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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 6PM  CBS  July 20, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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kill people. robert lyles is in oakland to show us what he learned about the alleged plan to start a revolution. >> reporter: byron williams faced a judge behind me today, and as he did oakland police revealed to cbs 5 that four highway patrolmen are lucky to be alive because they thought that they were engaged in a traffic stop. but police say those officers had no idea that byron williams was on a bloody revolution plan and in his crosshairs were two san francisco groups, the aclu and one other group. 45-year-old byron williams is now charged with the attempted murders of four chp officers. court documents say williams engaged the officers in an unbelievable 12 minute gunfight
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on the shoulder of 580 near grand saturday night. but here's where the shooting takes a dramatic twist. court documents released today revealed officers foiled a mass murder plot by williams. the two-time convicted bank robber admitted he was racing down the highway to san francisco his pickup loaded with at least a 9-millimeter handgun and a body armor- piercing rifle coupled with an untold amount of ammunition. court documents say williams wanted to start a revolution and planned do it by killing people of importance. >> we learned that he was on his way on saturday night to san francisco to two organizations, one called the tides organization and one that the aclu for the sole purpose to kill people. usually they are closed on
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sunday and his plans were to wait until monday when they opened up and to go in and shoot people. >> reporter: but the tides are up founded about why they would be included in this murderous plot. the probable cause statement continues that williams first opened fire with his 9- millimeter handgun. as officers scrambled for cover williams leaded using his rifle. that's the gun that can penetrate body armor, say police. williams was able to withstand more than 60 shots to his pickup truck according to court documents because he was wearing body armor. investigators believe they know williams' motive. he allegedly was upset with the national economy and the state of his own finances. now, investigators say after interviews, they don't believe that byron williams had accomplices. the d.a. on the other hand is hoping to enhance those attempted murder charges. they say because williams was illegally wearing body armor that would ratchet up his level
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of prosecution. dana? >> i'm just wondering, there was a diary of sorts that they found in that vehicle. is that where this information came from? >> they are not commenting on exactly where the information came from. but as you know, we have previously reported, because we showed that there was mechanical devices that the police used to carry out a binder from that vehicle, that binder had on its cover "california." so clearly, some of the information was either gathered from that binder, but much of the information was gathered from the interview williams gave to investigators. >> all right. robert lyles, in oakland, thank you. well, a frustrating commute for many in the east bay tonight. for a second day, a sickout by a.c. transit drivers left some riders waiting for buses that never came. about 20% more than 200 drivers called in sick today and yesterday to protest a contract that was imposed on the union by the agency on sunday. riders say they faced long
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waits and crowded buses. >> everybody had to cram in. they would for sure have passengers standing up. >> late today a.c. transit executives apologize to riders and urged drives to get back to work. more bay area riders are using the clipper card to pay for rides on six bay area transit systems eliminating the need for cash or multiple tickets. riders also get discounts. but the system is experiencing growing pains based on the complaints we have been getting. they enjoy take the cable car to work. but this rider says there's always a problem when you pay. >> sometimes they say the machine isn't working. they say you don't have a pass sometimes. >> reporter: he says a lot of the city's cable car operators have no idea how to use the
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hand-held device that processes clipper card transactions. we followed cannon on his daily commute with a hidden camera and sure enough, the operator couldn't figure outs how to use the $2,000 device. so cannon gave the operator a quick lesson something he says he has done at least a dozen times. john goodwin says many cable car operators didn't get enough training with the device. >> they are working immediately to bring all of their cable car operators up to speed on the use of the hand-held card readers. >> reporter: justin cannon is the not only one complaining about the clipper card system. >> in the first 30 commute days, i had been overcharged 14 times. >> reporter: this man relies on both golden gate transit and muni to get to work. he says he has had problems with his clipper card
