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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  March 27, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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roger has more on what is coming up next at 5:30. san jose police tonight have arrested six men for gang- related activities. what the officers took off the streets. trying to get a handle on artificial intelligence, the steps san jose is taking to make sure governments use it responsibly. weight loss drugs like those epic have become externally popular for people looking to lose some pounds. the negative impacts that are rising from this new trend. a beating in san jose turned into a statewide manhunt. estee pd announced the arrest of six alleged gang member throughout california. there suspected of committing a crime at a south bay bar, but are connected to a much larger operation. in:has the details. >> reporter: police say lisa six men were arrested in simultaneous s.w.a.t.
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raids, spanning from san jose to southern california. they were suspected of assaulting a man with a deadly weapon inside the bar in san jose back in october. police say it was gang-related and last week they were finally taken into custody. >> this is a very complex operation, which involved multiple suspects, throughout california. >> reporter: as police executed the search warrants, law- enforcement officers seized 15 illegal guns. 3-d printers along with kilos of cocaine, meth, heroin, and ecstasy, along with $80,000 in cash. police say the group was also the target of an international narcotics investigation. the fbi and customs and border patrol also assisted. christian song is the only one arrested in san jose. the rest lived in orange county. >> i think as with any suspect we take off the street, that is one less person with a firearm, one less person who could be a victim of the shooting or stabbing. >> getting guns out of the
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hands of people who cannot legally handle them is more important than people realize. >> reporter: danny garza has spent decades trying to get gangs off the street in east san jose. the community advocate says arresting just one gang member reduces crime, and he has seen how it can change a neighborhood. >> one person got arrested and for two months, everything went away. that person gets out of jail, everything comes back. >> reporter: it is an important one arrest can be. he hopes san jose can get officers to boost these types of mitigations. all six men were booked for assault with a deadly weapon, but will likely face more charges. song is being held in the santa clara county jail, without bail. in san jose, ian cull, nbc bay area news. convicted prosecutor, sam bankman-fried will be back in court tomorrow for his prison sentence but the palo alto native facing up to 110 years in prison after being convicted last november of fraud and other crimes after his ftx
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cryptocurrency exchange went bankrupt. 's attorneys are arguing for a five or six year sentence, given his lack of criminal history. bankman-fried is being held at the brooklyn detention facility. san jose is using artificial intelligence to fix some of its most noticeable problems but the bay area's biggest city is also getting a i advice from the white house. here's tech reporter scott budman. >> reporter:, from job creation, to fixing traffic problems, local leaders from both here in the bay area, and across the country, are trying to tap into ai, to figure out how the technology might help their cities. today, we heard from local governments and the white house just how that might happen. >> reporter: san jose has already gone on record, in saying it plans to use a i to help fight traffic and homelessness. >> together, we can craft a
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good and responsible policy, here, and do advocacy together, but also, make sure that we are actually adopting and using new technology effectively, and learn from one another. >> reporter: today, the bay area's largest city joined in an online meeting with the white house, office of science and technology policy to brainstorm ideas for cities that want to benefit from the ai boom.'s budget has the potential to help powerful new medicines, to treat and cure diseases which have for generations plagued humanity. to help us dramatically include agricultural production, food insecurity, and to help us save countless lives as we address the climate crisis. >> reporter: possible ai benefits also come with risks. many, having to do with privacy. >> president biden and less present terrace have been clear from the start, that we must manage ai risk to see the benefits, and that is especially true in local government, where ai cancer directly impact the lives of
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citizens. >> reporter: thinking locally, when planning to act artificially. scott budman, bc bay area news. amazon is making its largest outside invested in company history as it tries to gain an edge in the ai race. the tech giant invested more than $1 billion into ai startups, the sentences go based startup is considered one of its biggest ai companies. today, and was unannounced another $2 billion in that company. southbay nurses were on the picket line this afternoon, speaking out against their hospital's decision to close the trauma center. this was at regional medical center in east san jose. last month, the close that sentence of the next closest drama units were valley med, eight miles away, or stanford, 27 miles away but necessary those minutes and miles matter for patients facing severe trauma, such as a stroke or a heart attack. the hospital says it will continue to evaluate and treat
