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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5PM  CBS  July 20, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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and in it, it describes william as being armed to the teeth. his saturday motive apparently was to start a revolution and the san francisco-based group tides foundation and the aclu had no idea they were in this gunman's crosshairs. reporter: 45-year-old byron williams is now charged with the attempted murders of four chp officers. court documents say williams engaged the officers in an unbelievable 12-minute gunfight saturday night. but here's where the shooting takes a twist. court documents released today reveal officers foiled a mass murder plot by williams. the two-time convicted bank robber allegedly admitted to investigators he was racing down 580 from his home in
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groveland headed to san francisco. his toyota tundra pickup truck was loaded with at least a 9- millimeter handgun and a body armor-piercing rifle coupled with an untold amount of ammunition. court documents say williams wanted to start a revolution. to do that, by killing people of importance and he set his sights on two san francisco- based advocacy groups. >> we learned that he was on his way on saturday night to san francisco to two organizations, one called the tides, the other called the aclu, with the sole purpose to kill people. usually these organizations are closed on sunday. and his plans were to wait there until monday, when they opened up, and then to go in and start shooting people. >> the tides is a charitable organization. we help nonprofit organizations. we help people provide services in low income communities. we dress social problems. the work we do is in the best traditions of america.
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i can't imagine why somebody would want to target us. >> reporter: now, the court's probable cause statement goes on to say that williams first opened fire with his nine- millimeter handgun but as officers scrambled for cover, williams allegedly reloaded, this time using the .308 rifle, the. williamswasupsetwiththenational economy and apparently upset with the state of his own finances. now, the attempted murder charges also carry the added enhancement because williams was wearing body armor at the time. of course, that is illegal. he was also convicted of two previous bank robberies, one in madera county in california, the other in the seattle area. because of those two prior convictions, the charges he faces today could ratchet this
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prosecution up to a "three strikes" crime and that means if convicted, allen, he could spend the rest of his life behind bars. >> robert, he was stopped late at night but you said his plan was to lie in wait for these businesses -- for people to arrive? >> reporter: that's what the police say. they say that he gave up information during the investigation. he knew those office wouldn't be open on the weekend. he planned to go there allegedly wait throughout the day on sunday, and as workers and executives arrived on monday morning, allegedly, he planned to open fire. >> it is frightening. all right, robert lyles in oakland, thank you so much. also tonight, a well-known activist in the south bay is in trouble with the law. ly tong is an anticommunist activist in the vietnamese community. he was seen on the left during a 2008 hunger strike. now he is in police custody accused of attacking an international pop singer. that attack happened sunday night. len ramirez can show us it was
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all caught on tape. len. >> reporter: it was all caught on tape. and this may go down as one of the oddest crimes in recent santa clara county history. it was also a very well planned- out political statement made by a man that many people in this neighborhood consider to be a local hero and also a master at anti-communist propaganda. reporter: the incidents took place in a packed house at the santa clara convention center. ♪ [ music ] [ screaming ] >> reporter: this youtube video shows one of vietnam's top pop singers dam hung performing a duet, just then an apparent female fan walks to the stage in a large hat and gestures as if to hand the singer a flower. but in a split second the warm gesture turns ugly as the fan attacks with pepper spray to the singer's eyes while the shrieking audience looks on. [ screaming ]
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>> it delayed the show for about 15 minutes. he wasn't seriously injured. he was able to continue the show a short time later. but it was disruptive. >> reporter: police say the pepper sprayer wasn't a fan, wasn't even a female. it was a man wearing a disguise named ly tong. the former south vietnamese air force pilot and so-called anti- communist freedom fighter was wrestled to the ground by security arrested by police and taken to jail, apparently suffering facial wounds in the process. >> it's okay to possess certain sprays, pepper spray, for self- defense. but to use them in situations other than self-defense is a crime. >> reporter: for tong, it was the latest in a long series of anticommunist publicity stunts. two years ago he staged a hunger strike in san jose successfully helping to get a vietnamese shopping district named little saigon after the fallen vietnamese capital. today some people in that neighborhood gave shy approval of what he did. do you want to say anything about the incident? ly tong?
