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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 11PM  CBS  July 18, 2010 10:00pm-10:30pm PST

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[ horns honking ] ♪ [ male announcer ] come into an at&t store and experience tv like you've never seen before. ♪ for a limited time, get u-verse tv for only $29 a month for 6 months with dvr included. what led police and a heavily armed man to and how the af a gun battle on an east bay
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freeway. what led police and a man to shoot it out and the aftermath that kept the highway closed. >> trying to intimidate us to move on. how the first night on the job in oakland went for the guardian angels. a slow leak develops near the capped oil well in the gulf. why the government is concerned. the news starts now. this is cbs5 eyewitness news. "this broadcast realtime captioned by becky lyon." a barrage of bullets captured on home video. police and a gunman exchange fire on a freeway and its impact is felt for more than 20 hours. good evening, i'm ann notarangelo. it started as a simple traffic
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stop. a man in a pickup truck speeding and weaving in traffic. he was pulled over on 580 in oakland. then seconds later a gun battle broke out. the shooting left the gunman wounded and two officers injured. kiet do on what they also found that shutdown the highway and brought out the bomb squad. >> reporter: just when the chp was getting ready to clear the scene investigator found a suspicious looking package, called the bomb squad and a few hours later . . .it is unclear what it was. the bomb squad also found a white binder labeled california. it contained material of interest. given the amount of weaponry and possible explosives found the fbi showed up. after all this drama no one is taking any chances. >> this incident is every officer's worst nightmare. >> reporter: chp officers pulled over the now bullet
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ridden white toyota tundra which was driving eratically in oakland. an officer walked up to the truck on the passenger side. >> in which he observed the suspect reach for a handgun and he starts firing shots at the officer. >> reporter: the suspect was armed with a handgun and other guns and lots of ammo. a total of 10 officers show up and opened fire with everything they had. at least 60 rounds were fired. the gun fight lasted about 8 minutes. >> he was firing multiple shots. then he would get back into the truck. then he would lean out and fire multiple shots and get back into the truck. >> reporter: turns out the suspect was wearing a bullet proof vest. he gave up after getting hit multiple times in the arms an legs. two officers were cut in the face by flying glass as bullets shattered windows. it is amazing no officers were seriously hurt given the bullets from the suspect's rifle pierced the doors of the patrol cars. >> wherever he was going there is no doubt his intent was to
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cause serious harm to either someone or a group of people. >> reporter: kiet do, cbs5. judging by the posts on the youtube video many people along 580 heard the commotion around midnight. some say it lasted longer and involved far more rounds than police say. >> it was just boom, boom, boom like in quick success. a ton of gunfire. it lasted for a long time. probably 25 minutes. i was estimating probably 2 to 300 shots is what i would guess. at first i didn't really think it was gunshots. there were so many that it had to be like fire crackers or something. >> the gun man was identified as 45-year-old byron christopher williams of groveland. according to his mother he is a convicted felon who is still on parole. we now know the man shot and killed by police yesterday near the fruitvale bart station was 48-year-old fred collins. he was killed when he charged
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officers with a knife. two b.a.r.t officers spotted him and chased him through the neighborhood. when oakland police arrived they tried using a stun gun on collins then he charged one of the officers with his knives. he was pronounced dead at the scene. tomorrow supporters of the former b.a.r.t officer convicted in the killing of an unarmed passenger will hold a rally set for tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. outside the superior court building. the rally is the first in the bay area in support of johannes mehserle. he was found guilty ten days ago of involuntary manslaughter in the death of oscar grant. walnut creek police said they are prepared to keep the peace. layoffs at the oakland police department mean changes on city streets. as don knapp reports the guardian angels are stepping in but not without some skeptisism. >> reporter: a band of guardian angels get tips from b.a.r.t police as they set out to help
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keep oakland safe. >> it was nice to see them all dressed up. yes. >> did you feel any safer? >> not really. they just walked through. >> reporter: shopper anna lynch was skeptical. >> it is just not going to work in my opinion. seriously. the guardian angels they don't have any weapons. they don't have no backup like actual real cops do. so i think, my opinion, that's a bad idea. >> reporter: but the folks here may not have seen the guardian angels in action. >> once we hit this corner it seems that we stirred up the hornet's nest. >> reporter: we caught up to them on international boulevard and 51st as they regrouped after what they said was an encounter with prostitutes and their protectors. >> started hitting us from behind basically bringing out their people to intimidate us to move on and we brought out ours and we are standing here. >> reporter: one of those confronting the volunteers seemed to suggest he had a gun under his sweatshirt. about the same time a crowd of young men were gathering across the street at a liquor store on market. that was a threat to ordinary
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citizens and the guardian angels went across the street. there were words but more of a conversation than a threat. >> we are trained in martial arts we are trained in martial arts but the first thing we want to do is communication. >> reporter: the crowd dispersed but only after a few tense moments. >> it will always be that way but that's what the guardian angels are all about. we don't want to sound as a threat but more as a help to the community. >> reporter: no guns but tools ranging from martial arts to calling the cops. the tool of choice communication and here it seemed to work. in oakland, don knapp, cbs5. a pedestrian has been killed in walnut creek and police blame a drunk driver. 57-year-old kathleen moorehead was walking near bancroft road when she was hit. police say the driver of a pickup truck loss control and drove onto the sidewalk. he was arrested at the scene for dui and later booked into
