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tv   Up to the Minute  CBS  July 16, 2010 2:10am-3:30am PST

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>> more -- >> all in for tony g. >> tilted tony using pure aggression here. >> did i say before -- >> it works. quick fold from doyle. and tony rakes in a nice size pot. >> tony blows doyle off the best hand. >> if he checks it he gets the next, huh? >> oh, man. >> i thought -- i wanted phil in. wanted to give you the opportunity to participate. >> don't worry, tony. i just spent pocket pens. >> only had two queens before the flop. every time i flopped out there, you'd have something. every time i have a big hand, you have something. so -- >> just wanted to give you a go. >> all right. >> tony g. get some of it back over the last few hands, but as you look at the scoreboard, he's still stuck over 122 -- $122,000. the big news is ernest wiggins is up over $57,000. now he's playing with his own
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dough. >> that's $57,000 that's ernest's money it lose. his style may benefit him and allow him to walk away a winner. >> that's it for tonight. phil locke and daniel naganu won a chunk of change. burr the loose canon will have it on the line tomorrow night. will he keep his winnings or will the superstar get revenge? the end? good-bye for now. remember, if you've got the cash and the guts, there's always a seat open at the big game. see you next time. >> if you want to appear on the big game and be a loose canon, log on to there are free qualifying tournaments every day. for joe stapleton, i'm chris rose. we'll see you tomorrow night. -- captions by vitac --
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