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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  April 24, 2024 12:36am-1:35am PDT

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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to dave bautista, jesse tyler ferguson, esther povitsky, once again. [ cheers and applause ] and the roots, right there, from philadelphia, pennsylvania. thank you for watching. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." goodnight, everybody. bye-bye. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- maya rudolph. musician and actress beth ditto.
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music from gossip. featuring the 8g band with kaz rodriguez. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] and now, seth meyers. >> seth: good evening, i'm seth meyers, this is "late night." we hope you're doing well tonight. and now if you don't mind, we're going to get to the news. in his speech about the collapse of baltimore's francis scott key bridge yesterday, president biden said that the federal government will pay the entire cost of rebuilding the bridge and added, quote, "i expect congress to support the effort." after all, ted cruz needs something to live under. [ laughter ] during his speech yesterday in north carolina, president biden joked about his age and said, quote, i know i'm only 40 years old, times two, plus one. [ laughter ] then he got a little bummed out about how long it took the audience to laugh. [ laughter ] so 4, 40 times 2, that's -- okay, okay. president biden reportedly likes to talk to aides in private about some of former president trump's more memorable gaffes from the coronavirus pandemic.
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oh, yeah, i also spend a lot of time talking about those in private. [ applause ] in a post on truth social, former president trump announced that he was partnered with country singer lee greenwood to offer a "god bless the usa" bible. it's a great place to find a lot of warnings about exactly this. [ laughter ] that's right, trump's selling a "god bless the usa" bible which includes the constitution, declaration of independence, and the pledge of allegiance. great, so now the only thing separating church and state is a bookmark. [ laughter ] i'm just kidding. he didn't open it. [ laughter ] president biden is set to appear at a campaign event tomorrow in midtown manhattan, which means new yorkers will be appearing everywhere 40 minutes late. [ laughter ] that's right, president biden is set to appear at radio city music hall with former president barack obama, and they definitely know how to sell it. [ laughter and applause ]
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the fast food chain burger king has announced it will offer free whoppers in honor of next month's solar eclipse when the sun will be totally obscured for parts of the country. meanwhile, taco bell customers said, "what's the sun?" [ laughter ] today was manatee appreciation day. unfortunately, at red lobster. [ audience ohs ] [ laughter ] endless. [ light laughter ] i think "endless" might be even worse. "are you almost out of the manatee?" "no, we got plenty." [ laughter ] and finally, a single ticket sold in new jersey last night won $1.3 billion from the mega millions jackpot. oh, who won? ah, dammit! [ laughter ] and that was a monologue, everybody. we're off and running. [ cheers and applause ] got a great show for you tonight. she is an emmy-winning actress you know from "snl," "big
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mouth," and "bridesmaids." she's currently starring in "loot" which begins its second season on apple tv plus next week. the best of the best, maya rudolph is back on the show, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] and she is a singer, songwriter, and actress who is the frontwoman for pop indie rock trio gossip, whose latest album "real power" is out now. our friend beth ditto is here to chat. [ cheers and applause ] gossip's going to perform for us later in the show. before we get to all that, donald trump is so desperate for cash, as he drowns in legal bills, that he's now selling bibles while he simultaneously gets hit with a gag order in his criminal case for paying hush money to a porn star. for more on this, it's time for "a closer look." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: donald trump is set to become the first ex-president to face a criminal trial in less than three weeks, so he's obviously very busy. so busy, in fact, that he apparently has no time for things like proofreading or spellcheck. >> in a post on truth social, trump wrote, quote, "i'm not running to terminate the aca as crooked joe buden disinformates
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and misinformates all time. in other words, make the aca much, much better for far less money or cost to our grast american citizens. maga 2024." >> seth: damn, did he post that while he was on a trampoline? [ laughter ] "you sure you want to -- don't want to get down to type, sir?" "no, the bouncing helps me think." [ laughter ] yes, he wrote buden and grest. if you think either of those are right, grest again. [ laughter ] how do you get the current president's name wrong when you're running against him? there are places where if you get that answer wrong, you spend the rest of the night strapped to a gurney. also, what the hell is disinformates and misinformates. is that what you call your friends? "these are my mates, disinformates and misinformates. one of them likes when you bust
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his balls, the other one will throw you out of a [ bleep ] window." and by the way, that post is still up as of this taping, which means he either doesn't know, doesn't care, or knows his supporters don't care. on that point he's definitely right. imagine if that was a trump supporter's breaking point. "dave, why are you burning your maga hat?" "because the man can't spell, deborah! you can't make america great if you can't even spell great!" [ laughter ] that's definitely how we do it. a solitary match. [ laughter ] just a solitary -- [ light laughter ] that's way -- that is way too nice a sweater and beard. it would make sense, though, if trump thought grest was a combination of greatest and best. can't wait to see that at his rallies. "trump 2024, the grest is yet to come." also, let me say joe buden would be a good nickname for biden if he decided to start smoking weed