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practically from the start. >> i have transferred from golden gate to muni about a dozen times. never got the 50 cent credit back even though it's highly advertised. >> reporter: the san rafael resident says he is often charged for rides on buses that don't exist. >> on may 27th at 9:52 a.m., they have me leaving san francisco on a 38 northbound bus. there is no 38 northbound bus at 9:52. >> well, there certainly is no phantom bus but one possibility might be that the driver when entering the route data punches the wrong number. >> reporter: and he says when he does get a refund, it's always for the wrong amount. >> the worst customer service i have dealt with this side of mumbai. >> reporter: buddy johnson of san francisco is no fan, either. he says when he tried to get' refund or a ride he never took,
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he got the runaround. >> they said they are not going to help me. >> i apologize that this happened. >> reporter: john goodwin says clipper has at least 30 customer service reps at its offices in concord. most of them recent hires. >> we have a lot of new staff that aren't experienced in all of the ins and outs of customer service. it's somewhat complicated and a function of so many different agencies, so many difference transfer fare policies and all of them have to work together. it's an interlocking puzzle. >> reporter: and they're not done. official say they plan to integrate more bay area transportation systems into the clipper card system soon. so like it or not, the clipper card glitches and all is here to stay. >> that's why they call it the clipper guard because i got clipped for $5 .20. >> transportation officials insist that most users are happy with the clipper system. clipper used to be known as the
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translink system. it was officially renamed in june. that name change cost half a million dollars. well, another bay area community saying no thanks to pg&e and its controversial smart meter program. simon perez now snow us why this comes as support for the device is getting harder to come by. >> reporter: marin county supervisors today voted to essentially beg pg&e to stop installing those smart meters here in marin county. pg&e says they work just fine and there is no reason to stop. >> this is fairfax and we're about sustainability and making planetary choices that are sustainable. >> reporter: lydia kindheart is opening a restaurant next week and she says pg&e's smartmeters are a negative charge to the fairfax vibe. >> number one, i would like have a choice in what i participate in and i'm all about health and organic and being closer to the earth. and i'm really concerned about emfs that we are being
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bombarded. >> reporter: the electromagnetic fields and radio frequencies that come out of wireless electricity monitors have lots of people worried. >> smartmeters no more. >> reporter: these protesters are asking pg&e to stop installing the smartmeters. and they are backed up by county governments in san francisco, santa cruz, and now marin. on a scale of one to 10, do you think they will stop? >> i think a 7. >> reporter: but the counties can ask all they want. they have no authority to stop the meters. pg&e is authorized by the state to install and maintain the power supplies. pg&e says it's aware of the requests to stop the smartmeters but insists they are safety every safe and effective . in fact, they say smartmeters are less powerful than wireless routers, cell phones and microwave ovens. >> exactly. why don't they use fiber- optics? >> reporter: pg&e said that would be wildly more expensive than wireless. smartmeter opponents say this is the beginning of a long
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battle. they hope to generous enough buzz to get them pulled. >> it's not just jurisdiction, it's also about the public process. >> reporter: he points to the light brown apple moth spraying campaign of a couple of years ago as an example of what the public can do. in that case the state kept spraying. when enough people complained, they quit. >> simon perez, thank you. when a city is strapped for cash, leaders will consider just about anything. in oakland tonight, it's big pot. allowing factory farms might help the budget. but this might surprise you. the pro-pot community isn't exactly in favor of it. coming up at 6:30, we are going to talk live to one dispensary owner who says big pot isn't worth the money. where your federal tax money goes. grab a glass of wine. you may need it for this one. that's coming up.
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decreased susan: my bill is much higher... i think they are horrible...and not smart. kathryn: my bill actually decreased a bit. kelli: i just got mine installed last week. waiting to see how it goes... it's your tax money at work -- 25-thousand dollars from the ,, with high-speed internet from at&t, you can connect to the internet at blazing fast speeds. wow, look at that! so you can go online and check out the news, or you can just catch up with old friends -- hey buddy. you can download videos and -- wow, that was fast. you can do it all from the comfort of home. so, as you can see, it's a -- whoa. i'm gonna just go grab a sandwich.
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[ male announcer ] introducing our fastest internet with speeds up to twenty four megabits per second. switch to high speed internet from at&t and get one-hundred dollars back via promotion card. daily. [ woman ] my perfect summer is having everyone over. and having money leftover. [ female announcer ] safeway lets you have it all. with thousands of everyday low prices you can always count on. and even more great deals when you use your club card. like breyers ice cream and popsicle novelties just $1.99.