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others like dan tran who lived under communist rule for five years approved of his message but not his method. >> in this country, we better not do that. we better not to hurt anybody in public because it is maybe against the law. however, you know, everybody knows that, you know, vietnam is a country that doesn't have any kind of freedom at all. no freedom of speech, no freedom of politics, nothing at all. so at least we have somebody to speak out something. >> reporter: and ly tong remains in jail tonight pending a $52,000 bond. he will make his first court appearance on wednesday. at that time, he is expected to make a statement justifying his alleged assault. but allen, it is an assault in the eyes of the law. that's what he is being charged with. and it could be charged as a felony depending on what the district attorney's office wants to do. so he could be in for some serious jail time if convicted.
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he will have a lot of supporters at that hearing, allen, and i think we meet be just hearing the beginning of this story. >> sounds like it. all right, len ramirez in san jose, thank you. well, tonight county leaders in marin are officially standing against pg&e's controversial smart meter program. simon perez now to show us why this comes as support for the smart meter is harder and harder to come by. >> reporter: indeed marin is adding its name to a growing list of counties that really don't like the pg&e smart meters. today, supervisors asked pg&e to stop installing the smart meterrings. >> even people who have been able to shield their homes from cell towers are not going to be shielded from this. reporter: jo is worried about the meters. >> they are going to be exposed 24/7 every minute to pulses in their homes and businesses. >> reporter: jones not alone. these folks gathered in san
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francisco to demand the same thing. >> this is not just marin county. this is taking place all over northern california. >> reporter: indeed, marin county's vote to halt smart meters comes after san francisco and santa cruz counties did too. >> smart meters put out amounts of radiofrequency that are well within fcc regulations and well below what many other devices like cell phones and other appliances emit. >> what we're trying to say that please suspend the operations until all the studies have been completed and remedies -- remedies that are warranted are implemented. >> reporter: do you have to say please, or can you say don't do it? >> we have to say please. we have no authority by law. this is going through state law and so we don't have the authority to just say no. >> reporter: not being able to say no is what bothers lydia kindheart, who is opening a restaurant in fairfax next week and who has a smart meter installed outside her building.
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>> i like to have a choice in what i participate in. and i'll all about health and organic and i'm concerned about emfs that we are being bombarded. >> reporter: pg&e says smart meter signals are weaker than mike waves, wi-fi router and cell phones. pg&e adds it doesn't make sense to just have some houses with smart meters and some without. some counties with some counties without, because the whole poin of the system is to get a system-wide analysis of the energy usage. simon perez cbs 5. in an hour the oakland city council is going to vote on an historic marijuana measure to create four licensed marijuana factories that could grow, package and process cannabis for medical use. the businesses would have to pay over $200,000 each in permit fees. the gross sales would be taxed up to 8%. opponents say it would drive
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the smaller shots out of business. some other headlines around the bay area for you. san francisco police are investigating a string of armed robberies that happened last night in six separate incidents across the city, two young men approaching people in the street, showing them handguns and robbing them. two of the robberies happened in the sunset district, two in the noe valley area, two downtown. it's not known if any of those robberies are connected. in berkeley several suspicious fires are being investigated near the uc campus. most of them started in crash cans. one damaged a porta-potty. three cars were damaged. arson investigators say there have been at least 136 these fires. housing activists who occupied the second floor of a building in san francisco's mission district are under arrest. they took over a vacant floor to protest cuts in the city's housing budget. no longer just chips and sandwiches. next personalized meals delivered to schools. how the growing trend is opening up opportunities in the
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job market. a day of pampering putting your health at risk? the three things bay area lawmakers want out of nail salons. >> you're demeaning yourself. >> an app on facebook to let you change the way you look. the specific group being targeted, why some call that racist. ,, ,,,,
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"meg whitman says she'll run california like her company..." seen this attack on meg whitman? who are these people? they're the unions and special interests behind jerry brown. they want jerry brown because, he won't "rock the boat," in sacramento. he'll be the same as he ever was. high taxes. lost jobs. big pensions for state employees. the special interests have chosen their governor. how about you? and it's even harder to find one in catering and food service, in today's economy it's hard to find growing businesses. it's harder in the catering and
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food service business. a lot of those companies have gone under. but ann notarangelo shows us one caterer that serves very special clientele. >> more mixing! >> smells good, too. >> it smells good, too! >> reporter: summer camp in the kitchen is a hands-on experience. chef travis jones is showing these youngsters how to make mongolian beef. during the school year, the company he works for, choice lunch, is serving 180 schools in california. >> parents will go online, preorder the meals for the children, and then we have trucks that go throughout northern california and southern california and deliver the meals to the schools for the kids. >> reporter: and these aren't the kind of meals you and i used to stand in line for? >> no, no. we do most of our cooking from scratch here in our central kitchens using local sustainable ingredients that we try to source within 150 miles. >> we are going to cut and we are going to turn it. look. all the little trees fall off. >> reporter: eating healthy is learned at a young age.