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county jail on suspicion of vehicular manslaughter. a fire in the south bay prompted a brief shelter in place order this afternoon. the blaze broke out at a recycling facility at 1440 normal avenue. because of burning plastic bottles firefighters were concerned about the spreading toxic smoke. the all clear was given after a short time. investigators say the fire was confined to the rear of the facility. no buildings were damaged and there were no injuries. a bit of help coming to teachers at trace elementary following a fire that did $10 million damage to the school. some parents raised $500 selling lemonade yesterday to restock teachers' supplies. the early morning fire nearly two weeks ago burned and destroyed 16 classrooms, a library and office. investigators say the fire was deliberately set but no arrests have been made. what was once a gushing oil
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leak is now just a trickle of oil but the government says that's still too much. tonight the admiral in charge is demanding b.p. submit a plan that could lead to reopening the capped well. more now on why the cause for concern. >> reporter: that 75-ton cap is holding back the oil but engineers have discovered seepage in the ocean floor around the well. admiral allen says ifs hydro carbon b.p. must have a plan ready to open the well. that would relieve the pressure but it would also gush oil back in the gulf. b.p. declined to comment on the specific report except to say the company is working very closely with government scientists on the problem. >> no one associated with this whole activity wants to see any more oil flow into the gulf of mexico. >> reporter: with no oil flowing for the first time crews are cleaning up more crude than is being released and even they the gulf beaches aren't as crowded as they usually are more people did turn out this weekend to get a break from the heat.
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around louisiana fishermen were back taking advantage of the recreational waters being open again. in gulf port, mississippi, with though oil in sight families waded into the water. hoping news of the capped well will bring tourists back. >> we learned that in katrina. rip off that rear-view mirror. just keep going. >> reporter: nord reopened his chimney's dinnerhouse last january after being destroyed by hurricane katrina. he says the oil won't get the best of him either. cbc news, gulf port, mississippi. a big change tomorrow more golden gate bridge commuters. the one thing you must have to get through the car pool lane. finding room to run for some overcrowded animals. how one shelter tackled the problem this weekend. i'm meteorologist lawrence karnow in the cbs5 weather center. we are headed for a cool down. we will tell you why next.
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fastrak. starting with tomorrow's commute, cash will no longer be accepted for car planning to car pool across the golden bridge tomorrow. car will no longer be accepted
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for car pools. you have to have a fast track tag. also car pools will need to pass through staff toll booth so toll workers can verify there are three or more people in the car. also tomorrow two fire stations in vallejo closing for good. staffing levels will be reduced at the remaining station as well. instead of 18 firefighters on duty there will be 15 during each shift. vallejo filed for bankruptcy in 2008 and since that time it has also lost a third of its police officers. a local animal shelter is running out of space and time for some of the animals that they took in after a nearby shelter closed its doors. the east counties animal shelter of alameda county held an adoption fair to find homes for dozens of dogs, cats and kittens. adoption organizers say it is vital that they are adopted. >> the animals are not adopted and we run out of room there is
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no choice but euthanizing them. that's what we are trying to reduce or eliminate. >> organizers say finding temporary foster homes can save some of the animals so they are asking that you call tri-valley animal rescue if you can help. school just around the corner for kids and volunteers are helping students get ready. they were stuffing gift bags and backpacks with school supplies and shoes for the thousands of children who live in bay area shelters. the group my new red shoes is the inspiration of a mother who spent summers as a child wishing she could afford new chews for -- shoes for the first day of school. how about a new antique and collectibles fair? it kicked off today at candle stick park. it will run every third sunday of the month. organizers say there is a lot of potential here. >> san francisco is a perfect city. one of the only major cities in
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the country that literally doesn't have its own market. so we were real excited when the city was anxious for us to come here and do it and we are really excited to have an opportunity to work with the city to do it. >> some attendees point out another reason why the fair will be successful, they say buying second hand is environmentally conscious. >> looked like a beautiful day if you wanted to brows for antiques at candle stick park. >> you are fogged in with low cloud and fog over the coastline. difference in weather here in the bay area. today the same. lots of sunshine. hot temperatures still showing up in some of the valleys. tonight, not too bad so far. we have patchy fog out toward the coastline but check out the moon over the bay. looking good so far. but likely going to see some fog flirting with the moon here coming up in the next couple hours as we will see more of an onshore breeze and that will carry more low cloud and fog. all right, let's check out tomorrow. still going to be hot in spots. i think well inland by tomorrow
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afternoon. places like antioch into brentwood those areas. entering central valley. temperatures in the mid-90s. 80s and low 90s in the tri- valley. inside the bay a variety of temperatures. 60s in richmond and oakland. out toward the coastline 50s and 60s. patchy fog with partial clearing in the afternoon. just beginning to see some low cloud an fog reform. foggy better part of the day. wind kicked in and kicked the fog off the coast. now just getting fog developing right along san mateo coastline deepening overnight tonight. 66 degrees in livermore right now. 64 san jose. 57 in santa rosa. traveling around the state tomorrow you'll still find triple digits into fresno. 104. hot there. 95 in yosemite. 66 degrees in monterey bay with patchy fog. high pressure breaking down. couple ridges. one off the coastline. one on the desert southwest.
