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tv   Today  NBC  March 25, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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westbound on the right side, that's getting over to the peninsula, continued slowing because continued traffic feeds off of the nimitz. >> thank you very much. the "today" show is just moments away. you can get more local news with our 8:00 a.m. streaming newscast on roku and other platforms. ahead, a live report on the strike getting under way at seton medical center, and we're also talking with dr. lucy jones about the top honor she's receiving and the steps you can take to prepare for the next big one, we're talking earthquakes. >> you can always get a lot on our streaming show. make sure to join us then. that's what's happening on "today in the bay." the "today" show starts now. join us for midday news at 11:00 a.m. good monday morning. more wild weather on tap all across the country. >> and winter is not over yet
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for millions of americans. good morning. it's march 25th. this is "today." spring mess. blizzard warnings stretching from the rockies to the midwest. nearly a foot of snow already on the ground with more on the way. across the south, more heavy rain and tornadoes after a weekend washout. all of it causing chaos at the airports. thousands of canceled and delayed flights. al's full forecast straight ahead. time's up. new york's attorney general ready to start seizing his assets, including prize trump real estate if he can't. we'll have the very latest. charged. four suspects in a moscow court accused of terrorism in the wake
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of that concert hall massacre. [ gunshots ] more than 130 people killed. russia holding a day of mourning. vladimir putin blaming ukraine this morning. what it means for the region, just ahead. outpouring. well wishes and displays of love after princess kate's emotional announcement she's recovering under going treatment for cancer. >> i had to recover from surgery to start my treatment. most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louie. >> her message of thanks and what's next for the princess of wales and her family. we're live at buckingham palace. all that, plus high seas fire. >> a dangerous fire breaks out on a crowded cruise ship. the boat able to safely dock but now set to miss its next two trips. the impact on thousands of spring break passengers. and sweet 16 dreams.
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>> garcia. >> an overtime thriller puts a scare into one of the favorites of the ncaa tournament. >> and it is over! the houston cougars survive. >> while on the women's side, a major upset. >> fade-away, got it! what a shot? >> as we march to the final four today, monday, march 25th, 2024. >> from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hi, everybody. good morning. welcome to "today." nice to have you with us on this monday morning. just putting the finishing touching on my bracket. is it too late? >> i think if you're on vacation, you get a pass. you can join in now. i feel a little bit bad for texas a&m. >> i know. >> they got into overtime and then houston ended up winning that one. what a great game for the aggies, too.
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>> we will get caught up on the games. but first our top story. >> let's get to it. extreme weather. >> spring is officially under way, according to the calendar. it doesn't feel that way in some places. here's a live look. here's a look at deadwood, south dakota, this morning. check this out. this was the scene in minneapolis yesterday. there was a record snowfall, more than 8 inches. >> wow. a huge portion of the country is under some kind of alert this morning. 40 million people facing damaging winds. 11 million under winter alert.s
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customers without power. guys? >> jesse kirsch, leading us off. thank you. >> let's bring in al who is tracking the storm and storm threats where they're headed.
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hey, al. >> good to see you again. good to see you. from minnesota down to the southwest, we have 11 million people under winter weather advisories, winter warnings. central plains, blizzard warnings right now. the radar on top. you see the snow over north platte, nebraska. and in jesse's report, they are getting rain right now. snow mixed in around the region. we'll see another 9 to 12 inches of snow in northern minnesota. also in parts of central nebraska, heavy snow, as well for the next 24 hours.hours. now we look to now we look to the south where we have severe weather bringing heavy showers and thunderstorms. we have enhanced risk of severe weather. 9 million people from memphis, houston, new orleans, jackson, mississippi, wind gusts, strong tornadoes. in fact, this hatched area, there is a 10% chance of tornadoes, ef-2 or stronger later in the day, so we will be watching that. as this system pushes to the east, we're looking at torrential rain.
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we have a severe risk down in the south. the snow continues up to the north. heavy showers and thunderstorms move through chicago. more rain to the southeast. rain fall amounts by the time we get on through wednesday. we're talking two to three inches of rain through the southeast, also into the central plains and into the mississippi river valley. guys? >> al, thank you. we move to the legal issues million bond in the civil fraud judgment against him. it is not clear whether he will be able to meet that obligation. laura jarett is here with details. >> reporter: good morning. the former president is facing dueling threat threats today. the fall-out that could spell financial disaster for his namesake company. on the criminal charge, a jury trial still jury trial still on the horizon. on both fronts, mr. trump now left with little room to maneuver.
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this morning the former president is out of time. as soon as today, new york's attorney general may begin collecting more than $450 million from donald trump. the penalty for losing his civil trial for financial fraud. rejected by some 30 different insurers, mr. trump now forced to cover the massive fine on his own as he tries to appeal the ruling from february finding him liable for lying about his wealth to get better deals from lenders. >> no one has ever seen a bond this size. every single person came to them saying, hey, can i get a half a million monday, they were laughing. >> reporter: the judge fined mr. trump $355 million, a figure that's continued to plan with more than $100,000 in interest, >> reporter: the legal team asked to intervene. all his assets, buildings, houses, even bank accounts are
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now potentially in play. a move the attorney general previewed last month. >> if he does not have funds to wracking up each day. >> if he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek, you know, judgment enforcement mechanisms in court, and we will ask the judge to seize his assets. >> reporter: while mr. trump tries to fend off a personal financial crisis, his criminal exposure has not faded. facing charges of hiding hush money payments to a porn star before the 2016 election, the nominee had begun to set a trial in that case, in a manhattan courtroom today. but it's been bogged down in delays. mr. trump back in court today as the defense mulls the defense team request for more time. >> back to the finances and this judgment coming due, what other options are available to mr. trump financially to cover this bond? >> the problem is that anything he might want to do is simply going to take too long. like selling off a property, that's complicated.
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many of them he doesn't own outright. some have pointed to the fact his social media company is supposed to go public and merge with another where he could get a major windfall. $3 billion potentially. even that will take a while. he can't sell his shares for six months. so, he can't not afford to pay today. that's the problem. >> what happens? >> they could begin to seize his assets, go after his bank accounts, go after his properties starting today. >> laura, thank you very much. four men charged with one of the deadliest terror attacks in russia's history. more than 130 people killed over the weekend during an ambush at a crowded concert hall in moscow. while isis has claimed responsibility, vladimir putin tried to tie is likely to have long-term political effects. today moscow mourns.
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russian president vladimir putin himself among the many lighting candles after russia endured its deadliest terror attack in 20 years on friday. i honestly thought it was a fire cracker, said a survivor. but these crackles they weren't stopping. there was screaming, panic. at least 137 people killed by four men who went through this huge concert venue, shooting, throwing bombs and burning the there was screaming, panic. at least 137 people killed by 4 men who went through this huge concert venue, shooting, throwing bombs and burning the building almost completely to the ground. they were just walking and gunning down everyone in silence. sound was echoing and we could not understand what was where. emergency workers are still searching under the rubble and sifting for clues. russian authorities say they nabbed the four perpetrators. they appeared in court late yesterday showing signs of injury. isis-k based in afghanistan
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quickly claimed responsibility for friday night's attack, a claim america's national security council backed up. the same bombing at kabul airport killed 130 afghans and american servicemen in 2021. despite the evidence and the group's own claims, russia is blaming a more familiar enemy, ukraine, who russians have been fighting for the past decade. for them, the attack raises a different concern. the islamic state may be rising from the ashes in the middle east. americans are worried that putin will exploit this strategy, using it to rally support for his gridlocked war in ukraine. narrowly avoided a government shutdown, passing a $1.2 trillion spending bill.