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to appeal to young voters. [ laughter and applause ] "i just got some tasty bud from my dealer, no joke. no -- you guys mind if i fire up a fat spliff? the chronic is dank. [ light laughter ] i'm not kidding around. it's giving me the munchies." [ light laughter ] so, trump is wasting precious time on typo-riddled social media rants, despite the fact that he's about to become the first ex-president to face a criminal trial. and now, he's also the first ex-president to be placed under a gag order in a criminal trial. >> a new york judge overseeing donald trump's upcoming hush money criminal trial has hit the former president with a gag order. >> donald trump is, as of about an hour ago, now under a gag order in the criminal case brought by the manhattan da alleging a cover-up of hush money payments. new york judge, juan merchan, barring trump from attacking or directing others to attack potential witnesses, jurors, prosecutors, and court staff. >> seth: telling donald trump he can't attack people is like telling him he can't breathe. honestly, he'd probably give up breathing before he ever gave up attacking people.
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"crooked joe wants to send me to jail because he knows i'm going to win, it's a witch hunt, it's so unfair, the crooked media's going to tell you, i need to take a breath, but we don't believe them, do we folks? [ light laughter ] they say -- they say you're gonna pass out from the lack of oxygen. oxygen, we love oxygen, don't we folks? beautiful oxygen --" [ light laughter ] so the -- [ laughter and applause ] i don't think so. so, the judge said trump can't attack witnesses, jurors, prosecutors, or court staff. but he also issued a list of things trump can continue to attack, including toilets, windmills, spellcheck, dogs, the oscars, the nfl, teleprompters, horses, whales, and joe buden, whoever that is. [ laughter ] although trump did weirdly compliment one person associated with the case, the judge himself. he wrote in a post on tuesday, judge juan merchan, a very distinguished-looking man, is nevertheless a true and certified trump hater. trump cares so much about optics that even when he's slamming someone, he can't help but admit when they look the part. and let's face it, the dude is very distinguished-looking.
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look at that guy. i can't believe dick wolf hasn't poached this guy yet. now, i should note that trump is still allowed to comment on the case and the elected district attorney, alvin bragg, who brought the charges. he's just not allowed to attack or intimidate witnesses or private individuals doing their job, which if you're sean hannity, means we're living in soviet russia. >> now trump cannot even speak out in his own defense. he can't defend himself against political attacks stemming from the indictments. of course, these conveniently handed down in the middle of an election. i thought we lived in the united states of america. i thought we celebrated freedom of speech. is this still america? >> seth: i don't know, man. a desperately uninformed tv personality who looks like the greeter at a steak house is getting like $30 million a year to whine on fox news every night, sounds like america to me. none of that is true, of course. trump is still allowed to defend himself. he's also still allowed to hawk bull[ bleep ] products in a desperate bid for money, arguably the most american thing
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you can do. on tuesday he released a commercial for maybe, possibly his slimiest cash grab yet. >> tonight, donald trump facing mounting legal bills, now revealing he is selling bibles, charging $59.99 a bible. this is a licensing deal. trump will collect royalties, meaning some of the proceeds from bible sales will go directly to trump. >> all americans need a bible in their home, and i have many. [ laughter ] it's my favorite book. it's a lot of people's favorite book. this bible is a reminder that the biggest thing we have to bring back america, to make america great again, is our religion. religion is so important. it's so missing. but it's going to come back, and it's going to come back strong, just like our country is going to come back strong. i'm proud to endorse and encourage you to get this bible. we must make america pray again. pray, get educated, get motivated, and stand with me. and the legions of americans asking god to bless our great nation, to bring our great nation back, and to make america great again.
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>> seth: yep, the guy who's about to go on trial for paying hush money to cover up an affair with a porn star is selling bibles. and because it's a trump bible, most of the ten commandments are blacked out. side note, this is a true story. when our "closer look" head writer, sal, sends out the first draft, it has a short title about what it covers. today was gag, comma, bibles. meaning the gag order and the bibles. but i read it without the comma and thought it was gag bibles, which would have made way more sense if trump was selling bibles that, when you opened 'em up, a bunch of snakes popped out. you'd say, "oh, that's good. that is a funny thing he should sell." "watch out for a trump bible, it will scare the pious." [ laughter ] trump has already sold cologne, digital trading cards, and golden shoes. now he's selling a bible. what's next? "i'm proud to announce the trump-approved god bless the usa toilet plunger. [ light laughter ] as you can see, there's a beautiful -- there's a beautiful white, plastic handle. it comes with a solid gold bottom.
