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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 11  CBS  July 19, 2010 10:00pm-10:35pm PST

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] [ groans ] and started posting pictures. ♪ and tagging me. publicly. [ male announcer ] you ought to be rewarded for being dependable. the citi forward card gives you extra points for paying your bill on time and staying within your credit limit. [ woman ] nice tights. what's your story? the citi forward card can help you write it. police faced this weekend. how police - and the community --
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with fewer officer . the shootout was just part of what oakland police fielded this weekend. how police and the community respond with fewer first on the streets. >> a negotiating tactic that left customer waiting and waiting, why ac transit was short about 100 drivers today. >> each side with a message for the other. but it doesn't seem like anyone was listening. due egg demonstrations over johannes mehserle. >> and just because you can doesn't mean you should. the philosophical question coming from a product being marketed on facebook. >> this is cbs5 eyewitness news. g 80 officers to . good evening, i'm ken bastida -- >> i'm dana king -- >> oakland police are put to the test just days after losing 80 officers to layoffs. [ sound of gunfire ] >> it was a wild 48 hours starting around midnight sunday with a shooting on 580.
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11:15 sunday night, police say that they were almost hit by gunfire at 8th street near add a line. 15 minutes later a man in town for a job interview at google was shot and killed in downtown oakland. this morning at ban cross and 79th streets, gunmen opened fire in front of an officer critically wounding one person. sharon chin on how police handled it and what might have been done with a fuller staff. >> reporter: home or war zone, the sign on the police officers association headquarters, and what some oakland residents are wondering following a weekend crime waive. >> because the police aren't here they can -- or less police are here they can get away with it. >> it's probably not gonna get any better, it's just gonna get worse. >> a bitter taste '06 how a thinned-out police force now operates with less following last week's layoff of 80 officers. in the case of the virginia man killed during sunday night's
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robbery officers would have used special investigative teams to work parolees and deep cups for tips. they don't any more. >> we don't have those resources, so it's very hard when you lose 80 bodies here, to respond to some of the major incidents. >> the police chief said the department restructuring would put more officers on the street to respond to major crimes but, even with the himselfing, the patrol force is down 35 officers a day. >> day. >> lesser officers could mean officer safety and we have had shootings and officers involved, including their life, all weekend long. >> reporter: they are moving to union city where she says she feels safer. >> i'm glad i'm leaving oakland in a couple of weeks because i don't want to be around here any more with as bad as it's getting. >> you know, we've got a couple of robberies. >> reporter: some who remain find hope in the guardian angels patrols that started over the weekend. >> i hope they can make a
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difference because, i mean, if we're going to have the little kids right -- coming to play here you need somebody to help us out, watch out for the kids, and stuff like that. >> reporter: the police union and city are considering a tax measure for the november ballot to bring some officers back. in oakland, sharon chin, cbs5. the parolee suspected in the 580 shootout is still in the hospital but is now talking to police. the f.b.i. has joined this investigation to see if 45-year-old byron williams is a domestic terrorist and whether he had poe potential targets in the diary in his car. he has a long rap sheet including two d.u.i.s and one of the county people say he lives with his grandfather. people in the area say they rarely saw williams. >> they don't interact with the neighbors and stuff because all the neighbors up here, we go visit, and we keep watching of all our houses. >> williams' mother said he has
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been an agree at congress and with the direction of the country and also about the fact that, as the pole leaves, he struggled to find a job. he is expected to survive his injuries. ac transit warnings drivers about a 20% drop out. that left riders trannedd. a judge has ordered both sides to enter finding arbitration but in the meantime ac transit has proposed an interim contract. it includes changes to overtime rules, and schedule and route changes for drivers, saving the agency nearly $16 million. ac transit says that's what prompted 209 small bus operators to call in sick today. the next time you call 911 in vallejo it may tie firefighters longer to respond. because of budget cuts the city