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and safeway hot dog or hamburger buns, just 89 cents. [ man ] my perfect summer. [ woman ] perfectly priced. [ female announcer ] at safeway, that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. dollars from the federal government to help educate people in the bay area about here's your tax money at work. $25,000 from the federal government to help educate people in the bay area about the other wine country. mike sugerman in livermore asking, is this money well spent? mike? >> reporter: allen, we are here in the livermore wine country, and maybe you know livermore makes wine. it's well known in the bay area. maybe you don't. so the federal government has given money to the livermore wine growers association to
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promote -- actually to study how to promote the wine industry here. we had a lot of questions. the first one was, really?? a crisp 2008 chardonnay from ruby hills winery in the other wine country, the livermore valley. you think a lot of people know about livermore wine? >> i think it's getting to be known more. >> reporter: they come from pleasanton and come here often as do her buddies. >> they all come up whoer to these particular wineries than -- they all come up to these wineries rather than go up to napa. >> reporter: the seller says that combined with hot afternoons makes for great grape growing. >> quality fruit and very proud of what we do out here. >> reporter: to that end, the federal government has given a 25,000 grant to help the wine industry in the livermore valley. >> it's a long process. you apply for the grants and we were one of the lucky recipients. >> reporter: $25,000 sass the
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wine association executive director for a feasibility study to see how it can expand the annual event that pairs local restaurants and wineries in competition. federal money to study how to market the livermore valley? money from taxpayers around the nation? why should they be paying money to market livermore? >> most of our wineries are small producers. mom and pop shops that don't work through a larger distribution system. wine regions are known to bring economic benefits to the local economies that they support. >> reporter: and liz is now in the running for a 300 -- livermore is now in the running for a $300,000 federal grant in the next three years for a similar cause to promote livermore valley wine. >> it brings visitors and locals, the dollars back directly to our economy here. >> you would be taking them in napa and sonoma? >> that's okay. that's okay to do that. >> reporter: in fact, napa and
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sonoma received federal funds to help promote their wineries. the government is still spreading cash and when you're on the receiving end you might as well say cheers. well, they are doing a lot of cheering in sonoma. the more we look we found, yes, out of this $22 million of the usda money, $300,000 went to sonoma. then we started going down the list of what the usda was giving out. i have to read this. $10,000 to the prairie fruit farms in illinois for a feasible study on how to go from a farm to take goats milk to gelato. that's $10,000 of our tax money going to an illinois farm. so hm. you give a little, you get some money back. you just kind of raised our hackles a little when we thought all this money is going back and forth but i guess that's what federal money does. >> i'm sure the more you go over that list with a fine-
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tooth comb it's surprising. more and more. >> reporter: it was very surprising. >> yeah. >> reporter: ite like to taste the goat milk to gelato. >> you may get the chance. >> thank you, mike. there are no grapes growing in the bay area in san francisco because it's too cold. >> yeah, that fog. if you love the fog you love the weather around the bay area today, fog and low clouds, plenty of it out towards the immediate coastline. check out ocean beach. sparsely populated right now and that's because it's cool out there. you have the fog and sea breeze and temperatures hovering in the mid-50s. so you had to find the sunshine in the interior valleys. the evening not bad around the bay area as we see the fog at the coastline will keep you cool but the interior valleys clear skies and mild temperatures in the 70s. inside the bay kind of a couple of patches of fog making their way through the golden gate into the berkeley hills. temperatures in the 60s and 70s and a little breezy. but numbers not bad around the bay area. dropping though a bit. 82 the high in concord, 79 livermore, 77 degrees in san jose. 58 degrees in pacifica.
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and 60 the official high in san francisco. low clouds and fog going to be the story again tomorrow. and maybe deep enough that we could see some drizzle at the coast. as you head toward the afternoon, lots of sunshine, 70s and 80s showing up in the valleys here and 60s and 70s inside the bay. next couple of days, guess what, we have more fog coming. it's on the way. temperatures may creep up as we head toward the weekend as a weak ridge works toward our area. then the trough returns sunday and monday meaning more low clouds and fog coming our way. that's a look at your weather. back up to you. >> thank you. lovely. the booming business in danville and for anybody worried about apple and its duct tape problem? a 10-figure reality check. that's in two-minutes. ,,
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those people are happy 'cause they're gonna have a good time, and they've got extra money in their pocket. those are happy passengers. how much does it cost for those snacks again? nothing. at southwest airlines, when we have a sale, it's a sale. [ male announcer ] southwest airlines has flights starting at $49 one-way. book now only at [ rand ] how can you not want to get on the plane? come on and get on the plane. we're saving you money. now that's a plane full of happy. [ employees ] grab your bag. it's on. [ ding ]
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you have heard a lot about the recent struggles of apple suffering from some bad pr and a stock value slide with the new iphone troubles.