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those patients, but transfer them as they need a higher level of care. in his treatment today, regional meds as it is downsizing its level ii trauma center, due to low patient volumes, and adding 20 beds to the emergency department but it is still determining when those changes will go into effect. a night out could get safer things to new laws the summer. california bars and nightclubs will be required to offer test strips for common adulterated drugs. detestable change colors agent has been spiked. bars and clubs will have to dock up on the test strips, and some california bars are already making these changes. >> many of you likely thought about trying to get one of those new weight-loss drugs, drop some pounds, maybe many pounds, we have been looking into some of the negative impact of his latest diet trend, especially after the recent hollywood award season, the skyrocketing popularity of drugs like is epic, creating a
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shortage for those who medically need those drugs, and concerns of the black-market developing. one patient in the east bay reached out to our investigators reported, candace nguyen, saying he was not able to get banchero for his diabetes because pharmacies have been completely out of stock. these medications were first approved, to help regulate blood sugar for diabetics. to dig deeper into the issue, candace reached out to local experts. >> reporter: who is in charge of prioritizing these medicines, to maybe have it go to someone using it for a medical reason, versus somebody who wants it just for aesthetic weight loss? >> part of the goal is for prescribers, but even then, patients will see commercials for a compound or buy it on the black market. >> is there black-market versions? >> there is. i hear about patients buying
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various medications online, and also, i heard about patients going to mexico, and buying it at the airport. >> tonight at on the clock, we will also hear from a bay area patient, that man right there, having trouble getting his medication, and his message to anyone who uses these drugs for weight loss. you might have noticed the spring allergy season is here. according to the cdc, one in four adults experience seasonal allergies, and there are some tips to keep in mind to event this. first let's look at common symptoms. itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, postnasal drip, certain things can also make your allergies worse, incling contact lenses. pollen and trapped behind them, houseplants, certain medicaons, alcohol can make symptoms worse, indoor pools, which do not ventilate, and certain fragrances from candles to aerosols. >> it can be confusing if the allergy, is it a viral infection, is it a bacterial infection?
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having that and talking about when you are experiencing things that seem to be provoking , and then talking about what options are available, over-the- counter, and when you may need to go to analogist to get more in-depth support. >> experts say allergies can be developed over time, and taking proper precautions will benefit anyone in the long run. of next, new study about climate in crisis. global warming is slowing down the earth's rotation? how it could affect the way that we measure time moving forward. chief meteorologist jeff ranieri,
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this week's marks one year since wall street journalist evan driscoll which was detained in russia but the anniversary comes on the heels of russia extending his
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detention by three months. >> the u.s. government says he was wrongly, and is being wrongly detained.'s family remains up to mystic and hold out hope that he would come home soon. susan mcginnis reports from washington, d.c. >> do whatever it takes to bring evan home. >> reporter: the family of evan gershkovich, an american journalist wrongly held in a russian risen, prepares to mark the one-year anniversary of his arrest. >> reporter: a russian court again extending the detention of the wall street journal reporter for three more months. his parents, also stressing that it is time to bring them home. >> all four seasons, his birthday and the holidays and -- we want him home as soon as possible. >> reporter: the charges include collecting russian state sequence secrets, called fiction by the journal, and u.s. officials. >> evans case is not about evidence, or process, or rule
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of law. it is about using american citizens as pawns to achieve legal ends. >> reporter: the anniversary renewing the spotlight on russia's recent atrocities leading to the death of opposition leader alexi navalny. gershkovich joins others wrongfully held in russia, including marine veteran paul whelan, held in 2018. >> if the kremlin has any desire to salvage russia's integrity and international stature, they should do what is right and release evan and paul immediately. >> reporter: as he remains in moscow's prison. his parents, and everyone are holding out hope that he will return home soon. susan mcginnis, nbc news. our climate crisis coverage now, the global warming impact how we measure time? a new study from uc san diego found melting polar ice caps encouraging her to spin slower.
