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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 24, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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show improvements over the long haul but there are still ongoing challenges. >> monitoring the state. the bay area is making strides but is it enough? we are going to break down the all new report and the threats we face here in california. the battle over emergency abortion access heats up once again. it is front and center in our nation's capital. the impact that could have nationwide. campus tensions in columbia university with new developments overnight after students protesting the war in the middle east. good morning to you on this wednesday. i marked washington. >> i am kris sanchez. i had to pump some gas yesterday and i am looking forward to it. at least i got to turn off the
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air conditioner. >> it has been a lot cooler all around the bay area. we are going to see this continue for the next few days all thanks to the clouds that we are seeing overhead right now. of course comment that prevents us from seeing a beautiful sunrise this morning. we are going from mid-50s this morning to mid 60s. it's not as windy. we are going to also see some slightly cooler than normal temperature for this time of year with a high of 64. we will be in the upper 60s for santa fe. 60 degrees for brentwood. check out what's ahead for the rest of the weekend for the weekend coming up. my comment you have a look at san jose. we saw the first one kick in right abound 5:40. a few minutes to compensate. we are looking at a lighter drive right now.
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go back to green and then start to build again closer to 6:30. that the typical pattern. we'll watch 87 for the next as well. we typically see this around 92. no major issues. we are looking towards this crash on the shoulder. no distraction for the build. we do have a new crash off the freeway. back to you. let's take a live look outside across the bay area. the sun is starting to come up. our air quality looks pretty clear from these cameras. san mateo bridge and in san jose. but we are getting a first look at the dormant based on the air quality data. >> she joins us this morning with a look at the 25th state annual report. did, what are we looking at? >> reporter: it's a mixed bag . there some good news and some
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bad news. a bit of the bad news is that some of those programs that have gotten us to these better days are potentially on the chopping block. one bay area county has received a failing grade in all three measures of pollution. we are going to find more those details are just a second. i want to show you some of the cars coming on and off of the bay bridge. a part of the reason why the bay area is where it is is because of our transportation sector. they play a large part as a source of pollution. let's take a look at where we stand because of our choices. at the bay area, mainly san jose, san francisco and oakland ranks seventh in terms of daily particle pollution. we rank fifth in terms of annual particulate matter. only the annual number was an
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improvement. for ozone, the bay area is 13th in the nation according to data from the environmental protection agency. both ozone and particulate matter impacts our health, especially common in the young and elderly. now you might have expected a better grade given that we have had fewer light fires. wildfire smoke is not the biggest problem. >> the dominant source of air pollution in california and the bay area tends to be the transportation sector. everything from cars and trucks and buses to the ships at port, or other equipment, rail yards that are very heavily polluted. that why all of these types of sources really do need to be cleaned up. >> reporter: according to this year's reports, these are the cleanest cities to live in. we see those cities. we are not on that list. bangor, main, johnson city
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kingsport bristol, tennessee, virginia. lincoln beatrice, nebraska. honolulu, hawaii. ludington, north carolina. these are the california counties that received a failing grade because they are also counties in addition to the most polluted places to live. on that list, you can see them in alphabetical order. among the places that are receiving failing grades, it is ozone, short-term and year- round pollution measured. if you want to see more of the details, you can go to long' with the trends it is seeing. if you want to make an impact, we are told that you can go ahead and pressure your lawmakers for cleaner legislation to make an impact on our air pollution. there are also stronger investments to be made in both clean vehicles and appliances. interesting stuff. marcus and chris.
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>> interesting indeed. ginger conejero saab. a supreme court will hear arguments today surrounding abortion. it is the high court's first case centered on the issues of the justices overturned roe v. wade in 2022. marie, this case centers on states where the procedure is largely banned. >> reporter: that right. the case stems from idaho. with limited exceptions, even in states where abortion is banned, federal health care laws say hospitals must be allowed to terminate pregnancies and rare emergencies where a patient's life or health is at serious risk. idaho contends it's band has exceptions but allowing it in more medical agencies would turn hospitals into abortion.
