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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5AM  CBS  July 19, 2010 4:00am-5:00am PST

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on 580. somebody snapped. >> they stopped a fella in a truck, turns out he was -- he had body armor on, he had a bunch of weapons in the truck. >> apparently not too pleased with [ indiscernible ] politics. >> we talked to his mom, though. we'll tell you what she had to say and update his condition. golden gate carpoolers you now center to have fastrak. they will -- you now have to have fastrak. they will confiscate your car -- >> that's not true. but do you have to drive through a manned toll booth. >> remember when people put dummies -- i don't know how many people were arrested with blowup dolls. just commuting! [ laughter ] >> that's it, monday morning. >> let's go out to the golden gate bridge. we can show you a live look. you will need to get fastrak to get through the carpool lanes
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and get your $3 discount. they are not going to confiscate your car but you will have to pay the full $6 cash toll or $5 with fastrak beginning today. as you can see, traffic is flowing nicely as you approach the toll plaza. still have this one way traffic control in effect in half moon bay. they are doing roadwork on 92 on main street. one way traffic work in effect. they are paving every night this week so you will find that roadwork until august 6. at the bay bridge looks great into san francisco. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. monday morning forecast. well, we had a pretty nice weekend. temperatures were sizzling inland. here's a look at your morning commute. patchy fog out there, napa reporting three-quarters of a mile visibility in our valleys for the morning well inland. sunrise, 6:02. also expecting a mix of sun and clouds around the bay with a few areas of fog and fog along the coastline this morning with
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generally overcast conditions. what about the afternoon? still hot inland. mid-90s. 50s at the coast. if you are tired of all this hot weather, hang on. we have a cooldown coming around midweek and temperatures will be slightly closer to more seasonal highs. but i enjoyed the weekend. today will be nice, as well. >> i did, too. all right. thank you, tracy. back to you guys. >> thank you. 5:02. this morning, oakland police are trying to find out who fired shots from a high- rise. it happened about 11:30 last night on 8th street while officers were conducting a traffic stop. the officers were arresting passengers in a car when they heard the sound of gunfire nearby. they believe those shots were from a rifle that came from an apartment building on 7th street. >> after we locked down the apartment building, we then sent in officers and conducted a methodical search of the building. >> that search turned up no weapons and no suspects. the monitors from the building
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surveillance room were broken and the computers were stolen. no officers though were hit in the shooting. and around the same time, a 45-year-old man was shot to death in downtown oakland in front of a dental clinic. this happened about 11:30 at 19th and webster. police aren't sure what happened. they believe it may be a robbery or a carjacking gone wrong. no arrests have been made. the motive is still a mystery. a man opened fire on westbound 580, some lanes shut down for 20 hours. the gunman had some suspicious stuff in his truck that they say had to be blown up. turned out to be a three-ring binder with the word california written on it. anne makovec is in oakland now with more on who this man is and what he was armed with and what his mother says about a
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motive. good morning, anne. reporter: the main concern for a lot of viewers is 580. the good news is that it is open right now all lanes. the westbound lanes were closed yesterday for about 21 hours as officers continued to investigate this. it started as a simple traffic stop and then ended with the bomb squad. and the investigation now turns to what the man who started this may have been planning. one of the alarming items in his truck, the binder with the word "california" on the truck and a suspicious package that the bomb squad blew up. the chp says it started when a 45-year-old from groveland was seen weaving in and out of traffic 580 westbound near grand avenue in oakland at midnight on saturday. after officers finally pulled him over, a shootout ensued. here's a witness description. >> it was just boom, boom,
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boom, boom, boom in quick succession, just a ton of gunfire, lasted probably 25 minutes. i was estimating probably 200 to 300 shots. at first i didn't think it was gunshots. i thought they were firecrackers there were so many of them. >> reporter: byron williams is in the hospital this morning. he was wearing a bulletproof vest but he was shot several times. his mother reportedly told somebody from the "san francisco chronicle" that's a convicted felon, he was angry at what he called left wing politics. also angry at corporations. and he is now under arrest on suspicion of attempted murder. two officers were also injured during that shootout not by bullets but from flying glass t really is lucky that nobody else was injured with all of those shots being fired as you just heard that witness describe. and then though scary items found in his truck. the fbi is now investigating what that man may have been up to. sydnie. >> anne, thank you very much. it's 5:05. there is a rally that is