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lawmakers still have major decisions to make like funding for ukraine and israel. republicans are flirting with the idea of booting out the speaker of the house. ryan nobles joins us. ryan, good morning. how do you expect this to play out? >> reporter: savannah, good morning. despite quite a bit of unfinished business, including that $95 billion aid bill for israel. and mike johnson has said they are address it after they get the spending bill cleared, but he does face a series of headaches and grows discontent among republicans after relying on democrats to pass that spending bill, which is something that led to the ouster of the previous speaker, kevin mccarthy. marjorie taylor greene actually filed a motion to oust johnson, but there is no vote on it yet. we could, though, could more support if johnson brings that ukraine aid bill to the floor
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because of the level of skepticism among house republicans. several conservative republicans are warning it could garner more support if johnson does move on ukraine. so the bottom line right now, johnson's troubles boil down to republicans' razor-thin majority, which is only getting smaller because two gop congressmen just announced plans to step down early and forces johnson to turn to democrats to mostly pass anything. he may have to rely on them again to save his job if that motion to vacate gets enough support. >> ryan, thank you very much. coming up on 7:15. this is a good time to talk basketball, craig. >> oh. savannah, welcome back. good morning. good morning to us as well. let's talk college basketball. after the opening weekend of march madness, that includes a major upset, some nail-biters, t on the men's side. the women wrapping up the second round today. nbc's sam brock is in florida following all the action. what a weekend it was, sam.
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>> reporter: craig, all of the emotion and the excitement of this tournament on full display this weekend the sweet 16 is now set the women wrapping up the second round today. nbc's sam brock is in florida following all the action. what a weekend it was, sam. >> reporter: craig, all of the emotion and the excitement of this tournament on full display this weekend. it was amazing. we are not done yet. there are eight women's games left that includes iowa star caitlin clark who took a shot over the weekend, but doled out plenty of her own. all the men's seeds have survived but barely as the end of houston texas a&m, an all-timer. this is the reason they call it march madness. texas a&m making up a double-digit deficit in 90 seconds, forcing overtime on one of the craziest buzzer beaters you will ever see. still in the end houston holding on. >> the houston cougars survive. >> reporter: every top seed is still alive. >> it is the most points ever by purdue in ncaa tournament games. >> reporter: while zach edie
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dropping 106 on utah state. >> the boilermakers are going to the sweet 16. >> reporter: the uconn huskies de defending the northwestern wil wildcats, 75-68. both the women and the men's dukies holding on for next week. the undefeated south carolina gamecocks knocking out north carolina by 47 points. lsu also flexing some serious might in their victory. and iowa superstar caitlin clark taking one for the team. >> right across the face of caitlin clark. >> reporter: and dealing out her own blows with a 27-point donned clark's 22 jersey on stage. backing out of that wild houston performance. she had lots of fans, including the daughter of holy cross' coach. >> so are you freaking out right
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now? >> reporter: also rooting for caitlin clark, tim mcgraw who donned clark's 22 jersey on stage. backing out of that wild houston game and their coach said it was murphy's law the last couple minutes of the game. his team was missing, guys, easy free throws and shots while the aggies were hitting impossible three-pointers, as you saw. however, all the number one and two seeds are advancing to the sweet 16. that's only the fifth time that happened since seeding began. that was almost a half century ago. so the favorites are showing up. craig, back to you. >> sam, there's been a request from the control room and the desk for you to turn around and take the shot. you're 7 feet tall. you have a basketball in your hand. >> reporter: here's the problem. jesse kirsch almost hit a half court shot on live television. anything that i do from here is just going to make me look bad. >> let's go. we want it. >> yeah. >> reporter: this is going to be a disaster. >> no, it's not. >> come on! >> reporter: this is the worst decision i ever made. >> you are the one that brought a basketball to a live shot and a net. >> oh, my gosh.
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>> oh. >> sam. >> reporter: i didn't even hit the backboard. i lost you guys. i have no audio right now. just the embarrassment of what i did. >> how convenient. man, that was terrible. thanks, sam. >> bye. >> and he's so tall. >> i know. >> so much height and power. >> it seemed like he really had to haul it. >> i think it was just a three-point shot. and he's 7'2". >> you bring a basketball to a basketball court, you have to take a shot. >> lesson learned. what's up, mr. roker? >> east coast, gorgeous, gorgeous day today. little on the cooler side, but it will still be a lovely day. unfortunately for our friends along the mississippi river valley into the great lakes, heavy rain back to the west of that. snowy conditions. windy in the rockies. in fact, wind conditions will be a big problem. but we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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my bad boy days are over. i just need a g'boy. will you accept this milk-bone as a symbol of my love. more dog. milk-bone. you's such a g'boy... good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we do have a milder start, with a partly cloudy sky, and it's going to warm up as we go throughout the day. winds will gradually relax and we'll see temperatures up to about 60 in dublin. expect it to be in the mid-60s for the north bay, as well as the south bay, and it comes up a few degrees for tomorrow as the sunshine continues. then on wednesday, rain is back and we'll see slightly cooler >> and that's your latest weather. guys? >> thank you, al. coming up --
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support pouring in from all over the world after princess kate's emotional message revealing she is being treated for cancer. molly hunter is at buckingham palace. >> hey, guys. good morning. lots of love and support coming in from every corner of the globe. and a new statement from kensington palace. we'll have the latest coming up. >> molly, thank you. also ahead, an alarming scare on the high seas. fire breaking out on a popular cruise ship. the latest overnight. the impact on the other trips in the middle of a busy spring break season. but, first, this is "today" on
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still ahead, is it the beginning of the end for a teenage rite of passage? why americans are saying no to teenage baby-sitters. first, sam, we want to give you one more chance. >> come on, sam. let's go. >> you got this. >> that's so generous of you. by the way, the number of text messages i received saying you are pathetic right now, is too
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much to count. this is like steph curry level. >> you got this. >> oh. >> i think that went in. did you see it go through the hoop? [cough] honey... honey. nyquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste nyquil honey, look at that sweet frosting and filling. that's what makes pop-tarts such a great snack! i sure hope we get eaten soon. we will. i made a sign. [vending machine buzzs] it's working! pop-tarts!
7:25 am
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7:26 am
when your questions about life turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america. every march, jersey mike's turns money from subs into charitable donations. and march 27th is jersey mike's annual day of giving where 100% of sales from every sub are given back to the community. and to kick off all that giving, peter gave me an apron. i'm honored. looking good, danny. we've got subs to make, though. oh, now i know why you gave me the apron. join us this wednesday march 27th, for jersey mike's day of giving. be a sub above. a very good morning to you. 7:26 right now. i'm laura garcia. here is a look at today's top
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stories. >> reporter: i'm bob redell. if you live in oakland and are craving that double-double, you'll have to drive to another location, like this one in pleasanton, for your in-n-out. for the first time in the company's 75-year history, in-n-out has shut down a location, this one was near the oakland international apartment, not far from hegenberger, because of an increase in crime, namely armed robberies and car break-ins. there was a long line of customers that showed up for the final day of business yesterday. new overnight on the peninsula, firefighters say a small grass fire at the scene of a much larger weekend fire was intentionally set. the latest fire happened last night in brisbane on industrial way. firefighters already say it is not connected to this fire in the same location that destroyed a commercial building saturday night. this video is from citizen app. no one was injured. this fire's cause is still under investigation. some wild weekend weather. what are we in store for today?