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that is meant to ensure patients are not turned away based on their ability to pay. even during emergencies as this case plays out. >> so, brie, allowing the lot to go into effect has already had an impact on women's health. >> reporter: it has. it states abortion bands have already affected emergency care. typically treated with abortion must now float out of state for care since doctors must wait until they are close to death to provide abortions. >> as the supreme court focuses on what is happening in idaho, our governor here, gavin newsom, he is focused on what's happening in arizona. let's talk about that. >> gavin newsom and state lawmakers, they are set in
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response to arizona's abortion plan. the bill would offer abortion providers and expedited way. this is after arizona's supreme court upheld a abortion ban. that law would not even allow for abortion in the case of rape or incest. >> for me, it's chilling and goes well beyond just the issue of women's reproductive care. access to contraception, fix consequential moment that has absorbed most of our focus. >> reporter: that news coverage will begin at 10:30 this morning. >> thank you , we'll have the
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results coming up for you in our midday news. a delegation from north korea is visiting iran. media confirming that trip which is being led by the country's cabinet minister for international trade. so far, iranian government has not reported on this visit. the two countries have long been suspected of cooperating on military programs. orders reported that iran provided a large number of ballistic missiles to russia for its war with ukraine. students continued to protest the war in gaza. the president said a midnight deadline for that agreement to be reached. according to a spokesperson, student protesters have confirmed that this dismantling . they will remove anyone not affiliated with the school and only students will participate
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in protests. conversations are expected to continue for the next 48 hours. this comes after more than 100 were already rested. mike johnston is also expected to meet with those protesters today. so far, there is no progress being made here over at uc berkeley. dozens of tents are still on the hall. the students say they will not be leaving until their demands are met. they are asking the university to cut ties from companies supporting israel. uc berkeley officials say they are committed to free speech but with finals approaching, they want to make sure that those classes are not impacted by protests. we have been talking about pandas coming back to san francisco. now we know little bit more about the plan. it is not going to be easy and it is not going to be without controversy. has to get the supervisors to allow her to raise money. at the panda plan is being met with feedback.
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his supervisor says that the mayor is tone deaf for announcing what could be a $25 million fundraiser in a time the city is seeing massive budget cuts. mayor breed says her plan is full steam ahead. >> we are talking with representatives of the zoo. we have engineers from china that were here while i was in china talk about where and what it would entail. we have an architect, we have people working on it. >> mayor breed says if she gets the green light, we could see two giant pandas at the san francisco zoo sometime next year. it is 6:10. look at that. bright and early right now. san jose looking nice this morning. >> days are getting longer now we are getting more spring, so far temperatures haven't yet responded. we are going to see more clouds and a cooler day.
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a little cooler than our average day. as we take a look at san francisco, the golden gate bridge. a look at our high temperatures, we will see upper 60s. still pretty pleasant as we get the sun peeking out from behind the clouds this afternoon. we will also have some comfortable weather 66 in oakland. we will see some mid-60s for the peninsula into san francisco as well as the north bay. where can we find more gas prices? most of the states, this one is for our stores. for $4.77 on hayward. fremont checking gas their number under five bucks in south bay. the best in campbell, that is 5:37 on west campbell avenue. hovers around five dollars as well.
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the next on on springs road at $4.99. that in the middle. that for the cash price. let's get out to the roadways and what's going on. it's a smooth and easy drive. no major issues. the crash has reportedly cleared. typical build now just showing up under where it says richmond. towards the richmond bridge. we are still holding up under a half hour from marsh creek down to i-5 80. shutting down stores, the bay area express locations set to close after the company filed for bankruptcy. tesla struggling too. it is promising, another new car. we will have all of that coming up. when you think of golfing, you probably don't usually think of a young crowd. but you know what? things are changing. we are going to take a look at some millnial takeovers on en
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good wednesday morning. right now, it is 6:15. let's get a look at redwood city. it's going to be a cloudy morning. the temperatures in the mid-50s at 7:00. the low 60s at noon. it will reach the mid-60s for today. not as much wind. it's going to be a nice one for this time of year. we will talk about the slight chance of rain that we have our forecast coming up in a few
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minutes. we have the backup right on schedule. out of richmond and towards the right center. so cleared to south golden gate. also that you coming up. very happy wednesday to you. games on the market for the second day in a row. tesla making a lot of news. will talk about the largest manufacturer in a minute. oracle says it is moving its headquarters again. at this time to nashville. the company is to be headquartered in santa clara. for the longest time in redwood city. then a big move to austin, texas. now the company says it wants to be closer to its healthcare customers and is once again picking up and moving to tennessee. oracle still has a big presence in the bay area. you may have heard of oracle park. really big headquarters are becoming less important particularly in high-tech which has a huge percentage of remote
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workers. the federal trade commission will ban noncompete clauses for employees nationwide. no longer can a company bar it's worker from going across the street to the competitor. this was already against the rules in california. severally come in the department of labor says and you when making less than must be paid overtime for working overtime. that goes into effect in july. the senate did as expected pass the so-called tiktok band. the president will likely sign it in a package of bills today. it gives face the band. tesla detailed its layoffs yesterday we now note 2700 bay area employees will lose their jobs or are already gone. either way, no later than june. it start of a 10% cut worldwide. tesla also told reporters and analysts, its profits fell 55% in the first quarter. companies have quarters where
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profits fall. in tesla's case, the numbers simply show they are selling your. elon musk really wanted to hear a promise tesla was going to build a new car. the model to, a cheaper version. they got that promise. easily by 2025, maybe as soon as later this year. elon musk historically, terrible at predicting dates. he also repeated his plans for a fleet of self driving taxis. tesla laid out 10%. it lost two major vacuums. on the conference call: the head of their investor department said he was leaving. by the way, i'm leaving. >> how long did we wait for those cyber trucks? >> at least seven years. >> since 2025.