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you can see the bottom. you can't see it, but i assure you it's there. [ laughter ] here, i'll give you a quick peek. there you go. you can tell -- [ laughter ] you can tell it's solid gold from the sound it makes on the desk. [ laughter ] [ clank ] little late. little late with the sound effect. call now and buy the patriot plunger for the very reasonable price of $199. you'll get a free roll of maga toilet paper, it's 45 ply. in honor of me, your 45th favorite president, it's like wiping your ass with a book, which i've done. [ laughter ] not going to say which book, but let's just say it's my favorite one. call now to get all these great products and more at 1-800-oh-trump bible sales and porn star defense fund." [ light laughter ] trump's campaign isn't -- [ clank ] trump's campaign isn't, in any way, a real political campaign. it's a money-making venture and an attempt to get out of jail. that's it. he's very obviously doesn't care about making america great again. at best, he's trying to --
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>> make america -- >> -- grast -- >> -- again. [ laughter ] >> seth: this has been "a closer look." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with maya rudolph, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> for more of seth's "closer looks," be sure to subscribe to "late night" on youtube.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: give it up for the fantastic 8g band over there, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] back again with us tonight on drums, he's a grammy-nominated musician and composer who currently plays for singer/songwriter josh groban. his upcoming album "theo" drops later this year. for more information, follow him on instagram. kaz rodriguez is here. great to have you with us, kaz. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> seth: our first guest tonight is an emmy award-winning actress you know from her work on "saturday night live," "big mouth," and "bridesmaids." she stars in and executive produces "loot" which premieres its second season on apple tv+
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april 3rd, let's take a look. >> oh, hey, molly. did you have any thoughts on the pdf i sent you? >> i refuse to learn what that is. we're here to talk about something way more important. >> the vibes. >> what are you guys talking about? >> you and isaac. >> what about him? >> he's pretty great, isn't he? >> intelligent, talented, single, but not that kind of single where it's been too long and you're like, hm, what? [ laughter ] >> seth: please welcome back to the show our very good friend maya rudolph! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> seth: hello! >> hello! >> seth: how are you? >> how are you? >> seth: i'm so happy to have you here. i would -- very lucky, though, because usually it's a long time
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between how often i see you. but i saw you recently. you appeared with amy and tina. >> yep. >> seth: on their "restless leg" tour. >> i did. at the beacon here. >> seth: you've been doing some guest spots with them? >> yeah, i came out to new york -- they did 11 -- >> seth: 11 in a row, amazing. yes. >> sold-out nights at the beacon theater. >> seth: it was so great. >> they said it was the longest run for -- for two white women. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] it was quite a record to break these days. >> yes. >> seth: yeah. >> we really root for those white women. [ laughter ] >> seth: especially in pairs. >> especially in pairs. it was so fun. it was like coming here, no -- truly, like being with your old friends. goofing off. i got to do a "weekend update." it was great. >> seth: you basically came out as whitney houston. >> that's right. she had oscar predictions. >> she had her oscar picks. >> yeah. >> seth: and usual -- a normal "weekend update" feature i would say is maybe three to four minutes. >> sure. >> seth: i felt like you were out for like 12 minutes. [ laughter ] it was a real -- >> that might be true. >> seth: it was a dream. >> i do remember humping the
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desk at some point. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] >> i blacked out a little bit. >> seth: yeah, but that's fun. >> but also i was like, this is all i got so i better milk it. [ light laughter ] >> seth: now there was a -- the internet was abuzz, speaking of you and amy and tina. there was recently -- >> yeah. >> seth: this was floating around, there was going to be a reboot of "the golden girls"? >> which is fascinating. i just -- i just want to put that part out there. like -- >> seth: yeah. >> good to know. >> seth: yeah, good to know. 10 episodes in june 2024. it was tina, maya, lisa kudrow. >> sure. >> seth: and poehler. and this is the photo they posted. >> oh, boy. i also -- okay. i'm -- i'm -- so which one am i? >> seth: well, that's a name. it's like -- >> i think they gave up. they worked so hard -- >> seth: on these two. >> these two. and then they were -- amy they were like, "we got to put wrinkles in your face." and then they were like, "that's good." >> seth: and it's so funny, because like with an internet prank, you could have given it another day. >> i mean, i feel like this is enough -- like people are like, we get it. >> seth: but i had multiple
