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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 530PM  CBS  July 17, 2010 4:30pm-5:00pm PST

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a fatal police shooting in oakland. what led to a confrontation that ended with the death of a suspect. for the moment an intense waiting game to see if the b.p. oil leak has been stopped in the gulf. roaming the east bay millions of years ago. what they are finding in a tunnel dig. good evening, i'm ann notarangelo. the news starts now. this is cbs5 eyewitness news. a suspect shot dead in the street by officers. both oakland and b.a.r.t police involved in the case and both agencies are trying to sort out exactly what happened. linda yee is in oakland with what we know at this point. >> reporter: hi, ann. people who live in this neighborhood say they saw that suspect running down the street taunting the officers who were chasing him. then suddenly just after 8:00
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a.m. this morning shots ran out. parents told their children to hit the floor and oakland police quickly explained why b.a.r.t officers were also involved. oakland police were quick to point out b.a.r.t officers were called in because the suspect armed with a knives knives. two b.a.r.t officers first spotted the suspect walking on east 4th street. >> he was yelling shoot me when the b.a.r.t officers first made contact with him. >> reporter: the man then took off. the b.a.r.t officers chased him for several blocks when oakland police joined in. >> we believe at that point we attempt to tase him. it is not effective. he is continuing to flee and still armed with the knives. >> the man then turned towards one of the officers who had tased him or attempted to tase
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him. knife in hand charges the officer. at that point other officers on scene who are there to protect the officer. they discharged their firearm and struck the suspect and falls to the ground and did not survive his wound. >> reporter: a neighbor saw it all. >> the police officer told him stop, stop, stop. and he wept this way, and that way. >> reporter: families in this fruitvale neighborhood is not new. with 80 police officers laid off because of budget problems it makes them even more nervous. >> it is unreal now when you see something like this. >> we are really scared. >> reporter: but she says her fear will not stop her from fighting back even the gang members who threatened her. >> they said we are going to kill you, burn your home. okay, burn my home.
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arrived quickly. he was hitting me and i say hit me and i'll call the police. >> you're not afraid of them? >> no, i'm not afraid to die. >> this was the third officer related shooting this year involving a death. in the meantime there are four separate investigations going into the circumstances surrounding the shooting including internal affairs as well as the alameda county district attorney's office. >> i'm not trying to make any comparisons of what happened today with what we saw with oscar grant in 2009 but the one thing is that there is an officer-involved shooting. we hear b.a.r.t police. but it seems in this case there are a lot of witnesses that support what the police did today. am i hearing that correctly? >> reporter: well, there are people who want the police officers here, yes. maybe some people may question what are the b.a.r.t officers doing here but the police were very quick to say we called them an told them about this suspect with the knife and he was going towards the b.a.r.t station. so what falls out of this after this i don't know.
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but the police haven't said whether it was b.a.r.t police or oakland police who fired the fatal shot but we do know both agencies did fire at that suspect. >> all right. linda yee in oakland. thank you very much. in stockton two people are dead and five others wounded in what appears to be a gang shooting. police say all seven of the victims were hispanic men. two died at the scene. investigators say although the shooting seems to be gang related they have not been able to confirm gang connections to the victims. they have no suspects in custody. two promising signs from the gulf of mexico. oil stopped spewing and no sign of leaks. but the road to recovery will be a long one. >> reporter: ann, so far so good with that oil below. that cap is holding. the pressure is holding. and they are encouraged by the way things are going so far. and no oil is gushing into the
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gulf. no new leaks and no busted well. so far b.p.'s experimental cap is preventing any more oil from gushing into the water. >> the longer the test goes the more confidence we have in it. >> reporter: for two days engineers monitored the temperature around the well. they have found to ruptures in the sea floor. b.p. will continue their tests through sunday. even once the well is capped for good, gulf residents know they have a long way to go before getting back to normal and they are anxious to move forward. >> we are definitely not seeing the tourism. >> reporter: dina runs a farmer's market in mississippi. she says the oil has brought a sense of tread to town. just like hurricane katrina. despite the economic hardships caused by the spill it was still a busy saturday at the market. vendors say this is an important time to support their
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community. >> what motivates you to do all this. >> it is just the love of this area. >> reporter: locals are still too nervous to be hopeful about an end to the spill but they won't let it drive them away from their way of life. also, cbc news has learned that b.p. has been offering lucrative contracts to local scientists and researchers in the gulf area but, ann, the catch is that they are not allowed to share or publicly discuss their findings related to the oil spill for at least three years. >> but the idea is they are looking into how severe this spill was and the effects it had on the area? >> absolutely. yeah. they want to gather up the local knowledge and keep it reported to be b.p. you can suggest that it is an effort to control the public relations image and to control any negative information that may flow out of here. >> that will be interesting to see what happens in three years. let me ask you about something else. obviously any good news is
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wonderful for the locals but how far away are they from getting a permanent fix to this spewing oil? >> reporter: the permanent fix they have maintained all along. the relief well that they are drilling. and those have always been believed to be finished in august. that's a little hazy. build relief wells and then you can permanently plug up the damaged part of that well and they would of course take away the pressure. that's always been talked about for being mid-august. we will see. things have been delayed so often in the past month. we will see if they stick to that schedule. >> thank you for the update. >> you're welcome. digging the fourth bore of a tunnel yielding fossils up to 10 million years old. fossilized animals. scientists expect to find more once a giant boring machine
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starts digging deeper. camels, horses and others. celebrating a project that came in ontime and under budget. the new library opening was today. the 42,000 square foot building cost just under $40 million and that's about $6 million less than the original estimate. among the features of the new library are 90 public computers. a children's area and workspaces for local artists. a quick summer get away where the president took his family for the weekend. what awaits him when he returns to washington. i'm meteorologist lawrence karnow in the weather center. out on the coast it is getting chilly out there. we have got the fog. we will talk about that coming up. ,,,,,,,, @@
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[ cell phone rings ] [ john ] i love these new cell phones. [ wife ] he just got a new phone and he can't stop using it. boom! profile pic. [ cell phone rings ] do you guys needs a moment?
