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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  April 23, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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a safer street, but at what cost? the fight over changes to san francisco neighborhood. >> good afternoon. i am aubrey, welcome to -- in
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san francisco this afternoon. he is going to phyllis on the debate that's happening in the west neighborhood. we are also tracking other stories on this tuesday, including stepping up security in san jose. we will tell you how many license prey on -- plate leaders are going into a legal neighborhood and how they plan to crackdown on other crimes. also, what is on the latest on that recount. we check in with officials on santa clara county's as they check ballots for a second time in the most contested confessional -- congressional race in the country. and should check in -- don't think so. they are actually, they have a new proposed bill to cut out clear, and our emma goss is talking to people about it. the clash -- crash killed san francisco once to revamp
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the area, stopping cars from cutting through the intersection near the muni station but not everyone is happy with that proposal. spent the day in the neighborhood. sergio, what with those changes be? >> this is a proposal that was just released by the fm nta last week. >> reporter: they are actually asking the neighborhood for their opinions. it would affect the intersection of west portal and lola. it will only affect private vehicles, buses would still be able to continue through here, but private vehicles like that when that's coming towards the intersection right now, those would be restricted so they would not be able to make a right turn or come through the intersection. this car here that's making a u- turn and this other one is making a right -- left turn. that would not be allowed. only vehicles making a right turn would be allowed and then vehicles over here on west portal going in the opposite direction, they would be forced
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to make a right turn. they would not be able to into the intersection. along with the changes in private cars coming through this intersection, obviously in an effort to try to cut down the vehicles to this intersection, there's -- to turn this area right now where there are right now ffmta cars are now. trying able to -- a little bit easily. a little bit more easily at this , audrey. >> and of course, the city is hoping to keep things a little safe rather but not everyone is happy about that proposal. why? >> reporter: a combination of some residents and business owners who've actually put up posters all over the neighborhood saying save west portal. they are concerned, with the changes. anytime there are major changes
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there is concern. they are also concerned about the pace of these changes are going out. sometimes there's criticism ticking years and years and years to study something and in this case, there are some people say these particular changes are happening too fast. the supervisor who represents this district says that some of those changes that are happening very quickly are in direct response to that fatal crash last month that killed a family of four. this is an ongoing process and right now, the sfmta is still getting opinions and input from the public. in fact, there is a meeting scheduled at the library right close to us tomorrow afternoon, audrey. lots of opportunities for people to inputs their opinion and see if this is a workable solution for this neighborhood. >> already. sergio, thank you for the update. looking for to the full story later this evening. a prisoner is back in custody after escaping from a cell in sanford this go general
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hospital this morning. the top floor of the hospital serves as a holding cell for inmates and that's where deputies regarding the inmate when he was sometimes able to climb through the ceiling and he was found in a secure area about 30 minutes later. however, sheriff's office says that he, quote, did not escape custody at any time. the sheriffs association says the incident highlights critical staffing shortages in the department and they are calling for immediate action to recruit more deputies. and east san jose neighborhood that's been asking for extra security finally got that wish granted. city leaders installed a new safety camera at the corner of king and wilshire at the -- neighborhood. these are used by police to record evidence. they can also read license plates and can flag suspect vehicles to other agencies.
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they say that the new camera was highly requested by the community to help increase safety. today, the mayor says san jose now has over 230 cameras that have led to 200 arrests. in november's race, to fill the congressional seat being vacated by congresswoman -- today, in santa clara county and san mateo county say they are making -- in all primary ballots in the race. the original count ended in a tie you might remember for second place between lau and -- the tie, both will appear alongside her in the primary.. observers have now challenged a handful of ballots in both k -- counties. election officials tell us they are on track to finish their work by the end of the week. >> this district spans both counties, so in order for the
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results to be certified with the new numbers, the secretary of the state would need to receive recount results for both of us. >> with any degree of luck, we will's complete the scanning tomorrow and we should have the numbers within the next day or so. >> okay. so the secretary of state could verify the recount results as early as friday afternoon, depending on when the office receives final results for both counties. now to a story that has a lot of frequent flyers upset. california lawmakers are looking to crackdown on those who pay to jump to the front of the security line with a new bill. it would basically ban security screening company clear from general security lines across the state. -- spent the day at sjc digging into this story for us. can you tell us what the idea is behind this bill? >> reporter: yes, audrey.
