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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 6AM  CBS  July 20, 2010 5:00am-6:00am PST

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sickout yesterday, commuters waiting to see if there will be ervice disruptions good morning. it's tuesday, july 20. >> good morning, everyone. if you ride a.c. transit, rude awakening again this morning for some of you. a.c. transit drives staging an apparent sickout yesterday and everybody wading to see if there will be more service disruptions today. >> some housing activists have taken over the building in the san francisco mission district. we'll tell you what they are demanding. >> bic doings in southern california.
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they will get the television helicopters out. actress lindsay lohan scheduled to begin her 90-day jail sentence today. >> wonder how many live shots they will be doing. >> big news. >> we are going to ask you if you think the actress should spend time behind bars. >> they call it lindsanity. someone told me that not that i read this type of stuff all the time. >> but we have gotten everybody up to date. now we have to get them out the door to work. they can look at it on their computer when they get to work. >> you mentioned the a.c. transit delays are possible? i want to go to the east bay and show you the freeways out there. yeah, they are warning us of possible delays again this morning. yesterday more than 200 a.c. transit drivers called out sick over a lib dispute. it caused up to hour long delays on bus routes for some drives because of the labor disputes. some drivers aren't happy, from the blogs i have been reading. 880 through oakland is quiet
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towards downtown. still have this major injury accident in windsor, southbound 1011 approaching shiloh road. members of the phone force say traffic is backed up less than a mile in the area. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. we are expecting a nice day all compliments of our camera high atop mount vaca. there you go. sun crossing the horizon as we speak. partly cloudy inland with low clouds, low clouds and fog around the bay and because of the clouds we have one-hour delays at sfo. so call ahead. and for the coastline, drizzle, yeah, you may run into that this morning, so you may have to hit the windshield wipers from time to time. conditions today cooler than yesterday. no major fluctuations wednesday through monday. >> we are holding steady. >> we are. we are just cruising right now. >> that's right. all right. thank you, tracy. back to you guys. >> thank you. it is 6:02. a.c. transit is warning passengers there could be more service disruptions today.
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anne makovec is in oakland this morning checking on the chances that some of those drivers might be calling in sick again today. anne, the buses have already started running this morning. what have you found? >> reporter: we have seen two buses so far. i'm at the lake merritt station in oakland. we saw the 88 and the 62 pass right on through. the problem is the buses are difficult to count on this morning because we just don't know if what happened yesterday might happen again today. we have not heard from a.c. transit yet this morning or the bus drivers union. yesterday, a.c. transit says more than 200 of their drivers, almost 20%, either called in sick or simply didn't show up for their shifts, leaving passengers depending on the east bay's largest bus system either stranded or inconvenienced. service across the dumbarton yesterday, for example, was cut in half. the driver's union denies this was a true sick-out but says new work rules and interim account that went into effect
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on sunday changes driver's schedules and they weren't ready for their assignments. those new rules are the latest chapter of an ongoing dispute between a.c. transit and the union over pay and benefits. on friday the judge ordered both sides to enter binding arbitration but then that interim contract went into effect on sunday. today the union is going back to court trying to get those work rulings repealed and get an injunction on the new schedule. the dispute continues. the hope is the riders won't continue to be caught in the middle. >> we'll see. thank you, anne makovec in oakland. right now about 50 housing activists are occupying the second floor of a building in san francisco's mission district. they have been there since last night to protest reductions in the city's housing budget.
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they call the group direct action to stop the cuts. the activists vow to stay at 20th and mission until they are forced out. the same group took over a homeless shelter earlier this year. t-mobile is on the first floor of the occupied building. our photographer on the scene says a patrol car is monitoring the situation. no streets are closed in the area. two dogs that attacked people in golden gate park have been put down. no one came forward to claim the dogs after the attacks on july 1. san francisco animal control officials decided the dogs were too vicious for adoption. so the dogs were euthanized last week. the dogs were held for 10 days to make sure they didn't have rabies. they were a male pit bull believed to have attacked three people and a female mixed breed that was probably following the pit bull. a father of three who was robbed and killed in oakland was in the bay area for a job interview. it happened late sunday night
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near the corner of 19th and webster streets. jinghong kang from fairfax, virginia, had just had his teeth cleaned by a friend he knew from church in preparation for a job interview at google. the two were walking to the victim's car when a man accosted them. kang had just $17 with him. he gave it to the robbers, but he was shot anyway. there is no description of the suspect. and the man arrested for a freeway shootout with the chp is talking to investigators while he recovers from gunshot wounds. the fbi is investigating 45- year-old byron williams as a possible domestic terrorist. they are checking the book he had with him for potential targets. williams has a rap sheet that includes two bank robberies and two duis. and earlier this month, he was arrested for driving with a suspended license. the "three strikes" law means williams could be locked up for life if convicted for the shootout that closed interstate 580 in oakland on sunday.