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people ask me if this was real. and what i said back to them -- >> ten episodes. >> seth: "if it was real, do you think somebody would have signed off on this poster?" >> i'm going to say no. and i just want to say for amy, whoever did this, [ bleep ] you. [ laughter and applause ] >> seth: you guys have -- [ cheers and applause ] you have some other ideas? >> but i have some other ideas. >> seth: yeah. >> like [ bleep ] you, dude, whoever did it. but great idea. >> seth: yeah. >> so -- [ laughter ] >> seth: this one -- you worked on these photoshops -- >> i worked on -- >> seth: and you said -- they're seamless, you cannot tell they've been photoshopped. >> guys, i think i have a new job. it's photoshopping faces into old sitcoms. >> seth: yeah. "happy days." >> "happy days." >> seth: like that is just -- >> i mean -- [ laughter ] >> seth: you did such a nice job of matching -- getting the skin color. >> oh, yeah. [ laughter ] and i feel like -- i feel like amy and tina -- wait. am i the -- oh, i'm the fonz. >> seth: yeah. >> good to know. >> seth: this one, i feel like amy might have a big [ bleep ] you, for this one -- >> really?
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>> seth: for you. >> well, let's see it. >> seth: "four's company." >> oh, yeah. [ light laughter ] >> seth: good casting, mcbrayer and hamm. that would be who you'd want to see. >> mcbrayer? jack mcbrayer -- [ laughs ] it's really making me happy. also, i got to say, i like myself. >> seth: yeah. >> i think i look great. >> seth: you look great. "full house." i got a lot of questions about this. >> well, we have old michelle. [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah. >> old michelle -- >> seth: old michelle. >> -- tracks. i feel like -- [ laughter ] >> seth: can i just say she looks appropriately upset -- >> yeah. >> seth: -- about being in this reboot? >> she's not pleased. and also, i, too, gave up. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] >> i was like, "you guys get it." >> you got to go back when one of our friends, kate mckinnon, hosted "snl." >> yeah. >> seth: you got to go back to the studio, you got to go back with kristen wiig, who's hosting -- i think she's coming up. >> very soon, yeah. >> seth: and you did a wonderful abba sketch. and -- yeah. [ cheers and applause ] and i talked to -- you know, bowen was here, and i talked to bowen about how cool it was for
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him to be out there with some -- three heroes. >> yeah. >> seth: and this was a good one. it seemed like you guys were fully enjoying yourself. >> we were good old-style giggling and guffawing. >> i don't know how bowen didn't giggle. [ laughter ] >> that -- this -- this really did make me feel like the old days. you can tell we're in motion because his fringe is up in the air. but i remembered looking at the cards and also yelling straight into his mouth. [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah. you put the words in his mouth, then they came out. >> right, right, yeah. he took the words right out of my mouth. >> seth: you, mother of four. we were talking backstage. >> i am. >> seth: i remember when your first, pearl, was born. >> i know. >> seth: and it's because she's 18 years old. >> she's 18 and going to college next year. >> seth: she's going to college! unbelievable. how are you feeling about -- i mean, this is where you're lucky to have four. >> yeah. >> seth: so you've still got three with you. >> i've got three more to practice on. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] >> it's really trippy. >> seth: yeah. >> and i love it, but i'm also -- blown away by it, heartbroken by it, and amazed by it. it's fascinating. >> speaking of college, it is --
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the sweet 16. you know that, about the ncaa tournament. >> oh, everybody knows i know that. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] i know you do not be the biggest sports fan in the world? >> that's correct. i mean, i -- i know who the lakers are. >> seth: okay. [ light laughter ] that's like -- i don't know. >> we used to watch red sox games in your office. >> seth: we would watch red sox. >> yeah. >> seth: all right, but now i'm going to name the college, and i want you to tell me as fast as you can what you think the mascot is. >> got it. >> seth: of the sweet 16. >> okay. >> seth: alabama. >> the rabbits. >> seth: okay. [ laughter ] arizona. >> the gym socks. [ laughter ] >> seth: clemson. >> clemson tangerines. >> seth: creighton. >> crate and barrel. >> seth: okay. [ laughter ] the creighton barrels? >> the creighton barrels. >> seth: the creighton barrels. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. >> seth: all right, now do the next four as whitney houston guessing them. >> okay. >> seth: okay? >> you got it. >> seth: duke. >> all right! [ laughter ] wait a minute. >> seth: the duke all rights? [ laughter ] >> i'm sorry. i'm sorry. >> seth: that's how you get into
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it? >> i think that's how i get into it. [ laughter ] we just need to do one more. >> seth: okay. well, maybe i'll help you get into it. i'll explain to whitney what you're doing. whitney, we're going to do -- >> yes. [ laughter ] >> seth: duke. >> popsicles! [ laughter ] >> gonzaga. >> borrega. >> seth: weirdly close, bulldogs. houston. >> astronauts! >> seth: illinois. >> you got it, toyota. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: iowa state. >> iowa what, now? >> seth: you think it's the iowa state iowa what nows? >> the iowa state iowa what nows. >> seth: wow. >> it's a very confusing mascot. >> seth: yeah, it's a very weird -- it's a very wordy sweatshirt. >> it's a wordy sweatshirt. it goes all the way around the back. [ laughter ] and people hate this mascot. >> seth: yeah. >> they throw a lot of vegetables at him. >> seth: yeah. now real quick, as oprah, do you need to get into oprah, or are you ready? >> uh -- >> seth: just yell them out.
