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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 11PM  CBS  July 17, 2010 10:00pm-10:35pm PST

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a budget deficit. massive foreclosures. and they're fighting to be california's next
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governor. but why would anyone want the job? "it was really fast.. tat tat tat that" a police chase turns deadly. what the suspect said right before officers opened fire. and: doing more, with less. with now fewer officers, the group that's lending a helping hand in oakland. good evening. i'm ann notarangelo. a suspect shot dead in the street by officers. it happened near the fruitvale bart station today. it took officers from two departments, to take him down. linda yee on what witnesses saw. knowing that oakland has fewer people officers, has some on edge tonight.
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we are really scared. >> reporter: but she says her fear were not stop her from fighting back. even the gang members who threaten here. >> they didn't even care. they said if you tell we are going to kill you, burn my home. okay, burn my home. i called the fbi. and he took me like that and was hitting me. >> you're not afraid of them. >> no, i'm not afraid to die. >> reporter: third officer related shooting this year for the oakland police department. the second involving a death. >> knowing that oakland has fewer police officers has some on edge tonight but don knapp shows us how it is spurring more citizen action.
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hi, don? >> reporter: no one is suggesting that you can replace oakland police officers with unarmed volunteers but the guardian angels presence on the streets of oakland can be reassuring to some folks here and perhaps even detour some crime. >> reporter: many who visit the shops and eateries in this business district worry about oakland's loss of police officers. fewer on patrol around the city means more opportunities for robbers here says adrian brown. >> a smart cook would think, come to this area -- a smart crook would think come to this area because people aren't paying attention. >> reporter: a liquor store telling us he may close earlier. he said he would welcome back the guardian angels. >> there is one to two to three police officers that got pulled. >> reporter: the guardian angels say they will try to fill the gap left in oakland's safety net by the loss of 80 officers. oakland police say they will no longer respond to nonviolent crime reports and crimes considered low priority but the guardian angels will bring in
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more volunteers and starting sunday they will have 30 volunteers working. >> we could be a deterrent. they will think twice about committing a crime. >> reporter: two weeks ago they patrolledded the grand lake shopping area after a string of restaurant takeover robberies terrorized customers and restaurant staff. the guardian angels claim some credit along with the chp in helping oakland police ends the robberies. christina fernandez heads the san francisco contingent. >> i have no fear. i should but i don't. it is my community. it is my city. i have children growing up in this city. and i want to do my part of it. i don't want to sit back and complain about the problem. >> reporter: a reverend saying he has yet to see guardian angels in his neighborhood. >> i have never seen them here. >> reporter: ministry members today wrapped up their 31st annual block party and health fair. this year he said those who came for food and clothing were from diverse communities and in large numbers. cutting city services and programs says reverends kerry is not the way to fund a police
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officer. >> we all need to make concessions. we love them. we appreciate the fire department and police department. everybody in tough economic times we have to all give back. everybody has to give back. >> reporter: the guardians angels say they will hit the streets in oakland tomorrow. >> we are here to help and we are volunteers and that's what we do. >> reporter: the guardian angels would love to flood the streets with volunteers. if you want to join them go to their website >> do you think the police think it is a good thing? haven't asked the police that directly but they tell us the police like them being around. they don't do anything other than observe and contact the police. >> don knapp, thank you very much. police say they are prepared to keep the peace. a rally planned for monday will be the first in the bay area supporting the former b.a.r.t
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officer convicted of shooting oscar grants. it has been dubbed in support of joe of of -- support of johannes mehserle. a toddler is recovering tonight after she was struck by ap car. the chp says the toddler's father was towing the girl in a bicycle carrier this afternoon and that's when a car traveling on camille avenue hit them. the girl was transported to oakland children's hospital. no word on her condition. it is a tight race with democratic nominee jerry brown leading meg whitman by one percentage point in the race for governor. but some people wonder why either one would want the job. >> reporter: the jerry brown story. turn on any t.v. in california. >> 40 years in politics. >> reporter: you'll see the two