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since john is always on his phone, we thought he'd like using wells fargo mobile banking. just paid the electric bill. wow. he's able to pay his bills, check his balance. wow. [ banker ] even transfer money between accounts. i can tell you what's playing, if you like. i can tell you, too. see? oh. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when life is mobile. ♪ washington on monday. and as the first family is on a weekend get away in maine returning to washington on monday and as terrell brown reports president obama has a big agenda waiting for him as soon as he is back at the white
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house. >> reporter: the obamas toured a lighthouse and explored nature in maine on saturday. they have a small town all abuzz. while all the talk here is about the first family the president had strong words for republicans in his weekly address. he accused minority leaders of playing politics and blocking votes on legislation that he says will breathe life into the economy. >> these steps aren't just the right thing to do for those hardest hit by the recession, they are the right thing to do for all of us. >> reporter: but no matter how much the president says his economic stimulus plan is working the 9.5% unemployment rate hasn't budgeted and only 23% much american -- of americans have gotten jobs. senate republicans say democrats should only be angry at themselves.
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>> house democrats gave president obama every dollar, every tax hike, every stimulus program and every government takeover that he asked for. >> reporter: many residents here are just fired up about catching a glimpse of the first family. >> i saw them over at the harbor club today. >> reporter: president obama does have some substantial reasons to enjoy his vacation. congress passed sweeping reforms of wall street this week and at least for now the oil leak in the gulf has stopped. terrell brown, cbc news. a central valley state college has finally revealed the speaking fee sarah palin received for appearing in a fund-raiser for its scholarship association. palin got $75,000 to speak at their 50th anniversary gala last week. school officials had been tight lipped about palin's contract but after students pulled part of what to be palin's contract
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from a garbage bin they started an investigation. >> it should have been revealed a long time ago. that information was asked not today but several months ago. >> it raised more than $200,000. that's the most successful fund- raiser the school has ever had. >> up next, a midsummer cooling trend. lawrence will be here for the forecast ,, since i've been doing roller derby for the last three years, i'm more brash, more confident and i love this. can i use my hands? is that alright? i take good care of my body and i do it so i can do this. [ male announcer ] to keep doing what you love, keep your heart healthy. cheerios can help. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. i, i want to be doing roller derby until i break a hip.
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building this morning. they bay area firefighters huffed and puffed.
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they were raising money for three local organizations. a toy drive as well. they were in full gear during the climb which adds about 50 pounds. it was all part of firefighters charity events around the country. they make it look easy, don't they, lawrence? >> they sweat bullets going up those stairs like that. my brother does that. he says unbelievely hot in those things. >> lucky for them it is in san francisco and is a little bit cooler than if they were in inland. >> serious heat around the bay area. some temperatures near 100 degrees. no heat wave out toward the coastline. socked in with low cloud and fog. even a couple of clouds there in the distance. monsoonal moisture making its way over the sierra nevada. there it is, just sparse population wise out at the coast today as you can see the
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fog and low cloud socked in there. as much as 30 degrees plus cooler out at the beaches. not a bad evening tonight. cool out toward the coastline because you've got that patchy fog inside the bay seeing mostly cloudy skies. a little bit on the breezy side. still warm temperatures inland, clear skies and should be nice and warm for the better part of the evening hours. looking hot many spots inland. 90s. maybe upper 90s well inland. lots of sunshine there. inside the bay you'll find temperatures running a little more mild. 60s and low 80s in toward the santa clara valley. patchy fog likely to persist. it has been the story. low clouds and fog kind of hanging out towards the beaches keeping you cool here. much hotter weather inland. 89 degrees in livermore. 87 in fairfield. 61 degrees and breezy with that fog making its way into san
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francisco. you'll find the heat in the central valley. 100 in sacramento. looks like high pressure is going to hang out for another day or so. as the ridge breaks down, guess what we will see cooler temperatures. again, we are stuck with that valley heat and the cool coast side. pretty typical summer like weather pattern in the bay area. starting out tomorrow we have got low cloud and fog early on. 8:00 a.m. in the morning. a lot of fog inside the bay. but the afternoon computer models want to break it up pretty good although i think we will still see patchy fog. keeping you cool right on the coast. planning on 50s to 60s on the water's edge. 70s and 80s. maybe even as high as 92 in morgan hill. east bay temperatures seeing some numbers really spike. north bay those temperatures running up into the 70s and 80s. maybe as high as 91.