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it was a heated but nonviolent showdown in walnut creek at a rally in support of former bart officer johannes mehserle. [ yelling ] >> about 300 people showed up, some in support of mehserle and some who feel he should have been convicted of a more serious crime than involuntary manslaughter. oscar grant of hayward was shot to death last year as mehserle tried to detain him in oakland. that was at the fruitvale bart station in oakland. mehserle says he intended to use his taser but pulled his gun by mistake. >> i think it's unbelievable that people would come out and take to the streets to support somebody who took a human life, whether you thought it was an accident, by negligence, or you thought it was on purpose. >> if 12 people found him involuntary manslaughter, then let him go do his time and leave it alone. so in my heart, i believe he needs a little support. >> about 300 police dressed in riot gear were on hand, but the event ended with no problems and no arrests.
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6:08. the cap is still on. >> coming up next, we'll tell you the next move in bp's efforts to stop the oil pipeline leak in the gulf of mexico. and the senate is expected to vote today on an extension of jobless benefits. why democrats may now have the 60 votes they need. advantage topical solution treats dogs... ( barking ) stroys fleas. so ask your veterinarian for advantage, the flea specialist for gentle, but effective, flea control.
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today i can throw my kids around in the pool. i can still coach rugby and share my love of the game. announcer: at sutter health, our story is you. for more stories, visit and driving all over town. i want one list. for one store. [ female announcer ] at safeway, you get it all. great quality and great prices. so you just need a safeway list. [ male announcer ] with thousands of everyday low prices you'll save all over the store. [ female announcer ] with club card specials like breyers ice cream just $1.99 and safeway hot dog or hamburger buns only 89 cents. [ male announcer ] quality and low prices. so there's one stop for everything. [ female announcer ] at safeway, that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. get cortizone 10 cooling relief gel.
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cools instantly with the strongest itch relief medicine. cortizone 10 cooling relief gel. if you usually ride a.c. transit, you may want to hit the road instead. officials warn of another day of possible delays in the east bay. that and more on that major injury crash near santa rosa, that's all coming up in "traffic" in 6 minutes. >> thank you. bp keeping the cap on its broken oil well and keeping watch for possible leaks. the cap stopped the majority of the oil flowing out of the well last week. there is some oil and gas still leaking but it's a relatively small amount. so the government has backed off on its call to siphon oil through the cap to ships on the surface. that would have necessitated removing the cap for a bit and
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more oil flowing into the gulf. the next move is uncertain. one possibility is pumping heavy drilling mid and cement into the well now that the cap has eased the pressure. and bp is still working on the permanent solution, drilling relief wells, to take the pressure off the one that's been broken. democratic leaders predict the u.s. senate will approve an extension of jobless benefits today. democrats have fallen short recently because of republican filibusters. but today, democrat cart goodwin will be sworn in to replace the late senator robert byrd of west virginia. goodwin is expected to provide the 60th vote the democrats need. about 2.5 million unemployed americans have seen their jobless benefits expire since early june. republicans say they are open to another extension as long as it doesn't add to the deficit. elena kagan is expected to take another step toward the u.s. supreme court today. the senate judiciary committee is set to vote on president obama's nominee. so far no democrat has
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announced off significance to kagan, opposition and republicans will vote against her. she is expected to get approval from the full senate which will take up the issue next month. 6:13. thanks but no thanks. that's what bart passengers are apparently saying to a plan to temporarily reduce transit fares. we'll tell you why those commuters are against the idea. and don't expect a whole lot of sunrise this morning. we got plenty of clouds out there, especially in the bay. so just what time does the sun plan on arriving in the bay area? we'll take a look. i'll let you know coming up. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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southbound 101 approaching shiloh road. two left lanes are blocked and traffic is only getting by in the right lane and on the shoulder. this is a major injury crash involving a motorcycle and a car. we don't have sensors in the area. but we have been getting several calls from the kcbs phone force on this including karen who says traffic is backing up beyond a quarter mile so a lot of slow traffic heading towards santa rosa. the good news is that petaluma, novato and all the way into san rafael looks good. this is southbound near the 580 interchange. so extra volume this morning, we are starting to see traffic pick up a bit. but moving fine towards the
