found the bag and used the coin and the map
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to decide the owner of the bag was visiting busytown to go to the opera. we knew a lady owned the bag because of the perfume we found, and that she wore glasses, and that she liked wearing things that were red. but no one at the opera house fit that description. and it was also strange that there wasn't a ticket for the show in the bag either, which made us wonder who would come to a show, from out of town, without a ticket? then i remembered seeing a red scarf somewhere else - on the poster of allegra nontroppo. allegra wears glasses, likes red scarves, and is visiting busytown for the opera. and since she's the one who's singing in the show, she doesn't need a ticket! i think the lost bag belongs to allegra nontroppo! and the reason we couldn't find her here is because she's probably in her dressing room right now, getting ready for the show! lowly: but how can we know for sure? let's go ask her! (news van whirs) pig will: (sniffs) i can smell the perfume!
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(sniffs) and i can smell it better than you! (huckle knocks three times) my bag! oh! you found it! thank you! thank you! thank you! and my favourite red scarf! i am so happy to have it back! huckle was right! ♪ everybody, all together ♪ solved a mystery with huckle ♪ ♪ you can solve one too! all: hurray for huckle! so there you have it, folks! huckle has solved another busytown mystery! and just before showtime! goldbug out! you are all invited to be my guests and hear me sing, of course, but i want to give you something special! a reward for finding my bag! anything you want, just name it! that's a pretty cool hat you're wearing! really cool!
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allegra: ♪ la la laaa la-la la laaa ♪ ♪ la-la laaa... my horn is bigger than your horn. sorry, but my horn is just a teensy bit bigger than yours! allegra: ♪ la la laaa... pig will and pig won't: (whispering) no mine! no mine! >> woman: jacob, what's this say? >> boats float in the ocean. >> envelope! >> woman: what does this say? >> these children are reading-- yes, reading-- some before they can even talk. by seizing a small window of opportunity of accelerated learning in the first five years of life, thousands of parents around the world are seeing how your baby can read has changed their lives. >> at one point i thought he was just memorizing the order of the
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words on the screen 'cause he had read everything. >> that... >> what's that? >> bib. >> bib! excellent! and... >> that's... >> you tell me, what's that? >> turtle. >> turtle! >> man: turtle. >> lindsey: your baby can read is so much more than just the reading aspect. >> mozart. >> mozart. >> there is nothing that he doesn't want to learn more about, and that includes sports. you know, the next thing i know graham is outside shooting hoops. he's incredibly well-rounded. >> "...would last for years and take the lives of more than 600,000 americans." >> no way. >> way. >> announcer: here's how it works. your child sees and hears the words "clap," followed by hearing and seeing the meaning of the word while saying or doing the word. it's that simple. seize this small window of opportunity to give your child the stimulation they crave. get the complete your baby can read early language development system today. a 30-day risk-free trial is yours to try for only $14.95.
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this complete package of dvds, books, sliding cards and games helps unlock your child's learning potential and confidence. that's not all. order today and you'll get these three free gifts valued at more than $75, and they're yours to keep absolutely free. [♪...] @@pp lowly: "the flat tire mystery" @@(vehicles rumble) (tires screech to a halt) huckle, sally and lowly: hey, sneakers! hi, guys. what's the matter, sneakers? my bike just got a flat tire, huckle, and i don't have a pump. no pump?! no problem! i'll have it inflated in a jiffy! (accordion wheezes with each breath)
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ta-da! (air hisses out of tire) oops! i guess i ta-da'd too soon. huckle: aha! i see what the problem is! there's a hole in your tire, sneakers. something must've punctured it; that's why the air you put into the tire leaked out again, lowly! that's okay! we can just go down the road to bike shop bob. he'll patch your tire for you, sneakers! good idea, sally! (vehicles rumble) (tires screech to a halt) lowly: whoa! look at all the flat tires! sally: what happened, bike shop bob? all these bike riders got flat tires today! and i can't find anything stuck in any of the tires that might've punctured them. well, if you ask me, i'd say this is...
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a mystery! (news van beeps) huckle, sally and lowly: busytown action bug news! this is goldbug reporting live for busytown action news! what's this about a mystery, huckle? well, goldbug, something punctured all these tires today, but no one knows what. so we're going to solve this mystery and figure out how the tires got flat! ready for it? here it goes! ♪ who? what? why? how? ♪ who? what? when? where? why? how? ♪ ♪ everybody ♪ who? what? when? where? why? how? ♪ ♪ solve a mystery ♪ who? what? when? where? why? how? ♪ sally: let's get busytown! well, folks, it looks like huckle and his team are all pumped up to solve the flat tire mystery! i'm goldbug, and that's the buzz in busytown! where should we begin, huckle? well, let's see... bike shop bob, did anyone mention where their tires went flat?
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yes. in fact, everyone told me they got flat tires right after they crossed busytown bridge. well, then there must be something sharp on busytown bridge that's puncturing all the tires! huckle: come on, team! let's go have a look! (cars whir) whoa! look at all the big trucks and stuff! lowly: yeah, and they've closed it off so we can't drive straight through to busytown bridge! no problem! we'll just drive around the block to get to the bridge! (cars whir) here we are at busytown bridge! now, how are we going to find out what's causing all the flat tires? easy! i'll just drive my car across the bridge and back again! but what if you get a flat tire? then we'll know for sure that whatever's causing the flat tires is on the bridge! (car whirs) so far, no flats!
