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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at Noon  CBS  July 20, 2010 11:00am-11:30am PST

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those pg&e smart meter your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. right now a protest in san
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francisco over pg&e smart meters. cbs 5 has gotten lots of complaints about their lack of accuracy but today's message is different. anne makovec reports. >> reporter: these people are concerned about the smart meters' health effects. this was organized by teens turning green. they are expecting about 60 people calling for a moratorium on smart meterrings until there is a longer term scientific proof that the radiofrequencies have no impact on human health. pg&e has been installing them all over the bay area, they record energy units in 15- minute or one hour increments and are transmitted on a wireless network back to pg&e using radiowaves and cellular technology. pg&e says smart meters fall within ftc transmission requirements and they are safer than radios, cell phones and televisions because the smart meters only transmit
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intermittently but these protestors say any exposure is too much. >> we have no choice here. there is no opt out. there are plenty of people that are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation. they still have them put on their houses and they tell us it's too bad. >> once customers get information about the program about the ability to help them control their energy costs that smart meter provides, many of the other benefits, they are far more comfortable having one put on their homes. >> reporter: as allen mentioned, smart meters have already come under fire for technical inaccuracies after several publicized cases of people being overcharged by pg&e. the company did admit that there had been small percentage of billing problems but pg&e still stands by its meters. now, we have not heard this morning yet from the california public utilities commission. they are doing an independent investigation into smart meters but their investigation is focusing more on accuracy than
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health issues. >> thank you, anne makovec in san francisco. the suspect involved in last weekend's shootout on an east bay freeway could be in court this afternoon. the gun battle happened early sunday on interstate 580. police say that 45-year-old byron williams was heavily armed and then he opened fire on chp officers when they stopped him for a traffic violation. two officers suffered minor injuries. williams was shot several times. we are still waiting to hear what charges will be filed against him. the court hearing is scheduled to get under way at 2 p.m. about 50 activists in san francisco are occupying the second floor of a building in the mission district. they have been there since last night protesting reductions in the city's housing budget. they call their group direct action to stop the cuts. the activists are vowing to stay in the space at 20th and mission streets until they are forced out. the police are there, but so far they haven't done anything. investigators in berkeley are looking into recent garbage
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can fires south of the uc campus. arson investigators say that there have been at least seven since friday including one yesterday evening. those fires have also damaged three cars. a local vietnamese activist is due in court tomorrow accused of attacking a singer during a concert in santa clara. ♪ [ music ] it happened as dam ving hung performed sunday. police say ly tong was disguised as an old woman when he pepper sprayed him in the face. the 61-year-old tong is a long- time anticommunist activist. he made news in 2008 by staging a hunger strike in san jose over the naming of the city's vietnamese neighborhood little saigon. for a second day a large number of a.c. transit drivers have called in sick in the middle of a labor dispute. about 20% of them, more than 200 drivers, called in sick both today and yesterday
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apparently to protest the contract that was imposed by the agency on sunday. a.c. transit is trying to cut into a $56 million budget deficit. but some riders say they are feeling frustrated by all this. >> the whole system is like a dog chasing his tail kind of you know what i mean? one price goings up and then the workers want to raise their prices or need to raise their prices so they should find a solution. >> the proposed contract would change overtime rules and health insurance coverage. and it turns out bart riders would rather pay more and get better service. a survey finds that more than 75% of riders are opposed to temporary fare cuts. most riders say that they would rather see the money go toward extending service and cleaning the cars. bart directors are considering a one-time fare cut. they are set to vote on that on thursday. the cap on the broken well
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in the gulf of mexico is holding. for now. some oil and gas is leaking out but today scientists are trying to determine what that means. but as whit johnson shows us, there is a new option for sealing that well. reporter: under water cameras show the cap holding back the oil at four days and counting. close monitoring of a few small leaks is giving the government the confidence to let bp keep the cap shut for now. >> we are going on a day-to-day basis regarding the well integrity tests understanding there is some benefit -- in fact substantial benefit -- to the fact that oil is not being introduced into the environment. >> reporter: now that the oil isn't gushing, bp is considering a new plan to seal the well with mud and cement similar to top kill but this time they they think can overcome pressure problems. >> we are looking for bp to give us an idea whether or not that is possible how they would do it and we'll act to that when we receive it. >> reporter: admiral thad allen says the relief well is still the permanent solution.