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leading candidates for governor slugging it out. >> for decades she didn't follow the issues. couldn't spare a moment to vote. >> reporter: california's next governor could be republican billionaire and former ebay ceo meg whitman or former two-term democratic governor and life long politician jerry brown. but the question on many voter's minds is why would anyone want the job? >> i couldn't do it. i wouldn't wato do it. >> so much work. >> reporter: just check out the to-do list for california's next governor. first and foremost, fix unemployment. the state's unemployment rate is a whopping 12.3%. well above the national average of 9.5%. next, shrink the deficit. california's budget deficit is $19 billion and counting. social programs are at risk and taxes could be raised yet again. add to that list failing schools, overcrowded prisons, massive foreclosures and once again you have to wonder who
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would want to be governor of california. the only person who would want this job is a person with a very large ego. >> reporter: political science professor jack pittny says a super inflated ego does not guarantee success. >> nobody on the planet has more self-confidence than arnold schwarzenegger and yet he has run into a great deal of difficulty and had a lot of disappointments as governor. >> reporter: los angeles times political editor kathleen decker says it is no surprise why both candidates are in the race. >> successful people like a challenge and that's what drives a lot of them. >> reporter: they also have access to large amounts of money. >> it costs an awful lot of money to reach 38 million people. so you have to have tens of millions of dollars at your disposal. >> reporter: the job of governor of california. only those with loads of cash and confidence need apply. bill whitaker, cbc news, los
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angeles. a cliff hanger race from the june primary election has finally been decided by a slim margin of about 16,000 votes. the secretary of state has declared state assemblyman the winner in the republican race for insurance commissioner. malines will face dave jones, democrat, in november. other news in the bay area. a video store in berkeley lost its fight to stay in business. real video closed on monday. parent company filing for bankrupt earlier this year. they appealed to investors to save them but couldn't raise the money. more than a dozen employees are now out of work. walnut creek now has a new state-of-the-art library. the doors opened today at the new 42,000 square foot civic park library. the project cost just under $40 million and that's about $6 million less than the original estimate. the new library has something for people of all ages
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including a children's area, a teen video game center and a career center for adults. people in san francisco don't have to go to alameda to enjoy a great flea market tomorrow. it opens at the parking lot at candle stick point. organizers say that merchandise will appeal to serious collectors and everyday treasure hunters. the fair held every third sunday of the month from 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. the price is $15 from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and $5 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. next, high hopes remain but the testing isn't over. next, b.p.'s next move in the gulf of mexico oil disaster. >> i don't think it has been worse than this. from coast-to-coast search for relief as temperatures sore. i'm meteorologist lawrence karnow. temperatures soaring in parts of the bay area. 35 degrees plus cooler in other
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places. we will talk about that in the forecast coming up. ,,,, since i've been doing roller derby for the last three years, i'm more brash, more confident and i love this. can i use my hands? is that alright? i take good care of my body and i do it so i can do this. [ male announcer ] to keep doing what you love, keep your heart healthy. cheerios can help. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. i, i want to be doing roller derby until i break a hip.
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and then i'll do it for a little bit longer. hahaha. [ male announcer ] it's simple, love your heart so you can do what you love. what do you love? see how cheerios can help you do it. be holding. today the clock expired on bp's 48- hour the cap blocking oil from the busted well in the gulf appears to be holding. today the clock expired on b.p.'s 48 hour period but the government added another day of
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critical monitoring. scientists are optimistic that the well showed no signs of obviously leaks. once testing is complete the cap will be looked to pipes and then to ships that will collect the oil. today we enjoyed some beautiful weather here in the bay area but that's not the case in some parts of the country. more now on the scorching temperatures. >> reporter: across the country cities roasted under scorching temperatures. >> unbelievely hot. overheated. >> reporter: temperatures climbing well above 90 degrees from phoenix to philadelphia. factor in the humidity and it felt like the hundreds in much of the country. that follows the first half of the year which was the warmest ever on record. this weekend five people were treated for heat exhaust at a special olympics event in lincoln, nebraska. in los angeles, firefighters battled flames and heat at a scrap yard fire. in arizona rescue workers braved triple digit temperatures as they searched
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for hikers. in philadelphia marathoners pushed through punishing heat determined to break a record of running 146 miles in 24 hours. high temps combined with a lack of rain in some areas means some farmers have faced less than ideal growing conditions. >> the grounds was like powdered sugar when you walked on it. brown powdered sugar. yorveg it has -- i don't think it has been worse than this. >> reporter: lead to go water restrictions in parts of california, massachusetts and new york. in this new york city park the water was turned off. but this 4-year-old child didn't seem to mind. >> kids make the best of any situation, don't they. >> reporter: for this farmer there are worse things than high heat. >> experts say all of this warm weather does have a bright side. meteorologists are calling for an endless summer meaning they believe much of the country