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golden gate bridge. in the east bay, all the approaches to the bay bridge, actually it looks good and note metering lights us, just checked. so fine across the span. looks good still up the incline so usually when it starts to flow up the incline that's when they turn on the metering lights. so far we haven't seen any indication of that and like you saw all your approaches still quiet, as well. the nimitz freeway, 880 through oakland, fine, as well. but again we are waiting for possible a.c. transit delays so we keep checking and calling, let you know but yesterday, more than 200 drivers were no shows, called out sick due to a labor dispute so they have been warning again there may be delays, yesterday there are delays up to an hour, some riders reporting that. may be a good day to hit the roads. westbound 92 across the san mateo bridge bridge, 14 minutes drive times in the lanes. remember our radio partners, kcbs 740-am and 106.9-fm. you can get all the latest traffic information once you
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hit the roads. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. you can also get constant weather updates on kcbs radio throughout the morning from yours truly as well as during the afternoon. here's a look at what you can expect out the door. partly cloudy conditions inland with a few areas of low clouds. low clouds and fog at the bay. we have delays on arrivals at sfo around an hour. and low clouds and fog and maybe even a little drizzle for the coastline. temperatures in the lower to the mid to the upper 50s. plenty of sunshine inland today, highs in the upper 80s. that's falling from the mid-90s yesterday. mix of sun and clouds around the bay with temperatures from 59 to 74 degrees. and linger low clouds and fog. let take a look at that fog. this is our trueview. it is based on model data and it does a really good job of showing us what we are expecting to happen with the clouds and the fog and when we're expecting sunshine. around 5 a.m. to 6 a.m., you can see the clouds, eventually around 9 and 10 pushing back to the
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immediate coastline. so some sunshine santa rosa and concord around mid-morning in san jose and some partial clearing around san francisco. still going to keep a few low clouds in the forecast and along the coastline again still expecting some clouds as well to around midday around 3:00 in the afternoon. temperatures will be impacted by those clouds especially at the coast. upper 50s expected from half moon bay to daly city, lower to mid-70s in palo alto, mountain view and sunnyvale. and temperatures near 80 in campbell as well as los gatos. and 85 degrees out in morgan hill. speaking of the mid-80s, more of that well out into the east bay with 87 in pittsburg and antioch, 85 danville, lower 80s in san ramon, 86 in pleasanton, 60s in berkeley, oakland, alameda and san leandro. lower 60s today in sausalito and san francisco. lower 70s in san rafael, kentfield. mid- to upper 70s in sonoma, napa, petaluma, and santa rosa. much hotter temperatures expected once you move into the
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valley with 102 in fresno, 95 in sacramento, 103 redding, 85 lake tahoe, that's nice and mild. 98 in yosemite. yeah, that's hot. 62 monterey. cool along the coast. 94 in ukiah and 60 in eureka with a mix of sun and clouds expected. seven-day forecast, more sunshine expected well during the workweek but we'll keep some coastal fog in the forecast for the next five to seven days. that's a look at your weather. back up to you. >> thank you. 6:20. let's take a look at today's top stories. a.c. transit apologizing for yesterday's sickout by 200 bus drivers. but they warn it could happen again today. those drivers protesting the terms of a contract imposed on them sunday. their union and a.c. transit management are under court order to enter binding arbitration. about 50 housing activists are occupying part of a building in san francisco's mission district. they are protesting reductions in the city's housing budget. the activists are vowing to stay in that space at 20th and mission streets until they are