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>> things are calming down today and we're going to see a mix of sun and clouds in san francisco. we're going from mid-50s this morning up to the upper 50s. it will be nice to not have to lug around the umbrella. we'll see temperatures in the mid-60s for the south bay and we'll be tracking rain for the middle of the week. >> and don't forget to watch our "today in the bay" live streaming newscast all new at 8:00 a.m. it will include a strike getting under way at a busy peninsula hospital and the top honor for a leading seismologist, plus the steps you can take to prepare for the next big one. watch on roku, amazon fire tv, xumo, or see it
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he's setting it up. yes! that was a huge one. >> oh, that was. 7:30. that is american figure skater, ilia malinin, propelling the 19-year-old to his first ever world title. at the world figure skating championship. his free skate getting the highest score, by the way, in history, ever. >> wow. >> you stuck the landing on the name pronunciation. >> i did a little stutter step, but i nailed it at the end. >> we have to learn that name. a lot of talent right there. first up this half hour, a huge outpouring of support for the princess of wales. >> after months of speculation about her health, she is now r around her amid a lot of uncertainty over what comes next. >> molly hunter is at buckingham palace. >> reporter: that's right.
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the global reaction was immediate. over the weekend, a new statement from ken being treated for cancer. the royal family and people all around the world rallying around her amid a lot of uncertainty over what comes next. >> molly hunter is at buckingham palace. hey, molly. good morning. >> reporter: that's right. the global reaction was immediate. over the weekend, a new statement from kensington palace. the prince and princess of wales thanking the public saying they are extremely moved but the public's warm support. this morning an outpouring of love and support for the princess of wales following her announcement. >> in january, i underwent major abdominal surgery in london. at the time, it was thought that my condition was noncancerous. the surgery was successful. however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present. >> reporter: in friday's deeply personal video message, the 42-year-old sharing she's in the early stages of preventive chemotherapy that began in february. the palace adds, kate herself chose to write and deliver a video message instead of a written statement. >> i am well and getting stronger every day. >> reporter: and the global reaction was immediate. president biden posting, jill
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and i join millions around the world in praying for your recovery, princess kate. adding, the princess of wales has the love and support of the whole country. and kate's brother posting, over the years we have climbed many mountains together. as a family, we will climb this one with you, too. from california, prince harry and meghan wishing kate health and healing and reached out to the wales family privately. >> having william by my side is great reassurance, as is the love and kindness shown by many of you. >> reporter: immediately following the announcement, king charles also going through cancer treatment saying he is so proud of his daughter-in-law. >> i think for her and for the -- and for the king the outpouring of support for both of them and well wishes for the >> reporter: a source atcover quickly has been -- has been hugely heartening. >> reporter: a source at kensington palace adds the pair had lunch on friday before the video's release.
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>> this has long been a very affectionate bond between the king and his beloved daughter-in-law. you know, they share a lot of the same interests. >> reporter: now with the kids on easter holiday, a plea to grant her family privacy while she recovers. >> as a family, we now need time, space and privacy, as i complete my treatment. for now, i must focus on making a full recovery. >> reporter: the family often spends their spring break at their house in norfolk. as kate feels better, she will start picking up some royal events. we should not take a sighting of her at any kind of indication that she is back to some kind of full schedule of royal events. guys? >> molly, thank you. we want to turn to katie nichol. katie, good morning. there had been so much speculation to the point of utter ridiculousness. do you think kate has now put this issue to rest with this
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video? >> reporter: well, you would have to hope so, wouldn't you? you would have to hope that common sense would prevail. i think for the most part it has done. however, you can't control it. possible hostile countries, russia and iran may be behind some of these anti-kate conspiracy theories. i don't think it's going to stamp it out completely. but for the general public, we have heard the real reason, that final bit of the jigsaw has now completed the puzzle. and now this family needs time and space out of the limelight to recover and to come to terms of what is clearly a great shock and a very devastating diagnosis. i do think that message of hope that the princess relayed at th for privacy. i think every mom around was thinking about how she told her children about what was happening and how difficult that
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was. she's asking for privacy. do you think people will grand that, stay away from her and give her space? >> reporter: i think they will do. and anyone that doesn't is going to be end of her video message was so and anyone that doesn't is going to be on the receiving end of legal action. the palace made that clear. we have seen prince william's legal action against the press and paparazzi in the past. he won't think twice about doing it again. this is a man that's ferocious of protecting his wife and young family as well. the timing was really important. molly was saying it went out at the start of the easter holidays when the family were already out of the capital. they're not on a retreat. and they can just hunker down, switch off the news and come to terms with this as a family. i think that's really important. they do need this time. >> indeed. katie, really quickly, what more do we know about how king charles is doing. >> reporter: my source tells me he's responding well to
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treatment and he's in good spirits. i think there is a good sense of positivity, also amongst his family friends who have seen him, who do speak to him regularly, and a bit of a sense of frustration that he'd love to be back at work full-time and a little frustration that he can't be. obviously we will see the king at the easter service, the slightly scaled back easter service on sunday. and there is talks he could be making an appearance at ascot. we're in for a pretty royal season now. let's hope the king is at the things he would like to be at. that's what i'm hearing, that he would like to be there. >> a lot more in our next half hour. including a closer look of what it means to undergo preventative chemotherapy, as the palace says kate is undergoing. the countdown is on to quite the rare event. a total solar eclipse now just two weeks away. how cities in its path preparing. plus, what you need to know about the best spots to view it and how to find the right type
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of safety glass. can't look directly at the sun. plus, frightening moments as fire breaks out on a popular cruise ship. nbc's emilie ikeda is following that story for us. >> during that bad weather so many of us experienced over the weekend, terrifying moments aboard a cruise ship. passengers witnessing a fire, an exhaust funnel burned to pieces. coming up, what we know about the incident and how many people could be affected by the fall-out. stay with us. a medicine specifically designed for heart failure. entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. heart failure can change the structure of your heart, so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. and with a healthier heart, you can keep on doing what you love. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby.
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7:42 am
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we're back. 7:42 this morning. "in depth today." a frightening incident aboard a popular carnival cruise ship. >> take a look. there was a big fire onboard. passengers are reporting the ship may have been struck by lightning. >> emilie ikeda is here with more. good morning. >> reporter: guys, good morning to you. that ship, as we speak, carnival freedom is returning to port in florida. you can see the damage from that massive fire there. the cruise line says the ship required immediate repair, creating tense hours for many aboard at the height of spring break. >> that is not good. >> reporter: this morning cruise passengers finding trouble in paradise after they say their ship was rocked by bad weather and a terrifying fire onboard. >> why is the tail on fire? that's not good, y'all. >> reporter: passenger heath barnes recorded this video as flames and smoke poured from the back of the cruise ship saturday, just off the coast of the bahamas.