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will enjoy above normal temperatures through october. possibly into november. cbc news, new york. you know, lawrence, not a lot of complaints right now? >> we had a cool spring. we are getting nice weather. >> i'm off your case which you like too. >> which doesn't happen very often but tonight is one of those nights. i'm going to enjoy it, folks. a lot of sunshine in spots today. patchy fog out toward the coastline and that kept you cool out at the immediate beaches but heating things inland. some numbers soaring near 100 degrees as we headed in toward the afternoon. now tonight the fog and low clouds starting to stretch back onshore and guess what, it is going to slip into the bay and that will keep things cooler tonight. clouds starting to make their way in across san francisco and it will fill in the bay. interior valleys should stay nice and clear. all right. planning tomorrow? we will keep you cool right out
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toward the coastline. patchy fog can really sit there. maybe partial clearing as we head into the afternoon. inside the bay not too bad. 60s. low 70s. in toward oakland and richmond area. 80s into san jose. interior valleys 90s. upper 90s possible in places like antioch and brentwood. the heat is on but looks like things will be changing. you won't see more of this stuff in the coming days. we head into the next few it may drop down a little. today checking in with 95 in concord. 94 in livermore. 91 fairfield. inside the bay much more comfortable. out toward the coast cool. pacifica 56. fog into san francisco. 59 partly cloudy oakland still 71 and very warm. plan on traveling around the state tomorrow. temperatures hot and spot. up in the triple digits.
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97 degrees in yosemite. high pressure still around but it will start to weaken over the next couple days but not before leaving us with some pretty hot temperatures and will take some days for us to cool down. valley heat starting to disappear with more low clouds and marine air will work its way onshore. plenty of clouds early on by the afternoon we will try to squeeze in sunshine. maybe not complete clearing towards the coastline. you get the idea. lots of 70s and 80s inside the bay. maybe 92 in morgan hill. east bay temperatures hot spots 97. brentwood 96 as well as antioch. north bay mostly sunny skies. as high as 91. let's check out the next few days. temperatures will start to creep down especially inland getting heat relief heading into tuesday and wednesday temperatures much more comfortable into the 80s. and actually by thursday and friday we may see those numbers move a little bit below normal before starting to heat up next
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week. >> all right. lawrence, thank you. >> you're welcome. dave lewis in tonight for kim coyle. >> will the giants give up a run in the second half ever? moving day at st. andrews. highlights from the british open next in sports. presenting the cadillac "summer's best" sales event. a fantastic opportunity to get a great offer on an all new cadillac srx luxury collection crossover... ..with a bose premium sound system. and an ultra-view sunroof designed to let more summer time in. summer brings out the best in all of us, so now's the perfect time to get behind the wheel of a new cadillac. hurry in for great lease or purchase offers on an all new srx during cadillac's summer's best sales event going on now at your cadillac dealer.
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games of the series with the mets...giants pitching carried the day as rumors continue to swirl that team is in the market
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bat to bolster t first two games of the series with the mets giants pitching carried the day. the team is in the market for a bat to add to the offense. did they line up to get a tim lincecum bobblehead. 2nd inning. smoking a single to left. buster posey scores. 1-0 giants. next batter pablo sandoval ripping one up the middle. pat burrell scores. three-hit night for the panda. table setter. three-run home run. 5-0 giants. 3rd inning. buster posey adding to the lead. shooting one the other way for his eighth homer of the season. it was another two-hit night for buster posey. matt cain extended the scoreless streak to 24 innings giving up a two-run homer to ike davis in the 7th and despite the splash hit cain improved to 7-8. giants beat the mets 8-4 and go for the four-game sweep tomorrow. giants pitching lights out since the break. giving up two runs in 24
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innings. more importantly, they have won all three games. meanwhile as quietly one win away from get back to .500 for the season. good luck in keeping cool in kansas city. game temperature 103 degrees. as bat started out hot. kevin kouzmanoff putting one in the gap for a two-run double. as score three in the 3rd. trevor cahill had early troubles of his own. bases loaded in the 2nd. yuniesky betancourt clearing them with a grand slam. giving up five runs in the frame. that was all he would give up. in the 7th kevin kouzmanoff striking again. daric barton scores. three r.b.i. night. delivering a big hit. two out knock. don't tell kurt suzuki catching is supposed to be slow. the go ahead run. as beat the heat and the royals 6-5. >> today i thought i wasn't going to make it.