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but today, duct tape aside, the company has reason to celebrate. earnings jumped sharply last quarter. in fact, it beat wall street expectations. the cupertino-based company earned 3.75 billion, huge demand for the iphone 4 and the ipad driving that increase. apple's stock jumped more than 2.5% following today's news. a booming business in a down economy? that is a rare success story made upon by the bay area's devotion to healthy sustainable food. ann notarangelo on the danville business that caters to some famously picky clients. >> keep mixing! more mixing! >> smells good too. >> smells good, too! >> reporter: summer camp in the kitchen is a hands-on experience. chef travis jones is showing these youngsters how to make mongolian beef. during the school year, the company he works for, choice lunch, is serving 180 schools in california.
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>> parents will go online, preorder the meals for the children, and then we have trucks that go throughout northern california and southern california and deliver the meals to the schools for the kids. >> reporter: and these aren't the kind of meals we used to stand in line for? >> no, no. we do most of our cooking from scratch in the central kitchens using local sustainable ingredients that we try to source within 150 miles. we are going to cut and turn it and look all the little trees fall offer. >> reporter: eating healthy is learned at a young age. >> carrots, broccoli, strawberries, watermelon, lots of things. >> reporter: you really like healthy food? >> except for spinach. i hate spinach and brussels sprouts. >> reporter: everyone has their limits. the folks at choice lunch are trying to expand the limits of school lunch. >> pizza or like hot dogs and stadium. i usually don't get pot stickers and mongolian beef because i have never tried them before. >> reporter: apparently children and their parents like the healthy options because business has grown 20% in the
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bay area and 150% in southern california in the past year. but what we have learned in these difficult economic times is we are all interconnected so what's good for choice lunches is about to become very good for people in the bay area. with 15,000 young mouths to feed each day next year they are looking for 30 more bay area employees and choice lunch will hold two job fairs this week, one in danville, the other in san jose. >> we're a growing company that's doing something in an economy where everybody said we shouldn't be growing and on top of it we are doing something that makes a difference. >> reporter: they need kitchen staff and drivers. those drivers are critical. >> they are kind of like if you look at it, they're my servers. if you within the to a restaurant and sat down -- if you went to a restaurant and sat down, the person you talk to is the waiter. my drivers are the waiters for the schools. >> reporter: these "waiters" and kitchen staff can make between $9 and 17 an hour depending on the job and experience. for information about tomorrow's job fair in danville or the one in san jose on
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friday, go to our website, in danville, ann notarangelo, cbs 5. some see it as the next frontier in the business of pot. >> tonight's vote is another historic step toward ending cannabis prohibition in the united states. >> not so fast! there is opposition to factory farming in oakland from people already in the marijuana business. we're going to hear from both sides of the big pot debate. take a look. this was labeled as airplane parts. the bizarre story of your tax dollars and this set of newly purchased patio furniture. >> and no doubt it was a show stopping performance in santa clara. only it wasn't delivered by the pop sta the crowd showed up to hear sing. ,,,,
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those people are happy 'cause they're gonna have a good time, and they've got extra money in their pocket. those are happy passengers. how much does it cost for those snacks again? nothing. at southwest airlines, when we have a sale, it's a sale. [ male announcer ] southwest airlines has flights starting at $49 one-way. book now only at [ rand ] how can you not want to get on the plane? come on and get on the plane. we're saving you money. now that's a plane full of happy. [ employees ] grab your bag. it's on. [ ding ]
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da dan: i had a biopsy and i had high-risk prostate cancer. i was depressed. i was shocked. sometimes cancer makes you feel very lonely. the doctors can do their best to cure the cancer, but it takes all of the other stuff to make you a whole person again. i've been given a second chance. announcer: at sutter health, our story is you. for more stories, visit but if it had to pick a "best friend" - the city of oakland no doubt the marijuana industry has plenty of friends in california. but if it had to pick a best friend, the city of oakland would certainly be in the running. the city was among the first to regulate medical marijuana dispensaries. now, it allowed the founding and growth of oakster dam university an entire city district dedicated to the marijuana trade. it allowed one of the first large-scale retail centers. and it was the first to levy a
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special tax on marijuana. now the city is taking steps on edges expanding the industry eve further. tonight the city council will consider a proposal to allow four marijuana factory farms. each of those farms would pay an annual fee to the city of more than $200,000. that sounds nice for a city that just laid off 80 police officers. also, oakland city staff would have oversight of the farms to ensure safety and security. not only does the city see dollars growing on those plants. so do plenty of entrepreneurs in the pot business. don ford introduces us to those who simply can't wait to grow big. reporter: oakland city council is on the verge of passing the nation's first marijuana law that would allow a large-scale marijuana farm. derek peterson who operates i- grow believes the city will benefit greatly from the new