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>> carrots, broccoli, strawberries, watermelon, lots of things. >> reporter: you really like healthy food. >> except for spinach. i hate spinach and brussels sprouts. >> reporter: everyone has their limits. the folks at choice lunch are trying to expand the limits of school lunches. >> pizza. i don't usually get pot stickers because i haven't tried them before. >> reporter: parents like it and business has grown 20% in the bay area and 150% in southern california in the past year. with 15,000 young mouths to feed each day next year, they are looking for 30 more bay area employees and choice lunch will hold two job fairs this week, one in danville the other in san jose. >> we are a growing company that's doing something in an economy where everybody says we shouldn't be growing and on top of it we are doing something that makes a difference. >> reporter: they need kitchen staff and drivers. and those drivers are critical.
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>> they are kind of like if you look at it they're my servers. if you went to a restaurant and sat down, the person that you get to talk to is the waiter. and that's what my drivers r my drivers are the waiters for the schools. >> reporter: the salaries range between $9 and $17 an hour depending on the job and the experience. the job fair in danville is between 1:00 and 3:00 tomorrow, the one in san jose on friday. for more information, go to our website, in danville, ann notarangelo, cbs 5. all right. a bill that would extend unemployment benefits to millions of americans has now passed the u.s. senate. the supporting senators beat a republican filibuster today when a new democrat was sworn in from west virginia replacing robert byrd. republicans didn't want to extend benefits unless congress had a way to pay for them. the bill restores benefits to 2.5 million americans who have been out of work for more than six months. the house of representatives is set to vote on that tomorrow. actress lindsay lohan now behind bars. what happened when she arrived and why she may not have to
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serve that full 90-day term. hi, i'm meteorologist lawrence karnow in the cbs 5 weather center. if you love the fog, we have the forecast for you! ah, doesn't that look nice? we'll talk about that coming up. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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women who make their living painting your nails, the ex make them ill. an a manicure and pedicure make you feel pampered but for the people who perform the work, it can make them sick. joe vazquez reports. >> reporter: at the international school of cosmetology in san francisco, free manicures. but not just any kind. >> i come down to get a toxic- free nail polish. >> it's terrific. >> reporter: the technicians all use products free of three hazardous chemicals, the three toxic ingredients including formal hide and toluene.
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>> there's been a lot of concern around some of the health impact they have. >> reporter: researcher is with the cancer prevention institute of california. her studies show how the toxic chemicals used in nail salons are linked to significant health concerns among workers. >> 50% are experiencing headaches, skin irritation, all type of irritation after they began working in this workforce. however, in terms of long-term health effects, that's still to be determined. >> reporter: one side effect still unproven? the increased risk of cancer. this nail care worker suspects the worse. >> after a few years of working in a nail salon, i was diagnosed with breast cancer. >> reporter: the event also kicked off a new san francisco campaign to encourage all nail salons to use safer products. >> it will be the first in the nation and what it's going to do is it's going to recognize those nail salons that use the toxic trio-free products. >> reporter: those both getting and giving are on board. >> we could have pretty nails and we could have good nails,
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too, without this all this. >> i hope this all works for everybody. >> joe vazquez reporting. now, today's proposed ordinance wouldn't ban the toxic trio. but if it's passed it would publicly recognize the nail salons in san francisco that use safer nail polishes. all right. let's go to the safety of that fog cover out there. are we undercover? >> we are going to get there. if you are not undercover just yet from the fog and low clouds, you are going to get it as we have more on the way. if you love the fog, hey, this is your kind of weather. how about the san jose area? there we go. you have some sunshine and a little haze out there as we expect low clouds and fog to fill in there a little bit later on. but out at the coastline pretty gray today. not much in the way of sunshine. and well, that is the way it's going to stay as we head through the night tonight. guess what, the low clouds and fog will surge onshore. ocean beach, we don't see too many people out there right now just a few but you have to bundle up heading to the coast. it is cool out there, too. temperatures in the 50s and the