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now i'll drive back on the other side of the road! (tires screech to a halt) so, did i get a flat tire? nope! no flat tires! huckle: hmm... that's odd. if something on the bridge was causing tires to go flat, then my car tires should've gone flat. actually, come to think of it, no car tires in busytown have gone flat, have they? we've seen lots and lots of bicycles with flat tires, but no cars or trucks with flat tires. i wonder why only bikes are getting flat tires? (bike bell dings, pig will and won't pant) huckle: there's pig will and pig won't! let's see if their bicycle gets a flat tire when they cross the bridge. sally: hi, pig will and pig won't! pig will: (pants) hi, guys. uh, what're you looking at? we're checking to see if your tires are going flat. they're not going flat! lots of other bicycles that crossed that bridge got flat tires. well, not us! hmm... i didn't get a flat tire and neither did pig will and pig won't. so now we know that whatever's causing the flat tires
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isn't on the bridge! then... where could it be? we're solving a mystery. oh! we're going to bike shop bob's to buy a bell for our bike! a bell? don't you mean a horn? horns are the best for getting someone's attention! honk-honk-honk-honk! uhn-uhn! bells are better, pig won't! dring-dring! dring-dring! (pig won't honks like a horn, pig will dings like a bell) what's all that noise? oh, it's only pig will and pig won't. good! i thought there was a traffic jam because i closed the road! sally: i bet you closed the road to repave it, huh, mr. cobblestone? that's right, sally! i don't want cars and trucks driving on the fresh asphalt until it gets nice and hard. bicycles are okay, though. they're not heavy. yippee! let's roll! we've got a bike horn to buy. pig will: you mean a bike bell. pig won't and pig will: (arguing) no, a horn. bell! horn! bell! horn! bell! horn! now back to our mystery!
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well, since there's nothing sharp on the bridge, maybe the tires got flat somewhere after the bridge! but it would have to be somewhere pretty close to the bridge. everyone said they noticed their flat tires soon after they crossed. sally: well, we came from that direction before, so maybe we should go this way to see if there's anything sharp on the road. good idea! bye, mr. cobblestone! mr. cobblestone: so long, kids! happy driving!
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♪ ton the bus. hmm... still no flat tires! it looks like we've hit a dead end. pig won't: i told you we shouldn't go this way, pig will! pig will: no, you didn't! huckle: what happened, guys? we were minding our own beeswax, riding on the nice, newly paved road, and... we got two flat tires! flat tires?! that's great! um... what's so great about that? cause your flat tires prove that whatever punctured them must be somewhere on the closed road! mr. cobblestone said he closed the road and only bikes could use it, remember?
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right! that must be why none of the cars we've seen have flat tires, but all the bikes do. good thinking, team! now we just need to find what is puncturing all the bike tires! let's walk back along this closed road and look for something sharp and pointy! (electric saw whirs) huckle, lowly and sally: hi, sawdust! sawdust: hi, kids! uh, i don't see anything sharp or pointy on the road, huckle. ungh! huckle: look! there's something shiny on the road! maybe it's glass! sharp glass! it's only a coin. someone must've dropped it here when the asphalt was still soft. and now that the asphalt is hard, it's stuck! do you think this coin could've punctured the bike tires, huckle? i doubt it, lowly. coins are round and smooth, not sharp and pointy. what could have punctured all those bike tires? and why can't we see it? beats me!
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sawdust is making so much noise sawing, i can't even think! that gives me an idea! sawdust is a carpenter! he must have nails! yeah! nails are sharp and pointy! let's go ask if he dropped any nails while he was working! (saw whirs) hi, sawdust! did you drop any nails while you were hammering today? nope. i haven't hammered any nails yet today. but i will! i just bought a full bag of nails this morning! did you say a full bag of nails, sawdust? i sure did - full right to the top. but this bag isn't full, it's half-empty. (nails clatter) oopsy-daisy! i dropped some nails! that bag has a hole in it! well, so it does! hmm... sawdust, where did you buy this bag of nails? sawdust: over there at that hardware store, right across the street. the asphalt was still really soft,
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so i had to tippy-toe across it. you crossed the road with that bag of nails... and the asphalt was still really soft? aha! i just solved this mystery! (news van beeps) i hope you aren't too tire-d to tell us how you solved it, huckle! nope! here's what i think happened: we knew that something was puncturing the bike tires somewhere around busytown bridge. we tested the bridge, but there was nothing sharp on it that was making tires go flat. then we discovered that the tires were being punctured on the part of the road just past the bridge that was being paved - where bicycles could go, but not cars. that's why only bikes were getting flat tires. we couldn't see anything sharp on the road, but when we discovered that sawdust had a hole in his bag of nails, i figured that nails must've fallen out of the bag onto the road when he tippy-toed across it, and i think the nails got stuck in the very soft asphalt with just a bit of the pointy ends sticking up.
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it sounds good huckle, but i don't see any nails. it would be hard to see the pointy ends of the nails without a magnifying glass... aha! there they are! a whole line of them leading from the store to here. mystery solved! ♪ everybody, all together ♪ solved a mystery with huckle ♪ ♪ you can solve one too! all: hurray for huckle! there you have it, folks! huckle and his team have done a wheel-y great job of solving the flat tire mystery! this is goldbug signing off! (van beeps) (tires screech) oops! this just in: the busytown action news van has a flat tire! sorry about that. looks like i'd better pull out all these nails before mr. cobblestone opens up the road again.