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taxes. >> but it's tax revenue and it's revenue that's much-needed for the city. that's revenue that goes to creating job and goes to upgrading the city of oakland. so we understand the purpose behind it? but yeah, it's an annual $211,000 fee. >> reporter: eddie works for i- grow. he allowed us to see the warehouse at an undisclosed location where they plan to start the new mass cultivation. >> 50,000 square feet. we are going to be looking at doing a vertical grow here, a vertical modular grow towards the palletized system. >> reporter: it's huge, thousands of square feet with a tight security system. >> we are establishing a high- end security facility here with infrared cameras, motion sensors, on theft guard and 24- hour monitoring of the facility. >> reporter: across town, richard lee president of the marijuana advocacy group oaksterdam believes that oakland is making history. >> tonight's vote is another
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historic step toward ending cannabis prohibition in the united states. >> reporter: no matter how you cut it oakland needs the money and marijuana supporters say they have the answer. in oakland, don ford, cbs 5. and joining us now, steve d'angelo runs harbor side marijuana dispensary in oakland. you have 80 employees, 600 patients a day. thanks for being with us. first of all, the "l.a. times," i read, said you're the biggest retailer in the world so i'm sure there are those who would say, well, this is self preservation because you're against this law but it would no doubt change the dynamic of pot clubs in oakland, yours and everybody else's. >> i'm actually not against the proposed ordinance. i just think it's very important that it be modified to include a role in the new legal system for the existing small and medium sized growers who have been faithfully providing medicine to patients for years even in the threat of federal prosecution. >> let's talk about that because if this proposal passes, big or small pot operations aside, it is still a federal offense no matter what
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the city or even the state writes into law. so why would anyone want to stick their neck out at this point in such a public way? >> well, i think that it's very important that anybody who is thinking about doing this consider doing it in a way that's carefully scaled and proceed with appropriate degree of caution regarding the federal government. i'm sure they will be looking at it carefully. >> so if it is scaled and modified, steve, the way you're talking about, i mean, the city's -- there is an argument that, look the city is strangling because of its debt. this would create jobs and tax money for the city. is that reason enough to go ahead and push this along if it were modified the way would you like to see it modified? >> well, i think the very most important reason to license the cultivation of cannabis is because it's the right thing to do because it is a very valuable medicine that many suffering people need. and that is right and proper that it be produced in a way that is legitimate and that is above board and that is regulated.
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>> you know, steve, i have been approached several times in different situations and solicited to see the doctor and get a prescription for pot. is there any concern that an expansion in the cultivation will become kind of a free-for- all, especially targeting young people, healthy young people? >> i don't think that's a legitimate concern. actually, the more regulation there is, the less likelihood that young people are going to be exposed to cannabis. if cannabis cultivation is not regulated we don't know where it's going on or where it's going so i think that children and nonauthorized users would be more protected rather than less protected by the passage of this ordinance. >> steve, i'm assuming you are going throb and show up maybe speak tonight? prop 19 do you have a prediction for that? >> i heartily encourage everybody who cares about the issue of legalizing cannabis to get out. do everything you can, raise some money and do all you can
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to pass prop 19. it may be an uphill battle. >> steve d'angelo runs harbor side marijuana dispensary in oakland. see you at the meeting. >> thank you. well, still smoldering in sacramento, the state's finances with california once again late for a budget. it was due july 1. it is now 20 days late. and yet again, the negotiating process could last for weeks if not months. the governor's office says every day without a budget cost california taxpayers more than $52 million. and since every dollar counts, cal fire is now coming under scrutiny for how it spent 700 thousand dollars. why is such a relatively small amount of cash -- or rather than $700. sorry. so why is that small a cash such a big deal? sam shane explains. >> reporter: on paper, this is the latest shipment of airplane parts to make its way to the
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mcclellan office of the california department of forestry and protection. it's actually $769 worth of patio furniture. it was listed as airplane parts by cal fire officials. a cbs13 viewer was suspicious about this new set and tipped us off. cal fire calls it an honest mistake. >> counter. >> reporter: , human error, we have the human element in our process. >> reporter: why did cal fire buy this new patio set? for these men. inmates who are here on work assignments. these men come here twice a month to cut grass and landscape for cal fire. the state of california bought these prisoners their very own umbrellas, chairs and patio furniture even though there are plenty of shady rest areas already on the premises. so why buy them their own patio furniture? >> inmates are prohibited from any tobacco products so in order to avoid any problems we purchased another set that will be used specifically for the inmates. >> reporter: cal fire says the
