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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  March 22, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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was a dog. daisy from new jersey. can see she put her head through the rim of a tire and got stuck. soap and water didn't work for the volunteer fire department came to the rescue and used plasma cutters to free her. daisy probably gave firefighters lots of kisses in return hopefully daisy is a little bit smarter next time. don't forget you can watch our newscast 24 seven. >> we have a busy friday night among our top stories trying to figure out why fewer latinos are voting. the reasons being uncovered by researchers at uc berkeley and san jose state. >> how many billionaires and millionaires live in the bay area? new numbers may surprise you at a time of high tech layoffs and hiring freezes.
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and bart continues its crackdown on fare evaders. the action it is taking to make sure writers pay before hopping on a tram. think is a much for joining us on this friday. i'm janelle wang. >> and i am raj mathai. latinos continue to lag behind when it comes to civic engagement. >> researchers at uc berkeley and san jose state say it's an issue that needs an immediate response. here is nbc bay area news's damon trujillo. >> reporter: researchers say it's not that latinos are at home sitting at their hands there are many other factors limiting them from getting involved. >> in this election it feels a lot of apathy. >> reporter: too many latinos are sitting on the political sideline. it is a headline that many community leaders are describing is both eye-opening and deeply troubling.
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>> latinos not only lag behind in voter turnout compared to other groups the researchers say many latinos don't get involved in neighborhood issues let alone citywide concerns. the president of the neighborhood association danny garza has been ruffling feathers for years in a push to get more resources into his community researchers also offered clear reasons why latinos are sitting on the sidelines and they blame the spread of misinformation. >> we have to work. it's not that we don't want to be cynically engaged, often times we don't have times with everything we are juggling. >> among the recommendations get more latinos into elect that offices create a
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countywide umbrella group where all latino nonprofits gather with the common cause to address the issues as one. encourage latinos to register to vote both with a social media campaign and with the grassroots door to door approach and they say it has to start now. >> starts today and it starts by a group of us right now at a table literally before we have lunch we will sit down and talk about how we can convene the next meeting immediately. >> the community health foundation says they will take all the input they gather from the community, write a final report and release it with framework and formal recommendations. in the meantime, danny garza says he may have to wreck a few feathers for his community. damon trujillo, nbc bay area news. oversees we are following developing news out of russia.
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a deadly attack at a concert hall near moscow. at least 40 people have been killed and over 100 more are hurt. in the distance of this video you can see the concert hall in flames before the attack people were gathering to a popular rock band perform. russian news reports three people then broke in and began shooting. he also through some kind of explosive possibly leading to the fire. crews are still working to put it out. the terror group isis has claimed responsibility for the attack and has not provided any proof. meanwhile in russia's war with ukraine aerial strikes on several ukrainian cities into dark. russian forces launch those attacks on energy affiliate -- facilities. one of those was the hot -- in the city which briefly cut off power to a plant. ukrainian officials called this the most brutal attack since the start of the war. at least five people were also killed. russia said the strikes were in response to ukrainian shelling in its borders.
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>> vice president kamala harris was in puerto rico on her first trip to the u.s. territories and taking office. she spoke about the administration's investments in the islands infrastructure and economic recovery initiatives. this comes following a series of devastating hurricanes in earthquakes as well as the pandemic. vice president also visited site received federal funding to build homes in 2017. his visit comes on the 151st anniversary of abolishing slavery. >> fbi criminal investigations into the alaska airlines midair blowout back in january when a sealed door panel blew off midair. it was soon. -- tied to missing bolts. nbc obtained a new letter written to the fbi to passengers. they say no real update can be given.
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nearly two weeks ago the justice department first announced a probe several passengers are now suing boeing and alaska airlines. meanwhile the cfo of airbus that he's not happy about the issues facing his rival. he told cnbc it is not good for the industry overall. airline executive also said the company is focused on making sure it's safety and quality standards stay high ensuring similar issues do not happen on one of its own aircraft. >> two contradictory headlines. piercing record-setting well as in local billionaires. also a drop in local jobs. it's spring in our business and tech reporter scott budman with some insight. >> let's start with jobs. job games streak has been broken. it's a slow down that comes even as tech startups try to find enough employees to keep growing. reliable robotics a mountain view company making hardware software to fly planes
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autonomously is growing as fast as it can. >> would grow a lot faster if we could. >> reporter: ceo robert rose says like many startups his company is looking for qualified talent right now. >> we are looking if you go to our website you will see all of our job listings there. >> reporter: while a few businesses continue to grow the overall bay area job market has hit a speed bump. february saw a loss of 2400 jobs in the east bay 1000 jobs in disco and 100 jobs in the south bay. not huge numbers but wallet hub tracks local jobs calls it a correction. >> started the year is very common for companies to maybe scale back on hiring or resort to layoffs to try to balance out the employment costs on there.