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planned in walnut creek today in support of johannes mehserle. he is the former bart police officer convicted of involuntary manslaughter for the death of oscar grant. walnut creek police are preparing to keep the peace at the rally. it runs from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. this afternoon outside the superior court building. at this point there are no plans to close ignacio valley road or other streets in the area. mehserle will be sentenced in november. he said he accidentally pulled his gun instead of a taser while trying to detain grant in oakland. if you are planning to carpool across the golden gate bridge this morning, listen up, you need fastrak. starting with this morning's commute, cash will no longer be accepted for carpools crossing the golden gate. the only way to pay the $3 toll is with a fastrak transponder. also, carpools will need to pass through staffed toll booth so the worker can verify that there are three or more people
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in the car. vallejo firefighters about to close two stations at 8:00 this morning, station 25 and 26 closing for good. they are on minnie drive and fulton avenue. staffing levels will also be reduced at the remaining stations so instead of 18 firefighters on duty, there will be 15 during each shift. vallejo filed for bankruptcy back in 2008. it was sparked by a fatal shooting outside a nightclub near san francisco's fisherman's wharf. >> coming up next, what's being considered today to punish nightclubs that still allow violent behavior in and around the property. and they are trying to figure out what it all means. seepage. we'll tell you what bp thinks this morning. to shut down nightclubs where
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good morning. new bart problems. traffic report coming up in six minutes. it's 5:10. san francisco supervisors might decide today to make it easier to shut down nightclubs where violence is a problem. the issue came up in february when a man was shot to death outside the suede club near fisherman's wharf. the city's entertainment commission didn't have the authority to shut the place down. this morning, a committee will consider a plan to give the entertainment commission more power to revoke clubs' operating permits. tests on the cap on the gulf oil leak have been extended. the tests were scheduled to end yesterday but there might be seepage near the ruptured well so the government has ordered bp to check it out and check it
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out quickly. bp's's chief operating officer hoped that the cap could stay in place until a relief well can be drilled. >> we're hopeful that if the encouraging scenes will be continued, we'll be able to continue the integrity test all the way to the point that we get the well killed. no one wants to see oil flowing back into the sea and to reinitiate containment would require that to occur. >> federal officials will decide just how to proceed. they might decide to pump more oil to surface ships to relieve pressure. but that would mean more oil flowing into the gulf for a few days. well, bp gave us an update this morning on the cost of dealing with the spill. the oil company says it has spent nearly $4 billion so far. it has paid $207 million to settle individual damage claims. about 116,000 claims have been submitted and payments have been made on 67,000 of them.
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5:11. some big news from the world of popular music. justin is now number one. ♪ [ music ] >> okay. i know you've probably -- >> not real familiar. >> 16-year-old justin bieber now who is the most viewed video in history. -- now has the most viewed video in him. his video baby has now surpassed lady gaga's bad romance for that title. this leads to our titillating question of the day. what are our children watching?? that's not the question. the question is: which musical artist do you prefer, justin bieber or lady gaga? what's her real name? >> i have no idea. >> i'll look it up. >> send your response to we are also on facebook and twitter. we start with this question because we don't want to hit
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you, too hard on monday. >> no. it's monday, just getting up. i do listen to lady gaga when she comes on and it's, you know, snappy music and -- gets you going. >> can you dance to it? can't dance anyway. 5:13. finding room to run for some pets that are in need of homes. >> coming up, why one bay area shelter is suddenly overcrowded and is looking for your help. and you may have noticed temperatures are starting to cool down a bit. we have started off at least friday with triple digital highs. today almost 10 degrees cooler. we'll take a look at your afternoon high temperatures in just a few moments. ,, [ male announcer ] whoa, the new ultimate turkey & bacon avocado. get ready for the ride of your life. wipeout in waves of tender turkey and crispy bacon.