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the fire erupted in the ship's exhaust funnel, and the captain steered the vessel into heavy rain to help douse the flames. barnes says, fellow passengers witnessed lightning striking the ship. >> the loudest thunder/lightning clap i ever heard in my life. it scared me so bad. >> reporter: no passengers were hurt in the fire. in a statement, the cruise line says they are investigating multiple eye witness reports of a lightning strike. adding, regrettably the damage is more than we first thought and will require an immediate repair to stabilize the funnel. it is the second time in two years the carnival freedom funnel has caught on fire. >> for your own safety, return inside the ship. >> reporter: a scary incident back in 2022 also left no passengers injured. while it is relatively rare, incidents like this do happen. according to the site cruise mapper, there are 24 structural and technical issues with cruise ships and 13 fire accidents in
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2023. another cruise ship incident turned deadly on friday, this one involving a holland america ship in the bahamas half moon key. the company says accidental steam release and an engineering space onboard killed two crew members. this woman was among the badly shaken passengers on that ship. >> when the captain announced what happened, his voice broke, he started crying, and that just was absolutely heart-breaking. >> reporter: holland america says the ship was determined to be fully operable, while bohemian authorities investigate the cause of the incident. >> let's go back to the carnival ship for a moment because we are, of course, in the middle o. but yesterday announced it would be canceling cruises leaving today and friday, presumably
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impacting thousands of passengers, amid the height of spring break. cruise bookings are up 28% compared to this time last year, so the industry is really booming. >> certainly bounced a busy spring break season. >> all right, em. thank you. 7:45. mr. roker, what do you got in the weather department? >> we have a lot of wind to talk about. we're talking winds from indiana, illinois, all the way down to texas, with 40 million people high wind warnings and high wind watches and advisories. having a big impact through southern texas with low humidity and wind gusts up to 45 miles per hour. we're looking at a critical fire risk throughout southern texas. it could be cold out west. duluth, minnesota. seven degrees below average. el paso, texas, only 62. that's 13 degrees cooler. and victorville, california, ten degrees cooler than average. and as we move into tomorrow, minneapolis will be cooler than average. wichita, 46. little rock, 61 in dallas.
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that's ten degrees cooler than average. temperatures do start to warm up. minneapolis, wednesday, you're 29. by friday, you're 46. salena, up to 75. st. louis, up to 73 by friday. temperatures stay seasonal, maybe a little on the cooler side, for boston, new york, ric richmond. temperatures in the mid 50 good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are starting out cloudy, and there will be some peeks of sunshine today. we don't have to worry about rain. all the rain has moved on. we are just going to see a partly cloudy day. our temperatures will be on the cool side, only reaching into the low to mid-60s, and it will come up a few degrees for tomorrow. but then on wednesday we'll have another round of rain coming in, first hitting the north bay, keeping those temperatures and that is your latest weather. >> all right. >> and that is your latest
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weather. >> all right. al, thank you. still ahead, a new series. how much is too much when it comes to things we eat, use and do. we will start with homes like washing clothes and reusing towels. how often you should change out your sponges and that kind of stuff. >> we will also have your "morning boost" coming up right after this. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common.
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7:51 am
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hard way she needs to carson's back. we got the whole gang back. >> cheers. >> perfect time for a "boost." >> carson, welcome back, too. all right. a woman in chicago learning the hard way she needs to keep her golden retriever named ben away from human snacks. here's what happened. ben got a hold of a bag of cheetos. >> my dog is eating hot cheetos out of the bag and he's mad at me. ben, you cannot eat those. you cannot eat them. you cannot eat them. okay. i'm not getting near him. he's so mad. this is what cheetos does to people. give me your cheetos. i'm done. >> oh, my god. >> oh, my gosh! wow! >> never has that dog been possessive of any kind of food until now. so she needed to distract him to get the bag. i have never seen a golden retriever do that. >> now i believe they are descended from wolves. that's crazy. >> the hot cheetos are good. >> they are good. guys, coming up, did you see
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this from martha stewart. what exactly is that and where did she get it? we will find out during your "pop start" segment coming up. >> is that real? >> i don't know. first, quick check of your local news. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ dsg family clothing and gear priced to win. only at dicks [maxine] the palm royale, the most exclusive club in the world, [maxine] was where i belonged. [linda] do you really want all this? more than anything in my whole life. do you know anything about rich people? robert! let's play doctor! [evelyn] let me tell you about the palm royale. it's a nightmare. and that's all thanks to you. you're in over your head, and you don't even know it. [maxine] ah! [maxine] i am never in over my head. [gunshot] it would be disrespectful to my hairdresser. touché.
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7:55 am
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and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. hmmm. ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ so good, i got you ♪ woah, dad. just gettin' back into my routine. ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good a very good morning to you. it is 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia. happening now, we have a live look at daly city's seton medical center, where we're hoping to get you that. let me tell you what's going on.
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health care workers are walking off the job. the two-day strike is involving more than 400 employees. the union is in the midst of a contract dispute, and claims the hospital changed union health benefits. the strike includes nurses, nursing assistants, and housekeepers. the hospital released a statement saying in part, quote, we are disappointed with the union's decision to walk off the job in the middle of our negotiations at the expense of patients' care, despite seton medical center offering great pay, excellent benefits and substantial paid time off, unquote. the hospital also says care will not be impacted. let's get a look at the forecast with meteorologist kari hall. >> we're starting out with a lot of clouds after the weekend rain. you may be a little bit wondering what's going on with the weather, and we are not going to have to deal with any showers today, even though it is cloudy. so as we go into the rest of the day, expect it to be partly cloudy, some peeks of sunshine, and temperatures right now in the lower 50s.
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a reminder, "today in the bay" live streaming newscast coming up in just minutes at 8:00 a.m. it will include a strike getting under way, as i mentioned. you can
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, on alert. this morning, millions facing
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extreme weather across the country. record snow. >> i was hoping this was over for the season. >> heavy winds, flash flooding. possible tornadoes. al has the full forecast. then, kate's health battle. new details on princess kate's treatment and diagnosis following her emotional announcement. >> the surgery was successful. however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present. >> what's next for her and the royal family. plus, the babysitter's snub. is the era of teenage baby sitting coming to an end? >> babysitter needed asap. minimum, education, masters degree. >> why parents are looking elsewhere when it comes to child care. all that plus, full pop. from adam sandler getting happy again. >> that's your hole. are you too good for your home? answer me. >> to a batman villain taking center stage. >> can you imagine to be
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remembered like that? >> and a special announcement from our good friend. we got an action-packed "pop start" to start the weekend off right. today, monday, march 25th, 2024. >> from ohio. >> today i turn 50. >> hi to our grandma and grandpa, watching in stewart, florida. >> on our birthday trip from macon, georgia. >> kicking off the week from california. >> boulder, colorado. >> melbourne, florida. >> niles, illinois. >> and chattanooga, tennessee. ♪ >> on a mother-daughter trip from louisville, kentucky. >> we're on spring break. >> to minnesota. >> today is karen's 60th. >> hey, dad. brought you to new york to get you on "the today show".