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hotter temperatures around the bay area. will start to slide eastward and break down. hot temperatures will all disappear. as we look toward the middle of the week. cloud and low fogs early tomorrow morning. but as we take you into the middle of the morning. lots of sunshine. still on the hot side well inland. numbers inside the bay up in the 70s and low 80s in toward the san jose area. out toward the coastline 50s and 60s. out at the beaches patchy fog. # 94 in antioch. north bay cool off the coastline. 90 in fairfield. checking out the next couple days we will see the temperatures beginning to cool off a bit. slow cooling inland. you can't cool much more than they have been. been pretty outline there. i think everybody is looking at cooler weather. more clouds and low fog
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expected. >> thank you, lawrence. >> you're welcome. an injury to zsa zsa gabber. why she is gabber -- gabor. places they never managed. ,,,, presenting the cadillac "summer's best" sales event. a fantastic opportunity to get a great offer
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on a new cadillac cts sport sedan... ..the most acclaimed vehicle in its class and a car and driver 10 best third year in a row. summer brings out the best in all of us, so now's the perfect time to get behind the wheel of a brand new cadillac. now during cadillac's summer's best sales event... get zero percent apr financing for 72 months or this attractive lease offer on a cts sport sedan.
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it's a belief in everything we do. it's a 5 year, 50,000 mile promise. with complimentary scheduled maintenance no-cost replacement of wear and tear items and 24/7 roadside assistance. because when you create the most beautiful, fast cars on earth, you create an ownership experience to match.
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broken hip. the 93-year old actress fell out of bed last night reaching for her phone. doctors say she'll need a total hip zsa zsa gabber will have to undergo hip surgery. she will need a total hip replacement after falling out of bed last night. she has been in a wheelchair since a 2002 car accident and reportedly surfed a stroke in 2005. surrounded by his children, great grandchildren, former south african president nelson mandela celebrate his 92nd birthday today. the family sang happy birthday to him. many of them wore special t- shirts to mark the first united nation's nelson mandela international day. mr.mandela and his current wife also celebrated their 12th anniversary joined by his second wife winnie. imagine being strapped to a chair and carried to the highest peaks around the world.
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a dream come true for some disabled adventure seekers getting the chance of a lifetime. lori wallace will show us how they are being taken to new heights. >> reporter: austin taylor was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when he was 2 years old. >> as i grew up i was told there would be places i couldn't go. when you are told you can't do something you just feel that much more -- the desire is that much more intense. >> you could say timing was everything for austin. two years ago his friend was on a backpacking trip through gautamala. he made a decision that would ultimately change austin's life. >> at some point while i was sitting up there enjoying the scene, people in wheelchairs couldn't hike here or see his group. >> reporter: their dreams collided. >> we went to yosemite. >> reporter: the two of them
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with volunteers and a $6000 wheelchair that a family in sacramento didn't need any more. >> to me it was no question. >> reporter: a 12-hour day. tiring and inspiring. >> helping carry the chair was just -- i can't wait to do it again. >> i'm overlooking half of the area. how much better can it get. keeping the fight alive. the number of people who marched and money raised in the annual walk for aids. plus, ice skating down under. what better place than the beach. even in a cash strapped i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up on "game day." will the owners be too hands on? john miller is going to the
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baseball hall of fame. not just a great announcer. he has got a pretty good vince scully impersonation. on the show tonight. as getting quietly back to .500 breaking out the brooms today. all coming up on "game day" in just a few minutes. ,,,,,,
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raise mo million evening in this cash strapped economy people found a way to raise more than $3 million for bay area aide
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aids. it will support local hiv prevention, testing and care services at 60 bay area organizations. the turnout shows they are not alone. >> me and my family are doing the aids walk in honor of my dad. he passed away 16 years ago from aids. >> they have raised more than $76 million since 1987 and has become the largest funds raiser for aids in northern california. protestors disrupted the international aids conference in vienna today demanding drugs for all aids sufferers. protestors say rich nations should pay for drugs for the 33 million people who have aids. leaders from around the world gathered in vienna to discuss progress in the fight against aids. we will be right back. ,,
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♪ [ horns honking ] ♪ [ male announcer ] come into an at&t store and experience tv like you've never seen before. ♪ for a limited time, get u-verse tv for only $29 a month for 6 months with dvr included.
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