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and don't worry, goldbug! not only are we great at solving mysteries, we're also great at changing flat tires! right, team? both: right! yup, we'll have your tire changed in no time flat! all: (laughing)
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why p-g-and-e is turning its gas pipeline records over to the the investigation into the deadly explosion and fire in san bruno. why pg&e is turning its gas pipeline records over to the state. with the big midterm election approaching heavy hitters here in to campaign here in california. a look at who was and who will be in the bay area. and a ground breaking event at one of the bay area's major airports. what it will mean for local air travel. it is 9:30 on this saturday morning october 16, 2010. good morning. i'm elizabeth we thinker. >> and i'm here to look at your weekend weather forecast. starting to look cool out there. mix of clouds temperatures on the cool side here around the
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bay today. there's actually a chance. >> a chance. >> very slight chance. i don't want to ruin anybody's parade here but we could see a few light showers creeping into the area here mainly down to the south around monterey and also it looks like the pattern will be taking a turn towards the wet here by the end of the week. again, let's not ruin any weekend plans. mostly sunny today across the east bay. a few more clouds as you move back to the beach. and we'll take a look at the rest of your forecast details coming your way here in just a few minutes. all right. i was enjoying the warmer temperature this is week. >> i hope you enjoyed them because they're gone for now. >> all right. thank you, jim. sheriff deputies in contra costa county have arrested a man suspected of raping a woman one month ago. he was arrested wednesday and charged with rape, sodomy and burglary. believed he assaulted a 26-year- old woman september 16th at the park regent city apartments near walnut creek.
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the suspect had been living at the complex and was acquainted with the women. since june five women have been assaulted at that complex. one man arrested in one of the other assault cases. pg&e has agreed to turn over gas line records to state lawmakers. the internal documents will be provided for next week's hearing into the san bruno disaster. at first the company said the papers could not be released because it was a federal investigation. state senators criticized for false claims. the national transportation safety board has said it has no objection to making the materials public. a hearing this tuesday will examine the san bruno blast that killed eight people and look at the safety of natural gas pipes in california. police are looking into a rash of thefts at churches in san francisco. at least a half a dozen churches have been hit recently. mostly in the southwestern part of town. police say one person may be responsible for the breakins,
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but they believe other people are also involved. >> the thing that we're missing in a lot of churches are suffering right now because the economy hits them too. >> many church leaders in san francisco say they have open door policies and plan to take extra precautions. some plan to ask neighbors as well as police to be on look out for anything unusual. they're also asking parishoners to donate to install security systems. the all important midterm election is just sixteen days away now. one of the most talked about issues in california is proposition 19. that's the measure aimed at legalizing recreational use of marijuana and taxing it to raise revenue. but as terrell brown reports, the federal government says it will have the last word. >> reporter: warnings to californians, if proposition 19 passes prepare for the consequences. attorney general release third- degree statement, we will vigorously enforce the controlled substance act
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against those individuals and organizations that possess, manufacture or distribute marijuana for recreational use. even if such activities are permitted under state law. and in los angeles today district attorney and sheriff said they will follow federal law on marijuana. they don't want to see the whole state go to pot. >> you got over 500 municipalities in this great state. and every one is going to be authorized to be a drug dealing community? i don't think so. >> reporter: he works at sunset junction organic medicine, he thinks the federal government has no right to interfere with the will of the people. >> too much against the voters wishes then you're really kind of going against the people. the government should never go against the people. >> reporter: president bush encouraged the feds to raid california's medical marijuana clinics when they first opened. president obama stopped it.
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but with prop 19 on the ballot, the federal government is back on the attack. >> there's nothing more dangerous to the legal system and to the passage of sound well-reasoned laws and considered deliberate reasonable law enforcement action. there's nothing more of a threat to that than a politician afraid of looking soft at crime. >> reporter: los angeles believes the federal threat is all about politics. he says the concept is ridiculous. >> it's a little ant. it's a little tiny ant on the legal landscape. and the feds are talking about carpet bombing with a b-52 strike. >> reporter: it's an issue many medical marijuana users say it's the wrong fight. >> rather than looking at it as a major drug war they should focus on the really bad drugs like cocaine and crystal meth. >> reporter: and one last note tonight from the sheriff of l.a. county, he says if prop 19 passes, his deputies will not go breaking down doors looking
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for marijuana in people's homes. but he says the department will have a zero tolerance policy for people who smoke it in public. in the newsroom tonight, terrell brown, cbs 5. a large medical marijuana club in santa clara has been shut down in a drug bust. narcotics agents say angel's care collective has been making money when it should be a nonprofit. the san jose mercury news reports agents are cracking down on pot clubs all across the country. officials say other dispensaries will be shut down if they are caught illegally profiting from providing medical marijuana to patients. state law requires pot clubs to be nonprofit. secretary of state hillary clinton was in the bay area last night speaking about the positive influence of technology all around the world. she appeared before a sold out crowd at the commonwealth club in san francisco. that is where she praised mountain view based google's innovation. she also credited facebook, a palo alto company for keeping