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we all know that the express locations are set to close. the company announced a filing of bankruptcy. it includes two bay area express stores. one of them at bay street in emeryville. the company will also close all of its west stores which includes wanted santana row in san jose. closing sales are already underway. remember when you were in your younger 20s and party all night? that seems to be changing. more young people are leaving the bustle of city life. >> millennial now heading to golf courses. not just duty up and also to live in. retirement communities. now we are living with our grandparents. from their late 20s to their early 40s according to wall street journal. the trend started during the
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pandemic and more golf rounds were played during the pandemic and last year than ever before. getting communities typically located a few hours from a major city. they come with swimming pools, dining and other amenities. a lot of communities are adding reservations. taking out the shower railings, just kidding. >> i like not having trick-or- treaters every october. that just me. >> we don't want to charlie here all week long. >> communities require a buy-in ranging from 50,000 to 250,000. i would say that some of those they are talking about aren't really related to age. just related to personality. you have to pick the right community. >> they look in their 20s though. >> they don't want trick-or-
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treaters. to be fair, once your kids are not little, you don't want to deal with kid stuff. >> you don't have to deal with. it turned that light often just lay in the bed. ding . not saying that i did that. >> wow. let's get a look at our screen. beautiful forecast that we have. i promise you it's going to be a nice day. we are starting out with temperatures of the mid-to- upper 50s right now and headed for the upper 60s. a lot of these temperatures are slightly cooler compared to what we usually see. we are going to see a high of 66 in dublin today. we are just going to set it on repeat for a few days. our weather is worthless by the storm track. a series of storms there that have been getting us some cloudy and clear weather.
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as we go into the weekend, there will be a slight chance one of those storms that will pass to our north. it looks like it could bring more activity with some rain still there. then we are back to the sunshine for the weekend with our temperatures in the upper 60s for the next few days through the end of the week. the weekend we will sing warmer slots like livermore and santa rosa in the mid-70s. in san francisco we will see mid-60s. mike commented you see something going on at the san mateo bridge? i was worried about slowing because of the build. nothing dramatic. it looks like everything made its way to the shore. if you just want to be cautious. maybe even a little bit lighter than 622 typically sees. a disabled
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc.
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mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? good morning. we will be in palo alto tomorrow afternoon. we have an invitation for you to join us. we will be having some fun and supporting our schools. we are once again partnering with the nonprofit family giving tree. this year it's hoping to provide free backpacks full supplies to thousands of deserving students. with your help, we usually kick off his campaign in the summer but we are starting early because times are still tough.
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making it is still not easy. >> is not something that starts with the school year. it's something that lives throughout the year and outside of it. >> here's where you can meet our family and the family giving tree tomorrow. town and country village in palo alto. rt will have kid's games and an opportunity for you to donate to the backpack drive. can't make it? you can donate from home. it snapped the qr code on the screen right now to make a contribution on mine. thanks for supporting our schools and to see you tomorrow in palo alto. we have a lot more ahead for you at 6:30 including new hope for answers. the documentary set to air shedding new light on the murder of alexis. president biden about to sign a bill into law that would ban tiktok?
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the action that the tiktok company can take to keep that popular video sharing app on your phone. once again, an update on where that event is going to be held
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i'm biased but i think it goes against basic human rights like freedom of speech.