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but it was one of those things you got to deal with and you try not to think about it. you come in the dugout. try to get cool and hydrated. just really focus on baseball just because you start focusing on the heat and start thinking about it more and it will get worse. >> louis oosthuizen don't seem to care how people pronounce his name. all he is thinking about right now is hait shows up tomorrow. what could he have been thinking? playing in the final pairing. blowing up with a 77. out of it paul casey moves up the leaderboard on front nine. five birdies. just short of the hole. a great 67. tiger woods had all kinds of problems. leaving him 1 strokes back. shot of the day. himmenez off the wall. perfectly on the greens. conventional shot making for
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the leader. louis oosthuizen. 55-foot birdie put on 16. adding another birdie on 18. getting to 15 under. he will enter the final round with a four shot lead over casey. for the first time since 1969 there are no americans in the top 5 of the open championship after three rounds. >> tough. i couldn't get anything started today. boy, hit the ball better today than i had the first two days and i got nothing out of the round. got a three putt every hole. it was frustrating because i'm hitting the ball well enough to contend in this tournament and i'm just not there. >> round 2 of the american century championship in lake tahoe. training camp right around the corner. niners could use another receiver. jerry rice still could do it on sunday on a level playing field, of course. and if the raiders have a putting contest to pick up their starting quarterback,
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kyle boller may win the job with a nice putt like this. former qb leading after two rounds. english premier league visiting san jose for the first time in 13 years. head to the track for a little drag racing. infineon. more sports next. you want some fiber one honey clusters? yeah. you must really care about him. what? no, no. you gave him fiber. no she didn't. this tastes way too good to be fiber. they're delicious crunchy clusters with sweet honey and half a day's worth of fiber. you care about my fiber? not really. i care about your fiber too. i have for a while. ok, carl. why don't you care about her fiber? hey carl. [ male announcer ] fiber one.
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their attention on the earthquakes making a second half playoff push apparently not all the voo-voo-zela bay area soccer fans can now focus on the earthquake now
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that the world cup is over. sell out crowd. english premier league. missing high an wide on the free kick. ends in a scoreless tie. nhra infineon. funny car division. nothing really funny about this. car catching fire. parts go flying everywhere. managing to qualify second. top seed back on the track tomorrow for final eliminations. tour de france. no company on the finish at the sprints line. no changes at the top. andy schleck keeping the jello jersey. that's dwhrowr day in sports. >> thank you. we will be right back. ,,,,
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they love about the unicycle. about 100 riders participated today in what they call "the sharing all that they love about the uni cycle. 100 riders participated today in what they call the u game. they took part this both fun and competitive rides around downtown san francisco. and their fans cheered them on as they passed by. top riders reached speeds of over 25 miles per hour. today's ride and other demonstrations were a rare treat. this is only the second time in 31 years that the group has come to california.
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who knew. that's what we told you. >> good day to be here. >> yes, it is. >> a lot of fun. >> tomorrow, pretty good weekend? >> i think tomorrow probably a pretty nice day around the bay area. hot in spots. folks, you want to beat the heat check this out. fog coming in right now over the golden gate bridge. that will make its way into the bay filling up just a bit. as we head into the afternoon mostly sunny except right at the coastline. that's when you will find the temperatures. 30 to 35 degrees cooler. >> if you wants cooler weather you have to wait until thursday. >> everybody will start cooling down over the next few days. >> we will be talking to you. >> thank you for having me. >> we will be back tomorrow. that's it for eyewitness news at 11:00 p.m. see you tomorrow at 5:30 p.m. >> good night. captions by: caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838 email: ♪
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