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the nation's economic hopes live during the recession. she skid silicon valley tech companies are instrumental in the obama's administration's goal for promoting peace and prosperity abroad. >> the door is open to each and every one of you. i just met with a group from twitter, and i know that there are a million ideas that are born every day here. and if you have a good idea, we will listen. >> clinton said technology continues to have an impact in close societies where free speech is routinely suppressed. she says the obama administration is "a strong advocate for the freedom to connect." the secretary of state's husband, former president bill clinton, is using his star power trying to bolster democratic candidates in california. he campaigned yesterday for jerry brown running for governor against meg whitman. the former chief of san jose based e bay. they appear together at ucla along with the mayor of san
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francisco running for lieutenant governor. he faces incumbent. tomorrow night mr. clinton will attend a rally for both brown and new some at san jose state university. they faced off in their last debate before the november 2nd election. last night both candidates for lieutenant governor went on the attack. he claimed he supported tax increases in the 2009 state budget deal. well, for his part, he criticized newsome's budget priorities here in san francisco. he also said he allocated a half million dollars to assist illegal immigrants and a quarter million for transgender programs. sarah palin is spending the weekend in california to rally conservatives all across the state. the former alaska governor was in sacramento yesterday alluding to her support for meg whitman. but she did stop short of endorsing the candidate for
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governor. she will appear at a republican national committee rally in anaheim later today. neither whitman nor republican senate candidate any lean plan to attend that event. bay area tea partyers are getting ready today for what they call the biggest tea party the west coast has ever seen. they got together last night at dick coy's barbecue pit for a prerally event. the golden state rally for america is today at the alameda county fairgrounds. tea party candidates and supporters will speak at the event. admission is free. and the gates open at 11:00. oakland international airport has plans for a new tow their tower that will stand much higher than anything you see now. ground breaking held friday for a new 236-foot air traffic control tower. it will replace two smaller towers that stand now on opposite ends of the airport. the state of the art project
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also features the latest in airport technology and offices for staff. >> be able to see the entire airport operations area from that tower. new tower will feature state of the art communications, navigation and other equipment needed to keep pace with the demands constantly evolving in the aviation system. >> the project will cost $33 million. it will be fully funded by federal stimulus dollars. and it should be completed in 2013. jim bernard joins us now with another look at our forecast. possibly talking rain. you know possibly talking rain. i used to work in towers. i always took the stairs. but 236 i think i would take the elevator. >> why did you take the stairs? >> it was good exercise. >> good. you're the same guy that parks at the very end of the parking lot so you can get the exercise? >> it's not because i don't want my car scratched. i'll take the walks. >> that's what they say to do. >> it's a good day for walking around the bay today as we have a mix of clouds out there.
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not as clear and warm as last weekend which was perfect throughout the region. still going to be lovely fall weather although a little cooler. i'll have those details coming your way here in just a few minutes. well, there was a time when barry bonds was all people knew about the san francisco giants. now his old team is in the playoffs, see how his ongoing court case is back in the news. and on the topic of baseball, maybe it is not all in the wrist. later this morning evidence that the curve ball may be just later this morning evidence that the curve ball may be just an illusion. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ i'm jerry mcnerney, and i approved this message. he worked his whole life, served his country defending our freedoms, and depends on social security. so, who would want to privatize it? corporate lawyer david harmer. harmer's social security privatization plan would cut guaranteed benefits and gamble with social security on wall street. while we worry, harmer's wall street friends would make billions in profits from privatization.
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david harmer. a social security privatization plan we can't afford.
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good thing the expertise of spray n' wash is in our new resolve in wash stain remover. just add to the wash. the stainseekers will find, penetrate and lift away the toughest stains. trust resolve. forget stains.
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adults online. okay. i guess we are not doing that. we are doing the barry bonds story. his perjury case keeps moving forward. his former team san francisco giants continue in the major league baseball playoffs. federal prosecutors filed documents late yesterday with a list of 25 witnesses they plan to call. prosecutors are trying to prove bonds lied about using steroids. a former girlfriend will testify that he is experienced physical changes including bloating and acne on his shoulders and back. that's all symptoms of steroid use. prosecutors also say they have a urine sample from bonds that tested positive. among the biggest concerns about the internet are security and privacy. now we're doing this story. bad enough people are trying to scam adults. but there are too many people trying to take advantage of kids and teens. now jim with common sense media joining us to explain how parents can keep their children's online activities safe. we're talking social networking like facebook. >> that's right.