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low 60s. of course that cool sea breeze blowing, as well. out the door, it's cool at the coast, still very nice in many of the interior spots. mild temperatures clear skies until the interior valleys into the 70s here as we head through the evening hours. inside the bay, mostly clear, although finger fog now shooting through the gate in toward the berkeley hills. temperatures running in the 60s and low 70s. and, of course, out toward the beaches, staying very cool with the low clouds and fog. numbers right now: we have a trough on the west coast that will deepen the marine layer probably to 2200 feet. so that means we'll probably see some drizzle out toward the coastline, too. so plenty of fog on the way for us. and well, it's going it stay cool as we head in toward the morning hours. and even in the afternoon now at the beaches it's going to be cool. all right. as we head through the day tomorrow, the fog and low clouds will try and break up
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outside. well, as it does, we are going to see some pretty nice sunshine by the afternoon. how about this picture for you? yeah, california quail around the bay area going to see a lot of those at this time. we'll have more news when we come right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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a new facebook app is being criticize for letting users change their people. now, it lettings people actually lighten their skin tone in these photos. the company behind it vaseline, says this is what some customers want but as kiet do shows us, others say it is
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racist. reporter: on the internet good taste and effective marketing are only skin deep. you're looking as a new facebook app that allows you to upload your pictures and with a few clicks subtly lighten your skin. >> it's kind of strange. >> reporter: it's vaseline's latest ad using social media. featuring a spokeswoman, it promotes skin lightening creams aimed at male customers in india. >> anytime you mess with skin you will have a problem. >> reporter: skin lightening creams are to the far east what suntan lotion is to the west. a marketing expert says the app is economics. >> as long as we pay, there's going to be somebody who will fill the need with a product and we have the technology to do it. why not? >> reporter: san jose state professor bob rutgers says when it comes to using technology to warp reality, just because you can doesn't mean you should.
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>> when you have a society like ours where race is still a very touchy subject, it's not surprising that in america, we would look at this and wonder, what's the motivation? what are you doing? why would you try something like this? >> reporter: vaseline said in a written statement, they are culturally relevant in india. the facebook application was created for the indian market as a culturalry relevant and engaging way for indian men to interact with this product. the vaseline fan page has 1,000 fans although the comments were split. "i think people have a right to do whatever they want with their skin." >> "simply racist." >> love yourself first. >> i can't believe it's 2010. >> reporter: in fremont home to one of the bay area's largest indian population reaction was mixed. is this raceness is. >> fo me, no. for others yes. >> yao you're demeaning yourself. you're not being what you are. >> reporter: in fremont, kiet
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do, cbs 5. lindsay lohan will be in jail. she arrived at the correctional facility south of los angeles this morning. now, although it was pretty low key an employee at the detention center said the building was put into lockdown! lohan has been sentenced to 90 days for violating probation, but they say she will likely only serve 23 days because of overcrowding. most of her days will be in isolation in a 12x8-foot jail cell. we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] at safeway, you get it all. great quality and great prices. [ so you just need ] at safa safeway list.t all. [ male announcer ] with thousands of everyday low prices you'll save all over the store. [ female announcer ] with club card specials like breyers ice cream just $1.99 and safeway hot dog or hamburger buns only 89 cents. [ male announcer ] quality and low prices. so there's one stop for everything. [ female announcer ] at safeway, that's our promise.
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"meg whitman says she'll run california like her company..." seen this attack on meg whitman? who are these people? they're the unions and special interests behind jerry brown. they want jerry brown because, he won't "rock the boat," in sacramento. he'll be the same as he ever was. high taxes. lost jobs. big pensions for state employees. the special interests have chosen their governor. how about you?
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when a city is strap i'm dana king. here's what we're working on for eyewitness news at 6:00. when a city is strapped for cash, leaders will consider just about anything. in oakland tonight it's big pot. how factory farms could help the budget and why some marijuana advocates say it's a bad idea. and it's supposed to make bay area commuting easier. we are going to look into a rash of complaints over the new clipper card system. so that and much more at 6:00, allen. >> all right, dana. lawrence and i say


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