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forced out. police are monitoring the situation. and no arrests, no major problems, at a walnut creek rally in support of former bart police officer johannes mehserle. the demonstrators exchanged heated words with counter protestors yesterday. but the situation never got out of hand. mehserle awaiting sentencing after his conviction for involuntary manslaughter in the shooting death of oscar grant. there is a new survey of bart users that finds more than three-quarters are opposed to a temporary reduction in fares. bart directors considering the rollback because they have a budget surplus of more than $4 million due to an unexpected allocation from the state. however, a majority of riders surveyed said they would prefer to see the extra money go toward extending service hours and cleaning the cars. directors will vote on how to use that surplus on thursday. the fare reduction doesn't work out to too much really per
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ride. so folks i think would gladly give that money up for a place to sit -- >> i think a lot think if there is a fare reduction, there will be another fare hike. so clean up the cars. 6:22. what do you think, should lindsay lohan serve time behind bars? >> people are vicious. apparently we are getting some interesting answers! [ laughter ] >> we'll hear what you think when we come back. >> plus, how about this? another octopus making predictions. the election this sea creature is weighing in on. billions of dollars, and ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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not that long ago, many families were priced out of an overheated housing market. but the times have changed. get the facts at today, the dream of owning a home seems more attainable than ever. nobody sells more real estate than re/max.
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thousands of jobs. that's what the bay area could get if well, here we go. pretty nice conditions in san mateo with mostly sunny skies. temperatures near 70. 71 mountain view with loads of sunshine. more sunshine in milpitas with an afternoon high of 74 degrees. 76 in san jose, and 85 in morgan hill. these temperatures are below average for this time of the year. could there with be warmer weather on the way? we'll take a look. i got your seven-day forecast coming up. remember when willie brown was here last week and he was talking about how oracle's larry ellison didn't get the warriors but immediately segued into the campaign to bring america's cup here? >> that's right. because larry ellison won the america's cup this year. >> here's more of the campaign
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for you. billions of dollars and thousands of jobs. that's what they say the america's cup race could bring if it is held here. everybody is lobbying larry ellison right now. >> yeah. >> ellison's bmw oracle racing team and the golden gate yacht club get to decide where the next race will be since they won the event in spain. a study prepared for the city of san francisco says the regatta could bring in up to $1.4 billion to the bay area. and it could create nearly 9,000 jobs. the next america's cup they are saying 2013 or 2014. at this rate, octopi will soon put psychics and fortune teller out of business. >> how about this one? >> in australia. >> he predicts political races not sporting events. he reportedly has a good record. he picked a woman over a man in the upcoming federal election. another up incident for the man
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he was heckled at a campaign stop with a man who had an octopus in his speedo. [ laughter ] >> it was mocking abbott who is apparently often photographed with swimming attire. we were talking about paul who predicted the world cup. >> paul did okay. >> yup. >> paul's now appearing at the local -- [ laughter ] >> sushi restaurant. >> no, he isn't. >> no. even though he got his last one -- he got it right, though, didn't he? actress lindsay lohan, she is set to turn herself in to begin serving a 90-day jail sentence after violating probation from a 2007 drug and drunk driving case. her sentence is one of the most searched stories on the web this morning. so we thought we would ask you do you think lindsay lohan should be required to serve time in jail? >> yes, lindsay lohan should serve her entire sentence, in my opinion she is just a has been and a spoiled brat.
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she did the crime. now she should do the time. >> and duane on neighbors, yes, why should celebrities get all the breaks? maybe if they punished them like us regular folks they wouldn't the divas they think they are and act accordingly instead of above the law. celebrities seem to get breaks. if you took a similar case here in the bay area, they probably may have already served their time and out. we'll see what happens in l.a. send your answers to we're also on facebook and twitter. 6:28. coming up, a south bay activist under arrest. the protest he is accused of staging at a concert in santa clara. and i just got a little inside scoop on the bus strike or sickout that has been going on with a.c. transit. if it stands true, it is not going to be good news for the morning commute. we are still waiting for official word. we'll let you know how this evolving situation could affect the commute coming up.