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>> tiktok on the clock. the u.s. one step closer to a possible ban on apps. housing that could become law and what -- after several protests, we have a new bill hoping to hold those who participate accountable. using ai to protect our climate in crisis. we go inside a plant to shows how new technology is helping to sort our trash and protect our environment. this is today in the bay. thanks for joining us on this wednesday morning. let's get you caught up on that forecast. tracking what we can expect. how are we looking?
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not as sunny as we have been having but it was ice. >> it was nice because it is cooler. i think the clouds are keeping those temperatures from rising as a go to the day. we're going to see some picks of sunshine. we will see the sun just speaking out every now and then. a little bit more son as we go into the afternoon in the upper 60s. we are going to see upper 60s. partly cloudy skies and for san jose, in brentwood. we will talk about this pattern continuing and where we might see some slight rain chances in the forecast coming up in just a few minutes. any moment president joe biden is expected to sign a bill which can eventually lead to the nationwide ban and the popular app tiktok. let's talk about this. that potential ban can still be avoided, right? >> reporter: correct. it what's going to happen, any
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moment president biden is going to sign this bill into law that would force tiktok's parent company to sell the popular platform that is not chinese owned or would end up having to ban tiktok in the united states. this is part of a $95 billion that would deliver funding to israel and taiwan. the president could extend that for another few months. bytedance could sue the government and drag that case out for years . this tech expert also explains why there are legitimate, national concerns with tiktok given that the chinese-owned app collects personal information like your age, location and contact list. >> all of this will create some type of understanding on what's going on in an emergency
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society. >> i'm biased but i think it goes against our basic human rights like freedom of speech. >> reporter: we also spoke with a local woman who does not want tiktok to go away. she and her husband have 1.4 million followers . she tells us this video sharing platform has helped her husband grow his business. reporting live, barbara del. >> thank you. the police need your help finding a missing teenager. sunday night around 10:00. according to the san francisco standard, butterfield is the daughter of former ceo stuart butterfield. known to frequent. if you know anything about her whereabouts, you are asked to call the sheriff.
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the family of a woman who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend is hoping a new documentary can help bring justice. that documentary premieres tonight. >> what did you think could happen inside that home? >> alexis gabe did not leave that home alive. >> alexis gable was killed in 2022 after going to antioch to visit her ex-boyfriend. in june of 2022, law enforcement shot and killed jones and washington state while trying to arrest him on murder charges related to her death. there is a watch event for tonight's premier of the new documentary, where is alexis? the gathering is planned on main street in oakley. reservations are required.
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also happening today, the man accused of driving his death off a cliff on purpose with his family inside is due back in court. a judge will determine if patel is fit to stand trial. back in 2023, the tesla he was driving plunged off a 300 foot cliff with his wife and two children in that car. all of them survived the crash. his wife claims that he deliberately and had been depressed. tell pleaded not guilty and said he was falling over to check a tire. this is during the mourning. they are issuing a plea for help solving a cold case. detectives are really trying to figure out what happened to this man. his name is jeffrey rubin. investigators say someone found a human skull back in 2001. investigators determined that the cause of death was a gunshot wound. it wasn't until 2022 that identity was discovered.
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rubin was born in north carolina that they believe that he made his way to california back in the 1980s. if you have any information, your asked to contact the sheriffs department. a new bill could penalize protesters who block highways and it comes after the protest earlier this year which shut down the golden gate bridge and the state bridge. one of the protest delayed transplants from getting to a local hospital. protesters can't could be fined for $100-$200. the penalty could go up to $1000 for repeat offenders within three years. the bill still has to pass the senate. the california garlic festival is changing locations once again. >> this is after organizers of the garlic festival shutdown
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back in 2022. it was held for the past two years. now the california garlic festival will be in merced county and los banos. that will be a monster truck show there. tickets cost around $15. >> that a deal. all right, meteorologist cary hall. i was thinking about morgan hill. >> yeah all around the bay area. the sun not coming through the blinds just yet but we are going to see sam peeks of sunshine as a go throughout the day. we are going to mid-to-upper 50s to themes of mid-to-upper 60s. we are going to start out at 57.