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accounting error will be corrected. but the use of $700 of taxpayer money for inmate patio furniture in the middle of a fiscal crisis is difficult for people on a budget to digest, like these taxpayers at the hot dog stand. >> and that's ridiculous! yes, with this budget and nobody has any money and salary cuts. >> every dollar counts. do you think we should be spending money on patio furniture? >> heck no. that's frivolous. there are plenty of examples of that in state government, i think. we do need to cut back. >> reporter: but cal fire says the inmate patio furniture is required to avoid state penalties. >> several hundred dollars investment, we don't want to be penny wise and pound foolish and face osha fines for not provided a shaded break area. >> reporter: cal fire says the lease agreement provides landscape maintenance and paying inmade work cruise $110 a month is a bargain even with the patio furniture comparing to paid $1,200 a month to a
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private contractor. in sacramento, sam shane for cbs 5. >> an internationally known pop star comes to the bay area and it was a night to remember. ♪ [ music ] >> the man in the wig who stole the show. why his name may sound familiar to you. >> plenty of parks in the bay area. so which one ranks as the newest? that's tonight's "good question." man, the warriors' new $80 million man is injured. and jamarcus had his day in court. how he plans to beat the rap coming up. . [ wife ] he just got a new phone and he can't stop using it. boom! profile pic. [ cell phone rings ] do you guys needs a moment? since john is always on his phone, we thought he'd like using wells fargo mobile banking. just paid the electric bill. wow. he's able to pay his bills, check his balance. wow. [ banker ] even transfer money between accounts. i can tell you what's playing, if you like. i can tell you, too. see? oh. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when life is mobile.
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'cause they're gonna have a good time, and they've got extra money in their pocket. those are happy passengers. how much does it cost for those snacks again? nothing. at southwest airlines, when we have a sale, it's a sale. [ male announcer ] southwest airlines has flights starting at $49 one-way. book now only at [ rand ] how can you not want to get on the plane? come on and get on the plane. we're saving you money. now that's a plane full of happy. [ employees ] grab your bag. it's on. [ ding ] law, for a bizarre attack. tonight a well-known activist in the south bay is in trouble with the law for a bizarre attack. ly tong is an anticommunist activist in the vietnamese community seen on the left during a 2008 hunger strike. now he is in police custody accused of attacking an international pop singer. it happened during a concert
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sunday night. and len ramirez shows us it was all caught on tape. ♪ [ music ] >> reporter: the incident took place in the packed house at the santa clara convention center. ♪ [ music ] >> reporter: this youtube video shows one of vietnam's top pop singers dam hung performing a duet just then an apparent female fan walks to the stage in a large hat and gestures as if to hand the singer a flower. but in a split second, the warm gesture turns ugly as the fan attacks with pepper spray to the singer's eyes while the shrieking audience looks on. >> it delayed the show for about 15 minutes. he wasn't seriously injured. he was able to continue the show a short time later. but it was disruptive. >> reporter: police say the pepper sprayer wasn't a fan, wasn't even a female. it was a man wearing a disguise named ly tong. the former south vietnamese air
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force pilot and so-called anti- communist freedom fighter was wrestled to the ground by security arrested by police and taken to jail, apparently suffering facial wounds in the process. >> it's okay to possess certain sprays, pepper spray, for self- defense. but to use them in situations other than self-defense is a crime. >> reporter: for tong, it was the latest in a long series of anticommunist publicity stunts. two years ago he staged a hunger strike in san jose, successfully helping to get a vietnamese shopping district named little saigon after the fallen vietnamese capital. some people gave approval of what he did. ly tong. others like dan tran who lived under communist rule for five years approved of his message but not his method. >> in this country we better not do that. we better not to hurt anybody in public because it is maybe
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against the law. however, you know, everybody knows that, you know, vietnam is a country that doesn't have any kind of freedom at all. no freedom of speech, no freedom of politics, nothing at all. so at least we have somebody to speak out something. >> reporter: ly tong remains in jail pending a $52,000 bond. his first court appearance will be tomorrow. at that time he is expected to read a message attempting to justify his alleged assault for political reasons. in san jose, len ramirez, cbs 5. all right. after the break, your newest playground in tonight's "good question." how about that fog around the bay area? here it comes again. when will we see sunshine? we'll talk about that coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,
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blood tests are needed before and during treatment. in some, ldl or bad cholesterol may increase. possible side effects include burping, infection, flu-like symptoms, upset stomach, and change in sense of taste. ask your doctor about lovaza, the prescription that starts in the sea. u might think th all right. amid all the talk of budget cuts, service reductions and closures, you might think that there aren't any stories about parks opening. but there are. tonight's "good question," what is the bay area's newest park?