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>> we love you papa. >> oh, so cute. good morning, everybody. welcome to "today." nice to have you with us. great spring break crowd. maybe not spring break weather. the sun is sunshining. we're happy to have you along. >> that is a crowd, wow. >> as mentioned, spring is off to a rough start across much of the country when it comes to the weather, with steady snow and howling winds slamming the plains overnight. minneapolis seeing a record snowfall of over eight inches yesterday. parts of new york state and new england blanketed in two feet of snow. out west, first responders made a daring rescue in the fast-moving los angeles river. al is back to tell us where those storms are headed now. hi, al. >> right now we're talking winter stretching from minnesota all the way down into the southwest with winter storm 1 million people. put the radar on top, you can see in north platt, nebraska, we have a lot of sn warnings, advisories and even blizzard warnings from the dakotas right on down into kansas for 11 million people.
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put the radar on top of that, in north platte, nebraska, a lot of snow coming in. rain now in minneapolis changing over to snow. through tomorrow, we are looking at basically 9 to 12 inches of snow from minnesota into central nebraska. we're watching that for the day today. ahead of the system, we've got severe weather. as you can see the strong thunderstorms starting to fire up. 9 million people at risk from memphis, houston, lake charles, jackson, new orleans, even mobile, alabama. and we have the risk of ef-2 tornadoes late this afternoon into this evening. we are watching that carefully. heavy rain into the southeast and gulf coast and along the mississippi river valley, two to four inches of rain that might cause some flooding. so we're watching this all very carefully for the next 24 hours. guys? >> al, thank you. let's go to the vatican now. an unusual move. pope francis decided to skip his homily during palm sunday mass at st. peter's square. vatican officials didn't
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immediately explain why, but said it was replaced by a moment of silence and prayer. the pope has been dealing with persistent problems in recent weeks. he offered prayers for the victims of this weekend's attack in moscow. well, the anticipation the building. nearly $2 billion up for grabs now in the country's two biggest lottery games. take a look at these jackpots, folks. power ball worth $800 million. mega millions at $1.1 billion. that is the fifth-largest in that game's history. the next powerball drawing tonight. plenty of time to get your tickets if you are so inclined. the next mega millions is path are now busy preparing while people who want the best views are finalizing their plans. nbc's morgan chesky is in dallas, one of the lucky cities
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alon excitement is growing for another big and rare event. a total solar eclipse that will happen two weeks from today. and cities in its path are now busy preparing. while people who want the best news are finalizing their plans. morgan chesky is in dallas, one of the cities in the path of totality. morgan, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. everyone googling what is the path of totality? that is the perfect zone where the sun will align with the moon and create the total darkness. dallas expected to be in it. nasa says across the country, an estimated 31 million americans live in that zone. but of course, millions more expected to drive or fly, so they have that perfect view when they look skyward on april 8th, the date that everyone has circled on their calendars. and what's promising to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. with just two weeks to go, this morning eclipse fever is heating up. >> this is going to be the most insane solar eclipse. >> reporter: come april 8th, the path of totality will span a massive 115 miles wide. running across 15 states from texas all the way up to maine. and there is already a mad
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scramble to prepare for the cosmic spectacle of a lifetime. giant festivals and watch parties are playing at parks, museums and businesses all over the country, especially in places like texas, which could potentially swell by nearly 10 times its population. >> we have everything from t-shirts, souvenir t-shirts. we have these stadium cups. >> reporter: if you only get one thing for the eclipse, make it a moon pie and glasses. >> moon pie and glasses, yep. >> reporter: some schools already canceled in person learning on april 8th. in erie county, pennsylvania, all but one of the school districts will be closed. and giving workers a bit of a break so they can gaze up at the sky. wegman's announced some of its stores along the path of o 3:30 writing the opportunity to experience a total solar eclipse comes once in a lifetime.
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and when it comes to the special glasses, experts say do research before you buy. >> i do not recommend you just go on amazon and type in eclipse glasses because there are many counterfeits out there. if you have glasses from a reputable supplier that has that iso standard on them, they are good. >> reporter: if you are planning on flying to a location in the path of totality, you will definitely hav flying to a location in the path of totality, you will have some company. sites like hopper have seen a surge of bookings. but rest assured, there are still a few deals left. >> the best deals will be in jackson, missouri. airfare into nashville is the lowest among all of the destination cities. hotel prices will be under $100 if you book them now. >> reporter: take a good look. that iso, that's the emblem yon you want to see on any pair of eclipse glasses that you wear. that's when you know it will be safe when you look skyward and you see that perfect alignment.
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guys, do not drive wearing these. but they are mandatory if you are going to be looking up. i have to say, moon pies, not mandatory, certainly recommended. i am told they pair nicely when you're standing in the path of totality. guys? >> i mean, the moon pie pairs nicely with an eclipse. >> with the path of totality. >> thank you. still ahead on "pop start," carson is going to launch our own march madness bracket. but this team we are focussing on the sweet 16. get ready to make your picks. but, first, a closer look at what's next for princess kate. part of the concerning rise of cancer rates in young people. the impact her battle could have in the fight against cancer worldwide. that's right after this. are given back to the community. and to kick off all that giving, peter gave me an apron.
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i'm honored. looking good, danny. we've got subs to make, though. oh, now i know why you gave me the apron. join us this wednesday march 27th, for jersey mike's day of giving. be a sub above. rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. ♪ meow, meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ meow, meow. ♪ [ background cats singing ] ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ [ background cats singing ] ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ the only one cats ask for by name. ♪
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there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america. look at that sweet frosting and filling. that's what makes pop-tarts such a great snack! i sure hope we get eaten soon. we will. i made a sign. [vending machine buzzs] it's working! pop-tarts! crazy good. hmmm. ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ so good, i got you ♪ woah, dad. just gettin' back into my routine. ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good hey... it's me! your dry skin! i'm craving something we're missing.
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we're back at 8:13 with a closer look at the road ahead for princess kate and her family after revealing she has cancer and has begun chemotherapy. >> we will talk about that treatment with dr. narula in just a moment. kelly cobiella joins us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. both prince william and princess kate say they are extremely moved by all the messages of support after kate went public with her diagnosis. the family now hoping for privacy as kate focuses on her recovery. the princess of wales at 42 years old and now in treatment for cancer telling the world in an emotional statement. >> it has been an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family. >> reporter: the cancer discovered after abdominal surgery in january. >> my medical team advised i should undergo chemotherapy, and i am now in the early stages of
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that treatment. >> reporter: the palace won't reveal the type or stage of cancer or how long the treatment will last. saying the princess has a right to medical privacy. in most cases, preventative chemotherapy lasts three to six months. kensington palace says kate started her treatment in late february. >> it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louie in a way that's appropriate for them and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay. >> reporter: many hoping that by bravely opening up the princess could raise awareness and help others. >> the princess of wales' brave decision will no doubt have an incredible effect all around the world, not only for people suffering from cancer but for those who may be not recognizing the signs and symptoms of diagd at a younger age. >> one of the things we have been most concerned about is
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this rise in cancers that we would not normally expect to cancer. i think this will be her enduring legacy throughout her life. >> reporter: as cancer patients are being increasingly diagnosed at a younger age. >> one of the things we have been most concerned about is this rise in cancers that we would not normally expect to occur in someone, especially under the age of 50. >> reporter: experts stress early detection is key. the princess of wales sending a message to her fans around the world and those who may be facing their own cancer battles. >> to everyone facing this disease, please do not lose faith or hope. you are not alone. >> reporter: the princess of wales will return to public duties once her medical team gives her the okay. meantime, kensington palace says she is in good spirits and focused on making a full recovery. hoda? savannah? >> kelly, thank you. we want to turn to dr. tara narula. >> good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i never heard of preventative chemotherapy until kate made this announcement. what is it? what circumstances would you advise that? >> it is not a medical term. we use the term adjunct chemotherapy.