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>> and online marketers i guess can track people's personal donations. >> this is a huge issue. this is a huge issue for everybody particularly for kids. there are two ways in which kids' privacy really becomes a big issue. the first is teenagers and kids in general do a lot of dumb things online. we had the rutgers case we talked about a couple weeks ago where the kid committed suicide. that was an example where someone's privacy was violated by cyber bullying and really horrible incident. so kids do a lot of stuff and post id on facebook. the second kinds now is that marketers sell the information to advertisers about everything you do. if you have a facebook account, all that information sometimes is sold to different people. and therefore you receive all those targeted ads. you could get weight loss ads, you can get a lot of stuff. there's two forms of privacy. both of which are a huge deal. common sense basically last week we had the chairman of the federal trade commission, secretary of education and said
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look we need new privacy laws in the united states. they haven't rewritten the privacy laws in 12 years and in the world of technology that was middle age ifs you think about it. >> right. >> so what we're saying is parents needs to understand and the federal government needs to understand and the industry much of so based here in the silicon valley. we're not going to throw out the privacy norms because there's a new technology that allows you to do that. >> common sense media has a campaign going right now to help protect kids and teens online. what is the campaign all about? >> several things. first of all educate parents about privacy and about the basic things about setting privacy settings and things like that. also talk to young people themselves and say you need to do this so parents can make sure kids use privacy settings, don't use location settings. this whole thing now with where with your gps system there's a facebook places, there's loop, four square where you can actually be tracked on your location. i don't think that's a good thing for kids to do and
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parents need to know that. >> yeah. this is a new thing on facebook now. >> huge deal. also when kids and adults by the way fill out all those questionnaires and promoes and surveys, all those contests, your information goes to marketers who spam you a lot of unadvertised marketing. i'll tell you honestly, this is going to be an issue for parents to be involved in. it's an issue that the industry is going to have to change. we called for an eraser button so if you do something really stupid at 15 and post a picture of yourself -- >> i think we all need an eraser button. >> we do. but right now there isn't one. we have the most incredible innovative technology in the world within a 25-mile radius here. we're going to move on that. and then fundamentally the privacy laws of the united states are going to be rewritten in the next year. so stay tuned. and everyone is going to be effected. parents, kids, and even you and me, elizabeth. this is a big deal. it's coming down the pike. >> all right. also new. interesting to see how it's all
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changing every minute. >> even jim bernard over there. >> even jim. that's right. >> is going to be -- is going to get new details. >> i've been waiting for that do over button for years. one of the things we don't -- doover, erase, same thing. one of the things we don't get to play with on live tv you get to see all the mistakes and they happen here as we're looking outside today cloudy conditions low clouds and fog sneaking into the bay today turning into a mix of clouds by the time you hit the central bay and across we have mid and high level cloud cover moving into the area which extends all the way out to the vacaville cam as well. lots of haze, low clouds, nice sky cape out there. this weekend it's classic fallwetter and time for our classic fall festival. art and pumpkin festival at half-moon bay today. it will be cool there with a slight chance of some showers showing up by tomorrow.
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overall we're down about ten degrees from last weekend at this time with a lot of clouds moving into the picture. mid to low 80s in the hot spots. cooling into the 70s in and around the bay. 60s by the time you hit the beach with more clouds lingering there. again, we have a mix of clouds moving into the area. several disturbances headed in our direction both from the north and south where cloud cover moving up. several weak disturbances pretty much falling apart as they cross northern california. we'll see some clouds out of this energy. but the main thing to know is what's lurking out here over my shoulder which will be arriving late in the week. we're starting to look at a juicier weather front moving into the area here. this is classic fall progression as the season movings forward here into november all the fronts will look stronger, potent and likely bring more rain to the region by this time next week. but for today we are going to see a mix of clouds, continued cool, chance of showers mainly to the south of the bay area. and it's a very slight chance.
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so doesn't look like it's going to rain out anybody's parade. we may see some build ups out over the foothills over the sierra with thunderstorm activity for the high country. for us it's going to be more clouds than rain. as we see cooler temperatures prevailing as mentioned upper 70s to low 80s for the hot spot. back on the peninsula mid-60s and upper 50s to low 60s. at the beach as it is the lpga challenge over at the black hawk country club in danville here this weekend as well. they'll have cooler weather. and of course the giants and phillies underway late this afternoon. it will be classic giants weather in philadelphia low 60s. likely to prevail as we will see this cool pattern continue through the week. and as i mentioned more clouds and rain for the most part. maybe a few sprinkles to our south. and out of the over mountains we may see a thunderstorm or two for tahoe and yosemite. other than that looks like we will continue with our classic fall pattern. staying dry until about this time next week.
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>> oh. yeah. all right. [ laughter ] >> stay tuned. >> all right. changes in the works. all right. thank you, jim. it is a find that will keep historians talking for years. archaeologists underwent. [ indiscernible ] uncovering ancient indian remains. see some of the relics from a forgotten time. and with the internet and video games around, some kids just don't pick up books anymore. one bay area man's two wheeled incentive to help youngsters learn to love reading. well, today's tip of the day great food coming in from florida. it's fall. the grapefruit season underway from texas and florida. one of my favorite ones right here. take a look at the pink grapefruit. look at the color, the aroma. it's out of this world. that grapefruit, add sugar to make it sweet. not these varieties. and they smell -- that is good. let's talk about slicing. put this back right here. when you buy your grapefruit,
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put it right here. nice display. when you bite into a grapefruit nice and pink. the more pink on the outside. the pink is going to be on the inside. very heavy. like all citrus the heavier that means more juice and pulp. when you bring it home all citrus on the counter. great flavor. grapefruit in florida beautiful thing for this time of year. and i'm your fresh grocer. always remember to eat fresh and stay healthy. you want some? [ male announcer ] carly fiorina.
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as ceo, she laid off 30,000 workers and shipped jobs to china. china. india. russia. poland. i know precisely why those jobs go. [ male announcer ] because fiorina shipped them there. to shanghai instead of san jose. bangalore instead of burbank. proudly stamping her products "made in china." 30,000 workers gone while fiorina took $100 million for herself.
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carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer, and i approved this message.