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that's 40,000 more miles than ford. chevy silverado half-ton. a consumers digest best buy and the most dependable, longest lasting full-size pickups on the road. now get 0% apr for 72 months on 2010 silverado half-ton models would be the most important thing. the human cost of 2 million californians out of work is devastating,
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and i think, often, politicians forget about that because they don't see it every day. i see it every day. i think raising taxes on californians today is absolutely the wrong thing to do. we have to streamline regulations, we have to cut taxes for businesses, and then we have to stand up and compete. california needs to lead the nation again, and i think we can do it. good morning, delays on bart in the east bay. there was an earlier equipment problem and we got 15-minute delays right now between berkeley and richmond and 10- minute delays from san leandro into dublin and san leandro into fremont. none of these problems impacts the commute into san francisco if you are using bart to head into the city. but watch out for that, slight delays. hopefully things will recover shortly. this is live look at the carquinez bridge. traffic is great on the eastshore freeway from the
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carquinez bridge through hercules, pinole, richmond, no problems, all green this morning. most of our overnight roadwork has been picked up. here's a look at 880 through oakland. this is near the coliseum. and those taillights, that's the northbound traffic commuting up towards the macarthur maze. so far no delays and no accidents but we do still have this one way traffic control in effect if you are commuting through half moon bay. a stretch of 92 between main street and pillar seekos creek, one way traffic in effect. roadwork and paving work will be continuing through august 8 every night. so somebody to be aware of commuting along the coast. 880/237 in milpitas this interchange looks great towards silicon valley. remember our traffic partners, kcbs radio, for all your latest traffic information, 740-am and 109.6 fm. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. monday morning got to head back to works you know, you had a pretty nice weekend. don't want to get up.
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welcome to my world. [ laughter ] forecast this morning, morning commute, we have reports of patchy fog especially well inland. napa reporting fog at the top of the 4:00 hour. we have to see top of the 5:00 hour and normally comes up actually about right now. sunrise at 6:02 this morning. partly cloudy with patchy fog around the bay and overcast with areas of fog for the coast. hot inland up to the mid-90s. up to the lower 80s at the bay. patchy fog with partial fog and clearing. speaking of temperatures, 60s in half moon bay, 76 sunnyvale, 81 san jose so we are cooling down, 81 campbell, 87 morgan hill. moving along the bay with the 70s from hayward to fremont to milpitas. berkeley 69. 70 oakland. 70 alameda. moving closer to the east bay hills and temperatures warm up,
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lower 90s in walnut creek and danville, mid-90s in antioch and brentwood and livermore. i wanted to revisit quickly friday we had triple-digit highs, today near mid-90s in the warmest spots and temperatures cooling down through midweek. lower 80s in santa rosa, sonoma and napa. upper 70s in novato and petaluma. 75 san rafael, 76 kentfield, 62 stinson beach, by tomorrow upper 80s and then temperatures continue to trend downward as we move into saturday and sunday. around the bay from the upper 60s to the mid-60s at the coast because of the maritime influence, the ocean. we really don't see much of a big difference in our daytime highs for the coast. that's a look at your weather. back up to you. >> thank you. 5:19. let's take a look at some of the stories we're following
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this morning. interstate 580 in oakland is back open again after a gun battle between the driver of a pickup and chp officers. the heavily armed suspect is hospitalized. the suspect's mother believes he was angry at left wing politics. a rally is planned in walnut creek today in support of former bart officer johannes mehserle. he was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the death of passenger oscar grant. the rally runs from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. this afternoon outside the superior court building. and two fire stations in vallejo will be closed for good this morning. they are stations 25 and 26. staffing levels will also be reduced at the remaining stations. vallejo filed for bankruptcy back in 2008. there is an overcrowding problem at a bay area animal shelter and they are trying to find some homes for pets quickly. the east county animal shelter of alameda county has seen a sudden influx of pets because
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another shelter nearby had shut down. an adoption fair yesterday, dozens of dogs, cats, kittens were available. organizers expected maybe 17 adoptions from that fair yesterday. volunteers, they say, worked with the animals to make sure they are good family pets. stephanie joanne angelina germanada, lady gaga's real name. >> what's that again? >> stephanie, joanne, angelina germman ada or gaga. >> do you like justin bieber or lady gag ga? that's our question of the day. coming up, the celebration for nelson mandela's 92nd birthday. >> also ahead, zsa zsa gabor, that is sorry gabor, faces today after -- what happens after -- she fell out of bed on saturday night? >> yeah. a new movie jumped to the top of
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the box office list this ,,,,,,,,
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♪ [ horns honking ] ♪ [ male announcer ] come into an at&t store and experience tv like you've never seen before. ♪ for a limited time, get u-verse tv for only $29 a month for 6 months with dvr included.