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dropping to about the middle of the week. by the end of the week maybe headed below normal as we head into thursday and friday. but beginning to warm up again next weekend. >> you were saying we are flirting with hundreds again? >> that's right. in the spots well inland. not anywhere else. >> you know how i feel about that? >> yes. >> he doesn't care. all righty. kim coyle is taking a much deserved day off but you probably know the name dave lewis. you will know his voice. here is the face. >> not used to a dress code. >> moving day at the british open but not for tiger and phil. we will have all the highlights from st. andrews coming up next in sports. ,, signal.
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zen doesn't seem to care how people pronounce his name... all >> one of the reasons i don't cover sports i can't pronounce the name. today i have good company. >> doesn't seem to care about names. i was thinking it shows up tomorrow wondering. a 77. paul casey may be moving up the leaderboard. everything was rolling his way. approach on the second just stopped short of the second. he was the low round of the day with 67. tiger woods had all kinds of problems on the greens.
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he is 12 strokes back. shot of the day. off the wall. carries perfectly onto the green. but everyone continues to chase him. he drains a 55-foot birdie putt. finishing his round at 6 to get to 15 under par. for the first time since 1969 there are no americans in the top 5 of the open championship after three rounds. >> i couldn't get anything started today. hit the ball better today than i had the first two days and i got nothing out of the round. yesterday and today. it was frustrating because i'm hitting the ball well enough to contend in this tournament and i'm just not there. >> round 2 of the american century championship at lake tahoe. officially hitting rock bottom with his swing. training camp just around the corner.
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niner fans could use another wide receiver. jerry rice looking like he can still do it of course running on a level playing field. if the raiders have a putting contest their starting quarterback kyle boller would win the job. bay area soccer fans can focus all their attention on earthquakes making a second half playoff push. apparently they weren't all left in south africa. taking on the english premier league. missing high and wide on the free kick. ends in a scoreless tie. >> tour de france. department have -- didn't have much company on his way to the finish line. annual epi great race and as kim coyle reports she was taking part in a triathlon that
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is a major accomplishment for a cal rugby player. >> reporter: he was a standout rogby player with great potential but his life changed forever just before the season started one december night in 2001. >> in 2001 i was in a car accident in sacramento and as a result i became paralyzed from the waste down. >> reporter: now 30 dominic has a renewed sense of life and purpose challenging himself in ways he never imagined. he started a nonprofit organization called try for others. >> we help injured rugby players because that's the community i came from. i would get a lot of calls from players that had been injured in rugby and we would offer them advice and we would help them with it right after the injury. >> reporter: the goal.
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>> define stereotypes and defining their own meaning of being disabled. >> as dominique and a team of other disabled athletes are competing in epi's great race in sacramento, triathlon. >> top speed is 25 miles an hour and i got it down to almost 40 miles an hour downhill. one line that i have adopted as the motto of our foundation and it is from john wooden don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. kim boyle, cbs5 sports. >> finishing third today. really an inspiration. >> 45 miles an hour. i can't even imagine that. >> that would be a rush. >> thank you very much. all right, lawrence. check in with you really quickly. tomorrow? >> yes, tomorrow looking good. i think you can pick and choose
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your weather. it is a neat time of year. if you don't like the heat you head out towards the coastline. look at that. you'll find fog and low clouds keeping you cool out toward the beaches. if you like that hot stuff head out toward the tri-valley, inland temperatures well into the 90s. some places getting to 100 degrees tomorrow of course. you will be 30 plus degrees cooler across the coastline. >> so we now have settled into the normal summer pattern? >> we are in so-called normal summer pattern. >> just a whacky spring and so now this is normal. coming up at 6:30 p.m., a sweet small business success. how some good dessert recipes and smart marketing are paying off for some east bay people. that's it for the eyewitness news at 5:30 p.m. then at 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. news updates on ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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