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archaeologists in india found the ruins of temples believed to be 13 centuries old. the 21 temples were probably built by a dynasty which ruled northern india from the sixth to the eleventh century. the temples were raised by succeeding greups of ancient rulers. found by 400 remnants idols. officials taking guard of preserving the ruins. historians hope to use them to find out more about india's origin. it's a question parents have been asking for ages. how do you get kids to read more? business owner in alameda has encouraged hundreds of youngsters with a two wheeled incentive. sharon chin went along for the ride to meet this week's jefferson award winner. >> you can't learn how to do this from a book. >> reporter: books can teach lots of things. and gene is helping students in
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alameda to fall in love with reading. >> myself i wanted to get kids off video games and off tv. i figured the best way to do that is educate kids on the importance of reading and excited about reading. >> books overboard. isn't that silly? just so he can't read it. that's not nice. >> reporter: books for bikes for the last three years to encourage kids to read for fun. he brings the program to all of alameda's nine public elementary schools. he goes to half the schools each year. >> even though it's a population of 80,000 still feels like may berry. >> to us it's important that the public schools maintain the reputation of really taking care of all their students regardless of income and giving them a great education. >> reporter: for every two and a half hours of book reading they get a raffle ticket to be eligible for a prize. he gives away two bicycles per school and one helmet per grade. >> bike like this is more for a fifth grader. >> reporter: the coveted prices
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come from alameda bicycle. the family business downtown. the prospect of wheels motivated this second grader to read quite a bit last year. >> i got a red bike. there's no training wheels. >> reporter: gene says 40% of alameda's public elementary school students read more than 1800 hours in last year's books for bikes program. it was a happy ending for principal margaret harris. >> they were gravitated to books about stories with bicycles, with children with bicycles, sports. it has opened up a whole different avenue of books and reading for the children. >> reporter: through alameda bicycle, gene also raises money for other charities, offers free bicycle riding and prepare clinics for kids and a $50 gift card for any school asking for help. >> the joy for me is to feel
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like i'm doing something personally to help the greater of the community. >> reporter: for his community service and success in the books for bikes program, this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to gene o. sharon chin, cbs 5. >> congratulations to him. if you know someone who goes above and beyond in public service, nominate that person at just click connect with us and look for jefferson awards. democrats and republicans are both sending heavy hitters to california hoping to sway voters in midterm elections just now sixteen days away. still to come who was and who will be appearing in the bay area. sarah palin is speaking out politics in the golden state with the one time vice presidential candidate is saying about the governor's race. ,,,,,,,,
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b-a-c-c-a-l-a-u-r-e-a-t-e. baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably.
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admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services.
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with midterm election approaching, both major political parties are sending some heavy hitters to campaign here in california. a look at who was and who will be in the bay area. will californians really be able to decide about recreational use of medical marijuana? the investigation into the deadly explosion and fire in san bruno. why pg&e is turning its gas pipeline records over to the state. welcome back to your weekend early edition. it is just about 10:01 a.m.
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good morning. in with a look at your weekend weather forecast which is starting to look very seasonal. cool temperatures, mix of clouds in and around the bay. high clouds out across the valley will result in cooler temperatures there as well. down a good ten degrees from where we were last weekend at this time. also a lot more clouds in the skies out there as i'm sure you've noticed. phantom showers creeping over the horizon. it's not going to ruin anybody's weekend. i'll have details on those sprinkles coming up for you here in just a few minutes. maybe a good day for sailing as we were talking. >> yeah. perfect day for sailing. >> always. all right. thank you, jim. the all important midterm election is just 16 days away. one of the most talked about issues in california is proposition 19. that is the measure aimed at legalizing recreational use of marijuana. and then taxing it to raise revenue. but as terrell brown reports, the federal government says it will have the last word. >> reporter: sending warnings
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to californians. if proposition 19 passes, prepare for the consequences. attorney general released this statement "we will vigorously enforce the controlled substance act against those individuals and organizations that possess, manufacture or distribute marijuana for recreational use, even if such activities are permitted under state law." and in los angeles today district attorney steve coolly and sheriff lee said they will follow federal law in marijuana. they don't want to see the whole state go to pot. >> you got over 500 municipalities in this great state. and everyone is going to be authorized to be a drug dealing community? i don't think so. >> reporter: works at sunset junction medicine. he think the government has no right to interfere with the will of the people. >> if the federal government bade too much against the voters' wishes, then you're really kind of going against the people.
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the government should never go against the people. >> reporter: president bush encouraged the feds to raid california's medical marijuana clinics when they first opened. president obama stopped it. but with prop 19 on the ballot, the federal government is back on the attack. >> there's nothing more dangerous to the legal system and to the passage of sound well-reasoned laws and considered deliberate reasonable law enforcement action. there's nothing more of a threat to that than a politician afraid of looking soft on crime. >> reporter: a los angeles attorney believes the federal threat on prop 19 is all about politics. he says the concept is ridiculous. >> it's a little ant. it's a little tiny ant on the legal landscape. and the feds are talking about carpet bombing it with a b-52 strike. >> reporter: and it's an issue many medical marijuana users say it's the wrong fight. >> rather than looking at it as a major drug war, they should focus on the really bad drugs like you know cocaine and
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crystal meth. >> reporter: and one last note tonight from the sheriff of l.a. county, he says if prop 19 passes, his deputies will not go breaking down doors looking for marijuana in people's homes, but he says the department will have a zero tolerance policy for people who smoke it in public. in the newsroom tonight, terrell brown, cbs 5. secretary of state hillary clinton was in the bay area last night speaking about the positive influence of technology all around the world. she appeared before a sold out crowd at a commonwealth club in san francisco. that is where she praised mountainview based google's innovation. she also credited facebook, a palo alto company, for keeping the nation's economic hopes alive during the recession. she said silicon valley tech companies are instrumental in the obama administration's goals for promoting peace and prosperity abroad. >> the door is open to each and every one of you. i just met with a group from twitter. and i know that there are a