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lost one fire company. it will be staffed with a ladder truck only but it won't carry any water. they also closed two fire stations. on mini drive. both of those stations are close to school. >> so what happens with the area over here with all these children? i guess we're gonna get all burned out. >> going to be difficult, difficult for us, and a different way of doing things and we're going to have to make it happen. >> the city has only 4 running engines to cover 30 square miles. we saw the first rally in support to have the b.a.r.t. officer who killed grant. but officers met with some resistance. vietnamese activist [ yelling ] . >> reporter: it was noisy as people with opposite opinions squared off in shouting matches along iguodala nature a valley neighborhood. >> give him four years and let
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him loose. >> reporter: though there were some free messer he signs, they agreed that he should be held accountable for shooting oscar grant. >> he is a cop that made a mistake. >> but if 12 people let him go do manslaughter they'll let limb go do his time and let it alone. so, in my heart, i believe he needs a little support. >> but as soon as word spread about the valley, those who felt it was too light, mobilized. does johannes mehserle deserve any kind of compassion? >> i don't think it normal that they would support somebody who took out a normal life. whether you thought it was on purpose. >> he calls the pro-life supporters racist but kevin who
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comes from a long family says that's. >> they are pimps, pan deerers, they have got their self- interest at hand. walnut creek police had just about everybody on the job today. more than 150 people trot brought into the keep the peace. but they stated their intention was go to take any action unless neighbor. neighboring businesses shut down by 1:00 p.m. but there seemed to be little threat to anyone's prompt. those who supporters mehserle says the court has spoken, so it's time to move on. >> i realize, but you speak them and move on and try be more productive. there seems to be a reverse rarely system. >> those unjust say the only
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way they are hurt is by raising their voices. >> if you don't have any kind of statement and people don't worry about how you do this stuff, people are going to know and get on it. >> after rally several people started making the home post. a lot of people said they are worried about poor organization. at least one woman said they were going to find another alley. >> the police arrested a vietnamese activist touring the concert last night. uring a [ ♪ [ music ] ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> officers say lee tonnage dressed up as an el derrick gunn woman to get close to the stage, dam vin hung during the concert. he is known in the south bay viet nah meese community as the foreigner communist der vietnam federal government. some say hung represents that
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theme. he was not seriously hurt and took the stage 15 minutes later. the capped oil well in the gulf of mexico is now leaking oil and gas. engineers have been keeping signs out for any kind of trouble since they called the broken well on thursday, or capped that broken well, on sunday, rather. >> the government says so far there is no cause nor concern. >> those small seep ages we're presenting right now does not indicate any definition to the bore and for the water people to come in. before the well becomes too unstable they are considering pumping more oil to the surface but that would mean more oil gushing back into the gulf and within and nobody else wants that. president obama demanded they let an extension for
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public health benefits pass congress. they would restore them for 2 1/2 million people without borrowing for it. tomorrow democrats should have enough votes to break the filibuster on their own when the senate swears in a replacement for the late robert byrd. >> coming up, a skincare company, getting into a cultural debate. is light erskine better? one company seems to think so. we've got a look at the controversial facebook ads coming up. one day you'll be able to skip the shot and get the myth. the. >> the way it is delivered- redelivered. >> any thought what your manicure does to the man curist. >> there's 60 miles of parks so what does san jose and san fran cisco have in common weather
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wise. >> the answer with your point forecast, as eyewitness news continues. ,, ,,,,,,
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built with quality and backed with the best coverage in america including a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. that's 40,000 more miles than ford. chevy silverado half-ton. a consumers digest best buy and the most dependable, longest lasting full-size pickups on the road. now get 0% apr for 72 months on 2010 silverado half-ton models
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with an aids drug cut a woman's . a new gel has been developed that can block the transmission of hive in women. researchers found a gel spiked with an aids drug cut a woman's risk from getting hive from an infected partner in half. the gel would have to be at least 80% effective to be licensed here in the u.s. researchers say it can be improved. they said gill idea sciences donated the drugs for that gel. the gel is allowing it to be produced royalty-free for distribution in poorer countries. lots of people wished that they could change something about their appearance but is this going too far? >> a facebook app allows you to lighten your skin tone slightly in photos. as kiet do shows us, some people say that is racist. . >> reporter: on the internet good taste and effective marketing are only skin deep. you're looking at a new facebook app that allows you to