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a cloudy sky throughout the day. he can see those clouds lingering. it took a while for the clouds to break up to have a nice sunny afternoon. keeping those temperatures down come a little bit cooler than normal with livermore headed up for 60 degrees. we will see a high of 68 and martina. it today, 64 degrees. we will get a look ahead. we may see some slight rain chances coming up but you are saying a couple more spots flowing now. yeah, that second burst. we do have a disabled vehicle that we can see just pass highway 84. looks like it's nothing to worry about there. this weekend, i'll give you a chance to plan ahead. south bound completely closed. the traditional weekend closure, another three-day weekend. a two day weekend closure. that will shove a lot of folks over here to castro valley.
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last time was really jammed from 238 down to fremont. that is the warning again for this coming weekend. back to you. need some help sorting your trash? how about using ai? a really effective way of keeping it clean. we go inside to see how they are using new technology to make things more efficient and protect our climates. there are still people voting in presidential primaries. we will have the results. we've had two wins in a row but it doesn't look like it's going to be three. catching day is here. this is one of the videos we saw. they are all hatched. we will tell you how the beloved falcon mother is duties as a mother. we'll have more that, stick
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good wednesday morning. we are taking a live look outside. here is a look at your commute through north bay. we are going to be cloudy for not only the next couple of hours but at least into the early afternoon. it will be a gradual warm-up as her temperatures had to the
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north 60s. we will do it all over again tomorrow or we will talk about changes in our weekend forecast. the ferry service has been suspended because of a problem with the peer. that comes from larkspur. might blend in with you leaving the city traffic. we already know that president joe biden will face- off against former president donald trump. that been decided. >> some of these haven't finished their primaries. >> pennsylvania just voted yesterday. not a lot of pennsylvanians necessarily went to the polls. but how they voted is instructive. biden won the primary. trump
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won the republican primary. but nikki haley who is not running came in second to trump with 155,000 votes. this is pennsylvania we are talking about. a key state in the upcoming presidential race. a state that could be decided by just a few votes. president biden said yesterday his campaign considers florida in play. a florida has not gone blue since barack obama was president. following the defeat of roe v. wade have some floridians motivated to campaign in both. president biden isn't shy about encouraging them. >> for 50 years, the court ruled that there was a fundamental right to privacy. for two years ago, that was taken away. let's be real clear. there is one person responsible for this nightmare. and he has acknowledged and bragged about it. donald trump. >> president biden says he will sign the bill today that sends
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money and arms to ukraine, israel and taiwan. orders the parent company of tiktok to find an american buyer or face the ban. the faa has set new rules including cash refunds for cancellations or delays. an up front pricing on luggage. there is a process. no court for donald trump today. yesterday, the former publisher of the national enquirer, one of trump's former closest friends testified for the prosecution. former president trump has complained to the reason there are very few trump supporters around the courthouse each morning is because the police have shut down the area and his fans can't get anywhere near it. >> people that want to come down and want to protest in court, we have more police presence here than anyone has ever seen. >> not for blocks.
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here's video. the streets around the courthouse are in fact open to traffic. anyone can come and protest. he says one person did. mr. trump will be back in criminal court tomorrow. another set of lawyers are going to be at the u.s. supreme court where they will argue that presidents should have immunity. today, the high court will hear arguments over law that punishes doctors from performing abortions. abortions like that are only legal to prevent the death of the mother. marcus. now to our climate in crisis. a new recycling facility is helping sort things and sort through life's messes. and help with artificial intelligence. >> i will take a closer look at how it all works. >> reporter: preventing
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pollution and land, the ocean and in the air. it all starts with a truck entering through the gate onto a scale, leaving behind the material they collected from homes and businesses. into the cedar it goes. sort, sort, sort. the name of the game. employees can bring paper, you name it. things that were incorrectly put in those recycle bins, then come the computers with an ai component that will identify certain recyclables. >> the sensors use puffs of air to sort that material. we decided to go that route because it's a really effective way of producing clean and recycled mail. >> reporter: recology tells us
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reselling around 85% of it. >> most of the companies that we work with are domestic. >> reporter: recycling is important for our climate and process. california generates each year. bay trash crunches helps save money, space in landfills and much more. >> hopefully as consumers, we are buying things with other recycled material so we can make this process sustainable. >> we are really learning so much about what ai can do. and then who knew that it was being used to sort trash and keep our earth a little bit cleaner. >> you can continue to teach it. it is an evolving thing. >> let's see what it's doing.