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gulf coast residents are cautiously optimistic about the progress they are seeing miles offshore and they are already noticing some improvement in the bays and on the beaches. in grand isle, louisiana, the boom is going away. and the sand is being scrubbed clean. the town's fire chief hopes all this will bring tourists back. >> it's not over but we are moving forward, you know? there is day late at the end of the tunnel. >> reporter: and fishermen could head back to the mississippi sound today. the state has opened the waters for recreational fishing. commercial fishing is still at a standstill. whit johnson, cbs news, long beach, mississippi. elena kagan is on the way to becoming the fourth women to sit on the u.s. supreme court. today the senate judiciary committee approved her nomination. one republican south carolina's lindsey graham voted yes. now the full senate will vote on her. president obama says that he hopes kagan is confirmed before congress goes on its summer recess. next, a lifeline for
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millions of people who are unemployed. plus. >> i have tools that i use for maybe two minutes a year sitting in my little cellar in the basement just collecting dust. why let it go to waste? we'll show you the new easy tool that lets you swap for what you really need. and big changes could be in store for your favorite nail salon. the major things some say has to go. speak of big changes, i would love a big change in the weather. we have plenty of clouds especially in the bay, still cloudy looking toward the transamerica building. any sunshine in the forecast today and what about your temperatures? i have your complete forecast coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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the ex cently just minutes ago the u.s. senate voted to extend unemployment benefits. now, the extension had been in doubt because of a republican filibuster. but with the new democratic senator from west virginia sworn in today, democrats got the final vote they needed. the bill does restore benefits -- or would to 2.5 million americans who have been out of work for more than six months. i say would because the house has to vote on the bill. they are set to do that tomorrow. do it yourself projects can get expensive if you have to go buy tools to get it done but what if you could borrow from your neighbors and they could borrow your stuff? there is a good neighbor website that's helping people do just that. and it makes sure you get your stuff back. >> this ladder, great, like i said, does all sorts of different things. reporter: from tools to ladders, you name it, matt of menlo park is willing to lend it out to just about anyone. >> i have tools that i literally use for maybe two minutes a year sitting in my little cellar in the basement
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collecting dust. there is no reason somebody shouldn't be able to benefit from using those. >> reporter: so he is using a website called neighbor where local neighbors are logging on to lend their goods. >> i have thousands of dollars worth of stuff i'm willing to lend out. >> reporter: users can share just about anything at no cost. >> obviously, with the tanking economy and people looking for ways to save money but there is a movement for people to try and get local and, you know, get to know their neighbors. >> reporter: how does it work? first become a member by signing up. then to start sharing, click on add items. and if you are looking for a specific item, click on find stuff. what happens when a neighbor doesn't return an item? >> if i i don't return your item on time you can push the panic button on that transaction and puts a public alert on my profile that says, mickey didn't return my tool on time and everyone on the site
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can see that on my profile until i fix it with you. >> reporter: users can add a layer of security by completing a verification kit. but monday tain is still willing who lend out his goods to those users who aren't verified. >> i have good faith in people i guess if you will so i expect that this will be a positive experience. >> takes other steps to protect your belongings by only disclosing your zip code. borrowers and lenders are said to set up a meeting spot away from your home. if you have a consumer problem or question, call our hotline 1- 888-5-helps-u. a push to change manicures and pedicures forever. what some say has to go. >> and she's gone. lindsay lohan is behind bars but why she may not stay there for very long. [ meg whitman ] if we could only do one thing, putting people back to work
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would be the most important thing. the human cost of 2 million californians out of work is devastating, and i think, often, politicians forget about that because they don't see it every day. i see it every day. i think raising taxes on californians today is absolutely the wrong thing to do. we have to streamline regulations, we have to cut taxes for businesses, and then we have to stand up and compete. california needs to lead the nation again, and i think we can do it. daily. [ woman ] my perfect summer is having everyone over. and having money leftover. [ female announcer ] safeway lets you have it all. with thousands of everyday low prices you can always count on.