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less ice at the polls is creating ice around the equator, affecting the planets angular velocity. hours and minutes are determined by the rotation of the earth, but has actually been spinning faster in recent decades, due to examination of factors. that speeding up has led scientists to consider subtracting a single leap second from world clocks which could have a big impact on computing systems. this new report estimates melting ice caps will delay the need for a leap second by three years, pushing it from 2026, 2029. jeff ranieri is here to talk about the rain which is in the bay area right now. >> oh man, i know. there will be some sun, you get to hang out and wait a bit, but there are some brighter days on the way for today. gloomy out there, we have that rain and colder temperatures, moving into the microclimate forecast, here it is outside, san jose, there is a cloud cover. currently 59 degrees, and
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really, overall for the south bay, we will have to wait until later on tonight, until we start to see some heavier downpours beginning to pick up, that'll start around 10:00, and also 11:00. speaking of that storm system, it is pretty wide and broad reaching. right now, you can see that counterclockwise spin in the center of low pressure, staying off to the north of us, with the strongest rain and the strongest wind. we are in the bottom edge of it, still giving us rain chances tonight, let's get a look at storm ranger, we are seeing isolated pockets picking up, here, some rain now moving into san francisco, and off towards the south, through the sunset district, certainly some rainfall over the next 20 or 30 minutes. we could also see that hold up, down towards brisbane into 6:28. we have had some rain over morgan hill, this is continuing towards gilroy into 6:25 this evening. overall three tonight, the storm front itself is slowly marching south. by 9:00, primarily over the north bay, but 10:00 p.m. it is east bay and the
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peninsula, then we will see it down here towards san jose by 11:30. tomorrow morning's commute, here is the thing you will probably like about this, the bulk of it gets out of your. we will see clouds and sun and chances of spotty shower. slight chance we could see a pop up shower into tomorrow afternoon. overall, not the strongest one we have seen this season, by far to just trace amounts to a quarter inch for most of the bay area, northbay, right there, about a quarter to half an inch. morning, temperatures turning off the tomorrow, south bay at 48, then we will see 40s and 50s here over the east bay, sentences during the northbay. temperatures for tomorrow, staying on the cool side, below average through the bay area. we have that storm moving off to the south, that will leave us with just 57 in santa rosa. wait until you see the 10 day forecast i have coming up for the northbay in a minute. you are going to love that. 52 in concord, low 60s in palo alto and right there for
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san jose. let's move this into the upcoming easter weekend, friday, saturday, and sunday, we will see this upper-level system just slowly move on down the coastline, taking its sweet time all the way through that weekend. so, we will keep some rain chances in the mix. overall, i think the best chance for some widespread rain and heavy rain will come on friday. 1/4 to 1/2 inch, could get us to the higher totals for the south bay and set a crismatt and. saturday, it is going to be scattered, with a chance of thunderstorms, about one quarter inch for most of us, yellow over the higher elevations, and about half an inch. then on sunday, for easter, trace amounts, about a 10th of an inch with his body understand chance. i think we will be able to get through this weekend, not totally dry, but also nothing totally ruining your plans on sunday. snow in the sierras anywhere from 1 to 3 feet, 28 inches in kirkwood. 's forecast, i told you to hang on here, by next monday, tuesday, wednesday, 70s, with
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sunshine in napa and really a lot of the bay area will look similar to that. on the seven day forecast we stay dry monday, tuesday, and wednesday next week, and once again, the weekend is not looking extremely bad at this point. countries and understand chances, but it is not looking like widespread rain on sunday. there is a bit of good news buried in that, >> in, did you say extremely or eggs? >> i will give you all the credit for that one. living up a new leader on the farm but we will hear from the sky, stanford's new men's
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the stanford women's best ball team continues its march to a national championship. stanford plays north carolina state on friday in the sweet 16. >> the men's also making headlines, introducing their new head coach. here is anthony florez. >> reporter: a new era is underway at stanford. >> there was no way i wouldn't take the job. for 30 years, it is true. i have been saying that this is the best job, period . >> kyle smith called it a dream come true to be named head coach of the men's basketball team. >> everyone in my business says, that is a bad job. no, best job. this is the best job. you can be great.