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million ideas that are born every day here. and if you have a good idea, we will listen. >> clinton said technology continues to have an impact in close societies where free speech is routinely suppressed. she said the obama administration is "a strong advocate for the freedom to connect." the secretary of state's husband, former president bill clinton, is using his star power. trying to bolster democratic candidates in california. he campaigned yesterday for jerry brown running for governor against meg whitman. the former chief of san jose based ba they appeared together at ucla along with the mayor of san francisco who is also running for lieutenant governor. he faces incumbent. tomorrow night mr. clinton will attend a rally for both brown and newsome at san jose state university. they faced off in their last debate before the november 2nd election. last night both candidates for lieutenant governor went on the
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attack. newsome claimed melt claimed tax breaks. he also said newsome allocated half a million dollars to assist illegal immigrants and a quarter million for transgender programs. sarah palin is spending the weekend in california to rally conservatives all across the state. the former alaska governor was in sacramento yesterday alluding to her support for meg whitman. she stopped short of endorsing the republican candidate for governor. palin will appear at a republican national committee rally in anaheim later today. and neither whitman nor republican senate candidate plans to attend the event. sheriff deputies in contra costa county have arrested a man suspected of raping a woman one month ago. he was arrested wednesday and charged with rape, sodomy and
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burglary. authorities believe he assaulted a 27-year-old woman september 16th at the park regency apartments near walnut creek. the suspect had been living at the complex and was acquainted with the victim. since june five women have been assaulted at that same complex. one other man has already been arrested in one of the other assault cases. all right. jim bernard joins us now. we're going to switch gears and talk about the weather forecast for the weekend. a beautiful week but things are changing. >> gorgeous week. things are changing. season's beginning to settling in here as we look at the rain creeping over the horizon. it's not going to ruin your weekend. it's going to stay south this weekend but look forward to it being wetter by this time next week. right now looking at a mix of clouds across the bay. the low clouds hugging the golden gate. high clouds for the interior. cooler temperatures for all of us. rest of the details coming up next. and the probe into the
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destructive explosion and fire in san bruno, why pg&e is giving state investigators more information on its gas pipeline system. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> so, ah, your seat good? got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. and leave your phone in your purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. be careful. >> thanks dad. >> and call me--but not while you're driving. we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru.
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pg&e has agreed to turn over gas line records to state lawmakers. the internal documents will be provided for next week's hearing into the san bruno disaster. at first the san francisco based utility said the papers could not be released because it was a federal investigation. state senators criticized pg&e for false claims. the national transportation safety board has said now it has no objection to making the materials public. a hearing this tuesday will examine the san bruno blast that killed eight people and look at the safety of natural gas pipes in california. and with another check of our forecast, our weekend forecast, again with me is jim bernard. >> looking nice out there again today although quite a bit cooler. >> yeah. at least five degrees. >> at least five degrees
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cooler. last week we had a warm pattern here. last week was our classic indian summer weather which i hope you all enjoyed. just in time for fleet week. you know what follows an indian summer? rain. and a lot of clouds. today we're going to look at more clouds and rain. we have drizzle on the golden gate. low cloud cover prevailing in and around the bay here this morning giving way to some high clouds by the time you head inland beaches socked in out there this morning with low clouds and drizzle. here's the high clouds as we see from our cam. they'll be with us as we have a weak disturbance approaching the west coast which is going to chill our temperatures down. we'll be looking at mid to low 80s for the hot spots today out across the interior moving back into the bay. looks like mid to upper 70s for the warmer locations. back at the beach into the 60s here. the clouds will linger longer along the shoreline. here's a look at satellite picture. several waves out here.
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all pretty diffused at this point. chance of showers slipping into our south. but for us we'll see more clouds than anything else across the bay. as you can see this system is pretty much shredding as it comes ashore. look what's behind it. this looking much manufacture potent and expected to arrive by the end of the week into next weekend. exactly where it's going to land at this point is a little questionable but it will approach the coast by next weekend with more rain expected where it comes ashore. we won't know that of course until next weekend when we see what it does as it approaches the coast. right now for this weekend we'll look at that mix of clouds to continue with cool weather, temperatures down a good five to ten degrees this time last weekend. chance of showers minely to the south. i don't think it's going to ruin anybody's parade or festivals out there. still plenty of oktoberfest going on throughout the bay. the pumpkin festival at half- moon bay with temperatures
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across the interior into the mid to low 80s for the hot spots. upper 70s into the east bay hills. by the time you get back towards the water mid to low 60s. pretty close to seasonal norms for this time of year. and taste of fill more taking place where temperatures will be in the mid-60s for today. giants and phillies looking for classic san francisco bay weather. around 60 at game time as the seven-day forecast shows the cooling trend continuing with a mix of clouds across the bay area through the week. and by this time next weekend a stronger frontal system will be approaching the west coast. exactly where it's going to land at this point is a toss up. but it will be bringing more rain with it which is exactly what you would expect this time of year. >> right. everyone's going to be changing to the tv. indoors by 4:30. >> rain will miss the games wednesday and thursday. >> all right. thanks, jim. of course tonight is the night giants fans have been
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waiting for. up next we have an update of the series. and when the cows come marching in it can only mean one thing the annual cattle drive before the rodeo. and common infection for women molting into something more serious. why fighting it involves new breakthrough people! look at you! texting...blogging... all this technology, but you're still banking like pilgrims! it's time for new school banking, bubbie. interest plus savings at why earn bupkis, when your savings can earn three times the national average!! three times the national average!!! new school banking at capital one bank. with interest plus savings, go to!!!!! what's in your wallet?