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gold bond therapeutic foot cream. penetrates the deepest layers like others can't. look for the healing seal. gold bond foot cream. serious relief for dry, cracked feet. our forecast today we are expecting a mix of sun and clouds around the bay. overcast conditions for the
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coastline this morning. well inland, clear skies. how will that impact today's temperatures? they are cooling down. we'll have your afternoon highs coming up. 5:25 right now. this is the new number one movie at the box office this weekend. >> all the explosions. >> this is "inception" starring leonardo dicaprio directed by christopher nolan an action film about a teen that sneaks into people's dreams. "inception" giving dicaprio his best opening weekend ever at $60 million, $19 million better than shutter island. how did titanic open? maybe slow going. >> all the women were finally able to convince the guys go. [ laughter ] >> exactly. "despicable me" fell to
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second place, disney family adventure "the sorcerer's apprentice" opened in third, followed by eclipse, and "toy story 3". less than an hour from now, actress zsa zsa gabor will undergo surgery for a broken hip. >> she is 93 and fell out of bed on saturday night. she was reaching for her phone. she will need a total hip replacement. she has been in a wheelchair since 2002 when she was partially paralyzed from a car accident. she reportedly suffered a stroke in 2005. former south african president nelson mandela is 92 yesterday. ♪ happy birthday to you >> he was surrounded by all his children for the big celebration. dozens of visitors coming by to wish him happy birthday, giving
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him a t-shirt for united states/south africa unity celebration. his first and second wives were there. >> they were married 12 years. >> i just remember winnie mandela. 5:27. in our next half hour, what some medical marijuana growers are calling the wal-mart'ing of weed and why they're afraid of it. also a brush fire in washington state grows overnight and threatens more than 100 homes. having the right real estate agent on your side is more important than ever. at, you can fi the , whether you're trying to sell of hoping to buy. nobody sells more real estate than re/max.
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here's elizab good morning. it's monday, the 19th of july. >> good morning, everyone. let's get you out the door at 5:30 this morning and we'll start with elizabeth with a look at our commute. >> take a look at our bridges, a bridge check for you. the bay bridge, a stall in the upper deck on the incline, fortunately traffic is light so it's not causing any huge delays, but a bridge tow crew is heading to that scene now. you can see approaching the pay gates, though, no delay and no metering lights and across the golden gate bridge, if you are a carpooler again remember your fastrak. this is -- you are going to have to use it in order to get $3 discount. otherwise, you will have to pay the full fare. $6 for cash and $5 for fastrak. so something to be aware of, no
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longer can use cash to access the carpool lanes. bart, everything is now on time after some earlier delays in the east bay due to some track problems. everything is on time. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. so here we are coming off a pretty nice weekend weather- wise. not much to complain about unless of course you thought it was a little too hot. but we have a gradual cooling trend moving in. we had reports of fog in napa but that's no longer being reported but the rest of the bay area especially inland santa rosa and napa clear skies. low clouds and fog at the coast. we'll keep patchy fog in the forecast well during the day with partial clearing at the coast, highs in the 50s and lower 60s.