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josh newman introduced the bill because he thinks that paying to skip ahead to the front of the security line just isn't fair to people who can't afford that service. now right now, clear plus customers pay $189 a year, and what they do is they are escorted to the front of the line full of people waiting to be screened by tsa and this bill does not outright or explicitly say that they are wanting to ban such a thing, they are saying that a third party vendor like clear should have a separate line and separate tsa screening agents to operate in california airports, and that is something they would have to work out with the federal government. >> i know you got a chance to speak with some travelers out there today. what are they telling you? >> reporter: i just talked to some really happy travelers because they all have really positive attitudes on, you know, even if they don't pay for clear, the understand people are short on time and
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it's a great service for those that just need to get ahead. even if they are not paying for, even if they are being cut in front of. but there are people, force them on the other side, they feel that, it isn't fair and that it is an inconvenience to be waiting behind someone who just got to the front because they paid a little more. but, fortunately, sjc is a really efficient airport regardless. but i did talk to a spokesperson at sjc who said the concern here is that contract with clear brings in revenue to airports and they could lose out on that revenue if clear doesn't stay in airports and also, you know, by fast tracking people through the line, then it hurts when people spend more time shopping and dining afterwards, audrey. >> i'm sure people are going to be paying attention to this one because a lot of people go to the airport. and they are stuck in a secure eli for quite some time. all right, emma, thank you for
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the update. looking forward hurtful store. well, if you are going to be heading to the adware, -- airport, it's going be a little chillier out there, isn't it? >> 70s and 80s, it's about 61 degrees in the high temperatures this afternoon, about 62, but i think another big thing, the clouds. let's get to your microclimate forecast. we will give you a tour of what we are seeing right now with our live cameras in san jose, notice we do have some blue skies, but yes, the influence of the cloud cover, we definitely see a high of 65. that's actually the high this afternoon so definitely a lot cooler even through inland areas. let's take it to the creek right now. about 64 degrees. there it is. the cloud cover and then of course, the high through the afternoon, the 60s. what is the difference that we are seeing for the past 24 hours? i will just not tell you, i will show you. look at this. novato, and then places like concord and livermore, 10 to 14 degrees lower.
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seven degrees cooler when it comes to the school air mass. you certainly going to feel it and notice it. here's what it looks like on satellite rater's you can see the cloud cover. i will zoom this in a little closer so you can see exactly what we are noticing. there goes the cloud cover. meanwhile, folks traveling to the reno area, we do have some thunderstorm activity along with rain expected to continue through the next couple of hours, so please be mindful of this, even though it's not raining here, we saw some drizzle. temperature wise, overnight into the early morning hours, we still have some of that cloud cover. byron 6:00 a.m., the 40s and the 50s, and then by tomorrow, we do see some 70s on the map down to the interior so please don't be sad about the 60s. we do have some changes on the way. we will talk more about that. there might even be some rain chances in the future forecast. audrey? >> sounds good, don't go too far. take a look at this
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community garden . this is a lesson on how to build sustainable living habits. also, we know who will be performing at outside lands. we will fill you in on the headliners, and the surprise dj was actually better known for his acting chops. but before we had to break, what training story would you like to see later on in this forecast -- newscast? i have a pull up right now. ritz crackers giving away a 24 ritz crackers giving away a 24 karat go ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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people who died or were injured by drunk drivers are going to be remembered later tonight in contra costa county. across the bay area, this is how many people died or were seriously injured in dui crashes on average in each of the last three years. santa clara county had the most with 140 people, alameda was close behind, and napa had the fewest at 24.