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>> reporter: when it comes to the farm after being named the pac-12 coach of the year, one of his best seasons in program history, leading the cougars to the first ncaa tenement appearance since 2008. prior to his five seasons at washington state, smith spent three years as head coach of the university of sentences go. winning at least 20 games, all three seasons. other stops include columbia and st. mary's, as an assistant. as for his philosophy? >> faith family, team, academics. then have a great attitude. of course he is also looking for players who can play the game. smith is not short on words, but he got choked up when talking about the opportunity stanford can provide for his 13- year-old son with autism. >> to have the opportunity for
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my family and son to have more resources, just honored and thankful. >> smith replaces jared hass, fired after eight years. next season, stanford moves into the acc, which is a traditional powerhouse conference in college basketball. smith feels up for the challenge? >> i am beyond thrilled to have this opportunity. the cardinals. >> anthony florez, nbc bay area. >> very good story. thousands of volunteers will be helping out in paris during the olympics. some special swag today. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year.
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i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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the new law in texas which gives the state power to arrest and deport migrants will remain on hold. late yesterday, a panel of appeals court judges denied a request by the state of texas to suspend the lower court order which found sp 4 unconstitutional. the court says the law will continue to be blocked while it considers whether does, in fact, violated the u.s. constitution. a hearing is scheduled for next week. texas officials say this is a necessary tool to combat illegal immigration. the law is being criticized by migrant advocates the legal battle between florida governor and ron
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desantis is coming to an end. the street took off after the government passed the dentate gate law, in florida. disney voiced opposition to the law. in retaliation, governor desantis passed legislation which allows him to revoke disney's control of a special tourism district governing all his properties, and employing his own members. disney fought back, suing the governor, and that new governing board. under today's settlement, both parties have agreed to drop their lawsuits, and to work in cooperation, going forward. this is pretty cool, they call it the job of a lifetime. 20,000 volunteers for the upcoming paris olympics. today, they pack into paris stadium to unveil the official uniform of the olympics and paralympics. they'll get a t-shirt, trousers, socks, a sun hat, and some razzle-dazzle there. they are excited. uniforms designed and created by the french sports brand,
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decathlon. >> not the only olympic march tonight. we got a look at the official stamp for the paris game. have done it in an art deco style, with a graphic showing off parisian icons. the design celebrate the city of lights, one century after the games were held in paris back in 1924. the stamp will bear the international postage price of ,1.96. but is $2.12. the stamp goes on sale to the public on april 5th. >> these olympic will be spectacular. >> looking forward to it. right now at 6:00 marine on the radar, we are tracking the next round of wet weather moving in, we have what you need to know as the easter weekend approaches. a well-known reservoir in the south bay, nearly dry. spite all of our recent rain. whitewater officials drained
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the 460 acre lake, and what they did with all that water. new information about the construction workers missing after the baltimore bridge collapse. what we are learning tonight about recovering them. venues at 6:00 starts right now. thanks for being with us on this wednesday. >> we are beginning tonight with the weather, and the return of showers in the bay area. live look at our storms, scanning the rain on the radar right now. let's check in with meteorologist jeff ranieri on what we can expect. >> light to moderate rainfall will be picking up over the next 45 hours a specifically, inside that time zone. still activity, on this cold
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front. moderate rain moving off towards berkeley at 6:37 tonight. and we continued through this evening, that storm front, slowly marches toward the south. by 8:00, it is over napa and nevada, and then also the east bay and the south bay later on tonight. here is the deal that we are looking at, a lot over the next couple of days, we have our second rain chance coming in on friday, that will have more in the way of wind, even a thunder storm chance. sierra snow will stack up over one foot, and the easter weekend will still have some rain chances staying in the forecast. we wrap up all the timing and total coming up later on, but i also wanted to show you how great we are doing for the rainfall season. santa rosa, up 4.46 inches. we have already reached our maximum that we should have so far this season.


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