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and even more great deals when you use your club card. like breyers ice cream and popsicle novelties just $1.99. and safeway hot dog or hamburger buns, just 89 cents. [ man ] my perfect summer. [ woman ] perfectly priced. [ female announcer ] at safeway, that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. a study in in south africa found a gel spiked researchers say it is a potential breakthrough in the fight against aids. a study in south africa found a gel spiked with an aids drug cutted a woman's risk of getting hiv from an infected partner in half. gilead sciences donated the drugs for the gel and is allowing the gel to be produced royalty-free for distribution in poor countries. public health experts are urging seniors and women in childbearing years get vaccinated against whooping cough. health experts have declared a whooping cough epidemic in
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california because of the number of cases this year. nearly 1500 people have gotten sick. six babies have died. you can get a free vaccination thursday afternoon in concord at the farmer's market in todos santos plaza. getting a manicure or pedicure may never be the same. three san francisco supervisors are introducing and or the nance that would encourage -- an ordinance that would encourage salons to use nontoxic nail polish. lawmakers say formaldehyde and two other chemicals in many polishes are harmful to salon workers' health. they call the chemicals the toxic trio. they can cause cancer, birth defects, asthma and other problems. to raise awareness about this the international school of cosmetology in san francisco is offering free manicures this afternoon. i need one right now. don't look. i need one. [ laughter ] >> i started to look the ayour hands before i even said anything. >> when you go in it's just a few -- >> you're walking by some of
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those businesses it's -- >> it's unforgiving you. >> look marvelous! >> ya. we are going to go outside right now. >> the weather isn't so marvelous. pick your spot. >> pick your spot. i pick mount vaca. how about that? not a lot of things up there. but at least i can see some sunshine. those clouds have been part of the forecast all day long. here's a look at the bay bridge. here we are. here seeing plenty of clouds across the bay bridge. that's been the story for the morning and afternoon, although we are starting to see a few breaks. i'll take it. i wouldn't mind a few breaks. this is what we expect for today. and we have some clouds out there as well as some sunshine. but that sunshine is going to be well inland with today's highs that's going to be coming in a little later on in the afternoon so lunchtime in the mid-80s, late afternoon highways in the upper 80s inland, mid-70s around the bay. partly cloudy, breezy and times and cloudy and cool and still expecting ends with at the
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coast. tonight, low clouds and fog at the coast as well as inland. this is based on our model data that shows us what the fog will be doing. take a look. it is well entrenched over the san francisco area. so we'll clear out well inland but still expecting a few low clouds in the san francisco area as well as along the coastline and that's what's going to keep us with some cool temperatures. below average temperatures for this time of the year. upper 50s along the coastline in daly city and pacifica. mid-70s in palo alto, 47 in sunnyvale, 76 in san jose, 85 in morgan hill. good temperature, 85. lower 70s in fremont. the mid-70s in milpitas. upper 80s in pittsburg, antioch and brentwood. 85 danville, 83 san ramon. lower 60s in richmond, berkeley, 66 in san leandro. 60 degrees today in san francisco. but depending on those clouds, we may not get out of the 50s. 63 in sausalito. lower 70s in san rafael.
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the mid-70s in napa, sonoma, upper 70s in santa rosa. 78 in petaluma. how about 60 degrees in bodega bay. yeah, that's chilly. here we go. seven-day forecast, more sunshine expected inland for the bulk of the workweek but we'll keep some coastal fog in the forecast for the next six days. something else i want to share with you. how about this photo taken by echo5 of lake chabot. taken while mountain biking. i like that. you know, people can do more than one thing at a time. you know you're going along in your bike, keep it going. >> just don't text and buying at the same time. >> yeah. >> that's bad. >> you could get hurt. >> you can tweet. >> thank you. lindsay lohan is behind bars. a judge sentenced her to 90 days for violating probation but sandra hughes shows us why lindsay lohan may not be there for very long. reporter: lindsay lohan arrived at a beverly hills courthouse under a crush of cameras. inside, she officially surrendered. >> at this time, she will be remanded to serve her sentence.