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a super bug is on the rise. starting off in a routine infection among women. instead of going away it grows stronger and more resistant to antibiotics. katie couric shows us how it's effecting thousands and how it can be caught just about anywhere. >> i never thought it would happen to me. >> reporter: tom was the picture of health. an energetic 52-year-old sales executive in california who
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worked out four hours a day until late last year when he was rushed to the hospital in agonizing pain. an hour later he was on the operating table. >> i thought you know i might just be saying good-bye. that was my last thought. >> reporter: he awoke to a shocking reality. surgeons had to repair a hole in his abdomen caused by a raging e. coli infection developed after eating contaminated meat. this form of e. coli was much more aggressive because it had several genetic mutations making it resistant to antibiotics. >> everything was getting you know progressively worse quickly. >> reporter: his story concerns concern infectious disease doctors. >> these organisms are the experts at resistance. >> reporter: he says more infections are starting out as bacteria in food or other ordinary places and evolving
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into deadly drug resistant super bugs. >> it is starting to move out of the hospitals and into the communities. >> reporter: what happens to those people? >> we're at a point where we may have to start admitting tens of thousands of women with simply urinary tract infections to the hospital. >> reporter: because that infection has outsmarted the pill? >> yep. because the e. coli that causes most urinary tract infection asks becoming resistant. >> reporter: health officials say that resistance is growing especially among the five deadly bacteria. virtually all of them carry genes that prevent antibiotics from working. and these genetic mutations are spreading. another reason for these lethal strains, the overuse of antibiotics. a recent study finds more than 60% of antibiotics prescribed are unnecessary. developing a new antibiotic takes at least ten years and costs as much as $1.7 billion. drug companies make more money creating medicines people take
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every day for chronic conditions like high blood pressure, insomnia or sexual dysfunction. do you consider this a great public health crisis? >> yeah. this is a convergence of two public health crises. skyrocketing resistance and development. >> that report was from katie couric. the san francisco giants and philadelphia phillies kick off the championship this. how certain pitches can play with minds. >> reporter: on saturday giants based tim takes the hill in game one against the phillies. in his arsenal, fastball, change up, nasty sliders and curve balls. pitches designed to confuse
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batters. the approaching ball appears to defy gravity to break, drop or do a whole range of unusual behaviors. not so fast. california researchers are throwing us a new curve. they say the distinctive break of a curve ball is nothing more than an optical illusion. usc researchers say curve balls really do curve, but the sharp break occurs when the batter shifts his eye between his central vision and his peripheral vision. see that ball, imagine that's the baseball. focus only on the silver ball. it's going straight down. that's central vision. now look at both balls. the silver and the blue ball off to the right. see how your silver baseball seems to change course and veer off to the left? that's peripheral vision. okay. focus only on the silver. it goes straight. focus on both it goes left. see the optical illusion? >> the baseball in its rotation
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and speed and direction really messes with what we're seeing. >> reporter: researchers say when the ball leaves the pitcher's hand the batter focuses on the ball using his central vision. when the ball is about 20 feet away from home plate the batter tends to switch to his peripheral vision. as the ball arrives at the plate the batter switches back to central vision, sees the ball in a different spot than expected. >> pretty cool stuff. the giants and phillies opening match up tim versus roy who is fresh off of that playoff no- hitter. we're in philly covering the series. >> reporter: welcome to philadelphia everyone. roy hallday threw a no hitter in his first start. and 24 hours later tim struck out 14 in his first playoff game. with both pitchers back on the mound tomorrow night don't be surprised if it's a pitcher's dual. >> i get to face him once every nine at bats.
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it's not him i'm worried so much. i'm worried about pitch execution to guys like howard and utley. >> the hard part for me has been you have so long in between you know the anticipation kind of gets to you. but it beats the heck out of fishing, i can tell you that. >> reporter: the rangers took a 5-0 lead into the 7th but the yankees flexed their muscle late. marcus with a single to left, a- rod scores five runs in the eighth and take game one 6-5. game two open rocco followed up opening round 64 with a six under 65. he's the clubhouse leader at 13 under. he'll announce his line up tomorrow morning. one thing we do know, aaron row an has made the roster. all right. i'm sure she's having a lot of fun out there. that was kim in philadelphia. san francisco giants begin
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their playoff series at philadelphia today, there is plenty of sports action locally if you're looking to for something to do. in san jose hp pavilion will host its first sharks game of the season. they'll face the atlanta thrashers at 7:30 this evening. the traditional season kickoff rally begins on autumn street at 5:00 this afternoon. all right. also in san jose a big football game at spar tan stadium. san jose state takes on the boise state broncos. the number three team in the nation. and it's the fifth time in seven games this season that the spar tans have faced a nationally ranked opponent. the cal golden bears are on the road facing usc at 12:30. 14th ranked stanford has the day off. major league san jose earthquakes face houston 7:00 this evening in santa clara. it is what sportsmanship is all about. a touching story for any family. cerebral palsy keeps him in a wheelchair but not off of the
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football field. how one teen got a chance for a dream play. and it's not a rodeo until they show up. the annual cattle drive in daily city before the grand national rodeo kicks off. ,,,,,,
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check this out. >> riders shared the road with cows. the journey started on geneva avenue and ended at the cow palace. where else. the grand national rodeo will take place there today. tradition dates back to 1941. if you want to join in on the fun the rodeo starts on wednesday this week. >> eye law. and teen with cerebral palsy experienced the joy of scoring a touchdown for his team in arkansas. >> he was able to play even though confined to an electric wheelchair. he lined up, took the ball into the end zone.
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final ,,,,,,,,


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