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here's ken bastida. >> reporter: imagine having 500 acres to ride through, ride your bike, walk your dog, ride your horse, just sit back and take in the million-dollar view. >> on a clear day you can san francisco bay, parts of oakland. to the east on a real good bay, the sierra nevada. >> reporter: this is the newest park the 520-acre dublin hills regional park the latest piece of land acquired by the east bay regional park direct in an effort to link more than 20 miles of the east bay's ridge land trails from danville to fremont. >> that trail will run through dublin hills, under 580 connect up to pleasanton ridge and across niles canyon hit vargas plateau which is another 100- acre park and eventually hit
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mission people in fremont. >> reporter: the park district says this land was parts of the old schaefer ranch property which has been closed to the public for over 100 years. >> we still have some old time ranchers still grazing around them and their families grazed before them so many generations. >> reporter: but now, it belongs to you. and to the wildlife. >> you could see a golden eagle or two. >> reporter: i need your good questions. send them to me at >> weather is always a challenge. >> especially this time of the year. fog is difficult to forecast. i'm feeling confident, though, tonight. i think everybody is going to get a good dose of fog. >> across the board. >> i'm thinking it's way onshore. right now clear skies in some interior spots. the san jose area looking good. fog will filter into the valleys and the bay and how
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about ocean beach? you're sock in with low clouds and fog. no change there. you have been socked in the better part of the week but we are going to pick up more drizzle there for tonight. all right. let's take a look at it from space here. you can see the fog and low clouds hugging the coastline, not much sunshine at the beaches today. you can see the fog shooting through the golden gate piling up on the east bay hills and the berkeley hills, spreading even to the delta overnight for tonight. with that in mind, tomorrow, yeah we are going to find some sunshine but it's going to take some time. the temperatures still going to stay warm in many of the interior valleys. you could see upper 80s in antioch and brentwood. toward the tri-valley and concord you're talking backupper 70s and low 80s. in the bay 60s in the richmond area and 70s toward san jose and toward the coastline socked in with fog and low clouds and drizzle in the morning and probably not much in the way of sunshine by the afternoon.
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temperatures, 76 concord now, 73 livermore, 69 san jose. a cool 55 in pacifica and also into san francisco. it looks like that ridge of high pressure that's been bringing in the fog and low clouds is moved out the way. now a trough carving itself out along the west coast. we'll see plenty of fog over the next few days and we'll probably see a ridge building in toward the weekend compressing the fog a bit and hopefully bring you more sunshine. pretty great in the afternoon. warmer temperatures inside the bay but at the beaches, plan on 50s and 60s there. you're looking at numbers up as high as 82 in morgan hill, 47 milpitas, east bay temperatures maybe to 88. brentwood about 87. 81 livermore. north bay expecting temperatures to be cooler, probably 60s and 70s by the afternoon. and over the next few days, going to hold about the same but as we head in toward the weekend, high pressure builds back in. the temperatures likely to start warming up a bit before, guess what, cooling off and more fog on the way as we look
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toward next monday. that's a look at your weather. back up to you. >> thank you. coming up on eyewitness news at 10:00 on the cw and 11:00 on cbs 5, because of budget cuts, there was supposed to be a shortage of lifeguards on the santa cruz shoreline. how a group stepped up to make sure there will be plenty of eyes on beach-goers this year. >> a former rams quarterback takes over at usc. i'm dennis o'donnell and the warriors' new star leaves team usa with an injury. ,,,,,,
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those people are happy 'cause they're gonna have a good time, and they've got extra money in their pocket. those are happy passengers. how much does it cost for those snacks again? nothing. at southwest airlines, when we have a sale, it's a sale. [ male announcer ] southwest airlines has flights starting at $49 one-way. book now only at [ rand ] how can you not want to get on the plane? come on and get on the plane. we're saving you money. now that's a plane full of happy. [ employees ] grab your bag. it's on. [ ding ]
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the off season is not supposed to be a dangerous team but anything can happen. >> you know the suppose the "sports illustrated" curse where you get on the cover and something goes wrong? i think there is something to that with the warriors. there is a parallel there. >> were they on the cover of "sports illustrated"? >> well, one player might as well be. [ laughter ] >> everything was going david lee's way. the warriors' new $80 million power forward was invited to play with the united states national team in las vegas. >> i'm excited to be part of this and hopefully have a chance to represent my country. should be great. >> not so great. little over an hour after he