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and just getting reports of a garbage truck on fire in san francisco near 21st and potrero avenue. we'll let you know about possible closures coming up. ,,,,,,,,
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[ banker ] when ashley's violin teacher told her parents she was gifted, they were thrilled. she's a natural vibrato. oh. we started saving for this music camp in vermont. so i told them about some of the wells fargo online savings tools like my savings plan, which helps them set up and monitor a savings goal. until we found out that maybe her teacher uses certain terms a little bit loosely. rebecca is clearly very gifted. [ banker ] we decided to roll that money into ashley's college account. turns out there's seven gifted kids in ashley's class of nine. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when it's time to save. ♪
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time now is _ it's a tuesday, the 20th of july. good morning. i'm john kessler. >> i'm sydnie kohara. good morning, everyone.
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we have tracy and elizabeth standing by with traffic and weather. elizabeth? >> standing by. that's right. we'll go out to san francisco, 21st and potrero a garbage truck is on fire. they say the fire is out. reports of smoke were seen in the area. so they are just mopping up cleaning up now. the closures will be on 21st if there are any. better news toward santa rosa. southbound 101 at shiloh road all lanes are open now. this was a major injury crash involving a motorcycle. traffic was backing up close to a mile in the area. chp is on scene. everything is off to the shoulder. traffic is quickly recovering in the area. at the bay bridge toll plaza, still no metering lights and no delays, either. great news if you are commuting into san francisco. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. our forecast for this morning is going to be a little bit on the cooler side. here's a look outside at coit tower with plenty of clouds in the bay this morning and because of all those clouds,
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they are low clouds, we have delays at the airport one hour on arrival. arrival flights, if you are traveling this morning, you might want to call ahead and see if that may impact your departure. here's a look on the cooler side, yeah, that's what we're talking about today. four cities, we'll take four to give you an illustration of how much cooler than average it is. 87 degrees is our typical high in concord. 68 in san francisco. 82 in santa rosa and 48 degrees in san jose. today temperatures 85 in concord, 77 in santa rosa, 60 in san francisco. that is 8 degrees below average. 72346 san jose. 84 in san jose. 72 in san jose. the seven-day forecast, our warmer temperatures on the way? they are not that much warmer but just a little bit warmer wednesday through monday. temperatures going up ever so slightly around the bay just a bit for the coastline not really much to talk about.
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those temperatures in the same ballpark. back to you. a labor protest could cause more delays for bus riders in the east bay this morning. anne makovec is in oakland. yesterday about 200 drivers didn't show up or workers didn't show up. today anne, you're hearing what? >> reporter: well, the good news is that we have seen several buses pass us, the 88, the 62, several bus lines running at oakland. i'm at the lake merritt bart station. the bad news is i spoke with one of the drivers and she believes that there is going to be another sick-out today. yesterday, more than 200 bus drivers either called in sick or not showing up to work for a.c. transit which is the largest bus line here in the east bay. so far we haven't heard official word from a.c. transit about whether or not it's going to happen. but a spokesman we spoke with a
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few minutes ago said we should know more in 15 minutes bus right now is a critical time when the bus drivers are changing shifts so we should have some more information. there is an ongoing dispute between the union and the k the union denies there was even an official sickout yesterday, just some confusion they say over a new schedule that has recently been imposed on them because on friday, a judge ordered both sides to enter binding arbitration. but in the meantime, a.c. transit has imposed an interim contract including changes to overtime rules and schedule and route changes for drivers saving the agency nearly $16 million. a.c. transit says that new contract is what prompted the sickout yesterday. again we'll wait to hear official word coming up within actually between 10 and 15 minutes now on whether or not commuters can expect the same thing for today. we are hoping not, but again that bus driver says she thinks so. in fact, she said she would have called in sick if she had
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any more sick days left. >> thank you, anne makovec in oakland this morning. about 50 activists in san francisco are occupying the second floor of a building in the mission district. they have been there since last night to protest reductions in the city's housing budget. they call their group "direct action to stop the cuts." they vow to stay in the space at 20th and mission until they are forced out. the same group took over homeless shelter and duplex earlier this year. two dogs that attacked people in golden gate park earlier this month have been put down. no one came forward to claim those dogs after the attacks on july 1. san francisco animal control official decided those dogs were just too vicious for adoption. so the dogs were euthanized last week. the dogs were held for 10 days to make sure they didn't have rabies. they were a male pit bull believed to have attacked three people and a female mixed breed that was probably following the pit bull. there is no description of the two men who robbed and killed a visiter from virginia