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upload the picture and suddenly lighten your skin with a few touches. >> reporter: it is vaseline's latest ad using a bollywood spoke model he promotes the skin creams aimed at male customers in india. >> any time you miss with skin, you're gonna of a problem. >> lightening tones are to the west what mosquito baumgartner is to the west. >> as long as we'll reach in our wallet and put out the money there's going to be someone there willing to fill that need with a product. we have the technology to do it why not. >> san jose state professor says when it uses reality to warp reality, just because you can doesn't mean you will. >> racism is still a pretty
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touch subject. what is your motivation. >> skin light engineer products are relatively relevant in india. was created for the indian market as an engaging way for men to interact with this product. the vaseline page has about a thousand fans, i think people have the right to do whatever they want with the skin. love yourself first and i can't believe it's 2010. in fremont, home to one of the bay area's largest populations reaction was missed. >> is this app racist? >> for me, no, but for some people maybe yes. >> you're demeaning yourself by changing your color and stuff, you're not feeling good about yourself. you are not supposed to be what you are. >> in fremont, kiet do, cbs5? the state is expanding the list of who should get the whooping
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cough vaccine. they have declared a state of epidemic and they are asking for chilled and women over the age should have the shot. infants are the most vulnerable. they don't get their vaccines until 6 years old and don't have good protection unless they have 6 doses before three years old. getting a grew shot may be easier than checking your mail one day. researchers are looking at a patch with microscopic needles to be mailed to you. you can supply the patch, the whole thing takes about 15 minutes, people who have tried to say it's pretty pain lets, researchers say it might cause a little swelling now. the immune response seems to be stronger than what we observed with the present accent. >> the micropatchy needles have been effective in imyou nicing
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mice. the next step is a clinical trial to see how they work on people and if all goes well it could be available in five years. well there is a push to change the way that people get man cures and pedestrian cures at nail salons. three san francisco supervisors have introduced an ordinance that would encourage salons to use non-toxic car polish. the chemicals in many polishes are hurtful to many von workers' health . rowter r better take standing by. roberta. we had socked in conditions along the coast, in the inland areas we had an abundance of sunshine, then by sundown at 8. 28 lots of sunshine inland, while we had that we topped off at the the upper 80s, even 92 was the upside number. along the coast in the 50s.
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what you can bank on is another start to a great day. it's going to be a deeper marine layer, temperatures in the 50s across the board. meanwhile, today's temperatures averaging 8 degrees below normal in san jose, and san francisco, this is experiencing the same weather pattern which means we'll be sledded in the low clouds and fog, it will be more extensive and leading inland by a good 500 miles to 60 miles. it's going to take a while to dial back toward the bay waters. then mid-afternoon, a little partial clearing along the area at sea shore, but with that robusty kicking in, going for 77 degrees in san jose, again the average high is 84 degrees, very similar conditions tomorrow, as what we experienced today. the warmest conditions will be east of the day, in the 60s, through the 70s, an outside
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number of that matter. number 76 in pet a loom a, no sunshine, clear and clearing out late day maybe in section is a beach but not that much at all. >> we do have the deepening marina there. temperatures fall to 90 degrees. we welcome your pictures, you have been coming here to great one jillly. we'll be right back after this. [ female announcer ] at safewyou get it all. great quality and great prices. so you just need a safeway list. [ male announcer ] with thousands of everyday low prices you'll save all over the store. [ female announcer ] with club card specials like breyers ice cream just $1.99 and safeway hot dog or hamburger buns only 89 cents. [ male announcer ] quality and low prices. so there's one stop for everything. [ female announcer ] at safeway, that's our promise.
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"meg whitman says she'll run california like her company..." seen this attack on meg whitman? who are these people? they're the unio special interests behind jerry brown.