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now the group, mothers against drunk driving, say people need to remember that these are not just numbers. they are lives taken by crimes that were 100% presentable -- preventable. >> everything a person who's been impacted, that person belongs to a family. they were in the community, was a coworker, a mother, a father, a child. this can happen to anyone. no one is immune. >> the group is hosting a candlelight vigil at 6:00 tonight at the contra costa county deputy sheriffs association in martinez. the d.a.s office, and the -- plan to attend. -- in one contra costa county city. rent control -- 1600 signatures needed to get several measures onto the november ballot. the package would allow voters to decide on rent control and protections against evictions and harassment. they will now -- the signatures to see if they have enough verified voters to qualify for
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the ballot. the organization coordinating this effort is also leading rent control campaigns in redwood city, pittsburgh, and larkspur. in celebration of earth we, we are highlighting a nonprofit in san jose today . valle verde has been -- since the 1960s and more than a decade ago, the founder director also found a way to help families, as well. since then, programs have expanded and are meteorologist met with staff members on how to transform their seeds into skills. >> community is one of the bigger things that we strive for here. we like to connect with people, with each other, we like to connect to the community, as well. our main program is the shared barn program. that's how we get everyone started. it's for people who don't have much history with gardening or anything.
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the main goal is to get families able to grow their own food, create their own produce, have access to healthy organic produce that they can provide for the family. i think the biggest one that i have found that interacts really well with climate change and everything is our composting program. it's actually funded by the bay area air quality district and our aim is to kind of reduce the amount of food waste they are putting in their trash. we will give you a little bucket to collect your food scraps to the week in and we have a 24/7 accessible drop off location. okay, so this is kind of the drop off zone for the hub activities that we were talking about before. this is how people, when they come to drop off their produce with us or the food scraps with us, they take a picture of this with their phone, it will bring up a survey on their phone and they will just kind of tell us what they're putting in the compost. we cover it with a lot of like
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dry leaves and everything and some paper sometimes to help with the smell. it helps a little bit with the flies, but not an insane amount, as you can see. there's a good amount of stuff that you can put in your compost, a good amount of things that people don't need to think about, like paper, cardboard, everything like that that people normally put in recycling can often be put in a compost. there's definitely something that should not be put in there like meat , animal bones, things like that. all of our worms are over here in our worm -- might just put a couple of other things in here, but then if i lift this bottom tray up, you can see oh, the worms, they are hanging out! this is really accessible for people. it takes up so much less space. we have this one here is like a demonstration of how to use it and it's full of coffee and stuff right now. it's really lovely to kind of share with people what they grow, the recipes that they make food with and everything and all the ways that they find a more urban environment.
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>> that's really cool. >> it really is. >> it makes me want to start doing that stuff. >> so can you tell us how people can access these programs? >> one of best parts about this program and a lot of the programs, they are free and they are intended for the community to come together and learn about everything. you and i were just talk about how we wish we had a garden in our backyard. they have garden beds or residents who don't have a garden at home, and they also have a in english and spanish and vietnamese, as well. accessible to anyone or anything wants to learn about not just growing your food and sustainability but that composting program is wonderful. i asked how long it typically takes for that stuff that you throw in there to turn into a compost. he says 6 to 9 months. if you're taking that's a long time i don't want to keep the -- it's a little bit smaller, you saw the flies and stuff they do it for you so you can drop off your compost there. they offer a number of options for folks who maybe think i don't have enough space in my
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location to do it. it also helps teach you about reducing food waste which is one of the biggest drivers of co2 emissions and it's free. probably one of the best parts. i will make sure to link where you can access the address or location. they are also always looking for volunteers so that's also something that you maybe want to look into. i will put a link to the into the story. >> perfect. sounds great. thank you. bay area-based tech company is trying to change the way people drink their coffee. san francisco and berlin-based company -- i'm not sure that they pronounce it, but they are creating clay cups in hopes of reducing plastic waste. it says about 500 billion coffee cups are disposed across the globe every year. they also say only 1% of those are actually recycled. so to tackle the issue, the company, the 3-d prints these that are made of clay, water and it's actually okay to throw these cups in the trash because they will eventually disintegrate into dust. the company is now partnering with california -- coffee roasters to introduce the cup to the bay area market.