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in oakland on sunday night. jinghong kang had just had his teeth cleaned by a friend in preparation for a job interview with google. the two were walking to kang's car when two men accosted them. kang had $17 with him. he gave it to the robbers but was shot anyway. kang was married and had three sons. the suspect in sunday's freeway shootout with the chp is talking to investigators while he recovers from gunshotwounds. the fbi is investigatings 45- year-old byron williams now as a possible domestic terrorist. they are checking a book he had with him for potential targets. williams has a rap sheet that includes two bank robberies, two duis. and earlier this month, he was arrested for driving with a suspended license. the "three strikes" law means williams could be locked up for life if convicted of the shootout that closed interstate 580 in oakland on sunday. he is still in the hospital recovering from gunshot wounds. 6:37. 11 people are facing child porn
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charges in san jose. that bust part of an investigation called operation peer block. police say all the suspects downloaded sexual images of children to their computers. investigators hope the arrests send a message to other people. >> if you choose to share child pornography and victimize our children in the bay area, we are coming after you. >> one of the suspects is a registered sex offender. investigators say none of those arrested has any connection to one another. a local vietnamese activist due in court tomorrow accused of attacking a singer during a concert in santa clara. this was sunday night during a performance by vietnamese pop star dan vin hung. police say that activist ly tong was disguised as an old woman carrying a flower when he pepper sprayed hong in the face.
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the singer wasn't seriously hurt. the 61-year-old tong is a long- time anticommunist activist he made headlines in 2008 by staging a hunger strike at san jose city hall during the little saigon controversy. it was a heated but trouble- free showdown in walnut creek at a rally in support of former bart police officer johannes mehserle. [ yelling ] >> about 300 police officers showing up to control the crowd of 300. some were there in support of mehserle, some felt he should have been convicted of a crime more serious than involuntary manslaughter. oscar grant of hayward was shot to death last year as mehserle tried to detain him in oakland. mehserle said he meant to use the taser but pulled the gun by mistake. >> i think it's unbelievable that people would take to the streets to support somebody who took a human life whether you thought it was an accident, by next, or you thought it was on purpose. >> if 12 people found him involuntary manslaughter, just let him go do his time and leave it alone.
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so in my heart, i believe he needs a little support. >> a restaurant, gas station and stretch of ygnacio valley road were closed for a few hours. the event ended with no problems and no arrests. there's been a series of fires in berkeley over the past few days, most of them in trash cans. authorities are trying to figure out what's going on there. since friday, there have been seven fires south of the uc- berkeley campus. the latest happened early this morning on telegraph avenue. it was quickly put out. arson investigators believe the fires are related but so far, no suspects. those fires have caused damage to three cars and a porta- potty. no one has been hurt. the oakland city council could vote as soon as tonight on whether to grant licenses to four large marijuana production
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plants -- as in factories. some existing medical pot businesses are concerned that the industrial-sized competitors will force them to shut down. supporters of the plan say it would reduce costs for consumers. the large companies would grow and package medical pot and produce pot-related items like body oil and cookies. remember when the pot wars were over whether -- [ laughter ] >> -- it should be legal or not? interesting. apple computer announcing its earnings. how are they doing? >> the latest financial news when we come back. plus a new list of who needs the vaccine against whooping cough. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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reports th some big silic no official word on delays from a.c. transit but our reporter talked to a driver who said that she expects a lot of people will call out sick again today. up to hour long delays yesterday for some riders in the east bay. no fun at all. there's been some labor disputes, so this is going on. you may see delays going on for a second straight day of a.c. transit. the roads look good. look at the nimitz freeway near