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>> reporter: lohan's former lawyer was at her side after celebrity attorney robert shapiro abruptly dropped the case. entertainment website says lohan is it furious with shapiro, accusing him of trying to get publicity. the judge then ordered the cameras inside the courtroom turned off. that's when authorities handcuffed the 24-year-old. her new home is just a few miles away at this correctional facility south of los angeles. lohan has actually been here before, a few years ago she spent 84 minutes behind bars after a dui arrest. this time, lohan has been sentenced to 90 days but is expected to serve only about three weeks because of jail overcrowding. the 24-year-old has fallen from promising actress to convict. fresh off her role in "the parent trap," a 12-year-old lindsay lohan appeared on the tonight show. her future looked bright and the movie roles and red carpets just kept coming. but in just a few years, the spotlight dimmed after a string
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of failed relationships. duis and car accidents. the court's ordered rehab and alcohol monitoring devices. >> i'm not taking this as a joke. my life -- and it's chai rear. >> reporter: a career which many believe has completely stalled out until she can clean up her act. sandra hughes, cbs news, lynwood, california. 520 acres with million- dollar views. we are going to give you a sneak peek at the bay area's newest park. just a few simple ingredients and great-tasting mission flour tortillas make fabulous chicken fajitas, warm and yummy breakfast burritos and seriously tasty tacos. you'll find these budget-minded recipes and more ways to save at great meals start with delicious mission flour tortillas.
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but with advair, i'm breathing better.
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so now, i can join the fun and games with my grandchildren. great news! for people with copd, including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both, advair helps significantly improve lung function. while nothing can reverse copd, advair is different from most other copd medications because it contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator, working together to help you breathe better. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. i had fun today, grandpa. you and me both. if copd is still making it hard to breathe, ask your doctor if including advair will help improve your lung function for better breathing. get your first full prescription free and save on refills.
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well, today's tip of the day is going to be is white asparagus. usually this time year i don't do this tip. the fall or the late spring, but right now they are coming in. they are bein imported. they are beautiful this time of year coming in from per and some coming from other countries. make sure they are nice and white all the way around. with the white asparagus the thicker is better. make sure it's free from any yellowing whatsoever. a little bit of green is okay, not too much. when you cook your asparagus shave off just the very top so it stays nice and tender. here it's tender. the outer skin could be kind of rough. when you bring them home, store them until the refrigerator right away. treat them like eggs because they bruise easily. and the reason why they're white? the sun never hits them. they are grown under the mound.
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when the sun hits them they turn green. when the sun doesn't hit them, they're white asparagus. mix them with green asparagus, they look out of this world. they don't have all the nutritional benefits of green asparagus but they are still good for us. i'm tony tantillo, your fresh grocer. and always remember to eat fresh and stay healthy. coming up at 5:00 tonight on cbs 5, there is an app on facebook that lets you change the way you look. a specific group was created for and why some are calling it racist. that and more at 5:00. in a couple of days from now the bay area will have a new park. dublin hills regional park covers 500 acres. it's north of i-580 west of dublin. there are about 5 miles of trails right now through the undeveloped hills there in the valleys. pretty spectacular views, as well. >> you can actually see parts of oakland to the west and to the east on a real good day you
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can see the sierra nevada. >> land was part of the old schaeffer ranch property closed to the public for more than 100 years. not anymore. the new park can open on thursday and tracy wants the first weather watcher to send in video. >> we always love video. but i want you tweeting on your mountain bike. >> not at the same time. >> at the same time. >> yeah. >> all right. that's it for us at noon. our next newscast is at 5:00. enjoy the park. not until thursday. see you at 5:00 tonight. >> have a great afternoon. >> and popping a wheelie. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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[ indistinct conversations ] [ female announcer ] this is not a burger. it's better. because with 57% less fat than regular ground beef, it's better for you. you see, this is a morningstar farms® meatless griller. that's right, meatless. and it tastes as good as it looks. so you can still enjoy that grilled-burger taste you love... and everything that comes with it. morningstar farms® grillers® original. [ indistinct conversations ] now that's more like it. [ ding! ]


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