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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5PM  CBS  July 15, 2010 4:14pm-4:23pm PST

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on my bed with a box and then he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. [ laughter ] >> there was no hesitation at all. >> a wedding date has yet to be set. telemarketers and scammers taking on a new approach. the device that could put your security at risk. i felt like i was going to lose a child. >> and pet owner beware of the common product that could be toxic to your pet even in small quantities. the most important element in the weather center is just how hot will it be on your friday? take a good look. these are some of the temperatures i'm working on. 100 degrees in morgan hill. we'll pinpoint those location coming up on cbs 5. ,,,,,,,,,,
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5:16 pm
i'm done with all these lists. and driving all over town. i want one list. for one store. [ female announcer ] at safeway, you get it all. great quality and great prices. so you just need a safeway list. [ male announcer ] with thousands of everyday low prices you'll save all over the store. [ female announcer ] with club card specials like breyers ice cream just $1.99 and safeway hot dog or hamburger buns only 89 cents. [ male announcer ] quality and low prices. so there's one stop for everything. [ female announcer ] at safeway, that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. the phone. what if that number was fake? consumerwatc me telema caller id is probability
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the first thing you look at when you pick up the phone but what if the number was fake? consumerwatch shows how some of telemarketers or even scammers could get around your caller id. reporter: it's a small piece of information that pops up when the phone rings, the caller's identity. users love it. >> i think it's nice know who is calling, you know, because depending on what situation you're in, it might be a good or bad time to take a call. >> sometimes if there is somebody you want to avoid it's convenient. >> reporter: but several online services are popping up where callers could make any number appear on a caller id. rob rockwald from a redwood shores-based internet security company says the practice is called caller id spoofing a practice that could easily mislead consumers. >> sometimes if you see a restricted number, people are a little caught off guard and they are a little bit concerned about answering the phone. if you see the number, more
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importantly if you see a familiar number and if it's spoofed to say bank of america or another large company that you're familiar with, you let your guard down. >> reporter: that's what paul of el cerrito says may have happened to him after a phony number appeared on his caller id. >> it was a strange number, at what time 555-000-0000. and it's exactly appeared like that on my caller id. [ ring ] >> hello? >> reporter: he says the caller clammed to be conducting a survey but caller was most likely using a spoofing service. >> in this case i think what was person was trying to do with the malicious person was trying to do is simply cover their tracks and at the same time not only cover their tracks but what they are trying to do is if they show the numbers, there is a better likelihood that people will pick up the phone. >> reporter: so how are they doing it?
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at spoofe m-dot come they can change their voice and record the call for as little as $9. but using the service will soon be banned. congress recently passed a bill that will make it illegal to mislead a caller id. we contacted spoofem. com who said while spoofing can be dangerous it does have its advantages for law enforcement, businesses and celebrities who want to protect their identities. if you want to see the company's full statement and for tips on how to protect yourself go to if you have a question or problem call our consumerwatch hotline at 1-888-5-helps-u. well, it looks like the millions of people who invested in the apple iphone 4 won't be sending them back to apple and here's why. the wall street judge says that it has learned that appear the -- "wall street journal" says that it has learned that apple won't recall the iphone 4. users complain that it drops calls. apple will talk about the problem and potential fix at a rare news conference tomorrow
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morning at 10:00. here's cnet's molly wood. >> this issue they have been really dismissive kind of denied that there was a problem. and they are the kind of company that almost never responds to complaints about hardware flaws so the fact that they are holing a press conference at all is a very big deal. >> the journal also reports apple engineers knew about risks associated with the phone's antenna as early as a year ago but ceo steve jobs apparently liked the design so much that apple went ahead with the development. now, competition went on sale today the motorola droid x available at verizon and runs google's android platform. our cnet partners have given the phone high marks so far. they say the biggest drawback they can find is that some users might find the phone to be too large. it has a 4.3" touchscreen. the droid x sells for $200 with a new two-year contract. all right.
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is, xs, forget the letters, let's go to the numbers. it's hot. >> people want to phone in that forecast. they want a personal forecast because temperatures today across the bay area jumped anywhere between 7 and 10 degrees. this is the scene right now looking out towards the golden gate bridge. yes, it is clear with an air temperature of 65 degrees for all those evening commuters. downtown san jose currently 86 degrees. humidity at 29%. westerlies at 12 miles per hour. and that is what 96 degrees looks like. yes. mount vaca, looking out towards the valley. if you are going to be out and about this evening, we have gorgeous conditions for baseball action. game time temperatures, 67 degrees the san francisco giants play host to the new york mets. now, if you have any kind of evening plans tonight, it is a very mild night. in fact, i have been taking a look at the temperatures. and we have only had one other hotter day so far this year than what we are going to be expecting tomorrow. so leading up into that, 60s at the coast, 70s bayside, 90s
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inland this evening. the coast is clear. this is what an offshore flow looks like. high pressure is expanding. warmed us up today. tonight an extremely mild night with just a hint of a little stratus next to the coast. otherwise, 72 degrees for your friday in half moon bay. 89 degrees in sunnyvale. we are talking triple digits in morgan hill. so far this year, it was on june 27th that we forecast triple digits. that's it. tomorrow will be the second day with easily 100 degrees in walnut creek. livermore, pleasanton, and in brentwood, tracy, oakley backing through mountain house so somebody's backyard should surely hit about 101. 100 degrees at the delta, cordelia. mid-90s in sonoma. so the extended forecast calls for tomorrow triple digits just one degree cooler on saturday. we'll keep working this weather pattern until the deepening marine layer on monday.


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