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>> okay, you got it. >> seth: just with enthusiasm. marquette. >> gramercy tavern. [ laughter and applause ] >> seth: nc state. >> the hooligans. [ laughter ] >> seth: that's wonderful. that was right. that one was right. >> i think oprah and whitney had a baby. >> seth: they had a baby. >> i think oprah and whitney had a baby and it came out of my mouth. >> seth: you have a wonderful second season of "loot." >> i do, yeah. >> seth: this is a fantastic show. do you enjoy -- >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] i do. >> seth: molly is a very fun character. >> yeah, she's fun, and i guess -- and i guess she's fun. >> seth: yeah. >> no, she's fun, and i feel like i get to, like, play dress-up and i get to pretend i'm really rich. it's really fun. >> seth: very rich. you're -- >> a billionaire, let's be clear. >> seth: a billionaire. adam scott -- >> because i'm really rich. >> seth: in real life. >> but she's a billionaire. >> seth: so adam scott plays your ex? >> yes. adam scott plays my ex-husband, who leaves me for a very young, hot lady.
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and we don't have a prenup. and so he leaves with $87 billion. >> seth: and you have to -- he goes to space? >> yes. >> seth: he -- it might be based on some of our current billionaires. [ light laughter ] >> it's possible. >> seth: it's possible. but you -- >> i mean, it seems like the place billionaires go, right? >> seth: yeah, they like it there. >> they love space. >> seth: the only place they can go where they don't -- they never run into poor people. >> yeah. [ laughter ] i bet that's true. >> seth: speaking of space, you were in one of my favorite sketches, "gays in space." >> that's correct. >> seth: and you sang the theme song. [ scattered applause ] by the way, this is like the era -- this is before "snl" was in hd. that's not a bad photo. >> this is so blurry. >> seth: that's what "snl" used to look like when we were there. >> you used to have to cut a hole in a cereal box to watch "snl." [ light laughter ] >> seth: so would you like to -- just to bring us down here? would you like to sing the "gays in space" theme song one last time? >> well, i would be delighted. >> seth: great. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> i feel like maybe i just need like a little -- like a little beat like this. like that. yeah, there we go, that feels right. ♪ who said what to whom oh no this is going to be intergalactic ♪ ♪ hold on a second and let me pull myself together ♪ ♪ say five say what four nuh-uh three go ahead two where's my lipstick ♪ ♪ one ♪ ♪ that's what i thought you said one blastoff gays in space ♪ [ cheers and applause ] so hot. i'm so hot. i'm so hot. >> seth: you're so hot. >> you are so hot. >> seth: sss! >> just boiling, boiling over here. >> seth: thank you for sharing that with us. thank you for being here. it's always such a delight to see you. >> i love you. >> seth: that's maya rudolph, everyone. [ cheers and applause ] i love you, too. "loot" returns for a second season, with two episodes on april 3rd followed by new
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episodes every wednesday on apple tv+. be right back with beth ditto! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ to help protect from hiv, i prep without pills. with apretude, a prescription medicine used to reduce the risk of hiv without daily prep pills. with one shot every other month, just 6 times a year. in studies, apretude was proven superior to a daily prep pill in reducing the risk of hiv. you must be hiv negative, to receive apretude and get tested before each injection. if you think you were exposed to hiv or have flu-like symptoms, tell your doctor right away. apretude does not prevent other sexually transmitted infections. practice safer sex to reduce your risk. don't take apretude if you're allergic to it or taking certain medicines, as they may interact. tell your doctor if you've had liver or kidney problems or mental health concerns. if you have a rash or other allergic reactions, stop apretude and get medical help right away. serious side effects include allergic reactions,
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: our next guest is a talented musician and actress you know from shows like "on becoming a god in central florida" and "monarch" as well
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as fronter for the band gossip whose album "real power" is out now. please welcome back to the show one of our favorites, beth ditto, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ >> seth: yeah! beth is back! >> hi. >> seth: look out, beth is in the building. >> oyo! this whole time, i just learned so much. >> seth: but from what? >> diana from crafts. not craft services. i learned to do the things they stick stuff on, the things you hold up -- >> seth: i'm already so lost. [ laughter ] which is very in line with how it usually goes. now, i prepared -- >> you mean in life in general? >> seth: no, life i'm good. in life, i'm good.