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>> and after this balance professor mark kenny's two tracks venture capital says the dollars .2 more tech related hiring in the near future. >> silicon valley and san francisco is really the central location for investments and high potential startup particularly in high technology areas like ai. >> investments that will help startups like liable robotics continued to soar. speaking of high flyers here is that other headline in golfing tech, venture capital and the start docket. turns out the bay area has the most billionaires of any region in the united states. 68 of them. new york is second. the two regions flipped by the way when it comes to millionaires. new york 350,000 in the bay area just above 300,000. nonetheless that is a lot. high wealth people living among us. you can largely think record
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highs in the start docket for that. >> 68 local billionaires. how about this? no more double doubles. oakland only in-n-out burger is closing this weekend sunday at 1 a.m. the chain first announced it's closer in january in response to safety concerns. the restaurant is located near the oak and airport which has been plagued with crime. other businesses including a denny's have also shut down. the mayor recently announced the city county and state leaders are working together to make that hagan berger corridor safe again. >> cruz and san francisco jump -- cracking down on people jumping gates without paying. the gates are much higher than the previous ones and they say this station in particular has seen -- has been a big target of fare evaders. crews put in their first set of high-tech dates at the rest of and bart tatian and they say it
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has been effective and they cost the transit agency $90 million. they should have the new gates by 2025. >> how is this for march madness? a viewer canceled a trip after he looked the country shorted his refund almost two grand. i am consumer investigator chris camara and mrs. nbc bay area response. >> happy friday but the weather is changing and we do have rain wind and a cooldown on the way. let's point out whatever
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right now it's all about ncaa hoops and we have a team that rationalizes in hoops actually jumping through hoops to save you money. >> our consumer investigator is here with a different look at
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march madness. >> we are doing a bracket of our own, we jog through our complaint database and we will call it our egregious eight to start. here they are in no particular order. we kept sifting to get our frustrating form. we have banking, retail stores and government gripes. let's move on to the terrible two. we have stores and travel here in the terrible two and we tallied up all the complaint actually travel emerged on top and we are getting more writes about travel than anything else , flights, hotels, rental cars, insurance, you name it we have received a complaint.
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for example we are wrapping up a case for david in san jose. he canceled a cruise with the policy never kicked in so getting the price he paid would put in teen hundred dollars right where it belongs. if you need an assist scoring a refund let us know scan the qr code to fill out our tumor complaint form online. >> i had stores and travel in my top two. >> thank you. happy friday. speaking of weekend it is time for a beer. people are lining up at two northbay beer pubs. russian river brewing started
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offering the beer today in both of its pubs located in santa rosa and windsor. this year the brewery celebrates its 20th release of fly need a younger -- pliny the younger. he spoke with one fan who started his weight yesterday. >> i have been coming here since whenever they opened to stand in line when they started having a line and i have lost track really. >> there is the older but younger, that's the one you need. >> it looks like a cozy set up. >> thing it wasn't raining last
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night. >> it is raining right now. >> moving into the south bay. we have confirmation we do have a parking lot window because we have to go to the parking lot to see if raining. also see wind kicking up as well and here is the reason why. san jose, oakland, walnut creek and san francisco with wind speeds from the south southwest. indefinitely there and there is our mobile doppler radar storm radar. zoom in closer so we can get in greater detail or heavier pockets are that is consistent with the model here but here down through parts of richmond and lafayette we start to see heavier pockets that just move through parts of san francisco and you can see right here picking up more of a moderate downpour that will move through
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and then i mentioned how it is coming down in the south bay if you catch some rain is likely what you see moving through and the impact of this will continue into the evening commute later for tonight so be mindful of that if you will get out of work later. will likely catch rain also we have some sierra snow already coming down for this stretch, winter storm warnings in effect and that will remain a factor all the way through the weekend. sometime in out into the overnight hours. notice you different -- decent market through the south bay. gathered activity throughout parts of oakland, san francisco, palo alto and that we catch a break overnight into early saturday morning so there is a brief break between the cold front then we have a trough behind that and will will see those pockets pick up yet again into early saturday morning around 630 in the morning. and scattered activity through san jose but becomes more