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the coliseum, fine into oakland. metering lights have been turned on around 6:30 instead of 6:15 like we have been seeing so this is light summertime traffic and so far, just very minimal delays only in a couple of the cash lanes not too bad. this is actually our slow spot. no surprise. highway 4, westbound traffic sluggish from a street to loveridge. 25 minutes is your drive time now from lonetree way to highway 242. if you are commuting into the city along the peninsula, 101 and 280 look great. this is near candlestick park and that's northbound traffic heading up towards downtown. remember our radio partners, kcbs 740-am and 106.9-fm. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. >> we also have constant weather updates. you can leave the house and still know what's going on weather-wise. here's a look outside. that shows you what's going on. plenty of clouds in the bay
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meaning business. yesterday this morning, at the bay low clouds and fog, delays on arrivals at sfo of an hour and possible drizzle at the coast all thanks to the fog. sunshine well inland today with temperatures ranging from 74 to 88 degrees. abraham lincoln low clouds and fog not expecting a lot of sunshine. temperatures in the 50s today. here's a look at our fog product. kind of lets us know what's going to be hang with the clouds. at 11 a.m., a lot of clearing in the east bay, north bay, south bay but then just a few clouds kind of hanging in there close to the san francisco area and also along the coast. so not a complete clearing for the coastline today and that's going to keep temperatures along the coast in the 50s. upper 50s in daly city, pacifica and half moon bay. lower to mid-70s in mountain view, sunnyvale, 76 in san jose. and as we move out to east bay
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location the upper 80s, pittsburg, antioch, brentwood. lower to mid-80s in pleasant hill, walnut creek and concord and the lower to the mid-60s in richmond, berkeley and oakland. that's a little chilly. those temperatures are below average for this time of the year. mid- to upper 70s in santa rosa and petaluma. 73 in novato. 73 in kentfield. and the lower 60s in sausalito as well as in san francisco. seven-day forecast, plenty of sunshine once you get those clouds out of here. that's going to be the drill wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday sunday and monday. still expecting a good deal of fog and also clouds along the coast but otherwise, mix of sun and clouds around the bay and plenty of sunshine well inland with temperatures topping off just near 90. that's a look at your weather. back up to you. >> thank you. wall street watching earnings reports coming in this week. >> yup. some big silicon valley companies will be reporting later today. jason brooks with kcbs and joins us. so what have we got, apple, yahoo later on the today?
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>> some have already reported, though, haven't they? >> right. good morning, sydnie. good morning, john. apple and yahoo we'll hear from later today. we heard from ibm yesterday after the close and goldman sachs this morning. both disappointing. that's dragging down both the financial and tech sectors. goldman sachs reporting a profit 83% lower than a year ago due to lower trading revenue and also that more than half billion dollars settlement with the sec over fraud, and also with ibm reporting afghanistan yesterday's after yesterday. revenue from cautious business customers and the impact of the european debt crisis because the euro fell it made the dollar more expensive for products to buy for europeans and ibm got nailed there. that's dragging down the market quite a bit. right now, dow down 124. apple should probable report nice numbers after the close today.
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looking for profit increase of around 54%. revenue up 77%. basically, all their product lines should have gotten a nice boost, with ipads sales for the full quarter for the first time. iphone sales will be interesting. we saw the 4 go on sale at the end of the quarter but there are some supply constraints there impacting the margins negative. but what's more interesting for investors is what the apple said about the antenna issue and whether it will impact sales. they are trying to drive the company into a content driven company rather than focusing on search for yahoo, something we won't see fully when microsoft's partnership with yahoo comes to pulling fruition with bing pouring the search. home construction down 5% for the month of may but not a surprise as the federal home
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tax credit expired. building was up from the month of may but construction is going to be very low for the remainder of the year. >> thank you, jason brooks with kcbs and the state is expanding its list of who should get the whooping cough vaccine. the number of cases of pertussis has prompted the state to declare an epidemic. as a result, california's department of public health says seniors and women of childbearing age should get the shot. immunity wayne's overtime so people may need a booster. infants the most vulnerable. they don't start getting vaccinated until they are six weeks old and don't have good protection until they have had at least three doses when they are six months old. contra costa county is offering free vaccinations on thursday afternoon at the todos santos plaza at the music and market
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on willow pass road. 6:50. lindsay lohan scheduled to turn herself in today to begin serving a 90-day sentence. the judge handed that down after finding lohan had violated terms of probation from a 2007 case. lohan's sentence is the number 2 searchite them morning on yahoo news so we thought we would ask, do you think lindsay lohan should be required to serve time? be . how many chances does she deserve? sho ait until so stupid act. lock her up, i