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it is typically used after an initial treatment like surgery or radiation. in this case surgery, because there may be microscopic cancer cells circulating in your body that could lodge somewhere and cause a reoccurrence in the future. it's the one-two punch. you take out what you see with surgery and give the chemotherapy after. it's given, depending on the type of tumor, the stage, the health of the person, it's typically used for breast, colon, ovarian or lung cancer. and over a duration of three to six months. >> is that the kind of chemotherapy that you take with a needle? is it liquid or is it a tamoxifen that you follow with a pill? >> it could be any of the above. think of the i.v. infusions or it could be a pill.dvanced canc >> just because it is preventative, does it mean it is a lighter dose or any less hard
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than chemotherapy is. >> correct. it may be a different duration and intensity, but these are the same drugs that carry the same potential toxicities. we're talking and any of the bleeding, bruising, infections. and there is the long-term risks of chemo. heart or cardiovascular complications, fertility issues. it could affect other issues. preventative sounds light and fluffy, but she may be going through a lot at this time. >> she's also young. she's like a younger person. how does that factor in to how she will deal with this kind of thing? >> think about somebody younger able to tolerate it better if they don't have other health issues. she may be experiencing some of the side effects. but i think this really raises awareness that young people can get cancer, number one. number two, that it can be silent. hers was discovered incidentally. that's why screening is so important for cancers, whether
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it's mammograms or colonoscopies. >> she goes through the course of chemotherapy, hopefully that gives the level of assurance. and i assume regular screenings for quite a bit of time. >> hopefully, yeah. i think obviously, you just don't know yet what cancer it is and what the kind of prognosis is going to be. fingers crossed she will get through it and recover. >> thanks, doctor. al, over to you. >> we're looking at a wonderful day on the eastern seaboard. temperatures are cooler than average, not too bad. severe storms in the lower mississippi river valley. we could look at tornadoes. we'll be watching that today. heavy rain as we get into the mid and upper mississippi valleys. backside of this storm, we're looking at more snow into the the pacific northwest coast. that's what's going rockies, with wi
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good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today we're going to see a cool day, only reaching into the low to mid-60s for the south bay, but we don't have to worry about rain. and in san jose, we can expect a high of 64, about the same in much of the north bay, and san francisco up to 60 degrees. a look at our seven-day forecast shows that we will continue to see the break in the rain, through at least early wednesday. but then wednesday night rain will come >> all right. that's your latest weather. so excited about that. what do you have in "pop start." >> the cream rises to the top for you, uncle al. we will start with the penguin. returning to gotham with his impressive transformation into the batman villain after appearing in the 2002 film. take a look. >> i was a kid, there was a
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gangster, a real old-school type. he was a big deal. when i was 14 or something, he has a heart attack and dies. still holding a cigar. in my neighborhood, they held a parade in his honor, a friggin' parade. what an easy green light that was. >> he stole the movie. >> that transformation, there are still people learning, that's colin farrell? i can't believe that. >> you can't see any colin farrell. >> almost a cross between de niro and jack nicholson. >> no release date yet for "the penguin." it is coming out this fall. that's the news. next up, adam sandler is the comedian gearing up to take a . >> tappy, tap, tap, tap-a-roo.
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>> a recent interview, happy gillmore star shooter mcgavin revealed the plans for a sequel are in the works. >> swing at this fan favorite role. weeks ago. and he said, you are going to love this. how about that? and he shows me the first draft of "happy gillmore 2." i said, yeah. i guess maybe you should cut that out. i don't want to be a liar. but he did show me that, and i thought, wow, that would be awesome. >> okay. >> oh, that's going to be great. that's too good to think about. we will move on to katie couric, who officially is a grandmother. her daughter has given birth to a beautiful baby boy. john albert was born on saturday, just under seven pounds. the new grandma revealing he
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will be called jay, in honor of his great grandfather, and katie's late husband. writing mom and dad, ellie and mark are over the moon. katie said she will be going by go-go. so a huge congratulations to go-go. >> go-go. >> welcome to the party. and kelly clarkson is next. it's called the karaoke segment at the top of her show. and she hit an absolute home run ♪♪ god knows that i tried ♪ with this one. ♪ god knows that i tried seeing the bright side ♪ ♪ i'm not blind anymore ♪ >> if you don't recognize it, that's a stripped down version of a popular song katy perry sings called "wide awake." everybody loves the kellyoke. >> she should do a whole album of that. >> the range is incredible. any genre.
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but katy perry saw that and wrote online, okay, dang, i can never sing that. the ultimate compliment. >> she should make an album of kellyoke. why not? >> she does like, "faith plastic trees," a radiohead song, she does it great. next up, martha stewart is going viral for a bizarre meal she shared online. did you see this last week? what is happening here? that's a lobster-stuffed chicken. it was part of martha's $250 combo platter on social media. while scratching their heads, firing off funny comments, somebody wrote chicken of the sea, i get it now. someone posting, what is happening here. another saying a, quote, lovestrocity. martha saying she can't wait to return. we just have one question. how do you eat that thing? >> should we get one here? >> i'm sure katie can whip something up.
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>> we should try tomorrow. >> we are having martha. >> control room beat us to it. >> come in for this, please. >> would love to see that. finally, in honor of the ncaa tournament, we are revealing our own sweet 16 bracket. >> i love it. >> in classic "pop start" fashion, we're calling on our viewers to weigh in on which sugary treat is best. this is our toughest bracket we have ever had in "pop start" history. let's go to the northeast for a second. chocolate chip versus brownie? come on. candy bars, milky way or snickers? don't let your brain freeze mashup. ice cream versus fro-yo. probably one of the easier brackets. >> gummy bears. >> gummy bears or sour patch ts cinnamon buns. >> doughnuts. >> cinnamon buns. i love cinnamon buns.
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>> take a trip down the pastry aisle bracket. how about pie versu kids. which treat are you grabbing? how about this, doughnuts versus cinnamon buns. >> doughnuts. >> cinnamon buns. i love cinnamon buns. >> take a trip down the pastry aisle bracket. how about pie versus cake? >> come on. >> see, i think cake on the coast, pie on the center. blue state, red state, pie state, cake state. >> i don't know. >> i don't know anybody who doesn't like pie. if you don't like pie, you're not american. >> i don't like pie. >> you're out. >> why is licorice even in the tournament? >> here's our wild card. >> licorice versus swedish fish. >> fudge versus caramel, that's north carolina versus duke, right there. did you say caramel or caramel. >> i say caramel. >> that's another bracket. that's another bracket. enter at to cast your vote. we will announce who is making good morning. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. here is a look at the richmond-san rafael toll plaza.