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they wy brown because, he won't "rock the boat," in sacramento. he'll be the same as he ever was. high taxes. lost jobs. big pensions for state employees. the special interests have chosen their governor. how about you?
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might think there aren't any . amid all the talk of budget cuts, service reductions and closures you might think there aren't any stories about parks opening up. but terror in tonight's good question. what is the bay area's newest park? . >> reporter: imagine having all this, more than 500 acres toe hike through, walk your dog, hike through, or take in the million dollars view. >> on a clear day you can see san francisco, san francisco bay, you can actually see parts of oakland to the west, and to the east on a real good day you can see the sierra nevadas. >> this is the newest park in the bay area, the 520-acre dublin hills, the latest piece
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of land in the east bay, in order to link 20 miles of the trails from danville to fremont. >> that trail will run through dublin hill, it will go underneath 580, connect up to pleasanton ridge, goes south across highway 84 bye is nice canyon. hit vargas plateau which is another 11 give or take park that we have. then hit mission creek in it. >> he says this land was part of the old schaefer ranch property which has been closed to the public for over 100 years. >> we have old time ranchers grazing around us and their families have grazed before them, so many generation. >> but, now, it belongs to you and to the wild live. >> you could see dear, coyotes, on the higher peaks up there you might see a golden eagle or two. >> i need your good questions. cbs5. in oakland, the red sox came calling on dennis
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o'donnell. was it enough to answer in the seventh? >> back is ethier at the warning track, at the wall, good-bye. ,,,,,,,,,,
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,,,,,,,,,, [trumpet playing "reveille" throughout] reinvente way we do business. reviving the economy means here's to the owners showing us the way. [trumpet playing "reveille" fades to silence] .
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caitlin: i was diagd with scoliosis. when you're 16, nobody wants to go through back surgery. my doctor has letters and pictures of other kids who've gone through the same thing on his walls and that really helped me not be as scared. i'm not worried about my back anymore. i wanna do that again! announcer: at sutter health, our story is you. for more stories, visit ryan sweeney - the a's leading . the a's have used the disabled list 18 times this year and the latest casualty is a big one.
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outfielder ryan sweeney the a's leading hitter will undergo season-ending near surgery, watching the a's and the red sox from the bench, game tied in the fourth when adrian beltre tees off. the chief's pitch is low enough to get the win but had no run support. he is into the seven-day. strikes out six, two hits, with curt suzuki but barnes gets the a's catcher to ground out, the a's drop back to 1 game under if you .500. now how the west was won, there is a book the finds haven't read, they are 9-20 against national league opponents. >> i'm kind of a big deal. well ferrell hanging on every pitch. 4-0 san francisco. madison baumgartner pitches it into six. he allows only 1 home run and
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wins his third straight start. brian wilson loaded the baseness the ninth but struck out casey blake and the giants have won 10 of 12. cbs5 has acquired the exclusive rights to pro am basketball at caesar pavilion and a blanket of owners and security says let those bows behind delicious could you go. they pride themselves to beat oakland 75-76. i thought i heard you say you would never break the flame. a bourdeau con from due did not, he took the lead away from check, was upset, that starts the top 5. >> my stomach gets full of anger and i'll be, i want to take mighty venge, you know. >> thank you thank you thank you the thank you. >> they should allow them to
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fight. tampa wins the game. here is one we have seen too often, dustin anybody fehr, would you get up on his own power, after being hit by them. another baseball player escaped serious injured. he holds on to make a line drive out. bradley with his road, dana with the call. >> oh come on, he is so out. >> he is out, what a beautiful call, on the former giant no more than 60, but a brilliant way, we're in mid-season so i don't know who -- >> i draw a pretty good record, omar vizquel continues going this weekend? >> we'll think about them for next weekend jazzfest. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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25-thousand people in the annua . 25,000 people participated in the annual aids walk san francisco and golden gate park yesterday raising $3 million, aids walk san francisco has raised more than $76 million since 1977. it is now the largest aids fundraising event in california. >> i love it. >> our radio station went


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