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>> so this is what you would call a new category. it's not your expensive ceramic mug or the stanley metal mug and it's not your throw away, it's in between so the whole idea is that you get the convenience of disposability but user experience in the drinking experience is somewhere in the middle. >> cups are available in coffee locations in palo alto, san jose, and l.a. cubs who reuse the cubs get discounts. at the angered desk now -- anchor desk now. >> the students at uc berkeley are not backing down. the campout is growing. it's now doubled in size since yesterday. and the students are demanding the university cut all ties to israeli institutions, including a global internship program. they say they are not leaving
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until their demands are met. and the story of one woman's mission to get people to vote. not by knocking on doors or making phone calls, but she's sending out postcards. 40,000 postcards so far. why her past has made this her mission for the future. the story that will make you babe area proud -- bay area proud is coming up. >> looking forward to that, janelle. we will see you in a little bit. still to come. top trending stories motive for you, also, the lineup is said. we will tellyo who is going to headline outside lands the summer. the actor making appearance as a dj, as well. and school is not out for summer just yet, but we here at nbc bay area and temundo 48 are already working to help families who can't afford back- to-school basics. we are collecting backpacks and other school supplies and we made it easy. yowant to help out, all you have to do is head over to to donate, or you can look at the list of ppli and drop them
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off in person this thursday at 2:00 to 6:00 in town & co
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here it is. top trending story voted by you by the instagrammable. one lucky person out there is about to strike gold in the shape of a stick of butter. take a look at this. ritz crackers is enticing people to enjoy is limited addition buttery snacks by dangling the 24 karat bar there as a reward. so to estimated -- you will have to post a video on tiktok with the buttery-er effect turned on. you will have until may 20th. and as always, i will be posting the other stories that you vote for today on my instagram. the massive lineup is out for the -- i am talking about outside lands.
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>> ♪ coming out of my cage and i've been doing just fine, got to be -- because i want it all ♪ >> there they are, the rock man, the killers, as well as tyler the creator and -- are among the headliners in this year's music festival. post malone will also be performing a special country set . there will be three separate stages with the headliner of the night, performing on the main stage, of course. this is a music festivals 16 here. as i lands will take place august 9 through the 11th. if you take a close look at the poster there, you will see even actor idris elba will be there. we told tickets for outside lands were put on sale tomorrow and are affected to sell out quick. thank you so much for joining us up for their. janelle and garvin are working on the 5:00 newscast next. we are ba
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right now at 5:00, a growing encampment at uc berkeley and colleges across the country as students protest schools ties with israeli institution. how the university is dealing with it while trying to make sure classes are not interrupted. also when will alameda counties voters be able to vote? the reason some are pushing back on having a special election. >> and trying to protect our democracy. one postcard at a time. the tireless effort by a south bay woman originally from the soviet union. good tuesday everyone. the news at 5:00 starts now. thanks for joining us now. i'm janelle wang .
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>> and i am garvin thomas. tonight, cal students joined the growing wave of pro- palestinian demonstrations taking place in schools across the country. >> as nbc bay area jodi hernandez reports, they want the university to cut all ties to israel and are willing to campout as long as it takes. >> reporter: this and kamman has more than doubled since yesterday. there are more than -- and students say they are not going to budge until their demands are met. >> i believe that it's one of the most noble acts to stand on the right side of justice and to speak out against genocide, but it's also one of the most bare minimum things we can do. >> reporter: for the second straight day, pro-palestinian -- on the uc berkeley campus. student demonstrators are demanding uc berkeley sever all ties with the israeli institutions, including halting the global internship program in israel. and they are demanding the university financially divest from companies that support israel. >> over $2 bi


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