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at the bay gorgeous, mostly sunny with an afternoon breeze. sunny skies and hot inland. we were looking at triple-digit highs a couple of days ago. gradual cooldown from the mid- 90s to the upper 80s then mid- to upper 80s by the end of the week. we go from coastal temperatures don't fluctuate. that's a look at your weather. back up to you. this morning, oakland police still trying to figure out who fired shots from a high- rise at 11:30 last night on 8th street. some officers were arresting passengers from a traffic stop when they heard the sound of gunfire nearby. they believe the shots came from a rifle from a nearby apartment building. >> after we locked down the building, we sent in officers
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and searched the building. >> that search turned up no weapons or suspects. they found that the building surveillance room was vandalized. no officers were hitting in the shooting. more information is being released about the man behind a shootout on interstate 580. that shootout led to the freeway being closed in oakland for about 20 hours. anne makovec is in oakland where the fbi has now joined in the investigation. anne, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. they are trying to figure out what this guy might have been up to. we do know this is the thing that's going to affect all of our viewers, or a lot of them, 580 is now re-opened. it was closed for about 22 hours and there was some concern that this could last longer as far as the investigation. the westbound lanes of 580 closed since midnight on saturday all the way through last night. then part of 980 was shut down as well off and on so the highways are re-opening but this started as a simple traffic stop and end with the
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bomb squad yesterday. the investigation is now turning to what the man who started this may have been planning. one of the alarming items found in his truck, a binder with the word california on the front and a suspicious package that the bomb squad blew up. the chp said it started when byron williams a 45-year-old from grover land was seen weaving in and out of traffic on 580 westbound near grand avenue in oakland midnight saturday. after officers finally pulled him over, a shootout ensued. [ sound of gunshots ] [sound of yelling ] >> back up, back up, back up. >> what took place is absolutely every officer's worst nightmare. wherever he was going, there was no doubt his intent was to cause serious harm to someone
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or a group of people. >> reporter: he is in the hospital. he was actually wearing a bulletproof vest during the shootout but he was shot several times. he is a convicted felon and his mother has told the "san francisco chronicle" that he was angry at left wing politics and frustrated because he couldn't find a job. she says that the guns he used were probably hers, that she was keeping them for the revolution in the future. he is now arrested for attempted murder and two chp officers were also injured in the shootout. you saw all those broken windows on the cars. they were injured by glass, not bullets. they are expected to be okay. >> thank you, anne makovec in oakland. and oakland police have released the identity of a man who was shot and killed over the weekend during a confrontation with officers. investigators say 48-year-old fred collins of oakland had been arrested in the past for incidents including terrorist threats and assaults on officers. collins led police on a chase
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that ended saturday morning on 33rd avenue. they say they tried to subdue collins with tasers, but he had a knife in each hand and began charging an officer so police open fired. bart police were also involved because the incident happened near the transit agency's fruitvale station. a rally is planned today in walnut creek in support of johannes mehserle a former bart police officer convicted of involuntary manslaughter. walnut creek police are preparing to keep the peace at the rally. it's scheduled from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. this afternoon outside the superior court building. at this point there are no plans to close ignacio valley road or other streets in the area. mehserle is awaiting sentencing for last year's death of oscar grant. he said he accidentally pulled his gun instead of a taser while trying to detain grant in oakland. now that layoffs have reduced the oakland police force by 80 officers, volunteers are stepping up
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efforts. yesterday the guardian angels hit the streets. the group of unarmed crime patrollers was founded in new york in 1979. the local chapter says it's times like these when citizens need to step up. >> instead of sitting around complaining, get up, help the community. you can help the police department, as well. you can be their eyes and ears and you don't have to wear this uniform. we're beefing up patrols because we feel that need to to and because we want to. >> guardian angels are now trying to recruit more volunteers to join the effort in oakland. if you are planning to carpool across the golden gate bridge this morning, you will need fastrak. starting with this morning's commute, cash will no longer be accepted for carpools crossing the golden gate. the only way to pay the $3 toll is with a fastrak transponder. also, carpools will need to pass through staffed toll booths because toll workers need to verify that there are actually three or more people in the cars.