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>> you were talking about she has been tweeting, or someone with her name has been tweeting. >> the only booking she expected was from disney or something like that. time for a look at what's coming up later on this morning on "the early show." >> harry smith joins us now from new york. harry, good morning. weren't you just in grand isle yesterday? >> yeah. i was there. you know what? i can tell you just very anecdotally just scientific but from the last time we were there on the water six or seven weeks ago you could see the oil on top of the water say in the bay. we were on the water all day sunday, saw no oil. >> you had a great story, too, people are fishing, they are smiling, they're happy. they are getting back to normal in a way? >> well... incremental steps, unfortunately. we were down there. who knows. we'll keep our fingers crossed as that cap continues to seem
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to work. that's good news. >> they say lindsay lohan may -- what were you talking about her going to jail, she may have already signed a deal for the first interview after jail for as much as a million dollars? i don't know if it's true or not. >> probably true. >> apparently her lawyer quit. >> one of michael jackson's attorneys is going to join us at 7:00 to talk about what she can expect once she goes into the big house -- i guess it's not really a big house. >> we are trying to decide how many helicopters will be up in the air in los angeles to cover this. >> exactly. [ laughter ] >> you can't count that high! [ laughter ] and there's not enough airspace to hold them all. >> that's it. >> also coming up, the big leonardo dicaprio movie about the dreams, everybody talking about dreams and what do they mean. we are going to look at how to comprehend the complex often confusing world of dreams. i have enough trouble with my real life. and too young for botox? there is this b trend now.
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>> oh, no. >> you think of people in their 30s, 50s -- almost a third of botox is like 30 and under, like teens. >> oh. >> so how old is -- what's too young for botox? >> are they trying to get rid of wringles ? >> i can't imagine. >> now what was interesting? the theory is that you have used the botox and you don't get a wrinkle to start. then you don't have to get rid of it or something? >> preventative maintenance and something like that. >> exactly right. >> okay. >> i wish i had started that about 40 years ago. >> sounds to me like one of those service contracts they try to sell you. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> you know? >> maintenance. >> there you go. >> thank you, harry. >> it's a good idea. >> you get the free pizza after 10 punches on the card. >> there you go. hey, thanks. we'll see you in a couple of minutes. "the early show" starts at 7:00. >> thanks, harry. it is 6:54. a quick break and we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,
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we have an it is 6:57. >> a contract protesting
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against a.c. transit continuing this morning. anne makovec has the latest update for us. what are you hearing? >> reporter: i just got off the phone with a spokesman from a.c. transit. he said it's not looking good. a group of bus drivers has just called in sick this morning and he is not sure exactly how many of the bus drivers, but he said it's certainly more than the normal amount of sick calls that a.c. transit would get on a typical tuesday morning. this is after yesterday almost 20% of a.c. transit bus drivers called in sick. and this is believed to be a sickout. a protest over a new contract that a.c. transit has imposed on the union. so this labor dispute has been going on for months and now this is certainly going to be affecting riders. so the advice from that spokesman, he said that if your bus doesn't come for like 25 to 45 minutes, if it's about 25 to 45 minutes late, just forget it and find an alternate mode of transportation. sydnie and john, back to you. >> anne, thank you very much. speaking of alternate modes... >> yeah. >> let's go to elizabeth.
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maybe more cars on the road? >> 880 in oakland looks good, bart would be a good alternate, as well. let's start with the south bay. coming out of downtown san jose, still looking good quiet there all the way up towards cupertino and westbound 580 i want to show you this camera near the dublin interchange and it just died on us, well it is a little sluggish out of the altamont pass. 20 minutes is your drive time now from the altamont pass to the dublin interchange. at the bay bridge, no delays. and metering lights are on. not sure if it's summertime traffic or new congestion pricing but traffic hasn't been bad approaching the pay gates. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. well, we'll start off with clouds along the coast and keep those clouds along the coast. today's highs near 60 degrees. mid-60s around the bay, 80s inland, similar conditions through sunday, slightly below average for this time of the year. mypix photo. >> enjoying the sunshine. >> thank you. got a story idea or comment you would like to share with us? email


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