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starting at 7:00 p.m., caltrans will close two lanes toward san rafael and that closure is expected to last until 5:00 tomorrow morning. crews are planning to conduct repairs on the upper deck and the closure will begin just after the toll plaza. let's get a look at the forecast. >> it starts out with a mix of sun and clouds and there will be a break in the rain today. but we're also looking at a partly sunny, cool day. now, tomorrow it's just slightly warmer as we continue to get more sunshine, but our break in the rain doesn't last that long. we'll see showers coming back late on wednesday, and into thursday. now, we are headed for the low to mid-60s for the south bay, with low 60s for the tri-valley, and up to 60 today in san francisco. we're also looking at a high of about 64 in the north bay, and then as we go into the day tomorrow, it comes up a couple of degrees, but overall it's looking like a nice day. and then it starts to cool off on wednesday, as rain comes back to the forecast, and then we'll have some more waves of showers in the forecast into the
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weekend, with highs in the low 60s inland, and san francisco will see highs up to about 60 throughout the week. >> thanks, kari. >> we'll have another local n morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot.
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off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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♪♪ ♪ thunder, feel the thunder ♪ and we are back. wow! it is 8:30. it is the 25th day of march, and this is what you call an a-plus crowd outside. it's spring break. we have a chill in the air. and guess what, y'all? did you know, did you know that christmas is nine months away? >> christmas. >> nine months until christmas. >> keep you up-to-date. >> any of you guys babysit as teenagers? yes? no?s generation. it turns out parents are looking elsewhere. not the teen scene. >> what? >> when it comes to child care. >> okay. all right.
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we'll do that. also, we will kick off a new series today asking how much is too much. this morning we will ask our friends at "good housekeeping" about cleaning like how much is too much detergent to use, hoda? >> i don't know. >> how much is too much to put on a plate before you put it in th >> how much is too much food to leave on a plate before you stick it in the dishwasher. >> i was distracted by our coat selection. >> very nice camel coats. feels like we're detectives or something. it's weird. and adrianna brach is here with items to refresh your home and your wardrobe and even your hair, al. >> that's right. i can skip that part. on the 3rd hour, one of our favs, "antman" actor, also from "billions" and "house of cards" here live to talk about going from blockbuster to broadway in a new show. it will be fantastic. all right. first we want to congratulate a
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member of our "today" family. amanda and her husband are celebrating the birth of her beautiful baby girl. this is ruby summers. we're told big sister sofie is over the moon. already bossing the baby. she is just beautiful. congrats to amanda. >> i like it. ruby, wow. >> love it. mr. roker, allegedly it's spring. >> yes, it is. it is somewhere. so let's celebrate and see how your week ahead begins for our first full week of spring. plenty of sunshine for the eastern third of the country today. storm threats for the gulf coast. snow in the great lakes. wet weather in the pacific northwest. by the time of the midweek, showers on the east coast. below-average highs in the midsection of the country. coast at rain, northern california to the pacific northwest. end of the week friday.oast sto sunny and warm through the gulf coast into the mid plains. a west coast storm comes stormiming in.
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good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today our inland temperatures will reach into the mid-60s and about the same tomorrow. even though we're starting out with clouds, we'll get some peeks of sunshine and a chance to enjoy the cool weather, but wither're also going to see rain coming back for the middle of the beak. late wednesday, showers returning to the bay area. there may be a break on thursday, but expect some rounds of rain in our weekend forecast and temperatures in the low >> and that is and that is your latest weather. >> hoda, look at the new team. we're all together. where are you from? >> macon, georgia. >> who is 30?
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who's 60? >> i'm 30. i'm 60. >> you're beautiful both of you. >> thank you guys for coming. coming up next, were you a baby-sitter as a teenager? or maybe you were watched by one. that may be coming to an end. christine romans is here to explain. but, first, this is "today" on
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>> ♪ oh, perfect song, control room. 8:36. a look now at the new era of baby-sitting. >> for so many years, a lot of parents have relied on teenaged sitters, often neighbors, to look after their kids. now more families seem to be changing their tune when it comes to child care. >> christine romans is here with that story. good morning. >> you were a baby-sitter? >> this was one of my first jobs growing up. at 12 years old, i learned changed. with a new generation of teens and parents, the age of the young baby-sitter may be a thing
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of the past. >> baby-sitters club. wednesday night 6:00 to 9:30? sure. >> for decades, baby sitting has been a rite of passage for so many. parents relying on young sitters before a much needed night out. take good care of my baby. and for teens, a chance even for a bit at real life adulting, including earning some cold, hard cash. >> my mom is paying you good money to watch me. >> but these days, money to watch me. >> reporter: but these days, high schoolers may no longer fit the bill. >> look at what i found. baby-sitter needed asap. must be over 25 years old. minimum education masters degree? >> reporter: olivia is a former teen baby-sitter who is now a mom to three. you were a teenage baby-sitter, but you mostly don't hire teenage baby-sitters. why? >> because i really want my children to feel comfortable.
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and for my own self to feel comfortable knowing that they're left with competent, capable, very experienced people. and often those people are family members or very close family friends. >> reporter: "parenting" journalist donna says for both parents and teens, times have changed. >> this generation's parents are really in tuned. parents want their kids to be playing with somebody taking care of them. if you are in a house with teenagers, you know they're not present because they're either on the phone or dealing with that academic achievement pressure. >> reporter: popular website only accepts candidates 18 and older. the gig can still be lucrative with average pay nearing $19.50 an hour.h for sitters in their neighborhood, the majority of baby-sitting posts from parents were about young
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children, ages 2 to 5. >> i feel like adults are more likely to trust and reach out to older baby-sitters than younger ones. they feel like it is safer for their child. >> this student laura martin has been baby-sitting since she was 13. with her growing list of skills, she says she finds more parents reaching out to her now than ever before. >> when i was younger, obviously, restrictions. like i couldn't drive. now that i can drive, we can go and explore the towns or do whatever they might want to do. it gives me more freedom. >> reporter: 16-year-old high school sophomore, ellie also has been baby-sitting since she was 13. >> parents will hire me if they're napping or asleep, which can give me time to do my homework. >> reporter: despite her age, she finds time to take care of her neighbor's kids in between schools and her busy lacrosse schedule. >> what i like most about baby-sitting is connecting with the kids. a lot of families see me as an older sister to their kids.
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>> reporter: as for what she does with the $15 to $20 she makes an hour? >> the cash that i get normally all the cash i save. >> reporter: proof that the reliable, young sitter down the street, still exists. a fact check. her mom says she does spend some of it in starbucks. she tells us she completed cpr and first aid training with the red cross. that's a certification for baby sitting anybody over 11. of course, it helps score extra points with parents. and donna who was in that piece says she doesn't see teenage sitters going away for good, but she points out it is really important for parents to set up expectations. tell the teenager exactly what you expect. >> you will not be driving my child anywhere tonight. >> or invite your friends over or anything like that. >> or eating all the snacks, which is what i used to do. you know what? i do use a young baby-sitter if or life. teenagers come to entertain them that i could have a moment of peace. but i'm home.