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>> this is why i should be a babysitter, happy birthday, ash. >> seth: so every year, you're here, you ask to be a babysitter for my kids. >> yes. >> seth: and this time, i'm really gonna take it under consideration, based on how this goes. [ light laughter ] but here's the thing. i've got questions i want to ask you. and every time you -- >> don't ask me. ramona's here. >> seth: ramona is your -- >> she can answer the questions. yes, she's here right now, she'll answer your questions. >> seth: i'm not going to ask you questions about babysitting. i'm going to ask you questions, and if you like actually answer them this time -- >> never going to babysit those kids. tell you that right now. i'll just find another job. >> seth: i feel like -- here's why i'm not going to let you babysit my kids. because i'm going to -- i feel like -- >> okay. >> seth: on my way out the door i'm going to be like, "all right, here's the phone number." and you're going to be like this. you're gonna just like be like right, exactly. >> i gave your phone number out to like five people once. and like, now i'm a bad babysitter. >> seth: cause i feel like every -- you gave my number to five people, who then all gave it to five people, who all gave it to five people -- >> and now we have an mlm going,
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you know? [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah, i guess there's something to that. >> rich! >> seth: hey, this is your first time out on tour with your band gossip, new music -- >> in 12 years. >> seth: first time in 12 years. is that exciting? >> yeah, it is exciting. [ cheers and applause ] look at them, i'm trying really hard -- >> seth: you're trying really hard to be a talk show guest right now -- >> why do i have -- i have to come out -- why did you make me follow that? >> seth: follow maya? >> maya rudolph. >> i think you guys are in the same zip code. >> i love her so -- no. >> seth: yeah. >> yeah, maybe. >> seth: yeah. [ light laughter ] >> she's so funny, i was laughing so hard. anyway, i got to answer your question. >> seth: so when you guys get back in the studio after 12 years apart, does it come back -- does it come back right away? >> yeah. >> seth: that's good. >> it's kind of like this, anh. it's easy. i have questions for you though. >> seth: you have questions for me? >> you surprised? well, we made it 2 1/2 minutes before you turned the table. >> this is so much better. >> seth: what, what's about to happen? >> probably. what's been going on. i think -- >> seth: okay. >> remember -- never mind. >> seth: really? your first question? >> last time i saw you -- >> seth: yeah? >> i was bonkers. this time, i feel better.