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vallejo firefighters about to close two stations at 8:00 this morning. stations 25 and 26 are closing for good. they are on minnie drive and fulton avenue. staffing levels will be reduced at the remaining stations so instead of 18 firefighters on duty, there will be 15 during each shift. vallejo filed for bankruptcy in 2008. 61 people are dead after an express train crashed into a stationary passenger train in eastern india. the impact of today's crash so powerful that it sent the roof of one car flying on to a nearby overpass. rescuers had to use heavy equipments to free some of of the survivors from the wreckage. this happened two months after a derailment in india killed 145 people. investigators determined that was a case of sabotage and they are not ruling that out for today's crash. tension growing this morning between bp and the government over what to do next
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with that broken oil well in the gulf of mexico. tara mergener on the new problem that appears to have surfaced. reporter: bp has been given another 24 hours to keep its containment cap on the ruptured well in the gulf. the government's point man for the disaster admiral thad allen gave the go-ahead after the company promised to closely monitor the sea floor for signs of a new leak. in a letter to bp sunday, allen referred to seepage detected near the well and ordered the company to quickly investigate and report findings to the government and provide a written procedure for opening the choke valve as quickly as possible. since the well was capped last thursday, official have been worried the pressure build-up would cause oil or methane gas to begin pouring out. earlier sunday, bp's chief operating officer had expressed hope the cap could stay put until a relief well could permanently seal the leak next month. >> we are hopeful that if the
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encouraging signs continue we'll be able to continue the integrity test to the point we'll be able to kill the well. >> reporter: federal officials will ultimately decide what to do next. the original plan was to pipe more oil to surface ships to leave the pressure but that would mean more oil flowing into the gulf for up to three days. >> no one wants to see more oil flowing into the sea and that would make that occur. >> reporter: gulf coast residents are holding their breath every step of the way. >> we are very optimistic. we see light at the end of the tunnel. it's a very long tunnel. but we're making progress. >> reporter: progress they hope isn't stalled by the potential new trouble on the ocean floor. tara mergener for cbs news, washington. at least three homes are destroyed as a 10,000 acre wildfire rages in the state of washington. strong winds yesterday pushed the fire across hillsides west of yakima forcing the evacuations of several homes. most of those people have since
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been allowed to return. more than 200 firefighters battled the flames yesterday and another 100 are expected to join the effort today. there are no reports of serious injuries. the cause remains unclear. the oakland city council today is going to consider granting licenses to four production plants where marijuana would be grown around packaged. some existing medical pot businesses are concerned that the industrial-sized competitors will force them to shut down. they compare the proposal with big box stores driving mom and pop stores out of business. supporters of the plan say it would reduce costs for consumers. large companies would also produce pot-related items like body oil and cookies, brownies, caramels, candy... that's a story over the weekend. they make everything now. >> so if this law passes in
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november, there will be potcos all over the place. >> so we better watch the cookies people bring in, in the morning that we eat? >> there you go. [ laughter ] 5:42. the downturn in the economy didn't slow people from giving for a good cause. >> how many people participated and the money that was raised in the annual san francisco aids walk. ,, [ indistinct conversations ] [ female announcer ] this is not a burger. it's better. because with 57% less fat than regular ground beef, it's better for you. you see, this is a morningstar farms® meatless griller. that's right, meatless. and it tastes as good as it looks. so you can still enjoy that grilled-burger taste you love... and everything that comes with it. morningstar farms® grillers® original. [ indistinct conversations ] now that's more like it.