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happening now, take a look at these precious little predators. >> why do you keep saying predators? >> i know. >> this is annie, the falcon that nests in berkeley. now she and her mate, archie, are raising for new baby chicks. an outdoor screening and questions. if you want to keep up with annie and her new little checks, you can watch a live stream of the nest on youtube starting at 9:00 this morning. don't change the channel before then. >> i was able to watch the lifestream yesterday. he can see the shadow of archie. the way she looked at him, she was like, you going to do something? and that she took off and he was there. it was cute to see. >> had to tell them apart?
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>> she was hovering over them. >> also, he's known eddie for 60 days. >> yeah, so. we go way back. >> he's been watching way too long. it's nice to see nature. we forget, we don't forget but it's nice to see nature and stuff like that. >> springtime, all the baby chicks are hatching. it out and enjoy it. we're going to have some mild temperatures. we are also seeing a lot of clouds as we take a live look outside in san jose. we will eventually start to see the sun peeking out. it is going to be very much like it was yesterday. slow to clear. we are going to see some slightly cooler than normal temperatures as a result of those clouds hanging out with
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us. it'll be up to 66 in dublin and 68 in martinez. san francisco, 62 degrees. into mountain view, 66 there as well. tomorrow comments about the same. do not see much of a change. on friday, we are going to settle into the pattern for a while. we will get slightly warmer for the weekend but overall, we are more influenced by the storms that have been moving across the pacific northwest. these lows have been one after another. every now and then, the rate changes will get a little bit closer to the north bay parts of the bay area and possibly the sierra. it looks like the bay area is going to miss out on those rain chances with the exception of some very light and spotty showers. nothing really big, a big impact here. the weekend is looking nice. take a look at our high temperatures for areas like napa. we will see highs in the low to mid 70s for early next week. in the meantime, we are slightly cooler than normal.
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we'll see highs continuing to reach into mid-60s. >> not so bad. a little spacey here. i have to verbalize that. >> it's pretty song this morning. no major problems. right around university, looks like something might have happened because the streets are starting to improve. we are not seeing anything on the grid. we do see a belt also. look at that from 242 into lafayette. that a slower drive across the county. we do have the disabled vehicle clear. 680 back to its normal flow. the san mateo bridge had an earlier incident and has cleared. let me get out of your way. oh, well, that was a strong lane change. not as much space. back to you.
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a bill that could prevent clear from allowing customers to jump to the line at california airports is moving forward. this comes after the state senate transportation committee passage yesterday. as you might know, customers have changed the prescreening and escorted to the front of the line. it does go before the senate for debate. we are back in just three minutes with a look at the top stories this morning including the state of the air we breathe. the bay area is making strides but is it enough? we are going to break down when we return the all the report anthe fates that d
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would welcome you back. we are moving forward with a look at our top stories here on today in the bay. breaking news into our newsroom. reggie bush is getting his 2005 heisman trophy back according
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to espn. he reports that the heisman trust will formally reinstate bush 14 years after the usc football store gave up his heisman because of the levied against him. a new bill could bring more penalties for protesters who block highways here in california. this comes after the recent state protest earlier this year which shut down the golden gate bridge and the bay bridge. one of the protest delayed organ transplants are getting to local hospitals. under the proposal, protesters who block highways and prevent emergency vehicles from passing would be fine from $100-$200. that penalty could rise to $1000. the bill still has to be passed by the full assembly and senate. mostly clear day in terms of smog but we are getting a look at results released just
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this morning of the state of the airport. san jose, san francisco, oakland ranked seventh in the nation. a fifth in terms of annual particulate matter and for ozone, fourth in the nation. santa clara county joins the list of other california counties that are failing in ozone rankings short-term and year-round pollution measures. >> not the story you want to read right before we toss to weather. it's going to be at least a mild day for that walk. maybe a mask or something to help. we will eventually start to see some sunshine. the weekend is looking nice with our valley temperatures in the mid-70s. >> maybe some of them are. we have slower bell to the south bay mountain view and santa clara. we are looking at this camera. this looks deceptively like. there is slowing especially on
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highway 87. we are continuing today in the bay on roku and other platforms. life for you at 8:00, more on the abortion access battle. we actually speak with a local expert about the case the supreme court is now talking about. that impact it will have on all women. that what is happening today in the bay. the today show starts right now. >> have a great morning. >> have a great day. good wednesday good wednesday morning. major movement on capitol hill. >> congress finally passing that sweeping foreign aid package. it's wednesday, april 24th. this is "today." done deal.


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