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said that lee injured the middle finger on his right hand and he left practice. lee said his finger turned to one side he believes it's either tendon or dislocation. he is come back to the bay area to be reevaluated. he plans to return it las vegas tomorrow night hoping, hoping he can play with a splint. former raider quarterback jamarcus russell pled not guilty to charges of illegal drug possession. the former number one overall pick appeared to be in a good mood despite facing felony charges. russell was arrested two weeks ago in part of a mobile, alabama police sting operation. his home was searched and police discovered codeine syrup without a prescription. question, whose purple drank was it? >> you have to remember, there was close to a dozen people at the house that particular day. okay? and i mean, that speaks vols to plea. >> well, of course it wasn't jamarcus's. this is more fallout at usc. athletic director mike on the
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left there is out. the trojans were recently placed on two years probation for lack of institutional control. a long ncaa investigation found that reggie bush received improper benefits. a usc is now returning its copy of bush's heisman trophy. bush gets to keep his. replacing garrett, another former trojan football player, pat hayden. >> there were great players and directors that came before me. there's going to be great ones afterwards. it's one big long continuum. i'm a piece of the puzzle. but boy, i'm passionate about winning but we want to win ethically. >> mr. perfect dallas braden rejoins the as tonight just in time to face the boston red sox. [ applause ] since. braden just >> you may recall two months ago he pitched a perfect game
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but hasn't won a game since. braden just pitched successful rehab start last thursday in stockton. he has been battling elbow tendinitis. does he care that he hasn't won since mother's day? >> on a scale of who cares to i don't care? i'm right around not worried about it. that's about how i think about the wins and losses. as long as our team has a chance to win, that's the most important thing is the starting pitcher especially for myself coming back in and trying to get back on the horse i just want to give us a chance to win. >> oh, look out! nipper goes down on a line drive. >> rangers pitcher dustin never lost consciousness and appeared okay after taking a drive to the head last night. all tests came back normal but texas has decided to place him on the 15-day disabled list. he says he doesn't have a problem with taking things slowly. amazing how many times we have seen it. tour de france stage 16 lance armstrong conceded this race a while ago but targeted today as a chance to win a stage.
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he broke away from the lead group with one last chance for glory to the finish. armstrong in red right screen gives everything his 38-year- old legs had, wasn't enough. as he is beaten to the line, contador is the overall leader. armstrong racing in what he says is his last tour. he was fairly pleased with the outcome. >> you showed lance armstrong is not over with? >> lance armstrong is over in about four or five days. so, you know, i wasn't the oldest guy in the breakaway. >> so armstrong -- this is t has come back before obviously out of retirement, but not the same competitor he used to be. >> contador and schleck in the end. >> you saw that poster of, you know, be strong or whatever, it said there are supporters on the route for lance armstrong. i just read this sunday in the "new york times" that are paid by nike to support him as he, you know, faces this federal investigation against -- for doping and fraud against his sponsors. >> is that right? >> yeah.
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they are paying people to clear for him. >> you may not this, but i pay a lot of people to watch me every night on this channel too. >> do you? >> how much? i have a price. [ laughter ] >> now, you're going to -- >> it's a good cause. >> thank you very much. >> you're going to get he is thrown off the air. like usc. >> we are done here, clearly. >> we don't need to be penalized. wait a minute. >> the fcc is receiving this. >> thanks to the second circuit. we'll be back at 10:00 and 11:00. see you then. >> one small step... [ meg whitman ] if we could only do one thing, putting people back to work
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would be the most important thing. the human cost of 2 million californians out of work is devastating, and i think, often, politicians forget about that because they don't see it every day. i see it every day. i think raising taxes on californians today is absolutely the wrong thing to do. we have to streamline regulations, we have to cut taxes for businesses, and then we have to stand up and compete. california needs to lead the nation again, and i think we can do it.
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