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>> i started this piece thinking this is about over scheduled teenagers and i ended it thinking this is about a generation of parents that i'm home to play hide and seek >> what about the senior community as another option? for a younger kid watching them. we were in ireland and the hotel hooked us up. it was mrs. doubtfire. the sweetest lady. >> what a great idea. >> she wanted the companionship. and she ended up writing us this beautiful letter. >> love that idea. >> thank you. just ahead, is it possible to wash your clothes too much? what about overwatering your plants? we will answer your most common we will answer your most common household questions withelp
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death.
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how much is too much?" we will talk to experts. since everyone is getting a jump on spring cleaning, we will start at home. lexi is the executive director of the good housing institute. good morning. it is good to see you. >> good morning. i love your lab. you guys are figuring out everything. so let's start with laundry. how much is too much of washing your clothes? how often do you need to wash your clothes? >> there are certain garments you don't have to wash with every wear. two of the ones we get asked about the most, are jeans and bras. these could be washed every three or four wears. under normal circumstances, if they're dirty, i'll do it faster. if you wash them too much, it can break down the fabrics faster. you need the elasticity in the bras. you don't want the jeans to fade. really, it's not good to use these everywhere. >> sometimes people turn the jeans inside out. is that a good thing to do? >> definitely. it protects it from the agitation in the wash. is a great idea. >> laundry detergent, i plead guilty to overfilling the thing.
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>> you really only need about an eighth absolutely turning it inside out is a great idea. >> laundry detergent, i plead guilty to overfilling the thing. >> you don't want to eye ball this. you really only need about an eighth of a cup of laundry detergent for a medium-sized load. you want to follow the label closely and measure because each will have its own instructions of how much you actually need. it is not as much as you think most of the time. >> other than the waste, does it hurt your clothes? >> yeah. it can leave a coating on the clothes if you use too much. it has a downside, using too much. it's not going to necessarily get it cleaner. >> how much is too much prerinsing of the dirty dishes. >> here's the thing. you don't want to do any prerinsing of your dishes. >> we don't put this food out there. >> throw out the food scraps in the garbage, so toss them in the trash. but the detergents in your dishwasher work better if there is some gunk left on. really having it dirty is better. >> you would put this in a dishwasher? >> absolutely. it is not only water efficient,
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but it will work better. if you do have -- >> and if you dump this out, exactly, we have a knife here so scrape all the food off. >> you would leave all this? >> exactly. if you don't plan to start your dishwasher right away, you can do a quick rinse in the dishwasher. that is more water efficient than using it in the sink. >> all right. that's a real mind-blower right there. how much is too much consistent use for things like hand towels? >> hand towels you want to be swapping out every two to three days. sometimes even more if you have got a big family. when it comes to toothbrushes, that's something you want to swap out every three months. i don't know if everyone pays attention. maybe not. but really something you don't want to be using more than three months. >> what about sponges? i have some sponges at my sink that have been there for years. >> i know. okay. how much is too much watering of the house plant? this is another struggle for me.
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>> yes. the thing is you don't want to follow a strict most people wait until they look like they can't hold up anymore. the truth is you want to replace these every two to three weeks. >> okay. how much is too much watering of the house plant? this is another struggle for me. >> yes. the thing is you don't want to follow a strict schedule. go by when the plant needs it. the top inch or so should feel damp. you can stick your finger in up to the knuckle. >> are you going into the soil? >> yeah, right below it you will feel the soil. right now this is feeling damp. go by when that starts to feel dry. >> what about succulents? >> they need less than house plants. they should feel really dry before you add water because the leaves are storing all the water there. >> all right. i learned a lot. thank you so much. hoda, over to you. >> thank you, s.g. speaking of cleaning your home, our shop today team is on the lookout for products that really work. you don't want to ss what thismi
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welcome back. this morning on "today," best sellers, useful hacks we love. from keeping your washing machine clean to an item to give
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your hair a pick me up. we have the items and must haves. adrianna brach is here to help you discover your favorite essentials. if you want to shop with us, you can scan a q.r. code. hi. welcome. by the way, you are speaking my language with this first product. in fact, if i want to do a full confession, i'm actually wearing one of these. tell me about these. >> okay. so we all have that bra that we just hung on to for way too long. but we just love it, right? sometimes it needs love. this kit has everything you need to breathe new life into your bras. so it has these clips. if you have straps that are old, these clips will help bring the you have the sleeveless going on. this brings your bra straps together. last but not least, this is my favorite.
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if you have a bra that's too tight, it is an extender. it is a game changer. >> speaking our language. >> okay. so a little beauty hack. back together. tight, it is an extender. it is a game changer. >> speaking our language. >> okay. so a little beauty hack. dry shampoo. this will help revive your hair. we have a before and after. she did the work of waiting a week to wash her hair so she could try this out and get rid of all the oil. it is a little powder. it is a korean beauty product. you take a little bit of the powder and dab it on. put it along your hairline. it does come out, too. this is for travel. refresh your hair after the third day. >> oh, my gosh. >> or a week. >> that before and after is a ten, all right. >> all right. i have another before and after for you. this is one of my favorite brands for cleaning your shoes. this worksen everything from leather, canvas, suede, you name it. this will make your shoes look brand-new. >> so anything that's leather. >> yes, you could do it on a purse. this is designed specifically for shoes. you can see right here, make your white shoes look brand-new
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again. all you have to do is put a little of this water on and you just brush and then you dab, dry. i love this brand, too. it is super affordable. it was created by someone who is a sneaker collector, so they know what they're doing with this brand. >> i love a nice, clean sneaker. >> this is an awesome hack for your home. i use this in every room. this is odor eliminating gel. it is for bathrooms, kids rooms, the kitchen. i have this in every room. it is a gel made with natural ingredients, lime and pine oils and all these great essentials. what it does is over the span of around a month and a half, two months, it basically eliminates all the odors in that area. use it in the bathroom. essenti. what it does is over the span of put it in the back. no one has to see it. over time, the gel resolves and goes away.
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>> it is fresh, too. a lot of these things are really pungent. >> exactly. exactly. i have this in every room of our house. >> are you going to clean your dishwasher? >> you wouldn't think it needs washing because it washes your clothes. but it does. >> these tablets are amazing for deodorizing, rinsing out all the mold that can build up in there. if you don't wash your washing machine, it can make your clothes smell really bad after a while. >> would you put it in this little thing or inside? >> you put it in the drum. you don't put it in where you put your detergent. throw it in, do a hot cycle. some washers have the cleaning cycle. throw it in. so easy to use. do this every month. >> adriana, thank you so much. all great hacks. scan our q.r. code or head to we are back with our 3rd and 4th hours, but, first, a check of your local news.
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good morning. 8:56. i'm marcus washington. we're following breaking news. a u.s. judge is dismissing x's lawsuit against hate speech. you might recall x sued the center for countering digital hate last july. the company drew away advertisers costing nearly a million dollars in lost revenue. a judge has lowered donald trump's bond to $175 million in his new york fraud case. now, it was previously set for $450 million. if he does not meet today's deadline, his assets may be at risk of seizure. at midday our
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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from ivf to birth control, scott mcgrew breaks down the decision expected from the supreme court. the reason it could pose challenges to other drugs. plus, the next swing in the ongoing fight over
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this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," princess kate's health update. the world rallying around


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