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good morning. that stall is being cleared as we speak so traffic is fine across the upper deck of the bay bridge into san francisco. marin county everything is quiet. we have a camera right there on southbound 101 before 580 in san rafael. actually those headlights, seeing top speeds all the way to corte madera all the way down through the waldo grade towards the golden gate bridge.
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still have this one way traffic control though in effect in half moon bay. a stretch of 92 between main street and pilarcitos creek road they are doing paving work in the area until 6 a.m. but that overnight roadwork continues every day this week until august 8 so something to be aware of commuting in and out of half moon bay. across the south bay top speeds 101 pretty quiet through morgan hill and out of downtown san jose and looking good on northbound 280 approaching the 880 interchange. and for minneapolis, bart is on time, ace train number 1 delayed, 6 minutes behind schedule but muni looks good. pgh remember our radio partners, kcbs 740-am and 109.6 fm. that is your pgh remember our radio partners, kcbs 740-am and 109.6 fm. that is your traffic. here's tracy with your forecast. >> when you leave the house that doesn't mean you can't know what's going on. you can always tune n here's a
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look outside. this is from our mount vaca. just a few clouds inland. but we have plenty of clouds along the coast. so here we go. morning commute overcast conditions for the coastline, looking at temperatures ranging from the lower to the upper 50s. partly cloudy conditions around the bay with some patchy fog and clear skies inland. sunrise at 6:02. today afternoon highs in the 80s and 90s inland. temperatures around the bay from the upper 60s to the lower 80s and mostly sunny conditions expected. nice afternoon breeze kicking n and patchy fog with partial clearing along the coastline. here's a look at the trueview based on model data. clouds are hanging in off the coast. clear conditions inland for this morning and then around 8 a.m. to 9:00 you see a few clouds filtering into the peninsula and midday you will see those clouds hanging back to the coastline and that's why we're expecting partial clearing for the coast. you don't really clear out
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completely. but you will see some clouds throughout the day and that's going to keep your temperature cool at the coast comparatively speaking to the rest of the bay area. i'm calling it a gradual cooldown because we gradually cool down today, tomorrow as well as into wednesday and then we'll see temperatures in the
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same ballpark for the rest of the workweek. so that is a look at your forecast this morning. back to you. >> thank you. here's a look at some of the stories we're following. the fbi is now involved in the investigation of a shootout on interstate 580 in oakland. that shootout closed part of the freeway for more than 20 hours yesterday. the man opened fire on chp officers during a traffic stop. they fired back. everyone is expected to survive. oakland police trying to determine who fired shots from a high-rise apartment building. it happened at about 11:30 last night near 8th street. a search of the building turned up no weapons, no suspects. they did find the building surveillance room had been vandalized. a rally is planned today in walnut creek in support of former bart officer johannes mehserle who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter. it starts at 2:00 outside the superior court building.
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mehserle is awaiting sentencing for last year's shooting death of a man he was trying to detain. it is 5:49. even in a cash-strapped economy, people raised more than $3 million for bay area aids organizations. some 25,000 people taking part in the annual aids walk san francisco on sunday covering that six-mile route in golden gate park. the money raised will support local hiv prevention, testing and care services at 60 bay area organization. participants say the turnout shows they are not alone. >> doing the aids walk, me and my family for my dad in honor of my dad who died 16 years ago fro aids. so we're walking in honor of him to keep his spirit alive. >> aids walk san francisco has raised more than $76 million since 1987. it's become the largest fundraiser for aids in northern california. and new data out today on aids treatment show the number of people taking aids drugs
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increased by a record amount last year. the global number jumped by 1.2 million for a total of 5.2 million. the world health organization cites improved access, especially in subsaharan africa. but the numbers are lagging in eastern europe because drug users there often go untreated. and there are concerns that worldwide insufficient funding could slow efforts to fight the epidemic. 5:50. divers are exploring a shipwreck near finland and have found champagne. from the 18th century. it is likely the oldest drinkable champagne in the world. a dive instructor sampled the bubbly said it tastes fantastic. experts believe the champagne is from the 1780s. in all, about 30 bottles still on the shep wreck.