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>> seth: okay. >> it was a whole situation. got to pull down my skirt. anyway, you had said to me before -- you came and you say hi, and you're so sweet and kind. and then you were like, "oh, i've been doing stand-up." and i hadn't asked you one question about it. you're like, "i can get back into the swing of things." and then after i saw you after that, i got into this weird brain where i was, like, "i wonder about the art of stand-up." i started watching everything. >> seth: oh, yeah. >> i have so many questions. >> seth: really, interesting. >> i do. cause i was like -- for one, i didn't know that people wrote jokes. >> okay, you thought people -- you think people went out for like a -- you thought a whole hour of stand-up was just winging it? >> yeah. >> seth: that -- >> like literally i did. >> seth: that would be like if after your song tonight i said, "did you just come up with that?" >> i'd be like, "i could." >> seth: you could. >> yeah. >> seth: i want you to sing the song you're planning on singing, but the next time you're here, i want you to just wing one. >> and a one and a --
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>> seth: all right, wing one, go. >> all right, let's go. >> seth: all right, great. [ cheers ] ♪ >> should i sing like this? ♪ i want you to know how much i love you i want you to know how much i care ♪ ♪ baby you can say it all you can say is i've already been there ♪ ♪ and i keep asking i keep asking but why don't you tell me where ♪ ♪ i been never beware raise the place save the state now ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: so my -- >> that was with words and a
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hook. >> seth: my first -- >> good job, guys. >> seth: my first takeaway would be, you're better at music than i am at stand-up. [ laughter ] >> i don't -- >> seth: yes, you are. >> i would never. i'm fine at it. >> seth: what? >> i'm fine at music. >> seth: no, you're very good at music. >> but don't you think it's the thing, it's like -- that's why i was so shocked that people wrote jokes. >> seth: yeah. >> i'm on tour i was like what what do you mean? you can ask my partner -- "i've got to watch this because i'm down with the art of stand-up." >> seth: tell me real quick. you were 18 years old when this band started. >> yes. >> seth: what were your expectations -- >> 19. >> seth: what were your expectations as a young person starting a band? what had you wanted? >> i was like, "i've got to go to hairdressing school." but you know who carrie brownstein is? >> seth: yeah. >> well, she she's in this band called sleater-kinney. >> seth: fantastic. >> yeah. fantastic band. so when we were 19 -- actually, ramona's mom was the first drummer of gossip. >> seth: okay. >> kathy, is her name. she's here tonight. just so happened to be she's on spring break with her -- from her school job. >> seth: that's great. >> she's a lunch lady. she's not. nothing wrong with lunch ladies. anyway, what about lunch ladies?
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>> seth: i don't make it seem like i asked about lunch ladies. [ laughter ] you were 19 years old -- >> i was 19. then -- so we started this band. and i was like, oh, you know -- it was just like a fluke, like when you're playing in the basement or whatever. kathy ran upstairs. she's like "oh my god, would you come sing in our boys band?" and i was like, me? sing? in your band? >> seth: your sister just ran upstairs and grabbed you? >> kathy, my friend. >> seth: oh, your friend kathy. >> my sister ran downstairs be like, "no, away!" no, i love my sister very much. >> seth: you sang in a choir as well. what were you -- how did you fit into a choir? >> i stole all the solos, there's about 12 of us in that choir. >> seth: yeah. >> there was one girl -- there were a lot of watermelon singers in there. >> seth: what is a watermelon singer? why do they call them watermelon singers? >> because they say watermelon over and over again because they shouldn't sing. >> seth: oh. so when you're in a choir and you're not actually singing you just say watermelon? >> no, no, no. it means when you're in a choir and people can't carry it because you don't have enough people, they're like the three of y'all that can do this, and one is all right -- the rest of
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you all just all say watermelon with your lips. and then everybody sings it. >> seth: oh, my gosh. >> anyway, back to carrie. bradshaw. oh my god -- that cause -- am i right? what a fictional character. >> seth: are we talking about "sex and the city" now? is that what just happened? you went from carrie brownstein to carrie bradshaw? >> that was comedy. >> seth: oh, it was very good. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> that's what i always tell people. "oh, my god, that's so funny." i'm like, "usually, that's the sign of something funny, some people say it to you." obviously quickly -- >> seth: quickly, quickly. >> took us on a -- hey! it's not going to get any quicker like this, buddy. [ light laughter ] anyway. i got a flatten this out. there's just a lot -- anyway, you really want to know? carrie took us on tour -- what's he doing? i can see you on that screen just letting you know. >> seth: sleater took you -- sleater took you -- >> on our first tour ever. i'd been on one plane.