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widespread for your saturday even. no because it is a colder system keep in mind that only will we see sierra snow with no snow levels will drop and so will the temperatures into saturday we will be maxing out only in the fifth and 60s but good news for your sunday even though we have some instability that could trigger isolated chances for thunderstorms and we could even see hail for your saturday but sunday we do get some clearing. scattered activity will keep the cloud cover lingering but it will not be a complete wash and i want to focus on this sierra as well. you want to check for possible travel delays and chain controls you can see to to 3 feet, 45+ and that will remain a fact for sunday and then rain total so our highest for the coast in the coastal mountains and we could see anywhere from one inch to an inch and a half this is a three day rain total. the impact of this will be with
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the daytime highs. upper 50s and low 60s that we will keep that in the forecast for your sunday. >> just enough to cancel some little league getting. >> is thunderstorms that can be problematic. >> up duct, chasing their dreams college football players getting ready for the up coming
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it is an interview for a dream job that's what happened today at san jose state and football players worked out for nfl scouts at the polls annual pro day. >> that is a big deal. here is nbc's anthony florez. >> chasing the dream nearly at dozen former spartans hit the field in san jose and date one last time hoping to catch the eye of an nfl scout. -- has thrown thousands of passes none more important than those he completed today at san jose's annual pro day. >> this is the biggest interview of my life. my goal was to put on a show. >> and of the former spartans were invited so this is their chance to show out for scouts representing 12 nfl teams including the 49ers. >> what was?
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>> play. >> reporter: along with football skill, speed and agility and strength in the weight were also test did giving players a number of opportunities to prove they can compete at the next level. >> if you are good enough they will find you. it doesn't matter where you play, you have to show up. >> despite decorated careers workouts like this one are more important than any pass, catch, run or touchdown scored in college. >> if i can get drafted, that is the goal. >> that's all we need is a shot. >> the nfl draft is a little bit more than one month from now and until then players will let individual workouts or interviews with any team interested in drafting them.
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in san jose, anthony florez, nbc bay area. >> good luck a lot of spartans have gone to the nfl. update you may remember this wild scene, that truck just in going over the side of a bridge with a driver inside. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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a political party battle about the border pennsylvania democratic governor is defying
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a request for the republican controlled state legislator to set national guard troops to the u.s./mexico border. more than a dozen states have already sent supplies to the border but governor josh shapiro refuses. he says he will not put the likes of guard members at risk and be part of a political squabble created by texas gop governor greg abbott. shapiro says the bipartisan immigration bill that congressional republicans shot down was the best solution to the border crisis. this included money to build more barriers expand detention facilities and hire more border patrol agents. >> member that dangling truck? first responders are being recognized for a heroic effort. earlier this month a bridge across the ohio river, that truck just dangling off the side. a firefighter actually went down on a pulley and rescue the driver and now cisco the company that the driver works
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for is donating $20,000 to the annual louisville fire department fundraiser. that is a cool story. cisco also donated food. they donated food to fill two pantries at the louisville fire houses. >> they are very grateful. >> a possible maple syrup shortage. warmer temperatures since winter allowed some producers to tap trees earlier than usual. that's when they collect the sap earlier. some farmers began tapping a month earlier this year in february because it warmed up earlier than usual. producers are worried climate change might affect the sap production long-term. they also fear the unprinted ability will make it difficult to sustain operations. to universities have filed lawsuits in this is the same conference that stanford and cal are about to join. today officials from florida state and clemson appeared in
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court and both universities are looking to leave the acc. they are suing the conference over its exit fee and rent of rights contract. see the exit fees are unusually high and florida state said it would cost $572 million to leave the concept -- they sable schools have agreed to be in the conference since 2036. right now we will get another check on the rain plus is everyone paying their fair share for this -- those express lanes? a teacher gets caught in a child exploitation staying. why investigators say he was doing inside his classroom that led to his arrest. >> also dramatic video of a police chase in napa and solano will -- solano county as it
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ends with an officer shooting an armed suspect in the back. there are bastions on whether he should've pulled the trigger. the news at 6:00 starts now. good evening. >> we are going to start with that video. it is disturbing but it clearly shows a bay area officer shooting an unarmed man in the back. whether it was justified or just a bad shooting, that is part that's not so clear. senior investigative reporter has more. >> hands up. drop the gun. >> a napa county sheriff's deputy warned he would open fire in less than two seconds later he did hitting an 18-year- old man in the back law enforcement accused of running through this neighborhood armed with a gun. >> it was about 20 police cars.


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