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if the corks are intact and the champagne is drinkable each bottle may be worth $65,000. >> that's why he said it tasted so good. it is 5:51. coming up, just one week after the world cup ends, south africa has yet another reason to celebrate. >> also ahead, ice skating down under. and what better place than the beach! it quite a year for sports for south africa. just after the country when i melt to sleep when i melt to sleep with unisom sleep melts i get to sleep faster, stay asleep and wake refreshed. melt to sleep fast. unisom sleep melts.
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just after the country quite a year for sports in south africa. >> just after the country's successfully hosted the world cup of soccer, it has a new golf hero. there he is. louis oosthuizen winning the prestigious british open yesterday on a day that happened to be nelson mandela as 92nd birthday. he led the tournament over the entire final 48 holes and in the end no one was within 7 strokes -- look at that. cute. >> tour de france has begun the second day in the peer niece at the end of yesterday's stage andy schleck of luxembourg had a 31 second lead over albert
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tow contador of spain, the defending champion. the rain finishes sunday in paris. >> i was watching a little of it yesterday. they are getting so thin. how many calories do they... >> were you watching that? >> i was watching a little bit. >> what's your favorite shot? >> what's my favorite shot? the motorcycle shot from behind? >> exactly. that's why i was saying they are getting very thin. australians have something new to pack the next team they go to the beach, their ice skates. the first skating rink by the sea opened yesterday at the beach. the temporary rink is set up as part of the winter festival. skaters can enjoy sun, surf an ice for the next 10 days. it's for a good cause to raise money for a local nonprofit. big news from the world of popular music. 16-year-old justin bieber now has the most viewed video in history.
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>> are we going to see this? baby baby? it's now surpassed lady gaga's bad romance we don't get to see them? >> so our question of the day which musical artist do you prefer? justin bieber or lady gag ga? sandra rights having just gone to the justin bieber concert saturday night i can say hands down lady gaga would be my choice however my 8-year-old daughter would disagree. >> can you see her in the carful 8-year-olds singing bieber? >> neither both are cheap music without culture or true talent. >> whoa. >> okay. >> and greg from san leandro e- mails, donna summers. >> i don't know. justin bieber has better hair. >> he has great hair. >> that whole bushy thing going
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on. >> beatleesque. >> he became famous because of youtube posting home videos. >> i like his music. i have -- i don't listen to it at home but if it came on i wouldn't change the channel. >> didn't you ever listen to donna summer ♪ bad girls >> of course did i. >> i want to hear some of this music. all right. i guess we should talk about traffic. why not. >> perry como? >> andy williams, days of wine and roses. >> where are my glasses? [ laughter ] richmond/san rafael bridge got a stall blocking the slow lane. westbound 580 not causing any huge delays so far because traffic is so light heading into marin. up the nimitz freeway 880 through oakland no big problems on the freeways. so quiet into downtown oakland but if you are using minneapolis, minneapolis, ace train number 1 is six minutes behind. >> what are you doing? i'm having bad girl in my head.
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>> . not expecting the coast to completely clear out holding down it is. mix of sun and clouds for the bay and plenty of sunshine inland. cooling down monday, tuesday and wednesday with fog and drizzle at the coast for the bulk of the workweek. temperatures in a similar range into the weekend but it was a wonderful weekend weather-wise. today is going to be nice as well. >> i think we should have changed it to, who do you enjoy listening to? i think johnnie mathis. ♪ chances are that you wear silly things ♪ >> we'll be doing englebert humperdinck here pretty soon! [ laughter ] two fire stations are closing their doors in vallejo today. we'll tell you how the city plans to deal with the emergencies now, coming up. ,,,,,,,,
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