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nathan had been on one plane. kathy i think had been on a plane before. they took us on an entire six-week tour. we were insane. >> seth: you were going to germany and the uk -- >> that's not the end of my story. >> seth: oh, i'm sorry. [ laughter ] >> but then i was going to go back to arkansas and become a hairdresser. >> seth: okay. >> sleater-kinney was playing at the crystal ballroom in portland, which is this lovely venue. and i told carrie i was going to do that after the tour. and she asked the crowd, she's like, "okay, who here think --" carrie was like, "what were you thinking? why wouldn't you stay here and just keep playing music?" "can't make a living doing that." and she asked the crowd, "who here thinks that beth ditto should stay here and pursue her rock 'n' roll life and career, and who thinks she should go back to arkansas and go to beauty school?" and everyone cheered for me to go away. no, everybody cheered for me to stay. >> seth: what a fantastic thing. [ applause ] >> yeah. and that -- >> seth: and now here you still are. >> yeah. i mean, like -- i think -- it's such a -- i like that story. i never get to tell it. yeah, so when you were talking about 18, if it wasn't for people -- >> seth: i -- you know what, we owe a debt of gratitude to that
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audience in portland for you being here tonight. and we're very excited to hear your song. >> speaking of audiences, uk and germany, we will be there. >> seth: you will be in the uk and germany. must be, for a girl from arkansas going to germany, doing shows, does it feel like a long way from home? >> i mean, it used to. the first time i went to the uk, i was 19, i did not understand why you needed a passport. >> seth: uh-huh? >> they had to rush one. >> seth: oh, wow, yeah, yeah. >> yeah. and i was like, what is the big deal? then i got there, i was like different money? >> seth: yeah. [ light laughter ] >> like i'm not joking. i was like -- "what?" like -- i mean -- i was really a kid from arkansas. >> seth: did you -- when you saw different money for the first time, where -- was it exciting? did you why you think like, whoa, this is -- >> yeah, yeah, yeah. so exciting, actually, this -- okay. so i have a lot of nieces and nephews. we travel all over the world. you know, you can't exchange coins or whatever. >> seth: yeah. >> so i bring back this big thing of coins. they have holes in it. >> seth: yeah. >> elaborate designs. you ever been anywhere before? [ laughter ] where they have money, different
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kind of money locks? >> seth: yeah. >> well, kind of like that. >> seth: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> but i would give them to my nieces and nephews. >> oh, yeah. >> this is incredible. did not care. >> seth: i feel like we're almost out of time, seven minutes ago. >> well, why did you get maya rudolph on here, then? [ laughter ] [ applause ] i'm just kidding. i just saw her backstage. we had such a -- oh, i just love her so much. >> seth: you guys, that's beth ditto, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] "real power" is out now. gossip will perform for us after the break. we'll be right back. >> are we high-fiving? [ cheers and applause ] ♪ (coi leray & metro boomin, “enjoy yourself”) new axe black vanilla? yum! ♪ he like when i get dressed, ♪ ♪ i live life with no stress, ♪ ♪ he said that's my best flex. ♪ ♪ i hopped on a big plane, said i'm doing big things, ♪ ♪ gonna bring out the champagne...yeah. ♪ ♪ baby i'm cool, yeah, you know what to do, ♪ ♪ yeah, we got nothing to lose.♪ sfx: yacht's horn ♪ metro boomin want some more ♪ ♪ with the bosses, i just pull up in ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: performing the title track off their album "real power," please welcome to the show gossip! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ give me real power give me real give me real power give me real ♪ ♪ somewhere in the night a fires burning energy is high its getting real ♪ ♪ head is in the clouds i'm moving mountains do you feel what i feel do you feel what i feel ♪ ♪ swaying face to face our hands are clapping shadows in the corner standing still ♪ ♪ in a moment anything could happen
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do you feel what i feel do you feel what i feel ♪ ♪ i want real power give me something real real power do you feel what i feel ♪ ♪ oh oh oh ♪ ♪ music in my head my ears are ringing always been like this and always will ♪ ♪ rhythm in my blood my heart is pounding do you feel what i feel people in the streets ♪ ♪ are getting rowdy
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we come here to make peace but dressed to kill feeling overcrowded ♪ ♪ but i like it do you feel what i feel do you feel what i feel i want real power ♪ ♪ give me something real real power do you feel what i feel i want real power ♪ ♪ give me something real real power do you feel what i feel ♪ ♪ oh real power real
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real ♪ ♪ power real oh real power ♪ ♪ real i want real power ♪ give me something real real power do you feel what i feel ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ oh oh ♪ ♪ give me real, give me real power give me real give me real power
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give me real ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: gossip everyone! "real power" is out now. we'll be right back with more "late night." [ cheers and applause ] ugh. nothing works on this acne. hi! who.? i'm a licensed dermatology provider from curology. oh. just get a closer look. yup, acne and some dark spots. but, if you answer a few questions, i'll take a look at your skin and prescribe you a personalized cream. oh! i knew my phone was listening to me. curology. skincare with a face. start today at finally yasso! a ridiculously creamy, crunchy, chocolatey-dipped ice cream-like experience with 25% fewer calories* and made with greek yogurt. so thanks for everything ice cream,
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♪ >> announcer: come join the audience at "late night" live in studio 8g. for tickets, head over to
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: i want to thank my guests maya rudolph, beth ditto right here. gossip everywhere! [ cheers and applause ] i want to thank kaz rodriguez, the 8g band. thanks for watching, we love you everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪


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